Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViKtoricus


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'm craving for some action-oriented RP right now, but preferably something I'll be running myself.

Although it would be combat-based, there will be great room for "fluff", such as romance (PG-13), friendships, earning income, etc...

Technology can vary from paleolithic weapons such as a flint spear, into a motherfucking light-saber with the ability to transform into a transformer robot made of proton energy.

There will be an established map, and there will be designated travel times. Which means that if your character has a car, he'll probably be able to relocate from one city to another much faster than someone who's walking with a donkey.

You will be specific with your character's possessions and abilities. No throwing a thunderous roundhouse kick if your guy's only learned martial art is Judo. And you can't magically wield a claymore with maximum efficiency just because you practiced with a wooden katana. Get the gist?

To keep things incredibly flexible for everyone, the setting will be a floating island about 100,000 square miles and is a perfect square in shape. Virtually all terrain, except for established roads, will be grassland and jungle. There will be a combination of earthly, extraterrestrial, and even magical creatures all over the wild, such as centaurs, unicorns, Siberian tigers, and whatever the heck you call that alien from ET. Now I'm not yet sure if I should give you the freedom to come up with a creature of your own liking on the spot, or if I should establish all the unusual creatures on the island so everybody won't get surprised when a Godzilla-like creature starts munching on their pet elephant just because their fellow RPer said so. I'm still thinking on that.

There will be buildings, and the cities will have rich lore. Cities vary from technology level and culture, and I entertain the idea of having some of you be the ones to come up with the lore of the city.

There will be twelve cities in the island total, seven of them will have a medieval-Europeanesque atmosphere, four of them will be like a Los Angeles, and the remaining one will be like a military base from XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Why the imbalance you ask? Because weaker technology needs more lands and a bigger population in order to make up for their lack of quality military units. So like, if you're gonna fight a guy with a machine gun and all you have is a scimitar, you better have a battalion of 100 scimitar-wielding Mamluke Jihads who are willing to get their non-bullet proof turbans drilled with bullets.

As for the tier or tiers of our characters, that right now is open for discussion. I don't think someone as powerful as a Super Saiyan would be a good idea to have in this roleplay...

Questions? Comments? Interested? Post here or PM me, preferably both. (If you do decide to PM me, please put "Multiverse" as the title. Thanks.).

Thanks for the interest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Im interested in this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AncientCrusader


Member Offline since relaunch

This somehow appeals to me. Like a big sandbox fun dome of nonsense where a clown armed with a laser rifle can face off against an army of sabre tooth tigers the way God intended.

Sign me up, Jimmy.

EDIT: I know creating a world by yourself can be a real hassle, so I'll come forwards now and offer any help I can. Whether you need a city or two to be created, or some animal species, or some geographical areas of importance. Whatever it takes to lighten the load.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 days ago

I'm interested. My last Multiverse RP I was in died soon after birth. Even still have a character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViKtoricus


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Awesome... Alright guys, the island is basically like this...

The Ruler of Time and Space (God, Allah, Zeus, Chuck Norris, whoever you think He is) decided to put some random warriors from all his favorite dimensions into one isolated floating island somewhere. You are one of these warriors. And here is your character sheet:

What are you called?: (Examples: Bilbo Baggins, Wonderwoman, Steve Jobs)

How do you look like?: (Picture would be very much loved. If you don't use picture, I'd like at least a 100-word description of your character. If you do have a picture, the minimum will be 0 words.)

Age in earth years:

Where are you from?: (Planet Earth, Krypton, Namek, Las Vegas... You can make something up, since you can come from a different dimension.)

Why are you here?: (Because I was unemployed but am capable of murdering a giant polar bear with my bare hands, Because I'm Chuck Fucking Norris, Because I'm badass... I'd like at least 500 words. I recommend telling us the story of how God came to you and said, "Dude/Babe, you should like go to my special murder island where you get paid and laid just by killing people.")

What are your abilities?: (Make a list, tell a story, write anything and everything about you and your magnificent fighting abilities. I want at least 500 words.)

What are your weaknesses?: (At least 500 words.)

A quote coming from you: ("Veni, Vidi, Vici" -Julius Caesar, "Welcome to Walmart! Get your shit and get out!" -Walter, "Woman are mere machines used for producing babies." -Napoleon Bonaparte.)

Possessions: (Everyone starts out with 100 gold coins and whatever you can fit in an SUV, but only one weapon or a pair of dual-wielded weapons allowed. Two magic staffs that double your base power are not allowed, or anything else of the sort. SUV will be provided to you by God.)

Leave the abilities blank for now. We still have yet to decide how powerful we can be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViKtoricus


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alright guys, let's talk about tier, our power limits.

Like, in a fair fight, can one of our characters defeat like a horde of bulls charging in the same direction without anybody else's help? How do you feel about that limit?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AncientCrusader


Member Offline since relaunch

ViKtoricus said
Alright guys, let's talk about tier, our power limits.Like, in a fair fight, can one of our characters defeat like a horde of bulls charging in the same direction without anybody else's help? How do you feel about that limit?

I say cater to all - some people may not want to play a really powerful character. Maybe set levels?

Power Level 1 = Can kill a man in a bar fight.

Power Level 2 = Can wrestle with a bear and maybe win.

Power Level 3 = Killed the bear, currently hacking a pack of wolves to death

Power level 4 = Wolves are dead. Just broke an elephant's neck.

Power Level 5 = Elephants family got angry over it. They're all dead now too.

Power Level 6 = Just took down a helicopter with a slingshot.

Power Level 7 = Robbed bank. Killed whole police force that pursued.

Power Level 8 = It'd take an entire nation to stop me.

Power Level 9 = It'd take several nations to stop me.

Power Level 10 = I just pressed alt+ctrl+delete two times and now the world has ended. Praise be to me.

I dunno, just throwing ideas into the ring. Don't hurt me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 30 days ago

I'll keep an eye on this.

The Arena has a pretty well-established tier list. May want to have a look at that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViKtoricus


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

AncientCrusader said
I say cater to all - some people may not want to play a really powerful character. Maybe set levels? Power Level 1 = Can kill a man in a bar fight.Power Level 2 = Can wrestle with a bear and maybe win.Power Level 3 = Killed the bear, currently hacking a pack of wolves to deathPower level 4 = Wolves are dead. Just broke an elephant's neck. Power Level 5 = Elephants family got angry over it. They're all dead now too. Power Level 6 = Just took down a helicopter with a slingshot. Power Level 7 = Robbed bank. Killed whole police force that pursued. Power Level 8 = It'd take an entire nation to stop me. Power Level 9 = It'd take several nations to stop me. Power Level 10 = I just pressed alt+ctrl+delete two times and now the world has ended. Praise be to me. I dunno, just throwing ideas into the ring. Don't hurt me.

The problem I have with multiple tiers is that the RP can get "cloudy".

If on the other hand we have a single, universal standard tier, it would be very very easy to be fair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Im interested...

Id also be glad for helping with some lore, cities, and etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViKtoricus


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Also, we should all know how to be good "fight judges" and referees. All of us will be refereeing and judging who won certain fights and stuff.

We must establish rules on that too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViKtoricus


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

notdeadyet said
Im interested...Id also be glad for helping with some lore, cities, and etc.

Alright, you and AncientCrusader will help me with the cities. Thanks.

I will create most of the low-tech medieval cities, as I am familiar with how such a place should look...

I will also create the island background like... now. lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 2 mos ago

You didn't mention anything about magic, really, which is odd, since this is a multiverse RP, and that is a likely possibility. I feel like magic needs to be talked about as much as, if not more than tech, since it can be used by a character who is modern, medieval, futuristic, or anything else really. Just ban Lvl 99 mass death spells, make us give a list of our spells/ magical capabilities, and... oh wait, nvm, didn't take long at all.

The problem with setting a specific tier of character is that there are characters who are too badass, immortal, or god-tier to be lowered to a tier that's a bit less crazy. (also, they could just be using main character ex machina a lot) So, people who want to play superman, or [insert immortal/near immortal here] wont be able to. Actually, it's boring playing against those guys. No top tier/target practice characters! Don't be too powerful or too weak! woo...

I'm guessing this is going to be mid to high casual?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViKtoricus


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Welcome to the Island of Murder!

Welcome to the Island of Murder... is the first thing you will hear once you arrive in the floating Island where wildest dreams come true. And the way it gets said by Angel Viktoricus is like the same way that dude from Futurama says, "Weeeelllcum to the WWWOOOORRRLD of toMORROOOOOWWW!!!" I shit you not, this place is badass. There are unicorns, bipedal mammoths, and gorillas that are far more articulate than William Shakespeare. There are cheap weapons that you can buy, all designed to slash, stab,decapitate, crush, burn, and pulverize. The brothels contain clones of the most beautiful men and women from Planet Earth, like that of Marilyn Monroe, Katy Perry, young Britney Spears, Taylor Lautner, Ryan Reynolds, and young Marlon Brando. For a cheap price, you can fade-to-black with these hotties. And in this island, the laws of biology do not work. Which means you will never get an STD.

The food here is great too, and the chefs are really nice.

There is no rain, no snow, no simmering heat. It's all a mild, neutral climate. There are jungles rich with Siberian tigers that never go extinct even if you try to scour the place with an armalite. There are plenty of animals to hunt or hold captive as pets. One particular animal worth having is the gnomish blue gorilla, which is rare to find, but is very smart and have the badass ability to tell you the answers to all of life's important questions. However, these tiny apes are very very smart and know where and how to hide. And they are so oratorically persuasive that if you do get them cornered and are about to capture them, they will almost always successfully convince you that you should not capture them.

And if you're like me who came from 21st century Earth, you will not get home-sick because there are four cities in the island that looks a lot like modern-day Los Angeles. Everything is taken care of, including the realistic thug actors and homeless-person actors who give the atmosphere a very authentic look. Hell, there are even strip clubs and drug dealers to add to the effect!

And if you're into the knight-in-shining-armor kind-of shit, then you're in great luck, as there are 7 cities here that are like Medieval Europe in design. The only problem here is that somehow, the mounted knights ride Final Fantasy chocobos instead of noble steeds. Aside from that, you can find Attila the Hun, Oda Nobunaga, Henry VIII, and Richard the Lionheart in the prisons of their respected cities. They are available to visit and have a lot to say about leadership and military wisdom. Don't worry about them though because just because they live in prisons, they are well taken care of and are allowed to go out for fresh air four days a month.

Find Medieval cities weird and Modern cities boring? Then how about...

Hell yeah! Above is the one city on the Island of Murder that uses flying cars as transportation!

As the name implies, this place is about fighting. Warriors here got dragged by God for a fun little game called I-kill-you-before-you-kill-me-mkay? Anything goes, and you can wield as many weapons as you can physically carry by yourself. Official sanctioned battles are done in one of these colosseums:


The rule applies even to unofficial fights outside of the arena, even if it's just a bar-brawl. It does not, however, apply to the usage of pets or slaves, as such people are considered "tools" rather than actual people.

Failure to abide by the rule is grounds for severe punishment. "Severe punishment" may consist of missing a bodypart for a number of days, monetary penalty, and having one of your precious items temporarily confiscated.

All new recruits are given 100 gold coins the moment they arrive on the Island. This is enough to be able to purchase ANY (NOT ALL) of the following:

*10-year nutritional sustenance of ramen noodles, beans+rice, canned-sardines, etc.
*1-year nutritional sustenance of sirloin, rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, etc.
*2-month nutritional sustenance of eating in restaurants.
*Purchase one slave with no special abilities such as singing, blacksmithing, fighting, etc.
*A wardrobe worth ten fashionable full garments (Kimono, Superman costume, normal 21st-century Earthwear, etc.)
*One good armor set, not including a shield.
*20 special sessions in a brothel. (Boosts morale, which gives you 20% more energy in combat.)
*Either five basic weapons (Roman spatha, English Longbow, Bayonet, etc.), or one high-tier weapon capable of making a regular human being able to kill 20 other human beings before he or she himself/herself gets killed (Submachine gun, Amulet that makes you move four times faster, Magic sword with the ability lengthen without getting heavier, etc.)
*Either/or 100 healing potions, 1 invincibility potion (You become virtually indestructible for 24 hours), 20 physicality potions that double your strength and speed for 24 hours, and more.

To be continued...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViKtoricus


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

VarionusNW said
You didn't mention anything about magic, really, which is odd, since this is a multiverse RP, and that is a likely possibility. I feel like magic needs to be talked about as much as, if not more than tech, since it can be used by a character who is modern, medieval, futuristic, or anything else really. Just ban Lvl 99 mass death spells, make us give a list of our spells/ magical capabilities, and... oh wait, nvm, didn't take long at all.The problem with setting a specific tier of character is that there are characters who are too badass, immortal, or god-tier to be lowered to a tier that's a bit less crazy. (also, they could just be using main character ex machina a lot) So, people who want to play superman, or [insert immortal/near immortal here] wont be able to. Actually, it's boring playing against those guys. No top tier/target practice characters! Don't be too powerful or too weak! woo...I'm guessing this is going to be mid to high casual?

I'll answer all your questions tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I like the idea I'm just not sure I have 1000 to describe my character
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I like the idea I'm just not sure I have 1000 to describe my character
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViKtoricus


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

KatherinWinter said
I like the idea I'm just not sure I have 1000 to describe my character

Oh, you'll be fine. I'll help you write if that's what you'll need. No worries.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AncientCrusader


Member Offline since relaunch

Post retracted like a mofo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 days ago

I'd like to point out the issue with a five hundred word description of a person. There's very few people who would write an IC post description of their character for the CS. The idea behind the one of the IC is just to give you an idea of what they look like, then the deeper details come out in the RP. I don't want everyone to know about the scare on Herman's gut he got fighting in a sword fight until it's relevant and allows for character building.
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