Hazumi's eyes scanned the room prepared for today's ball. It was New Year and Lily had explained that they should make a grand celebration as a symbol of “turning the page” and “starting clean”. Hazumi really doubted the new page would be any different than the last twenty and honestly considered it a little hypocritical to even claim it was, given that the children attending the Academy for the past 3 months were given extensive combat training.
The ballroom was all set up, cocktail tables littering the space around what Hazumi would call an arena and Lily – a dance- floor. There was champagne and tinsel and glitter and mistletoe and little prawn cocktails and white serviettes and people in formal-looking dresses. There was even a pianist on a little podium on the far end of the room, and of course, a harp and violin to complete the image. The whole scene looked like a joke to Hazumi who had wrinkled her nose in disgust the first time she'd heard the requirements of her presence. And the requirements for her presence.
She didn't want to be here. She didn't need to be here. This place was so removed from reality it was painful. The hum for blood in her bones was also painful – the itch to rip something apart and feast on it's insides. She scratched her hand absent-mindedly – a gesture resembling making a fist except for the long birdlike nails scraping along dry skin. She wasn't given a choice. And while back in Judas' hand she'd happily followed orders, now things were different. Nobody here deserved her power and the only reason she obeyed Lily was because Luciana had asked her to. She even obeyed the order to be fully clothed and presentable for the evening. She was given a black jumpsuit and a pair of high-heeled shoes she struggled putting on but at least appreciated the open back. Now that she was back in her human guise her wings were more sensitive than ever and needed enough room to breathe.
Her lips twisted in a smirk at the image of spreading them open at some point during the festivities and blowing the whole charade away.
They were a pitiful bunch, those “promising new pupils”. She could count them on the fingers of one hand. Well, as a baratice she could. They had thirty fingers on each hand. A big difference from the armies she and Judas had commanded a mere four months ago.
The room grew quieter as people began to notice Hazumi’s presence. Judas’ right hand. The one he used for smiting his enemies. Though 4 months ago, she failed him. Everyone stared at her, some faces had the expression of vile just from witnessing her, while others were blank, expectant faces. They knew she would be here tonight, but silently hoped she would miss out. Hoping that the very thing that empowered Judas Iscariot would simply disappear.
In spite her expression was that of pride. She moved to the place at a table nearby and took it, giving everyone staring a daring look.
“Quit that and behave.” A voice on her left scolded her. Hazumi turned, not so much to see who it is, but to give them a irked look. “The point of you coming was to make yourself more likeable, not less.” Hazumi scoffed but Lily’s expression remained calm and unbothered.
“So what am I supposed to do? I don’t have much experience in making myself likeable.” She smirked. “Just desirable.”
“And we made sure none of our current staff appreciates your specific type of charm.” Lily smiled sweetly. Hazumi laughed loudly. “Ok, that was a good one. Point for you.”
Hazumi would feel another individual enter the room. One she recognized. The very essence she called for when she was in need of him, but he left her behind 22 years ago, and very essence that slayed her master in the most brutal and sadistic manner 4 months ago.
Solus walked cautiously into the room, he didn’t exactly dress formally for this occasion, since he wasn’t one for parties. His signature black leather trench coat that was tied around him with 3 large belts at his abdomen, was what he wore. Really, he didn’t have any other clothes than the trench coat and what was underneath. His strides were heavy and booming, and perhaps made him more noticeable than Hazumi had been earlier.
His green flaming eyes scanned the room, surveying the guests like they were suspicious individuals. His old paranoia hasn’t yet left him, and the war didn’t help in that matter. He felt like celebrating was an early call. Judas’ followers were still out there, and anyone could take his place. The time for victory parties hadn’t yet arrived.
Solus was an old, yet Legendary bounty hunter. And his appearance stated it clearly. A Chimeric being, he was a hybrid between an Angel, Demon and Human, with his human soul having consumed the other two. His face was that of a skull and his eye sockets, nostrils, and jigsaw shaped mouth, burned with a smokeless green flame. He stood at a menacing 6 foot 2. And his sudden appearance brought silence to the room. They may have expected Hazumi, but they did not expect him.
“What the heck’s he doing here?” Hazumi asked puzzled but Lily was no longer by her side to answer. Instead she’d approached Solus and reached her hand out for him to shake.
“It’s an honour to have you, Master Grim. I’m glad you could make it.”
“Not exactly sure if this is all even necessary…” Solus took her hand and shook it. “But I promised to make it nonetheless.”
“Nothing that mends people’s hearts is unnecessary, don’t you think?” Lily smiled and gestured around the room. “Most of our students are still preparing for the festivities, but please feel free to look around and feel yourself at home. After all, this academy is as much your legacy as it is mine.”
He never planned for an Academy or even created this one. Lily calling this his legacy felt wrong to him. If kids were their idea of preventing future wars, then he wasn’t impressed. “The reason I’m here is to make sure the guest of honour won’t kill everybody and plays nice. I don’t plan to stick around on Surface for long, since I have some things that need taking care of. But I will be here a short time to oversee her progress.”
Lily’s expression darkened but then a glint of danger appeared in her smiling eyes.
“And I appreciate that. You’re not the only one who has their doubts about her but you can rest assured I know how to handle.. rebellious individuals. She should pose no danger.”
“You have no idea how wrong you are. As the Essence of the World, all she has to do is think to turn you into dust. Don’t let your cockiness underestimate her. She is a walking God. Remember that.” Solus corrected her. He knew exactly what Hazumi was, and he wasn’t going to let some fool fuck things up. All Lily Quarin needed to do was give Hazumi a single reason, and it would be the War all over again.
Anger crossed Lily’s features and her voice was low when she spoke. “She is no God. She is a tool. And we will now bow as tool. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
“You are going to eat your fucking words when she rips you apart…” Solus said to her as she turned her back to him.
Lily just looked over her shoulder, without turning. “She’s already tried.” With that she walked away to attend to another guest.
Solus let out an audible growl. He really didn’t want to be here. It felt wrong. And so did the tingling at the back of his neck. Someone was staring at him and it wasn’t hard to guess who it could be.
Hazumi hadn’t budged from where Lily had left her, elbows rested on the table and her back arching slightly. She was taking absent-minded sips of a glass of water, eyes locked on Solus. As he looked her way, thought, she looked away, pretending to find something else in the room more interesting.
And of course Solus noticed. He approached quickly and sat at her table, right across from her. “What are you staring at?” The anger in his voice was evident.
“I was wondering what the hell you’re doing here.” Hazumi shot back, her manners matching his.
“Making sure you are being as nice as you possibly can to these… lovely guests.” Solus answered.
“And how do you intend to do that exactly?” She challenged.
Solus smiled. “You remember how Judas died... right…?” Solus asked rhetorically. “You’re going to get far worse.”
“Charming.” Hazumi took a sip of her water and looked away, considering the conversation finished and waiting for Solus to go away.
“What’s your problem exactly? Miss you pathetic little master already? He was worthless weasel of man. He wasted your worth.” Solus said.
Hazumi scoffed. “And you were much better. The man who could have had the power for himself but chose not to. Now he stands in front of me and barks against events long past, pretending he made the right choices all along.” Hazumi pierced his eyes with her and leaned forward on the table. “Let me tell you that, master Grim. There is true power in this world and it takes balls to take it. The rest of you can bark all you want but it doesn’t change the facts.”
Solus’ smile widened, and suddenly his hand shot up towards her neck and grabbed it tightly enough that it caused her pain, and pulled her head down hard, hitting it against the table and pressing her face against it. The sudden violence, grinding the entire party to halt as all the bystanders watched in shock. “Oh, I have the balls to take you right here, bitch.” He put more pressure on her head. “I have all the power I would ever need. But you, you are worthless to me. A brainless cow like you, who can’t even think for herself can’t understand that.” He spat at her.
“Reality check, you stupid cunt. You say that you need balls to take power. Yet you don’t have the fucking balls to take it yourself. Try giving orders, instead of taking them like the little bitch you are.” He threw her head back, the momentum setting her in an upright position again.
“Think about that for a while, if you even have the brains to think at all. Enjoy the party.” Solus stood up from his seat, satisfied with the outcome. As he passed Lily towards the door out, he said. “Don’t worry, I’ll see myself out.” With that, he left.
Hazumi was dumbfounded. The sheer insolence of the man petrified her body, confused between the urge to rip him apart and the sudden pain that shook it. She wasn't used to pain, not as a human was, and in this new body it was still something sharp and shocking. Where before her instincts would have been triggered at the touch of a finger, now it took them what seemed an eternity, until they provided her with the opportunity to retaliate.
By the time she understood what was going on, the man was halfway through the room. In a blind fury Hazumi got to her feet and moved to catch up with the man, her intentions obvious in her elongating claws. She had almost caught up with him, arm rising to deliver death, when Lily's small frame appeared between them. Her eyes were steel and so was her grip as she took hold of Hazumi's hand. She didn't say anything and for a few long moments the two women were just staring at each other, each refusing to back down. Hazumi's rage was made visible in the smoke that was rising from her body, her clothes literally starting to smother.
Finally, Hazumi broke away and turned on her heel, stomping out of the ballroom. A trail of wet footprints of molten plastic and burning leather littered her path until her shoes were completely burned down.
Lily Quarin sighed, thankful that not all the students had witnessed the embarrassment and went to get the janitor.
Credit: Synthorian & Wind Wild