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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Loguetown, the first step for many to the Grand Line and where the previous pirate king, Gol D Rodger, met his end at the gallows. Being so close to the Grand Line, Loguetown is noted to have more than just humans walking about. "Hm... Lots of marines here. Oh well, they don't know me yet at least." Light said, looking over the crowd she was in. Being a fishman, Light was a bit odd amongst humans, but unlike other fishman, she is often seen as cute and thus humans had very mixed reactions looking at her. Her devil fruit power probably went a long ways to helping with this, as it gave her a bit more of a cartoony and less detailed look. Staying away from main street, but still staying near the shops and bars, Light was on the hunt for things to begin her travel on the Grand Line, and maybe some recruits. While she hadn't made too much of a name for herself yet with the marines, the couple fights she had been in were notable, and if the marine captain she had beaten hadn't lost his lower jaw, the marines would probably be more alert. "Where is that blind lady? Hope they're having better luck at this than I am. I can only guess at what we need." Light said to herself, looking over some ship materials, making note of what to come back and grab when she was ready to set sail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lorna had indeed better luck at gathering vital materials then her captain was having. Being the unofficial treasurer of the crew of two, mostly because of her acquired wealth, Light had left Lorna alone to gather supplies. Lorna didn't mind being by herself, she would have no trouble navigating herself around the town. She was more worried about Light getting into trouble. In the amount of time Lorna had known Light, although it had been short, she had learned quite a bit about the other. And she knew how headstrong and...passionate...the fish woman was. She was excited to jump right into being a pirate, not putting a whole lot of thought into what the two might need. Luckily Lorna was good at planning. Lorna had already located and visited stores that would stock them with food and water once they were ready to set sail, so they were all set in the food department. Lorna also took the liberty to replenish the crews other necessities, from blankets to dishes that always seem to break. And with her wallet slightly lighter and her backpack slightly heavier, Lorna set off to find her captain. She almost cracked a smile, thinking of referring the fish woman as her captain felt strange, and yet so right. She walked through the crowd carefully, not wanting to run into anyone. She knew she wouldn't have much trouble finding her captain, she walked in such an...animated way...that she vibrations seemed to bounce.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BRXVO
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BRXVO "D" will bring another storm

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

- **Boss Z. Gambino: Loguetown** Boss looked on as the tourist he was at the execution platform. Having a single arm proved to attract little attention though he couldn't care less. Most places he went, Boss received a few curious glances. _I would cross my arms in a situation like this but what do you know. So this is where they execute kings? A little drab to me. Not nearly fit for the decapitation of a legend. Not to mention one world known. _He shook his head in disapproval. Before walking away, brushing past a few still looking at the stump of a shoulder he had. For self amusement he shouldered himself past a smaller looking outlaw. The man reached for his crude cheap blade though had a second thought as Gambino threw him that famous mischevious smile. He walked aimlessly through the town, collecting as much information on his surroundings as possible. So far he's noticed one valuable source of info, a marine base. He spotted a marine walk inside smoking two cigars at the same time, though he thought nothng of it, though he still made a mental note. Stopping to talk to a few locals about the origins of the Polestar Islands. Many of the locals informed him that many pirates and marines alike overcrowded the island. Info worth having at the time. **"Damn it I need a drink".** Boss told no one in particular. He scanned his surroundings; loud noises, the sound of glass, laughter, the smell of sea water and sweat, the smell of a bar. Squinting his eyes in the distance for a better resolution into the open doorway, he smiled again to himself, the bar growing closer as he walked. Once inside he immediately took care of business ordering a single tall bottle of rum, a healthy fourty ounces. He tossed his head back to enjoy his drink. He soon found himself gambling with the little beli he e had, though fate was on his side today, bubbling his funds. **"You have dealt me victory. Your destiny has been decided by the cards".** Boss taunted his opponent, attempting to mimic the crazy women whom practiced divination back on his home island in the North Blue. He took a long drag from the cigarette rolled with herbs he finds from island to island. Looking down back at his hand he reaches in his pocket to withdraw a very unimpressive wad of beli. Throwing it on the table, the large brute in front of him mimicing the action **"Neither of us can learn much more from this. I pretty sure you've learned by now you've lost, unless its really that hot in here"** Boss noting the sweat on the red headed man's forehead. He reveales his winning hand and swipes the belli from the table. The spectators all erupt in cheer, Boss leapt from his chair grinning ear from ear. **"Remember the name, it will soon be legendary I tell you. The cards don't lie. Look for me in the newspapers ladies and gentlemen, Boss Z. Gambino!!!!** His spectators began chanting pumping their fist, a 12 hand streak was quite impresive. The large burly man with the red hair and a thick long beard that sat in his lap. He reached for his waist and pointed his flintlock up on the table at Boss. **"You one armed bastard"!!!!**
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

**Den Grimsly, Loguetown** From across the counter, a tired shopkeeper stared at a purple-haired boy as he browsed through all of the wares on display. A shop selling - of all things - guns and ammunition, had recently opened in Loguetown, and it had yet to pick up in popularity. This shopkeeper in particular had been here all day, adamant that someone would be interested in buying something. He had been there all day, and was falling asleep from boredom until someone had finally entered the building. Grimsly was the first 'customer' to actually take a step into the shop so far, and he was not a normal one either. The shopkeeper was expecting pirate customers; customers which would be aggressive, loud and would likely have a large amount of gold and beli to spend. However, Grimsly was the complete opposite of this. Since entering the store, he had said nothing at all, and from the looks of things, he had no beli at all. The store was filled with a seemingly forced silence, while Grimsly simply stared at one of the rifles which was on the wall. The shopkeeper had no reason to allow somebody who wasn't buying anything to take up space in his shop. He opened one of his eyes and spoke. "Hey, if you're not going to buy anyth-" Before he even needed to finish his sentence, Grimsly had already left the now-slightly-less-quiet building without uttering a word. Up until now, the shopkeeper hadn't been paying too much attention to Grimsly's appearance, but looking at his back, it was extremely clear that he had...wings? Impossible, the shopkeeper thought. Maybe he was a Devil Fruit user? --- Now outside of the store, Grimsly was free to continue exploring the town. It was the first earth-town he had been to, and to him it did not seem too different from his time on Skypiea. He brought his attention to a nearby bar, as he could hear an ungodly amount of cheering. Was drinking exciting? He didn't know, although his curiosity got the better of him. He approached the place, standing at the doorway and attempting to see what was causing the cheering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri yawns as she walks down the streets towards her last delivery. She'd had a long day, having had worked in the shop all morning then had a dozen deliveries. She didn't mind though. She didn't have to pay for a room or food, and enjoyed the work besides. She turned the corner and smiled, "There it is my last stop, and favorite bar in the city. Walking in she makes her way around the outside edge of the room up to the bar and places the wrapped package on the par in front of the owner, "Hey Tom how are ya today? I got yor knives here." The older man turns and smiles brightly, "Ah, Sayri I'm doin' well how bout yourself? Need a drink? Have some time to hang around? Mina'll be in here soon," As he talks he pulls out a small bag of beri and hands it to her. Smiling she accepts the bag, "I'm fine it's just been a long day," she accepts the bag and slips it into her delivery bag. She turns looking at the room and leans against the counter, "I do believe I'll stay and wait for her," she notices a card game going on and watches with a mild intrest, *'Looks like Red there still hasn't learned. He just doesn't seem to get he sucks at cards." As she watched she sighed and walked towards the table smiling and nodding at those who welcomed her. She shoved her way to the front of the crowd standing behind the red haired man watching. She snickered when he, inevitably, lost. She was surprised however when he pulled a flintlock on the one-armed man who he was playing. Sighing Sayuri walks closer to and places her hand on the sword that was always at her waist. As she did so the cheers quieted, "Well Red, seems you've finally gotten tired of losing. I would, however, reccomend you put the pistol away and leave quietly. Otherwise I might need to get involved," she said it like she was just talking about the weather, but, like most of the local regulars knew, she wasn't a pushover. Not the strongest in town, but still pretty strong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bristlebane's snoring stopped when the room went silent. He attempted to get up blurry-eyed and knocked the beer mug that had been on his table to the floor causing a incredably loud clattering noise in the akward silence. "Oops my bad." Bristlebane said totally unabashed and went to pick it up, ignoring the scene around the card table for the most part.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Having swiped a few things from shopkeepers who weren't looking, storing said objects in the pocket space inside her dress bottom, Light made her way through a few more backstreets of Loguetown until a bar caught her attention, more so due to all the loud sounds coming from it. Sticking her head in the doorway, Light saw what was a poker game argument. Apparently from the looks of things, a man in red was angry at a large muscly, almost reptilian looking guy beating him in poker. This red guy had a gun pointed at the large guy, while a few other people in the bar either looked on in terror or were telling the red guy to step down. "Welp, if none of them are going to settle this dispute..." Light said, noticing that people weren't taking any action. She entered the bar, and while a few people noticed her come in, it wasn't until she was behind the guy with the gun that everyone noticed her. Tapping him on the back, she greeted the man, who shrugged her off. She tapped him again a bit harder, until he turned around to look at her. Of course Light was uncomfortably close, so the man was face to face with her and her large black-and-orange eyes. Seeing such unnatural, almost demonic looking eyes up close without seeing the full picture, the man understandably fired a couple rounds into what he thought was Light's torso. The bullets didn't really affect her too much, leaving a couple holes through her body before dropping onto the ground. Light in return playfully slapped the man across the face a couple times, more antagonizing him than hurting him, causing him to empty the gun in various parts of Light's body, including one shot between the eyes. Playing along, Light reeled back when the final headshot had hit, and held the pose for a couple seconds before retaliating with a headbutt, knocking the guy to the ground. Showing no signs of blood, Light walked over to the bartender and ordered some wine. The man, a bit shellshocked at the whole scene that had just transpired in front of him, absently gave her a bottle without asking for payment. Satisfied, Light took a swig from the bottle, red streams of wine coming out of the various holes that were left in her body from the gunshots. After a bit she noticed this, and with a small popping sound, she made all the holes disappear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It hadn't taken Lorna long to find where her captain was. She always knew that Light would go wherever there was adventure, and thus would cause a commotion. The blind woman hadn't payed too much mind to the game of cards going on, but couldn't help but press a hand to her lips to silence a giggle when the larger man won, and exclaimed his victory. She listened and 'watched' as the commotion of the bar grew louder, people taking sides in the fight soon to come. But then, as she expected, Light entered the bar. Lorna was about to confront her captain into leaving the bar quietly, they didn't need to get wrapped up in another fight already. And then the man fired on her. Lorna figured she would never get used to how Light's body worked. Lorna knew bullets wouldn't hurt her captain, but suddenly feeling as holes appeared in her captain, The stoic girl flinched, even as her captain walked off without any sign of injury. Lorna walked over to her captain, who was now enjoying a drink at the bar. "My captain." Lorna spoke in a hushed, serious, tone. "We should get going, the sooner the better."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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**"HOOOOOOOOOOOY! WHOEVER THE STRONGEST PERSON IN TOWN IS! I'M MUSHURO TOGO AND I'M HERE TO KICK YOUR BUTT!"** The young ninja in what appeared to be a strange mix of actual functional stealth garb painted striking whites and blacks and panda pajamas had been wandering around town yelling out similar things at the top of his lungs for quite some time, only now he was doing it atop the very scaffold where Gol D. Roger was executed, grinning like a loon and doing a little happy dance. One might wonder just why such a bizarre sight was occuring. It all started when Mushuro Togo's crew had come to Roguetown. Unfortunately for the self proclaimed future world's strongest ninja-pirate his captain's stuffy no-nonsense financial advisor had practically forbidden him to "help" with any of the shopping. Therefore, he had been forced to make his own fun. In a place like Roguetown that was crawling with Marines and Pirates both, that meant finding some way to pick a fight with whoever the strongest person around was. Anything less than that absolutely would not do. Unfortunately for Mushuro, he had no idea what the best way of finding said strongest person actually happened to be. Hence for the duration of his journey through Roguetown, he had basically just obviously stated his trouble-making intentions _extremely loudly_ under the logic that the strongest person around would feel insulted enough to actually attempt to put him down. Well, that or the local marines would try to arrest him and he could at least fight his way up to their strongest local member after taking out all the weaker ones, so either way he would win! To even better facilitate that, he figured he would make his way to the big square where Gol D. Roger was executed and make a spectacle of himself! THAT would get attention for sure! This seemed like the definite best way to spend his time in Roguetown, yup. Besides, the Captain was probably just getting drunk in some bar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bristlebane put his mug back and discreetly left the tavern, seemed like it was unlikely he could get a card game in after that fiasco. He wandered around town a bit rather aimlessly until he heard some loudmouth proclaiming that he was ready to fight the strongest person. Bristlebane liked fights, they were usually a lot of fun. Until the other person either knocked themselves out or left. Never the less Bristlebane hadn't "fought" anyone in a while and he was totally up for it. Bristlebane slowly walked towards the... ninja? Defiantly a ninja, he had never fought a ninja before. "Yo!" he called out, "I'm tots the strongest person around we should fight." Bristlebane waited expectantly for the ninja man's response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BRXVO
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BRXVO "D" will bring another storm

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

- **Boss Z. Gambino: Loguetown/ Bar** _"Hmm a female swordsman? I guess that would make her a swordsgirl? No stupid a swordwoman duhh. Okay though how do I explain the cartoon though, I've only had a drink. I can't be drunk already"._ Boss gave his rolled cigarette a mistrusting look before throwing it on the now dumbfounded man. He was still in a state of shock from the two attacks he'd just received. The cherry of the cigarette began burning through his pants, the accumulated heat in his lap snapped him out of his trance. As he started flailing his hands at his crouch, the red headed man was now the center of attention. Covered by the scene Gambino smoothly stepped from the table. Not too many seen him though he made contact with a few wandering eyes. _"Sore loser". He spoke to himself._ Gambino, sucessfully sliding to the edges of the bar found a very drunk patron along the way before reaching his destination; the front door. Remembering the marine base, and unpleasant looking fellow he recalled entering said base, attention at least for now wouldnt prove advantagous. So what now? He split his winings in half and handed it to the drunkard.**"Drinks on you". ** **"Ayee drrrrrrinks be on mee. THE BAR ON ME"!!!** Another spetacle to draw attention away from himself. The bar erupted once more in cheer as they hoisted the man up in the air on a chair. The drunkard fought for balance as it seemed the constant swaying and rapid moving was proving to be a little much on his stomache. Now at the front door, with the drinkers of the bar crowding the barkeep now Boss noticed 'Red' sitting shamed in a booth alone. Though he noticed he took advantage of the free drinks, with two tall glasses filled with goldish yellow. With one foot out the door he comtiplated, looking to a purple haired indivisual, he slowly put a finger to his own lips _Ssshhhhhh! Gambino slid to the corner where the booth was located , watching him approach, though now too drunk to defend himself, Red was caught off guard by the thick green scaled tail wrapping around his neck. Gambino could feel the life seeping away, as the man's eyes slowly rolled to the back of his skull. A satisfying crack and Gambino's tell retracted back into his body, dropping Red giving the appearance he was passed his limit in alcohol and fainted. Given no further interruptions Gambino attempted to walk back towards the door, his prize smile painted on his face. Another thought ran through his mind coming close to his destination once more. Arriving at Loguetown in a rowboat...._"Where to from here"?_
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Light watched as the bar seemed to get more lievely, the red guy's opponent throwing money around and offering everyone drinks. Lorna meanwhile sat down next to Light and urged her to leave the bar. "Why? Got people on our tails or something?" Light said, absently grabbing bottles when people weren't looking and storing them in her pocket space. When she heard a gasp a few moments later, with the red gun guy laying unconscious, possibly dead, Light did heed Lorna's advice. "Well, if things weren't hot now, they'll be hot later. C'mon." she said, making her way out of the bar before everyone got in a panic. She bumped into a man with what could only be small wings on his back, waved hello, and made herself scarce, finding her way back to the main street after a bit. "Oh jeez... Mushuro is trying to start another street fight. At least he can look cuddly enough to make it seem like a street performance." Light said, hanging back as she watched the fight between the panda man and whoever he was fighting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lorna knew that she wouldn't be able to convince her captain to leave the bar before it got any more chaotic. She 'looked' around the bar, nervous for her captains safety. She watched as the loud man collapsed in his booth. It was obvious to her that he was dead. She was about to speak up again when Light made the suggestion for them to leave. Lorna was tempted to make some sort of comeback like _"Oh, if only I thought of that!"_ But decided to hold her tongue. She didn't need to offend her captain. "Yes, my captain." Lorna said, sliding off her bar stool to follow behind Light. Out in the streets Lorna could feel another ruckus. The blind woman sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn't a huge fan of Mushuro's...feisty...nature. He was a child, that's all she could say about the first mate of the crew. Lorna's true loyalties fall with Light, as she had saved her life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Mushuro sighed mentally. The first person to speak up usually wasn't the actual strongest person around unless their reply was just to attack. BUT! This person could be someone who turned out to know that and was doing it just to throw him off, or if nothing else he could start with this guy and fight his way up! "O-kay! Comin' at ya! Let's see what you're made of already!" Before he could start he noticed that his challenge had gathered an audience, although a more familiar one than he'd been expecting. "Oh hey! It's the Cap'n and Ms.No-fun! Did you guys show up to watch me kick this guy's butt? I'll make it look really cool! Watch!" With that he pretty much jumped directly at Bristlebane from the top of Gol D. Roger's execution scaffold, did a flip in the process and then swung both swords right at him from opposite directions. It wasn't much for subtlety and a normal person probably wouldn't have jumped from that height anyways let alone a kid, but Mushuro didn't usually bother much for things like 'tactics' or 'plans' or 'thinking' even though he'd been trained to be quite good at strategic, sneaky combat. Such things just didn't fit his image of a pirate, after all! Much better to jump off a high structure and do fancy flips as he attacked in mid-air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bristlebane grinned excitdely, yaaaaaay a fight, he jumped towards the strange ninja child eargerly watching with wide eyes as the blades sliced through the air toward his neck. His grin contiuned unperterubed as the cold steel came within milimeters of his neck, and then Bristlebane vanished from Mushuro's sight swapping places with him and jumping off of Mushuro's back landing on the playform Mushro had just launched himself from. The child was now inches from the ground and would no doubt bonk into it unless he had ninja reflexes or something equally weird.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"... Am I going to have to patch anyone up after this?" Ugh. Getting hurt for no reason was just plain annoying! It wasn't like Mushuro HAD to go challenging this guy or something like that. But no, no, he had to go fighting people. Well, at least if it was the other people who got injured she wouldn't have to go patching them up. Rita groaned as she leaned back against the wall and glared at the fight. There was a bar nearby, but it didn't look like she'd need to drink for a bit and she wasn't entirely in the mood, no matter how much she enjoyed alcohol. The small girl's slight arms were folded across her chest as she simply irritably glared. If the fight kept going for too long, maybe it would drive her to drink. Being the ship's medic wasn't all bad, but still. Getting injured for dumb reasons ticked Rita off, a whole lot, and getting injured for this particular reason definitely would have made her angry. Still, she had yet to see anyone get actually hurt, so that was a good sign.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bristlebane grinned, mischievisly
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