**Isaac Bellhan**

Standing at 6'2" and built with the whip-cord, trim figure of an athlete, Isaac is impressive, if not imposing. With the brown hair and bright green eyes of all Bellhans, he's a fairly regular looking guy, dressing for comfort and generally just enjoying his life. It's rare to catch him without a grin and a snide remark on his lips, but he's a likable guy all around, and a popular leader among the Beacons... To most members, at least. After all, they -are- anarchists... The line between 'leader' and 'follower' is only whether or not they want to carry out the idea of the leader.
However, his skill in combat is undeniable. Matched only by his elder brother in speed, strength, and skill with guns and blades, it's no wonder he managed to fight his way to the leadership roll of the Beacons, as loose as the term leader is among the Free Men. His black and red armor scheme and the general unique shape of it makes him easy to spot among the battlefield, if those he serves with request his guidance.
His A.I shares his cunning, playful personality, and bears the name "Jackal". When projecting or showing himself as an image, Jackal displays- predictably- as a Jackal. As to his standard weapons, he tends to carry three blades, two pistols, and a single carbine rifle. The blades are all straight-spined, and make up a set- Long, medium, and short. Depending on the situation, he may draw any one of them as needed. The pistols and tally marks on his armor are as seen in the image. The rifle is fairly standard in appearance- And in function. Not modded in the slightest. Though the pistols certainly pack more punch than your average side-arm.
**Jason Bellhan**

Standing at 5'11", stockily built, and generally scarred up and worn in appearance, Jason isn't what you would expect of the famous Bellhan brothers, let alone a Templar Knight. Like his brother, he bears the brown hair and green eyes of their father. Despite his lack-luster appearance, however, there is an aura of confidence, grace, and authority about him, making him an easy man to follow- Particularly given that, other than being a bit gruff, he is a sensible, likable, and generally excellent leader. He upholds the strict traditions and codes of the New Templars dutifully and with great pride.
But, like his younger brother, his skill in combat both far away and within arm's reach is unbelievable. Grizzled in appearance or not, he moves with the agility and strength of an expert warrior, a blur without a movement wasted up close, and a genuine crack shot far away, rarely missing his target, be it with gun, or just some random object he throws at somebody. Like spoons. He likes throwing spoons.
A lot.
But that aside, his general arsenal consists of a pair of pistols identical to those of his younger brother,- However, the images on the grips are simple black crosses on white fields rather than pieces of art- a mid-range assault rifle with some excellent stopping power, and a bastard sword sheathed on his back- The sheath also just happens to be a collapsible kite shield, bearing the black cross insignia of the New Templars... Just like his pistols and armor. The hilt of the sword, it may be noted, is golden-hued, wrapped in leather of pitch black, with a crossguard designed to resemble a twisting rose-vine.
On to Jason's A.I. It has been respectfully dubbed Adam, indeed after the bible's own first man. Not because it was the first A.I, but because it was the first A.I of the New Templars- And belonged to Jamie Bellhan before Jason. Like Jamie, Adam is blunt, has a dry sense of sarcastic humor, and has a fondness for bantering with Jason at unnecessary times. When showing himself as an image or projection, he tends to appear as a wolf, out of personal choice.
**The Shared History**
The Bellhan brothers share a history, that much is certain. While Jason is the older of the two, it's only by two years- A number most people go far above, given Jason's worn-down appearance compared to his brother. But, both closely resemble their father, the original founder of the New Templars. They were already of age and enlisted in the Royal Army when their father came up with the New Templars, and were exceptionally skilled in their own right- Prime choices for the new task group, and not just because it was their father's brain child. So, they were with it for it's first ten years of operation... And Jason has been with it for twenty now, aged at thirty-nine in the current year.
However, Isaac, for reasons still unknown to Jason, left the New Templars after his tenth year... As well as Humanity, leaving to join the Free Men, and the Beacons. Their pasts are unimportant to history, only the present matters in the annals of time. For ten years, now, the two brothers have waged war against each other's people, and each other personally. Time and time again they've clashed in the field and off of it at civil negotiations. Which... Didn't remain civil for the two of them, usually. Isaac harbors a resentment for Jason, for reasons -neither- of them truly understands, and Jason has attained a level of distrust and disdain for his brother, disowning him for leaving behind the honor of the Templars to be an anarchist, to live only for himself.
Only once in those ten years have they been civil- The funeral of their father, Jamie Bellhan. The only day in a decade when they could share a meal and speak as brothers, mourning the unfortunate passing of their father- A death of old age, bringing resentment for that deed in particular to neither brother... A fact which they are both thoroughly thankful for. SHortly after, Jason took on the title of Grand Knight of the New Templars, and Isaac was not far behind in garnering the leader's title among the Beacons, however loose the title was in a society based on lack of rules.