Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


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Almost smack dab in the middle of the forest, with virtually no paths leading to it, there sits a cozy little Inn, with a fully stocked bar. The bar is manned all day and night by a friendly and busty ghost maid, called Lucy, who is more than happy to pour one a pint and flirt over the counter with any who is willing or to throw someone out for attempting to pinch her non-corporeal bottom.

Creatures of all sort have been known to show up, looking for adventures, more people, or a good stiff drink. Not all who enter are friendly and, despite there being a light ban on actual fisticuffs, there has been many a drunken brawl. There is a large sitting room, complete with all of the furnishings as well as a fire place to one side of the bar room and a dinning area with attached kitchen on the other.

More ghostly staff is available at all times and are just as willing as the lovely Lucy to provide guests with anything they may need or desire. Rooms are always available, as this very special building seems to build itself to suit the needs of those who enter it.

But, all of these perks are not without rules, as is made clear by a note posted beside the door in every room of the Inn. The notes appear as follows:
Dear Occupants,

Welcome to the Come Back Inn. We hope you have a delightful stay, finding everything that you wish for and more. Before you become too cozy, please understand that proper behavior is preffered. Therefore, to protect you and those around you, it is necessary that you comply to the following rules and guidelines.

1. No guest is to ever go behind the bar, whether it is to serve themselves or to assist the staff.
2. Fighting. While it is allowed, we do ask that there is no killing. It's rude and often messy. Just bad business. Also, all fighting must be taken outside.
3. Respect the staff and the other guests. You will be told to leave if this is a problem.
4. Please post a character entry in the OOC so we know who and what you are. All creatures welcome!
5. Rules can always be added.

Thank you very much and, again, enjoy your stay!

So, please, make yourselves at home and enjoy yourself. Put your feet up and stay as long as you like. And don't forget to come back the next time you're looking for a good time!

Side note: No need to wait for approval. All are welcome (until told otherwise). Would also be helpful if people posted both their entrance and their departure/sleepy time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


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Character Basics
Feel free to add more info as you like.
Random Information:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


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Name: Tsunami
Age: n/a
Race: Unicorn/human halfling
Appearance: Tsunami has long, silvery white hair that hangs to her mid-back. It is usually worn straight down. Her eyes are amber in hue with a silver ring around the middle. She stands at an intimidating 5'2'' and, with the lithe body of a dancer, probably weighs less than a sack of potatoes. Her skin is a nearly pure white, and there is a pure crystal horn sticking out of the middle of her forehead. She hangs an amber stone from it on a silver wire. She appears to be in her mid-twenties is much older than that. Note: Her legs do have the fur, as shown in the picture, but she has human feet.
Skills: Quick on her feet, able to work basic magics (mostly for her own amusement) and can call all four of the elements in small doses at will. She is talented with the bow and arrow.
Background: The proprietor of the Come Back Inn, no one is quite sure where she came from or why she chose to open up the inn but no one can really recall when she first came to the area. It is rumored that her staff is all ghosts because they are the original staff and have just never left so she found no reason to replace them. Other rumors say that she was once a princess of a far-off kingdom. The only thing that can be certain is that she does not have any family or others that she seems to hold dear. Other than her pet panther, who she affectionately calls Lillith.
Random Information: Other than her pet panther, she enjoys to read, the sound of bells, ribbons, and rain.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Olaf
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Olaf hmmmmm

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Mordekasier
Age: Unknown
Race: Undead
Skills: can call upon the undead to aid him in battle, expert in heavy weapons
Background: Mordekasier's past is very sad he died as a young man to a brutal murder of him and his family he made a pact with the devil and has been brought back ina metal suit and his mace so his pain is felt with every blow.
Random Information: mordeakasier will not bother you if you are not asking to be bothered with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Well...I need to join this since Morde is in

Name: Lucian
Age: 27
Race: Human
Skills: Able to dash around to places at high speeds, Also fire his dual pistols at very high speeds
Background: Lucian was a man who had a wife, As possibly known his wife's soul was taken into another which drove Lucian into anger to kill all undead and evil in the land
Random Information: Both his pistols he carries, One is engraved with L the other with S, S symbolizing his wife's name Senna
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


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Yay! People! You are both more than welcome to begin whenever you wish. Come and go as you please.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Susanne Cartwright
Age: body age 25, modifications age 2.
Race: Unknown minor alien race. Partly mechanic.

Skills: She is able to lose everything else from her body but her upper torso and head without suffering huge amounts of pain or death. Bad mouthing.

Background: Susanne has been wanting to travel through space and time from the very little innocent child that she was born as. However, the time and reality caught up to her, and even if she made her dreams come true in one way, the life of a bounty hunter was leaving something to be desired from the ever so dreamful life. Learning the hard way of dealing with people, she has had her shares of burns, cuts, bruises and bloodshed.

However, Susanne had made enough fame for herself to be offered a huge payment for services she has kept in discreet in order to protect her customer. While getting large amount of 'heat' for her head after managing to successfully finish her part of the deal, she is now looking a place to keep low profile long enough for the situation to cool down.

Random Information: Even if Susanne looks entirely organic, the insides of her right leg is completely robotic, thus it allows her to kick with it strong enough to bend steel plate and crash through weaker walls. She has a life support mechanic replacing her heart, which has a direct wiring to her head. Removing the connection will result in instant death.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kautalya
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Dumo doesn't even know her own age!
Unknown Race
Dumo can manipulate electricity but when she's worn out she can recharge herself by plugging herself in an outlet.
She spent the better half of her life locked in a desolate cell room whenever she was not being tested. But, she didn't mind it. Actually, she liked it. She enjoyed her little world, after all, it was all she was used to. Until one day, when one of the experiments went awry and she accidentally killed one of the scientist in self-defense. They began treating her differently, with more fear, threatening, and downright terrifying. So Dumo decided to leave her little world, and face the outside with no knowledge of what she would encounter; she just wanted to get away.‏
And so she did. It was easy. Once in the outside, she was surrounded by a forest, a completely unknown environment. It frightened her, so she desperately ran. Eventually, all the stress caused her to eat up her batteries too fast and she fainted. She couldn't handle the unfamiliarity. The hunger. The sun or the darkness.‏
Eventually, Dumo woke up. Only to be in front of a huge beautiful house. A note laid in front of her, inviting her to open it. Of course she did. After reading the letter, she looked up at the house and walked up to it. Opening it slowly she called out, "Hello?"

Random Information:
Every time Dumo get's tried and can't recharge she'll faint right there and then. She's very fond of eating cables and can run really quick.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Brusenna Thiago



- She can control the elements
- She can heal though it draws from her strength
- She can speak to all animals

However, seeing as she is so young, her powers are very weak and don't always work.

She doesn't like to go into details; she tends to become upset when asked.

~Random Information~
She has a familiar named Mamori:

Kitsune Form=



- Fox Fire
- Can create illusions
- Can manipulate the elements to a degree.

He is very protective of her and hardly ever lets her out of his sight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


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Okay. I haven't posted in the IC for a bit but you all are more than welcome. My creativity well is kind of dry at this second. But Tsunami is still at the inn and waiting for people to come on in. So help yourselves!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh, by the way, are the ghosts looking the way that you could realize immediately that they are ghosts, or do they have more lifelike appearance and you won't be knowing it before seeing them go through stuff?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JustAlice


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The ones who are manning the bar, reception desk, and the kitchen are more human in appearance. The rest of the staff (maids, butlers, entertainers, servers) shimmer in and out of existence as needed.

Sometimes even Tsunami forgets that they are ghosts, although it doesn't happen often.

Oh. And sorry for the super delay in posting. Was going to get one out yesterday but, well, life gets in the way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Edgar Houstan
Race: Half cat, half human
Appearance:Human Form: He has red hair that reaches down to his shoulders,with light blue eyes. He usually wears a black t-shirt with a brown vest and blue jeans. His jacket that he wears when he is cold is dark blue.
Cat form: Mostly black, with green eyes and a white patch of fur just under the chin
Skills: Can transform between a cat and a human.
Background: He doesn't like to talk about it that much.
Random Information: He carries a picture of a random cat in his pocket
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