Name: Raiden “Rai” Saito
{Pronounced rye-den / sigh-toe}
Age: 17
Home World: Destiny Islands
History: Raiden's history is not a very complicated one. He didn't have much of a troubled past, or reasons to actually learn how to fight. Sure there was the occasional brawl with a bully or two, not to mention a few lessons from his father in self defense. Over time Rai grew into quite the little scrapper. He could hold himself in a brawl. Aside from that he was always working out with his father. Sure he didn't go hardcore when he was younger, but it was fun. He and his father got to bond and then go home to his mother for dinner and more time together. Man he misses them. The only thing he has is a necklace his mother gave him. She said it was the first gift Rai's father had ever gotten her and was more precious to her than any other ring, or other necklace she could ever get. Rai treasures it. Once Rai got old enough he started working with his father. There was a lot of heavy lifting. He adapted. He got stronger. It's only natural right?
Because of that he's built like a brick wall. Maybe something stronger. If not for that he might not be around right now. Especially after that day. Things just started disappearing. These creepy little things started showing up. He tried using his baseball bat to fend them off, but that wasn't much help. It broke. Still he wasn't going down. And out of nowhere, just in time the keyblade appeared. Still there were a lot. Too many even. Things got a little hazy though. He remembers his mom giving him the necklace "just in case" and at one point he was separated from his parents... He even blacked out... He can only hope that he'll get to see his parents again.

Magic: Rai currently knows no magic and relies mostly on physical combat.
Abilities: Rai, despite his age, is actually quite strong physical due to years of helping his father with work and other forms of manual labor and working out. He is an adept brawler, though he generally relies on strength and brute force to handle most obstructions in his way. Despite this he is a fairly quick learner and has a very good memory.
{So to sum that up: He's strong, he fights well, and learns pretty fast.}
Other: {Might add something here... Eventually...}