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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This weekend I'd like to implement a big feature. So far I'm thinking it'll be full-text search functionality.

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

I see. I'll experiment with full whitespace preservation to see how it impacts how most people expect BBCode lists to work. For example, people often use newlines to organize/space-out their BBCode markup and don't intend for them to create extraneous newlines in the resulting post.

Worst case scenario, if I don't think it's a good default setting, I'll make it an opt-in/advanced feature: [list=preserve] or something like that where prefix/suffix newlines are not trimmed off.

<Snipped quote by Ellri>

More robust (less likely to break in the future) work-arounds would be:

- Use a new list for every bullet point.
- Use [indent] + your own bullet character.

Ellri, instead of using noparse + color, you can use [code].

What about fixing the tabindex problem with the post box?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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What about fixing the tabindex problem with the post box?
Captain Jordan
There is no "problem" to speak of. Tab is for making tab characters and by now it is rather obvious you're about the only person on the site who cares about actually using it otherwise. (And believe me, I'd personally have been not happy if it actually ever did unfocus the textbox for me, since I keep hitting tab even when it doesn't do anything - force of habit, you see.)
No touching my tab. That is the best thing to happen to this, almost purely creative writing-oriented, site since the site actually working again and single line breaks, and yes, it should be this way by default. It is a site for writing, after all. Shoo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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<Snipped quote by Mahz>

What about fixing the tabindex problem with the post box?

It's on my to-do list. I basically need to make a toggle beneath the editor that binds/unbinds the tab-key-override handler to the tab key and saves the preference in a cookie. Facebook has/had something similar: a checkbox for "Enter sends the message" vs entering a newline into your message.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenDivinity

ravenDivinity many signs and wonders

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Captain Jordan>
There is no "problem" to speak of. Tab is for making tab characters and by now it is rather obvious you're about the only person on the site who cares about actually using it otherwise. (And believe me, I'd personally have been nothappy if it actually ever did unfocus the textbox for me, since I keep hitting tab even when it doesn't do anything - force of habit, you see.)
No touching my tab. That is the best thing to happen to this, almost purely creative writing-oriented, site since the site actually working again and single line breaks, and yes, it should be this way by default. It is a site for writing, after all. Shoo.

You spoke too soon, LOL. I'd love to be able to use it the other way.

You're making such a big deal out of this one function. You're not going to die without it. Besides, looks like Mahz has a fix that benefits both sides without all of the silly, close-minded elitism surrounding this place being a "creative writing-oriented site" (which is not RPG's only orientation):

<Snipped quote by Captain Jordan>
It's on my to-do list. I basically need to make a toggle beneath the editor that binds/unbinds the tab-key-override handler to the tab key and saves the preference in a cookie. Facebook has/had something similar: a checkbox for "Enter sends the message" vs entering a newline into your message.

Thank you! Now we don't have to have the dumb debate about it ever again!
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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<Snipped quote by Shienvien>
You spoke too soon, LOL. I'd love to be able to use it the other way.

You're making such a big deal out of this one function. You're not going to die without it. Besides, looks like Mahz has a fix that benefits both sides without all of the silly, close-minded elitism surrounding this place being a "creative writing-oriented site" (which is not RPG's only orientation):

<Snipped quote by Mahz>
Thank you! Now we don't have to have the dumb debate about it ever again!

Regardless of whether or not someone will "die without" a feature, by shutting down future discussion on a topic, the "winning" side essentially asserts dominance by indirectly claiming that their use of the feature is inherently superior. He could just as easily say that you (or others that wish for it to have that function) are "making such a big deal about it." Regardless, I haven't sensed any elitism on the Guild, even pre-GuildFall.
For the record, I have no opinion regarding the tab issue. My point is that whenever a feature is introduced, there should be ground for both sides of the issue to present their points witbout being shut out by the other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

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I'd appreciate not being directed repeated condescending remarks at. Thank you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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<Snipped quote by Captain Jordan>
It's on my to-do list. I basically need to make a toggle beneath the editor that binds/unbinds the tab-key-override handler to the tab key and saves the preference in a cookie. Facebook has/had something similar: a checkbox for "Enter sends the message" vs entering a newline into your message.

Basically Mahz steps in and this happens: Old El Paso Hard and Soft Tacos
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenDivinity

ravenDivinity many signs and wonders

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by ravenDivinity>
Regardless of whether or not someone will "die without" a feature, by shutting down future discussion on a topic, the "winning" side essentially asserts dominance by indirectly claiming that their use of the feature is inherently superior. He could just as easily say that you (or others that wish for it to have that function) are "making such a big deal about it." Regardless, I haven't sensed any elitism on the Guild, even pre-GuildFall.
For the record, I have no opinion regarding the tab issue. My point is that whenever a feature is introduced, there should be ground for both sides of the issue to present their points witbout being shut out by the other.

The point was that the debate was going nowhere with no leeway to accept the other side. I think I'd rather just settle it with a compromise and leave it to preference instead of discussing it further when the solution is easy and hurts nobody.

The points were already presented a while ago.

I'd appreciate not being directed repeated condescending remarks at. Thank you.

With all due respect, I don't mean to be so bitingly caustic, but you really haven't offered much tangible evidence besides subjective matters like the focus of the site as a creative writing site and the fact that you simply want things to be that way. I'm sorry if it bothers you, but I'm obviously very annoyed by the fact that we're aggrandizing something that is purely preferential and that we're refusing to compromise on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Well, I did point out that in very many instances, the tab key indeed does produce a tab character in some browser environments, or otherwise simply does nothing at all anywhere where it isn't recognized as character input (the latter on at least some systems and browsers). Which pretty much counters the "reserved by browsers and operating systems" notion, which was your only argument back then. (Nope, still autocomplete/offer suggestions on most console programs and tab character in many if not most text-related things.)
(...Next up: users should only be allowed to make linebreaks by shift+entering, since the enter is reserved by forms as the "submit button", and the post text area is essentially a single-field form.)
And then Mahz will put in a toggle in for that, too, just to mess with us. I'm ncertain there are at least a few 1x1 free RPers who'd like the forum to behave more like an IM. (Provided the forum can survive them refreshing once every thirty seconds.)

A new, completely pointless thing to focus on: why are some random lines separating the topics in the subforum-view thicker than others? It was not like that before - I noticed it around when Mahz added the sidebar, I think. It doesn't really bother me, just strange little graphical mishap (occurs on large screens, too).

And should hiders and buttons follow the same color scheme as tags?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I smell an elitist nearby!

(joking, please don't kill me)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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What are yall's main uses for a search feature, like what are the kinds of searches you find yourself doing/wanting the most? I'd like to prioritize the features yall want and perhaps yall have use-cases I haven't thought of.

One thing I'd like is a quick way to see my own posts in a topic:

(That link would essentially be a shortcut to a search for all posts by user "Mahz" with a filter of topic_id = 42)
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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I've been wondering this for awhile and I don't know if this has been answered so please forgive me if it has but will any kind of notification of subscribed posts in the future? What I mean to say is that a new notification section was added but it only notify for a new PM message sent. I find this to be a bit useless since the number also appears next to the PM button as well. However, when a post is made to a subscribed thread, it never notify you. I tend to work in PMs but I find that when I do not, they tend to be forgotten or I miss a post that has been sitting for days or someone else doesn't notice that a post has been written for days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Mahz, I know for sure I would absolutely use a "Search by User Posts in this Topic" function, that way I could see all of a single individual's posts in a single topic - that's building off the idea of "Search by My Posts in this Topic" as you said.

It would help consolidate an individual's character and history very easily for more rapid reference.

That's it, aside from perhaps a classic keyword search.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Admin Seen 1 day ago

I've been wondering this for awhile and I don't know if this has been answered so please forgive me if it has but will any kind of notification of subscribed posts in the future? What I mean to say is that a new notification section was added but it only notify for a new PM message sent. I find this to be a bit useless since the number also appears next to the PM button as well. However, when a post is made to a subscribed thread, it never notify you. I tend to work in PMs but I find that when I do not, they tend to be forgotten or I miss a post that has been sitting for days or someone else doesn't notice that a post has been written for days.

Yeah, that's a basic feature I want to build very soon. Currently you only get notified for PMs, when you're mentioned in a quote, and when your username is mentioned.

There are random basic features like this that I'll be working on over the next couple months.

For example, right now I'm working on the ability to search for posts/PMs which is another feature that's sorely lacking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

That is wonderful news to hear and thank you for answering so quickly ^-^

I think that the search would be a perfect new addition. Again, thanks for all the hard work!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LegendBegins
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What are yall's main uses for a search feature, like what are the kinds of searches you find yourself doing/wanting the most? I'd like to prioritize the features yall want and perhaps yall have use-cases I haven't thought of.

One thing I'd like is a quick way to see my own posts in a topic:

(That link would essentially be a shortcut to a search for all posts by user "Mahz" with a filter of topic_id = 42)

Search for a specific word or group of words, and perhaps the option to search only through post titles, or through entire posts as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Mahz I agree with Harbringer in that most of the time, when I get a hankering for a search, it's usually towards users/myself. And considering I don't like searchin thru a sea of posts sometimes, being able to search by thread would also be cool if that makes sense??:0
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 1 mo ago

A search for something within the IC/OOC/Char sections may help, much like a filter. That way if you bring up a term that you're looking for in say the IC, you're not going to bring up OOC or Char posts with the same term.

Also, if there is a thread search of some kind would it be worth displaying how many times the searched term appeared within that thread? or would that be pointless clutter?
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

What are yall's main uses for a search feature, like what are the kinds of searches you find yourself doing/wanting the most? I'd like to prioritize the features yall want and perhaps yall have use-cases I haven't thought of.

One thing I'd like is a quick way to see my own posts in a topic:

(That link would essentially be a shortcut to a search for all posts by user "Mahz" with a filter of topic_id = 42)

Searching the entire site, searching a selection (a+) of boards (like if I was trying to find that one Star Wars RPG from ages ago, I would confine my search to the Casual or Advanced boards since I couldn't remember which one it was), searching within a topic in general and searching for a specific user.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

What are yall's main uses for a search feature, like what are the kinds of searches you find yourself doing/wanting the most? I'd like to prioritize the features yall want and perhaps yall have use-cases I haven't thought of.

I have found myself searching where exactly something was addressed in a specific thread quite often - so I'd second "search thread" (or even the IC/OoC/CSs os a thread) would be useful. And similarly searching by boards. Whatever lets one narrow a search down and not get hundreds of matches when they already roughly know where what they're looking for is.

(Speaking of which, you might want to stop users from searching from silly things like empty strings and single characters. I am mostly certain yo already thought of that, but I thought I'd mention it just in case. I've seen sites with massive databases designed by people who got paid for specifically that which still let you select and return the entire database by entering either nothing or a wildcard.)
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