Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

**Isaac Bellhan** ![enter image description here](http://m.99wallpaper.com/images/7_1851/Sci%20Fi_warrior_003.jpg "enter image title here") ![enter image description here](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/361/d/2/d2b79e2432740352698d1998698a640e-d5pcixw.jpg "enter image title here") Standing at 6'2" and built with the whip-cord, trim figure of an athlete, Isaac is impressive, if not imposing. With the brown hair and bright green eyes of all Bellhans, he's a fairly regular looking guy, dressing for comfort and generally just enjoying his life. It's rare to catch him without a grin and a snide remark on his lips, but he's a likable guy all around, and a popular leader among the Beacons... To most members, at least. After all, they -are- anarchists... The line between 'leader' and 'follower' is only whether or not they want to carry out the idea of the leader. However, his skill in combat is undeniable. Matched only by his elder brother in speed, strength, and skill with guns and blades, it's no wonder he managed to fight his way to the leadership roll of the Beacons, as loose as the term leader is among the Free Men. His black and red armor scheme and the general unique shape of it makes him easy to spot among the battlefield, if those he serves with request his guidance. His A.I shares his cunning, playful personality, and bears the name "Jackal". When projecting or showing himself as an image, Jackal displays- predictably- as a Jackal. As to his standard weapons, he tends to carry three blades, two pistols, and a single carbine rifle. The blades are all straight-spined, and make up a set- Long, medium, and short. Depending on the situation, he may draw any one of them as needed. The pistols and tally marks on his armor are as seen in the image. The rifle is fairly standard in appearance- And in function. Not modded in the slightest. Though the pistols certainly pack more punch than your average side-arm. **Jason Bellhan** ![enter image description here](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/244/7/3/templar_special_forces_by_hells_gate_arrested-d5d6twx.jpg "enter image title here") ![enter image description here](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d4/8b/42/d48b429faa8394a4d04f561d9f584e7d.jpg "enter image title here") Standing at 5'11", stockily built, and generally scarred up and worn in appearance, Jason isn't what you would expect of the famous Bellhan brothers, let alone a Templar Knight. Like his brother, he bears the brown hair and green eyes of their father. Despite his lack-luster appearance, however, there is an aura of confidence, grace, and authority about him, making him an easy man to follow- Particularly given that, other than being a bit gruff, he is a sensible, likable, and generally excellent leader. He upholds the strict traditions and codes of the New Templars dutifully and with great pride. But, like his younger brother, his skill in combat both far away and within arm's reach is unbelievable. Grizzled in appearance or not, he moves with the agility and strength of an expert warrior, a blur without a movement wasted up close, and a genuine crack shot far away, rarely missing his target, be it with gun, or just some random object he throws at somebody. Like spoons. He likes throwing spoons. A lot. But that aside, his general arsenal consists of a pair of pistols identical to those of his younger brother,- However, the images on the grips are simple black crosses on white fields rather than pieces of art- a mid-range assault rifle with some excellent stopping power, and a bastard sword sheathed on his back- The sheath also just happens to be a collapsible kite shield, bearing the black cross insignia of the New Templars... Just like his pistols and armor. The hilt of the sword, it may be noted, is golden-hued, wrapped in leather of pitch black, with a crossguard designed to resemble a twisting rose-vine. On to Jason's A.I. It has been respectfully dubbed Adam, indeed after the bible's own first man. Not because it was the first A.I, but because it was the first A.I of the New Templars- And belonged to Jamie Bellhan before Jason. Like Jamie, Adam is blunt, has a dry sense of sarcastic humor, and has a fondness for bantering with Jason at unnecessary times. When showing himself as an image or projection, he tends to appear as a wolf, out of personal choice. **The Shared History** The Bellhan brothers share a history, that much is certain. While Jason is the older of the two, it's only by two years- A number most people go far above, given Jason's worn-down appearance compared to his brother. But, both closely resemble their father, the original founder of the New Templars. They were already of age and enlisted in the Royal Army when their father came up with the New Templars, and were exceptionally skilled in their own right- Prime choices for the new task group, and not just because it was their father's brain child. So, they were with it for it's first ten years of operation... And Jason has been with it for twenty now, aged at thirty-nine in the current year. However, Isaac, for reasons still unknown to Jason, left the New Templars after his tenth year... As well as Humanity, leaving to join the Free Men, and the Beacons. Their pasts are unimportant to history, only the present matters in the annals of time. For ten years, now, the two brothers have waged war against each other's people, and each other personally. Time and time again they've clashed in the field and off of it at civil negotiations. Which... Didn't remain civil for the two of them, usually. Isaac harbors a resentment for Jason, for reasons -neither- of them truly understands, and Jason has attained a level of distrust and disdain for his brother, disowning him for leaving behind the honor of the Templars to be an anarchist, to live only for himself. Only once in those ten years have they been civil- The funeral of their father, Jamie Bellhan. The only day in a decade when they could share a meal and speak as brothers, mourning the unfortunate passing of their father- A death of old age, bringing resentment for that deed in particular to neither brother... A fact which they are both thoroughly thankful for. SHortly after, Jason took on the title of Grand Knight of the New Templars, and Isaac was not far behind in garnering the leader's title among the Beacons, however loose the title was in a society based on lack of rules.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

**Klaus Helbrect** ![enter image description here](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/010/b/5/future_soldier_power_armor_by_fonteart-d5r2ax4.jpg "enter image title here") Klaus is about as burly as it comes. He stands at an impressive 6'5, and he's built like a freight train made man. Deceptive to his nature, his face carries youth, and some semblance of happiness. He's got striking yellow eyes, and buzz-cut dirty blonde hair. Apart form this, he sports a strapping pair of mutton chops on his head, which combine to form a short beard and mustache on his face. Klaus is a very powerful man, just physically. He's less heavy, and more athletic, meaning that although he's a massive brick wall of a man, he's surprisingly quick on his feet. He's unparalleled in the use of the Shield/Gun style. When disarmed, Klaus is equally as dangerous, as he won't to turn the strength and motor enhancements of his armor onto his enemies. He's a champion level boxer and wrestler, and has a very sound tactical mind. He shows matchless calm on the battlefield, as if being pummeled by a hail of bullets is the only thing he finds solace in. Klaus' primary source of protection is a high-end suit of power armor, designed specifically for damage absorption. It uses a multilayered weave of standard ballistics, ablative nanofibers, and powered shock-absorbent plates to soak up incomprehensible amounts of punishment and small arms fire. The plates range in thickness from two to three inches at certain points. Apart from its protective qualities the armor also provides strength enhancements, and the helmet can display tactical readouts, ballistic trajectories, and has various different vision modes, all built in. On top of all of this, Klaus' armor has a flechette launcher mounted on his left shoulder, which fires a shotgun-spray of timed explosive darts. **Arsenal** THE SHIELD: Klaus' shield is a solid, rectangular piece of armor plating. Comprised of the same materials as (and designed to match) his power armor, it's about as tall as he is, a true tower shield. It has no little window on it. It has armored cameras installed on its surface, which feed directly into his helmet. THE LMG HALBERD: Klaus wields a powerful, thousand-shot cip LMG in his primary hand. The strength enhancements of his power armor, combined with his already impressive physique, allow him to wield the LMG in one hand and the shield in the other. The LMG itself is designed for suppression and chewing up lightly armored targets. It's rather short (think of the SAW LMG) for an LMG of its calibre, as its purposely designed to not be too accurate. For Now, the fun part. Klaus' LMG has a secondary mode. At a whim, he can decouple a set of gyroscopes, causing the LMG to flip around, centered on its trigger. Mounted on the back of the LMG is a set of halberd blades, and once the LMG flips around and successfully clicks into place, the collapsible stock extends an extra three feet in length, turning the LMG into a fully functional halberd within a matter of seconds. The heinous thing about this mode, is that the gun itself is still functional, and Klaus has learned to use this in his attacks with the halberd, gunning down foes who weasel around him or incorporating a hail of bullets into a series of attacks. **AI** In order to work all the proper systems of his armor, Klaus' armor has a built in AI, which Klaus has taken to calling "Rommel", over it's tactical abilities. Rommel runs all the systems for Klaus' equipment, and is the brains behind the many tactical calculations that occur inside the helmet. Rommel is no-nonsense, and speaks with a monotone voice. Klaus has set Rommel to speak only in German, for security reasons. **History** Klaus is a veteran of the conflict between Humanity and the Free Men, having served as a heavy support gunner for many years on the battlefield. His unwavering devotion, and steely nerves under fire earned him the attention of the New Templars, where he was signed on to play the very same role, but with new toys. Apart from this, Klaus never talks about his past life. Anyone who asks him quickly learns why they _shouldn't_. Klaus carries a very traumatized burden with him, and the day someone drags those memories out of his mouth will be the day he lays down his weapons and retires.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Warbozz
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Warbozz The explained

Member Seen 21 days ago

McDougal "Shadow of Luna" ![](http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/346/0/e/shinkawa_model_108_augmented_performance_suit_by_ignusdei-d5nsj9c.jpg "") Born to the moon colonies and having lived there most of his life, young McDougal found out that living in space is hard work enough without all the rules and regulations that the monarchy so intensely imposed upon them. Within the free men he found a home to himself, like minded individuals each doing for the cause what they see as best course of action. And when the war picked up pace, he was naturally drawn to the ranks of Beacons. McDougal starts his battles long before enemy is in sights, a natural trapper and saboteur, he uses explosives and on planet surface even more heinous contraptions, to funnel his enemies into specifically designed kill zones where escape is nearly impossible once McDougal opens fire from the shadows, lobbing grenades and directing the fire of his comrades in arms. Often times tough he is loathe to abandon his lovingly crafted creations even if enemy is bringing the heavy ordnance to rain death upon him. So going to missions with this freeroaming commando, one can expect radio silence and disobeyed orders. The only guy in Beacons known to have pried McDougal from his carefully setup ambush site, when mission went awry, is one Isaac Bellhan. **Arsenal** Basic rifle without anything noteworthy about it except the ridiculous killrank etched on its side. While the rifle itself is standard issue, the extras are anything but, scope almost the lenght of gun itself can spot and track floating objects even in the vast darkness of space. And the sound suppressing system that largely helped McDougal earn his nickname. Caught offguard close up, McDougal resorts to his combat knife, in witch use he is quite deadly, tough seen enough comrades cleaved in twain he has developed his own philosophy "Never cross swords with a templar!" Almost always carries with him enough hightech explosives to turn a warship into pile of molten slag. **Armor** McDougal has sacrificed much of his armors protective qualities for speed and sound suppression, befitting his indirect style of warfare. He believes strongly that caught behind enemy lines is a death sentence that no amount of fibers and plates can undo. **AI** In ambush sites days before enemy arrival McDougal can be heard chatting happily with his AI "Jenny" An invaluable ally to McDougal constantly calculating blast radius and shot trajectories for her master. The way he grins, laughs and looks to horizon during these conversations has spawned rumors that Jenny has been named and programmed after a dead loved one, McDougal has never confirmed these rumors tough he has never denied them either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ben Shepard ![Ben's armor](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/360/b/5/future_soldier_scketch_by_fonteart-d4k9juf.jpg "enter image title here") Ben Shepard stands at six feet four inches tall. He is more athletic than muscular. His bright blue eyes seem to show that he has seen a lot in his 21 years of life. He always has a smile on his face and his skin is tanned from years in the sun. He is constantly working out or trying to get better so the rest of the squad treats him less like the kid. He usual does this by just asking them to help. Ben tries to make up for his lack of experience by trying to do as much work as he can. Weapons: His primary weapons are his array of swords. He has a katana strapped to his back and his suit can produce a pair of long knives that he can fight with. ![His Katana](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/100/0/2/futuristic_katana_by_gdnick-d7dydkj.jpg "enter image title here") ![the blades from his suit](http://www.edgesofreality.com/image_manager/attributes/image/image_1/41831040_9572086_full.jpg "enter image title here") His suit blades His secondary weapon is a medium ranged assault rifle. It is used when he cannot get within range of his enemies or if doing so would be unwise. Armor: The X-632 tactical armor is designed mainly for quick strikes and to augment the users' speed to assist in combat. The suit was designed for the user to be fast, silent, and deadly. It is completely closed off to better interface with the user. It is not designed to take a beating from anything stronger than gunfire. He can take a good deal of sword damage. AI The suit was designed with an AI built in to assist the user comprehend the information it throws at the user as quickly as it does. The AI was code named Durendal though Ben calls him Dure. The AI was programmed to be helpful and friendly. Ben added a sarcasm bit when not in combat. It shows the image of a man with a crown on his head. History: Ben does not talk about it much. He was born somewhere on Earth in one of the mega cities on the planet. He grew up on the streets fighting for survival. He learned a lot of his fighting skills while there. At 18 he joined the Army and did rather well and when he was 21 he joined the New Templars. He is still one of the newest me members and has a few things to learn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Anarchy is preferable to obeying those who have fallen from God’s grace.Name: Cesare Alexander Age: 38 Alignment: The Free Men (After having defected from The New Templars for a multitude of reasons that Cesare for the most part refuses to explain.) Fireteam: "Salvation" Height and Weight: Cesare stands at an astounding 4 meters tall and he weighs around 432 kg as a result. With his armor on, he weighs roughly 654 kg. Personality: Cesare is an extremely prideful man, believing himself to be above all others, though he is also fiercely obedient, respecting the chain of command. Due to his gargantuan size, he has been described as “fiercely intimidating”, a trait he knows well and abuses. This has led to him acting as if he is a wrathful man, often threatening acting as if he has been sent into a berserk rage. The truth, however, is that Cesare is at all times calm and collected, having known nothing but war his entire life. Cesare is also very religious, and zealous in his beliefs. He considers himself a “fine Christian man”, though talking to him reveals that many of his beliefs oppose those of most religions. One notable difference lies in the fact that Cesare does not believe in a Hell. He instead believes that those who live lives of sin, or simply lack faith, are doomed never to be remembered. When asked why his beliefs are this way, he will simply say “Nowhere in the blessed texts does it say that there is a Hell. The closest example I can find is in fact referring to a disposal site outside of Jericho.” It’s recommended not to question him further as he can and will proceed to give you his own sermon. Cesare is very vocal with his beliefs, not being afraid to disagree with others. He is known to many as an “intolerant bigot” or as “scum”, because of his beliefs. Those that do not agree with his religious beliefs are in his eyes, doomed to never be remembered. He is also known to have rattled on about his extreme hatred for the LGBT community, believing that they are all denied entrance into Heaven, for living lives of sin. Cesare is very “Old Testament” in his beliefs, if it wasn’t obvious. While on the topic of his beliefs, Cesare absolutely despises the “New Templars”. He claims that they are false, having fallen from the grace of God. In fact, he believes that they do not deserve to wear the title of Templar, or Knight, or anything. He believes they are scum to be wiped from the bottom of his boot. Armor: The most noteworthy part of Cesare’s armor is its sheer size. Weighing a little more than half as much as Cesare himself, it is roughly 222 kilograms in weight. The armor, on any normal person, would require mechanical assistance to even budge, but Cesare is a gargantuan strongman. Cesare relies more on his sheer strength than the armor, though it has saved his hide more than a few times. It is space-worthy, strong enough to resist *most* small-arms fire and even many types of explosives. There is no functioning AI attached to Cesare’s armor, having been disabled at a time Cesare refuses to disclose. Arsenal: Cesare is trained to use a Flail, a Shield, and Explosives. We’ll start with the flail. A large, unwieldy thing, the Flail is really just that: An overly sized flail. There is nothing special about it, other than its size. Next up is his shield. Imagine a bulldozer. That’s what Cesare is like, his shield almost as big as him, making him look like a bulldozer. It is built from the same materials as his armor, being able to repair itself over time, but aside from that, it is for all intents and purposes: Tried and true metal. It is more than capable of protecting him and his brother from almost any harm coming their way. Finally is his explosive ordinance. There used to be rumors that his flail was capable of detonating on impact, but those rumors fell with the men that spread them. The truth of the matter is that Cesare keeps a stockpile of explosives with him at almost all times. Under each of his pauldrons, are at least two dozen half-grenades. By themselves, they do nothing, but when quickly snapped with another half, they activate and detonate shortly after tossed. He also has a rocket launcher that is always strapped to his back, should he decide the flail isn’t enough. However, he is trained to use nearly every possible piece of explosive equipment and regularly changes the type of grenades he uses. History: A genetic reject and a gun savant, that’s what they got. That probably makes little sense without context, so it should be given some. You see, the members of the fireteam “Salvation” were once members of “The New Templars”, having been the promised children of twenty generations of a very carefully selected family line, which would be given the very best of gene enhancements to pass on to their children and their children’s children and so forth. When the head researchers decided that anything beyond twenty generations would be too genetically diverse to properly augment these “Lambs of God”, they went “all-in” and augmented the 19th generation of this pedigree to the fullest. This research team was fired for making such an idiotic decision. They nearly killed the 19th generation of specimens and it was a miracle that they were able to give birth to children at all. Not only was the PROTOTYPE genetic modifications provided UNSTABLE when combined, but they had not given the generation time to ADAPT to these UNSTABLE MODIFICATIONS. The years and years and years of research and development put into forging these two perfect children was thrown down the drain. The results were that; a genetic reject and a gun savant. Let’s focus on the Genetic Reject for now. His name is Cesare Alexander. He is a four meter tall, 432 kilogram giant. He also happens to be a zealot. Not to mention the fact that he is trained in the olden ways of using a flail and shield, and then in the more modern ways of utilizing explosives. This built up his reputation among The Free Men as a hulking and terrifying weapon of war, more weapon than man. His reputation among The New Templars was hardly better, but he was still idolized as a weapon that was on their side. Of course, that changed when Cesare and his “little” brother defected to The Free Men, becoming the Fireteam “Salvation”. Of course, there are reasons behind the desertion of the New Templars. Chief amongst them was his belief that they had “fallen from the grace of God”. One thing to note about Cesare is the fact that he is well versed in his religion. Having read not only multiple translations of the Christian and Catholic bibles, but also the Hebrew Tanakh, only goes to prove this. This… shall we say, obsession, with religion has led to many disputes with those that are not also adherents to his faith. One of the reasons he is so efficient in combat is because he whole-heartily believes that he is doing God’s will. The fact that his beliefs lie mostly in the Old Testament is a very bad thing for his foes. He even brings salt along with him on many occasions to salt the earth after winning a battle. Another of the reasons behind deserting The New Templars, is the fact that Cesare (and assumedly his brother) would like to found a new nation atop the ruins of The New Templars. Of course, this is very far from his reach for now and in reality is not a nation, but in fact a way of life. He plans on, in time, rallying others under his "banner" and then, well, wiping out anyone not adhering to his ideals. This is of course why he sides with The Free Men, seeing as how he believes that, in the long-run, they will be easier to "forcibly convert" (kill off) due to their anarchist way of life. Despite the fact that he views the New Templars as heathens having strayed from the teachings of God, he acknowledges that they are organized and that he and his brother could not face off against them on their own. He hides this desire from the other "Free Men", though the way he speaks down to them is more than enough of a hint. He's tolerated because he gets things done. Cesare does not bend knee to any man, though he does bend knee to God in prayer. As well as for his “little” brother, so he may clamber upon his back. The two share a close bond, and are vicious in combat, especially together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

![enter image description here](http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/026/0/1/experimental_machine_character_2_by_mohzart-d5ssq73.jpg "enter image title here") “*...*” **Name:** Julis Alexander **Age:** 37 (and a half) **Height and Weight:** Julis is an extremely short and thin fellow. He stands at a meager 5'4" (1.6 meters) tall, and weighs around 130 pounds (59 kilograms). With his armour, he is about 180 pounds (82 kilograms). **Personality:** Julis is not prideful and arrogant like his "big" brother, Cesare. In fact, he is rather shy, and almost never talks around other people. When he does speak, it comes out mangled. He can only speak a few words, and he has troubles speaking them. What would be "Enemy is attempting to flank us" becomes "Bad... Behind...". The only time when he can speak properly is when he is praying, or reciting the "numbers". Julis' mind is that of a savant. A mathematical savant, to be precise. Because of being a savant, he isn't too good at the entire... everything, thing. He is poor at remembering, at making plans, and even writing down his calculations in his head. He can't even read standard math calculations. All that happens is that he sees the "numbers" when he does things. These numbers show him where to shoot, when to shoot. That's all Julis is good at doing. Shooting. Like Cesare, Julis is devoutly faithful to god. Unlike Cesare, he doesn't state his beliefs. This is mostly due to because he can't speak properly (save for prayers). It is odd because whenever Julis is fighting, he seems to murmur numbers. **Armor:** Julis' armour fits his small body quite well. It gives no benefits, other than the defense from taking bullets it has. It weighs around 50 pounds, and is much more mechanical in appearance than Cesare's. It is space-worthy, and easy to move around in. Julis seemed to have always broke the AI inside. He didn't like the voices in his head. **Arsenal:** Julis' weapon of choice is his personal ["Prayers"](http://media.indiedb.com/images/articles/1/75/74957/auto/iL1xW.png). The pistols are fully automatic, and more resemble SMGs than pistols. Due to the fact that they are SMG's, they don't really do too much damage to more armoured foes, but they tear up less armored people like paper. He tends not to use both at the same time, saying "Both... bad... one... enough..." On rare occasion, he will steal a weapon from a dead/living body, and use that instead. On even rarer occasion, he will use [his very long knife. Aptly named "Long Knife"](http://kotireddy06.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/sword-copy.jpg). **History:** A genetic reject and a gun savant, that’s what they got. That probably makes little sense without context, so it should be given some. You see, the members of the fireteam “Salvation” were once members of “The New Templars”, having been the promised children of twenty generations of a very carefully selected family line, which would be given the very best of gene enhancements to pass on to their children and their children’s children and so forth. When the head researchers decided that anything beyond twenty generations would be too genetically diverse to properly augment these “Lambs of God”, they went “all-in” and augmented the 19th generation of this pedigree to the fullest. This research team was fired for making such an idiotic decision. They nearly killed the 19th generation of specimens and it was a miracle that they were able to give birth to children at all. Not only was the PROTOTYPE genetic modifications provided UNSTABLE when combined, but they had not given the generation time to ADAPT to these UNSTABLE MODIFICATIONS. The years and years and years of research and development put into forging these two perfect children was thrown down the drain. The results were that; a genetic reject and a gun savant. Let’s focus on the Gun Savant for now. His name is Julis Alexander and was considered to be inferior to his mutated "brother". Julis' reputation was considered much more tame than his brother, seeing how he wasn't a lumbering ogre hellbent on destroying everything. Julis' reputation was still well known, though. He was considered a "gun saint", and was valued as a member of The New Templars. That, of course, changed when he and his "big" brother defected to the free men, becoming the Fireteam "Salvation". Julis had no reason to leave the New Templars. He simply followed his "big" brother. He was the only one that Julis could trust, and vice versa. Julis also had no intention of forming a nation, but upon hearing his brother's wishes, it became one of the two things that he wanted to dedicate his life to. The first being his brother, Cesare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tetisheri
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Tetisheri The Ice Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eirwen "Ice Queen" Dailon Age:23 Alignment: The Beacons (The New Templars) Profession: spy/hacker/tactician Appearance and Personality A bit more than 5'8'' tall, Eirwen's height is just enough to stand out, but not enough to make those around her uncomfortable. She has rather large eyes which change colour from light grey to deep blue depending on her surroundings, clothes, and mood, and are a great contrast to her pale skin. Her hair is white naturally, but she dyes it frequently, both because she finds white hair quite boring and because it reduces the possibility of her being recognized, even if such is quite low. She talks in clear voice, usually in casually polite manner suitable for her standings. While at work she goes straight to the point and doesn't like adding any details which don't stand in immediate connection to the topic. Overall, she can make her presence noticeable, if she wants to, but she prefers to remain in shadows, close enough to see everything, not close enough to draw unneccessary attention. Eirwen's personality was reshaped so many times, that even those close to her are not sure she actually possesses one. While being a Templar, she follows their code of honour and justice, and has inherited all traits of her noble family. However, no one can say with certainty that her nobility comes from heart and isn't another mask she wears out of the sense of duty. What remains unquestionable is her ability to control herself without a flaw. There is no such surprise that would make her change her forever calm expression or light a sparkle in those cold eyes. The code name "Ice Queen" wasn't an accident, and Eirwen wears it as if it was her given name. Since she spends most of her time pretending to be someone else, she doesn't mind being alone when there is such a possibility. Her interests rotate around art, music, and literature. She is gifted in singing. Special skills Eirwen specialises in intelligence gathering. She has remarkable knowledge of technology which allows her to hack into various systems without a trace. She is a skilled actress capable of performing any role which only contributes to her value as an undercover agent. Her combat skills are corresponding to both the New Templars' and the Beacons' highest standards, although usually she stays out of battles as tactical support. She is especially proficient in 1 vs. 1 combats, but being surrounded by a dozen of enemies she has much better chances to get away safely rather than to bring them all down. Armour Eirwen prefers light armour which is designed more for swift escapes and keeping her alive rather than direct clash with the opponent. Due to the nature of her work she is always cautious and has to take care of herself not being caught unaware. The custom-made design allows her to move with as little sound as possible and doesn't hinder the smallest of her movements. It contains a lot of hidden pockets where she stores weapons, supplies, portable devices, and data units. Her armour is strong enough to take several blows, but it is definitely not enough to survive in the middle of the battle. While not wearing it, Eirwen's clothes of choice are practical yet elegant. She pays a lot of attention to her looks, having all her garments carefully selected and matching her style. Weapons Following the traditions of spies for thousands of years, Eirwen's weapon of choice is a dagger. She carries a pair of them in her sleeve pockets, easy to hide and easy to slide in her hands, if needed. As any Templar, she is capable of wielding a sword and possesses one, but since the time she has been dispatched on an undercover mission, it remains in her room. Aside from daggers, Eirwen's usual set includes a medium-sized riffle and a syringe gun. She carries mainly two types of syringes, one with deadly poison, another with short-term memory erasing medicine. The first kind is used mainly for assassination of strategically important targets, another to make the enemy forget ever meeting her. The effect can be delayed, giving her enough time to take care of her alibi, if necessary. A.I. Eirwen's A.I. "Athena" serves mainly as information provider. Aside from life stats, weapon and armour condition, Athena can scan the area around Eirwen for present life forms and hidden devices, and calculate possible courses of actions. Although A.I.'s possibilities are quite broad in defining the best options, Eirwen prefers to use it only for data input while making the decisions on her own. She thinks that using A.I. for decision-making can cloud one's mind and reduce the sharpness of reactions. Upon approaching someone without armour or other special protection, Athena can provide information about their life stats, helping Eirwen to understand what kind of emotions the person in front of her is experiencing and, most importantly, if they are telling the truth. Athena is also planted into Eirwen's headset, which she wears most of the time when not wearing her armour. While hacking the A.I. helps to determine the loops and holes which can be used to access the system. Eirwen can communicate with the New Templars only through Athena and its unique signature is required to allow the communication through a secured channel. While talking through any communicator, Athena automatically modifies Eirwen's voice each time using a new modification pattern to avoid any possibility of suspicion. Biography Eirwen Dailon belongs to a prestigious family of Dailons who have served the monarchy for generations. So when the New Templars were formed, Dailons promptly supported the organization. Since all the members were already engaged in one or another kind of service, they had to wait a few years before the youngest daugher of the family could join the Templars as a "knight". Eirwen has received the best education and training possible, excelling in everything she was taught. During her early times within Templars she served mostly as a scout and intelligence gatherer. However, after discovering her skills in hacking and her ability to play any role given, she was appointed full-time as the member of secret intelligence service. She was one of a very few who were dispatched to infiltrate the Free Men. The secret intelligence department developed several cover stories, one for her infiltration legend and the rest distributed between the actual Templars. Most of them suggested Eirwen being relocated to far-off units, where only the higher-ups could access her. Her code name "Ice Queen" is known to almost every soldier of the units she was providing information for, but only the chief of secret intelligence department and the commander of New Templars know her true identity. To successfuly infiltrate the Free Men, Eirwen was willingly sedated with memory erasing substances. Before it happened she was hypnotised to recover her memory under influence of particular outside triggers. It took her three months to recover completely and be able to actually do her job. Agents already within the Free Men took care of her equipment to enable her communication with the New Templars. Eirwen started in data analysis department. Recently she has been promoted to the chief tactician for the Beacons. During her years within organisation she rewrote most of the software used by her department, planting her own points of access for future uses. While having access to all the information about the Beacons' operations, she delivers it directly to the Templar units affected, however, only after careful consideration in order not to ruin her cover. She also provides information about past operations for the New Templars to analyse. Her ultimate mission is to make a career within the Beacons and reach close enough to their leader. She takes orders directly from Jason Bellhan and him only, and those orders are quite rare, anyway. She has a leave to use any resources available that can serve her purpose, as long as civilian population isn't affected. After being promoted Eirwen reports only to Isaac and his closest generals. She uses her real name "Eirwen" she has "remembered", but she denies remembering her family name. Her cover personality is an odd mixture of a technology geek who pays no attention to other matters (regretfully for many male and some female members of the Beacons) combined with a surprisingly easy-going person when it comes to daily communication. She constantly impresses those around her with new ideas of system optimisation or original tactical manoeuvres, so they would not forget about her. All the tactical "fails" happening because of her leaking information turn out to be the mistakes of other tacticians, with undeniable evidence behind their actions.
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