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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Hazumi's eyes scanned the room prepared for today's ball. It was New Year and Lily had explained that they should make a grand celebration as a symbol of “turning the page” and “starting clean”. Hazumi really doubted the new page would be any different than the last twenty and honestly considered it a little hypocritical to even claim it was, given that the children attending the Academy for the past 3 months were given extensive combat training.

The ballroom was all set up, cocktail tables littering the space around what Hazumi would call an arena and Lily – a dance- floor. There was champagne and tinsel and glitter and mistletoe and little prawn cocktails and white serviettes and people in formal-looking dresses. There was even a pianist on a little podium on the far end of the room, and of course, a harp and violin to complete the image. The whole scene looked like a joke to Hazumi who had wrinkled her nose in disgust the first time she'd heard the requirements of her presence. And the requirements for her presence.

She didn't want to be here. She didn't need to be here. This place was so removed from reality it was painful. The hum for blood in her bones was also painful – the itch to rip something apart and feast on it's insides. She scratched her hand absent-mindedly – a gesture resembling making a fist except for the long birdlike nails scraping along dry skin. She wasn't given a choice. And while back in Judas' hand she'd happily followed orders, now things were different. Nobody here deserved her power and the only reason she obeyed Lily was because Luciana had asked her to. She even obeyed the order to be fully clothed and presentable for the evening. She was given a black jumpsuit and a pair of high-heeled shoes she struggled putting on but at least appreciated the open back. Now that she was back in her human guise her wings were more sensitive than ever and needed enough room to breathe.

Her lips twisted in a smirk at the image of spreading them open at some point during the festivities and blowing the whole charade away.

They were a pitiful bunch, those “promising new pupils”. She could count them on the fingers of one hand. Well, as a baratice she could. They had thirty fingers on each hand. A big difference from the armies she and Judas had commanded a mere four months ago.

The room grew quieter as people began to notice Hazumi’s presence. Judas’ right hand. The one he used for smiting his enemies. Though 4 months ago, she failed him. Everyone stared at her, some faces had the expression of vile just from witnessing her, while others were blank, expectant faces. They knew she would be here tonight, but silently hoped she would miss out. Hoping that the very thing that empowered Judas Iscariot would simply disappear.

In spite her expression was that of pride. She moved to the place at a table nearby and took it, giving everyone staring a daring look.

“Quit that and behave.” A voice on her left scolded her. Hazumi turned, not so much to see who it is, but to give them a irked look. “The point of you coming was to make yourself more likeable, not less.” Hazumi scoffed but Lily’s expression remained calm and unbothered.

“So what am I supposed to do? I don’t have much experience in making myself likeable.” She smirked. “Just desirable.”

“And we made sure none of our current staff appreciates your specific type of charm.” Lily smiled sweetly. Hazumi laughed loudly. “Ok, that was a good one. Point for you.”

Hazumi would feel another individual enter the room. One she recognized. The very essence she called for when she was in need of him, but he left her behind 22 years ago, and very essence that slayed her master in the most brutal and sadistic manner 4 months ago.

Solus walked cautiously into the room, he didn’t exactly dress formally for this occasion, since he wasn’t one for parties. His signature black leather trench coat that was tied around him with 3 large belts at his abdomen, was what he wore. Really, he didn’t have any other clothes than the trench coat and what was underneath. His strides were heavy and booming, and perhaps made him more noticeable than Hazumi had been earlier.

His green flaming eyes scanned the room, surveying the guests like they were suspicious individuals. His old paranoia hasn’t yet left him, and the war didn’t help in that matter. He felt like celebrating was an early call. Judas’ followers were still out there, and anyone could take his place. The time for victory parties hadn’t yet arrived.

Solus was an old, yet Legendary bounty hunter. And his appearance stated it clearly. A Chimeric being, he was a hybrid between an Angel, Demon and Human, with his human soul having consumed the other two. His face was that of a skull and his eye sockets, nostrils, and jigsaw shaped mouth, burned with a smokeless green flame. He stood at a menacing 6 foot 2. And his sudden appearance brought silence to the room. They may have expected Hazumi, but they did not expect him.

“What the heck’s he doing here?” Hazumi asked puzzled but Lily was no longer by her side to answer. Instead she’d approached Solus and reached her hand out for him to shake.

“It’s an honour to have you, Master Grim. I’m glad you could make it.”

“Not exactly sure if this is all even necessary…” Solus took her hand and shook it. “But I promised to make it nonetheless.”

“Nothing that mends people’s hearts is unnecessary, don’t you think?” Lily smiled and gestured around the room. “Most of our students are still preparing for the festivities, but please feel free to look around and feel yourself at home. After all, this academy is as much your legacy as it is mine.”

He never planned for an Academy or even created this one. Lily calling this his legacy felt wrong to him. If kids were their idea of preventing future wars, then he wasn’t impressed. “The reason I’m here is to make sure the guest of honour won’t kill everybody and plays nice. I don’t plan to stick around on Surface for long, since I have some things that need taking care of. But I will be here a short time to oversee her progress.”

Lily’s expression darkened but then a glint of danger appeared in her smiling eyes.

“And I appreciate that. You’re not the only one who has their doubts about her but you can rest assured I know how to handle.. rebellious individuals. She should pose no danger.”

“You have no idea how wrong you are. As the Essence of the World, all she has to do is think to turn you into dust. Don’t let your cockiness underestimate her. She is a walking God. Remember that.” Solus corrected her. He knew exactly what Hazumi was, and he wasn’t going to let some fool fuck things up. All Lily Quarin needed to do was give Hazumi a single reason, and it would be the War all over again.

Anger crossed Lily’s features and her voice was low when she spoke. “She is no God. She is a tool. And we will now bow as tool. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

“You are going to eat your fucking words when she rips you apart…” Solus said to her as she turned her back to him.

Lily just looked over her shoulder, without turning. “She’s already tried.” With that she walked away to attend to another guest.

Solus let out an audible growl. He really didn’t want to be here. It felt wrong. And so did the tingling at the back of his neck. Someone was staring at him and it wasn’t hard to guess who it could be.

Hazumi hadn’t budged from where Lily had left her, elbows rested on the table and her back arching slightly. She was taking absent-minded sips of a glass of water, eyes locked on Solus. As he looked her way, thought, she looked away, pretending to find something else in the room more interesting.

And of course Solus noticed. He approached quickly and sat at her table, right across from her. “What are you staring at?” The anger in his voice was evident.

“I was wondering what the hell you’re doing here.” Hazumi shot back, her manners matching his.

“Making sure you are being as nice as you possibly can to these… lovely guests.” Solus answered.

“And how do you intend to do that exactly?” She challenged.

Solus smiled. “You remember how Judas died... right…?” Solus asked rhetorically. “You’re going to get far worse.”

“Charming.” Hazumi took a sip of her water and looked away, considering the conversation finished and waiting for Solus to go away.

“What’s your problem exactly? Miss you pathetic little master already? He was worthless weasel of man. He wasted your worth.” Solus said.

Hazumi scoffed. “And you were much better. The man who could have had the power for himself but chose not to. Now he stands in front of me and barks against events long past, pretending he made the right choices all along.” Hazumi pierced his eyes with her and leaned forward on the table. “Let me tell you that, master Grim. There is true power in this world and it takes balls to take it. The rest of you can bark all you want but it doesn’t change the facts.”

Solus’ smile widened, and suddenly his hand shot up towards her neck and grabbed it tightly enough that it caused her pain, and pulled her head down hard, hitting it against the table and pressing her face against it. The sudden violence, grinding the entire party to halt as all the bystanders watched in shock. “Oh, I have the balls to take you right here, bitch.” He put more pressure on her head. “I have all the power I would ever need. But you, you are worthless to me. A brainless cow like you, who can’t even think for herself can’t understand that.” He spat at her.

“Reality check, you stupid cunt. You say that you need balls to take power. Yet you don’t have the fucking balls to take it yourself. Try giving orders, instead of taking them like the little bitch you are.” He threw her head back, the momentum setting her in an upright position again.

“Think about that for a while, if you even have the brains to think at all. Enjoy the party.” Solus stood up from his seat, satisfied with the outcome. As he passed Lily towards the door out, he said. “Don’t worry, I’ll see myself out.” With that, he left.

Hazumi was dumbfounded. The sheer insolence of the man petrified her body, confused between the urge to rip him apart and the sudden pain that shook it. She wasn't used to pain, not as a human was, and in this new body it was still something sharp and shocking. Where before her instincts would have been triggered at the touch of a finger, now it took them what seemed an eternity, until they provided her with the opportunity to retaliate.

By the time she understood what was going on, the man was halfway through the room. In a blind fury Hazumi got to her feet and moved to catch up with the man, her intentions obvious in her elongating claws. She had almost caught up with him, arm rising to deliver death, when Lily's small frame appeared between them. Her eyes were steel and so was her grip as she took hold of Hazumi's hand. She didn't say anything and for a few long moments the two women were just staring at each other, each refusing to back down. Hazumi's rage was made visible in the smoke that was rising from her body, her clothes literally starting to smother.

Finally, Hazumi broke away and turned on her heel, stomping out of the ballroom. A trail of wet footprints of molten plastic and burning leather littered her path until her shoes were completely burned down.

Lily Quarin sighed, thankful that not all the students had witnessed the embarrassment and went to get the janitor.

Credit: Synthorian & Wind Wild
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago

"Ah... And that is our story." Karnage spoke to no one as he was leaned up against the wall in the ballroom. For the sake of this occasion, he had to smooth out his flesh, remove the spikey bits and slim down. He wore a suit tailored for him which cost him quite a bit. Even so, he still took his "Demonic" appearance, even when given the option to look more human. In his words, "Let me wear my face." At his feet was a violin case. Today he serves many roles: staffer, janitor, violinist, and should the need arise, security. But not in the sense that he suspects anyone would attack the ball. No, no force in this world could harm anyone in the ballroom. Or rather, no one outside this ballroom could do such a thing. If trouble arose, it would be because of the ones in the ballroom. The scene between the godly entities did not go unnoticed. Hard to really, except by the blissfully ignorant. The tension around them was thick enough to suffocate someone. At this moment, Karnage had taken his place at the stage, playing the violin in soft melody to the pianist. His vantage point allowed him to see all within the ballroom, and he did not need to hear others to know what they were saying. There was dissatisfaction, paranoia, and pure, simple hatred. For many within this room this event was nothing more than a show of denial. So much had happened that cannot be forgotten or forgiven. The sins of the past would never be washed away. But for Karnage, this was a step in the right direction. So many people who cling onto mistakes like bringing them up again and again is somehow suppose to change what had happened. At least the head master had the mind to step away from that mess and try to do something different. Peace, harmony, understanding: Idealistic notions that most would dismiss as fairy tails. But once upon a time, demons and angels were nothing more than representation of good and evil. There was once a world were dark and light were easy to define and there was no complications. But than the truth revealed itself, and with it threw away any veil of simplicity. There were demons who wanted nothing more than redemption. Angels so disconnected to others they were nothing more than forces of nature. This world was ravaged not by the forces of hell or the folly of men, but the wrath of heaven. "That is one way to see it." The scene between Solus and Hazumi. Karnage and the others continued to play their soft, sweet song, in clear dissonance of the violence occurring so closely. Not that anyone was paying attention to the musicians. This was suppose to be a celebration of a new era of peace and prosperity. Barely half an hour in and the world almost had another catastrophe. Karnage and his fellow musicians traded stage time with another group, just in time for Karnage to put away his instrument and pick up a mop. He met Lily as she was looking for the janitor and gave her a polite smile, beckoning to the mess left in the wake of Hazumi. "I will clean. You should attend to the guest of honor. It would do her no good to end the night on such a negative note."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tired. That was the only word that ran through Lucaris' head. He couldn't remember how many times he has seen the moon pass over his head nor how many steps he has taken. He has not slept in gods knows how long, and his clothing was ragged and travel worn. He knew not if he was going in the right direction or not, and he was afraid of finding another person among this weary road. During his travels he has been met with many things he never knew existed outside of his home. People acted quite odd in his presence, and almost always found his appearance somewhat alarming. Conversations tended to get nowhere, and sometimes would turn violent for no reason. He found it easier to gleam information from others when he made sure his presence was unknown. He heard many strange and alien things. Most strange of all were rumors about a "party" within what these people called "Loom". What he did understand was that this "party" was for special students there to be trained for war. Lucaris knew nothing of war, but if it was battle then that would mean going there would give him power. Something he desired more than anything. Blood is going to flow. Ah, I'm ever so excited. Let me drink. Let me LIVE. ----------------------------------------- It did not take long for Lucaris to find the rumored academy in the western section of the ruined city of Loom. In fact it would be near impossible not to find it once you were within the city. Within a massive crater in the ground floated an enormous piece of land that held a home hundreds of times bigger than his own home in the forest. Because of the size it had taken Lucaris longer than expected to arrive at the crater's edge. Once he did he then started to wonder just exactly how he was going to get into the building in the first place. "Late, are we?" Lucaris quickly turned on his heel to face the unknown figure behind him. How he even got there has left Lucaris in a state of confusion as he could say with utmost confidence that there was nobody here at the crater's edge except for himself. "Well don't just stand there gawking like some sort of child. Remove your hood so that I may confirm your expectance." Staying silent Lucaris slowly reached up and grabbed the edge of his hood. As his fingers wrapped around his hood Lucaris' sleeve slid down and exposed his left arm. The arm on which he kept a handmade bracelet with a mysterious crystal on it. Although he was more concerned about hiding something else. Quickly yanking off his hood and clenching his hands he let his sleeves fall back down to hide his claws. The man barely glanced at him before turning towards the floating island and snapping his fingers. "Yes, we've been expecting you." Once again something incredibly strange and alien was happening before his eyes. At the sound of the snap the ground before him bubbled as if it were boiling water and out came a smooth stone platform. The man stepped forward onto the platform and looked at Lucaris as if he expected him to get on as well. Expecting some sort of trick Lucaris cautiously stepped onto the platform. Almost immediately the platform jerked into motion and began its travel across the crater. Lucaris crouched down in fear of falling the moment the platform began to move. He did not speak, but instead kept his gaze on the man as if expecting the platform to suddenly disappear. In which case he would grab this man before he could disappear so that he could land without dying. The man took no interest in Lucaris' actions and simply stepped off the platform when it arrive at its destination. Not wanting to be on the platform any longer Lucaris quickly scrambled off the platform and rushed into the building. At this point he began to wonder if he should have ever gotten onto the platform in the first place. Lucaris had entered a world far stranger than anything he's ever seen during his past travels. All his weariness seemed to disappear as he glanced around from table to table looking at all the things that stood upon them. Ignoring any looks from the others within the dance floor Lucaris made his way towards a table that housed many strange drinks that seemed to bubble and pop. Picking up a glass Lucaris slowly raised it up to his nose. Giving the drink a cautionary sniff he scowled before quickly placing it back down onto the table. This is no drink I've ever seen or heard of. Is this poison? What sort of gathering is this. I thought this was supposed to be some sort of teaching place. I heard there was some sort of 'New Years party' but this is not what I expected. Although I don't quite know what I expected anyways. Breaking free from his thoughts Lucaris looked about the dance floor some more. There were not a large amount of people here. In fact this size of building seemed accustom for ten times the amount of people that were here. So many strange face surrounded him, and he wondered if these people would begin to question him like the others he's met. "What are you?" "Who created you?" "Please don't hurt me!" All things he doesn't understand. Why would someone ask him these sort of things, or assume he would hurt them? He thoughts were broken by a sudden increase in noise as a woman chased after a man who had just passed him on his way to the front entrance. He looked at the man with a questioning look as he examined his body. Questions popped up into his head that were similar to those that people asked him, and he began to understand their confusion just a little. This man was like nothing he had ever seen. Stranger than his father, even. Although then he looked at the woman who looked as though she were about to strike the man. Despite her seemingly normal looks she was just as strange as the man. Wings upon her back that reminded him of his mother, somewhat. Her body quivering with deadly intent. Although another woman had stopped this first one before she could strike. It was an interesting sight. Despite no words being said the first woman dropped her killing intent and turned away, her clothing smoking and melting as she went. I have stepped into a world I may soon regret visiting. Ah, but there's so much wonderful blood here. Doesn't it excite you? Eh, Lucaris?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sure are a lot of people here. Aurelie La-Victoire-de-la-Reine glanced around at the various students and faculty that had gathered in the hall. Would have been nice to bring my sword... She had nagged every member of staff she could get her hands on for days, but in the end, they had been correct. There was no need for such a large weapon at a social gathering. It was fine, if there was a fight, she could simply fight bare-handed, but that wasn't really the point. It felt like she had forgotten a part of herself, or a piece of clothing. Like her shoes were on the wrong feet. They weren't, were they? Okay, good. She let herself enjoy the music and festivities that had been laid out, glancing for just a moment at their supposedly omnipotent figurehead, leaving the room in a huff. She didn't know much about Hazumi, but she didn't like what she had seen so far. None of the good guys would lose control just like that, would they? No, a hero would have kept their composure... "Interesting, isn't it?" With a visible jump, Aura whipped around to face the quiet voice that had not been there a second ago. "Sorry. Anyway, isn't it? This is everybody who we'll be spending the next parts of our lives with." Aura put her hand to her chest to feel her racing heart. "Fils de putain girl, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Sonata Reiko bowed her head in apology. "Sorry. I tried to be quiet so I didn't startle you... I guess it backfired." "Your politesse can't hide your smirk, you know." Reiko bowed in apology again, but didn't address the issue. "Like I was saying though, isn't it easy to stand on the sidelines like us, and pass judgment on your peers and... others? I should be careful, or else I might end up thinking something untoward about someone who I barely know." Aura scratched her head and turned away. Had the dark-haired girl looked into her head or something? It was uncanny. And creepy... "Alright, listen-" she began, but stopped short. As suddenly as she'd shown up, she had vanished. "What a horrible girl," Aura whispered to herself, not entirely sure if she meant it. -- Reiko had returned to her place along the wall of the room, watching everyone else. That was enough social interaction for today, I think... I'm already tired... But the night was still young. There were more hours to pass, more people to watch. That was fine, but she was beginning to feel the call of the mist, beckoning her to get away from everyone. Looping voices, calling to her mind, out of synchronization with each other, until it sounded like white noise. The voices echoed until the only thing filling her head was a white shroud, obscuring everything else that passed through. She took several sips of her drink to clear her head, with limited success. It's going to be a long one, I guess. When the night was over, she would play her flute until she fell asleep, but it seemed like tonight was to be an exercise in self-control. She faded back into the wall, out of the way of everybody, and continued to busy herself with her drink, and watching all of the gathered people, for they were all incredinly interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago

"New to this world?" Karnage spoke to Lucaris as he just finished mopping what was left of the soldering mess that were once a pair of shoes. Aside from the music there was very little chatter, which wouldn't do. Normally he'd suggest bringing out the hard liquor but considering some of the students were barely adolescences he wasn't sure how the Head Master would take to inebriated minors. So he decided to make idea conversation with the closest person he found, which was this strange boy. Dark skin, bright blue eyes, unnaturally white hair. Immediately he pinned him as a demon of some sort, though he looked human enough. Certainly more human than the "Might be made of some sort of chitin" Karnage. "I have never seen you before. First time here? I am Karnage Urabrask Vorinclex. I help Master Melody's Academy." Karnage gave what sort of passed as a smile. His maw was better suited for crushing bones and grinding meat instead of showing expression, so it gave Karnage the appearance that he was just baring his teeth at Lucarius. Teeth that looked like jagged stalagmite, unsuited for speaking. It would explain Karnage's slight lisp. "Who are you?" Karnage leaned his massive frame against the mop while giving Lucaris his rapt attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After the strange event had completely run its course and the woman had leave the room completely Lucaris turned his eyes back to his surroundings. As a strange figure began cleaning up the mess that had been left behind by the woman he noticed that some of the tables in the area had food on them instead of drinks. Glancing back over at what he guessed was a creature in an odd assortment of clothing Lucaris made his way over to a table that was eloquently dressed with food. Bending over Lucaris took a close look at one of the strange looking bits of food. It was, just like most things he's encountered, something he's never seen in the forest before. Picking one of the morsels up Lucaris gave it a cautionary sniff. This smells similar to the fish I can catch in the river. I guess if the others are eating this that it can't be so bad. How does one eat something so small? What's this shell thing on the end of it? Can I eat that too? Hmm, I guess I ought not to. That looks like it'd be a pain to swallow. Ripping off the end of the end of the shrimp Lucaris tossed it into his mouth past rows of razor sharp teeth. A normal person would chew and savor their food however Lucaris' teeth weren't meant for completely chewing food into swallowable pulp. Instead, just like an animal, he swallowed his food whole. Wouldn't you prefer something with a bit more iron? How 'bout you rip out the throats of everyone here, eh? That would really get things going. You wouldn't be going hungry either. Come on, what d'ya say? For the last time you stinking little bug. I will not just take another beings life so freely. Now get out of my head! I've had enough of you! Haven't you tormented me enough as is? Before any response could arrive a voice called to him from behind. The man that had been cleaning up the mess had come over to where he was and began to speak to him. This man was like something he had never seen before, but at least he spoke a language he understood. Lucaris was asked a question he was never quite asked before. Instead of being incessantly asked about what he was this man was more interested in who. Lucaris would have felt more at ease at this point however he couldn't quite tell his intentions. The man's words sounded kind enough, but his actions said otherwise. Normally baring your teeth in such a manner means you intend to attack. Maybe this is some custom I'm not accustomed to. Should I do the same back? What if he really does wish to attack me? That would only provoke him further. I've had enough with people wishing me harm. Although this may be a smile I can't quite tell. Well, here goes nothing. "Erm, my name is Lucaris. Lucaris Cain. I'm just a traveler. I, uh, came here when I heard rumors of this, erm, academy? That's what you said it was called, right? Yes, academy." Lucaris attempted to smile back at the man while painfully aware that showing off his beast like teeth could mean something completely different.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago

Collab between Karnage and Lucaris / Lucius Cypher and Xionist
Karnage just nodded his head when Lucaris introduced himself, trying to imitate his “smile”. Karnage closed his mouth so the boy wouldn’t have to strain himself trying to copy him. ”That is good to hear. Word is getting out that this place exists, and hopefully we will be getting more people interested in it. So tell me, Cain, what is it that you want to do here?” Karnage then motioned for Lucaris to follow him towards another concession stand with some meaty snacks and plain drinks like juice and water. Karnage could guess that the boy wasn’t used to modern society, so he’ll ease him into things. Hopefully the kid wasn’t feral, otherwise this process would take a bit longer than Karnage would have hoped. “Well, I heard this place is to teach students combat for any future conflict. I’m, erm, looking to get stronger for personal reasons.” Lucaris wasn’t quite willing to share his exact reasonings for his arrival here at the academy although what he had shared was completely true in the context he gave. As he followed Karnage he noticed that the man was leading him to a table with different drinks and food than what he had seen earlier. Looking over the table Lucaris spotted glasses of water. Suddenly feeling the weariness of his past travels Lucaris grabs a glass of water and gulps it down after a cautionary sniff. “It, uh, has been a while since I’ve last eaten or drank. People seem to not be too keen on offering me help during my travels. It has been quite the experience so far.” Quietly watching the boy Karnage took a little snack himself, just a small sandwich with ham and some sort of italian sausage. ”Tell me about it. Honestly. You seem human enough. More so than I do.” Karnage said as he tossed the small sandwich in his mouth. He only needed one bite to tear the thing into bits of bread and meat, washing it down with a cup of water. ”You are in good company. Eat, drink, enjoy. That violence from before… Will not happen to you here.” Karnage chose his words carefully when he spoke about the scene from before. He wasn’t sure if Lily had gone to talk to the Essence of the World. Eating another sandwich Karnage prepped his mind to answer Lucaris’s question about Hazumi and what had occurred moments before she left. “The violence from before? Oh, do you mean that scene with the woman and the strange man? Well, the angel and the man. At least I’m pretty sure she’s an angel. My mo-- Er, I heard from someone that people with those wings are called angels. Erm, and you would be a demon correct? I’m sorry if that was offensive.” To take his mind off what he had just said Lucaris quickly snatched up a sandwich and began plucking out its innards. It was simpler to just eat it as separate parts instead of trying to chew through the bread and waiting for it to become soft enough to swallow whole. “So, uh, what was on that table before? The little pieces of food and the bubbling drink? I’ve never quite seen anything like those before.” ”I am a demon.” Karnage admitted as he watched the boy eat the meat of the sandwich with some amusement. He certainly was not city boy. He watched the boy for a while before the asked another question about the cocktail shrimp and presumably what Lucaris was referring to as the soda. ”Cocktail shrimp and soda. They are small sea creatures, like spiders, that people eat with sauce. Soda is a sweet drink. It has a strange texture for a drink. They are alright… You should try some.” Turning his head towards the table holding the ship and soda Karnage rolled his sleeve down his arm and held his hand out sharply. He zeroed in on his target and swung his arm like throwing a dart. His hand turned into a honed, elongated claw and zeroed in on the cocktail shrimp bowl, latching onto the neck of the bowl before yanking it back. Despite how quickly he did so, Karnage managed not to spill a drop. He placed the bowl before Lucaris before doing the same to a cup of cola. Rolling up his sleeve Karnage took a piece of shrimp, dipped it in the sauce, and popped it into his mouth, shell and all. Lucaris’ eyes widened as Karnage’s arm transformed and stretched out towards the table he was just at previously. He watched as the now claw of a hand snatched both the bowl of shrimp and a cup of cola without spilling a single drop. “If I hadn’t already seen magic earlier today I would most likely be completely freaked out. Although that was still incredibly strange. How did you do that? In order to get here a man had brought a platform up from the ground to fly me across. I’ve never seen magic before, only heard of it. It’s incredible.” ”Hmm… Good question. How do you walk? To speak? For me, it is natural… Here they would call what I do ‘magic’. Specifically, I manipulated my Essence.” Karnage then shifted his hand into various clawed shapes, from having talons on each finger to turning it into something more scissor like, than to making his hand into a single blade or something akin to a hammer. Than he carved a rune into his hand. ”However, here I can learn. Figure out my full ability. So will you.” Focusing his Essence into the rune on his hand, a flame emerged and engulf his arm. Despite how hot the flames should have been, nothing burned. Karnage’s suit was still prim and proper and nothing around them bursted into flames. Even Lucaris wouldn’t feel the heat. Karnage then took a few pieces of shrimp from the cocktail bowl and began to roast them in his hand. Once they had become a nice golden color, the flames died, and Karnage had a handful of roasted shrimp. He offered it to Lucaris while sipping a cup of water. Lucaris was completely speechless as Karnage showed him more of his ability to change his shape. Reflecting back on what he said earlier Lucaris thought about what it would be like to be able to wield magic. It would make hunting so much easier. Although it might make it too easy… Hmm. Too easy? Hah, you just enjoy the feeling of your prey’s blood running into your mouth as you clamp your jaw around their neck. You can’t deny that no matter how hard you try. Would you be quiet for once!? I’m so sick of hearing your never ending desires for blood. Shaking his head to try and clear out all the noise Lucaris decided to busy himself with the shrimp that Karnage had offered. Trying to focus his thoughts on the food Lucaris examined the now cooked morsel of seafood. It was much firmer than its raw counterpart, but also pleasantly warm. Ripping off the shelled end Lucaris tossed the shrimp into his mouth and rolled it around to savor the flavors. “Hmm.. It’s good, but I think I prefer them raw. Although I think that may just be me, heh.” Shrugging Karnage ate one of the shrimps himself. ”I am not picky.” After finishing off the shrimp and cleaning his hand Karnage decided to start on a different topic. ”Do you have a Fragment?” Karnage himself never understood the importance of some of these instruments, but they had power, no question about it. Presumably since Lucaris is here he has one himself. Unless he is a demon and joined for protection/education like Karnage did. “A Fragment? What do you mean?” Lucaris tried to wrap his head around the question. What was a Fragment and why would Karnage be asking him about it? Thinking back Lucaris remembered the small stone he had tied around his wrist in a makeshift bracelet. The same stone that he was unable to become rid of no matter how hard he tried. A stone that did nothing but constantly rave about malevolent things that made Lucaris want to shudder. “Wait, do you mean this?” Pulling back the sleeve on his left arm Lucaris raised his arm and showed Karnage the stone he had on his wrist. Karnage tilted his head at Lucaris’s “Fragment”. For a moment Karnage wasn’t sure if this boy knew what he was talking about, but before he said anything Karnage did consider that perhaps he simply didn’t know what to look for. It’s not like he knew much about Fragments anyways, aside that they usually look like instruments. For all he knew this could just be another form the Fragments could take… Not that it looked particularly impressive. But looks can be deceiving. ”Perhaps. Fragments are powerful objects that the academy will teach you how to use. If this is a fragment, the teachers would know.” Now that he thought about it Karnage was interested in getting himself a Fragment. If they had such power, it would be in his best interest to get one for himself. Not that he knew how to get one aside from taking it from the hands of someone else. It was still an option, but he’d have to wait for the right time to pry it out of someone’s cold, dead hands. Later. ”Hmm… Perhaps it would be best to show you want a Fragment can do. Let me see… Ah, see over there?” Karnage pointed over towards a lone figure standing by a wall. Reiko Sonata, if Karnage remembered correctly. A diligent student who would likely know more about Fragments than Karnage would. She would be a good person to ask about this, and give both Karnage and Lucaris a chance to talk to someone new. ”She is a student, and would know more about Fragments. Ask her.” Following Karnage’s finger Lucaris looked over at a person standing all by themselves while leaning up against the wall. Hmm, it seems I’m not the only one that wasn’t all too keen on talking with the others. Although I’m really interested in knowing more about these “Fragments”. “Thanks Karnage. I’ll go see if she knows any more than I do.” Leaving his now empty glass on the table Lucaris made his way across the large room over to where the girl was standing. Compared to what he was used to seeing at this point the girl looked positively human. Small and somewhat fragile looking with dark hair and bored looking eyes. Until Karnage had pointed her out Lucaris was sure he never would have noticed her standing there. Approaching the girl Lucaris hid his hands within his sleeves to hide his clawed fingers. He didn’t want to scare her off before getting to know anything. “Ah, er hello. I was told you know about these so called Fragments. Do you think you could share with me anything you know about them? I may have stumbled upon one myself, but I don’t quite know anything about them.” If I did I would have never picked you up in the first place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Like clawing your way out of a deep hole, or swimming blindly until you break the surface of the water, Reiko turned her attention to the person addressing her, with some difficulty. Difficult, but a welcome break, even exhausted as she was. "Oh, erm... hello." She stumbled ungracefully over her greeting, having just risen out of a stupor and presented with someone she had never met before. No, it wasn't 'never met.' Reiko had never observed this one before. He must be new. "Asking me about fragments, here of all places... Let me see... It's like..." Casting around for words, she pulled her flute out of its resting place in a sling by her side. She figured she would bring it with her to this gathering, though she hadn't known why at the time. She brought it up to her eye level to show the boy. "It is something like this. A fragment of the 'Essence of the World', though I don't know exactly what that means. I have only been here a couple of months myself. Supposedly it contains the essence of many other beings, and that gives it powers. I guess you can think of it like a weapon, or you can think of it like a partner. In this school we learn to master these fragments. That's what I'm here for. Presumably, you are too...?" She left the question mark hanging off of the end of that question purposely, not wanting to presume anything. After her hanging remark, she glanced around to both sides and leaned in closer to the new boy. Much closer, in an attempt to be out of earshot of anybody else. Whether or not Karnage was trustworthy, Reiko couldn't judge, as she barely knew him, but in certain instances it was best to be overly cautious, rather than overly reckless. For that matter, it was possible that he had better hearing than a human, and could hear her voice anyway, but she chose not to dive into wild speculation. In hardly more than a whisper, she spoke into the boy's ear. "If you have ever heard a voice in your head that was not your own... an impulse that you couldn't control... this is where you should be. It is too dangerous outside. For yourself, and... everyone else." Having spoken her piece, Reiko pulled back to her regular standing position, returning her flute to its holster. "My apologies if that didn't give you much information. I know only a little more than what I have said, but I'm not sure what else to address. I am but a student here myself." She gave a short bow. "Karnage-san and... I'm sorry, I don't know your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago

Following Lucaris over to Reiko Karnage wanted to both hear about Fragments as well as get to know Reiko a bit better. He had no doubts that she knew who he was by name, but beyond that he doesn't remember if they ever interacted with each other socially. This must be rectified. He listened quietly as Reiko explained a bit about Fragments, though she didn't know much else as far as she claimed. She did whisper something to Lucaris near the end of her explanation and the only thing that Karnage picked up was "Voices in your head", which was all he needed to hear to get the jist of the conversation. Once you had another conscience trying to make your judgements for you, things can get pretty crazy. Fragments must have a mind of their own or something which is why the Academy was established. It would be one thing to learn how to use a sword or play the guitar, it's another thing when they're trying to make your kill something. After Reiko bowed she inquired about Lucaris's name, which Karnage jumped on as a chance to move this conversation and the group. "Larcasis Cain. Traveler. Now student. Let us find La-Victoire-de-la-Reine. She may know more. Do you know where she is, Sonata-san?" Karnage refereed to Reiko with the honorific he only had a tenuous grasp of thanks to the internet. Apparently it was a asian thing, and he himself would like to go to that land himself one day. He doubts there's much left of it, but the journey would be interesting at least. More importantly he wanted to find Aura and ask her about Fragments since she was quite a knowledgeable student. That and to get her part of this little rag-tag group that Karnage was trying to assemble. Once he got enough of these kids together, than he'll get this party started right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Synthorian
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Damn these narrow hallways! Rex Volt thought to himself as he traversed the halls of the Academy, his shoulders rubbing along the walls, and the tip of his cranium and ears scraping the ceiling. Being a massive beast had its disadvantages, but the perks far outweighed the cons. So putting up with small hallways and struggling through small doors was a bearable annoyance. Somewhere, and somehow, he managed to obtain a tailored tuxedo for the festivities. He looked as sharp as his claws. Though he wondered if all the shoulder bumping with the environment would wear out the seams. He wanted to look the part, and impress a special someone that was attending today. Finally he had arrived at the double doors that lead into the Ballroom. Luckily they were large enough for him go through without problems, he just had to kneel down a little. He palmed open the door and shimmied in. If anyone was paying attention, it would a comical display of an 11 foot tall Wolf Beast squatting down and moving into the room like a crab. First to spot him was Lily Quarin. And she was actually behind him, returning to the ball room after speaking to a few people about what to do with the “guest of honour”. The principal smiled at the nicely tailored suit, appreciating Rex' effort and gave him a gentle push to ease his passage through the door. “If I'd have known you'd be part of our staff, I'd have asked the ceiling to be higher.” Not having noticed Lily stalking behind him, Rex was slightly startled by the gentle nudge, and hit his head on the doorframe. A small whine escaped through his gritted teeth. “Oh, hey there!” He said awkwardly, a little embarrassed. Now inside the high ceilings of the Ballroom, he stood up straight and turned around to face the Principle. “Well, I’m... kind of used to it.” Noticing her formal dress he said. “You look stunning.” He leaned in close with his jaws right next to her right ear. “Just like you always do.” “So do you.” She smiled, giving him an affectionate peck on the cheek. “I'm impressed with your costume and really happy you came in late. Ten minutes late makes all the difference between it staying spotless or being ruined.” Volt raised a brow. “Something happened?” “Solus Grim arrived and had a show off with the Essence.” From her mouth, the word was less a title and more a subjective. “They just had to demonstrate how barbaric they both were. Luckily nobody else got involved so my hope is the students will soon forget. “Hmm…” Rex placed a gentle paw on Lily’s shoulder and pulled her a little closer. “Solus did want to destroy her, but Luciana gave him an alternative. One that he didn’t really like.” Lily nodded grimly but smiled at his touch, despite herself. “He made that pretty obvious. I just hope they don’t go after each other in the future - they’re both legends and it won’t be good for our school to be the place where the illusion is broken.” “Illusion are always broken eventually… But anyway. Let’s enjoy the party shall we? We left all the bad things of the world outside. Better not to think about them and let them in, hmm?” Lily smiled and followed Rex back to the ball-room. A gentle melody was playing in the background of students chattering and she took Rex’ paw in her hand, smiling as he understood her intention and moved his other paw around her waist. He smiled back and spun her around and they both started dancing gracefully in the center of the ball room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alzir stood arms crossed as he watched the exchange of venomous words between Solus and Hazumi. It was fascinating, the two were almost exactly alike in personality. Though it certainly made sense why they were fighting. The ebb and flow of the ballroom swirling past him like he was a mountain in a sea. They would all be his students eventually. They would learn, he would mold them into weapons to be used in an endless war. Wherever the academy directed them he would be the blacksmith that forged them in fire. There were others amongst the students too. Liabilities and dangers. Just like the loose cannon they called Solus Grim. They said he’d killed Judas. Alzir had simply chuckled. All you had to do was pull the trigger and Alzir had refrained from it. Too much lost time to find too many lost memories to uncover. He was now ready to walk the world again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lazarus was late, he could hear the sounds of the party up ahead. His boots sounded like thunder claps as he walked up the hallway. His black overcoat trailed behind him. A sword hung at his hip with a stylized dragon head at it’s hilt. It sported a chunk of black obsidian in it’s mouth. The sword itself was a lengthy bastard sword with a jagged edge forged from some of the best steel on earth. As he walked he looked up and saw a picture of vengeance and beauty striding down the hallway. Shoes literally melting away. He considered staying his current course but decided it would have been a foolish course at best. Lazarus stepped aside as Hazumi stormed past. Pissy little thing. With a heave Lazarus pushed open the doors to the ballroom. His coat brushed back. It was a dark grey complimenting his lighter grey dress shirt and his black slacks over black boots. Alzir stood off to the side of the room and he made a line for him disregarding those around his as he moved through the crowd. “Master Alvuad”. The grey haired older man nodded his acknowledgement of Lazarus. “Dr. Finch, I trust that your accommodations were to your standard.” Lazarus gave Alzir a bleak look “I think that hardly matters.” Alzir didn’t bother to look at Lazarus. “Still wrapped up in your soul corrupting crusade I see.” Lazarus snorted at that, “This is just another stopping point for me and you know that.” Alzir nodded “I’m well aware of your plans Lazarus.” With that the master and the student fell silent as they watched the crowd of new students and faculty. “This is going to end in fire.” Alzir stood silent for a moment “Yes. But we always knew that”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The girl Karnage called Reiko stood there for a moment after Lucaris asked his question. It was almost as though she were in a trance. However Lucaris did not get long to view this trance of hers as Reiko was quickly snapped out of it at Lucaris' appearance. Reiko quickly stammered a greeting and looked at him with a inquisitive look. It was something to be expected given his status as a soon to be student at the academy. Reiko pulled out a flute and told him it was a Fragment of the World. Tilting his head slightly to the side like a confused dog Lucaris looked at the flute with a confused stare. That is a Fragment? That looks just like a flute to me. Lucaris was just about to answer Reiko's question about his presence at the academy when suddenly Reiko leaned forward and began to whisper into his ear. She began to speak about voices and their implications however none of what she said mattered at that exact moment. For the moment she brought herself close to him Lucaris glanced over at her now exposed neck and felt a sudden violent urge. As if something incredibly hot had burrowed itself into his stomach and began to rise up into his chest. Look at this fool exposing their neck. Doesn't she realize just how vulnerable that makes her? Don't you want to punish her for exposing such a weak spot? Come on, she's just begging for you to sink your claws into her neck. N-No. I don't want that and you know it. Please stop this. You do want it, though. Why else would you be here, eh? Why else would you be seeking for power, hmm? Take this opportunity and seize the power you so desire! Come on and bring me out already! No! That's not why I'm here! You know exactly why I'm here so stop trying mess with my head! I will not kill anyone! Hmph, it's a bit late to be claiming that last part. Don't you think? By the time Lucaris had gained control over his own thoughts once more he realized that Reiko had already returned to her original position and was looking at him expectantly as if he were supposed to say something. Lucaris panicked slightly and began racking his brain trying to figure out if he had managed to hear anything during his inside conversation. Unable to remember what Reiko's question was Lucaris was about to ask her what she had said. He was cut off instead by Karnage stepping into the conversation and introducing him. Ah, she was asking for my name. I completely forgot that I've neglected to mention it. "Ah, yes, sorry. Just as he says, my name is Lucaris Cain. Its, erm, nice to meet you Reiko."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alzir's approach to the group remained more or less unnoticed until he was right up on them. Two new faces and Karnage, one of the Academies resident Demons. The combat instructors feet made no sounds as he glided across the floor over to the small group. Chimera, demon and human. He had no idea how he did it but it was easy for him to pick up on the difference even if he couldn't actually see the Essence. Fascinating how the young started out so oblivious to the world around them, it would change in time. For now he was content to simply teach them the first on many lessons. Pay attention class. Alzir approached from behind Karnage and took in the group. Young, that was for sure, as for Karnage it was always hard to tell how old Demons actually were. He'd left Lazarus to his usual brooding, the man needed to relax a little. Then again when you were so immersed in Necromancy that it became an obsession there wasn't all that much relaxing you could do. The poor man was still convinced he could raise his wife from the grave. Alzir had begged him to give up the task, but it had been of no avail. Alzir finally decided it was best to make his presence known to the group. "I trust the three of you are enjoying yourselves?" He stood with his hands tucked behind his back off over Karnage's left shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aura blinked when she unexpectedly heard her name. She had taken into an interest in the newcomer that had shown up and was trying her best not to eavesdrop on the conversation that had arisen between him and others, the newest of which being a robed old man that she vaguely recognized as the combat instructor at Master Melody's, and a man she admired greatly. Of course, her best was not good enough when it came to not eavesdropping, and the gig was up when her name was mentioned. If they wanted to talk to her anyway, there was no sense just standing in the corner and whistling. Plus, she couldn't shake the impression that Reiko would know regardless. Not a sure bet, just a feeling. Either way, she shuffled over to the small group that was forming. "A pleasure to meet you, Cain-san. I look forward to studying together." Reiko gave a small bow, nothing overly formal, before bowing more deeply to Master Alzir, though she said nothing to him in return, noting the odd couple that were now dancing in the center of the room. A welcome change of pace from earlier... She worried slightly about Hazumi-sama, and the impressions she was making on the rest of the students and faculty, even though such a worry was both fruitless and far above her station. Truth told, Reiko had a fondness for those whose lives had been full of tragedy, and there was no better example, or so she assumed. Of course, everybody had their own story to tell. The pair of dancers brightened her mood a little bit and in so doing, cleared her head from its previous fog. Finally, out of reflex, she bowed a third time as her silver-haired kouhai approached. "Have you come to grace us with your knowledge of Fragments, Madamoiselle?" Not to be goaded on by the dark-haired girl's sarcastic tone, Aura simply shrugged. "I don't think I would know anything that is not common knowledge here. Fragments are the weapons that we use to fight evil, no? They have their own special abilities and powers, and they will make us into heroes of legend, if we can become adept enough to master them." Reiko nodded. "A slightly different perspective than I have given you, and hopefully something that will make it easier for you to understand the true nature of these things. You may infer what you like and come to your own conclusions."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago

It wasn't too long before Aura joined the group followed by Alzir. Karnage knew Alzir as a combat instructor and fairly powerful in his own right. Lots of rumors making him out to be a memetic badass, and while lots of them seemed rather farfetched Karnage knew that the mortal (Or possibly an angel or demon, Karnage doesn't know) was powerful. "Greetings, Alvuad. I am introducing this young one to the academy." Karnage motioned towards Lucaris. Karnage turned his attention towards Aura who was bantering with Reiko. When it came to knowledge on Fragments Aura claimed that she only knew what was common knowledge, but what was "common" varies. For Karnage and likely Lucaris, common is next to nothing. Karnage pondered what would be the next best way to try to get more answers about fragments, considering asking Alzir but chose not to. There's no fun in that. Than Karnage had another idea. He looked over to the two girls and Lucaris, than at Alzir. He was certain this could work. If not he always had a Plan B. "How about a demonstration? These Fragments take the form of instruments, correct? The best way to know what a Fragment is is to show what it can do." They already knew that Reiko had her flute, though Karnage doesn't know what Aura or Lucaris's Fragment was. Karnage also understood there was an innate danger in using the Fragments, which is what Alzir was here for; if things became too dangerous, surely he could put a stop to it before it spirals out of control. To further convince the girls to show off their instruments, Tyrael rolled his sleeve back and formed a claw, throwing it at his violin case off in the distance before yanking it back to him. In one swift movement he pulled his sleeve back into place and had his violin at the ready. "Let us test your harmony."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Reiko's pupils dilated visibly in her already dark eyes at the mention of playing music here in the hall. Would... would that be alright? It would be alright wouldn't it? No... Such a disruptive power would ruin the rest of the evening. We don't have to use the power. Just play the song. Obviously that wouldn't work. She wasn't adept enough to prevent or control it so reliably. It doesn't matter. Play the song. You have to play the song. Play the goddamned song. You have to play it. "I... I'm not sure that's the best idea-" Her thoughts were interrupted by Aura, who had already unsheated her crystal microphone. "Hell yeah!" she grinned, "This band sucks. Let's make a show of it! We've already got dancers, just match the tone. Give them something to dance to. If you can't do that, you can't call yourself a musician!" "I... don't think-" "Just try and stop me, Rei! Je chanterais!" The sound of the violin and vocals resounded throughout the ballroom, and everyone present would feel something strange within their mind, as though their ears were ringing, but instead of sound, there was emptiness. A sound that was not there. It was not a disturbing feeling, but it would be noticeable. This was the feeling of Aura's communication technique. It was possible to shut the feeling off if you were familiar with it, but otherwise, anyone could use it to send thoughts to each other. Reiko was familiar with this effect from having seen it once, and took it as an opportunity to make a point. She reached out to Karnage's mind as he was playing. "Do you feel it? The power of a fragment? Is this what you wanted to see?" Karnage's wicked smile grew as Aura took the initative, starting the band. Grabbing his violin he joined her on the stage and led the other violinist in her song. Normally he'd have a hard time simply starting a song he's never heard before, and yet... It came naturally to him, at least once Aura started to sing. "Syncronity." Karnage kept playing as other musicians joined in the lively song, like Karnage initally uncertain but eventually able to play in harmony. It wasn't until he started hearing thoughts that he noticed something was admiss. He heard Reiko, which was strange because currently the sound of his violin made him deaf to all but song. He quickly came to the realization that this must be some sort of telepathy spell, brought upon by Aura's Fragment. At least that's what he guessed from what little Reiko told him. "Impressive. I have felt something similar before... A long time ago. Join us Reiko. Let us hear your melodies." It's unavoidable. Play the song. Enjoy the melody, embrace the harmony. Seeing Karnage's embracing of this phenomenon, rather than being afraid or wary, broke the last of Reiko's mental walls. It was time to play her flute. "Fine, I'll show you, if you're so insistent. It's nothing that impressive anyhow." The instrument was in her hands without her even realizing it, and she lifted it up to her lips, filling it with her breath. Almost mechanically, crystalline mist began wafting out of the end of the flute, coalescing along the floor in their immediate surroundings, and eventually filling the room. It was not too thick, which Reiko considered a blessing (truth told she would rather have not produced any mist at all) but it was enchanting all the same. The effect was not lost on Aura, who began singing louder and with more passion. Apparently it was just a stage effect as far as she was concerned. Though signs of strain began invading her face, she seemed to be enjoying herself. Reiko couldn't understand that girl. As the song peaked and drew closer to its end, the mist from her flute began thickening and soon it was difficult to see her own feet. But she could not stop playing. She was already too far gone. In her mind there was no longer a crowd, she was simply playing for herself. The sound of Karnage's violin and the other musicans echoed over the thick mist. Despite it however, Karnage was not lost. Or at least, he knew where he was going. He was following the sound of the flute. Something about it drew him towards Reiko, and with any luck, he wouldn't be alone. Also at some point Karnage had managed to get a hold of a banjo like intrstument, using that instead of his violin. When the flute started to get louder Karnage started a new song. It was a song made for trouble, but specfically for Reiko. He was pratically challenging the girl to musical combat now, to have her show the full abilities of her Fragment. While Karnage goaded Reiko into unleashing her Fragment, he also sought after Lucaris. "Do not hide. Follow the music and learn the power of Fragments." Reiko barely noticed the change in tune, shifting her song slightly to keep up with Karnage, but otherwise her energy did not shift. The mist was thick, to the point where she could not see anyone around her anymore, and somewhere along the way, the vocals had stopped, and with it, the buzzing in her head. Good, it was a distraction anyway. Aura had stopped singing. The bad feeling that Reiko had previously held had made its way over to her, and she no longer liked where this was leading. She had tried to call out to the floutist in her mind, but it was futile. Reiko was so stuck in her head that she was beyond hearing. That had to be dangerous... right? Right. Karnage seemed intent on keeping them playing, but he didn't know anything about these fragments. They were dangerous. Aura didn't think that he had any malicious intent, but this had to stop. The sound of the music led her to Reiko. From her position, she could see Karnage a few feet away. Geez, he was awfully close, it seemed like he had the same idea as she did, though for different reasons. "Hey! Sonata, arrête! Stop this, Reiko!" She wasn't listening, even when Aura reached out and shook her by the shoulder. Her glassy stare continued to face forward. "Zut alors, je suis fatigue. Sorry about this, girl, you'll thank me later." Grabbing the flute in one hand, she tried pulling it away, but the dark-haired girl's grasp was firm, like rigor mortis. Using this for leverage, Aura delivered a strong knee to Reiko's gut, knocking the wind out of her, and slammed both of her arms outward against Reiko's arms, knocking the flute out of her hands as she tumbled to the floor. The music stopped abruptly, though the mist would linger until it dispelled naturally. Aura turned to Karnage, who was the closest person to the two of them. "We're departing. I no longer like this place, and I should see Reiko to the infirmary. I may have cracked a rib or two just now. If anyone wants to see us, I will be there with her until the night falls or someone else attends. You want a last piece of information about these fragments, I hope this display did not go to waste. They have a certain... influence. And it is quite strong. For those with a weak spirit, it could mean death. Perhaps I am the last person who should be saying this, but... they are not simply toys to be played with." Hoisting the unconscious girl over her shoulders like a sack of potatoes, Aura picked the flute up off of the floor and made her way outside, hopefully before anyone else questioned what was going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alzir watched the two depart, the girls injuries were not life threatening. He'd heard the bones and it didn't sound too bad. He watched the two forms through the wall as his eyes dilated until the pupils were almost fully consuming the iris. "Well with all the excitement I think you young ones have worn this old man out." He'd make sure he visited the girl in the infirmary. Not that either of them would know, after all. He had a knack for that. "I'm sure I will see more than a few of you in my classes tomorrow. Until then" With that Alzir turned and left the ballroom with a swirl of his robes and on silent feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The air was cool but the temperature was above freezing and the layer of ice covering the tiles of the roof was thin enough to melt under somebody's heat. It was dark and quiet all around. The only light was coming from the dim lamps in the gardens far below and the cityscape far, far away.

Sound was distant too. If he closed his eyes and concentrated he thought he could feel the hum of the party beneath his back. Then he realised it was just the beating of his own heart. There were too many floors of empty space between him and everyone else.

A deep breath filled his lungs with intoxicating sweet smoke.
A blissful sigh escaped his lips.
This was peace.

A very short-lived peace.

It started with a faint rustling. Then some quiet grunting became audible and piqued his curiosity, making him open his eyes.

It was his classmate, the angel. She was currently trying to pull herself up on the rooftop and if he wasn't mistaken her legs and wings were swaying in the wind under the ledge, trying to prevent her upper body from falling.

“Tictoc, right on time. We're expecting some heavenly lights in a few minutes.” He joked as he got up and went to give her a hand. She welcomed it and seemed to appreciate the joke with a smile.

“Bizzare that we had the same idea, huh?”

“Not as bizzare as watching an angel climb up a roof when she could just float atop of it.” He grinned. Tokarin smiled sheepishly. “Didn't think it through. Falling is more dangerous when there's something to hit close under, isn't it? Mind if I stay?”

Fen shook his head and sat back down, taking another whiff of his joint, eyes roaming the horizon. Loom's skyline was a beautiful mess of light and darkness, of buildings and ruins.

Next to him the angel's feathers rustled as she sat a few meters away and hugged her knees, staring in the distance like he was. It reminded her of Heaven, of home – a place she both hated and somehow missed. The silence here was different, it was never as engulfing as it was back there. It was never that complete because there was always someone to share it with.

The wind was catching small hairs that hadn't fit in the braid and tickled her face with them. A cloud of invisible smoke drifted past her and it smelled of something heavy, sticky and sweet. Her eyes shifted in the direction it had come from and fell on Fenrir. All he was wearing was a black T-shirt and some ripped jeans while she was already feeling a slight chill.

“Aren't you cold?”

“No.” He responded sleepily, not looking at her. She fell quiet for a moment before continuing.

“Is that burning thing keeping you warm?”

“Nnnnope.” He dragged out, then chuckled softly and looked at her. The look of curiosity on her face made his smirk more sincere and he outstretched his hand towards her. “Wanna try?”

Tokarin took the joint and gave it a go, taking a brave whiff. The sounds of chocking and chuckling intertwined soon after.

“That's poison.” She coughed out bitterly and grimaced, handing him back the malicious smoke.

“That it is.” He agreed, content washing over him once again.

Tokarin shook her head and laid down on her back, looking up to the stars and waiting for the colourful man-made creations that would soon overshadow them.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xionist
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Karnage suggested that the two girls demonstrate their abilities Lucaris couldn't help but feel very curious as to what would happen next. What sort of powers is he about to witness, and what sort of effect it will have. Who knew what could happen. As Reiko began to question whether or not they should, Aura was all too willing to jump right in on the action and began playing her instrument. Lucaris couldn't help but smile slightly as the song began. The tune was easy to get caught up in. As the song progressed Lucaris began to feel a very peculiar feeling. A sort of empty buzzing filled his ears ever so softly. Feel that, boy? That's the feelin' of having your mind invaded. Feel violated yet? They can get into your head now! Your secrets wont be safe like this. What if they find out, hmm? That you secretly lust for their flesh and blood. Why wont you just go away? Why must you torment me so? I can barely sleep thanks to you! Hah, you're the one who picked me up. Not the other way around, boy. Lucaris clenched his jaw tight as he tried not to think of any of his past memories in fear of them being seen. He was just starting to enjoy his arrival at the school and now he felt sick and extremely paranoid. Lucaris was tired of the voice constantly poking at him. Never giving him a moments rest. Every time he's relaxed even a slight amount the voice would be there to put him on edge once more. Tasting blood, Lucaris noticed that he had accidentally bit into his cheek during his lapse of unease. As Reiko's song, and mist, filled the room Lucaris couldn't help but feel as this too was some form of magical trap. No longer was he curious as to see what sort of abilities these two had. Instead he wanted to be as far away from the room as possible. Running away, hmm? Say, I wonder if they can hear me. Maybe then they'll be able to see what sort of wondrous monster you are. As Lucaris made his way through the mist that was now thick enough to obscure his vision he felt Karnage's thought brush against his mind. He assumed it was Karnage, anyways, when he heard him speak via mind. Karnage was trying to call him back, but Lucaris was not going to turn back. The first door he saw he was going to take. Although finding a door seemed near impossible with the mist clouding his vision. Trying to fight back a wave of panic Lucaris spun around and desperately began looking for a way out of the mist. At one point he thought he could hear a shout, but he barely even registered it as he blindly made his way through the mist. Wait, this mist seems a little thinner than it was before. Have I found the way out? It was barely a minute after this realization had the mist become thin enough to see through, and thus Lucaris quickly made his way over to a door he remembered the strange woman from when he had first arrived had used to exit the previous room. Melting clothes and all. Now that he was out of the mist, and knew he finally had his own thoughts to himself Lucaris began to wonder just what he had gotten himself into. This is the only way so I may as well just endure. I'll have to expose myself to those strange abilities in the future so I've got to not panic next time it happens. Just keep my thoughts to myself and I wont have to worry, right? The voice is just trying to get me on edge. It's obviously lying. Hmm, I do wonder about that. Lucaris shook his head and began to wander the hallways. He didn't quite have a destination in mind and didn't think too much when offered a choice at a fork in the hallways. Lucaris was quickly brought out of his blank stupor when a voice called out to him. "Hello, can't you hear me? I said do you need any help? Clearly you're a new student, yes? I've never seen you around here, and you don't look all that bright. Can't be a teacher then. Obviously a student, yes." Lucaris gazed at the newcomer blankly as she talked before he realized just what exactly the woman was saying. He chewed through the question offered thoroughly before giving his response in an attempt to remove any chance of extended conversation. He was tired of talking and wanted nothing more at this point than to sleep. "Erm, new student? Yes, I am one. I was feeling a little sick so I left the, erm, party room. Is there somewhere I can sleep?" The woman looked at him as if he had asked he if she could breath. "Of course we have rooms! This building is nothing but rooms! Honestly with how little people we have here you'd wonder why we would need something so grandeur. Do you even realize just how much work it takes to keep each and every room prepared for any potential students? No, of course you wouldn't. Right, come on then. I'll show you to a room and tell you everything you need to know for now. Clearly you haven't got a clue, have you?" The woman continued to chatter on and on to Lucaris telling him about this and that. Most of the stuff she talked about were gossipy non-essential things. Like what the cook secretly did when nobody was watching, or what Hazumi -- Who Lucaris realized was the woman from earlier -- could be planning. However he was told useful things like where the food hall was and how to get to it from his sleeping quarters so that he would be able to eat before going to his first class tomorrow. It had taken several long minutes to bid his farewells to the woman, who had eventually introduced herself as Victoritta Clarence. Finally getting his door shut and bolted Lucaris let the sweet sounds of silence wash over him as he made his way over to the bed. Not taking any time to strip or even observe his surroundings Lucaris immediately curled up in the middle of the bed and fell asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


It was 9 o'clock in the morning, an hour before lectures started. That one extra hour was a sign of goodwill by the principal who had decided people would be too sleepy anyway to pay any attention after the new year celebrations last night. It struck Tokarin as peculiar as their bootcamp-like regime involved being woken up on short notice most mornings.

In any case, she appreciated the extra hour. Not because she hadn't slept much, really, but just because she wasn't a morning person in general. The worn face in the mirror said as much.

Gathering up her energy she gnawed at the toothpaste infused water and spat it out, putting her toothbrush back in its container. She gave her face an ice-cold wash, her feathers bristling in protest, and evaluated the result in the mirror. Not great but satisfactory, still dripping wet.

A click behind her made her eyes shift in the direction of one of the shower cabins of the communal baths. What came out was a guy and he let out a yelp just as Tokarin heard a loud hick escape her throat. For some reason she whirled around, pressing her back against the sink like a cornered animal. The boy probably felt the same as he slammed the door of the shower cabin between them and shouted through it.

“The hell are you doing in the men's showers?!”

“I-I-I--” She gasped, trying to convey in a sensible manner that she hadn't realised it as the males' bathroom at all, and failing dramatically. Her face felt like it was on fire, and so did her brain, blocking all rational thought out of it. In a fit of panic she covered her face and pulled her wings around herself, hoping against hope that the guy wouldn't remember her as she gave up explaining and ran out of the facility. She ran all the way down a hallway and sneaked in a small dark corridor, back pressing against a big stairwell.

Tokarin gave herself a few minutes to calm down before dropping her hands off her face and getting to her feet again. It occurred to her that it wasn't her face but the wings that would betray who she was but she tried not to dwell on it as she walked to the diner.

It was a grand space, and, like everything here, didn't contain half as many residents as it was intended to. The teachers didn't have their own diner but they usually sat at the far end, engaging with each other rather than the students. There was a buffet table to the right of the door containing all kinds of weird and wonderful dishes of a variety of cultures and even just the sight of it made the girl forget all about the incident.

Staring at the rainbow of colours and tastes she found herself unable to decide between the Chinese vegetable dumplings and the Bulgarian white cheese-filled pastry, between the kiwi jelly and the apple strudel and between the espresso and the americano. In the end she made her choice, grabbed the items and whirled around, determined to at least choose a table quickly. Spotting an unfamiliar face she headed straight to it and took a seat, greeting instead of asking if it's appropriate.
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