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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia's eyebrow twitched and the smile didn't leave her face, but only seemed to grow more dangerous. "...Blondie?" She asked in a quiet voice, before placing a hand on her own chest. "Arms, Armor, Vernier, Ascend." One after another, her body was coated in four kinds of light, and in a second she went from the door to directly in front of Chrome. "That's quite the high and mighty attitude we have." She said, her smile now completely gone, replaced by a cold, hard glare. "Tell me, since it's your job to 'babysit' these two, where exactly were you when we were on that island fighting for our lives? Oh, right, I heard you were cleaning a pool." She adjusted her glasses again and gave a warm smile, but her eyes remained cold. "Face it, stripper. With the three of us together, we can take care of ourselves perfectly fine without your interference. Why don't you handle your girlfriend and let me and my partner handle our own business?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

John Wickerspear - Lockdown
As Lockdown began retreating with his fallen madoushi, he suddenly got hit by a stone. Yet before he could analyze the situation, it literally grabbed him and took him right towards Bristlebane. He was most utterly surprised, not towards the stone's powers, but rather to the person who has it. He then throws his prize right towards the wall, knocking him almost unconscious, and used his free hand to grab the person by the throat, lifting him just barely above the ground. "Who do you think you are?" Lockdown growls with a frown as he begins choking him, "If your another one of those wizard scumbags that I hate, then I think I shall kill you on the spot. Otherwise, leave while you still can, and I might just let you go."
Bristlebane grinned, "Me a wizard, you could say that." he replied totally unfazed by the arm around his throat. Then he wraped his legs around Lockdown's arm and brings his fist in front of Lockdown's face, the crimson colored ring on it breifly glows and then a steam of fire bursts out of it directly in front of Lockdown's face while Bristlebane contracts his leg attempting to break the bounty hunter's arm. To be honest the guy kind of ticked him off, Bristlebane was a wizard in title only and the point sorely vexed him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ajax Thera - Council Member
The black-haired man placed his empty mug on the table and let out a sigh. He closed his eyes and lightly shook his head. "I hope this behavior isn't the usual," he mumbled, pinching his nose and letting out another sigh. With that done he looked up to Jak with an annoyed expression on his face. "There is certainly energy here." Ajax stood up to his full height, turning his head to face the commotion of mages on the other side of the hall. "Four of them." His gaze went back to Master Jak. "The... finest." He gave a polite bow of respect to Jak before walking calmly towards the mages. He stopped a safe distance away, as he was smart enough not to walk right up to hot-blooded people in conflict. After clearing his throat to announce his presence, Ajax casually held his hands behind his back. "You all seem lively today," he greeted, using a surprisingly happy voice despite his deadly serious expression. "Care to fill a visitor in on the conversation? Or is this quarrel private?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

John Wickerspear - Lockdown
With an unsuspecting move unlike anything he had seen before, Bristlebane's legs wrapped around his arm and the bounty hunter met a punch to the face. Yet that was not all, he then saw a crimson colored ring that blowed a small stream of fire at his face! Luckily for him, he managed to block his face or otherwise his face would've been scorched. Then he feels his arm in agonizing pain as Bristlebane's legs began to contract on his arm. Now he did it. With a swift throw, Lockdown lets go of his other foe and throws him several meters away with incredible strength. He grips on his staff as it glows from a dark-blue to a blackish color. "Hmmmm, your a tricky one aren't you?" Lockdown says with displeasure, "I gotta hand it to you... that was sly. But now that I know you are yet another one of those magic-wielding bastards, I guess it's time for you to die." Soon enough, he grips onto his staff as it glows with magical power of its own. "Darkness... BLAST!" He then fires off a black beam of dark energy at his foe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Black Mamba
Gwen stated, this discussion isn't over to Cynthia. She proceeds with Oriel outside the guild to the south district. "If you really fight me, fine bring it on." In the guild, the mysterious masked man. Also known as Black Mamba opens the door, he is finally home in the guild. With his usual entrance, his sleep magic affected everyone, putting everyone into sleep except the Councilman and Master Jak. Then only them could see his face. The sleep magic put everyone to sleep, Jak, Ajax and the rest of the masters are immune or resistant to it at least. Mamba is always foul and aloof with everyone whenever he makes an entrance. He took a job request from the request board. We get to hear his smooth and cold voice but only the Master, Council Man Ajax gets to hear it. "Master, Lord Ajax. I'm sorry for the bothersome entry, I have a job to do." He said. Jak pat Ajax. "You were saying?" Mamba sat with them to have a meal. "Ajax-dono, Mamba right here is an S Class Mage, one of the best I have but quite a complex fellow. If I were to ask, what really brings you here, Ajax-dono?" Jak asked. The unmasked Mamba answered. "I.S.E. It's about the International S Class Exam held by the magic council is it?" Mamba tries to make sure if he is correct and waited for answers.
With everyone asleep... the scene changes to S Class Camp.
@chukklehed You may do honors to handle this segment :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden-Before Black Mamba used his stupid sleep magic Aiden instantly recognized who pulled them out when a flaming fist burst through the outer ice layer, and it was a good thing he did, cause he definitely wouldn't have been able to recognize Sable in any other way. He was a little shell-shocked at suddenly seeing him look so. . . not like he wanted to wreck everything in sight. The title 'Wretched One' didd not fit this new look, not one bit. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing. "Seems like two weeks is a lot longer than I though, you sure have changed your look since I last saw you Sable. And it seems like you have a new fan, huh? I'd be careful, last time I saw her, she was looking at you like a starving wolf looks at a juicy steak. She even did that weird lip licking thing that's she's doing now." With that said, Aiden stood up, stretching a little before facing Sable and Oriel again. "Anyways, glad to officially meet you Oriel, and I see your taste are just as strange as I remember. I never would have though you'd be the type to fangirl like that, but hey, you've proven you can fight just as well as anyone else in Vyper Bolt, if not better, so I see no reason to judge." Aiden would have continued, but he suddenly felt a dark aura radiating from across the room, turning around to see Cynthia with a very unpleased looking smile on her face, and undeniable anger in her too-sweet tone. "I see that looks are not all that's changed around here either." Aiden remarked, then proceed to back up slightly when Chrome came in, pissed about something. Suddenly, it looked like another fight was about to brew, again, this time between Chrome and Cynthia. A vein began to throb on Aiden's head, and the air began to rapidly cool, frost beginning to coat everything around him. "Can the two of you grow up, just a little?" Aiden said, his voice quiet, yet easily able to carry throughout the hall, filled with a quiet anger that was only intensified by the annoyance present in his eyes as he stared at the two. "seriously, I don't know what happened in the last two weeks, but last I checked, I was supposed t be the childish one. And yet here I am, after two weeks of isolation, and instead of being normal people, saying hello, asking how I've been, that kind of think, you get into a fight! And over what, exactly, are you fighting about. do you even no?" Aiden turned to Chrome, her act might have been frightening before, but now, it just pissed him off. "And I don't need to be baby sat by anyone, Chrome, not anymore. So stop treating me and Sable like we're fucking kids, okay! Nobody's taking anything, anywhere. And this isn't just for my sake, this is also because your embarrassing yourselves and the guild in front of a council member. Or did you all just forget he was here in all of you pettiness." When the council memeber came in, Aiden gave a shrug of his shoulders, "Hell if I know what's going on, I just got here. Been on leave for two weeks, came back, saw a fight, stop it, then have to deal with this bullshit. Makes me want to go back to my fucking cave, never thought I'd miss peace and quiet. Oh, and mu name is Aiden by the way, Councilman. . ." Aiden had calmed himself down, or at least appeared to, when the man walked over. Him being a council man was obvious from his posture, but Aiden couldn't remember the guy's name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

S Class Camp
It's a clear night, the stars overhead are shining brightly. It's the last night this group will spend out under the open sky, and most of them have decided to make the best of it. A cheerful campfire burns in the center of a ring of sleeping bags, and several of the S Class Mages are gathered around it relaxing, including Nathan and Merrian. Merrian "You know, it's nice to get away from the guilds every once in a while," She said, the blonde hair of her proxy spilling over her shoulders as she stared up at the stars. "We should do this more often."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kuroku Nagasai
As Kuroku begins to meditate back on his rock, the rascal Oram then yanked it from under him, causing him to fall off yet again. With a slight grunt he rises back on his feet, yet he was STILL calm as ever, though slightly annoyed. Indeed, he too was in need of a briefing with the guild master, just to see if any jobs are available to him and get some cash. "Agreed." he simply says as he follows close behind, until Oram said that his 'meditation crap can wait' in which he frowned in displeasure, yet remained silent. True that he was a year younger, but in rank HE should be the one pounding his ass. Yet he was not the type of guy who does that. Yet Oram will learn one day of respect... probably not by him... or maybe so... but he didn't know for sure. He then heads into the guild building.
"Sorry about making you fall again. But you did sit on my clothes." Oram explained his excuse for making his comrade fall. It was true. Kuroku had sat on his shirt and jacket, but he would have found a reason for it regardless. He couldn't help himself. Right about now Oram was actually pretty quite. No sarcastic comment, or quip. He didn't have anything else to say as this moment. Still, it wasn't like it was really late or anything. He would have more to say later. He laughed a little to himself, though it was inaudible. He glanced at Kuroku again and then opened his mouth. "So you think the master is here or back down at that other guild place?" He asked calmly. Of course they would find out soon, but this was really better than awkward or annoying silence, in his opinion. Besides, he'd yet to get a real reaction out of his guild mate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oriel barely managed to avoid the full impact of the roundhouse kick, otherwise she would have been left unconscious, and was now just pissed off. Why the fuck was Chrome being like that? In some part of her, it hurt a bit, and yet she didn't know why. Still, she looked at her with fire in her eyes, ready to take on the challenge. "Who you calling flamebrain, ice chunk? I'm totally going to fuck you up, real bad." Though she had just stored them away, Oriel took her tonfas out yet again. "Wanna do it outside? Then, let me fucking humilliate you in public, bitch." Oriel followed after her, not before turning to Sable. "I'll be right back, darling! Be sure not to upset your stomach with anything else than my flames!" She said, waving happily at Sable. "As for you. Fuck you, I'll wreck you up some other time." Giving Cynthia the finger, she went after Chrome all the way outside. Standing in front of her, Oriel slammed her fist against her hand. "So, how you wanna do this, Gwendygwen?" It felt oddly nostalgic, but she shook her head. "Want me to melt you up? Or would you prefer being punched to death?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Revan "Agreed, it so nice and peaceful, do we really have to go back. I hear from the master that we got two new arrivals that are rather rambunctious." Revan complained, unaware that the master had left out a fact about his relation to one of the new Vypers. "I really don't want to look after those brats,,what about you, Merriam, Natham, you guys looking forward to actually heading back to the guildhall?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Brad Li
Sparring with Sairis
It is a night in Basilisk Island where S Classes of Harpies and Vipers camp at night. "Bro.. how am I not surprised that you're using muscle magic every time we spar?" Brad Li counters it with fortification magic, it runs in the family. "To top it off, we're going to be Examiners in the International S Class Exam, eight months is a long way to go and we have to do it this early?" He turns to Aria, whom he's been flirting with. He zapped her ass with lightning in his perverse. "Hey, Aria! Why don't you join mah bro and I for a minute?" He said then talked telepethatically to Sairis. "Gurls bro, gurls...Watch and learn how I pick them up." @Kal-ElI got your back
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Greg Barington - Council Member
Once everyone was indeed asleep and Ajax and Master Jak were getting settled in, another member comes quietly in. This person was indeed funky looking, with white crazy hair, red clothes, a revealing low-waist, muscular body, and a scar running down his left face. He too was also part of the council and was also going to join in. "Hehe..." chuckles Greg Barington as he continues walking, "You did a nice job on putting these guys to sleep. Shame that they won't be able to barge in on us. Kinda like that feeling of uncertainty ya know?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai
"Oh... my apologizes." Kuroku responds to Oram's first comment politely. Sure Oram can be a bit tough at times, but at least there are those times that he does mature. Then Oram asks him if the master was around. "I dunno..." he simply says, "I'm sure he is though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Getting back? It is so much peaceful here, why would you want to head back? Whoever came up with this is a genius...." Ivory said, already in her sleeping bag, looking like a white worm with a face. It really did her some good, relaxing like that. Still, it troubled her that Oriel decided to join Vyper Bolt, now of all times, to top it off. But it wasn't the time to worry about that kind of thing, and yet, while she tried to relax, Brad Li kept being a capital A asshole. "Merrian, can't you do something about that musclebrain? He is disturbing my relaxing..." Though she said so, she didn't even move and still looked pretty relaxed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

John Wickerspear - Lockdown
With an unsuspecting move unlike anything he had seen before, Bristlebane's legs wrapped around his arm and the bounty hunter met a punch to the face. Yet that was not all, he then saw a crimson colored ring that blowed a small stream of fire at his face! Luckily for him, he managed to block his face or otherwise his face would've been scorched. Then he feels his arm in agonizing pain as Bristlebane's legs began to contract on his arm. Now he did it. With a swift throw, Lockdown lets go of his other foe and throws him several meters away with incredible strength. He grips on his staff as it glows from a dark-blue to a blackish color. "Hmmmm, your a tricky one aren't you?" Lockdown says with displeasure, "I gotta hand it to you... that was sly. But now that I know you are yet another one of those magic-wielding bastards, I guess it's time for you to die." Soon enough, he grips onto his staff as it glows with magical power of its own. "Darkness... BLAST!" He then fires off a black beam of dark energy at his foe.
Bristlebane grinned, as always the fool thought he could use magic. Just a well placed magic item or two and everybody freaks out. Though the thought of letting the dark energy hit him and do nothing was tempting Bristlebane decided to keep it as a trump card. It was always funny when someones "Ultimate attack" didn't work. Instead he tapped his foot on the ground and activated his flickerstep boots making his outline blurry and almost making it appear as though there were two or three of him in the same spot. Bristlebane shuffled from side to side letting his cloak flare out behind him adding to the disorenting effect and walked towards Lockdown easily letting the beam of dark magic shoot past his blurred from. He slowly swayed towards Lockdown grinning, "I think this is gonna be fun." he said excited, perhaps he would even use his sword he had gottten from cleaning out the pool. It was such a shiny sword it was almost a shame not to use it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 days ago

Aiden Aiden looked at everyone falling asleep, looking up to see Black Mamba come in, followed by another councilman. None seemed to notice Aiden's alertness, something he attibuted to his experiences with the mental effects of his Ice Dragon Slayer magic, which he had overcome on the Island, and seemed to be resistant to sleep magic as a result. He felt a bit drowsy, but quickly shook it off, deciding to make his presence known. But before he did that, he made sure to arrange Sable and Cynthia's sleeping forms so that they were cuddling each other, than placed an heart of ice above them. "There we go, maybe this will help them realized the obvious, or if not, give me something to laugh at." Aiden whispered before letting those present know of his presence, if they haven't all ready. "Uh, I'm actually still awake. So, yeah, should I go outside or something?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

John Wickerspear - Lockdown
Lockdown thought that his darkness blast would've surely hit his opponent dead on. Yet suddenly, Bristlebane began to shuffle side to side as his flickerboots began to make two to three of him. Indeed, this was strange magic for this guy to be using, yet Lockdown was no stranger to this illusion trick. With another glow of his staff he concentrates quickly and attacks. "Darkness.... CLUSTER!" Soon, several black balls of energy began striking the area like lightning, surrounding him as they hit the ground with lightning speed. One of them will surely hit this pest that was in his way for claiming his bounty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ajax Thera - Council Member
The large man was momentarily surprised by the mages suddenly falling asleep but he quickly realized it was Black Mamba, whom had just entered the building. "Interesting." Before he could return to the table with the others, Aiden spoke up. Ajax looked at the Dragon Slayer, eyeing him up and down, absorbing every detail. "No," he commanded Aiden, motioning for him to follow. Once back at the table, Ajax sat down slowly and calmly. "An impressive mage you have here," Ajax told Jak, in reference to Black Mamba. "Astute, as well. Greg and I are officially here in relation to the I.S.E., as Mamba predicted. We are checking in on guilds that will be participating, to get a better understanding of potential candidates." Now Ajax looked over at Aiden. "Though, I wasn't lying before. I was unable to attend your trial and came here to see what Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing are for myself." Ajax looked over at Greg before back to Master Jak. "Sadly, I'm not surprised by what I've seen given the stories I've been told. I believe that mages have an obligation to the world to be model human beings. It is the mages that children look up to, the mages that symbolize peace and happiness. It disappoints me to see mages, or mankind in general... degrading." Ajax's yellow eyes went over to Aiden again. "You're a Dragon Slayer, aren't you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nathan Nathan sat crosslegged next to the fire, calmly reading his book. "Really I don't care where I am, as long as people aren't being stupid next to me." He glanced over at Brad then returned to his book. "So the guild is probably going to be exactly the same as it is here." Merrian Merrian gave an apologetic smile to Ivory. "Sorry Ivoh, if I tried to stop him it would just turn into a full blown battle, and then it wouldn't be any different from the guild." She crawled over to her sleeping bag, which she had put next to Ivory's, and laid down on top of it. "Too bad Kyuu isn't here. Arie's wool would put you right to sleep. Maybe I should try to get Lyra as my next key though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@lmpkio Bristlebane grins and hurls his travel stone underhanded and it flies out from his cloak barely visible and he dances through the blasts of darkness and just as one finally seems about to hit him the stone hits the ground just behind Lockdown and Bristle vanishes reapperaing behind him while sweeping his leg knocking Lockdown, down. Bristlebane grinned at the irony there as brought his other leg down in a vicious axe kick at the bounty hunters torso.
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