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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

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![enter image description here](http://i61.tinypic.com/i254ht.png "enter image title here") Name: Hazumi Alias: Essence (of the World), Violin, Chime, Motherslayer Age: apparent: 24; actual: pieces of her existed in one shape or another since the creation of the worlds 7000 years ago. Hazumi as a single entity was created approximately 225 years ago. Race: Demigod – Hazumi’s essence is a combination of Heaven and Hell’s Gates and Gatekeepers and those of thousands of other individuals of all races. As such her existence is strongly intertwined with that of the 3 worlds and all the creatures inhabiting them. She can feel all essence in the world and somewhat influence it as well. Appearance: If she was to be judged by her chestnut-coloured hair and average build, Hazumi would hardly stand out in a crowd with anything but her slightly taller frame. She dresses in casual and practical clothes almost never featuring skirts. However it’s a mistake to say she could go down the street unnoticed. Even those who don’t meet her unblinking golden eyes would immediately be stricken by the unnatural aura curling around her like a visible frost-like wind, dying strands of her hair pearly white and making her skin and clothes shimmer. It’s something one couldn’t ignore even if they aren’t looking directly at her. While Hazumi cannot completely hide it, she can somewhat control it, either making its effects harmless to the eye and soul or on the contrary – enhancing it to the point of harming nearby creatures. As a result of this aura she can hardly ever go unnoticed wherever she goes and she is asked to mostly stays at the Academy where it’s less likely to attract any unwanted attention or tempt any unfortunate demons. Of course, when describing an angel we can’t go without mentioning their wings. Hazumi’s wings are medium-sized, spreading out to about 8 feet. Their colour appears to be jet-black at night but unlike other dark angels’ ones it’s not dull. Given a light-source they’d reveal their real majesty and glisten softly with a beautiful hue ranging from deep blue to vivid green. ![enter image description here](http://essence-of-the-world.weebly.com/uploads/1/9/8/0/19808675/5096271.jpg?264 "enter image title here") Social Status: Hazumi is currently struggling to get recognised as the biggest sentient chunk of the Essence of the World and a patron and mentor of the Musicians in the Academy. That proves somewhat troublesome as due to her history of destruction and blind service to a madman, some still blame and distrust her. Others are captivated by her nature and her power and revere or try to use her. As such Hazumi is torn between trying to fit in and telling everyone to fuck off. Relations: Hazumi has two creatures she's willing to dub friends – a demon called Azel and an angel called Lucien. Azel became known with his work on creating Masks that endowed humans with certain abilities for a time, but his nature is elusive and nobody is sure where he is at any given time or whether he keeps in contact with Hazumi. Lucien is a well-known fanatic who was emprisoned in onyx for a few millenia before being relieced as back-up during the Hell's Gate crysis. Since Judas' fall he has devoted his life to hunting down and killing the remains of the angelic Council but has not yet officially been proclaimed a Renegade. Other than those minimal relationships, Hazumi is polite but generally antisocial. 8.50 General Activity: Hazumi is the “Sight” of Master Melody’s Academy – as such it’s her responsibility to overlook the essence torrents in the world and monitor that the essence of angels and demons is balanced out. Although the official position is called “Sight”, she doesn’t really need to employ her eyes to do the job – she literally feels any imbalance occurring as a soul is extinguished or sent back to the void before its time. As soon as she’s felt that happen, she takes a note of the location and essence imprint of the culprit and alerts the Peace-keepers – the council of nine representatives, 3 of each race, who then decide whether to pursue the Renegade and allow a Vendetta to the race that has been wronged. Her monitoring activity is a full-time job that would drive any living creature insane, however it comes natural to Hazumi. She is also asked to interact with the students on a regular basis – something she's still often reluctant to do. Personality: Will show IC. Biography: _As The dark Battle Angel_ In the records of history the name of Hazumi stands as that of a dark angel born to the fallen angel Kristine. Being a dark angel, she was denied all the privileges pure or even grey angels had – social status, trust, acceptance, and most of all – education. She was never included in the big educational classes most angels attended at the time in order to learn about the humans, demons and the angels. In the rare cases when she got to visit the Council building she was bestowed with looks full of distrust and even disgust. All the Council required was for her to leave one of her feathers in the Book of Fate so they could keep track of her deeds, and she was pretty sure no one cared enough to do even that. If they had done, they might have realised a truth far greater than their most daring guesses and might have been able to act to stop the tragedy to come some 25 years later. At first Hazumi didn’t think much of that treatment as her mother was doing her best to teach her everything about all kinds of demons, even the ones in Hell. Her mother cared for her and her education and gave her a purpose – being powerless herself it was up to Hazumi to protect her from any of the countless demons that targeted her daily. That’s how the little dark angel started fighting – much earlier than her pure counterparts – and she became undefeatable and ruthless. She didn’t care who had to die for her mother to live. At that point her life wasn’t yet hollow and lonely. She had found friends – a protected family of vampires with two sons her age. She loved them almost as much as she loved her mother… and they were her only salvation when Hazumi had to make the toughest decision in her life. When she realized that consuming demon flesh isn’t natural for angels. That her mother was actually a monster… and deserved to die. After the deed was done it was the vampire brothers that she came to for comfort. But instead of that what she received was judgment herself. Her neck was ripped open and it’s was mystery how she survived what should have killed her. The huge claw-like scar that remains spread out across the left side of her neck is said to be her mother's last deed and her curse. In fact it was her best friend, Jed, who was responsible for it. Having to dispose of her mother was the toughest decision Hazumi ever had to make. Yet she was certain she was right to do so, and she devoted her entire life to the Council after. _As The Essence of the World_ It was a decade of loyal service after that the mystery of her life started to unravel itself. A mystery that only few could have guessed but one that would tie all the loose strings of chance into a tight knot of careful planning and scheming – a plan started by the ancient demon lord known as the Fleshshaper even before the Great War. He had found a way to combine the flesh, and thus – essence, of all living creatures to create what some called constructs, and others – chimeras. Those creatures were foreign to the world and shouldn’t have been possible, however… there they were. And the instruments that were the Gates, finely tuned to preserve the balance in the worlds and keep all species in the worlds they belonged had no power over them…. As the demons slaughtered their way up to Heaven’s Gates and the Gatekeeper and Gate were both destroyed, Heaven crumbled down to the human world – the Surface. Blood and tears rained that day as death spread its long fingers to gently cradle the Worlds. And it wasn’t only angels that died. As Heaven’s Bate broke, Heaven’s essence itself washed over the human world, instantly killing all weak demons and severely wounding the strongest ones. The demons had won but were forced to retreat back to Hell as the Essence of Heaven and Surface intertwined and poisoned their own. Many died that day and many more didn’t. Among them there were three creatures that would wish they had. Those were the remaining Gate and Gatekeepers. The change of the lifescape put additional pressure on those unfortunate beings, causing Hell’s Gate and Gatekeeper to ail and Luciana to go insane. The outcome seemed like a total disaster for the angels and a hollow victory for the demons. However, not for all. Master of opportunism, the Fleshshaper managed to secretly gain more out of the war than everyone lost. In the chaos of the battles too many died to count and even more to try and retrieve. It was this gruesome graveyard that the Fleshshaper and his minions thrived in. Like vultures they faithfully collected all the bodies now deprived of life but not yet of an essence. And it was those pieces of essence that the Fleshshaper then combined to shape a being to transcend all three races – the first complete Chimera. A gruesome and unnatural collection of angels, demons and humans, all held together by the living heart of Gatekeeper Chime. For the next 746 years the creature was perfected in Hell, more and more souls weld together with it to enhance its power and understanding of the world and to stop it from becoming too rigid and vulnerable to change like the other Gates. His only obstacle was the lack of angel bodies in hell that he could use to balance the demonic and human essence out. Furthermore, he had lost Melody’s grace and even if he did pass the Gate, the angels that survived the Great War had organized in a strong organization named the Council, and they were a power to be reckoned with. What changed the course of fate was the appearance of a certain human in his realm - a dark-haired woman called Kristine. She made a bargain with the demon – provided him with a human baby to shelter what he called Essence of the World and offered promised to raise it to glory – on the Surface. “She holds the essence of Heaven’s Gate – the Violin, in her core she is created to serve and she will always serve her creator.” The Fleshshaper thought, “It is only a matter of bringing up to her full potential.” The demon agreed, knowing that his time to regain the Essence would come. And so, he let her go with Kristine who nurtured her with a diet of steady essence that kept her from falling apart for 14 years. Kristine was aware of the power hidden away in the tiny body – it was obvious by the way she could quickly and easily morph into any being at will and even become new ones. She had to act carefully to convince the child it was nothing more but a Battle angel and not to allow the world to see what she saw – and what she’d seen in her visions as a Clairvoyant angel. She knew the disaster that would befall the world should Hazumi end up in the wrong hands and so she had opposed the Council and lost their grace in an attempt to change the future herself. Thus she had to make sure her bond to the child was the strongest one the Essence would recognize when the time came. What no one reckoned with was just how strong the newborn creature’s loyalty would be. A loyalty to the whole world and not to any single individual. As Hazumi grew and learned, her heart kept searching for the “right” things to do and lead her to suddenly shift her fidelity from one individual to another. She didn’t know that what was urging her was the Gate’s desire to serve and the Gatekeeper’s wisdom, keeping her from blindly trusting anyone for no good reason. And so, as time mercilessly progressed, she devoted herself to the angelic Council thinking that time it was to last. However, it wasn’t meant to be. Engaging the Original angel Lucien in order to protect the Council from him lead her to find out more about them that she ever knew – about how they had actually corrupted the newborn angels for the sake of preserving hegemony over the Surface. With her belief shaken Hazumi was ready to follow anyone who expressed a desire to lead her – however, there was no one willing, not even Lucien who tried to teach to act for herself, oblivious of the fact that was impossible for her nature. For everyone she was just another stray Battle angel caught in the middle of chaos. For while Hell’s Gate was cracking and the angels and Luciana were desperately trying to prevent the disaster humans were oblivious about, the demons lords Szayeis and Ioi were after their own goals. And they weren’t the only ones. The Fleshshaper was stirring and so were the long-forgotten spirits of Jesu Christo and Judas Iscariot. In a time when everyone was fighting for what they believed in, Hazumi found herself unable to pick a side. All she knew was that she couldn’t trust anyone who wanted to destroy the Worlds she was born to protect. And so, she did the only thing she thought wise at the time – surrendered herself completely to whoever wanted to lead her. But instead of an Instrument what she became was a weapon – a Sword, beckoning for a wielder. Surrendering her consciousness, Hazumi was dormant for the next 22 years. During that time her power was used to inflict misery to some and bring prosperity to others .When she awoke Hell’s Gate was broken, her wielder was defeated and the Surface was populated by much more demons than it’d ever been. Hazumi was then convinced by Luciana to surrender most of her power to the humans and so she did. What remained was closer to an individual than the creation of the Fleshshaper – one capable of making her own decisions. The first such decision was to reopen and reform Master Melody’s Academy for Fine Arts – a place her former self had ruined herself. Still, the project has turned out to be more than Hazumi bargained for and she still occasionally has difficulties adapting to her new role. Abilities: The part of her abilities that Hazumi regularly demonstrates are her greatly diminished physical abilities when it comes to sparring and her skills in controlling or playing the academy’s Instruments. She’s also often seen to create creatures or objects made of visible essence but those are only to be used by her and mostly for show. While it is common knowledge that Hazumi is currently the closest thing to a god to inhabit the world, her abilities are largely subject to speculation alone. Since she has returned to human form she has refused to engage in any political conflicts, leaving all the fighting to the shards of herself that now serve as Instruments and weapons to the humans. Thus all that’s really known for sure is her ability to see the huge essence torrents cruising the worlds and that by pulling their strings she can alter them. Some scientists assume that due to her encompassing all previous Gates, she should be able to subdue any creature, but others claim that that power has been given away to the Instruments and what’s left in Hazumi are mere traces of the Violin and Harp. What few people know is that Hazumi is more a pacifist in words than in actions. Away from curious gazes, and sometimes even right in front of them, her violence manifests in sudden outbursts or physical conflicts. One of the reasons why she gets away with it is because due to her nature she can assume the visage of any of the creatures she's composed of, thus making her a shape-shifter of sorts. The second reason is even more sinister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Name: Karnage Urabrask Vorinclex Alias/Nickname: Currently none. Age: Around 300 hundred years old, with exact dates questionable due to the difficulty of tracking time in Hell, but definitely more than three hundred by mortal standard. Race: Demon, for all intents and purposes. It's a bit complicated. Appearance: Social Status: As a demon there are a lot of people who already hate him. Karnage himself tries to be helpful to Master Melody's Academy and is trying to make friends with them, since the alternative is getting kicked back into the harsh world and fighting for his life again. Relations: None in this world. General Activity: Currently vacationing in this world, and has taken up a job at Master Melody's Academy for both an education and protection. He doesn't do a lot of "serious" things, but he's often around to get involved in just about anything. Abilities: Shapeshifting - The only power which Karnage finds functioning, and even not as great as it was before. Karnage can manipulate the shape of his arms into different forms, typically for offensive purposes. He can increase the muscle mass in his arms to increase his already incredible strength tenfold for a short while. Karnage can also enlarge his hands and turn them into sharp claws that are also highly dexterous, which he can use with his muscle mass at the price of expanding exponentially more essence. Alternatively, he can also turn his arms into elongated clawed hands to give him more of a range option which are no less deadly than if he was fighting in melee. His most used and most offensive shapeshifting form is where he can turn his entire arm into an incredible durable blade. He can also combine this with his muscle mass to put even more force behind his slashes, if need be. Karnage's shapeshifting also gives him a sort of regenerative ability where he can use his essence to shift his physical wounds away and replace them with an uninjured body part. Runeology - The knowledge of runes, basically enchanting. Karnage only has a rudimentary knowledge on it (Considering what he does know about runes isn't quite the same as how things operate in this world) but he has gain a good enough grasp to temporarily give objects and/or people magical enchantments with various effects. It's through his usage of runes that he preforms more general types of magic, such as created fireballs (Putting flaming runes onto stones and throwing them), shooting lighting (Putting lightning runes onto stones and throwing them), and tossing around boulders (Putting an enlargement rune onto stones and throwing them). Demonic Rifts - The very power that got him into this world. On the surface, it simply allows Karnage to freely travel between the Underworld and the Mortal World with apparently no trouble. But there's more to this power than even Karnage is aware of, and he aims to figure out what exactly that is... After he's had his fun in this world. Equipment: Safe - Karnage literally carries a 100lb metal gunsafe as his "backpack". This is only possible thanks to his demonic strength. It uses both a tumble and key lock; if you don't have the key you cannot even turn the tumblers. The safe is fire and water proof, as well as blast and bullet resistant. Benelli M4 - A shotgun that Karnage has taken a liking to after he killed the previous owner. It can be loaded with 8 12 gauge shotgun rounds and has multiple rails for attachments. Karnage typically buys or savages bullets, but he's also learned how to make some buckshot and slugs, most of them using melted silver he takes from the dead. Loot - A general term of various valuables that Karnage has come across that he has no real immediate use for, but may be valuable for others. Such things include canned foods, jewelery, weapons that he has no use for (Like conventional knives and axes to guns that he has no ammo for), and other miscellaneous supplies. He also has some souvenirs from places he's been on the surface, mostly trophies he's picked up from battles. Laptop - Another interesting piece of this new world that Karnage has grown to like. A nice laptop which he uses to surf the web and write about his days on a blog, at least when he has access to Wifi. Karnage is actually researching a rune which will alleviate that issue. Cellphone - A sturdy brick of a phone that Karnage also looted from a dead mortal. Uses it to call people if he ever had people to call. Has some music on it which he listens to, and unloads new music from his laptop when he has the chance. Green Axent Headphones - Cat-ear shaped headphones he ordered off the internet. Uses it to listen to music on his phone in private. Has no shame in wearing them in public. Journal - A simple loose-leaf journal than Karnage uses as his personal dairy and notepad. Now that he has an online blog, he now only uses the journal to take notes. Comes with a mechanical pencil and a black ink pen. Personality: Will show in IC Biography: Karnage first stepped foot into the mortal world a month after the fall of Judas. He was no stranger to war or the chaos it brought, and made sure to avoid the worse of it by purposely keeping a low profile while simply acting like a tourist. He went to places that once held great mortal achievements, and occasionally even helped them out if they didn't try to kill him on sight. Much of Karnage's initial time in the mortal world was simply wandering about, gathering necessities as well as certain knickknacks of the past. He wished to know more about the world he found himself in and in a way wanted to do something to make it better, given that it had literally become hell-on-earth. Some may question why a demon of all people wanted to help them, but he simply claims he's doing what he wants. And he happens to want to help the mortals. Still, it was not as though things were always peaceful for Karnage. The amount of people who simply tolerated him was less than a handful, and he often found himself fighting for his life against those who would slay him for simply being a demon. He fought back and enjoyed the battles, but he had no desire of living and dying in battle. There was so much more about this world that he was interested in knowing, so he sought a sanctuary: Master Melody Academy. It was the only place that was willing to accept him with open arms instead of at the end of a gun barrel. He took the time to learn of what Essence was in this place, as well as earn his keep and some loyalty. It was going to be a hard fought battle however, what with the common distrust against demons in this world. Karnage hopes to do his part however, so that he can go back to enjoy the world leisurely instead of fighting for his right to just talk a walk through town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Name: Alzir Alvuad Alias: The Old Man in the Mountain, The Thousand Handed Devil, The Guardian of Darkness Age: Apparent: 58 Actual: Unknown Race: Chimera Appearance: Social Status: The Old Man is known to very few but those he is known to defer the greatest respect one can grant to him. Relations: Alzir is a respected member of the Academies teaching staff and by far one of its most dangerous residents. He teaches many, disciplines few and is friend to a handful. Any family Alzir may have had are long dead and his other relations come and go in a blink of the eye from his perspective. General Activity: Alzir is the supreme authority in hand to hand combat. No one on the surface, heaven or hell can approach his skill or knowledge. As a result he provides the best unarmed and melee combat education any of the academies students could ever have hoped for. Abilities: Bow to the Master- Alzir can analyse and develop a response to any form of melee combat he encounters, while it is not immediate it is inevitable as he seen it all and has perfected the art of observing movement and intention. The Universal Technique- Alzir is Master of every form of Eastern and Middle Eastern Martial Arts style and Weapon style. If you can name it Alzir probably mastered it long ago. Silence My Brother- Alzir is capable of moving in utter silence, not very quietly, but completely silent. He is also capable of extending this silence to his surroundings allowing him to murder an entire room without anyone ever hearing a sound. Swift as the Wind- Alzir has the ability to move at blinding speeds rendering him almost impossible to track even with a supernatural eye. It has been said that he once used this speed to cross a lake of water. All that was left was a trail of ripples. Born in Darkness- Alzir requires no light to see. He can see in utter darkness and he can also see heat signatures of living beings through solid objects Shatter Mountains- Alzir’s muscle mass and bone density are exponentially higher than that of a human making him capable of truly legendary feats of strength. It should also be noted that Alzir is capable of delivering this strength in a simple motion of his body such as a stomp or a flick. It is said that once a student displease Alzir. Alzir simply tapped his chest and hurled the student through the doors of the Dojo shattering the students sternum and the door of the Dojo. To the onlookers it seemed that Alzir had merely touched the student. Herring Snatches the Fish- It is said that once someone tried to kill The Old Man with a gun. He simply snatched the bullets from the air. Whatever the truth may be Alzir is capable of predicting trajectory of objects in motion perfectly allowing him to simply not be there when the object is moving towards him. Shadow on the Moon- Alzir is capable of invisibility, not just to the naked eye but to Essence sight. No one is sure exactly how he does it. Many seem to think that Alzir does not know how to do it either. Lazarus theorized that perhaps Alzir is simply visible to both Essence sight and the naked eye, he is simply capable of convincing anyone observing him that he is not there. Stone Splits Water- It is said that once Alzir blocked a sword with his bare hand and it shattered into a thousand pieces. If that story is true, like many things about Alzir, remains to be seen. However Alzir does appear to be capable of taking a truly incredible amount of punishment. There are many rumors as to what the Old Man can actually do some say he can breath fire and fly. Others claim he can secrete a poison that will stop anyones heart on contact. No one knows. Maybe they are all just rumors or maybe they are infact true. Either way no one has bothered to find out. Equipment: Other than his robes Alzir finds that many objects or pieces of gear have little use to him. Additionally Alzir holds the view that anything you use you may become reliant upon. As a result he does not use weapons or armor as he may someday find himself without them should he rely upon them. It is also why he has a dim view of teaching his students with their instruments. Personality: Will Show IC Biography: Alzir Alvuad is not one entity, he is a repository for generations of knowledge that has only recently, with the creation of the Chimeras, found a home. Alzir has almost a millennia of knowledge at his disposal which means that he himself has never actually studied many of the martial arts he is a master of. Alzir is actually a collection of memories from hundreds of martial arts, weapons masters as well as tacticians and philosophers. Where Alzir actually came from remains a mystery. Even to Alzir. While Alzir carries the title of The Old Man of the Mountain he is the last heir to the title as he does not actually command an order of assassins however Alzir’s Essence was old when it was taken to be the center of the Chimeric body now known as the Thousand Handed Devil. Alzir’s past is shrouded in mystery and the question still stands: who created Alzir and why? Alzir appeared at the academy soon after the fall of Judas offering his services as an instructor in the philosophy of combat and as an instructor of martial arts for the Academy. Alzir is the finest combat instructor the academy has ever seen as he is capable of instructing even the most fragile of students in the best use of their limited talents. Additionally Alzir teaches classes in Basic, Intermediate and Advance Philosophy in addition to his Philosophy of combat and History of War and Tactics classes. Alzir no longer runs missions for the Academy however many of his students suspect his presence on their missions, particularly the dangerous ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Thomas Finch Alias/Nickname: Lazarus, The Resurrection Mage Due to a his unique ability to move his soul from one vessel to another Thomas gained the name he typically goes by when he was apparently killed by a surface demon. Four days later he earned the name "Lazarus" when he apparently rose from the grave returned and killed the surface demon whose final words were: And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in grave clothes, his face wrapped in a head cloth Age: Apparent: 28 Actual: 53 Race: Human https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qxXUTZ31N0 Appearance: Social Status: Lazarus is an anomaly in terms of social status. Most view him as a soon to be out of date history professor from Trinity. A professor with a penchant for sticking his nose in others business. While many respect him, the majority of people do their best to avoid the history professor with a knack for raising the dead and not staying dead himself. Relations: Lazarus is the sole inheritor of the Finch Estate in Ireland and he recently buried his wife Kathleen. Don’t bring up either unless you want to meet them General Activity: Lazarus has been recruited to teach history classes as an adjunct professor for the academy. He is also an part time support member for the academies missions when needed. Much of his time is spent working on a project most who know him refer to as the Black Journals as well as the pursuit of a way to bring his wife back to life. Abilities: Before Lazarus' death he was a professor of archaeology with focuses in Egypt, Europe, The Aztec, and Japan. This was all made possible by the fact that Lazarus is a certifiable genius. Lazarus is also naturally gifted in the use of magic however when the Gate came down his powers increased by an order of magnitude. Necromancy- Lazarus is a potent Necromancer who appears to have discovered the secret to eternal life. Lazarus deals in the Essence left over when someone has died, or been killed. Lazarus specializes in collecting and re-purposing essence that was once ruled by a conscious mind. Lazarus is also quite adept at using dead corpses to fight for him Entropy Shield- Lazarus uses the essence of decay to shield him from attacks. Swords rust away, bullets lose kinetic energy and fall apart. Unprotected living creatures begin to rot and lose cohesion. (rumor has it Lazarus once stopped a building from falling on him with this). However the shield discriminates between things that would do Lazarus harm and things that will not. Use of the Entropy shield for more than about thirty seconds requires Lazarus to draw Essence from other living beings or the newly dead Create Walker- Lazarus has a knack for bringing corpses surging back from the dead to fight alongside him. As they are animated by his magic they are nigh unstoppable and require dismemberment before they are rendered dead yet again. Void Bolt- Lazarus weaves necrotic death energies into a bolt of energy that he hurls at his enemies. Upon contact the bolt immediately begins to cause advanced decay in whatever it strikes causing break down on the cellular level in living organisms. Siphon dead essence- Lazarus can take the essence from a newly dead being taking the remnants of the soul and repurposing it for his own magics. This is how Lazarus manages to perform many of his spells that require larger amounts of essence. Dead Man’s Hand- Lazarus has the ability to create a Hand of Glory. It the hand of a dead man with fingers made of candles. When Lazarus channels essence into the hand the candles ignite and those who are within about fifteen yards of the hand become lethargic and many fall asleep and find it almost impossible to wake. Hangman’s noose- Lazarus uses essence to “string up his enemies” constricting their throats and pulling them up off the ground. Effectively hanging them. Paralyze- Lazarus touch sends potent neurotoxins into anyone he touches effectively paralyzing them. The toxins are touch based and are rendered inert after more than a few seconds away from his skin Vampire’s Bite- Lazarus elongates his canines and increases the bite force and structural integrity of his jaw. His bite also contains the neurotoxins of his touch in a highly concentrated does. Chill of the grave- Lazarus can drop the temperature of a room to freezing temperatures in a matter of minutes Equipment: Dragon Sire- The Sword that Lazarus carries was made especially for him and it is at least moderately effective against the supernatural even though it is a mortal blade. Rings- Lazarus wears two rings on each hand which he has augmented to store kinetic energy. This energy can be released in order to cause Lazarus to be able to punch through solid stone and metal...or someone's head. Finch's Loft- A sprawling castle in County Kerry Ireland Lazarus used his inheritance from his family to purchase he has turned it into a sanctuary for him to study magic and his other pursuits. The Black Journals- All of the Necromancy and magical research Lazarus has done over the years are contained in the black journals. They are a chronicle of Lazarus’s descent into the darkness on his quest to return Kathleen from the dead. They are the most complete how to manual for Necromancy the world has ever seen. They are currently incomplete. Personality: Will Show IC Biography: (This information would require you to know Lazarus’ real name to find/know it) Prior to his initial death Dr. Thomas Finch was a professor of Archeology at Trinity College in Ireland as his genius had allowed him to complete three doctorates and landed him a job as a tenured professor at Trinity. During this time Finch was obsessed with mythology and magic in ancient cultures due to his minor abilities as a practitioner. When the Gate fell Finch finally came into his own as a Warlock. (His battle and resurrection are fairly common knowledge however most view it as a tall tail more than anything else) Finch focused much of his time on mastering the art of Necromancy as many of the cultures he studied had focus on death, life and the mastery of the two. While exploring a site in Greece Finch discovered the first half of the information he needed to resurrect himself after his death and a year later he discovered the second half of the information on a dig in Egypt. When he finally returned from a two year sabbatical to Trinity he discovered that his wife had been murdered In a rage he tracked the demon down and confronted it. The demon tore Thomas Finch limb from limb. After consuming Thomas’ corpse the Demon assumed it had gotten away with it’s murder but four days later Dr. Finch returned with a horde of walking corpse and tore the demon apart. After the battle Thomas Finch was dead but Lazarus had been born that day. Lazarus resigned his position at Trinity to continue his study of magic in the peace of his newly acquired home Finch’s Loft. (Very few know the rest of the story) The student that was killed by the demon went by the name of Kathleen O’heir. A striking beauty with fiery red hair and a laugh that caught Lazarus’ heart. After Kathleen was out of Lazarus’ class the two were briefly engaged and then married in the Ring of Kerry. The three years Lazarus had with Kathleen were the best of his life. When he left Trinity to go on his sabbatical he left Kathleen to finish her studying at Trinity. Lazarus promised Kathleen that when he returned they would travel the world and be together. Lazarus had just inherited his family's fortune and he no longer needed his position at Trinity. When Kathleen was killed Lazarus went into a blind rage which led to the events of him receiving his name. After Kathleen’s death Lazarus’ study of magic has been focused on Necromancy and Alchemy for one reason. Lazarus want’s his wife back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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![enter image description here](http://i59.tinypic.com/a1txma.png "enter image title here") **Name**: Lucaris Cain **Alias/Nickname**: Luca **Age**: 21 **Race**: Chimera; Due to the Fall of Hell's Gates essence that was once unable to mix could now mix. Things that were once impossible were slowing starting to become reality. A mother that was once an Angel but had Fallen to the state of a human had essence that resembled both an Angel's and a Human's. A Surface Demon in the form of a Werewolf who was once unable to father a child had now found himself gazing upon his lover with a child in her arms. **Appearance**: In no way is Lucaris' apperance imposing. He stands at a grand height of 5'7"(170cm), and is fairly light at the weight of 118lbs(53.5kg). His hair and eyes are both light in colour, betraying his angelic essence. His hair being snow white, and his eyes being a pale grey-blue. However, to contrast the light he also has his own dark. His hands are tipped with beast-like claws where fingernails ought to be, and his mouth is filled with sharp teeth that resembles nothing like a human's. Due to years of hunting in the wild Lucaris' body has been streamlined for quick, silent movements. His body is evenly covered in muscle ready to chase and pounce on his prey so that he may overpower it with tooth and nail. **Social Status**: Undecided. It is not known just yet where someone like Lucaris could fit within today's society. He is a creature of impossibility. A Chimera made through purely natural means where it was once impossible. **Relations**: A mother and a father. **General Activity**: Before the recent killing of his parents Lucaris would spend his days doing his chores. When he was not working on his chores he would spend the rest of the day in the thick forest that surrounded his home. **Abilities**: Lucaris has never refined any sort of magical ability. His past lifestyle has given him the ability to prowl through the quietest of locations without making so much of a whisper of sound. His physical abilities outrank that of a normal human's, although he cannot fight head-to-head with those who are physically capable. He prefers to use his lithe agility to temporarily escape from any danger only to then strike when his prey leaves any weakness unguarded. **Equipment**: Lucaris keeps no weapon upon his person as he's never had any need of one in the past. His own biological weapons have always been more than enough to kill his prey whether it be a bear or a doe. Due to the light complexion of his hair, Lucaris always carries around with him a heavy cloak with a hood which serves to hide both his claws and his hair. Also on his person is a necklace with three glass beads given to him by his mother as a good luck charm, as well as a small shard of crystal of mysterious origins (a shard of The Essence of the World) that he has tied around his wrist in a makeshift bracelet. I**nstrument**: Instead of taking the form of an instrument Lucaris' shard takes the form of a pair of Kamas. (Ignore the fancy colours. Just imagine it with a black handle and normal metal blade with that design). ![enter image description here](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130914111402/warframe/images/f/f0/Kama.png "enter image title here") **Fragment Ability**: Lucaris' "Instrument" carries no offensive abilities, and does not expel any sort of long range magic. However due to the fragment's thirst for blood whenever the weapon is covered in blood the weapon will absorb it and repair any damage done to the blade or handle. While it is possible for the Kama to regenerate and repair any damage done to it, it is impossible for it to become any sharper or harder than it already is. **Fragment Personality**: This no-name fragment has an unsatable blood lust and extreme malevolence towards anything that breaths. Almost constantly the fragment's personality will clash with Lucaris' own. While Lucaris values life, the fragment wants nothing more than to be showered in blood. **Fragment Influence**: As previously stated Lucaris and the fragment have extremely different personalities. Because of the fragment's constant pleas for blood and cries of rage, Lucaris' Demon essence will sometimes react to the fragment and attempt to destroy the harmony of essence that rests within Lucaris. Ever so slowly Lucaris' own sanity is being eaten away. One sliver at a time is destroyed as he attempts to silence his fragment. **Personality**: Will show IC. **Biography**: Lucaris has lived his entire life with his parents in the solitary home deep within a forest that borders a small village scarred from past nightmares. His parents were lovers who met under various circumstances not long ago. Their pairing is not one to be expected as Lucaris' mother was once a grand angel of great power who had Fallen, and his father was nothing but a Surface Demon that the humans called "Werewolves". The place they had chosen to call home was perfect because of the village's past. Nobody would ever dare set foot into the forest for fear of being abducted by some demon. Little did they know the area had been wiped clean of all Surface Demons long ago. Under impossible circumstances Lucaris was born. The fall of Hell's Gates didn't just change the balance of Essence. It began to change the very rules of nature itself as its extreme influence ravaged the very makings of nature. Lucaris doesn’t know just how amazing, and potentially terrifying, his existence is to the rest of the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ArkLoH


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Vanipular Cas Donnatris Nickname/Alias: Cas, Donny, Van, Vanny, Cassy Pants (by enemies) (prefers Cas) Age: 79 Aparrent: 23 Race: Demon (Western Region of Hell) Appearance: With armour, ![](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/316/9/0/Demon_Samurai_by_Mr__Jack.jpg) Without armour , ![](http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/08104eb9c22c3875a8e9ae66fb2095f6/http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg72/joeyleger/random%20anime%20pics/anime-2-1.jpg) Social Status: Cas is viewed as a powerful demon with limitless potential. This causes other people (or well... ya know) to view him with jealousy and/or respect. He holds Master Melody in high regard and loves her dearly. (In the most demonesk way possible. Demonesk?? Is that a proper description? YOLO <------- you obviously love oreos) He makes "friends" faster than he thinks up bad analogies... (see what I did there?? ;-D) Demons, humans, Demon Humans, and the occasional angel. None escape the onlookers of Cas' preying eyes!! (Speaking of friendship btw...) In all serious though he is a likable demon who surprisingly makes impressive friends and enemies alike. General Activity: Cas lives a relatively simple life a of now... His daily routine consists of his 30 minute workout followed by two cups of coffee (black) and some raw meat if any is on hand at the time ( which is always ). After that he goes out... flirts with unknowing humans... forcibly puts himself in situations where he has to fight and then hunts. Starting soon he will add teaching to the schedule. He has many, many plans and hell-willing at least half of them will happen... Personality: Cas is unbeknownst to demons generally likable. He has amazing prowess in the field of weaponry and is nothing short of a charmer. Almost never cocky... (fo real tho). He has an almost hypnotic approach to life. Once you see him you can't look away. He has a bright, bubbly,and adorable air to him. His dark sense of humour does have a habit of getting under CERTAIN peoples skin ( dang humans >:-/ ). Not afraid of confrontation (unless it involves pretty angels). Imagine tryin not to have bacon. Yeah thats Cas' problem but like 10x worse. Pretty angels = Beautiful Nerds IRL. Magic: Cas uses basic magic along with the abilty of Direction Manipulation. He uses mild forms of telekinesis to improve accuracy. *If OP, tell me... I have backup plans :3* Equipment: Cas' arsenal consists of a High- Quality demon scale Bow, a Stygian black knife throwing set, several Stygian throwing lances, and his Dragon-tooth shruikens. Cas' armour was an heirloom given to him by a demon by the name of Daken. It's well over a century old but he still uses it nonetheless. It connects him to his past in a way that no other item can... ![](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/008/4/a/fantasy_bow_by_exherion-d5qvgtr.png) This bow but Cas' is black. ![](http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/125/1600x652_21270_Throwing_blade_2d_fantasy_knife_concept_art_game_art_blade_weapon_picture_image_digital_art.jpg) ![](http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00YevaukFCCPbV/Fantasy-Spear-HK2301-.jpg) ![](http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/75/46/5c/75465c0bf1b03f2018749d4346ddf136.jpg) Backstory: Cas grew up (like I said) in a particularly bad part of hell... the western region. Due to this he had a very dark humour with an almost creepy bright personality. His constant cheerfulness made him an outcast among fellow demons... up until they witnessed his physical prowess. His charm started to get him places as he moved out of hell and into the middle grounds as he liked to call it. After the whole shazam twenty years ago, lots of exciting thing have happened to him. The biggest being the opportunity to teach at Master Melody's academy. His plans for future are to get involved in the military in some way shape or form. It's been awhile since he's tasted the blood of his enemies... Again sorry for the short backstory... I usually like to reveal that in IC. :33
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v633/Ghurdrich/2e365a254094047dad4f049bef93dc98_zps7b3c455a.jpg) ##**Name:** Reiko Sonata **Age:** 17 **Race:** Human **Appearance:** A small, lithe, dark haired girl who blends into the background of any scene as easily as a shadow. (Picture above) **Social Status:** Reiko has a reputation with those around her (mostly other students) for being a bit creepy, and showing up when people least expect it. It has alienated some of her peers, though a few seem to find it humorous. She is rumored to have the ability to teleport and disappear at will, though of course this is just because of her own lack of presence. **Relations:** Reiko left her father and mother behind before entering the academy, but hasn't made contact with them in a few years. As soon as she enrolled in the Academy, they stopped sending letters (she didn't respond to any of them in the first place.) She has no friends to speak of, though she gets along with most people, at least on the surface. There are some students who actively hate her for how 'creepy' she is, but she simply avoids these people. **General Activity:** As a student, Rei takes her studies exceptionally seriously, and is often found alone in her room reading or practicing with her instrument. On her down time, she likes to simply wander the academy halls, watching the interactions between all the people here. Occasionally she will leave the shadows and speak to people, but this is rare, and she usually needs a good reason to do so. **Abilities:** Reiko is not a magician and aside from her fragment abilities, cannot perform any extraordinary magics on her own. Her only 'ability' to speak of is her almost unnatural lack of presence, which allows her to sneak around mostly unfettered, even in plain sight. She makes no sound when she walks and her breathing is always slow and controlled, and the only people who seem to notice her are those who are actively looking. **Equipment:** As a minimalist, Reiko owns very little in the way of material posessions, mostly using the academy's facilities to suit her survival and entertainment needs. However, the looming possibility of combat has made her keep a wealth of small knives on her person at all times, hidden in her clothing, on her body, etc. It is unknown exactly how many she posesses, but she is skilled at throwing them and on a stealth mission, she can become a deadly hornet, or a whirling dervish of blades, when she needs to be. **Instrument:** A simple white-silver flute. Its tone is clear and wispy. **Fragment Abilities:** Reiko's flute is imbued with the essence of mist, and hidden intentions. When played, it can cover a large area (interior, windowless areas are especially susceptible because the mist forms from the instrument itself, rather than from outside, and it becomes trapped in the hallways or corridors.) With enough time and skilled play, the mist becomes thick enough that even your own legs would be obscured. Anyone caught within this mist becomes 'trapped.' While they can freely move within, they cannot leave the area until the effect dissipates. This includes Reiko herself, if she stands in the mist. However, if necessary, Reiko can play a different song to dispel the effect entirely, and the haze will disappear as though it were never there. It's important to note that when this effect becomes heavy enough, the moisture in the air would make it difficult to light a fire, and lights such as lasers or flashlights would refract and diffuse too quickly to be of any use. **Fragment Personality:** An introverted and haughty being who loves solitude and darkness. This nameless instrument hates crowds and will only work its magic when Reiko is out of sight (and preferably out of earshot) of any people. It whispers its feelings into her ears, expressing fear and hatred of others, and is repulsed by sounds that do not belong to it. **Fragment Influence:** Because of her instrument's constant, maddening whispers, Reiko often shuts herself in her own otherwise vacant room, but this is not the true influence of the essence fragment, merely a consequence. The flute's true influence on her is far darker. It is a tool for murder, it knows, and it demands to be played. Anxiety, neuroses, and caged feelings overwhelm her senses and make her remember that she is, ultimately, a reaper. Occasionally when she thinks nobody is watching, she will unleash her flute's ability, and fill her room or another secluded space with mist and simply sit inside of it, continuing to play, until the whispers recede and she returns to normal. **Personality:** On the surface, she seems to have absolutely no personality whatsoever. All too often she seems to have no personal stake in anything, simply being present in situations, wearing a blank face and never speaking up. However, those who have known her for long enough speak of bizarre phenomena occasionally floating to the surface of her psyche. Seemingly without cause, she will start to speak about the correlations between different things, and generally making no sense to anybody. On these rare occasions, her eyes will get furtive and she will start displaying emotions on her face that nobody would have believed she even possessed, once even going so far as to break into tears without visible cause. Still, apart from these episodes, Reiko is fairly easy to get along with and, at least on a surface level, easy to understand. She is not exactly a loner, and likes being around other people, though her actions speak otherwise. She has one other aspect that stands out, and only a few people know of it: Reiko has a secret love for causing mischief. She uses her bland nature to her advantage in playing pranks and stirring up trouble where nobody expects it, and, of course, it can seldom be traced back to her. From her position in the shadows, she will watch her work play out with a grin, though she never laughs. **Biography:** As far as anybody knows, Sonata Reiko was raised simply by an eastern family of no importance before she obtained her fragment and left for Master Melody's Academy. Untouched by war, by angels or demons, or any other strong factor. A plain background for a plain human. Unremarkable in every way save for her Essence fragment. However, even sedentary rocks have muddy undersides waiting to be exposed. Official records reveal that Reiko has synaesthesia, and that this affected her early life with her notably orthodox parents greatly. Nobody would say exactly how her condition has affected her life, though she was recorded as being an active and vocal child as a toddler. The records do not go into detail any further than that. In short, anyone in an official capacity would know the reason behind her 'outbursts,' but she is incredibly loathe to reveal this fact to anybody, so it has been kept quiet for her sake. She has been at Master Melody's Academy since it started accepting students, refining her abilities and seemingly enjoying just being around other people her age. --- ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v633/Ghurdrich/162_zps5e80c990.jpg) ##**Name:** Aurelie La-Victoire-de-la-Reine **Alias:** Aura, "Hero" **Age:** 16 **Race:** Human **Appearance:** A silver-haired girl, her fiery blue eyes overflowing with passion. Her very being radiates with energy. **Social Status:** While a simple student, Aura is known for her boisterous and dramatic nature. She is popular with other students for her outgoing and friendly nature, and popular with teachers for her fervor and perseverence in her studies. Outside of the academy, she has no particular fame. Just an ordinary girl like anybody else. **Relations:** None in particular. No family or friends to speak of. **General Activity:** Practice, practice, practice. Aura studies everything with absolute needle-point focus with every waking hour. Academics, The Arts (Visual, Performance, and Martial,) Meditation, Mysticism, it's all or nothing every day. However, she has no schedule or routine to speak of. Whatever she is thinking about at the moment is what she is doing. She doesn't let herself get chained down to any one activity, and fluctuates rapidly. There's no telling what she could be doing on a moment-to-moment basis. Good luck trying to find her when you need her. **Abilities:** Aura is one of the few current humans with direct access to their internal essence. While she has not studied this aspect of her power particularly hard, and cannot cast any 'spells' to speak of, she has manifested a power with her essence: The power of 'Adaptation.' It isn't anything flashy, but when she is exposed to certain situations (generally emergencies or otherwise tough times,) her essence will shift within her and give her greater abilities suited to the task at hand. These abilities may come and go, or, if the change is severe enough, they may be applied permanently. Mostly these will take the form of adrenal releases, improved strength or speed, or unusually quick thinking, but with training, there is the potential for more complex solutions to arise. While Aurelie is aware of these shifts when they happen, she cannot control them at will. But they have aided in her survival to this day, and, like her other skills, she seeks to one day master this aspect of herself. **Equipment:** In combat, Aura uses a particularly large sword (Odachi) which she named "La Chevalière." She assures everybody "I will grow into it!" and will not listen to any suggestion to use a sword more suited to her size. She is particularly attached to it and rarely lets anyone else touch it, let alone wield it in combat. Unless she intends to kill, the sword remains sheathed (for the practical reason that it is difficult to unsheathe.) **Instrument:** A clear crystal fragment in the shape of a cylindrical microphone. Since this is not her first choice of combat 'instrument' (she prefers to get up close and personal with her sword) it has a near-permanent place in a leather holster attached at her waist to a dark leather belt. Since she can exercise her voice without 'playing' her 'instrument,' she rarely uses it even for practice. **Fragment Abilities:** Despite her outgoing nature, her instrument plays a decidedly supportive role. When she sings into it, it creates a field of advantage to her allies as wide as the (amplified) sound of her voice will reach. Enemy communications, whether vocal or electronic, are completely disrupted within this area, making it impossible to issue orders or relay information. On the other hand, her allies are able to receive and relay information telepathically, as though through a network (with Aura herself being the "hub" of the network.) While this ability is most useful for large-scale military battles, information and communication is precious in any fight, and her power can be used any time top secret information needs to be exchanged (imagine having an instant messenger client directly in your brain for you and your peers.) Of course, while versatile, this ability requires Aura to be singing for it to work, so it isn't effective in all circumstances. **Fragment Personality:** While its personality is not strong or loud, Aura's microphone most possesses the attributes of "Attention-seeking" and "Selfishness." It desires attention above all else and gets jealous of other instruments quite easily. **Fragment Influence:** Aura does not use her instrument nearly as much as many other students, so its influence is quite minor, but will take hold when she sings under pressure (IE during a large battle.) Aurelie will become stubborn and barely capable of recognizing people other than herself. She will sing or fight to the point of absolute exhaustion, often until she passes out from the strain, simply because she feels the need to try her absolute hardest, regardless of the safety or danger of others. She will not listen to the advice of others, concentrating entirely on her own voice and any telepathic thoughts that are passing through her brain. **Personality:** *Will show IC, though you probably get it already.* **Biography:** Orphaned at birth, Aurelie was taken in by a rather shady orphanage and raised in that environment until age seven, when the oprhanage burned down due to 'mysterious causes.' At an age that she can hardly even remember now, she was exiled to the streets. It was at that point that she awakened to her essence ability, and became able to adapt to many situations, maturing faster than other children her age. For five years, she survived off of what she could steal, or buy by doing odd jobs (both dirty and clean) as well as the goodwill of others around her. At age thirteen, already tired of her current life, Aurelie took the opportunity to go back to the spot where the remains of her old orphanage stood, untouched still. Everything was just as she remembered, save for one addition: The corpse of a lone warrior, forgotten by time, and completely foreign to Aura. He was withered and clearly long-deceased, but to her, the man seemed somehow noble. His only possession lay beside him. A sword with an insignia that Aura did not recognize. She took this sword in remembrance of this solitary man, and imagined herself to be taking up the duty of a noble hero, like this man surely was. For the remainder of her time before getting scouted into Master Melody's Academy, Aura spent her days studying any material she could get her hands on, no matter the subject matter. On her 16th birthday, she received notice that she had been recruited into the Academy, and set off eagerly for her newfound destiny.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Synthorian
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Rex Volt Alias/Nickname: Surprisingly as an oversized Wolf Beast, he actually doesn’t have one Age: It’s impossible tell any sort of apparent age. But his actual age is somewhere in the three hundreds. He lost count a long time ago. So he actually doesn’t know exactly how old he is. Race: Chimeric Wolf Beast. Wolf Beasts, or simply known as Beasts, are a breed of Werewolves that are much larger and physically stronger than the classic Werewolf. Ranging between 10 to 12 feet tall when standing up right, these beasts naturally match Ascended Werewolves in natural strength, and at times are even superior to them. They are often seen as the Alpha Werewolves, due to their size and strength. Chimeric Wolf Beasts are naturally born, where one parent is some sort of Chimera, and the other, either a Werewolf or a Wolf Beast. Chimeric Wolf Beasts show an aptitude in intelligence, that natural Wolf Beasts seem to lack, and in some cases, spellcasting potential, which is normally inherited from the Chimeric parent, as well as their the demonic and angelic genes. Appearance: Rex is an 10 foot 3 inch tall walking fuzzball tank, with big teeth and claws that could a demon in half. That pretty much speaks for itself. He also weighs approximately 680lb, due to the density of his musculature and general body weight. His fur is entirely black, and has nice natural sheen to it, easily reflecting light. A large bullet hole like scar is visible on the right side of his forehead, where he took a 20mm round to the head, and survived. His hands, or paws, are large enough to grab of a person’s lower torso, and pick them up with said single paw. His clothing normally consists of tailor made black BDUs, and a specially made Kevlar armour, that was made to fit his unnaturally wide shoulders and upper torso. Social Status: His social status isn’t really anything amazing. He’s a veteran of the previous War. He served under Solus Grim, the legendary bounty hunter turned temporary General when he assemble 120 Chimeras to punch through Judas’ final defence, a wall of Gatekillers. It’s a good addition to his resume, but he doesn’t really feel like it’s anything special. Relations: Lily Quarin. Let’s just say Rex and the Principal have a thing going on. General Activity: Rex is the Chief of Security at the Academy. He keeps track of all the security personnel and anything regarding the Academy’s safety. He also provides capable students who have proven to be able to look after themselves, with active missions, usually involving hunting down Judas’ fanatics. Abilities: As a Wolf Beast, his main ability would most likely be his muscular strength, whether it’s throwing cars or bitch slapping demons into oblivion. His sheer strength is frightening. His mother, a Nephilim, had the soul of a miracle angel within her. Her powers have been genetically transferred to him. Whether it’s performing magic tricks or making himself disappear, he can pull it off. His demonic abilities, or battle prowess, come from his Qun genes. The Qun are northern demons that directly hail from Mephisto’s blood line. They are the elite of the Northern Realm armies, and their battle prowess is unmatched. Equipment: His teeth and his claws. Other than that though…
Personality: Will show IC. Biography: [[REDACTED]] (Will be revealed as the IC progresses.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Peskay Genno Orange-Nose Jon
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Name: I'm born as “Chris Richards” but that's bigass lame so don't ever mention it.
Nickname: Fenrir.
Age: 21
Race: Human.
Social Status: The creepy outsider.
Relations: I talk to people and they talk back but I wouldn't call them relationships.
General Activity: Hahaha I study, I hunt, I get high and all that jazz.

Abilities: I've tons of experience with shooting various things with various other things. I've blown stuff up on occasion. I can't drive but I can walk for miles. I can appear normal when I'm high, and high when I'm normal. Get the picture?

Equipment: I always have my instrument in a holster on my belt. On the other side I have a mundane Beretta Px4 Storm, just in case. I also usually have a flick-knife on me in case I need to peel, bleed or stab anything.



Fragment abilities: Well, obviously, she shoots. She's not an ordinary gun though, she doesn't have a magazine and what she fires isn't visible to me so it must be essence. It can go through a brick wall with no problem and the “bullet” gets pretty far, though I haven't had the opportunity to find out how far just yet. It only damages living tissue, so that's making it hard to determine what her range is before I've shot enough pitiful souls. Also it seems to me that it loads whatever essence will cause most damage to the individual cuz they scream quite a bit louder than normal.
Fragment personality: She's a cute little bitch, I quite enjoy working with her. It kind of makes me wish she had a body, but hey, we don't always get what we want. She's observant and clever but whimsical and only talks when she feels like it. I have no idea what she used to be or even if she's the only soul in the fragment.


I don't care about race or even strength, I think everyone is useful in their own way and I'm quite eager to find out what yours is...


Do I look like the sharing type? Ha, didn't think so.

But since you're so curious. I was born in Loom short after it fell under Judas' rule, my mother had been raped by my father who was a soldier. She was a little serpent because she'd managed to use what happened to her advantage and instead of being discarded and killed on the street. She'd clung to that one man and later on proved to be quite useful as a strategist. Can't say she ever learned to love him, not with all the beating but she probably loved me because she stayed and took it. He beat me less often when she was around, so I guess she cared.

I grew up in the Red Hill military base, my toys were the guns of the men around and my teachers were their boots when I'd said too much. I learned a lot in those days but never quite caught on their racism – after all, I'd learnt to cherish all races equally, though not in the same way. When I was old enough I was signed up to the regiment but I was never the obedient type either. Sure, I did what I was asked to do if somebody was watching, and if not, I'd just wander and look for something interesting to smoke, rape, eat.. You know, the typical. I'm a good actor when I want to be so selling myself as mediocre meant less expectations and more freedom for me.

Eventually the Rebellion succeeded in creating those Nephilim mutants and Gods did they wreak some havoc! Our base happened to be Judas' residence at the time so I got to see them at work. They were truly ferocious, literally ripping people to shreds. Unfortunately I didn't get to see the final face-off as I was knocked out cold but when I came to a chick was hanging over me who turned out to be Hazumi. She gave me “a piece of her”. I was quite happy to follow her to these ruins of a school and then the principal and her pet came and here we are today.

Lovely meeting you too, heh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Name: Tokarin Aleheart
Nicknames: Toki, Rin, Rinrin, Tictoc,
Age: 17
Race: Angel
Type: Pure Clairvoyant
Appearance: Tokarin is a short and fragile-looking girl but she's tougher than she seems, both physically and mentally. Her eyes are the colour of a clear winter sky and her hair is a pale shade of pink and runs in smooth waves down her back. Her clothes usually consist of some delicate and airy fabrics in light colours, though she will dress appropriately for any occasion, not shying away from exposing skin (sometimes too carelessly) or putting a tracksuit on. Most of the time she'll have her hair in a braid but other times she'd let it flow freely.

Tokarin's wings seem too big for her size, making her look even smaller than she actually is. They have a brilliant shade of white, each feather glistening in the sun as if it held a little rainbow inside. She usually wears them relaxed on her back, where the end feathers touch the ground and drag across it like a feathery mantle. Despite that, she gets offended when someone steps on them.

Social Status: She has greeted everyone at the Academy at least once, had casual conversations with most, and interrogated everyone who would let her. Some consider her very nice and friendly, others – plain nosy.

Relations: WIP
General Activity: Studies at the Academy or does social work around Loom. She spends a lot of time in the library as well.

Abilities: As a Clairvoyant angel, Tokarin is capable of foreseeing the future. Her skills are strong and well-developed, but short-sighted. She is capable to foresee upcoming events at will, her sight capturing details of what would happen up to five minutes ahead of the current moment. Due to this ability she is able to avoid danger by figuring out what actions would lead to what results and thus choose the most favourable ones.

While her visions are always correct, they have some very important limitations. She is unable to see more than five minutes ahead of time, and cannot predict events in the distant future. Furthermore, while glancing in the future she loses sight of the current events, thus rendering her helpless for the few seconds it takes her to find the right course of action. Last but not least, the more details she wants to see, the more energy and concentration Tokarin needs, thus making the predictions hazier the more she'd distracted by anything happening around her.

On the up-side, her clairvoyance is never completely absent from her life, often manifesting as a passive intuition or premonition even when she's not actively looking.

Equipment: WIP

Personality: Tokarin is an easigoing girl who might at first strike some people as too innocent or naïve. Growing up within a small and trusted community, she has been fairly sheltered before coming to the Surface, and has a romantic view of the world, thinking that there is good in every person and some are just very good at hiding it. A bit of an idealist, Tokarin will do everything she can to help people uncover that inner good or accept it.

Her second foremost trait is her curiosity – one she wears openly on her face and that's obvious to all whom she sets eyes on. Tokarin is eager to get to know most anyone and doesn't judge them no matter who they are. This set of qualities lead many people to like her instantly, while others have the completely opposite reaction.

Biography: Tokarin grew up in a small community of angels who had fled Judas' madness by settling in Heaven. Still a baby at the time, she didn't know anything about the Surface except what she was told growing up and what she saw through the broken clouds beneath her feet. Her parents were a paranoid and suspicious couple so everything she heard about the world underneath was about how scary it and all its inhabitants are.

As the girl grew, she started questioning her community's opinion, spending more and more time looking down through the clouds. That was her first little rebellion, sparked by the fact that Heaven was a terribly boring and almost desolate place. The more she saw, the more curious she grew and by the time the War was over she had already left her old life behind.

She settled into one of the shelters in Loom and spent the next month exploring the city and its inhabitants. She came across many different people, some more dangerous than others, but always came out unharmed. Slowly she started gathering knowledge of this world and people's drives, desires and identities, and some of those she adopted as her own. She started dressing less modestly and became acquainted with more words and practices than she'd known back in Heaven. She made a few friends and a few enemies and was eventually approached by Hazumi and asked to join the Academy for her clairvoyance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
Avatar of Fallenreaper

Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Name: Gabriel (no last name)

Alias/Nickname: Several really, depending on whom you talk to but most the alias and nicknames are degrading and are from disgruntled customers. Clairvoyant Reject, Worthless Failure, ect. Names that he pushes off as mere facts but nothing he can change.

Age: He tells his clients he’s between 200 and 225, making him a regressed angel. Not that it seemed to make any difference in his ability.

Race: Angel (Regressed modern)


He appears to be twenty-nine, the very age his regression had been completed within one of his lifetimes. It also explains, because during that lifetime he had been fascinated with long hair, why he never cut his pure white locks. Instead, it’s usually hanging about his eyes and face, almost hiding it from the world until he’s forced to put it into a ponytail when he has customers. Most the time he pushed it up and out of his light onyx eyes that seem to be filled by the world’s experience or at least a few lifetimes. Standing at 5’9” for his full height, Gabriel has a habit of hunching over due to his less than confident attitude and has cut him down to 5’6” in a slouch. Just under his eyes are rings and pale skin, evidence of his poor care habits and sleep patterns making him seem more like a fragile human rather than an angel.

His wings are the same despite his form though they are rarely out, hidden under his coat usually, and whenever they are the wings appear to be molting all the time. Their overall appearance seems he’s incapable of flight, though it would be more because of the fact none had ever seen him perform as he tends to mention he gets airsick and would likely drop from the sky if he tried. Once out the total length from one tip to another is a meter and a half, or about 4 foot, making them among the smallest on record during his time. His wings seem to be a hybrid between the falcon species of Lanner and Saker. The coloring is tan white with the outside is brown and having black bars over the feather ends, breaking the monotone displayed.

His outfit is consistent of a dirty, and often patched old fashion trench coat over a black shirt, completely button up. The coloring, which had faded, was picked solely to hide all the stains from many coffees, food or other sort of stains that shows his ‘sloppy’ habits. Yes, he does eat... About his neck is an out of date necktie that’s plain red and hangs loosely, crinkled like in its manner. His pants are tan slacks and, like his coat, have been mended repeatedly over their long existence. On his feet are black shoes with the tread and sole worn completely down to an almost smooth finished thanks to his continual pacing around his modest housing.

Social Status: A clairvoyant angel with a below modest living that barely scrapes by making ends meets and keep a roof over his head. Using what is his only barely real talent of clairvoyance, he rarely gets customers (human, angel or the rare demon who doesn’t try to eat him) due to his ability being believed to be rather faulty when it comes to interpretation as he has great difficulty telling ‘visions’ from just ‘nightmares or dreams’ apart. Though ever so often he does hit a true one which why the Council sought to provide him with single protector and housing, tolerating his paranoid nature. In addition, it doesn’t help the fact not everyone has a great fate before them. Even other clairvoyant angels look down on him as something better to be stepped on than approached which surprisingly doesn’t bother Gabriel.


Mihr- his deceased twin brother killed during after Hell’s gate fell, trying to protect him.

Uriel- An old, grouchy angel named Uriel acts as Gabriel’s bodyguard/babysitter. Uriel hasn’t a problem reminding the angel he is more likely to lose his mind then predict anything worthwhile (despite evidence of otherwise in the past), even when he’s entertaining the rare customer and tends to hurt his money income sometimes.

General Activity: Currently? He's been volunteering to help rebuild the damage left behind, at least what remains, as he also keeps an eye for his clients who survived Judas' all out war.


*Clairvoyance: Shaky foresight ability, Gabriel has a very high difficulty in telling apart simple nightmares apart from visions. While he has some latent talent, it seems regression hasn’t done much to improve this and only key individuals have been able to set it off. For a slight bit it’s a blessing as Gabriel doesn’t have to worry about the strict leash of the Council choking him with what little interactions he has in the world but it is rather depressing to be a large laughing stock even if he doesn’t show it.

*Flight abilities: Unknown if he even has these…


feather bangel: Enchanted to hid his Angelic essence and as long as he’s wearing it, to any creatures around him, he will read as human. When ‘on’ it glows a soft blue before the energy vanishes, leaving it to look like an average bracelet.

Protective vest: Thin but sturdy, he only wears this under his shirt for protection whenever he heads outside at Uriel’s request. It protects against both blades and bullets rather well, though it limits his torso movement greatly.


Gabriel is an average downtrodden clairvoyant angel laughing stock. Despite this, he’s normally friendly and polite to anyone who approaches him though he is rather timid by nature and seems easily frighten by those he thinks will crush him. Forgetfulness and short attention spans seemed to run frequently in his interactions, some times so badly he can’t finish his train of thought before he trains off into stutters and jumbling words. In addition to his scatterbrained interaction is his inability to throw anything out and clumsiness that doesn’t make his pack rat, including old food cartons to mothy blankets and other junk, habit any easier to overlook.


Before following his brother's lead and regressing, Gabriel's most cherish and lasting memories were when he was a common, normal surface angel. Hell's gate hadn't fallen back then and life was simpler. His father was a normal human, a gentle and timid man who fell in with a grey, battle angel. Together they produced twin angel offspring, Mihr his older brother and himself. As a child, Gabriel held a deep respect for his older twin and because that, he often followed the boy into the deep trouble during their childhood. It was hard to tell why Mihr had developed a indifference on the outside toward him but it seemed not to faze Gabriel in the least. At the time, they were both raised like normal angel offspring as they were taught their duties, heritage, and the common view toward vile demons and their responsibly of mankind. It was around fourteen when their clairvoyance kicked in and sadly, their levels were vastly different compared to each other.

Gabe's visions were often fleeting and erratic, unable to predict anything with certainty, compared to his brother's clarity and accuracy which allowed their own mother to evade death more than once. Naturally the Council acted accordingly to what they viewed as best for all involved. Mihr, and Gabriel, were both removed from their parents' custody and placed under protection of assigned guardians better suited to protecting their gifts. The effect on his brother was most noted in Gabriel's eyes when the older one drew closer to the only family he had left, Gabriel himself. At the age of sixteen, Mihr began talking about entered regression and seemed to beg Gabriel to follow along for the ride in his brother's wake. Weeks after his power had gotten stronger, Gabriel noted Mihr seemed twitchier than usual. His brother often came back distance, upset and furious from his meetings with the Council, both scheduled and not. Though Mihr never laid a hand on him, Gabe feared what his brother might do in his temper and pulled away in fear. Finally it was revealed what troubled his brother most creating the last nail in Gabriel's decision to join his brother in regression. Presenting their deserves to the Council, there was of course worry about the transgression and the chances one or both could be driven insane.

Mihr's arguments were difficult to counter and drew any needed votes into his favor, his speech seemingly rehearsed to perfection. Using resources provided, namely the experience of past regressed clairvoyant angels and demons bound to tamers, helped both held their bodies and mind together through the process. Inside, when it was all said and done, part of Gabriel regretted the decision because he was nearly driven insane. It proved he was always the weaker of the pair after all.

During the pain, their bodies had slowed in aging and seemed to finally stopped at twenty-nine though several hundred years passed in a blur. However, the addition in memories and power seemed not to have helped Gabriel in the least to increase his clairvoyant powers or add more. The only show that he was now an Original was the fact he appeared to have stopped aging at all. A matter that didn't exactly please the Council very much since it made all their work and effect a vain attempt to salvage what pitiful power he had. Some blamed him while others believe his weak in barely making it was a deep factor. Whatever the cause, Gabriel was no long able to completely tell a true vision from dreams accurately. Instead they melded together into a chaotic mess often enough the result left the Council frustrated with him, again separating the twins and pushing Gabriel into one of the lower living conditions under Council control. Mihr, however, was keep under closer watch as well as inhabitants suited for his usefulness.

It was the last time Gabriel saw his brother for a long time.

Times he caught glimpses time to time. Once time he recalled well was when the Council summoned all angels, from the weak clairvoyant to the proud battle angels under one roof and presented to each one two strange vials. One red and the other white, their task was to aid Melody by attempting to gather essence from their fellow races in order to create a new instrument. Among his brother, he also view more intimidating figures like Hazumi, the mother slayer, and Lucien, the angel once entombed in onyx. Being among those tossed away, it made him silently feel better when he saw they too were summoned. Unable to approach for fear he would be ripped apart, he departed back to his apartment without protest.

When Loom was destroyed by the Flesh construct, the thing finally slaughtered and left for dead on the city's outskirts, it was a surprise he survived it. Even more wasn't dragged into the hidden events transpiring around it until the end. After the event, Mihr paid him a visit and mysteriously wanted to re-council their broken brotherly bond. His guardian had sought a new place for the pair to take refuge while he was left with his brother. The reunion was short lived when several demons chose a half hour later to rip his home apart, hoping to gorge themselves on two defenseless clairvoyant angels. What they didn't count on was Mihr specializing in both Clairvoyance and Battle areas. He fought to protect them both...then lost his life because of it. After receiving reports over an attack, several of those assigned to seek out Mihr arrived too late. They found Gabe's home in ruins, demon guts smeared all over the walls and corpses scattered all over the room while in the center laid Gabriel himself clinging to his brother's dead eyed body. The older twin's chest ripped out, wings melted, and face a mangled mess that supported Gabe's sobbing one.

After being interrogated and subjugated to lawless suspicion, Gabriel shortly left to bury his brother's body and never looked back to Loom. For at that time, his mind scarred by memories thanks to the city's misfortune. During Judas' war he was mostly absent, gone without a trance as the battle for Loom, Kenan and fate of the races was fought over. When the war ended, he found himself discovered shortly towards the end by a battle angel named Uriel.

Currently Uriel and he are in Loom where he's tried to remake a life for himself and help some with the rebuilding.

Name: Uriel

Age: 39 years, though he’s really 56 in age.
Race: Angel (Battle Angel)


Despite his age, Uriel’s fitness and appearance depicts him as more in his late-thirties. A Caucasian male with skin the hue of raw sienna color, his skin is covered in faded scars from his experience on the surface battling a wide range of surface demons as well a few hellion-leveled demons. His pale blonde mane of hair has been said to remind many of a young lion’s, and kept much the same way, messy and shaggy. The bangs swept over his left eye, hiding the fact he’s going blind in one of his bright blue one and the iris’ color is fading. In the back, his locks are in slightly longer lengths and gravitate down to just an inch above his shoulders. they are still trimmed close to the neck with two braids consisting of nine red beads, one for each demon, left resting behind his right ear.

His face has a square, rough jawline giving him a slightly grizzled appearance you might expect from most angelic veterans with a faded chin cut vertical through his five o’clock shadow. His height is about 6’0” though he has shrunk some from his previous 6’3” due to his aging years. His wings are 14’4” in total diameter when fully stretched out, each wing coming at about 7’2” each. In addition, they are large and angular, much like a peregrine falcon, made for speed in a free fall and long traveling distance. A silvery white coloring, the feathers are broken in places by old battle scars which edge onto his whole body, each one a memory of his youth.

He usually wears basic Grey tee-shirts, cargo pants or jeans in a tidy appearance. He also wears steel toe boots made for curb stomping the hell out of any unwise surface demon stupid enough to mess with his charge.


Angelic Essence: Uriel has total and complete mastery over his own body from its basic functions to its more complex inner workings. His body’s combative traits like speed, strength, endurance, agility and more have fall into the lower Seraph range of power. Enough to handle most surface demons and some low level hellions well enough. Anything at Warden or beyond gives him great difficulty, mainly problematic due to his lacking experience with any such being.

Fluid manipulation: He can manipulate his own blood and other fluids, from eye to plasma, to make them increase their flow speed or lower it. This can increase his stamina and reflexive reaction well beyond human measures or slow it.

Tissue Manipulation: Able to control his living tissue, he can create multiple effects, both offensive and defensive, which give him an edge over most inexperienced battle angels who arrogantly believe they can outmatch him due to age.

Protein/Bone Manipulation: By stiffing or changing the structure of key proteins, Uriel can lengthen his nails into slight claws a few inches out of his fingers, increase the cones within his eyes, alter key useful organs, and even turn his hair into stiff, quill like weapons.


Main weapon: Uriel has a simple, yet effective guisarme as his weapon of choice. It has a reach of about ten foot and enables him to strike out at demon from a safer distance then a sword or dagger. However, it’s not without its flaws as he needs both hands to handle it effectively usually forcing him to wear leather gauntlets on his upper arms for farther protection.

Secondary weapon: As a backup weapon, Uriel also has a more modern yet distasteful 9mm handgun. Fully loaded and a modern tool of the era, he’s not fond of using it though when it comes to life and death, a warrior can’t be picky when it comes to protecting his charge. Namely at any costs.


Like many of his angel brothers and sisters, Uriel has been born over and over throughout the ages since Heaven’s gate fell and the surface has been come their new home. Many of his lives have began and ended the same way, some never achieving much while others gained untold glory, though this is the life before he decided to edge into regression. It is the present life which holds the most meaning and will set his path, having the most influence due to his experiences and altering his views on the Council.

Like all angels, he was taken from his family at the tender age of 13 and initiated into the Council’s system for their kind. It was simple back then. He was placed under Remiel Hunter, his mentor and a Senior. Remiel taught him much due to his approach with hands on experience and harsh teaching, often pushing Uriel pass his breaking point even when went beyond Remiel's duty and right. Many of the other Seniors thought Remiel rode Uriel far too hard though few were willing to say it to his face. These physical lessons mingled alongside the Council’s schooling, Uriel learning the angel’s roles to protect humanity and destroy the demonic scum plaguing the world. Sadly little of the book learning stuck due to arrogance and pride, traits obtained thanks to his mentor. It was true when none were surprised when he turned out as he did: a perfect killing machine. It was the fate of all battle angels after all.

It was during his Senior year, Uriel gained his own younger classman to train. The boy's name was Samuel Tyrus and while a bit too scrawny and thin, the boy had potential when Uriel applied the same methods as were taught onto himself. It seemed he would see the boy succeed, but neither could've predicted it wouldn't come to pass. During what supposed to have been a simple training exercise over surveillance became a bloody affair ending in Uriel seriously wounded and Samuel dead. Despite his grave mistake, he had managed to bring the student’s body back before it could’ve been consumed by demons, nearly costing his own life. It was the first and last student he would’ve had, refusing to repeat his mistake.

On graduating Uriel found himself back working alongside Remiel once more. It was their duty to watch over and protect an assigned section of Loom, keeping most the human inhabitants safe. His experience with surface demons grew and developed once more under Remiel’s guidance, the pair unmerciful and vicious in their protection against all demon kind. It was when he was 33 he witnessed the aftermath that transpired in 2014. It was when the monster nearly leveled Loom and rattled the Council’s worries, calling them all- including the black winged ones- to the building. Uriel learned several weeks later that the building was destroyed by a demon who consumed a few archangels and many of his kin, all because one angel was careless and enraged the bastard. Like a vulture it didn’t help the Kinslayer also managed to kill his fair share in archangel despite trying to stop the demon.

A year later, Judas’ war broke out tossed the whole crumbled structure back on its head. Though Uriel never knew any of the angels involved, there was rumors and some evidence, that a small group was trying to once more populate Heaven. Mostly refugees from what he knew though he wasn’t responsible for seeing them to safety or protecting their attempts. Angelic and demonic numbers fell rapidly due to Judas’ xenphobia, his will unyielding to any not human, resulting in casualties in the thousands or more on Hell’s gate breaking. Among it all, Uriel watched the worse and best in war while he fought to survive among his brethren. It was during one rebellion attempt that he lost his eye and his faith in the Council. An angel, young and black winged, had came back wounded and bleeding, her wings in such a mess that flight was impossible. Unknowingly in her recklessness, she was leading a pack of gate killers right to their encampment. Naturally due to the prejudice given to Remiel by the Council, the older angel lashed out in a rage at his fellow angel believing she had betrayed them then left her to die slowly. Uriel showed mercy against his idol’s reason, resulting in Remiel taking his eye, and finally snapped the dark angel's neck, allowing them both to flee undetected by the gatekillers.

That event rattled Uriel’s usually strong faith in the Council, resulting in his separation from Remiel and carving his own way through the war. It was during one of his personal explorations did he come across Gabe, a terrible excuse for a clairvoyant he had ever seen. The angel was hiding in a crumbling bunker and been with him ever since. It didn’t help only one fourth of the population of angels currently lived through the genocide inflicted during the war.
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