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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline Caroline stepped in front of Chrome, holding her hands in front of her in her Make stance. "Sorry lady, if you want to get to Gwen you'll have to go through me." She eyed the Tonfas the woman had, and remembered she had heard rumors about someone new using tonfas and fire magic. What should I use then? Maybe that? She glanced over to where her notebook still lay open on the table. I haven't given it a final test though. I suppose now is as good as ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden was walking through the streets of Crocus, his ice Naginata placed beneath his hands and upon his shoulders as he slowly walked through the streets. He had changed in the last two weeks, both mentally and physically. He was a bit taller, and his body a tad more defined due to his physical training, but more strikingly were his hair and eyes, as both had changed from their usual bland colorless grey. His eyes were now a strange mix of a deep azure blue and an icy light blue, and his hair and became nearly white at the top and slowly turned to dark blue as it went down. His hair had also grown slightly longer as well, and would be reaching mid back if Aiden hadn't tied it up in a messy looking ponytail, now only reaching just past his shoulders, his face was framed by two messy bangs as well. The scale marks on his face and arms had grown a bit more pronounced as well, the ones on his arms were hidden, however, by his new choice in wardrobe. Aiden was now wearing an open jacket that reached his knees, his chest left bare and exposed to the elements. He was wearing regular black pants, but over them he wore a pair of scaled greaves and boots, having a matching pair of gauntlets as well. The scales were a deep Azure cool, like that of the deep sea, as they were scales he had taken from his dragon uncle, Hydrologia, and had them made into pieces of armor after he had retreated. They had just been finished today, and Aiden wore them with pride, glad to have a little bit of the water dragon with him. They were also practical, as they helped him channel and pressurize water in his fists and feet, giving his punches a bit more power, a way to make up for his lack of skill at the moment. He'd only been training for two weeks, so it wasn't like he as a master or anything, far from it to be exact, but he was determined know to learn as he had never been before. As he approached the Viper guild hall, he heard some shouting and voices, causing him to laugh a little. "I guess no matter what happens, something never change. Well, better get in and say hello to everyone. . . well almost everyone." Aiden's eyes darkened as the master's came to mind. He'd try to get along with sable and put what happened behind him, but he wasn't ever going to forgive the masters. They'd sent them on an S-class mission, just to hold them over and keep them quiet, and it had cost Hydrologia his life. Aiden couldn't help but think the dragon would still be alive if they ha sent more actual S-class mages to deal with this, instead of just Aria, who had to deal with Craftoraid. They had lost any respect he had for them, and would be lucky to get one sentence out of him that didn't contain the words 'Fuck you' out of him. Shaking his head to rid himself of his melancholy, Aiden took a breath before walking inside, only to see a fight beginning to brew all ready. "Yep, that's nothing new." Aiden didn't know the girl that seemed to be defending chrome, but he did recognize the red head. She was the one that had been perving out on sable back on the island. Aiden had forgotten that she had come with them off the island, and it seems she joined Vyper Bolt as well. And while usually Aiden would just let it be, right now he wanted some peace and quiet, not a loud ruckus. 'Man, I should've waited until tomorrow, oh well' Aiden twirled his Naginata around before slamming it down on the ground. "Water Dragon's Gentle Breath." Aiden whispered, and suddenly, a dense mist flowed from the bottom of his weapon, quickly surrounding the two combatants and hiding them and Aiden himself, from view. Moving quickly, he brought forth a pool of water around him, touching the tip of the blade to it before swinging outward. "Fluid Ice Make: Guardians." From the pool rose three humanoid forms made out of water, which soon became incased in ice and frozen, except for at the joints, which allowed them to move much more fluidly than regular dynamic ice make constructs. Two rushed Caroline, aiming to quickly subdue her by kicking out her legs, than melting around her only to refreeze as Ice chains around her body. They were not that strong, anyone with moderate physical training could break them with ease, but Aiden took a gamble that since the girl was a Harpy, she wouldn't be much of a physical fighter. Aiden and the remaining construct went after the red head, Aiden remembering that she used fire magic and would be more than a match for his guardians. He sent one guardian straight for her, while he jumped up high, gathering the mist into his hands to form two spheres of water. When he reached the apex of his ascent, the guardian would have reached the girl and would proceed to attack her, probably getting melted in the process, but providing the distraction Aiden would need to pull of what he planned. "Water Dragon's Trap Sphere!" He launched the two orbs at the red head. Which would, upon making contact with her, expand and trap her in a ball of water, with a small air bubble over her head to let her breathe. Aiden would land shortly after, Naginata in hand, ready for what ever happened next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Whaaaat... I'm totally pounding HER ass, not yours, I don't have anything against you." Oriel answered when the girl went between the two, before cocking her head to the side. "And weren't our guild and your guild at, ya know, odds? Why so fuckin' lovey dovey now?" While Oriel seemed relaxed, though, she never let her guard down, and was more than prepared for the guy incoming. The mist was thick, but hell, Oriel had seen better. She moved away swiftly with a cartwheel, making the ice guard's attack miss, as well as Aiden's trap. "Pffft.... Fuckin' easy man." Oriel mocked him. It was such a basic move, sending one to her to distract her while he loaded his attack. But wait, that wasn't important right now. "And what the fuck man! I thought we were on the same side! Chromie and I may also be in the same side, but i just HATE her guts, so how about you leave the fight to someone with enough balls to make a frontal assault and take your traps elsewhere, ice vag?" Oriel said, but of course, she didn't expect the guy to listen to her. Using her speed, she put herself behind the guy and was about to kick the hell out of him. "Otherwise, I'll get you outta here in a stretcher." After the kick, she'd snap her fingers and engulf the guy in fire. Water and ice weren't a good combination for flames. Normal ones, that is. Not even this guy's water would be able to extinguish her flames, that much was for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden clicked his tongue in annoyance, she was good. Which meant if Aiden wanted to end this quickly, he'd have to take some risks. So when she came up behind him, he released his Naginata, spinning around to take the kick to his front, sucking in air with a hiss at the power of it, definitely right for Vyper Bolt. He didn't let the pain stop him, however, as he made to grab her leg before she could bring it back, as well as her wrist bringing her in close and wincing slightly as she set him on fire with a snap of her fingers, but he used his ice dragon magic to numb the pain. "You're good,I must admit, and it was insulting of me to think that attack would get you, but you made one, big mistake. You didn't melt my guardian, Weiss Dragon's Trap Sphere." The guardian, which had bern nearby and watching everything, quickly moved in, melting and swirling around the two to form a similar sphere as the other, if a bit smaller due to their being less water, except this one was frozen over and their was no air bubble for either of the occupants. Aiden stared at the red-headed woman, giving her a look as he noticed her fire refusing to go out. The message was simple, 'put the fire out, or I won't let either of us out.' Aiden was not afraid of drowning,Chronos had been sure to drain him in holdung his breath underwater for long periods of time, nor was he going to let this woman drown, but he could tell she was the stubborn type, and being one himself, it would take an ultimatum to get her to calm down. Hopefully, if she didn't submit and passed out, the fires would go our as well. If not, he was in some hot water, no pun intended.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf
Many might have panicked when blinded like this, but it was only snow. Besides, Oram had been through this many times before. "Right right right." He said as he leaped upwards having shifted his gravity once more to get some serious air. The young boy turned while in midair searching for Kuroko who happened to be on the other side of the white plume of snow. "Bastard." He scoffed. Kuroko looked so high and mighty like he'd one. And yet, Oram couldn't help but feel relieved. If he'd been even a second too slow that Katana would have had him. He seemed to float down. "You're better than this." He commented, a look of disappointment on his face, taunting Kuro to get him to kick it up a notch.
Kuroku Nagasai
Kuroku missed Oram by just a bit. If he were only a little slower, then he would've gotten him. Yet he still keeps calm as Oram begins taunting him. He's quite persistent isn't he? He then leaps up into the air, compressing his body into a ball as he ascends. "Ice-Make..." Yet as soon as he begins to loose momentum, he suddenly attacks. "Ice Geyser!" Then suddenly from beneath Oram's feet, a large ice geyser erupts from under him, sending him flying high into the air! Once he was at the altitude that he was in, Kuroku then unleashes another attack. "Lance!" he then says as several ice lances make a bee-line right towards Oram.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline Caroline had been ready for an attack, so it was easy to redirect her attention. "Artifact make! Magmolten Lash!" She yelled, whipping her top hand up over her head as an actual whip formed in it. She brought the whip down while fire played around it, easilly burning the mist away and revealing her targets. She melted one with the lash, and spun around and kicked the other, breaking it. "Whew, I have to thank your Tai Kwan Do training on that Gwen." She watched as the stranger focused his attacks on the other woman, seeming to ignore her, but she kept her lash out just in case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The guy was good too, but he relied a bit too much in tricks. After getting him burning, she knew it wouldn't be as easy. The guy was an ice dragon slayer or something, right? Then she'd need flames some more hits before reaching the skull and burning his brains out. That wasn't what she had in mind to do to him, but it certainly did come close. "Fucking great! The guardian? Really?" She protested before being drowned in the ball alongside him. Welp, she certainly didn't have much of a chance now. The water would obviously drown her if she lingered there for too long, not to mention her flames would climb over to her as well. But the fight wasn't over. Oh no, it wasn't fucking over. It was just getting started. When the guy looked at her and delivered his message, Oriel decided to deliver one of her own. With her free hand, she shaked her index finger around to say 'no', and a confident smirk on her face. Instead of trying to get away from him, she pressed forward, the fire spreading over her body rather quickly. She put her free foot under the guy's chin and directly on his neck, ending up in what would be quite an uncomfortable position, hadn't she trained to it. She then put her other hand over the guy's head and started pressing it against her foot. Even if he could hold his breath for quite a while, hell, even if he could breathe underwater, there wasn't any way he'd be able to survive that choke hold, and letting her other limbs go would only add to his pain. Her message was just as clear. 'Dispel this or we both die.' Her smile showed that she didn't have any intention of backing down. It'd be fun, who'd lose consciousness first? Her with probably 5 minutes, maybe 3 because of what she just did, or him, with a boot stuck on his trachea? Of coruse, she didn't really plan on killing him, but leaving him unconscious was the best she could do without major damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Kuroku Nagasai
Kuroku missed Oram by just a bit. If he were only a little slower, then he would've gotten him. Yet he still keeps calm as Oram begins taunting him. He's quite persistent isn't he? He then leaps up into the air, compressing his body into a ball as he ascends. "Ice-Make..." Yet as soon as he begins to loose momentum, he suddenly attacks. "Ice Geyser!" Then suddenly from beneath Oram's feet, a large ice geyser erupts from under him, sending him flying high into the air! Once he was at the altitude that he was in, Kuroku then unleashes another attack. "Lance!" he then says as several ice lances make a bee-line right towards Oram.
Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf
"Dammit!" Oram grimaced as he flew upward because of the ice geyser. This was some serious bullshit. He had to think of something, but he couldn't. What the fuck?! He glared down. "Gravity..." He paused as he felt the Ice Lance hit causing him to yelp in pain. He couldn't help but hold his hand out as though to direct his magic. This time around. He'd likely lost. It wasn't the first time, and as of now due to his instruction it wouldn't be the last. "Fall..." He ended the spell as the immediate area around Kuroku began to weigh down heavily on him. He was attempting to make Kuroku plummet to the ground. He wasn't gonna give him a chance to make a nice landing. He was gonna send him to the ground. No... He was gonna send him to hell. That was the feeling of the weight Kuro would feel. He was gonna send him straight into the earth. That was assuming Kuro didn't end up somehow catching himself. But that could result in possible fractures or broken bones. Maybe with snow or something, but even then it'd hurt like hell. And as he came down, beaten he couldn't help but slightly enjoy it. There was something about the exhilaration that came from combat. Especially, when the opponent was strong. But Oram had a secret. He was sure Kuro could feel something was off. In all of their matches. There was something he was hiding. But Kuroko likely didn't know what. Something like him holding back, but nobody could know for sure and he would never say it. Even if he did, it could just be seen as an excuse. Besides. He hadn't been looking for a big fight. It was mostly to mess with Kuro's meditation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Kuroku Nagasai
Kuroku was already high in the air, ready to make a soft landing, until he can feel a heavy invisible weight casted upon him. He was already descending very rapidly and needed to soften the fall or else he'll receive broken bones. With quick thinking he quickly makes his move. "Ice-Make... Ramp!" he says as he then creates a ramp as he descends downwards while creating a pathway down to safety. Thanks to the ramp, once he got down he managed to slide on the ground and come to a complete stop as the gravity effect began to fade. For the most part, he was rather unscathed, other then receiving a slight headache due to the rapid pressure difference. Yet it was very faint so it didn't bother him at all. "Are we done now?" Kuroku asks Oram unamused as he heads back to his rock and sits down, preparing to do the rest of his meditation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden It was a good plan, to be sure, and would've left Aiden with no plausible escape, but Oriel made two big mistakes. 1. She warned Aiden that she was going to pull something by using her index finger to spell out No. 2. She forgot that she was in Aiden's element, literally, and thought he'd just let her try whatever it was she was going to try. Aiden began the process as soon as she started moving her hand to spell No, as she'd find herself having trouble moving after she finished the O, and when she tried to move, it would feel like her leg was trapped in a vice. It would take a good portion of her effort to move just an inch, and that was strength she couldn't waste either, as she would feel the water get extremely cold, extremely fast. Aiden had increased the pressure on the her limbs to as much as he could without breaking bones, as well as lowered the temperature in order to get her to give in faster. Whatever she had been planning, it would be extremely hard to pull off now, and even if she did, it was unlikely she could muster up the strength to do much, and even if she could it would only cause her to pass out faster. 'She.'s good, most likely better than me in a normal situation ,but she was too cocky. Had she just went for it instead of being smug, she'd probably have me. Pride comes before the fall.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One Sable scratched the side of his head with his middle finger as he watched the others rampage in front of him. First of all, Chrome was still naked and hiding behind a bookworm Harpy that he hadn't known. Aiden had finally returned and his presence was nearly unrecognizable. If not for his patent ice-make and tactics, he wouldn't had known who was attacking his guild members. Which, oddly enough, was veraciously irritating to him. Still though, the most surprising have to be the red head firecracker. She was spunky and rowdy as she challenged the others, obtaining his attention in the form of a light smirk. Leaning back, he eye'd the fight with perfect perception. His training had been harsh and thanks to the others helping him, he felt like he grew far more than he would have alone. The red head was adequately trained, which upped her interest. But more important than anything else, Aiden's return, the red head's skill, or Chrome's naked body. Was the smell of the flames she released with snap of her fingers. They pulled him back instantly to two weeks ago and reminded him of the power they granted him. Since he had tried the same feat under water twice and had little luck than being drowned-- he figured it to be the fire he ate. A minute of watching the two struggle like younglings had ran his patience thin. He marched over to the iced over sphere and with blazing fist broke through the shell, dragging the both of them out. It was a struggle at first with the pressure inside but with a bit more heat and power, it was doable. He dropped Aiden onto the ground and held the girl in his arms, green eyes resting on ice Dragon Slayer's new appearance for a moment. "Undo the fire." He directed his calm voice towards the red-haired girl. Unintentional as it was, embers were floating from his hair, his expression was tense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Unknown Person
A gargled groan can be heard as a wizard skids across the ground, until suddenly crashing into a wall. He groans in pain as he struggles to get up, covered in scrapes and bruises, his clothes in tatters. Dust and debris are kicked up from the recent battle that was going just shortly before. Out of the thick dust cloud, a hooded man approaches ominously with a gnarly staff glowing with dark blue energy. Was he a dark wizard? No. He isn't one of them... but nor is he on the other side. The downed wizard still struggles to get up as he tries to take a good view of his attacker. "W-Who... are you?" he asks weakly with a groan. Soon he found his scruff being grabbed by a powerful hand as he was lifted towards his kneeling opponent. "Madoushi scum..." the hooded man says towards the wizard, "All of you wizards are scum. Good Guilds, Dark Guilds, you always fight like little pesky children... making a mess in this world." "W-What are you talking a-about?" groans the wizard with a cough, "What do you want from me?" "Nothing much..." answers the hooded man with a chuckle, "Other then to get paid... my client says that he hates your guts. Boy the things he would do to you he said..." "What dark guild *grunt* did you come out of?" the wizard asks again, "Who are you?" "Oh I'm not one of them..." the hooded man replies, "But nor am I one of you." He then takes off his hood, revealing his face in full. "I'm known... as Lockdown." he then says, revealing his nickname, "I'm what you call... a bounty hunter."
Bristlebane woke up with a snort as something crashed into the wall across from him. He blurry opened his eyes and saw that the something was actually a someone. In addition the jerk beating him up was a bounty hunter apparently, in his sleepy state he had been unable to catch the fellows name. "Hey hey hey." he said sleepy rubbing his eyes, "No need for violence, and if you want a bounty why don't you go fishing or something?" he said lazily, he could've sworn he had to do something today but he couldn't remember what it was...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Risking breaking some bones or drowning and probably getting some brain damage if she didn't die. This guy was also crazy, and Oriel definitely liked that, but the fact that his element was ice and water definitely didn't go with her. She was about to continue her streak of crazy things by setting herself in fire and resisting the cold, until the guy from before, Sable, pulled both of them out in one single motion. She would have been pissed, hadn't it been Sable the one doing it. "All right, all right, tough guy." With another snap of her fingers, the fire went out, and left not even a trace that it had ever been there. Aside from the burns, of course, which, luckily, Oriel had built a resistance to, as long as she wasn't exposed to the fire for a long time. "Now that those are out...." Oriel stood up and got a bit away from Sable, dusted herself off, stored her tonfas away and then looked at Sable. Sizing him up, analyzing him, before she jumped over him with joy and hugging him. "Oh, you really look manly with all of those little embers floating around you, darling! I seriously want you to eat my flames!" She said, in a way more girlish tone than ever before. "But of course, you can eat other things if you want." Oriel said, passing her tongue by her lips again, as it was her trademark. "You look different from that time in that shitty island.... Um, did you dye your hair to match with mine?! Oh, I'm so happy! This makes us officially a couple, right?" Oriel said, jumping with joy and giggling all the while. Of course, she was just teasing Sable, and also trying to piss off Chrome. Until she remembered that she was still fairly new to the guild, and that Sable might as well not know her name yet. "You do remember me, right? I'm Oriel, the girl with the pretty flames that you ate. How are you gonna take responsibility for that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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John Wickerspear - Lockdown
As soon as the fallen wizard began to answer Lockdown, both heard a person that apparently just woken up from a nap just across from where they were. The bounty hunter growls at the person, still grasping the scruff of his foe. "Go back to sleep you drunken wretch." he growls as he begins dragging the wizard's body away with one arm, "Nothing for you to see here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bristlebane frowned, "I'm no drunk, I just have a sleeping deficiency." He said somewhat offended and decided he simply had to do something or that poor wizard would be dragged off. He quickly slipped his portal stone into his hand and hurled at the slowly retreating pair, instantly landed on top of the wizard grabbed him and tossed the stone back arriving at his original position only now he had the wizard. "As i said you should go do something useful like drown." he said cheerfully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia cleared her throat loudly, adjusting her glasses on her nose and holding her book under her arm. When she spoke, her voice was dripping with repressed malice. "Oh, I'm sorry Sable. Did I come at a bad time? Would you and your newest Acquisition like directions to the closest hotel?" Her aura of unbidden jealousy could be felt clear across the room, and the room itself seemed to grow darker around her. "Well, Sable?" She asked, a dangerous smile on her lips.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kuroku Nagasai
Kuroku was already high in the air, ready to make a soft landing, until he can feel a heavy invisible weight casted upon him. He was already descending very rapidly and needed to soften the fall or else he'll receive broken bones. With quick thinking he quickly makes his move. "Ice-Make... Ramp!" he says as he then creates a ramp as he descends downwards while creating a pathway down to safety. Thanks to the ramp, once he got down he managed to slide on the ground and come to a complete stop as the gravity effect began to fade. For the most part, he was rather unscathed, other then receiving a slight headache due to the rapid pressure difference. Yet it was very faint so it didn't bother him at all. "Are we done now?" Kuroku asks Oram unamused as he heads back to his rock and sits down, preparing to do the rest of his meditation.
Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf
As his weight returned to normal for a moment, Oram came down to the floor quickly. However, just before impact he seemed to become weightless once more landing softly, his hands re-entering his pockets as he strolled forward. That was about it. Despite taking the two final attacks he didn't really look to bad. Kuro wasn't holding back that much. He was a bit, but Oram could tell that it was only a bit. It was fine. They were technically allies after all. And he was holding back too. "I guess we're about done." He said as he grabbed his jacket and shirt. He'd placed them on the rock. Apparently, Kuroku had forgotten since he was sitting on them. So, of course, rather than speaking and asking his guild mate to move, Oram yanked it out from under him. This would likely cause him to drop from the rock once again. Oram really wanted to get a rise out of him or something. Still he would soon change the subject. "Now get up. We should go see if we can find the master." Oram said as he put his shirt back on. "You know, see if there's anything on the agenda or whatever?" He asked as he put the jacket on. "That meditation crap can wait a while." He deliberately insulted it. Even if he would protect Kuro if push came to shove, he still didn't like the dude. So he was a bit of an asshole more so to him than others. "Now let's go." Just like the fight, Oram wouldn't take no for an answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

John Wickerspear - Lockdown
As Lockdown began retreating with his fallen madoushi, he suddenly got hit by a stone. Yet before he could analyze the situation, it literally grabbed him and took him right towards Bristlebane. He was most utterly surprised, not towards the stone's powers, but rather to the person who has it. He then throws his prize right towards the wall, knocking him almost unconscious, and used his free hand to grab the person by the throat, lifting him just barely above the ground. "Who do you think you are?" Lockdown growls with a frown as he begins choking him, "If your another one of those wizard scumbags that I hate, then I think I shall kill you on the spot. Otherwise, leave while you still can, and I might just let you go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai
As Kuroku begins to meditate back on his rock, the rascal Oram then yanked it from under him, causing him to fall off yet again. With a slight grunt he rises back on his feet, yet he was STILL calm as ever, though slightly annoyed. Indeed, he too was in need of a briefing with the guild master, just to see if any jobs are available to him and get some cash. "Agreed." he simply says as he follows close behind, until Oram said that his 'meditation crap can wait' in which he frowned in displeasure, yet remained silent. True that he was a year younger, but in rank HE should be the one pounding his ass. Yet he was not the type of guy who does that. Yet Oram will learn one day of respect... probably not by him... or maybe so... but he didn't know for sure. He then heads into the guild building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The girl just had a lot in mind and responsibilities to take care of, Gwen glared at Oriel, Aiden, and leave Caroline out of it. "YOU GUYS." She lets out a steam,expressing her a mature big sister yet is still angry. "I advise you quit your pathetic bickering. Two weeks have past and you can't even swallow your pride. There are better things to do than just mess around." She waves her hair like a boss. Her words and aura alone are scary and enough to shut down anyone in silence. Then she roundhouse kicks Oriel away from Sable. "Hey, flamebrain..." Looking at her in the ground. She turns to Cynthia, glaring with malice then to Sable, and smiled. "Not you flamebrain, her flamebrain." She turns her attention back to Oriel. "Do I really have to deal with you, listen here. Just because there are more girls in Viper now it doesn't mean, you're gonna go all Genghis Khan on everyone." She turns back to Cynthia. "You listen to me, Blondie." Gwen outright insulted Cynthia. "It is my job to babysit these two dragon slayers, not yours. If you really want to help, go fix your run down guild!" Then she turns back to Oriel. "Why don't we take this outside." The big sis of the guild got pissed off.
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