**Appearance:** Matt stands at 5"4' and weighs much more than your average human, being made out of steel. His large curly hair has been replicated with thin wires that are as adhesive to each other as regular hair. He has large red rectangular optical receptors, and a speaker hidden inside a human-looking mouth (the difference being everything is made of steel, of course.) His torso, which houses his lithium-ion battery, is covered by a white tee-shirt displaying iconography of the power buttons commonly placed on electronics in cyan, and his arms are covered by a jacket displaying a symbol of a bleeding cut, in black, on the back. His pants are a standard pair of baggy pale blue jeans with large pockets. He doesn't wear shoes, because of the rocket boosters built into his feet.
**Name:** Matthew Smith
**Alias:** Deathlok M. 477 "The Iron Heir"
**Age:** 14 Mentally, 20 Technically
**Gender:** Male
**Equipment: **_On/In Body_
- Coherent Fiber Laser
- Ultrasonic Burst Gun
- 9mm Railgun
- Major Repairs Kit
_Off/Holstered On Body_
- NanoCarbon Steel Katana
- Electrolaser Sniper Rifle
**Skills/Abilities:** He's quite a good Marksman, and is skilled in the use of blades. He is competent with computers, and is good at fighting video games.
**Powers:** Matt is a robot, and as such, He can now take and lift up to 800 lbs, and has rocket boosters in his hands and feet, as well as some built in weaponry like his Laser, and his Railgun. He also has nanobots constantly repairing his systems in case they get damaged.
**Weaknesses:** This robot body is new to Matt, and doesn't have the AI in it the others did. Matt also has Hero Syndrome/Complex, and is unable to hide his identity or be stealthy because, you know, robot.
**Personality:** Deathlok M.477 does not have the AI implanted in it like the others, so his personality is completely his own. He has a Hero Complex due to major self-esteem issues over the fact that he feels he's responsible for his father's death. He's generally nice, but occasionally makes jokes at someone else's expense. Although he seems oblivious to danger, or possibly stupid, he realizes consciously what he's doing, and also realizes it's bad, but feels a psychotic compulsion to constantly put himself into deadly situations to get recognition from others.
**History:** Matt was the only son of his scientist father, who worked at Cybertek Systems. Life was good for them, especially with the tech boom accompanying the portal technology being recently developed. When DarkThanos merged the two worlds, Matthew was killed, leaving his father alone and saddened. But he had an idea. For six years he slowly stole parts from Cybertek and used them to build a new Deathlok, nicknamed "The Iron Heir" and placed his son's brain in it. Sadly, he was discovered and killed shortly after Matt became Deathlok M.477. Matt blames himself wholly on this, and has decided to fight crime to make up for his past failures.
Harrison stands at roughly 5’9” and weighs about 185lbs. He has fair skin along with natural dirty blonde hair usually kept fairly short and unkempt. Essentially a pretty boy, his face usually has a calm smile (which may be seen as slightly insane while on the job as he dishes out and receives pain) and seems slightly boyish with deep blue eyes. Regardless of this one would never recognize him while in costume. With clothes modeled primarily after his father he has made slight changes as seen in the picture above. For example, rather than simply use a mask like his father’s he uses white face paint and a domino mask to conceal his identity. The hood is usually kept up, however, even if it were to fall his hair is spray dyed red and blue on the left and right sides.
Name: Harrison Quinzel Wilson
Alias: Killing Joke
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Equipment: Harrison generally carries things you might find on an ordinary teenager. Money, cellphone, etc. However, such electronics like his cellphone are encrypted and made to conceal his identity and location. He didn’t do these things, but he knows a guy. Well He knew a guy… The guy is missing right now…
While generally carrying the same items in costume as he would out, Harrison also carries various others. The six pouches on his belt generally hold various items which may be interchangeable depending on what he does. However, the usual assets include ammunition in two pouches on each side for his pistols (as seen in the picture) and shuriken on each side.
On his back are a pair of Stylized Twin Combat Hammers inspired by his mother’s choice of weapon and mixed with his father’s. In the four pouches attached to the holster around his right leg he also holds a few more explosive. In order from left the right the pouches hold; freeze pellets, smoke bombs, and mini bombs in the final two pouches.
Skills/Abilities: Harrison is skilled in multiple forms of martial arts, though tends to fight in a more dirty manner believing that it doesn’t matter how he does it as long as he wins. In addition to this he is a highly skilled weapon prodigy, able to utilize nearly any weapon within the time span of 30 minutes at most for the most complicated weapons (a skill he now doubt picked up from his father). He is fairly intelligent as far as academic skills go, but is nowhere near the level of a genius. He is however, a fairly skilled actor, being able to take on the air of almost an entirely different person, notable in the nearly complete reversal of personality upon donning his civilian apparel. Other notable skills include cooking, cleaning, sewing, drawing, and a knack for driving, though this is rarely seen as he has a habit of crashing vehicles. Aside from English he is so far fluent in Spanish and Japanese. He, like both his mother and father, is fairly unpredictable making it hard for even the most skilled opponents (and even allies) to guess what he might do at a given moment as he rarely knows himself.
Powers: While his mother had no particular powers to pass on, Harrison gained quite a bit from his father. Powers held by him include:
Regenerative Healing Factor: Harrison possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from his father, which allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. He is able to heal from injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, broken bones, and severe burns within moments. His healing factor is weaker than his father’s, however, as it is so far quite possible to kill him by through means of beheading, liquidation, being completely crushed, etc. It is also known that he is so far unable to regrow new limbs. The old ones must be returned to their former place. He does still retain the ability to regrow his internal organs though.
Foreign Chemical Resistance: Harrison's body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins. For example, it is extremely difficult, though not impossible, for him to become intoxicated. He can, however, be affected by certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, if he is exposed to a large enough dosage.
Disease Immunity: The unique regenerative qualities of Harrison's healing factor also extend to his immune system, rendering him immune to the effects of most if not all known diseases and infections.
Telepathic Immunity: The healing factor causes his brain cells to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering him nearly immune to weaker psychics. However, stronger ones may be able to get through, though it would not do a lot of good trying to read the mind of someone like him.
Possession Resistance: Similar to the telepathic immunity, Harrison is able to fight for control while other beings are trying to take control of him.
Superhuman Strength: Harrison has a level of superhuman strength, being able to lift about 1.5 tons.
Superhuman Stamina: Harrison's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several days before running out of energy.
Superhuman Agility: Harrison's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are similarly enhanced, superior to those of even the finest human athlete.
Enhanced Speed: While not at superhuman levels, Harrison’s speed is vastly superior to that of even the finest human athlete.
Weaknesses: There are quite a few things wrong with Harrison. Aside from his reckless nature and reliance on his healing factor which causes him to do things he really probably shouldn't Harrison seems to have an air of insanity about him. This insanity seems to display itself in excessive acts of violence towards enemies (and occasionally allies if provoked), homicidal tendencies, and slight woes of both sadism and masochism. He often jokes about or laughs off being hurt or hurting others. It is unknown whether this partial insanity is a hereditary trait inherited from his parents or has come to be due to simple contact with them (scarce though it was). On top of all the problems that cause him to like getting himself into sticky situation, get hurt, or hurt others, he tends to have a very low opinion of his self-worth.
Personality: As stated in his weaknesses, Harrison is insane to a degree. Masochistic, sadistic, homicidal and holding rather low levels of self-worth he is still generally a fun time and a reckless little brawler packed in a 17 year old body. He is fairly likely to go on about himself being no good and then throw a party a minute later in order to have himself a good time. Who cares right? There’s generally no adult supervision in his life and he does what he wants.
History: In the year 2040, much had changed. Portal use had become fairly common and in some cases recreational. However, it also became business oriented, politically oriented, and a multitude of other uses were applied. On such use involved the hiring and payment of the mercenary Wade Wilson, better known as Deadpool, to kill Harley Quinn who by this time had made a name for herself and put some distance between her and her “Ex” the Joker. The Merc with a Mouth had no quarrels with killing the woman and travelled to the other world himself to handle the job. Of course, he hadn’t yet met her.
Harleen Quinzel had not been doing much the day she came face to face with the future father of her child. In her words “It was a lazy day.” Still she reveled in the excitement of being attacked by the mysterious man as she wrapped a towel around herself and left her bathroom. Deadpool hadn’t plan the attack like this, but he didn’t complain about Harley’s attire. As they two began a battle which would utterly destroy parts of Harley’s apartment it came to a stop for just a moment as Deadpool became quite distracted when the woman’s towel dropped.
Still Harley paid it little attention and urged him to continue. Deadpool wasn’t quite used to this. Especially when a few bullets had grazed her and she was bleeding a bit and bruised in certain areas. And yet she was laughing. “Kinky…” Was Deadpool’s only response to the situation before the two were at it again. Despite his skill she had certain ways of making him halt or getting an attack in or two. Of course, after a few hours the fighting began to die down. Harley wasn’t making much progress and Deadpool was honestly beginning like her a bit. At least enough for what would come next.
Oddly enough the two ended up having quite a bit of fun in the remains of the apartment and Deadpool would take his leave the next day. He still had a job to complete though. He would return about a month later. The problem was when he did get back Harley had some pretty interesting news. The girl was pregnant. Deadpool facepalmed. A few days of meeting, talking, and a bunch of other antics the two ended up as an items. And 9 months later in July of 2041 Harrison was born.
Harrison spent time with his parents for about the first three years of his life. But after that he only saw them sporadically. He was often left with someone to watch him, or something like that. But as he grew older it got to the point that he was watching himself. Around the time he was 9, he began to show signs of superhuman abilities. This prompted a bit more attention from the two he barely saw. A little training here, a little sparring there, and other lessons and acts over the course of 4 years. However, after that they both went off again. They had a habit of doing what they wanted.
He received a few letters here and there from each. A post card or two also came. This was at least a sign that he hadn’t been forgotten. But at some point the letter stopped. He didn’t know if they were dead, alive, gone, or anything. No news, no signs, no nothing. He was officially on his own. The rest is history. He’s alive, in the present, reckless, etc.
Other: I don’t have anything to add here as of right now.
Sporting somewhat dark blonde hair dyed from a natural black look, Nicolas is a rather handsome young man standing at about 6’2” with a muscular body weighing about 203lbs. Well-built and ever energetic he can often be seen wearing slacks, some form of button down and tie, and occasionally a blazer of suit jacket. However, regardless of attire he pretty much always wears his father’s trench coat.
Name: Nicolas Hellstrom Constantine
Alias: He has various aliases. None really a single “hero” or “villain” alias.
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Equipment: Generally, Nicolas does not carry around too much. One constant is his wallet which contains a fair amount of personal information and money. He can sometimes be seen with a cellphone, but said cellphones are generally cheap and often replaced as he rarely keeps just one and doesn’t really need the more current models. He is also often seen carrying a pack of cigarettes and a Stylized Lighter. Finally, he often carries a Flask.
Skills/Abilities: Nicolas is skilled in various fields. However, many of them aren’t the fields one might expect. He has no ability for housework such as cooking, laundry, etc. However, he is quite skilled in deception, rhetoric, pickpocketing, persuasion, and a multitude of other similar fields of work. He is knowledgeable in various academic fields, though has not gained mastery in any thus he can be seen as a jack of all trades. He has skills in the realm of hand-to-hand combat. His fighting style is generally, little more than street brawling, though it does have outside influences of martial arts.
Powers: Nicolas is a talented and skilled magician capable in various fields such as divination, summoning, black magic cursing, exorcism, spirit ward creation, magic circles, golemancy, oclumancy, illusion, and necromancy. He is currently still learning various other magical skills, but so far is quite well versed. Aside from these skills which he picked up by himself due to his father’s decision not to aid him in this journey and his natural skill granted by both parents, Nicolas inherited a few abilities from his demon mother. The abilities in question include his superhuman strength. The demonic blood flowing through his veins allow him the strength to lift up to 5 tons. This is merely half the strength held by his mother. In addition to this, he is capable of levitation, and possible flight. Last, but most certainly not least is his power to generate, project and manipulate Hellfire. Utilized through his hands he is able to fight using, and possibly launch and control hellfire, an ethereal and supernatural flame that burns the soul of a person and can be used to burn their physical body. However, his skill and mastery are fairly low and he chooses not to use it often if he can avoid it as he fears losing control of it.
Weaknesses: Despite his demonic blood, Nicolas does not possess a healing factor of any sort. It is possible to use magic to heal himself in dire cases, but even this takes considerable power and may possibly leave him with little to no energy depending on the severity of the injury. Because of this he is seen as little more than a human and is susceptible to most if not all human dangers. These dangers include illness, injury, and of course death among other things which are likely to be categorized in those. Aside from this there are certain magic he tends to try and avoid using in out of fear of losing control due to a lack of power or experience. Some such trauma include high levels summons, higher level magic circles, and, most notable, his hellfire.
Personality: Nicolas is a bit of a charmer. That coupled with his knack for persuasion and deception often allow him get what he wants, talk his way out of different situations, and in some favorable cases, talk his way into them. He is a confident fellow, with few fears, though he does have them. He has a knack for remaining calm and using his wits to handle things as he sees fit.
History: A little before the technology used to control the portals had come to fruition a man named John Constantine had found himself in an investigation. Apparently something or someone had been draining the life from men in a small town. However, when he’d arrived, the mysterious force had gone. It was quite unnerving. Something like this was very unlikely to have just left on its own. However, being who he was and having his knack for being in the right place at the right time, John ended up being sucked into a portal and ending up before the culprit.
Her name was Satana Hellstrom. A succubus who’d been brought to his world, and a looker too. In his opinion, he had nothing else to do. She wasn’t in the town anymore. So his work was pretty much done. Of course, the woman had no intention of simply letting him go. She was still… Hungry. John objected at first, but after a little conversation and a few drinks with the fair lady he was sucked into her little game. Lucky for him he didn’t end up dead after a night with Satana. Which was partially due to his soul having been damned and her being unable to do much to him aside from a little meaningless sex. It was enough to hold her off at the least.
After this, John spent time in the new world. It wasn’t THAT different so he didn’t have too much to worry about. However, there was one major problem. While he was usually fairly lucky in certain matters, the night with Satana led him to a few more meeting with her. They weren’t particularly bad, but he couldn’t really say it was ideal. Especially when she ended up pregnant. It wouldn’t be long before their son Nicolas was born. A little lump of flesh with black hair and blue eyes who probably should have had red or blonde hair, but the black wasn’t a major impossibility. He just ended up with the luck of the draw. Or not… Who cares? He was a bit different. At the time he wasn’t her first child, but as he grew he would prove to be one of the more disappointing.
Nicolas quickly displayed knack for areas of magic and a few supernatural abilities thanks to his mother. But he also displayed a small knack for heroism. As in he had a tendency to help people without much in it for him. She didn’t really like this. John was fine with it, but in all honesty he’d rather have had Nicolas stay away from the realm of magic. He didn’t want his son being dragged into his world. Satana had other plans though. She could change him and make him into a weapon. John didn’t like this plan. He snatched up Nicolas, who at the time was about 3 or 4. Satana of course pursued, but with that John Constantine way of doing things and overall luck he managed his way out and ended up back in his world via another portal. He and Nicolas were safe.
However, things grew a bit more complicated. Nicolas had already learned a bit about magic and wanted to learn more. John refused, telling the young child he should try to lead a normal life. That wasn’t what he wanted though. So Nicolas continued with a little self-study. Time seemed to fly by and by the time he was a teenager he was fairly adept in the art of magic. His father reluctantly accept him joining him on certain trips and the like, but he did so begrudgingly with the idea of keeping his son safer by remaining close.
During one such trip, however, around the time Nicolas was 16 they ran into a bit of extra trouble. This trouble led to John’s soul being dragged to hell. His soul had been damned, but this sure hadn’t helped. Nicolas spent a few years after this staying far away from the realm of magic. It was a shame. He’d become fairly good. In some cases he didn’t even need spells. It wasn’t until he turned 19 and was in college that he gained a bit of his confidence back. However, it would quickly be dispatched. He’d begun doing some odd jobs for a little extra money. One such job ended up with him stopping a petty thief.
To cut a long story short Nicolas had lost control of his hellfire. The man’s body and soul were burned to nothing. Nicolas tried to stop it before it spread, but even when it did end it was too late. The man’s screams of agony and cries for mercy had already died down. He was gone. And the rest, as they say, is history.
It wasn’t for another few years that Nicolas began his “true” decent into magic. Not as socially inept as his father he finds it easier to make comrades, keep their trust, and not be so hated, but still opts to try and avoid using certain abilities and tries to keep certain people away from his world. He deals with the supernatural and the occult. But that isn’t to say he doesn’t go off tangent every once in a while.
Other: Nicolas has a British accent, picked up from his father. He likes it, people like it and he doesn’t complain much.
Name: Nikola Tesla
Alias: Tesla
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Appearance: 
Equipment: A suit of altered iron man armor that keeps him alive by siphoning off his excess energy. Suit also acts as a wireless energy transmitter to wayne-stark enterprise. This energy can power the tower for a few days if cut off from Tesla and his suit.
Skills/Abilities: Tesla doesn’t remember much from his past but he knows he has one because he has skills from it. One of the skills in the ability to hack computer systems, it doesn’t take him long to take down a firewall. Other than that he knows the ends and outs of most machines.
Powers: Tesla has the powers of electric conduction, production, and redirection. I can fully manipulate electrical energy so to speak, although he does not have complete control he does know a good bit. If he puts his mind to it he can see another person as a computer and switch of the electrical currents running through their body. He also has the reverse of that too. He can restart someone from death a lot better than some old defibrillator machine. Tesla also has the ability to send boosts of energy to his comrades. The most common thing that happens when he does is they feel restored somewhat. It has also been known to rarely jump-start a latent genetic mutation or permanently boosts ones that are already at the surface. Tesla has many powers dealing with his energy hiding beneath the surface just waiting to be learned. He also is a technopathy. This lets him communicate with technology as well as build anything he can think up, though he very rarely does. He can also heal when consuming energy and therefore can at some points manipulate his age.
Weaknesses: Tesla has memory flashes that leave him vulnerable. He also has a very bad reaction of water in his electric from. Spontaneously he can shift into a red electric from of which he has no control over. This for only happens if he is severely enraged.
Personality: (This will evolve within the RP)
History: Secret Diary of Howard Stark: In 1943 on January seventh the man known as Nikola Tesla supposedly died. There were only a handful of people that knew the truth. Nikola Tesla had been working on a final experiment. The experiment was on the edge of real science, I myself had even called it fringe science. It consisted of himself as the test subject and his famous wireless transmission of electricity. Nikola had said that if his funding would be cut then he would need to try one more thing. Nikola had filled a tube full of a gel like substance and hooked himself to his machines. I was there along with several others of the scientific community of our time. Some were there to watch him fail and possibly kill himself. Others were there, like me, who wanted to see him achieve greatness…even if he did it in death. He began the experiment by jumping into the tube of gel from a platform. He then gave the signal as he gave the thumbs up that let everyone know that his breathing apparatus was working so the person at the controls could throw the switch. Now the purpose of this was that the gel substance was to act as a slight resistor and conductor the body inside the tube would act as the secondary conductor. The end result of this was for Nikola to become a lightning coil in and of himself. It was his last attempt at anything in his life. The person at the controls flipped on the switches and the two coil towers near the tube fired while everyone else was behind the protection of a wall. Within seconds everyone watched in horror as the man made lightning penetrated the tube, gel, and Nikola himself. His breathing apparatus had come off with one of the intensified shocks and his body lit up like a bad cartoon. I ran over to the controls and switched everything off. The lights had gone off and later I learned that most of Manhattan had been affected as well. We all made our way to the tube with candles. From what we all could tell Nikola was not in the tube. I climbed to the top of the platform and looked in; spontaneously the lights came back on. To our surprise Nikola was not in there but electrical current still flowed through it and didn’t seem to dissipate. I ushered most of the scientists out except for me and Josef Reinstain of the Weapons Plus program A.K.A. the team responsible for Captain America and various others. Josef was upset to say the least. He said he had given him some of the formula that had made Rogers the man he had been. This was a secret I didn’t know about but we ran tests of the next several weeks. Ever vigilant until one day…Josef proposed that we abandon this and just leave. I was about to do what he said but had an idea about renewable and self sustaining energy just as Nikola had. I told Josef that I would leave after I had ran one more test. SO Josef left not knowing a thing of what transpired next; I had went over to the tube and began to reminisce. “Oh you old baffon look what you have gotten yourself into now…a closed coffin funeral and nothing to show for it.” Howard laughed and the gel reacted. Howard stood back for a second. “Well then something is going on in there.” Howard got closer wondering what was going on within the tube as nothing should have been. Suddenly the gel began to bubble inside and light flashed until the room was again dark from another power surge. This time I heard gasping so I ran to the top of the platform in disbelief. No it couldn’t be him. I told myself. Something in the universe was about to prove me wrong. The lights came back on when I was at the top and there Nikola was…standing there in the tube with now no gel in it stark naked. “Well old friend it looks like I do have something to show for it.” Nikola said. “I could hear and feel everything was going on for the past two weeks my friend. I tell you I have done it!” I then sat on the platform in utter shock. Weeks later I made secret visits to Nikola’s lab. He had wanted this to stay secret. “This si not something that can recreated Stark.” He had said. I knew this was true but he stayed on and helped me with several projects including filling in blanks about the arc reactor that Anton and I were missing. Nikola seemed not to age and showed sign of reverse aging as well as having some control over technology. Upon the creation of the internet during my last years of life Nikola was overwhelmed whit what he might be able to do. He had decided to put himself into the internet on November 1st 1990. He hadn’t shown me what he had actually been able to do until that day. He converted himself into pure energy and flew into my computer. On it as I had stood in shock read. “Thank you my old friend for believing in me that faithful day. I will never forget you as I go on this new journey!” That was the last time I ever saw Nikola Tesla ever again. On the last day of my death I would write to this man one last time and tell him to watch over my son Tony.
Other: Now that the two worlds have merged Tesla on the world wide web noticed new things cropping up rapidly and decided to see what all the fuss was about. Back on the Neo Earth he exited in the home of Tony Stark. He had intended to keep his promise in protecting and watching over Tony but it seemed he was to late. Tony had tried to take on the horror Dark Thanos. Tesla had only spent a few days out of the www and was feeling no adverse side effects of the transfer back tot he real world, well the real alternate world. It hit him finally...his energy began to build.[/hider]
**Name: Sara **
Alias: Paradox
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance:
Appearance of Weapon: 
Equipment: A clock hand sword.
Skills/Abilities: medium sword skill and hunting.
Powers: Temporal control- Sara can control time for only thirty seconds with the use of her sword. Slowing, stopping, and hastening time are all within her ability. Space control- Sara can create portals that travel through space. So far she is able to create traveling portals up to a half a mile away. Finally there is then ability of her name sake. Paradox creation- Sara can create doubles of herself. These copies have none of her powers but have a sword that is shorter and looks like a second hand of an old clock.
Weaknesses: Sara can’t fully control her temporal control and it can happen at the worst times. Her paradox copies can weaken her to the point of passing out. Vibranium isn’t affected but her temporal control abilities, strangely it absorbs it.
Personality: Developing
History: Sara Doxoline, S.H.I.E.L.D. Case File- From what we have been able to gather on the subject she has existed in many times or at least versions of her. She has no memory each time she is…well we don’t know exactly if she is reborn or transported to another time with no memory. We did however discover her in a small crater smaller than that of what other records of her have been shown. Other records in history have recorded her age, physical, and mental states as far back as Victorian London. (Zero-Point)- Sara’s memories- From the moment she opened her eyes her mother and father knew she was destined for greatness. Born in a dystopian future in 3389, earth was a waste land but new and exciting discoveries where being made every day. Water was a scarce recourse giving that the oceans have been going dry. With each passing day the temperature on the surface was rising and earth was doomed. This is when she was eighteen that her family discovered a cave somewhere in England. Inside she discovered a machine. She sat inside the machine as it looked like a plush chair with knobs and shiny buttons. Seconds later she saw her family fade before her eyes as the enimies of the world came through the entrance. They shouted that the time machine was right in front of time. Suddenly a man appeared next to her. “Sorry my dear.” He said before he flipped a switch. And they disappeared right as the enemy was upon them. When the machine stopped the man next to her doubled over. “My dear my name is H.G. Wells I am a time traveler. There is not much time to explain. Please take the crystal in the center console and run. I am afraid my time has run up. Wells then expired and dissipated into a void of space and light. Sara only knew one thing. Her life was over. She grabbed the crystal and something spoke to her. Telling her that the traveler was only a the messenger for her to find the crystal. It was her destiny to go through time and right the wrongs that others could not. The crystal jumped out of her hand absorbs the metal on the machine. It them formed a sword that looked like a clock hand. Once Sara touched it she was filled with knowledge of the world and her first mission was to go to a town in England and give a copy of the crystal that was now in her sword to a man called H.G. Wells.
Other:Paradox is immune to spacial and temporal oddities. The one created by Dark Thanos is no exception. Matter of fact she is there due to this oddity, her sword brought here to the new earth a year after it was created. She has been looking around and keeping things under her hat to see what maybe going on.[/hider]


Though you know the symbiote is more shaped to her figure and similar to Scream has symbiote hair tendrils that go down to about her neck length. Normally it has no mouth but the symbiote when agitated or angered will form one and lash out with it.
Liz herself stands around 5' 6'' and weighs around 145 lbs.
Liz has a tattoo on the back of her neck:

One on her wrist as well:

Name:Elizabeth Sihir (prefers being called Liz)
Alias: Legion (for we are many.)
Age: {25}
Gender: Female (the symbiote itself, none)
Equipment: Besides the symbiote itself, nothing really.
Skills/Abilities: knows basic boxing techniques, her unfinished degree from college was for computer programming and engineering,
Powers:The symbiote provides super strength, agility, reflexes, wall crawling, web generation, and the ability to form weapons from the symbiote and detach them from it (like Carnage).
Weaknesses: Fire or anything of extreme heat, sonic waves/frequencies, and high pitch sounds.
Personality: Liz is a bit dark at first and serious but getting to know her causes her to open up and in truth she is a rather caring person who doesn't mind helping others. She has a strong devotion towards her friends due to how few she has and isn't afraid to get into fights.
The symbiote is a mix of personalities due to never fully forming into just one entity. It can go from being calm and quiet to insane and lusting for chaos in a matter of seconds.
History: To begin we must start with the symbiote itself. Over the years there have been many symbiotes that have come and gone and all the while Osbourn Industries had been collecting samples from where ever they could from these alien lifeforms and adapt it for their own purposes. There were many trials and failures but eventually they produced a symbiote of their own from the samples of all other symbiotes. It was a quick scramble then to find a host before loosing the specimen but the symbiote had rejected all they offered. Right when they were going to pull the kill switch on the symbiote for it no doubt would die soon without them finding a host, it escaped, driven by hunger to find it's own host. On death's door it did find someone and in doing so Legion was truely born.
Now for the story of the new host of this alien life, Liz lived a life mostly in solitude never really fitting in with any sort of crowds. She had her friends here and there but for the most part she went her own course through her early life all the way through highschool. She opened up more after graduating but her decisions on appearance kept some at bay. Of course when people first see her it's obvious to see that she really isn't just like every other woman from the music she likes to how she makes her appearance. Though she has been solitude most her life she also likes to stick out a bit.
Other: Plays piano has a love for video games but won't admit to it at least not easily.
She has large, snow white wings spreading from her back.
Name: Michele Bright
Alias: Archangel
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Judgement is the name of Michele's longsword, which was specially crafted for her to enhance and direct her powers. It's forged in a way that it is immune to damage by heat and electricity.
The feathers are white
Her armor is forged in the same way as her sword, making it impervious to her own power.
Energy Manipulation - Michele has control over certain forms of energy. Currently, she can control Heat energy and Electrical energy in a broad sense, such as throwing lightning bolts or gouts of fire. Thanks to her sword, she can exert a bit more control over how she uses it, but not enough control for anything besides combat.
Flight - Michele's wings aren't just for show. She can fly overland at a sustainable speed of 30 MPH.
Michele can't swim
Michele is claustrophobic and afraid of the dark
Michele has always been special. It's hard to avoid when you're born with the wings of an angel. Growing up, none of the other children wanted to be around her, so she has very little experience interacting with people. When she was ten, a group of her 'friends' dared Michele to explore an abandoned coal mine, then trapped her inside. She managed to escape, but ever since she's been afraid of the dark and small spaces.
In general. Sakura is a girl who is 5'7 tall and 56 KG. She has a rather good curve and slim built. Her skin is fair, eyes are gray, and has inherited the West-Allen hair color of her ancestor Bart Allen. She is 1/4 Japanese and 3/4 American, her Asian genes seem to be more dominant though and resembles her Mother.
Name: Sakura Allen
Alias: Slipstream, Stream, Blitz, Kid Impulse/Lady Stream/ Princess Flash
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Equipment:Flash leotard suit: Tailored by Stark-Wayne Tech. It s water resistant and able to withstand friction, resist heat, and electricity, cold(but not absolute zero), air pressure, and extreme velocities. The suit is colored black and has the Flash emblem located in the chest. Its design is akin to that of Black Widow, Batman Beyond suit and Spiderman 2099. The Flash suit powered by Stark-Wayne tech have features of:
Eavesdropping device. Located at the gloves fingers, the user will be able to stalk conversations but depending on the communication-connection. The frequencies might not even be received or heard. The fingertips can also Be used as a substitute USB for hacking tech. [/*]
Stark's Arc Reactor. Located at the chest where the flash emblem is. Rather a mini arc reactor meant to power the suit's tech, communication and micro computer devices for hacking. The battery lasts for 48 hours thus the suit loses all of its multitasking performance. [/*]
Wayne fabric. The suit is made in star labs with the help of Wayne-tech, it comprises majority of Wayne fabric. [/*]
Mask is for secret identity. In courtesy of stark technology, the user has an akin usage of google glass which allows the user access to the Internet. The mask is like every other flash mask, only the eyes are not seen due to the shades/glasses. It is designed to withstand UV Rays and it also has night vision and infrared only. [/*]
Self destruct etc. In case if the Flash SW-Mark 17 is stolen or fallen into the wrong hands. The homing device attached to the flash emblem will send signal to inform Stark , Star Labs and Wayne industries. It also has a personalized code, meaning only the user itself can wear it, matched by his or her DNA. self destruct is last resort. [/*]
Last but not least. Enviro-blend. Which can also be called stealth mode, based on the army uniform color coding. The user is able to blend in their surroundings. Be it night, jungle, arctic. The suit changes its color.[/*]
The suit is able to pick up a person's vitals and heartbeat.
Sakura has mastered 2 languages aside from her dual root mother tongue as Japanese-American, she is multilingual. The languages she knows are Mandarin-Chinese and German.
Like her predecessors, she is also knowledgeable in sciences and mathematics. But unlike her, she isn't as good than her predecessors.
She's skilled in playing the piano and the guitar as well as singing, she also cooks.
Prior to becoming a metahuman, Sakura has good skills in wielding the samurai sword.
Sakura's primary power is super speed. Like her predecessors she has hyper metabolism, vibrating molecules to phase, altering her vocal chords and acting as a human tornado. She can't be faster than Mach 4 since it has been 8 months since she got her powers. Afterimage spam is her specialty, she ages slowly due to some experiements.
Speed limit is Mach 4. This is her maxed out speed. [/*]
She is a dwarfed version of her ancestor Bart Allen combined with Wally West. [/*]
She can't turn invisible. [/*]
She does have super healing but depending on the injuries she receives, it will take longer for her to heal. Sakura happened to be put out of commission for a week after consecutive prolonged usage of her abilities. [/*]
She can't fly. [/*]
She can't make clones like Bart Allen. [/*]
She's irresponsible. [/*]
She hates accepting defeat. [/*]
Superiority-Inferiority Complex. [/*]
Inherited Bart Allen's "Who cares about secret identity".[/*]
Wrong timing of things by acting out on impulse, more impatient on this matter. [/*]
"That's crash. But the mode sucks however kya! is way better than both"
Sakura is impatient, playful, secretive, motormouth, irresponsible. Is reluctant to acknowledge certain people, but she's not above commending them when they deserve it. She seems to have better control of her emotions, as she doesn't seem to lash out much. Also beware the spoilers when she feel like it.
"A time when Stark-Wayne Industries collide and strong as one"
She is not from the current timeline rather she is from the year 2099. Sakura is a descendant of the West-Thawne-Allen families. She is a phenomenal result of her generation of Flashes. Bart Allen is her Great-Great-Grand Father and adores him greatly. Currently the three family's in her timeline are at the same situation with her Great-Great- Grandpa, Bart. The families are at feud. Sakura's powers manifested at the age of 16, she was able to time travel due to her comrade who has the power to super charge other superhumans. She hates to talk about her timeline, it is pretty much obvious why she came back to 2050's, her goal is to kill Dark Thanos.
Beware of her spoilers and naughty behavior.
The least Thawne aspect she can have is manipulative tendencies and antagonizing tendencies.
She loves any types of games just as long as it isn't boring. Console games and virtual games are her favorite. Gamer Girl FTW.
Sakura cannot time travel alone with her own power, she either needs a time machine, cosmic treadmill or a superhuman with supercharging powers that can enhance her power to the point of time traveling. In short, external sources.
Name: Jack Fisher
Alias: Quake
Age: 25
Gender: male
Equipment: he has goggles with a tracking system and inferred and night vision.
Skills/Abilities: he is very skilled in martial arts
Vibration Manipulation: Jack can make any part of his body vibrate at incredible intensity and can use this ability in many different ways. He can shatter solid objects sending out vibrations through the air and by vibrating while in contact with the ground Jack can create powerful earthquakes in a short radius. When in contact with an enemy Jack can vibrate at such a high speed that he can turn his opponent's insides into mush. This power also allows him to create shockwaves that can hit with great force.
Weaknesses: aside from his vibrating powers Jack is basically human and suffers from the same limitations and vulnerabilities.
Personality: Happy, rash and eager to fight.
History: Jack grew up in the city of metropolis where ever since he was a little boy he had been in awe of Superman and his incredible powers. He had dreams of becoming a hero, but he felt ordinary without any powers and didn't believe that he would ever be able to be one. All that changed when he developed his metahuman powers in his teenage years and discovered he could manipulate the vibrations of his body. He donned a costume and took the name Quake and began his career as a hero. He hopes to one day become one of the best superheroes of all time.
Other: {Did I forget something you may want to add? This is where ya do it.}