Can I be a student with Technomancy? (The ability to control technology.)Yup! c: For species, just put Psychic.
What time period is this RP set in?2015. However, Agartha is more steampunkish, I guess would be the best way to describe it, and stuff do to the amount of powers that the government had at its disposal.
Alright. Cool!Ah, please read the rules. You shouldn't have posted in the Character tab until I viewed it. Also, you didn't do the full sheet. I only did partial for the Principal because he is not important, but just a character for my disposal. Also, for you character sheet, stopping time and controlling technology do not go together and having both is too powerful.
Sorry, I was on my iPad and could only do limited things. I read rules, but sometimes miss them.Accepted, and there are many churches in Agartha, and religion differs amongst the creatures due to them all coming from different mythologies.Name: Isaac Thompson Gender: Male Age: 20 Species: Psychic Powers:
Technomancy: Can control technology, and even create weapons out of technology. Basically, can control or use anything related to technology.Quick healing: Can heal from wounds quickly, from seconds with a paper cut, to a week with 3rd degree burns and Broken limbs.Personality: A quiet genius. Isaac typically likes sitting in his room, playing video games or doing homework. He is described as "handsome" by the girls in his class, and has been hit on a few times, but is kind of oblivious. He is OCD, and a touch of impulsivity, he likes things in order, and you'd see that if you saw everything he owned. He always wears a duster coat that is always unbuttoned. Likes: Computers, Being alone, Math, Science, History, Video games, Cake Dislikes: Blood, Hypodermic needles, Those who called him a witch, People who push him around, Blades Hobbies: Messing with computers, reading, playing video games, Sleeping, Studying science History: Born to a Majorly Catholic and American Family, Aaron was taught to fear God, and to work his hardest. At age 10, he was messing with a computer he found in a junkyard, when he turned it on and it wasn't plugged in. Three years later, He discovered he could heal really fast when he broke his arm, and after a week it was fully healed. After that, he was called a freak and a witch at regular schools. He discovered he could control technology. He wreaked havoc whenever he went into an electronics store where one of those who hated him was, which was almost everywhere. He was taken to court a few times, and was sent to the school in Japan for his own good. Aaron has since become a brilliant and reserved student. He is still a practicing Catholic, and goes to Church every chance he can get. ((is there a church in Agartha? Or can we go to Japan itself for Church?))
Alright Apoka, I need a RP to cover dead ones so I'm joining in. I'll have a sheet ready soonish.Yay!!! C:
-pokes Apok- Hey there, lovely. ~ -throws a character at you-Lol, accepted. (I almost put excited.)--- *~* ---Name: Azax "The Mute Eyes" Rose Gender: Male (though he seems very feminine) Age: 80 (Appears 23, acts 26) Species: Elf (Hides his ears to appear human) Powers: - Echolocation: Using the vibrations felt by his feet, Azax can create a picture of the world around him and walk with relative ease. This makes it very difficult for people to attack him. The way to sneak up on him would be with extreme stealth. Though he cannot be snuck up on, it does not mean that he has the reflexes to do anything about it. - Psychic Weapons: Azax can create weapons out of what he calls, "Mind Energy." They are invisible to the naked eye and do not do physical damage. They damage the mental capacities of the person hit. They can leave them paralyzed for a time, give them a particular emotion and he can also use them to mentally buff his allies. - Telepathy: Provided the participant is willing, Azax can tap into their mind and communicate with them telepathically. He prefers this means of communication but respects the privacy of others as it does leak some of their memories to him and can leave a small link between them where both can feel the thoughts of the other. Azax has also steeled his mind so that all memories he does not want them to see are sealed away from them. Personality: Azax is very friendly and will talk to anyone, making pains to get to know everyone. Though he will sometimes zone out and become rather zombie in nature as his memories tend to make him fade to somewhere else and it is hard to bring him back. Azax will protect his friends to the teeth and is very loyal. Likes: - Small Animals, Children - Sweet foods - Apples - Boys and Gals -wiggles eyebrows- Dislikes: - Elves - Dishonesty - Overly depressing individuals (He will surround himself with happy people.) - Spicy foods Hobbies: - Writing (Diary) - Study (He enjoys studying subjects and will do so in his free time.) - Playing a his small harp, a gift from his mother. History: Azax will not, and does not speak about his past freely. The only things he is willing to tell is that his eyes were lost in a war and since he has left, deciding to be on his own and pursue his studies. The rest shall be revealed in IC when Azax is pressured for this information. (Aka, I'm going to bullshit my way through this. :D )The important things to note are that Azax's eyes have been blinded by a sword blow. Only one of his eyes functions even remotely. But his eyes were once a stirring shade of green. Azax has, despite the words from the elders, dyed his hair blue and purple. It's his way of saying 'Fuck you.' to the people that caused him all of his pain. His original hair color is silver as he was of higher birth, a seer. He has since lost his powers to see into the future, however. And he's about 6'3, tall mofo.
--- *~* ---Let me know if there's anything I need to change. (:
Will we have roommates?Yes, but they have to be same-sex.
Lul, Azax and Isaac David, two sort of psychics. (I say sort of because neither one is purely psychic... or whatever. Half the time, I have no idea what I'm talking about.)Fixed it. Lul.