Name: Hazumi
Alias: Essence (of the World), Violin, Chime, Motherslayer
Age: apparent: 24; actual: pieces of her existed in one shape or another since the creation of the worlds 7000 years ago. Hazumi as a single entity was created approximately 225 years ago.
Race: Demigod – Hazumi’s essence is a combination of Heaven and Hell’s Gates and Gatekeepers and those of thousands of other individuals of all races. As such her existence is strongly intertwined with that of the 3 worlds and all the creatures inhabiting them. She can feel all essence in the world and somewhat influence it as well.
Appearance: If she was to be judged by her chestnut-coloured hair and average build, Hazumi would hardly stand out in a crowd with anything but her slightly taller frame. She dresses in casual and practical clothes almost never featuring skirts. However it’s a mistake to say she could go down the street unnoticed. Even those who don’t meet her unblinking golden eyes would immediately be stricken by the unnatural aura curling around her like a visible frost-like wind, dying strands of her hair pearly white and making her skin and clothes shimmer. It’s something one couldn’t ignore even if they aren’t looking directly at her. While Hazumi cannot completely hide it, she can somewhat control it, either making its effects harmless to the eye and soul or on the contrary – enhancing it to the point of harming nearby creatures. As a result of this aura she can hardly ever go unnoticed wherever she goes and she is asked to mostly stays at the Academy where it’s less likely to attract any unwanted attention or tempt any unfortunate demons.
Of course, when describing an angel we can’t go without mentioning their wings. Hazumi’s wings are medium-sized, spreading out to about 8 feet. Their colour appears to be jet-black at night but unlike other dark angels’ ones it’s not dull. Given a light-source they’d reveal their real majesty and glisten softly with a beautiful hue ranging from deep blue
to vivid green.

Social Status: Hazumi is currently struggling to get recognised as the biggest sentient chunk of the Essence of the World and a patron and mentor of the Musicians in the Academy. That proves somewhat troublesome as due to her history of destruction and blind service to a madman, some still blame and distrust her. Others are captivated by her nature and her power and revere or try to use her.
As such Hazumi is torn between trying to fit in and telling everyone to fuck off.
Relations: Hazumi has two creatures she's willing to dub friends – a demon called Azel and an angel called Lucien. Azel became known with his work on creating Masks that endowed humans with certain abilities for a time, but his nature is elusive and nobody is sure where he is at any given time or whether he keeps in contact with Hazumi.
Lucien is a well-known fanatic who was emprisoned in onyx for a few millenia before being relieced as back-up during the Hell's Gate crysis. Since Judas' fall he has devoted his life to hunting down and killing the remains of the angelic Council but has not yet officially been proclaimed a Renegade.
Other than those minimal relationships, Hazumi is polite but generally antisocial. 8.50
General Activity: Hazumi is the “Sight” of Master Melody’s Academy – as such it’s her responsibility to overlook the essence torrents in the world and monitor that the essence of angels and demons is balanced out. Although the official position is called “Sight”, she doesn’t really need to employ her eyes to do the job – she literally feels any imbalance occurring as a soul is extinguished or sent back to the void before its time. As soon as she’s felt that happen, she takes a note of the location and essence imprint of the culprit and alerts the Peace-keepers – the council of nine representatives, 3 of each race, who then decide whether to pursue the Renegade and allow a Vendetta to the race that has been wronged. Her monitoring activity is a full-time job that would drive any living creature insane, however it comes natural to Hazumi. She is also asked to interact with the students on a regular basis – something she's still often reluctant to do.
Personality: Will show IC.
_As The dark Battle Angel_
In the records of history the name of Hazumi stands as that of a dark angel born to the fallen angel Kristine. Being a dark angel, she was denied all the privileges pure or even grey angels had – social status, trust, acceptance, and most of all – education. She was never included in the big educational classes most angels attended at the time in order to learn about the humans, demons and the angels. In the rare cases when she got to visit the Council building she was bestowed with looks full of distrust and even disgust. All the Council required was for her to leave one of her feathers in the Book of Fate so they could keep track of her deeds, and she was pretty sure no one cared enough to do even that. If they had done, they might have realised a truth far greater than their most daring guesses and might have been able to act to stop the tragedy to come some 25 years later.
At first Hazumi didn’t think much of that treatment as her mother was doing her best to teach her everything about all kinds of demons, even the ones in Hell. Her mother cared for her and her education and gave her a purpose – being powerless herself it was up to Hazumi to protect her from any of the countless demons that targeted her daily. That’s how the little dark angel started fighting – much earlier than her pure counterparts – and she became undefeatable and ruthless. She didn’t care who had to die for her mother to live. At that point her life wasn’t yet hollow and lonely. She had found friends – a protected family of vampires with two sons her age. She loved them almost as much as she loved her mother… and they were her only salvation when Hazumi had to make the toughest decision in her life. When she realized that consuming demon flesh isn’t natural for angels. That her mother was actually a monster… and deserved to die.
After the deed was done it was the vampire brothers that she came to for comfort. But instead of that what she received was judgment herself. Her neck was ripped open and it’s was mystery how she survived what should have killed her. The huge claw-like scar that remains spread out across the left side of her neck is said to be her mother's last deed and her curse. In fact it was her best friend, Jed, who was responsible for it. Having to dispose of her mother was the toughest decision Hazumi ever had to make. Yet she was certain she was right to do so, and she devoted her entire life to the Council after.
_As The Essence of the World_
It was a decade of loyal service after that the mystery of her life started to unravel itself. A mystery that only few could have guessed but one that would tie all the loose strings of chance into a tight knot of careful planning and scheming – a plan started by the ancient demon lord known as the Fleshshaper even before the Great War. He had found a way to combine the flesh, and thus – essence, of all living creatures to create what some called constructs, and others – chimeras. Those creatures were foreign to the world and shouldn’t have been possible, however… there they were. And the instruments that were the Gates, finely tuned to preserve the balance in the worlds and keep all species in the worlds they belonged had no power over them…. As the demons slaughtered their way up to Heaven’s Gates and the Gatekeeper and Gate were both destroyed, Heaven crumbled down to the human world – the Surface. Blood and tears rained that day as death spread its long fingers to gently cradle the Worlds. And it wasn’t only angels that died. As Heaven’s Bate broke, Heaven’s essence itself washed over the human world, instantly killing all weak demons and severely wounding the strongest ones. The demons had won but were forced to retreat back to Hell as the Essence of Heaven and Surface intertwined and poisoned their own. Many died that day and many more didn’t. Among them there were three creatures that would wish they had. Those were the remaining Gate and Gatekeepers. The change of the lifescape put additional pressure on those unfortunate beings, causing Hell’s Gate and Gatekeeper to ail and Luciana to go insane.
The outcome seemed like a total disaster for the angels and a hollow victory for the demons. However, not for all. Master of opportunism, the Fleshshaper managed to secretly gain more out of the war than everyone lost. In the chaos of the battles too many died to count and even more to try and retrieve. It was this gruesome graveyard that the Fleshshaper and his minions thrived in. Like vultures they faithfully collected all the bodies now deprived of life but not yet of an essence. And it was those pieces of essence that the Fleshshaper then combined to shape a being to transcend all three races – the first complete Chimera. A gruesome and unnatural collection of angels, demons and humans, all held together by the living heart of Gatekeeper Chime. For the next 746 years the creature was perfected in Hell, more and more souls weld together with it to enhance its power and understanding of the world and to stop it from becoming too rigid and vulnerable to change like the other Gates. His only obstacle was the lack of angel bodies in hell that he could use to balance the demonic and human essence out. Furthermore, he had lost Melody’s grace and even if he did pass the Gate, the angels that survived the Great War had organized in a strong organization named the Council, and they were a power to be reckoned with.
What changed the course of fate was the appearance of a certain human in his realm - a dark-haired woman called Kristine. She made a bargain with the demon – provided him with a human baby to shelter what he called Essence of the World and offered promised to raise it to glory – on the Surface. “She holds the essence of Heaven’s Gate – the Violin, in her core she is created to serve and she will always serve her creator.” The Fleshshaper thought, “It is only a matter of bringing up to her full potential.” The demon agreed, knowing that his time to regain the Essence would come. And so, he let her go with Kristine who nurtured her with a diet of steady essence that kept her from falling apart for 14 years. Kristine was aware of the power hidden away in the tiny body – it was obvious by the way she could quickly and easily morph into any being at will and even become new ones. She had to act carefully to convince the child it was nothing more but a Battle angel and not to allow the world to see what she saw – and what she’d seen in her visions as a Clairvoyant angel. She knew the disaster that would befall the world should Hazumi end up in the wrong hands and so she had opposed the Council and lost their grace in an attempt to change the future herself. Thus she had to make sure her bond to the child was the strongest one the Essence would recognize when the time came.
What no one reckoned with was just how strong the newborn creature’s loyalty would be. A loyalty to the whole world and not to any single individual. As Hazumi grew and learned, her heart kept searching for the “right” things to do and lead her to suddenly shift her fidelity from one individual to another. She didn’t know that what was urging her was the Gate’s desire to serve and the Gatekeeper’s wisdom, keeping her from blindly trusting anyone for no good reason. And so, as time mercilessly progressed, she devoted herself to the angelic Council thinking that time it was to last. However, it wasn’t meant to be. Engaging the Original angel Lucien in order to protect the Council from him lead her to find out more about them that she ever knew – about how they had actually corrupted the newborn angels for the sake of preserving hegemony over the Surface. With her belief shaken Hazumi was ready to follow anyone who expressed a desire to lead her – however, there was no one willing, not even Lucien who tried to teach to act for herself, oblivious of the fact that was impossible for her nature. For everyone she was just another stray Battle angel caught in the middle of chaos. For while Hell’s Gate was cracking and the angels and Luciana were desperately trying to prevent the disaster humans were oblivious about, the demons lords Szayeis and Ioi were after their own goals. And they weren’t the only ones. The Fleshshaper was stirring and so were the long-forgotten spirits of Jesu Christo and Judas Iscariot. In a time when everyone was fighting for what they believed in, Hazumi found herself unable to pick a side. All she knew was that she couldn’t trust anyone who wanted to destroy the Worlds she was born to protect.
And so, she did the only thing she thought wise at the time – surrendered herself completely to whoever wanted to lead her. But instead of an Instrument what she became was a weapon – a Sword, beckoning for a wielder.
Surrendering her consciousness, Hazumi was dormant for the next 22 years. During that time her power was used to inflict misery to some and bring prosperity to others .When she awoke Hell’s Gate was broken, her wielder was defeated and the Surface was populated by much more demons than it’d ever been. Hazumi was then convinced by Luciana to surrender most of her power to the humans and so she did.
What remained was closer to an individual than the creation of the Fleshshaper – one capable of making her own decisions. The first such decision was to reopen and reform Master Melody’s Academy for Fine Arts – a place her former self had ruined herself.
Still, the project has turned out to be more than Hazumi bargained for and she still occasionally has difficulties adapting to her new role.
Abilities: The part of her abilities that Hazumi regularly demonstrates are her greatly diminished physical abilities when it comes to sparring and her skills in controlling or playing the academy’s Instruments. She’s also often seen to create creatures or objects made of visible essence but those are only to be used by her and mostly for show.
While it is common knowledge that Hazumi is currently the closest thing to a god to inhabit the world, her abilities are largely subject to speculation alone. Since she has returned to human form she has refused to engage in any political conflicts, leaving all the fighting to the shards of herself that now serve as Instruments and weapons to the humans.
Thus all that’s really known for sure is her ability to see the huge essence torrents cruising the worlds and that by pulling their strings she can alter them. Some scientists assume that due to her encompassing all previous Gates, she should be able to subdue any creature, but others claim that that power has been given away to the Instruments and what’s left in Hazumi are mere traces of the Violin and Harp.
What few people know is that Hazumi is more a pacifist in words than in actions. Away from curious gazes, and sometimes even right in front of them, her violence manifests in sudden outbursts or physical conflicts. One of the reasons why she gets away with it is because due to her nature she can assume the visage of any of the creatures she's composed of, thus making her a shape-shifter of sorts.
The second reason is even more sinister.