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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

**The year is 3463.** Despite the worries of twentieth century humanity, both the human race and planet earth continued to expand and prosper over the next one and a half thousand years. There were, of course, ups and downs. Medicine, combat, politics- Everything advanced in its own way over time. It took time, but Earth itself was cleaned up. Countries banded together over centuries, until planet Earth held only one, unified government, simply called "Humanity". Subcultures still exist, but live, in general, peacefully as one. All continents are ruled over by a democratic monarchy, a single King and his council ruling- Yet with every citizen holding the right to overrule said group's decisions for the best of the planet, and the human race as a whole. So far, it has proved to be an effective system of government. With the world unified, more important things than war were addressed. The planet was cleaned up. Science made leaps and bounds not seen since the peak of the many industrial revolutions over the countless years of human kind. Stations large enough to house millions were built in orbit of earth, and the Moon was terraformed and colonized, now existing as lush with life and atmosphere as Earth itself, housing a quarter of the human population- Another quarter spread out among the various space stations, and the remaining half remaining at home on a newly reformed Earth. Faster than Light travel has yet to be discovered, however, keeping humanity in the reasonable distance of it's home planet's orbit. For the most part, religious, cultural, and societal problems are under control, if not entirely resolved. -All- people have true equal rights, no matter the race, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or what have you else. Issues do, of course, still exist, but no longer plague the planet as world-wide, massive disputes. Things are honestly peaceful. The military and police force are one and the same, but no need for a show of large military strength was needed for nearly four centuries. Until the rise of The Free Men. It was inevitable that even in a functioning, peaceful world wide government, people would see flaws and band together, revolting against them. It took much longer in this instance- But was all the more massive because of it. The Free Men formed in 3300, a simple, small group of men and women who decided they didn't like how things ran. Peaceful protests, news interviews, and simple boycotts were the extent of the noise they rose. And, as accepting as the government, by then, was, they let the people do as they would. But, behind the scenes, their numbers swelled, and over twenty years, nearly a third of the human race flocked behind their banners- Banners revealed to be anarchy. Too large to put down peacefully by then, Humanity decided that it was impossible to stop the break from their government. So, peace talks were arranged before things became nasty- The Free Men were granted portions of Earth, a space station, and several of the dozen or so lunar colonies. Despite the misgivings of those still under the Monarchy of Humanity, the Anarchy that reigned over the Free men -didn't- result in total chaos. No laws were there to break, credits flowed as they would. The crime rate was genuinely barely above that of Humanity's Monarchy. But of course.... War was impossible to avoid. People not under the same banner -find- reasons to hate one another. Find reasons to fight, to prove their cause is the greater of the two. So the fighting began. It started small. Border wars between the Free Men's mish-mash of military and the ordered ranks of the Royal Army. Nothing that shook the foundation of humanity. Weapons of Mass Destruction were never used by either side, for humanity remembered all too well how long it took to restore Earth from the earlier millennium's mistakes. But war was war. It was bloody, and tragic, and horrible. But, even after eighty years, it still waged on. Borders waned and waxed between the two groups of humans, people died. And somewhere along the line, each group formed a special tasks force, specifically meant to combat each other more viciously in the shadows. **The New Templars** The New Templars formed under Humanity, suggested by a man named Jamie Bellhan- A historian and soldier. All of the honor, the pride, and the tradition of the original knights of templar went into their creation and training, making them a brutally effective, if rigidly traditional group of the finest soldiers, with the finest weapons and supplies. However, they were not bound by religion as the original knights were- Merely strict codes of honor and conduct, genuine knights in the king's army. **The Beacons** The Beacons were the Free Men's response to the New Templars. Not steeped in honor or tradition, they were simply the best of the best available among the fighting men and women of the Free Men. The bravest, quickest, smartest soldiers they could find. They live by their own ways, and do the jobs they are given as they see fit, to the most effective degree imaginable- From stealing documents of importance to sabotaging military ships and stations. They are the left hand of the Free Men, working in the shadows. ## Weapons and Armor Among the many scientific leaps of humanity, despite the peaceful times, weapons and armor also made large jumps forward. I will focus here on the degree of material available to the Beacons and the New Templars. ### Fire Arms For the most part, firearms are no different than they are now. Ballistic weaponry. However, rather than large bullets, guns from small side arms to large rifles use systems more akin to those of Rail Guns, shearing a slim fragment of different metals off ammo blocks, magnetically charging and launching them at unbelievable temperatures and speeds, turning the small metal fragment into a superheated shard of destruction. The size of the shard varies from gun to gun, small-arms firing no more than a sliver the size of a sewing needle, large rifles or shotguns firing something more akin to a roofing nail. The heat build up caused by this reaction is stored in energy clips, which can be dumped into power reserves, recycling the heat for clean, renewable energy. Depending on the size of round, ammo blocks may need to be replaced every few dozen, hundred, or -thousand- shots, making the need to reload the blocks themselves very small in firefights. Energy clips, however, have a standard replacement need every twelve rounds- Give or take a few depending on the modifications made to the specific gun. They take only half a minute or so to drain and cool into energy reserved, however, making it unnecessary to carry more than two or three clips into battle. Exquisitely crafted guns made for all ranges are available to the Beacons and New Templars, though both groups tend towards mid-to-close range combat, due to often fighting in enclosed spaces. ### Blades Due to the traditional nature of the New Templars, and the Beacons' need to counter them, both groups receive extensive training not only with firearms and hand-to-hand combat, but also with swords, axes, maces, pole weapons, shields, and daggers of all varieties, making them as utterly deadly up close as they are from across the room. Of course, simple steel blades wouldn't be enough in modern times, so the blades forged for both groups are made up of the finest, strongest metals on Earth or the Moon, sharpened to edges that would cut a speck of dust, and strengthened to the point of being more than capable of cutting anything from a tree, a slab of steel, a boulder, or a human being in half without so much as a scratch showing on the metal. Depending on the individual's preferences, these blades can vary extensively in style and type. ### Armor Armor, like weaponry, has taken leaps and bounds. Full-body, space-worthy suits of nano-fiber material are supplied to both groups. The material is semi-organic in nature, allowing it to mend itself given a few minutes- Though, unfortunately, it isn't able to mend the person wearing it. So, even if one were to be shot in the arm, the suit would repair the hole with its own materials within five or six minutes, making it once again space-worthy, to minimize the chance of an operative being spaced and freezing to death. Or suffocating. Or generally just being crushed by the pressure. You get the point. The suit plating and under-weave are the same material, but the density varies, allowing for rigid plates or flexible sleeves, both equally air-tight and pressure proof. Each agent's suit will have an on-board computer and A.I. ### A.I On that note! A.I's are, in this universe, similar to what we see in the Halo universe. Complex, with genuine personalities of their own. They reside in each suit's on-board computer, but can be moved to personal devices such as phones or cranial-implants between missions, making them each agent's best friend. They can analyze a situation in fractions of a second, and give dozens of tactical options for each in only a few seconds. They monitor the agent's vital signs and physical condition, help with mental stress, and even offer a HUD showing armor condition, the state of weapons, thermal level in clips, and the suit's current energy level- Necessary to perform actions such as recycling air, venting to keep the agent from overheating, keeping the A.I active, (Though an A.I can function on the equivalent of a single watch battery, so the odds of the power draining below A.I use is next to zero) and generally just being useful as more than a hunk of protective nano-fiber. ### Food You will note in the image I use for Isaac, my Beacon Commander, that there are things that look like jelly beans spilling out of one of his pouches. Those would be food pills. In reality they will be clear, not colorful. They taste like shit, won't actually solve having an empty stomach, and are generally unpleasant to smell. However, they hold enough vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and calories to effectively keep the body alive and healthy with only one pill a day, as if living on a healthy meal schedule due to the timed-release segments in each capsule. While no replacement for a hot meal at home, they are more than enough to keep a soldier alive with no food source for months at a time... As long as they don't spill all over the floor and get lost. They do -not-, however, replace water. Hydration would still be an issue. As would the pain of an empty stomach, despite being healthy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

# [Bellhan Hold, Northern Alps](http://controllercreator.com/ccblog/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Dragon-Age-3-Inquisition.jpg) In the high reaches of the Alps, it was as cold as ever, barely -6 Celcius by all thermometers. But, despite the freezing temperatures, it was also as beautiful as it always was around Bellhan Hold- A keep destroyed a millennium past, and restored only years before, named for the founder of the New Templar Order, and now housing its members, safely secluded far from the reach of your average hiker. Whispy clouds skated just over the keep, broken into reflective, shining strands of vapor by the surrounding mountain peaks, creating dancing colors against the sunny sky. And yet, so few among the hold had the luxury of stopping to admire the natural beauty around them. There were more pressing tasks to tend to in a place such as this- Soldiers of the Royal Army guarded the hold from the stout towers along its walls, and stood vigil at the gate itself. In the courtyard, a dozen hopeful youths trained vigorously under the eyes of their superiors, working in the hope of one day attaining the prestige and rank of a Templar themselves. And yet, the illusion of old ages long past was broken among the scene- For those guards held guns alongside their blades, and their armor was of fiber and ballistic material rather than cold, forged metal. The trainees focused as much on perfecting aim with fire-arms as they did on perfecting form with a blade. And inside the Keep itself, the war table far from matched its ancient surroundings, made of metal and glass, projecting holographic images over its surface, rotating and zooming, going from key point to key point as one man stood before it, watching. The familiar, worn face of Jason Bellhan, son to Jamie Bellhan and the latest leader of the New Templars, was bared to the eyes of others. His face was creased with a heavy frown, and he pointed a gauntleted finger to a specific point on one of the flickering, floating images, glancing to another image beside him, a wolf. "Zoom in on that, Adam." The wolvish image nodded, and the larger hologram spun about and zipped in on one specific point on the blueprints of a space station it displayed. After a moment, the image changed, showing a particularly large looking Anti-craft turret, along with its details, possible uses, and a few dozen different blueprints of it. Jason sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes, thinking. He had summoned the Templars not already out on missions some half hour ago, but it didn't stop him from going over things beforehand. "They shouldn't have that kind of fire power..." --- # [Jackson Communications Station, Lunar Orbit](https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTgutv4sqHuf1vSNXa0P4crR48pEE3DIwKT4zwa2dA8Gr1CcC39) Little did the Templar Commander know, another high standing figure stood in that very station, staring at the same gun Jason looked upon. Only, rather than a frown, this face held a broad grin. A younger looking face, but one just as notorious... -Isaac- Bellhan, the younger brother of the famous family. He stood before a viewing port with his arms locked casually behind his back, peering down at the anti-craft turret now mounted to the simple communications station. Before now, the station had been a point of dispute between Humanity and the Free Men for decades. It wasn't the largest such tower- Not even the best placed. But, it was large enough to comfortably house and supply a hundred hungry soldiers for months at a time, and was invaluable as a strategic asset, offering dominance over radio signals and communications for nearly an eighth of the moon's surface... The same eighth that bore the few lunar colonies held by the Free Men. Supposedly, it had been inactive before the wars began, housing only the required crew for maintenance. But, once the fighting began, it became a point of contest. Now, however, Isaac believed it was finally firmly and indefinitely in the hands of the Free Men. It had been overtaken the past week, and was now in the process of being armed and garrisoned. While those precautions were undertaken, a select group of... Added protection, had been moved to the station. A rather particularly skilled group of Beacons, including the Beacon Commander himself. Earlier that morning, he had overseen the shutting down and destruction of the station's many monitoring devices, leaving the people of the Free Men on Luna free to use their radios without fear of being listened in on by big brother once again. The communications towers themselves, of course, were left functional- The station couldn't simply go dark. But it was no longer a post to listen in on civilians, in the vain hope of hearing military plans. And now, he stood watching the armaments being applied, and awaited the Beacons he had requested to join him. As pleased as he was, he knew full well that the station wasn't safe until it was fully armed and garrisoned. Until then, he had to keep everybody alert. .... And he had a chill running up his spine that made him inclined to double check everyone and everything. They would have to fight for this station. He had a feeling. And his feelings were rarely wrong. "Jackal, send out another pulse. Make sure there's nobody here just yet. Make sure the watch teams are doing their job. I don't want another surprise like we had on the Hamilton."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

In his usual fashion, Klaus was spending his free time out in the courtyard, simply enjoying the chill of the air. Watching the new blood train wasn't so bad either, it could get pretty entertaining at times. However, sparring time had passed a while ago, and Klaus found himself without purpose. That is, until the call came in. He was the first to arrive in the war room, wearing the static under-plating of his power armor. It didn't really protect him as much, but it wasn't exactly efficient to wear full power armor around the base anyways. Bowing his head to Jason as a form of silent greeting, Klaus stepped towards the war table, standing with his hands crossed behind his back. Rommel appeared on his shoulder, a holographic image of a regally adorned commander of old. The AI matched Klaus' stance, and nodded his own greeting to Jason.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Warbozz
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Warbozz The explained

Member Seen 21 days ago

Casually strolling the walkways of their new base, McDougal curiously inspected the work being done here. Equipment was moved and made ready, freemen soldiers were garrisoned everywhere. McDougal disliked cramped housing, while thinking he should make a nest of sorts in the vents he saw a glimpse of their new anti-craft turret. *Whistle "_Thats some serious bang for our buck wouldn´t you say Jenny?_" an image of young woman with ponytail hair appeared sitting cross legged on his shoulder. "_Impressive equipment master, does this mean the war is won?_" Without answering McDougal laughed hard and unrestrained, what he saw around the corner stifled this laugh. The Alexander brothers were here too, both kneeling in prayer they payed no heed to passing shadow. The brothers were good at what they did, scarily so, it was why they did anything that concerned him. If they ever came to blows he doubted his own ability to stop them. "_Fistfighting is not in your style master._" "_So AI are capable of mindreading now, scary._" Finally he arrived to the lone man watching out the viewing ports, both joy and concern were painted on his face. Approaching the only man ever to warrant respect and obedience from the shadow of luna he straightened his back and cleared his throat. "_You dont look like a man who has a new neat toy, expecting troubles boss?_"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tetisheri
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Tetisheri The Ice Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Her new office didn't lack in space for sure. Eirwen was actually quite concerned that the room was large enough to serve as quarters for half of their current garrison, and thus was vulnerable. But being a Chief Tactician, it was her duty to be present here and oversee personally the establishment of the new base, as well as provide immediate tactical support, if needed. She was the best in tactics. That skill alone was enough for her to stand where she was standing. And she was standing high. Eirwen's office was indeed high, only two floors beneath the top floor. She could see the surroundings far enough from her window. There was nothing particularly interesting there, but the view was useful enough when she was concentrating and looking for solutions while sipping her coffee. It was supposed to be her only weakness, not quite a healthy drink which supposedly kept her addicted. And so she firmly drank two or three cups every day to support such belief. The Chief Tactician turned away from the window and looked through the glass wall separating her personal area from the rest of her department. They weren't relocated fully, only half a dozen specialists enough to keep the station running. She was looking at them while thinking, if this operation was really necessary for her to succeed. According to her analysis, this particular tower was quite important for Monarchy. But having part in the success of taking it over was a huge step towards her final goal. No civilians were harmed, of course. Still she wished she could have sabotaged it in some way. But that had to come next. For now Eirwen sat down in her new chair and activated the holotable. "Athena, provide the plan of the station for study, underground levels" she commanded. "But didn't you study the plan just yesterday, my lady?" the A.I. asked, although she was downloading the data already and the turret model was forming upon the "I did. But I still didn't find any new weaknesses. The Monarchy would want this base back" _And I shall deliver it when the time comes._
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 9 mos ago

“**Amen**” Cesare finished the prayer in a near whisper, before lifting his head and forcing his heavy body to follow. The “leader”, Isaac Bellhan, had summoned forth a group to speak with. Unfortunately for Cesare and Julis, it would seem that the group had included them. It was rather irritating, having to listen to the words of an anarchist, but Cesare had put him (and by extension his brother Julis) in this position. Neither cause was the good cause, in Cesare’s eyes, both cause sickened him. It just so happened that The Free Men offended Cesare less. One thing that remained a mystery to Cesare is why exactly he and his brother were accepted so easily into the “Beacons”, though he did not dwell on it too much. He was a valuable tool and he knew it, wearing it like a badge of honor. Perhaps his pride would be his downfall, but he knew that he would still be accepted by the lord. Or at least, that’s how he felt. Finally standing all the way up, Cesare did a few simple stretches to offset the pain of simply standing up. It took a lot of effort, mainly because he had to get over 600 kg off the ground using nothing but his own God-given body and strength. It wasn’t an easy task, but at least it didn’t hurt as much as it used to. After he reached around 200 kg and 3 meters, well things began to get very complicated. Even with his strong frame, his bones would break under the sheer weight of his body. There were a few instances where he had serious internal injuries, but modern-day medical technology proved to be very helpful. He was also thankful that he did not turn out like his brother, whom he turned to look at now. “Come brother.” Cesare said, in a soft voice much unlike that he used with anyone else. He extended a hand and motioned for the smaller Julis to clamber upon his back so that he could carry him to Isaac Bellhan, for whatever it was they had been summoned for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

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**"Amen"** Julis had finished his prayer at the exact time Cesare had. Something that seemed strange to outsiders, but perfectly natural to the brothers. Julis, like in most situations, did not have an opinion of the false shepard Isaac's plans. He merely saw what his brother seemed to think, and considered that as his opinion. Julis' natural neutrality made him have no real opinion of the Free Men, but that was swayed by Cesare's opinion. Julis was not considered a valuable tool, unlike his brother. His brother was the cornerstone of their team, after all. After hearing Cesare asking him to come, Julis obliged quickly. He stepped onto his brother's hand, and turned his body in such a way that made him sit on his brother's shoulder. "Yes... Brother..." Julis said, his tone much more excited that usual. After all, he was quite excited to finally do something after long days of travel, and prayer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tetisheri
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Tetisheri The Ice Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"My lady, it is time for you to go" Athena's voice was growing persistent. "How much time left?" Eirwen asked without much interest and without averting her gaze from the plans. "2 minutes, if you wish to arrive before the Alexander brothers" "Disregard the sequence, I plan to arrive the last one" "6 more minutes in your usual pace" Eirwen only nodded. "3 minutes" "1 minute" "30 seconds" "15 seconds" The tactician finally stood up. "Seal the working station. Enable recording. We are heading to the meeting" "Yes, my lady" answered the A.I. Athena's voice was almost relieved that her boss finally listened to her warnings. The lights on holotable went out, as Eirwen exited the room choosing a route where she wouldn't meet any of other high-ranked members going in the same direction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Be it known that it is the year three thousand four fifty three. "A male voice said in his helmet. A young man sighed and looked down at the world beneath him. He was in geostationary orbit over the Alps. He sat inside a small pod in a reentry suit. It was old fashioned but it was a rush to do. The voice chimed up again. "Please explain to me why we are here instead of training?" The voice said clearly bothered. "Oh come now Durendal. This is fun! Also jumps like these may be needed should things go wrong during a mission. These suits can survive reentry from high orbit. "The young guy said as he looked at the planet. The pod door opened and a chime played. He got up and looked down. "Well fortune favors the bold. "He said as he pushed off the pod and the gravity kicked in. "My sensors indicate that we will arrive at the hold in two minutes. Ben we need to activate the propulsion systems. This suit is so bulky..." Durendal complained as he fell. Ben saw the heat coming off his suit as they entered the atmosphere. After a minute he began to settle out and began to land. He fell past the hold into one of the valley's nearby. He landed with a thump. "Hell yah!" He said as the reentry suit came off revealing a smaller less bulky suit. "We are to report to the War Room. The commander wants us there. "The AI said as Ben got to the hold. He walked in, his face bright red from the thrill. "Sorry for being late Boss. "He said as Durendal materialized on his shoulder. The AI had the form of a young man wearing an laurel crown. Ben sat down still smiling. "You guys have to orbital jump. It's a rush!" The young man said smiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jason At first, Jason didn't glance up from the floor at Klaus and Ben's arrival, lost in thought as he was oft prone to be. But, eventually- At the sound of Adam clearing his throat- he looked up and nodded to the pair. "Klaus, Ben. Glad to see you both made it, I was beginning to wonder if you'd slipped on some ice." Apparently, he didn't even register the fact that he'd kept them waiting for his response for a solid ten minutes, making Ben's lateness... Rather redundant. He straightened with a crack of his neck, gesturing for Ben to stand and giving a meaningful look to the holo-table in front of him, directing all of their attention to the space-station imaged there. "We lost JCS again, and this time the Free Men are looking to make it permanent. Our entire garrison was killed and spaced, and all communications with the station have been severed, excluding internal Free Men messages. Somehow, in the week it took us to find out, they had -this- installed." He tapped a point on the image, blowing up the turret and its surrounding space again for their viewing. "Anti-craft turret. This scan is nearly three days old- They probably have more than one of these now. But one is bad enough. With that turret functioning, no ship bigger than a civilian leisure boat is getting within ten thousand miles of that station without turning into a bunch of floating scrap metal... Which, of course, means we're being sent almost to the moon. In a civilian leisure boat. Hope you boys brought sun-screen." Ah, the dry humor of a man not pleased with upcoming tasks. Isaac Isaac glanced over his shoulder to Mcdougal, shrugging slightly at his comment and turning away from the window. "I'm always expecting trouble, Mcdougal. That way the only surprises I have are pleasant ones." He hardly had his favorite phrase out before the rather... Impressive form of Cesare made it into the room, smaller brother on his back as always. Unlike most, Isaac had never been intimidated by Cesare- Nor had he found Julis strange in the slightest. He liked both of them, found them interesting- But he expected Cesare, at least, had agendas outside of helping the Free Men. Until those came to rise, however, Isaac would always continue to treat the two as he treated everybody else- Like friendly equals among free people. "Cesare, Julis. Glad to see you both. Excuse me if I get directly to business on this, but Julis, I had a job specifically for you, after this meeting. I need you to suit up and go outside, help the engineers with the turrets. I want the numbers perfect, and nobody does them better than you. And where the devil is Eirwen? She's usually here first." He glanced about with a slight frown, speaking rather rapidly compared to his usual easy-going manner. He either had one too many coffees, or that chill running up his spine was beginning to grate on his nerves. Either way, it was rather amusing to see.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Immediately, Klaus' AI, Rommel, spoke up. "Wie ist das möglich? Die Logistik für eine solche schnelle Änderung... Zu denken, dass wir es nicht erkennen..." Klaus nodded. "Rommel brings up an interesting point, Commander. The rebels must be utilizing considerably more advanced equipment than previously known, in both the transportation and construction fields, in order to have set up these guns undetected within the span of a week. Just shipping the parts for it must have taken a few days, and it probably had to be welded on site. The fact that this scan is three days old is only more disturbing." Klaus glanced at the holo projection, rubbing his chin. "Don't we have an agent on board that station?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tetisheri
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Tetisheri The Ice Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I believe the devil won't be able to verify my location," Eirwen spoke entering. She approached the room just while Isaac was commenting on her absence. "However, according to my AI, there are still 12 seconds before the official meeting, so in fact I am too early. Unless there was a system crush, and then I need to rewrite some of the modules, time calculation included". She was serious about both the 12 seconds and the rewriting part. Everyone knew that their tactician hated mistakes and foggy data. She preferred flawless exactness. "My systems work perfectly fine, my lady," said Athena in somewhat sulking voice materialising on her owner's shoulder. Usually Eirwen didn't have her visible, but in front of the others it was kind of a custom to show off with their AIs. Athena was shaped as a lean young woman with long curly hair reaching her waist, part of which was sealed with a comb. She was dressed in a long chiton, clothes popular around four thousand years ago, and in her hands she was holding a large sphere. Eirwen wrote her model design herself, to make her more or less fitting for her name. "I checked the time using the exact location coordinates, planet movement map, and the distance to the Sun at this point." continued the AI. Eirwen chuckled at such report. "Looks like I am still too early, chief," she said looking at Isaac.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Warbozz
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Warbozz The explained

Member Seen 21 days ago

"Whoa there darling. I thought we were free men, not schedule men!" No one laughed at the crappy joke. "Oh just kill me now" "I found it witty and charming master!" "Dont make it worse Jenny" McDougal was sure that Isaac and Eirwen had some grand plan of defense in case of counterattacks, he didnt really care though. He had some plans himself involving his cache of explosives, gas grenades and hacking tools. He didnt wish to tear this station from orbit so his favorite bombs were out of question. The gas was one of his aces in space station centered fights, vaporized alcohol, even a light switch or gunfire inside it could cause it to ignite and roast anything caught in it. The hacking tools could be used to jam emergency bulkheads in place or force open airlocks, in this day most soldiers had space worthy suits but an unexpected spacewalk seemed to always dampen his opponents spirits. Then again he hadnt had enough time to install his precious traps on station yet so McDougal was getting a bit restless. "Now that Im done dying from embarrassment, mind giving us our general assingments. I have some AHEM preparations to make."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ben looked at the intel and sighed. This was all above him. He was just a swordsman. He was about to respond to the statement when Durendal glared at him to shut up. He looked over at the intel and twitched. This was not his type of mission at all. He was all about being thrown into a swarm of enemies and throwing his swords around killing everything that he could. This seemed to be a bit too quiet for him. He grinned at Jason. "Well I've got my sunscreen and shades ready. The ladies cannot resist me when I am being a sauve as I can." He said pushing his hair back grinning. This earned him glare from his AI. He was trying to lighten the mood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Julis nodded. "Okay...", he said in his usual quiet and monotone voice. It wasn't unheard of for Isaac to ask Julis for help doing stuff. Others (mostly maintenance workers) didn't enjoy him helping. His mind worked in strange ways, and as such, never wrote down what did what. It made it a pain for others since they couldn't understand what anything meant (and sometimes Julis didn't remember either). He heard McDougal make his little joke. It irritated Julis. Such a thing would have been considered a curse upon other cultures. His brother, Cesare, seemed to be like an unmovable mountain compared to those around him, and Julis was still sitting on his large shoulder. After a few moments, the numbers in Julis' head seemed to slow down. His usual demeanor of not paying attention to anything turned into a more focused look at Isaac, waiting for what bigger order he would ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Cesare looked at his brother and then to Isaac and then back to his brother. Underneath his helmet, his expression changed to one of concern for his younger brother. "Is it really okay, Julis?" He said, a hint of concern and brotherly love in his voice. He turned his head back to Isaac and underneath his helmet his face turned back to the one of disgust he used with those other than his dear brother. "You know Julis doesn't like to say no." Cesare used a loud and almost commanding voice with Isaac, though it was still softer than the one he used with others still. Perhaps it was because Cesare had been softened up by Julis. In fact, it probably was that. Lifting his large left arm up he pat Julis' leg, reinforcing that nothing involving Julis got by without Cesare's say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jason Jason gave a slight shrug at Klaus' question, scratching the stubble on his chin with a sigh. "We do, but for his own safety I can't just go making contact willy-nilly. All of three people know who he is." He was, of course, intentionally using the wrong pronouns. One can never be too careful talking about a deep-cover agent, even when in the company of only friends and close co-workers. Though Ben's statement, admittedly, brought a grin to his usually stern features. "Glad to hear it, Ben. Unfortunately we'll be lacking in ladies to woo with your suaveness. But all joking aside- Adam, give them the details of travel." The AI wolf nodded, sitting back on his haunches and looking between Ben and Klaus. "The moon is two hundred thirty eight thousand and nine hundred miles from Earth. The JCS is almost exactly two hundred thousand miles from earth. We will be traveling in a small craft at approximately one thousand miles an hour, making this a twenty hour trip. If we leave immediately, we will arrive at some time in the middle of the day tomorrow. And we -are- leaving immediately. Further details will be given as situations arise." A twenty hour trip by civilian space craft- The equivalent of being stuck in an R.V with family for an entire day. It wouldn't be a comfortable trip. Isaac Isaac listened quietly to all of them- Though he visibly cringed as Eirwen and Athena went on their tyrade about schedule and the accuracy of their clocks. Once everybody was done, he gave a rather exaggerated sigh, as if their words had actually been pressing down on him. It was his usual brand of dry humor. "Then I suppose the rest of us were earlier." He'd given up on arguing that there really was no schedule, and that time-settings for meetings were more guide-lines than actually set 'you have to be here' times. "Now that we're all here, though, I'll make it quick for all of our sake." A hand gestured to Cesare and Julis. "I know he might not like to say no, Cesare, but I need those cannons in perfect order, and he's the only one on this bloody station who I trust to make it as close to perfect as humanly possible. You can go out with him if you're worried, I don't have any specific job for you unless you want to stand around clubbing people over the head for walking too slowly. But unless -all- of us want to get blown up, we need those turrets perfect so that nothing bigger than my gods damned thumb can make it close to us." He now turned his eyes on McDougal and Eirwen, tilting his head slightly. "You two, I need working together. I'm quite certain McDougal has his obnoxiously large bag of tricks and traps. You're damn good at setting them on your own, but work with Eirwen this time. I'm sure all of her tactics and strategems will actually come in handy here. Make the traps -carefully-. We don't want our own soldiers tripping them. Make a few of them obvious, too. If anybody not with the Free Men boards this station, I want them bottle-necked towards the bottom of the station."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Warbozz
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Warbozz The explained

Member Seen 21 days ago

Were it not for his helmet, everyone in the room could have sworn McDougal had turned into tomato, such was the intensity of this emotional rollercoaster Isaac had thrown him into. He found Eirwen to be ravishingly attractive as a woman, but as an person that punctuality and expectations of perfection drove him goddamn insane! And these were HIS traps they were discussing here. Still, Isaacs orders were Isaacs orders and McDougal would follow suit like a good little Beacon he was. He moved next to Eirwen and started discussing his plan. It mainly involved setting an ring of sorts around the station, in two parts. If possible enemies would attack the station, they would be divided by jammed emergency bulkheads, this would be when part of enemy forces would be spaced with an rigged airlock and beforehand positioned freemen snipers would shoot the bastards to be sure they were out. Those still behind bulkheads would be funneled towards the bottom by giving them false targets to chase and "accidentally" leaked Beacon comminications. "And that is where we take them out to lunch!" McDougal was sure that Eirwen had her own plans and would most likely tear this one to bits, he was prepared to let it slide and do things her way this time around, after all, no enemy force was guaranteed to attack an base so heavily fortified with massive ordnance, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tetisheri
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Tetisheri The Ice Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Why the bottom?" asked Eirwen. She didn't usually question the decisions of her commander, but then again, if she was here, then she found it suitable to provide her opinion on the state of affairs. "According to my evaluation, the left flange might be a better choice. It isn't fully equipped yet, so the material losses on our side will be insignificant. It is also the one we damaged during our siege. In case it costs us too much to deal with the enemy forces, we can simply seal the tunnel and cast the whole flange in the open space while reforming our forces. I also have all the reasons to believe that this is the most vulnerable part, and if Templar tacticians studied the plan well, they will order the attack this point first. I also believe that our main life support units are on the first level, so if we are going to make the main move there, it should be more than just well calculated." Apparently, she didn't mind working with a partner. The more people she had access to, the better. Not to mention she was quite eager to learn about the structure of those traps. But the Ice Queen didn't show any hints about her true intentions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Klaus and Rommel nodded in unison. Then, Rommel spoke up some more, his holographic likeness stepping off of Klaus' shoulders and floating towards the projected station. "Berechne ich eine fünfundneunzig Punkt sieben Prozent Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass unser Angriff vor Ankunft festgestellt werden, wahrscheinlich Punkt 70 Stunden vor dem Angriff beginnt. Ich rationalisieren ein siebenundvierzig Punkt sechsundachtzig Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass dies eine Falle. Ich werde Station Pläne zu überprüfen, während wir auf dem Weg." Klaus nodded. "Rommel reads a 97% chance of our plan being discovered before we can fully effect it, if standard station detection protocols are in place. Furthermore, there's a 47.86% chance that our attack will run into traps and ambushes. Tactical assessments will be given en route. For now, let's just get going." Removing his arms from behind his back, Klaus saluted, and left to retrieve his power armor from the armory.
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