Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


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Almost smack dab in the middle of the forest, with virtually no paths leading to it, there sits a cozy little Inn, with a fully stocked bar. The bar is manned all day and night by a friendly and busty ghost maid, called Lucy, who is more than happy to pour one a pint and flirt over the counter with any who is willing or to throw someone out for attempting to pinch her non-corporeal bottom.

Creatures of all sort have been known to show up, looking for adventures, more people, or a good stiff drink. Not all who enter are friendly and, despite there being a light ban on actual fisticuffs, there has been many a drunken brawl. There is a large sitting room, complete with all of the furnishings as well as a fire place to one side of the bar room and a dinning area with attached kitchen on the other.

More ghostly staff is available at all times and are just as willing as the lovely Lucy to provide guests with anything they may need or desire. Rooms are always available, as this very special building seems to build itself to suit the needs of those who enter it.

But, all of these perks are not without rules, as is made clear by a note posted beside the door in every room of the Inn. ((This note can be found in the OOC version of this post.))
Tsunami sat alone in the main sitting room of her Inn, her bottom resting of the shelf of the bay window as she looked out into the woods. It was another of many quiet days. She was beginning to feel like they would never really end. She wanted excitement that she wasn't finding from the ghosts or any of the few others who wandered in and out of her place.

With a small sigh, she brushed a bit of hair behind her ear. Perhaps some day adventure would wander her way again. Who knew in what form it could possibly come in. These days, the number of different kinds of creatures that stumbled around surprised her. Of course... she was half unicorn so who was she to judge?

With another sigh, she pushed herself off of the bench and walked out of the room, prepared to tidy up until excitement came to see her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A tall figure shouldered open the doors to the Inn, a blast of air escaping inside. The man gazed around with piercing golden eyes and held the bundle in his arms tighter to his chest. This caused the tiny bundle to wiggle and soon Brusenna's bright green eyes were peering from between the cloak she was wrapped in. "W-Where are we?" She asked very quietly as she looked up at her protector. Mamori smiled soothingly down at her, the hard lines of his face softening as he looked down at the small child. "Somewhere to rest the night." He answered in a deep baritone, shifting the girl so she lay more comfortably in his arms. She nodded, looking around again curiously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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The silence in the woods was slowly breaking, as something was coming from there with some… direct choice of words, pouring out of her throat to be polite. First Susanne had to pay a top cred to even get information about a place like this, uncharted, middle of nowhere… and then she had to pay a 2nd to get a lift.

‘The forest is too dense’ they had informed, leaving her roughly six hours away on foot from here. She wasn’t lazy or weak, just not comfortable in this type of environment. She was born in large metropoly, and always found her way easily in urban jungle, but turning that form of terrain to this was… not for her taste.

However, as the sight of the actual destination finally got on the corner of the girls eyes, she stood still for a while, taking few more steps before getting to the open spot this ‘inn’ was in. It didn’t look too fancy on the outside… but it sure filled every critique Susanne would give, as she sighed in reveal, resting her knees on the front yard for a half a minute. She was indeed in a need of a vacation.

Gathering herself, Susanne then stood her back straightened as she went to the front door, gently opening it to step inside just enough to see what was in store for her… sure didn’t seem like it was a rush hour, as the place was almost empty right now. Silently clearing her throat, Susanne let the clopping of her boots hitting against the wooden floor welcome her in, as she walked to the counter. “If I may see the list of drinks… please?” she then said to the bartender, the dried mouth turning her voice almost as a whimper. Even if her helmet slightly mechanized her tone, it did sound stupid enough to Susanne clear her throat again, while she was dragging one of the stools under her to sit on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mamori cast a wary glance at the person that just walked in before turning and striding over to the fireplace. He took a seat next to the fire that was crackling merrily in the hearth and untied his cloak, letting the material slip off of him to reveal a green kimono with with intricate designs of red and yellow flowers as well as white fox ears that perched atop his white hair.. He set Brusenna in his lap and undid her cloak as well, revealing a very tiny/petite girl with pale skin and bright green hair and eyes. She snuggled back against the kitsune's chest, happy to be warm and in a building.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Olaf
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Olaf hmmmmm

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

morde was pretty much a big walking metal man that felt no pain. as he walked int he forrest all you could hear were loud thumps of metal echoing thru the ground. As he walked to inn he open the door as he opened the door a huge burst of air follows as he walks in the loud thumping of his armor is heard he dosent take notice to people around him he walking to a table int he corner and drops his mace and sits waiting to be served all you can see is his red eyes looking around giving off an erie vibe to others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Duno sat up and stared at the forest. She remembered correctly what has happened to her. She was running away and suddenly she fainted. Her stomach growled and she giggled while it echoed through the forest. She was some sort of creation scientist made her into. She calls herself cable bunny. "Now..I need to find somewhere to recharge." Duno dusted her shirt, that was the only thing she was wearing. At least it covered something. Her ears twitched, as she heard a door opening and closing. "Food?" She tilted her head as a smile appeared on her face.

That was the only thing Duno could possible think about at a situation like this. Anyways, she followed the sounds and ended up looking at something. She never really knew how houses looked, or even labs. "So that's how labs look like!" She wasn't allowed to go outside because everyone thought she was dangerous but she was actually a nice girl who only..cares about food..."I'll have to investigate this lab!" She giggled walking up the stairs and slowly opening the door. The first thing she called out was, "Food?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Well how splendid... as the massive thuds that creaked the floorboards ended, Susanne looked behind herself just to take a closer look, moving her body slightly to the side. She managed to get a quick sight on the definitely underaged girl that had been kept somewhat hidden by a fairly regular looking man, and on the other side there was... Seemed giant of some sort. At least he didn't look anything to mess around with, not that Susanne was here to even look trouble, unless she got really bored. In either case, all three seemed to enjoy far more company of themselves than hers, so she just sighed, when in middle of her sigh, she saw the door opening.

Hearing the first word, she almost chuckled, as she was expecting something even more monstrous than the last guy to enter. "Food? Close but no cigar... the shelves ain't exactly filled with apples." she said with chuckles, looking again the rather fancy liquor shelf behind on the wall behind the counter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


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Tsunami stopped, mid-scrub in one of the guest bedrooms up the hall and looked around the room, her ears all but twitching. She could have sworn that she had just heard someone ask for food. The ghosts never asked for food. They were dead. Eating wasn't exactly high up on their list of priorities. That could only mean one thing.

"Guests!" The word was whispered but the level of excitement as she un-bent from over the toilet she had been cleaning and quickly puts away the supplies, making sure to wash her hands before heading down the stairs to greet the person. Although the ghosts should have at least done that by now.

She was headed down the stairs when she passed a mirror and saw her own reflection in it. Her hair was ghastly, her outfit needed to be changed, and she was still wearing her cleaning apron. In other words, greeting the guest was out of the question until she cleaned herself up at least a little bit. So she smoothed her hair with her hands and pulled off the apron, hanging it in the utility closet for later. Having no choice but to greet her guest in the plain black skirt and grey shirt she had on, since the guest was likely within full view of the stairs, she decided the outfit would have to do and made her way down to do her job.

After reaching the bottom of the stairs, she realized that she had more than just one guest, something she really should have guessed was a possibility earlier. She beamed at all of her guests, friendly as can be. She had learned years before that judging your guests based on appearance (and, boy! did she have some rather unusual guests before) was most often times a mistake. Many a handsome traveler had become a problem while the scariest of them all had been sweet as pie.

"Welcome, dears, to the Come Back Inn. I hope that my staff has been helpful in my absence and that none of you have been waiting too long. My name is Tsunami. Please let me know if there is any way that I can make your visit more comfortable."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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As Susanne finally got the menu she wanted, she was looking for anything 'traditional', as in something the inn would be specialized to make. After all, the place looked rather traditional and she wouldn't be surprised at all if they had their own winery on the basement. Pressing few commands on her wristpad, the helmet started to open up, sliding into the helmet storage on the neck as she let her blonde hair drop, sighing in relief as she was actually having some room for her head... the armor was comfortable, but not in the way you could live forever inside of it. Searching the menu she lifted her eyes up again as someone came to speak downstairs from the way the assumable robot had went.

"You own the place?" Susanne asked just to make sure while trying to think what kind of alien breed she was dealing with now. "I would like to ask if there's a rooms I could reserve and in what prices would they be in?" she said, looking at moment to the half empty place. "...Well, if you have any rooms to be more exact." she continued with bit of a snarky remark, as she assumed the place wasn't exactly filled in at the moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


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As she was the first to speak, Tsunami turned her attention to the woman in the suit and folded her hands in front of herself, waiting politely for the girl to finish. Her eye wanted to twitch at the last of the comments but somehow Tsunami kept her smile screwed on tightly.

"Yes, indeed, this is my Inn. There are plenty of rooms and the prices range depending on the size, number of beds, and quality. Our basic rooms cost about 50 gold, the suites coming closer to 300. Room service, including three meals a day, is included in that price. Drinks and any sort of snacks or dessert- with any meal other than dinner, that is, are separate. No need to tip the staff, as they have no use for it."

She lifted a hand to brush a lock of hair behind her ear, quickly running through the questions that were asked of her to make sure she didn't miss anything. Sure that she didn't, Tsunami threw in a closing, "Is there anything else I can help you with, my dear.... I am sorry. I did not get your name."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"Ah, sorry. Susanne Cartwright. Some people call me Susanne, other calls me Susie." she started. "You can go with either one... or anything. It's not too hard to understand if I'm talked to, since it seems there Isn't much others to call me here." she said, turning her eyes at the huge knight on the side for a moment before clearing her throat. "But I would be glad to reserve a room for myself. I suppose the basic room is fine, but a room where smoking is allowed would be preferred. Not sure could I even afford much luxuries, I think this is where I'll be getting that." she said with slight chuckle, tapping the menu on her hand as she then looked back to the bartender.

"I would like the red wine, 2nd on the list, please." she said, going for her belts backpocket to pick up her wallet. I hope I can pay with transfer." she said, as she lifted a card from the wallet with a small hologram appearing into it. Wireless credit... and to her pleasure, completely anonymous too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mamori's fox ears twitched at the sounds of feet on the stairs and he turned just in time to see a women descend down the stairs. He waited patiently for the women in the metal suit to finish before he gently placed Brusenna on her feet and padded over to the women who claimed she owned the inn. Tiny feet pattered after him as the little child followed after her protector. The kitsune stopped before the women, gazing down at her with golden eyes. "I need to purchase one of you basic rooms." He said as he reached for his coin purse. Brusenna hid shyly behind the pants leg of Mamori's kimono, peeking timidly up at the women with her bright green eyes.
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