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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Song Book said
" I thing i hate about being here, The cops are way too slow, and boring." The cops let the crowd of people push forward as they went to investigate everything. The crowd wasnt that big anymore as the main atraction ran off. Standing there would raise her suspicion. " Im going go get a drink. Stay or come at your own will. " With that she was off again walking through the crowd to a local cafe finding a nice table out in the sun.

Glitch shrugs and follows her to the coffee shop, takeing out a black credit card, coveted by the ritch and unknown to the poor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Can't a g-guy get a b-break..." Toby grumbled standing up from his position as he heard the movement behind him. He eyed the new comer before rolling his eyes. "Damn t-twilight." He said as he put his hands on the hilts of his hatchets. "T-This is some v-vampire that thre d-down with Slender a while back." He said as he stepped in front of Blade. He did a subtle gesture indicating for Blade to remember the figure they say on the other roof. "A-As for you sparkles I-if you haven't n-notice we are all murders here. You h-have your pick."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Clockwork giggled under her breath. She hoped off the building and went over to the other one staying behind something hiding in the shadows the only sound was of her clock ticking.
Jane shrugged. "I saved your life and now we are here." Jane said before looking straight at him. "Why are we talking so casually?" She asked seriously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wulfric chuckled slightly at the nickname. He certainly did not sparkle in the sunlight. It was more like a snake losing skin. "The businesses of mister Slenderman and his associates do not concern me. You and me are not in opposition as of right now. I just wish to know if you have any knowledge as to who effected the corpse in Our proximity. If you do not know - and trust me, I can tell if you are lying -, then I'll be on my way." "Speaking of" he added, "I am Wulfric, scion and exilee of House Stensia of old. With whom do I have the pleasure?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jeff was trying to think of a clear reason for why they were just talking. "You know, I've got no idea. Although this is a little better than trying to stab each other."

Blade turned around to watch their stalker at Toby's signal. Although she had disappeared. "Umm, Toby. Our little stalker is gone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Scanning the area she looked at the other tables a young man was looking her way. He seemed to be drunk already. Standing up she made a you stay here movement with her finger towards Glitch. Then walked off to a alley beside the building. The man after waiting a while fallowed her. A feminine Laugh before a blood curtaling scream coming from the end of the alley. She walked out of the alley brushing a new splatter of blood from her newest victim down into the corner of her new blouse. " That was just a bit of craving settling. If your wondering" A devilish smile appearing on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wulfric picked up on the whisper of the proxy that had not spoken to him. "Stalker? Care to expand on that?" Then, his attention shifted onto the boy's katana. "That is not very practical a weapon. You see, easterners had to make blades the way the did because of how shoddy their Iron ores were and how simplistic their techniques." Saying this, Wulfric unsheated his beautifully straight sword with scalpel sharp edge. "Here's a real, proper, German weapon. Maybe you would like to learn? I'm quite the accomplished wielder."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Jane just shrugged and began walking deeper into the woods. She had no set destination but she felt like walking. "Til we meet again I guess." Jane said as she began to walk. She honestly wanted him to walk With her but she wasn't going to say that.
Clockwork heard the guy talking about her kill and she shrank into the shadows more. She didn't want to die for killing someone. It was just who she was now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Blade glared at Wulfric, though it wasn't visible through his sunglasses. "I'm not going to expand on crap. And I'm quite pleased with my weapon of choice, it decapitated my first target just fine." He then started to walk towards the fire escape. "Toby, I'm going to scout around for some more info." When he got to the ground he heard a ticking sound from the shadows. "You can come out. I won't hurt you."

Jeff got up when Jane started walking away. "Hold up. I'm bored, so you're not going anywhere without me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Glitch shrugs and waits for shards to come back, on the mean time letting Ben out for a chat. "Ben, I want you to go and get brvr, he could be a good addition to this sanario, and I could use eyes on all fronts..."
"Yes, sir" Ben said, a bit pevishly and obligalingly digitised into glitch's phone and sent back home. Glitch waits, playing a game of ultimate Tetris, a game he devised involving playing it on three screens simutanuasly, until Shards comes back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Clockwork took one step forward and looked at him. There was just enough light for him to see the faint outline of her. "It's not you I'm scared of. It's the vampire dude. I'm new to the killing business and I don't want to die for just being who I am." She said to the proxy in front of her.

Jane looked back at Jeff and rolled her eyes. "So you have to chaperone me now? Good luck with that." Jane said sarcastically before taking off running at full speed weaving through the trees and plants in the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Damn it Jane!" Jeff ran at his full speed as well, managing to keep up with Jane. He was actually enjoying it though. It was like a game of tag he never really got to enjoy as a kid.

"Oh yeah, Sparkles." Blade said with a sigh as he looked to the roof. "Hopefully Toby gets rid of him soon. I have a feeling he was trying to ridicule my katana." He made sure his voice was in a low whisper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wulfric looked after the proxy disdainfully, as he leapt off the roof. "Ah, the air-headedness and callousness of youth. You can't help those who don't consent to it, alas." Without skipping a beat, the vampire sheathed his sword and walked towards the remaining proxy, getting very close. "I'll ask only one more time. Have you seen the killer? At this pace, he might've already fled."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toby's coal colored eyes were clearly unfazed, with the vampire being this close he would be able to see through the teen's goggles. He rested one of his hatchets on his shoulder while the other remained in hand. "I don't know n-nothing about s-some dude dead in an ally. B-But there a-a-are some dumb asses in pieces a-a few blocks a-away, t-they tried to j-jump the wrong guy you see." He said in a unimpressed tone. "As f-for who I am, I a-am the guy w-with no patience for a-a twilight re-r-reject's moral c-code."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"I feel bad making someone else fight him off. He is hunting for me, maybe I can get him to not kill me." Clockwork said before going to the roof and walking to be behind the vampire. She was nervous and her clock seemed to tick at an uneven beat now that she was feeling nervous. "Look I don't get why you want to kill me for killing that guy the way I did, I mean it's in my nature and I'm new to killing so I can't control the blood lust yet." Clockwork said trying to sound unfazed by this guy but she wasn't sure if she was saying things that will convince him of not killing her.

Jane ran faster through the woods picking up speed to avoid Jeff. She knew he'd eventually catch her but she wasn't going to give up that easily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 12 mos ago

She sat holding out about a hundred bucks in cash. Stashing it in a jean pocket she called over the waiter. who happily took her order. Medium mocha with some whipped cream. " So why are you in this side of town?" she asked the boy sitting across from her. The blood splatter on her blouse and jeans hiding under the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Blade made sure to follow the strange girl up the fire escape. He didn't enjoy killing but he was still a killer. He didn't want someone else dying for being one. He made sure he had his katana ready, prepared for a possible fight.

Jeff was chasing Jane, barely able to keep up. In the middle of the chase Jeff accidentally got his foot caught on the root of a tree and fell to the ground. "Shit, that hurt."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Song Book said
She sat holding out about a hundred bucks in cash. Stashing it in a jean pocket she called over the waiter. who happily took her order. Medium mocha with some whipped cream. " So why are you in this side of town?" she asked the boy sitting across from her. The blood splatter on her blouse and jeans hiding under the table.

"Oh, I felt that something was going on around here, and everthings close when you travel via internet. I've done my fair share of killing, but its not really all that important... That's how the game's played." He reaches into his pocket because his phone ringers, then looks around to make sure no one is looking. "One sec, let me just set my helpers off." He holds up the phone and Ben materiazes with Brvr on his shoulder. "All right, I need you guyes to go check things out and report back to me. And remember, I CAN find you so be on your best behaviour lest I put you behind the firewall for a bit." The two nod and Brvr jumps of Ben's shoulders and the walk out the door to check out the town."Anyway, were was I?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jane skidded to a stop and walked over to Jeff. "Did little Jeffy trip over a root? Aww poor jeffy!" Jane teasing mocked him while standing above him and looking down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wulfric chuckled smugly, seeing that the proxy was much younger than he'd predicted and - most likely - oblivious of its arrogance. "What do you take me as, kid? A knight in shining armour? A sheltered wide-eyed idealist who wants the world to be a gentle place of love and peace? I am a two hundred year old vampire. I have killed over five hundred humans in slow, painful ways just to sustain my own existence. I don't claim the high ground. I'm not without sin. But there is something real, something pragmatic that is different between the people that I hunt and myself." Having stated that, Wulfric took a step back and regarded the proxy with seriousness. "I don't fool myself that collateral damage is without consequence. I don't fool myself that people are worthless. And because of that, I can't, with peace of heart and mind, let the issue slide. There are people out there that make the world worse off by completely unnecessary actions, and I don't have to be a moral ground-hog to wish them dead - but merely a utilitarian. As for your recent murder in self defense - you can easily see why that doesn't bother me."

Wulfric's rant was interrupted by a torrent of combined fear and emptiness coming from the emergency exit. Glancing down, he saw the ascent of a hooded girl, one of her eyes torn off, replaced with the face of a clock. She was, most likely, the killer he'd been after. But... why was she advancing towards him? Clearly she didn't think she could stand a chance in a fight - the waves of fear and insecurity emanating from her showed that much. Maybe she thought that trying to talk him out of the hunt was more conducive for survival than further hiding away?

Then, after getting on the rooftop, she spoke, trying to keep her cool while her insides were the equivalent of an emotional maelstrom. Her words, paired with the flurry and complexity of her emotions, stunned Wulfric in place for a second. "You're not a psychopath." he whispered, as if to himself. But he couldn't be sure. With those people, you could never be sure. However, Wulfric would be the last to give the death sentence to someone who could still be rehabilitated, doing such a thing would be against everything he believed in. "Why? That man had a family. Parents, siblings, maybe even a spouse. And let me tell you something - I am an Empath. I am able to feel the emotions of others while alive and shortly after death. I know how he felt in his final moments. Why was killing him wrong? Why was it not worth mere bloodlust? I'll just transfer to you what he lived through, because of your actions, and maybe then you will understand - both why I've been on your tracks, and why, even if I do deem you worth saving, you have to make self-control a priority on the short term." Saying this, the vampire gazed her straight in her only eye, and transferred her victim's agony into her mind. In all fairness, Wulfric was not sure what to expect out of doing this, but if it shocked her, then she was worth saving.
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