Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(Edited my post above, take not at the last line Gamer) Question Apollosarcher. What age is your character's little sister? Does she attend school? What grade is she in? Do you plan to RP her a lot, and if so, for what types of events? Or do you plan on her being RPed a lot, but never knowing anything?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ignore this post this post was a mistake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

> (Edited my post above, take not at the last line Gamer) > > > Question Apollosarcher. What age is your character's little sister? Does she attend school? What grade is she in? Do you plan to RP her a lot, and if so, for what types of events? Or do you plan on her being RPed a lot, but never knowing anything? I was just looking through the hieghts already mentioned to see how tall mine was to everyone else and I saw someone at 5'11" so I feel pretty confident in the height I chose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

> > (Edited my post above, take not at the last line Gamer) > > > > > > Question Apollosarcher. What age is your character's little sister? Does she attend school? What grade is she in? Do you plan to RP her a lot, and if so, for what types of events? Or do you plan on her being RPed a lot, but never knowing anything? > > I was just looking through the hieghts already mentioned to see how tall mine was to everyone else and I saw someone at 5'11" so I feel pretty confident in the height I chose. > > > Right. I've talked to the person who is 5'11", and they haven't responded about that yet. 5'11" is how tall I am, and I'm actually pretty tall. Not to mention I've finished growing. 5'3" is the highest average height of a 13 year old child. Actually, Apollosarcher, have you told me why that character is that tall? I have looked it up. The average Frenchman ADULT, that is, after they have finished growing, is 5'9". That is shorter than myself. The height of my dad. Most people don't reach their maximum height until 16. But, before then, you shouldn't be that close to your maximum height. I do understand people grow faster than normal, and reach their height beforehand, but they also grow slower. I'm seeing most characters are growing from average, to tall. Oh, and this isn't anime. Anime's have people extremely taller than normal. I'm sorry I sound very angry about this, but height is a hard thing to understand. Everyone doesn't need to be a giant in this. If you've watched the show, you should know almost every character is average, to slightly shorter height. Yumi is literally the tallest kid in the entire show, out of the entire school of kids! 5'11 is extremely tall for her age, though it is understood she has stopped growing now. I just want everyone to understand the average height for our ages isn't that high. If I had to guess, I would guess Jim himself is probably 5'10". I'm not sure, but I'm sure he's around there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

> Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 > > Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. > > Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. > > Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. > > Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number. Okay, accepted. The whole cat thing is weird, and I almost feel like you're trying to make an anime character... but alright. I can see XANA destroying those every chance he has though. Muhahahaa...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright everyone! I'm off to sleeps now. Good night everyone! Note to self: Started at 1, 0, 0. Ended at 16, 66, 16. Woot! Make that, 67 with this post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 3 mos ago

funny thing is, before i caught up on ooc posts..... i was going to make a muscly guy who was completely blind, but found Lyoko to be amazing because he would be able to see in that world. Not sure how many of you read Brotherband, but I was gonna base his character on Ingvar, lol. Ingvar is practically a giant in the book even though he is young (and i believe they are around 15-16) he is incredibly strong but is a bit simple compared to others and he has terrible vision that keeps him from seeing anything but a blur, and that keeps him from doing a lot of things. I think that was the writer's way of leveling him out with the other characters. (If you didn't notice I highly recommend The Ranger's Apprentice and Brotherband Chronicles, lol) Mind if I take the blind slot? though i may make him blind in the Lyoko world as well since it would still give him that challenge
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

> funny thing is, before i caught up on ooc posts..... i was going to make a muscly guy who was completely blind, but found Lyoko to be amazing because he would be able to see in that world. Not sure how many of you read Brotherband, but I was gonna base his character on Ingvar, lol. Ingvar is practically a giant in the book even though he is young (and i believe they are around 15-16) he is incredibly strong but is a bit simple compared to others and he has terrible vision that keeps him from seeing anything but a blur, and that keeps him from doing a lot of things. I think that was the writer's way of leveling him out with the other characters. (If you didn't notice I highly recommend The Ranger's Apprentice and Brotherband Chronicles, lol) > > Mind if I take the blind slot? > though i may make him blind in the Lyoko world as well since it would still give him that challenge Haha, awesome! I've read Ranger's Apprentice... but I don't own Halt's Demise, or any books beyond that. As for the blind character, awesome! I would suggest them being able to see on Lyoko though... the challenge would be getting used to it. Or maybe not quiet "seeing". ;) You also have to remember, Kadic Junior High is for especially gifted children. If your character is dumb, then they wouldn't even be accepted. And if they can't see, how can they possibly study? I actually have an idea for a blind character myself, but that character will not live at Kadic, and instead will be a homeless character, thus countering the conundrum of schooling. Just make sure you think about your character quiet a bit before you start writing. You need to pretend your said character. Then remember what Kadic is, and make adjustments. A blind character would be a HUGE challenge, but awesome to RP! But, are the challenges so bad you might give up, or does it conflict with the logic of the world? I wouldn't mind if your character isn't part of Kadic, but you would have to understand that character will have less interaction at first, since we don't have anyone outside of Kadic for half of the day usually. I would suggest making two characters, since I have no limits to how many! I will, however, consider how many characters you have, and might only let one become a Lyoko Warrior. Just point me at the character you "Hope" to be a Lyoko Warrior if you make multiple. EDIT: Oh, and I'd like to mention real quick, in the old RP, there was a character there that was average height. But, on Lyoko, he was taller than everyone else. Your Lyoko form may become drastically different than their real world counter-part, as it picks up on your personality, and not your physical form (Though some characteristics are picked out.) If you REALLY want a tall character, you can be tall on Lyoko! But no 6'5" stuff. I'll limit Lyoko Forms to be as tall as 6'0".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I haven't read the brotherband books. I've had no intrest in them since finishing the original series.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

> > Username: Shadolord | Character Name: Alice Vale | Character Age: 13 | Character Gender: Female | Character Grade: 8 > > > > Appearance: Doesn't wear any hat though does wear a headband that has black cat ears attached. Her green eyes staring out to take in more than most would realize. She was rather small for her age her arms and torso are slender that seemed likely to snap in a strong breeze. She frequently wears black jeans to hide her long legs and protect her alabaster skin from darkening in the sun. Hiding her flat chest inside of a baggy tee-shirt normally of a darker color. Her belt has a tail attached to the back of it. > > > > Personality: Alice is a cat at heart. How she speaks and moves show her as a playful predator. She can rub people the wrong way but cares alot about how everyone feels. Anything she does is normally to make others happier. Her personality also can change strangely if you scratch her. She feels incredibly curious about what is going on in the world. > > > > Biography: Alice is a boarder student while her parents live in Italy she went to Kadic to receive one of the best educations she could. Her father was very supportive and her mother was against the idea because she was afraid of losing her and it would take hours to get there if she needed them. When she went to school in Florence people found her incredibly odd but when she announced she was leaving someone gave her the cat ears she wears everyday now. > > > > Other: Lists shouldn't have multiples of the same number. > > Okay, accepted. The whole cat thing is weird, and I almost feel like you're trying to make an anime character... but alright. I can see XANA destroying those every chance he has though. Muhahahaa... Actually it is a real thing called therianthrope. It is a little part of myself i put in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Username: Jollan | Character Name: Garsin Folkvar | Character Age: 16 | Character Gender: male | Character Grade: 9 (started school late) Appearance: Garsin has a large, strong, stocky build and stands at about 5'8". He has tanned skin and short, sandy hair cut high and tight. He has a masculine face with a strong square jaw and a set brow. His eyes are hazel with green in the center that fades to brown on the edge or the iris. He wears button up shirts with the top four buttons undone, the sleeves rolled to just below his elbow, and a white tank top underneath. He normally wears cargo khaki pants with a wallet chain and dark brown work boots. On his right wrist he has a stainless steel bracelet that matches the one around his neck, and a ring on his right ring finger and thumb. As for his left arm he wears a black durable watch that can tell him the time through beeps when he presses a button on it. He normally walks with a foldable cane with yellow and red tape around it so that people can see it as he walks around. There is a pouch on his belt to put the cane while he isn't using it. Personality: Though he can look intimidating, he normally keeps to himself. He is somewhat shy but polite, though he is very self conscious about his cane accidentally hitting or tripping people to the point where he tries to walk without using it so much,... and then running into people. His large size and stature don't really do much to help him either, but that is halfway his own fault for working out so much. He has a silent anger that will build and flare up on occasion, but has the maturity not to act recklessly most of the time. Biography: Garsin was born blind which made it difficult for him in school. when he was little, he was even held back from starting kindergarten because his parents were unsure if he was ready. After a while he was able to read braille, and with the help of tutors, get through his first couple of years at school. The jewelry he wears are hand-me-downs from his grandfather before he passed away. His family never had a lot of money to send Garsin to a private school or to pay tutors at later grades as he grew up. Though when Garsin had started getting into fights at school from people picking at his condition and poverty, his parents decided to home-school him. After a while, and due to a greater amount of focus outside of the public schools, Garsin was doing well in his studies. A friend of the family suggested Kadic Junior High to them and while the parents were unsure due to costs, Garsin was able to get in due to his grades and passing a test to see if he qualified outside of home-schooling. He was able to get a hold of some nice looking clothes at a thrift store so that he could at least look like he didn't come from a lower income household. However, old wounds didn't seem to heal to well, and he mostly tries to stay out of people's way. Other: Garsin usually likes to spend his time in the gym, doing weight training and excising. His most prize possession is a cello which he likes to play and he keeps it in his dorm room. This "number 9" foul up everyone is talking about.... I feel it is a malicious attack on the well being of my character's life and I shall deal with it accordingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just wanna make sure most of you guys have had a chance to post before I post again! :) Going to sleep. Night Night!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 27 days ago

I think this is going to happen allot in this and other RP's, but I think I'm kinda being ignored again. Dropping allot of papers on the floor should raise some attention, yet no one seemed to have noticed anything. Especially Demous's character, because she talked to the person mine bumped into in the first place, yet it seems like I'm the one invisible. I'm not mad or anything, if you think that, I'm just pointing it out, because otherwise we have stuff that doesn't really make sense anymore, wich my brain can't handle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spades


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll have Charlie talk to you then. :) Maybe you overheard Sayuri asking to be shown around and you tag along too?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tek I'm not use to giving height so if you want you could just give me an average height and I can switch it with the one in my cs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 27 days ago

Spades Im even more confused I thought you were going to talk to me? That feeling of being ignored... I hate it...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spades


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

> Spades Im even more confused I thought you were going to talk to me? That feeling of being ignored... I hate it... My post, i edited it to fit your character in, but it deleted it. I had to re-write it, read it again. Sorry for the confusion. I didn't mean to appear to ignore you, but please don't be so melodramatic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 27 days ago

It's okay, I just get really confused sometimes when the story doesnt make sense to me anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

> Tek I'm not use to giving height so if you want you could just give me an average height and I can switch it with the one in my cs. I understand. I'm horrible with heights as well. I just want to make sure everyone has the right height, and understands how tall their character really is. 5'3" is the average I found. > Spades Im even more confused I thought you were going to talk to me? That feeling of being ignored... I hate it... It's alright Nightmare. It's not you. It was pretty late last night, and people were waiting on other's to post. Don't forget, this RP is slowly starting right now. My character himself would have replied, but he was already talking to someone else, and awaiting a response. And Jollan... okay! I was questioning that character a little bit... but the second you mentioned home school, I threw out my finger and bobbed my head, "Oh yeah honey, now you're getting it!" xD Accepted! Now, I understand his character might be 5'10", a little taller, a little shorter. Because he's 16. And he's a 9th grader. The 9th graders usually are taller than everyone else, so that's alright for them to be tall. And they have different things they have to worry about.... Anyway, time to throw up your app! Where you gonna put it? Characters! (That was supposed to "Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!") Okay! I'm going to read the one post being read, and move everything along accordingly. Any new students that haven't had a chance to enter the office yet can post whenever, and it will be assumed they were given their papers, and assigned their room.
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