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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Raiden “Rai” Saito {Pronounced rye-den / sigh-toe} Age: 17 Home World: Destiny Islands History: Raiden's history is not a very complicated one. He didn't have much of a troubled past, or reasons to actually learn how to fight. Sure there was the occasional brawl with a bully or two, not to mention a few lessons from his father in self defense. Over time Rai grew into quite the little scrapper. He could hold himself in a brawl. Aside from that he was always working out with his father. Sure he didn't go hardcore when he was younger, but it was fun. He and his father got to bond and then go home to his mother for dinner and more time together. Man he misses them. The only thing he has is a necklace his mother gave him. She said it was the first gift Rai's father had ever gotten her and was more precious to her than any other ring, or other necklace she could ever get. Rai treasures it. Once Rai got old enough he started working with his father. There was a lot of heavy lifting. He adapted. He got stronger. It's only natural right? Because of that he's built like a brick wall. Maybe something stronger. If not for that he might not be around right now. Especially after that day. Things just started disappearing. These creepy little things started showing up. He tried using his baseball bat to fend them off, but that wasn't much help. It broke. Still he wasn't going down. And out of nowhere, just in time the keyblade appeared. Still there were a lot. Too many even. Things got a little hazy though. He remembers his mom giving him the necklace "just in case" and at one point he was separated from his parents... He even blacked out... He can only hope that he'll get to see his parents again. Appearance:
Magic: Rai currently knows no magic and relies mostly on physical combat. Abilities: Rai, despite his age, is actually quite strong physical due to years of helping his father with work and other forms of manual labor and working out. He is an adept brawler, though he generally relies on strength and brute force to handle most obstructions in his way. Despite this he is a fairly quick learner and has a very good memory. {So to sum that up: He's strong, he fights well, and learns pretty fast.} Other: {Might add something here... Eventually...}
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 2 mos ago

**Name:** Dee **Age:** 14 **Home World:** Wreck-It Ralph **History:** Dee is a character from a fighting game in Witlak's Arcade. She was relatively happy, staying in a bubble of close friends, not really talking to others unless somebody she knew well accompanied her. When the various Heartless started appearing she had assumed they were characters from another game in the arcade. They, of course, began over running the games quickly. They also left behind horrible glitches viciously breaking the games they infected. Now only a few games remain, and the fighting game Dee was apart of is not one of them. Her mentor and friends dead, she saw no reason to hold out on her current world, and simply left with the help of a few others, promising them she'd find a way to bring back their world, and her friends. **Appearance: ** ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/C7xwRQo.png "enter image title here") **Keyblades** ![enter image description here](http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/110/6/a/Keyblade__Tsubaki_Mk__V_by_isaiahjordan.jpg "enter image title here") ![enter image description here](http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/112/6/4/Keyblade__Blood_Edge_by_isaiahjordan.jpg "enter image title here") By isaiahjordan ![enter image description here](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2007/316/4/1/Keyblade__SMW_K07_by_PhoenixTrooper.jpg "enter image title here") By PhoenixTrooper ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/indxkXJ.jpg "enter image title here") By ExusiaSword **Magic:** She is proficient in the use of Cure and Balloon Magics, but no others. **Abilities:** Being from a fighting game, she is a good hand to hand combatant. She is also familiar with the idea of "Hopping between worlds" so she gets acquainted to new environments (Though, people, that's a different story.) quickly. **Other: **Sorry for the crappy phone-camera quality on the picture. I am awful at computer art.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Michael (Mike) Fertar Age: 21 Home World: Sleeping beauty world History: As a young boy, Mike has always lived among the Fae. He was abandoned in the forest at a young age by his parents as they wanted a girl so she could later be married off and could make the family even wealthier. The fae found the young human boy and raised him as one of there own teaching him spells that no mortal would even normally know. Mike had witness many things with the Fae and always had a zest and a good mind for what was right and wrong. He was also raised on the tales of the great dragons that once ruled the world, he learned about every species and every power they had including the stories of the dragon who could take on human form. Mike of course was always curious about his real family and when he learned the truth he had no anger against them. One day, Mike and the Fae were busy when the Darkness came and started to destroy the fae home. Mike tried to fight it off but was not strong enough until the Fae granted him the powers of a dragon. He was able to hold off the Darkness so they could escape before he too escaped the world. Mike dragon feature never wavered as he escaped the home and he would learn that he would be stuck as a half breed dragon until his home was restored, This revelation also brought about Mike's Keyblade known as Eternal Breath which tied him to his half Dragon form until such time that it would be removed. During his travels before he was found by Yen Sid, Mike found a Katana on an old world which had the trapped soul of a dragon in it which took on a spirit dragon form and joined Mike on his travels. It was after that, Mike was found by Yen Sid who summoned him to the Mystery Tower Human Appearance: Real Appearance: Spirit dragon: Keyblade: Magic: Mike wields a selection of Ice and Light spells which were taught to him by the Fae, they are known as Icey dragon and Fairy Light. They are a little stronger then the normal Ice and Light spells but level up the same way. Abilities: Flight, Slightly stronger then a normal human. Other: wields a Katana as well. Katana: Armour: -- Name: Sashia Fertar Age: 19 Home World: Sleeping Beauty world History: Sashia is the younger sister of Mike, unlike Mike she was raised among normal humans and never knew about her brother until she came across him in the forest while hunting for Fae. She came across him and the two stared off for the longest time before he fled back to the forest. After this event, Sashia confronted her parents and they reviled the truth to her. Sashia listen carefully to all of this before she turned round and told her parents she was leaving then to look for her brother. She took a fox emblem with her before she went on her journey. Sashia came across Mike just as the Darkness appeared and the two sibling were taken to the same place where they spoke and she found out about Mike's Dragon looks. She accepted him with no problems, When Mike found his Katana, Sashia found her own secondary weapon which was an Japanese rapier which was blessed by an Ancient fox known as a Kitsune. Sashia obtained her own Spirit animal from this as well as a new appearance. Just like Mike with his dragon, Sashia is bond to her form until such a time it can be removed. She was found by Yen Sid at the same time as her brother Human Appearance: Real Appearance: Spirit Animal: Keyblade: Magic: Sashia wields a Selection of Fire and Darkness, thought her Fire is known as Kitsune flame and her Darkness is normal Abilities: Has amazing agility and speed Other: She is Bisexual but loves to flirt with females, She also wields a Japanese Rapier. Because of the Kitsune Blood running though her right now, Sashia has a hidden ability set to Kitsune known as Pheromones which she can use to relax someone who maybe feels out of place. She can control the ability with her sprit guild but overall rarely tends to use it. Armour:
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