What if we were part of a group of settlers trying to build a new town in a large, very wild area known for having a variety of Monsters, and in the beginning our Hunts are mostly to protect the settlers and gather resources for buildings and stuff?
I think the new town idea is preaty cool. That way it would be easyer to astablish big fights with legendary creatures. It would be like the caedus thing in MH3. We need to kill him because hes causing trouble for our village.
So we have several players, it looks like there's at least an inkling of a story (which is all Monster Hunter really ever has)...Will this start any time soon?
Maybe start with a caravan of people and covered wagons rolling up to whatever location they're going to build the town in, describe the scenery a little bit, and then let people start doing their intros?
edit: Also, sorry if this seems like I'm rushing, don't mean to sound impatient or anything.
I'm unsubbing. This place is as dead as big foot in a church on Monday morning with the expression as if he was riding a motorcycle into a war zone. Which doesn't really sound dead but I'm unsubbing anyways.