Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dsnake1
Avatar of Dsnake1


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The empty plates and mugs rattled as everyone jumped back. Lei Sheng had slammed his fist into the table, a sign of pure frustration.

[color=yellow]”Damnit. We can’t keep losing men like this. This is the third time this month we’ve had an entire squad disappear. Do any of you know how hard it is to find people who are brave enough to stand up against His Majesty? And then to find people who actually have the talent to do so? Let me tell you this, it’s not done overnight. That last group, we had spent three years training that group. Ridiculous.” [/color]

Lei Sheng shook his head, desperate for answers. Recently, entire squads, 7 men and a commander of higher rank, had been disappearing without a trace. He knew the Dark Avatar had been taking them. If only he could figure out what to do about it. Training wasn’t really an option anymore. The Jasmine Dragon had been taking talented children from dissenting families for years, and look where it all ended up. The Jasmine Dragon would spend resources and time raising kids to be war machines, only to have them kidnapped and more than likely brainwashed to fight against the cause mere weeks after graduating.

The system was flawed and everyone in attendance, few as they were, knew it. Something had to give. Lei Sheng’s face grew dark, his gaze shifted down.

[color=yellow]”Do it.”[/color]

Everyone in the room was stunned. They prepared to do it.
The next day, specially trained hawks carried out messages to all corners of the world. Lei Sheng had ordered what many people thought was incredibly stupid, not to mention dangerous. Lei Sheng was exposing the entire operation to the public. He was also opening the possibility that one of the letters would end up in the hands of a secret Dark Avatar soldier. Even though the Jasmine Dragon followed most prospects closely, they simply didn’t have the resources to watch every great bender all the time. All they could do was hope.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sam4books


Member Offline since relaunch

"So...who will go?"

The sun shined brightly on a rusty yacht carrying upon its back a congregation of bloodbenders whose ages ranged from fifteen to fifty years old. The old yacht was bought second handed off an equally old boat trader that exchanged war ships on the island that was once the Air Temple of Republic City. They had to patch it up a bit before they could take it out to sea; little leaks, pipes in need of fixing, some insulation, paint jobs, that sort of thing. The leader of the congregation had only bought it for a low price, so such a needed fix-up was natural.

So far, it had been running fine. Sure there were a few points where some members of the merry band of bloodbenders had honestly thought the ship was totaled. There were some waves that rocked against the ship's side a little bit too hard. It was fine though, they were safe, and they were sailing towards a new world, a land that they could call home.

A couple members of the merry band have already voiced concerns, most of them happened to be about food and water. It was clear nobody wanted to fall so quickly to cannibalism, a sentiment their leader agreed on. Luckily, a member of their team knew how to fish, and she promptly taught everyone on the crew how to knit nets and cook fish meat. Their first day of fishing went a bit shaky. One of them accidentally let go of the net and they had to knit and entirely new one. Otherwise, they have managed to have at least one meal for everyone on every day of their journey thus far. For water they sent down a bucket, before bring it up and using filtration to purify the seawater. In general, it was smooth sailing.

Baqwis Feng, for all extensive purposes, felt pretty fortunate. He had managed to fall in on what could be viewed as "the right crowd", and had escaped the obligations expected of him by a corrupt home nation. Now all he had to do was help his companions find a permanent place.

They were well on their way too, until a hawk dropped a heavy message on them from the sky. Truly nobody saw it coming.

"How did they know about us? Hell, how did they know where we were?" A concerned member of the gang voiced. All the other bloodbenders sounded their agreement. Baqwis stayed quiet, not sure whether he should be excited or scared. Their wise and glorious leader, Datu, didn't seem at all worried. In fact, he appeared more than determined. Perhaps he had planned for them to join the Jasmine Dragons from the beginning?

"Worry not, my friends. We are not too far from Roku's Island remember. It is very possible that there were some hawks traveling north looking to recruit any bloodbender. Let us be thankful they chose us, and not the servants of the tyrant Master Ro."

Everyone had to agree, that it was a stroke of luck that the invitation fell into their hands. Most of them visibly shuddered, with thoughts of the world being liberated by one of Master Ro's lackeys. That would only serve to make the world worse than it already was.

"This is a glorious opportunity for us." Datu continued, holding out the silver colored token before him so they could all see the dragon insignia on it. "Which is why it is important that we choose who among us will be our representative. As we all know, there is a certain ire that exists against us bloodbenders." This spurned mutterings among the group. Many of them knew the stereotypes. "Bloodthirsty, Warmongerers, Cannibals, Violent, Evil, Barbaric." One of them had to walk back inside the cabin in order to avoid crying in front of their crewmates. Everyone was on edge now. They knew that this could mean the acceptance of bloodbenders in popular society, society not controlled by the Dark Avatar that is. It didn't matter who or what took them in, as long as it wasn't inherently evil. To them, the Jasmine Dragons was the closest thing to the last pure Avatar himself. Many would gladly take their offer.

The only problem was, nobody knew who to send.

"I will go!" Cried one.

"No I!" Cried another.

Truly everyone was willing to bring honor to the bloodbender name. Everyone but Baqwis.

Baqwis truly understood the implications at hand. He truly understood how this opportunity could be beneficial in the end. Yet, he didn't feel worthy. He had been cast out of his own family, left in the streets, because he couldn't bring himself to tell them the truth. He was weak willed, and hated the sight of blood. He couldn't even bring himself to fight. He was pathetic, and now Jasmine Dragon would want him, let alone their leader.

"Hey what about Baq? He hasn't said anything."

It was his former roommate that spoke for him, and in that moment Baqwis truly wanted the sweet relief of death. "Please no." He whispered, as Datu regarded him with interest. "Yeah, what about Baqwis?" shouted another, followed by another, and a another. Baqwis really wanted to just disappear then and there. "Please."

"Silence, please." Datu commanded, now looking stern. "Baqwis, you are the most peaceful of our group. Do you not deny this?"

Baqwis only nodded, not saying anything. This action pleased Datu, who then continued, his voice kind but eyes stern. "Then you shall speak for us."

"Please, no!"

"Would you rather I send Kidlat." A loud cough was heard from the congregation, followed by a harsh hiss shushing the culprit. "Or Gani?" A loud laugh followed the name, followed by more shushing.

Baqwis retreated within himself. It was true, he was the best contender. But he didn't have any speech skills, and wasn't charismatic like Datu was. "Why can't you go?" He squeaked.

Datu only laughed in response. "And abandon my crew?! I think not!"

The crowd hollered their appreciation for their boss, walloping in their seats. This only served to make Baqwis retreat more. "Okay." He whispered, "I guess I can go."

"What was that Baqwis?" Datu hadn't heard his whispers, and a number of the young man's mates that surrounded him leaned in.

"I said I'll go!" Stated Baqwis loudly, quivering.

Datu smiled, "You'll make us proud boy. Remember that."

That night they set their course for the south, south of Roku's Island to be exact. It wouldn't take long for them to get there, and Baqwis was pacing throughout the entire trip, taking breaks to sleep or eat or help with chores around the boat. He couldn't help but fear for the worse. He had his former roommate help him practice what he would do should he meet the Jasmine Dragon's leader, which he doubted would happen. "Edcel, what if I say something offensive. What if I say something that will make them angry?"

"Oh I'm sure you'll be fine." Comforted his friend, throwing a hearty arm around the younger fella. "Besides, you're far too much of a softie to screw this up. No offense."

"None taken." Baqwis muttered, picking at a scab on his left forearm. "I just want us to be happy."

"We'll be on top of the world buddy!" His friend laughed. "No need to be worried at all! Show them just how hospitable we bloodbenders can be!"

Baqwis could only smile in response. He was grateful to have a friend he could confide in. He wasn't sure what he would do otherwise. Going on this journey to begin with was a daring move for him, as a young man who couldn't even use his bloodbending to kill, even if it were a life or death situation. He didn't want to be a killer, he never did. Yet everyone expected him to. Even Datu would sometimes order his men to kill. It made sense of course, life in Jinin wasn't easy. You had to fight to survive. He just wish it wasn't that way, anywhere really. Would joining the Jasmine Dragons truly change things? Would these revolutionaries truly change the state of the world for the better? Or will they make it just as bad if not worse?

Baqwis prayed that it would be the former, to whom it did not matter. All sources of purity was long gone from the world anyways.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dethran


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Arriving at his hometown for the first time in over a year, Victor stopped to take in the still-familiar sight of the city's imposing walls. After giving his name at the gates and entering the city proper, he turned off towards his family's house. On arrival, he pulled a cord by the small gate, ringing a bell in the main house.
Hearing the bell, his sister looked out of her room's window to see who it was, her face furrowed as it customarily was when she was being made to do one of those ladylike tediums that their mother so enjoyed, like needlework. Seeing who was at the gate, the furrow vanished as she threw down her assigned project and leaped out her window, clambering down the tree right next to it.
"Victor!" she shouted excitedly. "You're home!"
As she flew across the yard to him, Victor grinned at her excitement, stomping on the ground to bend some rock up to undo the latch of the gate, allowing him to enter.
"Ash!" he called, striding forward to meet her, bracing for the inevitable tackle as she wrapped him in a hug. "I've missed you, kiddo! How've you been?" Holding her back out at arms' length, he gave her a good look-over. "Seems like you've grown a bit in the past year since I visited, but I see you're being as stubborn as ever and not letting mom cram you into any of that frippery she insists is supposed to be fashionable."
"Yeah, I can never breathe in any of that stuff!" she replied. "Anyway, what've you got? You better have new stuff to teach me!"
"What," he replied, starting to walk towards the main house, "are my lessons the only fun things that ever happen to you?" Taking on a bit of a teasing tone, he added "It's almost like you've been trapped in the house this whole time that I've been off exploring, having fun, and going on adventures!"
"Shut up, you," she responded, shoving him as they walked into the entry area of the main house. "Well? Didja learn anything cool to teach me?"
"Yeah," he said, "My last job had me working alongside an airbender and a waterbender, and I'd swear those buggers danced when they were--"
"Victor," a voice flatly stated, interrupting him mid-sentence. "You're home," his brother continued, not even breaking his stride as he walked towards the door. "You're gone too much. You really should write when you expect to be returning; Father and I have an important meeting today." As he got to the door, he added "In fact, I'm on my way there right now; Father had some other business matters to attend to in town first, so I'm going to handle the first part of the meeting myself."
After his brother was out, Victor sighed, rolling his eyes. "Sounds like the stick has somehow managed to work its way even farther up his rear while I've been gone," he said. "Is he always that obnoxious, or do I get special treatment?"
"Eh," Ash replied, shrugging, "I don't really pay much attention these days. Anyway, how long are you going to be in town this time?"
"I'm... actually not sure," Victor responded. "I got a letter from Sensei, telling me to return immediately." After a brief beat, he added "I should probably go see him now, actually; I just wanted to stop in and let you know that I'm in town," grinning, and tousling Ash's hair. Turning towards the door, he looked back to see her teasingly pouting at him and said "Don't worry, I'll come back and tell you all about the dancing benders as soon as I can!"

After getting out of the house, Victor made his way to his sensei's place, stopping to admire the still-beautiful dragon painting before knocking.
"Come in!" a voice said from somewhere inside.
After Victor stepped inside, the same voice said "I take it you got my letter, then. Do you still have the token I gave you a few years ago?"
"Yes sir," Victor replied, pulling the coin out to show him.
"Excellent," Sensei said. "As you've no doubt learned by now, the Jasmine Dragon is more than just a jobs' agency for those in the know. What you may not have learned on your own, though, is just what it's purpose is. That, my boy, is what this is all about," he added, stopping to take a drink from the mug on the table in front of him. "Take a seat."
Victor sat across from him at his table, waiting for Sensei to fill him in on what exactly the purpose was.
Setting his drink down, Sensei continued "The goal of the Jasmine Dragon is quite simple, actually: restore order by removing the false Avatar who currently reigns. Now, I'm getting old, my boy, so I need my nap right about this time of day. I'll want you staying in town for a while, and join a team for work on a more permanent basis for the Jasmine Dragon when the time comes. Until then, go home, keep training, do whatever it is you do with your time since leaving my tutelage, and I'll find you when the time comes.
"Yes, sir," Victor said, before standing up and returning home to tell his sister more about the dancing benders.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jaeda Fel

Jaeda Fel

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Currents of air swirled smoothly Throught the room, centering on and in to a just-visible sphere in the heart of the room. Atop this sphere was a relatively small woman, her dark red hair braided and swaying slightly with the wind of her own construction. One hand was balanced atop the sphere and the other gracefully held out to the side, as her inverted body was held straight and steady, with legs folded lotus style. Bright blue eyes were shut to the world and other than the wind, only her steady breathing could be heard.

"Sonam." So focused was her meditation, that the voice of the man that had accepted her pennance with his small branch of the Jasmine Dragon had barely stirred her from it. He called her name again, and slowly she opened her eyes.

Bringing her other hand down and slowly bringing her self down to simply sitting lotus style on the currents, she looked to the elderly face of Xian Hua, "Master Hua. What is it I can do for you? It isn't often you visit me in my training room."

"We just recieved word from Huo Dao." He answered, passing her a letter. "This is the next phase of what you must do in your attonements."

She skimmed over the page in her hands and breathed deeply. The currents stopped and she dropped lightly to the floor, feet first. "I see. If this is what you believe I must do, then I will do it."

"I do. Your strengths and knowledge are being wastrd here." Xian leaned heavily on the stone cane of his own making. "I know you will do well on the direct front being put up by those on Huo Dao. I believe this is the turn destiny has planned for you. It will be difficult, but it is necessary for your being and spirit."

Sonam brushed her long bangs from her eyes, taking in the old earthbender's words. A tingle of anxiety mixed with a spark of excitement in her stomach. A better chance to make up for the evil she had done seemed to outweigh the fear of death. To die serving those she had harmed, Sonam decided, was better than she deserved at all. The risk was more than worth the reward. Her heart fluttered rapidly in her chest as she took her leave to prepare.
Several days later, she made her first steps on to Roku's Island. She calmly made her way down the streets, looking for a somewhat familiar signal. After pausing to buy a snack, a lucky turn landed her in front of a good possibility. She studied the painted dragon for a moment and memorized the street and it's location. Sonam smiled to herself a little before heading back toward an inn she had seen not too far away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smilies
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smilies Missing in Action

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"C'mon, Kennen, I thought you could do better than that," Ave sighed, a small gust of wind blowing the dirt off her stubby, dirtied nails. How did other girls keep their hands so clean? What could you do with those dainty, useless hands? Cover your perfectly-shaped lips while you giggle, smitten, at some chauvinistic White Lotus guard? Ave rolled her golden irises at the thought as she walked away from the boy she'd single-handedly pinned in two minutes flat. There had to be some competition out there worthy of her skills, wasn't there?

Not that Hava's elders would actually let Ave do anything productive with her life. Though she'd convinced her family and most of her neighbors that Ave was just as capable as any of the Neanderthals that they called men here in Hava, the elders would never let her venture outside of the monotonous walls of her homeland. What else was going on outside these rocky borders? Curiosity killed the cat, but the saying doesn't say anything about curiosity killing a fully capable air bender like herself.

If she cared enough to listen, Ave might've noticed Kennen's pouting for a rematch, but she wouldn't bother herself with his idiocy. She hardly even had to use any air bending to get him on his knees. One flick of her sparring mace-- a wooden replica of her normal one-- sent him diving for a mouthful of dirt. From there, it was merely a matter of keeping the twerp on the ground. Kennen's father used to be friends with Ave's, before he passed, but he definitely wasn't Ave's strongest competition. There wasn't much of anything left for Ave to bother herself with. The people of Hava weren't the best sample group, but as far as Ave's limited mind set was concerned, she was the most powerful air bender out there. Of course, she couldn't be further away from wrong.

The blonde kicked her foot at the dirt as she strayed away from the central hubbub of Hava, longingly wishing she was an earth bender. Now those guys, they weren't to be trifled with. Who wanted to threaten someone that could suck away the earth beneath your feet? She'd never seen a real earth bender in action, but it was the only unit in her mediocre schooling that she'd actually paid a bit of attention to. The only information she'd retained were the fantasies of earth swirling around Ave, rocks spiraling towards the sky as she carved a stone pathway to society. Little did she know that most earth benders weren't exactly capable of this, but her imagination ran wild with the little information she was bestowed with in school.

Ave plopped down on the ground, dust collecting on her plain tunic. She pulled her trademarked goggles off her head as she stared off into the sky, her mind drifting off to her picturesque future. She'd be a respected... Uh, fuck. What was she going to do? She'd be a pilot, yeah! Immersed in the air, surrounded by nothing but her element and the clouds, that was the life. She cleaned off her goggles with her beige top, smiling to herself. What a stupid dream.

Kennen's thin frame jogged into Ave's peripheral vision. "Ave, the elders want you back at in the main area," Kennen was out of breath, not for the first time. He was nearly always out of breath after he insisted on sparring Ave again... and losing.

"Oh God, don't tell me they found out about the soap in their tobacco pipes. Look, they don't have any evidence to peg me on it, and if you weasel me out, they're not going to be the only ones coughing up--" Ave began, but Kennen shook his head quickly. "No, no, it's nothing like that! There's a messenger hawk that just dropped off a letter. It's customary for everyone to be present at its opening." Lord, it was like Kennen was reciting Hava laws to her. Unlike Ave, even if Kennen couldn't fight, he was an intellectual genius.

A majestic shadow swooped down towards the horizon just as Ave entered the camp. People whispered in anticipation, wondering who the message was for. There were some rumors about His Royalty recruiting more guards for the White Lotus, or something like that. Ave didn't really bother herself with politics.

A wrinkled hand unraveled the thick parchment. Even the wrapping reeked of riches; leather ties dangled just for aesthetic pleasure from an ornately crafted wooden scroll. What an honor, Ave thought to herself, unable to hold back her sneer. So that's where His royal budget was going to. Decoration. Who needed to feed the starving when you could have fancy-looking scrolls?

In her miffed inner tantrum, Ave realized she hadn't even been listening to the letter reading. Not like she cared. It was probably another lame excuse about why they couldn't ship extra rations to Hava. Typical. She was going to go back to her serene spot by the cliffs when she realized all eyes were on her. Did she miss something? Was this some kind of public accusation of Ave's juvenile pranks? Apparently not.

"What do you mean, they want her?" One of the elders, Aeilus, spat venom at the one who'd read the letter, Caro. "She's nothing but a box of rocks!" Were they talking about her? What was this? I'm smarter than a box of rocks, Ave pouted inside her head. I could kick a box of rocks' ass if I wanted to.

"Huh? What's going on?..." Ave blinked, confounded. The elders were in a heated debate, but Caro managed to shove the letter into Ave's hands. It took her a while to decipher the calligraphy carefully written on the parchment. Ave wasn't exactly the best student in school. Her reading skills weren't the sharpest, but she got through the letter. "What's this about a dragon, or something?" Okay, so maybe she hadn't really understood the letter.

"Ave, it's the Jasmine Dragon... They're recruiting you," Kennen said quietly, looking up at Ave through thick lashes. A Jasmine Dragon? Or was it The Jasmine Dragon? The whispers begun as the elders screamed at each other, obviously having a conniption about Ave's nomination for whatever this jasmine cult was. Anything that bothered them that much should be beneficial for Ave, shouldn't it?

A smirk crawled onto her chapped lips, her golden eyes glowing with mischief. "When do I leave?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Origin


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"Can't you see how great of an opportunity this is for us? It's like free advertisement we are by far the best mercenaries having one of us in the group will surely bring us more recognition" said an Old man, they had all sat around to discuss the letter they had received. These men varying in age but tending to be on the older side were the leaders of Kilat but they were all advisers to the main ruler Chief Moa.

"Do you take me for a fool? I know this could be good for us potentially but you must also look at the risks" said Chief Moa and they all precedded to stop talking, they had been so quick to think of benefits that attached risks didn't come to mind.

"Do you think that if the Dark Avatar found out about us even considering the offer that he would spare us?" Chief Moa finished off.

"Surely there must be a way that we can participate without really participating" another elder said

"Send Light." the oldest of the elders in the room stated

"Could you care to repeat that, I couldn't understand you over all the stupidity that was shooting out of your mouth" Chief Moa replied

"Look at it this way him and his father are the least liked in the village always thinking they are much better than everyone else and never really helping anyone but if we were to send him under the guise of "sending our best" which their pride will immediately scoop up then we get rid of two problems, if the damn brat gets killed good riddance and his father won't as big of a nuisance without his wonder lad. If he succeeds in helping bring down the avatar then we will claim recognition, if he does fail we will claim no association, doing things this way puts us at an advantage as there is virtually no risk for us or Kilat"

"My my my, You old folks are really crafty aren't you" Light said appearing out of the corner of the room.

"Look light w-" one went to say

"Cut the crap, I'm going" he stated simply causing pure shock in the room, there was a spread of wide eyes which quickly turned to smirks after all they had won but it didn't matter because that was the character Light was, a man who looked for danger hoping that one event or another would sketch his name into the history books. He was slightly impressed at what was going on here, he knew these men did some dodgy things from time to time and alone they were nothing more than bothers to everyone but together they really could come up with a way to get the best of a situation not matter how crooked and corrupt they were, he had to admit for a place like Kilat they were perfect. A sense of pride swelled up in him he didn't know they had it in them, because despite what it might seem like from hearing them speak they were truly weak men.

Physically that is though some might claim mentally as well but from looking at them you see frail old men aside from Chief Moa that is but his adviser really did look like they could die at any moment. 'All conditions have been cleared for victory' he thought.

"That is if you meet my demands" then it was Lights turn to smirk.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jaeda Fel

Jaeda Fel

Member Offline since relaunch

Sonam wasted no time after a good night's rest and a rather early breakfast. No more than an hour after sunrise she was back on the streets of Huo Dao. Knowing she would be an unfamiliar face, she appeared to wander a bit through the streets and alleyways to avoid drawing undue attention. In her experience it was highly uncommon for a stranger, unknown to the city or any of it's people, to walk deliberately and purposefully to any one place unless it was the place they were staying the duration of her visit. Everything in her past and training told her to go straight back to the place where the Dragon was painted would be idiotic. To slowly meander there, however, was entirely fair game.

On her slow, winding path there, the small, tan, crimson haired woman stopped at a few vendors and looked at trinkets. She even bought a small pendant she found that had a symbol for 'peace' similar to one she had seen in her temple teaching manuscripts. A small, leaf-wrapped bundle of Mochi may have also found it's way casually in to one of the pouches on the belt fastened at her waist. At last, however, she found herself back in front of the building she had mentally marked the day prior. Her eyes studied the stone wall on which the Dragon was painted, gently running her fingers over some of it's features. It might open... Sonam told herself, but I'd better not try. It's broad daylight.... Instead, the teal and black clad woman opted to enter the building through it's front entrance.

Bright eyes examined the room swiftly, taking in it's features out of both habit and sensible necessity. "Hello? Is anyone here?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dethran


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After a few more days at home, Victor's teacher sent for him. After settling in to join his teacher for afternoon tea, Victor started the conversation, saying "So, I guess it's time for whatever it was you were going to be sending me off for?"
"Aye, boy," his teacher replied. "You'll be going to Roku's Island. I believe that there's a merchant stopped here on his way there from Udara who may need an extra hand or blade for the last leg of the journey, if you'd like to earn some coin on the way. I'd suggest finishing your tea quickly, though, if you're interested in that option; it sounds like he got in yesterday and is planning on moving on first thing in the morning."
"Sounds like a good plan to me," Victor replied before drinking down the rest of his tea. "Is there anything in particular that I should be doing once on the island, or am I supposed to just go there and figure it out for myself?"
"You're pretty bright, for a kid," his teacher responded. "I expect that you'll be able to figure it out sooner or later."
"Fair enough," Victor said, setting down his cup as he stood up to leave. "I'll be finding that merchant now, then; thanks for the tea!"
"Ah, that reminds me: while you're there, be sure to find Lon Feng's tea shop. They have some of the best jasmine tea I've had in a long while!" the teacher said as Victor left.
Grinning at the less-than-subtle hint, Victor replied, still walking out: "I'll be sure to, sensei!"
After landing on Roku's island later that week and getting the merchant all the way to his particular destination on the island, Victor slung his payment, in the form of a pair of hook swords, onto his back in an "X" such that the handles were each accessible over opposite shoulders.
After wandering the streets for a short while, he found a decent inn to stay at and arranged for a room for himself. He then told the innkeeper that a friend had recommended finding Lon Feng's tea shop, and asked him if he knew where to find it. After getting directions to it, Victor struck out, wandering a bit as he went (mostly just to explore, but partly because it isn't exactly normal for an outsider to know where they were going within a new city so soon after arriving).
He finally got to the tea shop, walking up to the counter and asking for a jasmine tea, placing a handful of coins on the counter before going upstairs to the balcony seating looking out across the street. While waiting for his tea, he stared out absently over the street, smiling as he saw the dragon that seemed to be graffitied onto a building on the other side. After his tea came, he sat, drinking it as he watched the fairly homogeneous crowd until a woman (an airbender, by the way she held herself) walked by, looking almost perfectly out of place, as though she was very talented at looking like she didn't know where she was going, right up until she stopped to inspect the painted dragon. After a moment of what appeared to be some internal deliberation, she stepped into the painted building, just as Victor sipped at the last of his tea.
After returning the cup to the front counter and thanking them for the tea, he wandered across the street, walking into the building just a few minutes after the airbender woman.
"Hello?" he said as he crossed the threshold, closing the door behind himself. "I'm supposed to meet some people, and I get the feeling that it's supposed to happen somewhere around here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dsnake1
Avatar of Dsnake1


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"He he he. It's been a long while since I had visitors." an old man said as he used his cane to hobble out of a corner. He removed his hand from the cane, which didn't so much as wobble, and clapped his two palms together, softly, before rotating each about 45 degrees, resulting in an x shape. The room was suddenly filled with the brightness of candles. The ruby eyes of the otherwise golden dragon head at the top of the man's cane glinted in the new light before being covered by a wrinkled hand.

"Who may you be? Oh, wait. I know. You be of the circus. Ah ha! I knew I'd figure it out." The old man turned around laughing, lifting his cane in the air, and thus revealing how it stood on its own. The bottom of the cane was shaped as a tripod, with three gold-encrusted dragon's teeth forming its legs. If the light caught just right, one might be able to see the symbol of the Jasmine Dragon engraved in the gold where the three teeth met.

With sudden deliberation and odd dexterity, the old man spun around on the tip of one toe, Now is the first time anyone noticed he was barefoot.

He walked up to the two people standing in his building, using the cane, and then looked deeply into each of the two's eyes.

"Hand it over." he said with an outstretched hand.

(If you both consent to this, your characters each gave him their token from the letter. Whether it was influenced by his cane, the fact that each candle holder was shaped as a dragon's head or the giant dragon mural on the floor, identical to the one outside. If you object, let me know and I can edit).

After he received the coins, the old man gracefully swept the floor with his hand, leaving each coin, dragon side up, lying where the eyes of the dragon should be. The tokens glowed with an eerie red light before growing dark. At the tail of the dragon, stairs going down appeared.

"Pick up the coins and follow me."

The old man trotted down the stairs with an oddly nimble gait. He led the two to a dark tunnel underground the underground and the only light came from the can dragon's mouth, which seemed to spew an unquenchable fire when the old man willed it. He led the two to a large set of wooden doors emblazoned with the symbols of the Jasmine Dragon, the symbol of each nation, the symbol of the four original elements, and, most noticeably, a large lighting strike going across the doors from top left to bottom right. Underneath it all, weaving between symbols and looping over and under the lighting, was a great, magnificent golden dragon.

The old man opened the door and placed the two in chairs where tea, herbal tea, peppermint tea, was waiting. While the two didn't know this yet, jasmine tea was only drunk after meetings, not before or during. Before was herbal teas, normally peppermint. During was black tea, normally chai spiced, but other times it was earl grey.
Baqwis was standing in the inn when he was grabbed. His mouth was covered and a voice whispered in his ear, giving him the instructions to the Dragon House, where the stairs should already be open. When he arrived, another man, dressed in traditional Kilat garb, led him through the tunnels and past the Great Doors to a seat near the two seated.
The last thing Ave expected when walking by a house with a dragon painted on it was what happened. A man from inside grabbed her, and only by sheer surprise and a quick, temporary paralyzing shock was she drug inside. He drug her semi=lifeless body through a dark, underground tunnel in which no one could see, past great doors, and into a chair, where he set her upright, and she slowly gained control of her extremities again.
Light was reached before he even set foot on the black sand of Roku's island. A large group of men, native to Kilat by their dress, gathered around him. They all bowed, heads touching the sand. When this was done in Kilat culture, especially by more than one man, it meant the man who was bowed to was to follow if he wanted to live. They lead him into a house on the outskirts of town, through a hole in the floor and up through another hole, perfectly concealed, in the Dragon House. He was then led down through the same passages as the two the old man had brought through, in fact, the old man now led this group, although he was unrecognizable without his cane, hat, nor clothes. It was traditional, although not common, for men to dress wearing only a loincloth. All 8 men were only wearing a loincloth and all 8 were jacked beyond believe. They led Light into the room, first stopping to admire the beauty of the Great Doors, especially the lightning bolt. Light was sat near the head of the table.
There were a few seats near the end of the table and the head of the table was still empty, although the tea was out and hot. The room smelled of peppermint and everything was modeled after dragons. The mural from the great doors was on the table in front of them. The chairs were carved in a way to represent a dragon's tale. The teacups' handles all wrapped around the base of the glass, with the top of the handle being the body and head of a dragon. The saucers were lined with golden dragons with painted pictures of dragons on the glass itself. The walls were filled with images of elements, dragons, and men. The murals seemed to depict peace. The 12 pillars in the room had dragon statues perched near the top, with the tails of the dragons winding down the beam.

The only thing that wasn't following this design was the head of the table. The dragon's head was here in the mural, and from it spewed lighting. The chair was larger, encrusted in what looked to be gold shaped as scales. The cloth on the chair was black with bolts of gold lightning flying through it. The teacup was much larger, with streaks of lighting going down it's sides, and the handle dragon was spewing them out of his mouth, which was the only instance of the dragon's head turned sideways. His saucer was lined with a jagged, golden edge with a picture of a black dragon painted upon its surface. Worst of all, it was empty.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dethran


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After handing the old man his dragon coin and seeing the staircase open, Victor followed the old man down the stairs, tracking how far below ground they went. After being shown to his seat, he removed his halberd from his back, then slammed it against the ground at the same time that he stomped his foot, bending the earthen floor around the butt of his halberd, holding it upright immediately out of reach of his right hand when he sat down. Hanging his swords by their hooks from the head of his planted halberd, he then quietly took his seat and sipped at his tea as more people were escorted to various seats at the table.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jaeda Fel

Jaeda Fel

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Sonam eyed the old man for a few moments, determining if she could trust him. Even after seeing the man that came in behind her hand his over easily, she was still somewhat reluctant when she passed her own coin over. Something about this old man wasn't quite as it seemed, she felt. Never the less, she followed behind the two men down the stairs and into the passage. Her nose wrinkled. She still couldn't get comfortable or really used to being underground. She hated it. It was crowded and the air always felt stagnant and stale. She did her best to draw in a steady breath and calm her disgust with being underground as they were lead into a room decorated with magnificent dragons in every way.

She did not move the crossed Dao from her back, nor remove the belt of pouches from her hips when she sat down in the indicated seat. She sniffed gingerly at the tea, before deciding against drinking any. Until she was positive everything was not a set up, she would not let down her guard. As others were lead in, she opted to, instead meditatively stir the liquid in the decorative cup before her with small air currents.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sam4books


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The bloodbenders docked at the island with little to no problem. Datu was intent on portraying their mannerisms as "above average". Before the gang was allowed to wander, they were coached in social decency, and warned against angering the locals. Many of the bloodbenders under Datu's watch vouched to stay behind and watch the ship, but those that went had to swear a blood oath to keep relations with the Jasmine Dragons high or at a decent level. Of course, Baqwis had no choice but to go with them, being the guest of honor and all. He lingered behind the "delegation", as Datu called them, avoiding the gazes of passerbys who may find his bandaged body upsetting to look at.

They eventually came upon an inn, who agreed to let them stay for the night as long as they paid up front. Although it appeared as though Datu had meant for them to stay longer.

The sudden hands on his shoulders gave him quite the fright. Baqwis knew he didn't do anything to warrant any hostilities. He sure hoped his companions didn't either. Datu would freak if any of them had to spend the night in a jail cell, he might even kill another member in punishment. The young man tried to cry out for his comrades but was immmediately silenced. The next thing he knew there was a voice in his ear, a whisper that pertained to the meeting with the Jasmine Dragon leader. Baqwis nodded to show the stranger he understood, trying his best not to seem too agitated.

Later he would leave the group behind to deal with the innkeeper and his steep prices. Finding the Dragon House didn't really prove difficult. If anything he had a decent sense of direction, a side effect of growing up on the streets. The Kilat garbed man surprised him, although he honestly wasn't sure what he expected. It only made sense that mercenaries trained in the art of war would join a cause that offered the chance to fight for glory. He made a mental note to inform Datu of this when he got the chance, should he ever get the chance.

He wasn't the only person there, thank goodness. He wouldn't have to be the center of attention. Baqwis sat in what appeared to be his seat in the congregation, avoiding the gazes of the two who sat nearby. He looked down at the tea placed before him nervously, trying to remember Datu's teachings. He felt thirsty, after the journey to the island, and he wasn't sure whether he was allowed to drink. In Jinin, there were no tea ceremonies, no ancient tradition to adhere to. It was every man for himself. Yet here, everything was so formal, so majestic. It was like walking inside a different universe. He wasn't quite sure how to act or what to think. He only occasionally glanced over at the other two people for some sort of hint as to what to do. He saw one of them sipping his tea, and after taking one look at the girl opted to take a sip of the tea himself, making sure that it was the exact same sort of tea as the other boy. Baqwis trusted he knew what he was doing. Immediately afterwords, however, he placed the cup back down afterwords, looking repulsed. The tea was too sweet for taste buds used to the taste of bitter fluids. In an attempt to hid his repulsion, Baqwis started chewing on the dead skin on the tips of his fingers, occasionally drawing blood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ruler710
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ruler710 A Rubber Ducky

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kiel started every day like usual since he had decided to join Jasmine Dragon. Since joining he hadn't really set out to explore the world like he hoped. Instead he'd done only odd jobs around the outpost he had been staying in. After joining he had gotten to know his recruiter better. It turns out the person he met with that night was the Captain of this Jasmine outpost, but most knew him casually as Honn. Honn was a magnificent earth bender, his bending was strong and he performed well in combat. As Kiel had experienced during a raid on their old headquarters, just a few days after he joined. Honn told him it wasn't the most uncommon thing that happens.

Since joining Kiel practiced his bending by himself. When other's were about he still hid the fact that he could bend. Honn let him join because an extra hand always helped. Most days he cleaned up or helped with repairs. He did use a little earth bending but nothing impressive. Most thought that was all he was capable of. In the darkness of night he often sneaked off to the training rooms to practice his metal bending. Using old scrap metal. He couldn't really request anything better without being suspicous.

As Kiel just finished his breakfast by himself, since he got up earlier than most, Honn entered the room. He had a smirk on his face and seemed to be carrying something. "Figured you'd be here."

Kiel turned around, "So what can I do for you Honn?"

"Here check this out," Honn slid a piece of paper into Kiel's hands. He couldn't believe what he was reading when he had set his eyes on it.

"So..." Kiel began with a melancholic tone,"Are you going? It seems like a pretty important job. The letter seemed to be gathering strong Jasmine Dragon benders for something big.

"Nope," Honn chuckled, "But you are!"

"What?" Kiel began, "It's clearly for you. And you've seen my bending, it isn't anything great, yours is though." Kiel was very confused at this point, he didn't really get what Honn was doing.

"That's exactly why." Honn's smile grew wider across. "I've seen your bending."

"What? How?"

"Well I know everything that goes on here, so when people sneak off in the night and metal goes missing then I get curious." He laughed at Kiel's defeated expression. "I understand why you've been hiding it but I don't have any objections to it. And when this letter came I figure it's your chance to get out there. I'm happy here, and these guys need me. So you should go."

"You just want to sit around drinking all day don't you?" Kiel poked fun, but he was really grateful for the opportunity he had been given. "Well I guess I'll get packed then."
Kiel had finally stepped foot onto the island. He arrived after a few weeks of preparing and travel. Still not sure how to explain his attendance instead of Honn's, he still ventured to the market looking for a place to stay. Looking through his gear a person seemed to catch sight of his coin and immediately approached him. The man grabbed his hand and dragged him through several alleyways and streets before arriving at the what the man said was the "Dragon House." Seemingly in a hurry, the man quickly showed him to a tunnel. Kiel followed it, he must have been later than he'd thought, if the man was so rushed. Since he traveled so far, the letter's sender may be tired of waiting.

Upon finally arriving at a room with several seats he saw that there was already several others gathered. He must have been the last one. "I'm sorry if I'm late" He spoke with trembling voice, he was nervous, since he was technically not invited. The others might be much stronger than he imagined. He wandered his way to an open seat. Looking around the room he saw a wide variety of people, all seemingly different in culture and idea. The thought of so many different people interested him and scared him. He wasn't sure how well the group would get along.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jaeda Fel

Jaeda Fel

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"I'd say you're no later than any of the rest of us." Sonam replied with a dry tone, looking back down at the now quite-cool tea she still idly stirred with currents of air moved by her fingertip. She had studied the bender as he entered. He was nervous, not likely to be a threat in case of any traps. Though, she was slowly contenting herself to believe she had come to the right place and that the letter received by Master Hua had been sincere. She forced some of her own military experiences back and focused more on her most recent knowledge and her instinct that she was where she was meant to be. Her suspicion and guard remained, though they were somewhat lessened. Those facts did not, however, change her cool tone or stiff, rather frozen demeanor.

Pale, bright blue eyes starkly contrasted with tan skin and almost-black red hair when they flicked back up to look at the other men and the new arrival. Sonam at last opted to relocate the crossed Dao from her back to the back of her chair, still well within reach if it became necessary, opting for less flare in doing so than the earth bender beside her had shown when he put his own weapons to rest. Sliding her teacup just out of the way, she rested her forearms on the table before her. No one else was speaking as they waited for their host and she eyed them all. Men. She was the only female in sight. At least, the only conscious female in sight, she noted glancing over the one that looked like she might be slowly regaining her senses. Drugged perhaps? Incapacitated some how, regardless, Sonam was sure. Peg that for a point out of favor with whoever was running this end of the Jasmine Dragon- if it really was them, though instinct told her a trap was unlikely at that particular moment. Fingers tapping a light rhythm on the tabletop, she spoke again. Her voice was still cool and somewhat dry, "Is it safe to assume you all are here, like myself, because a letter reached you or your people recently? We may as well find out who we are and if we're all on the same page while we wait on our host. It certainly wouldn't hurt anything."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dethran


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Continuing to sip at his cooling tea, Victor sat quietly, watching to see who would speak up next, hoping to learn something about his prospective new coworkers before introducing himself.
After a long, and honestly rather awkward, silence, he set down his tea, breaking said silence as he cleared his throat to speak, saying, "Well, if no one else is willing to make the first introduction, I suppose that I may as well." After a brief pause with his voice calmly resounding across the chamber, he continued: "I'm Victor Cannae, of Erde. I am here because my old teacher sent me. He seemed to be under the impression that I would benefit from the experience, and may actually help to accomplish something important while I'm at it. How about the rest of you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jaeda Fel

Jaeda Fel

Member Offline since relaunch

"I suppose I should also give my own introduction, being that it was my own words that encouraged such things." She paused, lifting her own cup to her lips for the first time, determining that it was likely safe at that point The tea held a cloying sweetness beneath the sharp taste of the peppermint, likely strengthened by the fact that it had cooled and thickened to a still thin, but slightly syrupy substance. She licked a bit of it from her lips as she set the cup back down. She took the sign that she was not currently drugged or dying from it as a good one and continued with the same cool, dry tone she had held thus far, "Sonam. I joined the Jasmine Dragon almost a year ago and have spent my time under the care of my Master, Hua Xian. He received the letter and sent me as part of my penance."

She did not expand on the statement any farther, but instead looked around at the others gathered- aside from Victor- expectantly. Of course, they were free to hold their silence all they wanted. It wasn't particularly her concern. Introductions were simply a logical and productive way to wait for their host without sitting around staring in silence like children in a zoo. She crossed her legs and picked up her tea cup once again, almost wishing she'd left it be and drank it warm, but still enjoying it's taste.
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