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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf Akura Mission: Part 1
Oram thought to himself for a moment as he made his way down the somewhat busy street. It wasn't as crowded as one might have thought it would be. Probably because of those Dragon Slayer posers. "Fucking bastard." He spoke to himself for a moment. He didn't have a bag or anything. To be honest, he wasn't even been expecting to be out here too long. He replayed that event that occurred a little over an hour ago in his mind. After he'd tried to attack his master back at the hotspring he'd expected to receive a serious beating or something along those lines. Maybe Alec wanted to save face. Nobody really knew all that much about the type of man he really was. He probably just didn't want to show how cruel he actually was. Maybe, Oram would get some more serious punishment when he returned. Oh well. He sighed as he walked through Hargeon Town. He'd been here for a while. He was inconspicuous. His hood was up, his face mostly covered, and his hands were in his pockets. He was checking out the area. Getting a feel for the terrain. Making sure of any escape routes, and most of all looking for an in. These guys weren't the sharpest tools in the shed. He'd run into one or two of them sooner or later. "Speak of the devil." He whispered to himself as he saw a small group. They were picking up some boxes and bringing them to a warehouse. Fucking Hargeon Town and it's warehouses. Had to be a port town. But then, they couldn't get away with this for so long in a guild town. "Hey, Be careful with that box idiot. It's worth more than your life!" One of the guys shouted. He had an irritating voice. Once they were inside Oram made his way up to the door and pressed his ear against it. "HAH! This is a damn good shipment!" The same loud voice. He was gonna enjoy shutting the man up. "Come on bring 'em this way!" These were the guys who'd been giving themselves Pseudo dragon slayer magic with whatever dragon lacrima they were using to smoke and all that shit. It sounded like there were quite a few of them two. Any intelligent person would think they might need back up or something right? However, Oram wasn't most people. He glanced at the bottom of the door. Smoke. Yup. They were doing it already. "HEY! Somebody's here!" Another voice yelled. Probably some heightened senses due to the dragon slayer abilities. Though how they could smell in all that smoke was beyond Oram. There were footsteps. A bunch approached the door. Different voices calling "check it out!" and "Hurry your asses up!" among other phrases could be heard. Oram merely began to laugh in response. "You fucking idiots." He said as he pressed his hands against the door. Without a word he slammed them open sending a number of the men flying to either side of the building. "ALRIGHT YOU AKURA FUCKS!" He barked with a laugh as he walk into the warehouse removing his hood. "I heard you've been havin some fucking fun with your new Dragon Slayer power!" He grinned a sickly, almost sadistic, grin as he looked around. "LET'S TEST THEM OUT SHALL WE!!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Really, that's your question, out of everything you could possibly ask, you asked why I missed a day of training. You could've just asked me about that at any other time!" Revan facepalmed, contemplating how boring Sairis must be as a person if that's his biggest concern. 'Damn martial artists, all they ever seem to think about is training, training, training.' With a sigh, Revan put his hand down, giving Sairis a rather annoyed glare. "If you must know, I had a rather bad headache yesterday, and still do to some extent. I sparring when you have a raging headache is no fun, so I decided to rest that day. I didn't think it would bother you so much, or cause your master to get angry at you. So then, now you know and I feel rather gipped. Give me a dare, and please make it interesting will you?"
Aiden quickly cut off Oriel's charge by creating a spike of ice in her path, but he wasn't done yet. "Ice Make: Needle Barrage!" Aiden placed a hand on the spike, causing it to rapidly shoot needles of Ice at the fire mage. It would keep going like that for 30 seconds before all the ice is spent. When that happened, Aiden would come charging in again to slash at her, making sure to take full advantage of the Naginata's range to keep her jujitsu tackles and grabs, not in a rush to get caught in one of those. "You're going to have to get a little closer than, Oriel-baka, though I think my choice of weapon's making that a bit hard, huh. Come on, I know that pretty little head of your's can be used for more than giving guys more than your boobs to look at, or are you Sable's exclusive eye candy now." Aiden spoke as he kept up his assault, not relenting in the slightest, and quickly replaced or reformed his weapon when Oriel breaks or melts it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Story so far
Magic, treasures, undiscovered phenomena, adventures, are snakes able to soar or just slither, are harpies vampires? That is Vyper Bolt and Harpies Wing. Cut the crap! *Alec voice* Narrator *And Lunar Wolf* Opening 2 of Wings and Tails RP! FT. Lunar Wolf by LiSa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HL_v7z1lhs Lunar Wolf; A guild formed during X-791 thought not popular, it runs decent by Mage Hunters, the Roganoff Family which later soon flashes forward to X-814. A noble guild in blooming capital of Crocus. The third most powerful guild in Fiore, the vicious rival of Viper Bolt and Harpy's Wing.
Practicing her ice make magic in an hour, she catches up with the rest of her friends. "Lethal weapon of our guild, like you're the one to talk; Hot shot. By the way, let's form a team guys." Gwen asks Sable and Cynthia to form a team. "It will be the strongest team, be it Viper or Harpy." She said with enthusiasm.
Master Jak
Aftermath of the hot spring, they are now in the Viper Shrine, roof top dojo. "Haha. That's right. The new generation right now is a force to be reckon with, the young surpassing the old. Like you guys and the 5th Wizard Saint, #5 Kyou Hasegawa. Which me brings me to the point. I'm not the type to be ignorant. But I heard that dark guils have been increasing and disbanding lately, why is that? There's even this dark guild, Dead Eye who are currently up to no good. What should be the course of action? The council is getting more and more strict lately, gentlemen." Jak said.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oriel couldn't help but smile. What the hell did Aiden think she had been doing for the past hour? Sitting on her hands while seeing all of her techniques fail? Of course not, she was measuring that naginata on his hands. It might've been best to use Krav Maga against him, given that he was armed, but it was noa a battle with her pride as a martial artist in the line. She wasn't about to give up just like that. "You are fuckin' finished, Aidy!" She snapped her fingers. Of course, maybe Aiden thought she'd ignite him, or the ice pike in fire. But what better defense than a good defense? Oriel ignited herself up yet again, effectively melting the incoming ice. If she didn't stop anytime soon, it might really be bad for her, but she didn't care. She just took the brunt of the attack and then put out the fire with another snap. Out of the pan and into the fire, Oriel was actually expecting the strike from Aiden. He had used the same attack for a while now, after all. With the first incoming attack of the naginata, Oriel dodged and duck, then used her other martial arts for the first time in the match. An uprising kick towards the naginata, intending to smash it to pieces. After that, she'd be quick in the follow up, taking Aiden's arm still with the momentum from his attack and bring him down to the ground with an armbar. "I can also be your eye candy if you want, Aidy!" Oriel said in a mocking tone, while making her move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ajax Thera - Council Member
Now clad in his armor again, Ajax was sitting with his legs crossed on the floor of the dojo. "It is a strange phenomena," Ajax confessed, closing his eyes and bringing his hand up to his chin. He was clearly thinking about it. "Kyou-sama is the one investigating the overall activity of Dark Guilds, using her knowledge to predict where they will appear next. I would have to ask her what she thinks about it. As for myself, I would guess that there is some kind of catalyst prompting more dark mages to appear." He opened his eyes now. "I suspect some kind of force or power we do not yet know of is influencing Fiore." Ajax crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged his shoulders. "But I cannot say that is a fact. However I can advise on how to handle the Dark Guilds that get out of hand." He glanced over at Greg for a moment before looking back at Alec and Jak. "If possible disband and detain all the dark mages. If not possible, get assistance from Rune Knights or Magus Hunters. The primary focus is to not fall under them, so going out of your way to attack a dark guild is inadvisable." Ajax let out a sigh. "While it is true that Vyper Bolt and Lunar Wolf, Harpy's Wing too, are strong guilds, it would be foolish to assume you are guaranteed to win an all-out battle with every Dark Guild you come across. Precaution is key and survival is the most important."
Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot
The young woman adjusted her glasses as she walked into the guild hall. It was bad enough that Harpy's Wing got destroyed while she was out on a mission, but to come back and have to share a hall with Vyper Bolt? Sure, it was only a mild inconvenience but there were several people in Vyper Bolt that Piper felt she could live without. The macho and aggressive atmosphere just wasn't her cup of tea. The bespectacled woman saw Nigel and Aran talking not too far away and decided to join them. "Hey," she greeted, sitting down across from the two. "I just woke up a bit ago. What's going on here? Some scary magical power woke me up earlier and I felt it coming from the hall."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten entered with a slight smile. "Hehe..." It was hard not to be nervous. Everyone knew Merrian was on of the guilds most powerful but you'd never guess it with her bedridden state. If she was resting he didn't want to wake her if he didn't have to. But, she always insisted that he not worry and come see her whenever he needed to. Before Kyuuten joined Merrian was the only Celestial wizard in the guild and not only that but she might be the strongest in Earthland. Merrian summoned Sagittarius to make them some tea and gave Kyuuten a kind smile. She was so much like a grandmother. She asked what was bothering him and Kyuuten came closer to the bed. "Just the usual. Pyrrha's mad at me, I haven't made any new progress with Celestial Unity and well..." Kyuuten sighed. "I feel like I've hit a wall with my strength. With the Magic Games so close it just feels like I've just stopped. After last year's I trained really hard and thanks to you I was able to get a better handle on my Celestial magic." He was never usually this negative or at all but around Merrian it was easier to talk about his worries. Maybe it was because she was a Celestial wizard and he came from a village full of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia "What do you want, Brainfreeze?" Cynthia asked, taking a bite of her apple and forgetting that Sable had also been eating it. "Form a team with you? Why would we ever do that? Me and Sable can manage just fine on our own." She put her arm through Sable's and started walking, completely ignoring the fact they had been arguing moments before. "Isn't that right Sable?" Merrian Merrian shook her head slowly, sighing. "That girl, always such a hothead. Don't worry about her, I'm sure she'll calm down eventually. And as for your other problem," Merrian took on an evil looking grin and laughed softly. "Well, there's only one cure for a lack of power." She lifted her hand with all three of her Zodiac keys held between her fingers and kept laughing. "He he he he he..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai, Lunar Wolf Vanu Mission
Kuroku's mind began to wonder off as he walks down the side of a canal. He always likes to be here... its always peaceful whenever he visits it. This was once the home of the most famous guilds the world had ever seen... the legendary Fairy Tail guild. He had heard many tales and stories about the legendary mages that fought under the command of Makarov and his predecessors. Famous guild members included; Natsu Dragneel, Grey Fullbuster, Lucy Heartfilla, Erza Scarlet, Laxus Dreyar, as well as many MANY others. He remembers when he was around 4 years old, that his family took him to Magnolia to view a great parade. He remembers seeing most of the guild members on the floats performing in a dazzling display in the night sky. He would never forget that day... the day when he then committed to become a mage himself. Such a pity that around 2 years later (14 years ago in this arc), Fairy Tail disbanded. Those were the good days... he thinks to himself as he continues walking. Yet his mission was not to sight see and remember Fairy Tail, he needs to find Vanu Ashton, the assassin he was tasked to defeat. Yet he just couldn't help but just remember all of these sights he has seen long ago. In fact, unaware of him, he just passed what was once Lucy Heartfilla's apartment building! If only he wasn't so much into his train of thought could be possibly recognize it...
Greg Barington - Council Member
Greg sits down next to Ajax as he talks with Master Jak. "Dark Guilds always come and go..." he then says, "Some stay up and running longer, while some do not. They either get along... or fight amongst themselves. It's been like that since Fairy Tail disbanded... but yes, it has been getting a little too common for my tastes" "Thats not a bad idea Ajax." he then answers once the Mage explained his plan to disband all the dark guilds, "But there are some out there that are just nasty. They'll take orders from nobody ya know? So it'll be hard to peacefully make them disband..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf Akura Mission: Part 2
Those who hadn't been caught in Oram's entry, and those who had actually remained conscious after it, scrambled to get into some sort of battle ready positioning. Obviously, they'd not expected to be attacked like this. "The hell are you idiots freakin out for?!" One of the braver men spoke up. His words calmed them a bit. They looked at each other and then him. Surprisingly Oram was standing still chuckling quietly to himself as he listened. "We're freakin Dragon Slayer's now! We can take this chump!" The same man shouted in addition to his previous statement. "I mean, there's like 30 of us and 1 of him! We can do this!" With that the men had renewed resolve. "Yeah! We can definitely beat this freak!" "Let's get him boys!" "Show no mercy." They rallied. Oram on the other hand simply began to laugh. Louder and louder his voice rang out, sending a chill down the spines of many of the weaker individuals. "Listen up you fucks! Because I'm gonna give you a little lesson." He charged forward at unimaginable speed, for them, having lowered the gravity around himself. "First, There are only 24 of you left. Learn math you pricks." Barely a second had passed and he was palming the first brave soul who'd spoken's face and pushing him back. He slammed him into the ground, the back of his head making impact first. "Make that 23." He said as he released the man's his eyes rolled back and his mouth wide open after the sudden attack. "Second!" Oram laughed a litttle more. "Just because you guys have gotten a little stronger, DOESN'T mean you've gotten stronger than me, right?" He gave a, somewhat trademark, sadistic grin as he glanced around at most of the men frozen in fear before letting out loud shouts and lunging at him. "Idiots." He spoke as he stomped his foot to the ground and shot up like a rocket. "You guys are fuckin imbeciles." That felt weird. The word Imbeciles. Yes, that was what he was thinking about. "Gravity." He held his hands out over the small group of men who'd lunged. "Fall." He finished the sentence and the men felt their gravity increase and they slammed straight into the ground. There were five or so. Nearly all of them coughed up blood. "Awww, did that hurt?" He laughed before coming down on the pile with a force far greater than any would have imagined. There was a large crater in that spot not. The floor was practically crumbling under them. If they weren't dead already they wished they were. "18." He said as he turned to look around at the remaining Akura members. "COME ON! I thought you fuckers were supposed to be Dragon Slayers now!" He barked at the group as he casually stepped off of the mangled pile of their comrades. There were notably a few who were hanging back. 5 of them to be exact. Just biding their time. Leaders obviously. Letting the small fry go first. The 13 left now glanced back. Almost like asking for permission to run away. But if they did that would be the end of them. He heard various elements called out, before a collective "ROAR!" sounded off. He laughed and ran avoiding each before running straight up a wall and jumping into a backflip until he was floating just over a few of them. "Heh." He scoffed before coming down like a 10 ton weight on them. His hand pressed one poor souls head into the ground, crushing it like a grape with a satisfying pop following by a squishing sound. Oram wasted no time in in dispatching the next two beside him, continuing on like this, all the while counting down. "17... 15... 11... 10..." He went on like this until. "Six." He was holding one mage up by the next. He wasn't paying this one much attention. He was staring down the remaining five. Even as he crushed the man's windpipe he simply dropped him and brushed off his hand. "Well... Looks like that's..." The sentence didn't finished as he received a powerful blow. One of them had lightning. That was the speed. That was the blow that sent him flying straight through a wall into a dark room in the back.
To Be Continued...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Guild Main Hall
Master Jak
"Yes. Yes, so to shut em' up!. These Dark Guilds give me the heebbeedeebeejeebies, be it they are savage killers or not. Going by your statement. Even if detain, the world will continue to be plunged into chaos regardless we horde up all the criminals and dark guilds in Pandora's Box. The balance between good and evil are always zero, when there is light, there is always dark. The outcome of whatever battles are either consequences or victories. For every victory reigns as like material things of thought; as peace is temporary and conflict to be raise in the process. That's how life works. But even so, we continue to hope and bring the goodness within, the power of feelings that is, either can it be foolish or not, it is a key factor of resolve, what you think is what you feel and do." Master Jak expresses his wise wisdom to the young council members, as it may play a very important factor in their lives. "Yes, we have to be cautious. Dead Eye, this dark guild is disbanded which later brought the Akurans in Hargeon Town, a dark guild of drug dealers. The dark guild Dead Eye was rumored to work for both Chimera and Demon's Maw, dark guilds part of the Balam Alliance. If that is true, Ajax-dono then there could plenty of chaos by now. Both of you are well aware that not only Dead Eye are mercenaries but also drug dealers and thieves. That being said, I know just the right team for this." Jak said. The band of people he said: Aiden Cross Sable Rhodroth Oriel Assier Gwen Sniegow Nathan Striker Sairis Ward Aria Hunterblade Cynthia Grey Caroline Miller Nigel Revan Xavier Team Viper Nathan- The Leader Gwen- The Lancer Sable and Sairis- The Big Guys Aiden- Smarto Gai! Team Harpy Aria- The Leader Kyuuten- THe silent Revan- The Muscle Cynthia- Rune Master Nigel- The smart dude The rest are back ups. The team can be mixed in the process. Master Jak presented a full proof team with the help of Akira's help with her Archive Magic.
"That will be all? Ajax-sama, Greg-sama do you want more cocoa?"
Gwen, Cynthia, and Sable
Cool as always, she smirked. "Can't you be more honest with your feelings; you seem to have a thing for Sable, you deserve a hug. Congratulations! My mother in law, Cynthia." She teased and laughed a bit and sarcastically said while walking with them. "Sorry, light bulb. If you say so but..." She points on a request given by Master Jak, a copy of it. "Besides, it's up to you guys. There's a dangerous Fire Mage in that guild, sides like I said it's up to you." She slowly walks away slowly but left her clothes to them because she stripped unconsciously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One Sable turned preemptively when he smelled Chrome approaching them, her scent was cool and flowery, like winter bushel covered in snow. It was unforgettable and comforting to him at times. Her suggestion was rather tempting. It made him pause and at the same time smile. Though Cynthia had intrigued him, made him do things that were different than the norm, when it came to Chrome he always felt like she was looking after him. It felt like he had eyes in the back of his head when he alone. With a smirk, he became unmovable as Cynthia wrapped her arm around his, instead, he instinctively placed his hand on hers to stop her retreat. And before he knew it, he had gripped Chrome by her wrist to stop hers as well. "Woah now guys. Let's think about this. With Chrome's martial skills," He looked to Cynthia. "Your awesome healing and runes, and of course my explosive power... She's right, we could make the strongest team in Vyper Bolt." "Besides, I can't send Chrome in alone against a fire mage. She's my family after all," he admitted aloud, though it sounded more like a declaration than anything else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Aiden cursed as she set herself on fire, he'd forgotten she was crazy enough to do that. The Naginata would break off on impact, the blade dulled by the heat but still a solid hit. He ignored the girl's new nickkname for him, 'Aidy, are you fucking kidding me with that!?!?', intending to reform the blace and do a side swipe, but Oriel suddenly changed up her style, breaking his weapon with a sharp kick upwards, then going for his arm. Aiden was going to respond by using his layer of water to freeze and spike out arouund his arm, only to hesitate at Oriel's comment. "I can be your eye candy if you want, Aidy." For a second, Aiden imagined Oriel doing to him all the stuff she did to Sable, and he suddenly felt his face get really warm, an intense blush forming over his cheeks. It stayed as he was pressed to the ground in an arm bar, his head down, hoping his embarrassment couldn't be seen. "Okay, you got me, you win. Can you please let me go now." Aiden tried to keep his tone level, but some of his discomfort could still be heard in it. "And don't call me that, it's annoying."
While Kuro was exploring Magnolia, he may have noticed he had a shadow tailing him from the rooftops. Xavier had been tracking the S-class mage for awhile, not willing to take his no for an answer. Xavier needed to do this, needed a tough mission to push his limits. What better way to do that then by jumping in on a an S-class mission. Besides, he could handle this, he was sure of it. It was just one assassin, and they would be focused on the S-class. 'This is probably my best idea ever.' No, no it's not and your going to get yourself killed, my prince. Please turn back and return before it's too late.' Xavier sighed, ignoring the voice as he had for the entire trip. He needed to ger stronger, and nobody was going to help him get it. Fighting a tough foe, even if it's only from the sideline, would provide much needed experience. "I have to get stronger, I must prove myself."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanu Ashton Vanu was walking through Magnolia while reading a book about fairy tail for the tenth time. More importantly she was reading the parts that mentioned a guy named bickslow. The book said he used the same magic as her, but the thing that confused her was that he was able to shoot lasers from his possessed objects. Ever since she found out about this she had tried to do the same only to find out she couldn't. It annoyed her to no end, since that specific skill would enable her to take out much stronger opponents and in return make more money. She was momentarily brought out of her musings as she almost walked into the canal. "Whoops gotta pay attention to where I go." This was one of those situations where being barefoot was a plus, even though she refused to wear shoes even when they would be beneficial. Remembering something from the book a girl from Fairy Tail used to live besides this canal. Seeing as she had nothing better to do since she hadn't gotten any assassination request in 2 weeks she decided she may as well look for it. Going along the canal she compared the picture in the book with the houses she walked past. Eventually she found it and to be honest she was not surprised one bit. It looked completely normal and just a bit older then the picture in the book. She sighed: "Ha didn't know what I expected to be honest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Haha! I knew you'd give in sooner or later, Aidy!" Oriel released her lock on Aiden's arm, before rolling away and standing up all in a single move. She duested herself off, before looking at Aiden with a happy, teasing face. She passed her tongue by her lips as it is her trademark. "So, how'd you like the service? They are medium size, but they still feel soft, no?" Oriel said, pushing her breasts together. After all, even if he was locked in an armbard, not everything was bad. For one, he had his arm between Oriel's breasts, and her thighs all over his face. "I told you I can be your eye candy too, and as long as you keep the ice at bay, I think we can be pretty good friends, Aiden-chan." She said, changing Aiden's nickname, hoping that one would be more to his liking. "So? What do you think? Friends?" Oriel asked, trying to sound as cheerful as possible, even though she was clearly shaking and impossibly nervous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai, Lunar Wolf Vanu Mission
Nostalgia floods Kuroku's mind as he continues walking with his head in the clouds. He was totally unaware that Xavier was actually secretly following him from the rooftops. He struggles to keep his attention steady, still fascinated over the town. Soon enough, standing just several meters away, he spots what appears to be the assassin he was tasked to defeat. Kuro couldn't see her face clearly, but he can see that she had grey hair, like he has, with a long white and blue robe and a red artificial patch-like thing coming from her right eye. In addition, she wasn't even wearing any shoes or sandals. From the description he was given by Master Alec, this looks like the assassin, Vanu, he was tasked to defeat. Yet there was something that just didn't rub him just right. Something about her made Kuro hesitant to call her out. Not in the sense that she was an assassin no, but something else. There was a magic that he sensed from her, something that felt quite unique. Yes, he was told that there was something "dangerous" about her, but Kuro wasn't told on what it was. Yet there was also something familiar about it, but he just couldn't put his thought on it. However, now was not the time to theorize with things. With a silent sigh, he tries to grab Vanu's attention. "Vanu Ashton..." he calls out as he stands motionlessly with his hands in his pockets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia glared at Chrome, tightening her hold on Sable's arm without thinking about it. Then she glared at Sable's hand around her waist. "Sable..." She said with an undertone of malice. "Where do you think your arm is? And for god's sake Chrome, if you're going to be working with us wear some damn clothes." She let go of Sable's arm to grab Gwen's clothes and shove them back at her. "I can't be seen working with someone who's naked more often than not, people will start expecting weird things from me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanu Ashton Vanu heard her full name being said so she closed her book and when she turned her head to the speaker she saw a young man standing a few meters from her. The first thing she noticed was that he had red eyes and grey hair just like her. The second thing she did was look at his soul, it was a mage soul and from what she could discern from it definitely not a weak one. She wondered whether this was a client or someone seeking to take her down for whatever reason, she hoped it was the first one. If only for the reason that she liked his similar eyes. With a calm voice while looking him in the eye she said: "Since you know my name you must know what I am. The only question is what you need me for. Are you here to hire me or are you here to fight me?" While saying this she put 2 of her souls into 2 daggers and silently made them float underneath her cloak. There were witnesses around, but to her that only meant extra tools that can be silenced later. She wondered what that fact would mean to this person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai, Lunar Wolf Vanu Mission
Kuroku calmly stands still as he silently observes Vanu. There was something very unique about her... the magic she wields. He knows he needs to beat her in order to accomplish Master Alec's task, yet on the other hand he doesn't. It was not because of the magic that he doesn't want to fight her, but something else. Something more... emotional. Yet after a few seconds, Kuro shook the thoughts out and tries to concentrate. "I believe you have been causing some trouble around here." he says while still talking calmly without any hesitation, "I come in the name of Master Alec of Lunar Wolf... to defeat you and bring justice to Fiore."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Vyper Bolt Guild Hall
Not a moment before Piper had shut the doors to the guild did they spring back open, a panicked looking run knight rushing in, quickly coming to a stop in front of the mages that were gathered there. The knight was rather frazzled looking, sweat dripping down every pore and a deep fear in his eyes, but he quickly straightened up, determined to do his duty to inform the mages of the current crisis. “My name is Lucas Dawnstar, and i have come to inform the A and S-class mages of both Vyper Bolt and Harpy’s Wing of an emergency request straight from the Magic Council itself. It has just been discovered that the Demonic soul fragments of the Demon’s Maw Guildmaster have been stolen as of last night, by an unknown culprit who was able to sneak into the Council’s Treasury Vault. That, however, is not the main issue, no matter how much I wish it so.” The rune knight took a calming breath, clearing dreading what he was about to say but knowing that it had to be said. “We have been notified of demons bearing a similar magical signature as the fragments appearing in the towns of Clover Town and . . . Cedar Town as well. Both town is currently under siege and aren’t expected to survive much longer without assistance. Clover town seems to be in especially dire straits from what few reports we’ve managed to receive. I can provide transportation to both locations for both locations and it is advised that you. . . that you head to where the danger is most prevalent. If their are not enough capable mages, then Cedar town is to be. . . is to be-” Lucas shoulders shook as he struggled to get the words out, but he couldn’t stand the leaving his home, his family, to be slaughtered by monsters, and tears came unbidden from his eyes, yet he still stood at attention, not going to let his emotions cause him fail in his duty. “Cedar Town is to be abandoned if you deem it the proper course of action, as the demon’s present in Clover town are seen to be much stronger in comparison to those in Cedar.” Using re-quip magic, Lucas brought out a strange looking vial, made from a strange golden glass and covered in miniature magic seals. “Each of you must take these with you, once the demons have been defeated or killed, the fragment will escape and try to find a new host, once that happens you need to focus your magical energy into the vials and it will draw the fragment inside, containing it safely. And don’t allow the fragment’s to touch you, for the effects are many the results are anything but positive from such contact.” Lucas, having given all of the knowledge he currently possessed, began to draw a magic circle on the floor of the guild hall with chalk. It may not have been necessary but it cut down on the cost of the magic he was to cost by a good deal, and he’d need every bit of his strength to send these ages where they decided to go. “When you are ready, take a vial from me, step in the circle and tell me of your destination.” Lucas nodded as he finished, then pulled out a crate full of vials from his re-quip space and set them on a near by table, waiting for the mages response.
Demon attack: Clover Town
Screams ripped through the morning air as people ran through the streets of Clover Town, fleeing from as monstrous hounds-like beast chased them, those who could not keep up with the crowd soon falling victim to their gnashing teeth, and insatiable hunger. Nowhere was safe, as they crept through every crevice, bust down every door, all in the search for more of meat to slaughter and consume. And watching this all from a far were two women, high in the sky on top of a winged abomination that looked like a cross between an eagle, and alligator, and a lion. “Oh, Invidia, look how they run uselessly from my children, it’s a sight that gives my motherly heart such pride. I’ve fallen in love with my babies all over again already, they make their mother oh so proud.” Spoke the taller, more mature looking woman, wearing a rather skimpy yet casual outfit. She had long brown hair, a knockout figure, and mischievous grey eyes that were looking down lovingly at her ‘children’. Beside her was a younger looking girl dressed up like a doll in the goth lolita fashion, with long black hair tied into pigtails and a rather bored expression on her face. “Wonderful Luxuria, truly, but when can I go down their. I want to cause some mayhem, kill some people, have some fun, please Luxuria, please, please ,please!” The girl begged the other woman, pulling on her sleeves as she did so. “Come on, if I wait much longer, your ‘children’ are going to clean the town up, and then what am I going to do.” “Be patient, my darling little one,” Luxuria cooed, pinching Invidia’s cheeks as she spoke, “You are going to deal with the mages that will certainly come to stop us. My babies won’t be enough to stop them, and I’ll need time and resources to make one of my big boys, time you can give me and resources my babies are currently collecting. It shouldn’t be much longer, Invidia, so just wait a bit longer okay?” Invidia slapped Luxuria’s hands away, rubbing her cheeks while glaring at the older woman. “. . . . Fine, I’ll wait, but it better be worth it. If the mages they send are complete wimps, then you’re going to owe me big time.” Luxuria only gave a smile in return before going back to watch her babies cause carnage, a frown forming on her face soon after. Bringing her hands up to her mouth she screamed, “Jeffy, stop fighting with your brother right now,do you here me. Don’t make me come down there and punish you.” The creature she was yelling at stopped trying to kill it’s sibling, looking up to Luxuria apologetically, before catching a scent down an alley. Following it, he soon came upon a frighten little girl, who looked at him in silent fear as tears streamed down her face. Jeffy smiled, rearing back and preparing to lunge, already tasting the girls blood in his mouth.
Demon Attack: Cedar Town
The port town of Cedar was drowning in a sea of blood. Everywhere people were dying, either from nightmarish giant creatures, like snakes, spiders, and rodents, running through the streets and launching upon any they find, rending flesh and bone apart in a savage display before moving on to the next victim. And that wasn’t all, as their was an even greater danger lurking the streets. People would be walking, only to suddenly have their heads kicked off from out of nowhere, or find themselves with a knife lodged into their cranium, only to be savagely pulled out, splattering the streets in blood and gore. “Hahahahaha, that makes 100 to your 27, Acedia, come on, you’ve gotta pick up the pace.” A boy exclaimed cheerfully as he appeared on top of a building, looking over all the carnage with his heterochromic eyes, one red and one dark grey. “And no, your little nightmares running around don’t count as you kills.” Acedia, a depressed looking teen with long black hair and pink-colored eyes, gave his excitable partner the smallest of glances, before turning to the city, aiming at one fleeing person with his finger. “Metus” he whispered, a bolt of glowing purple energy gathering at his fingertip before rocketing off at the man, going right through his head in one clean motion and catching the person that was right behind him in the chest. Both fell to the ground dead, blood welling up from their wounds. “29, happy now, Avarita?” “What did I say about calling me that, it sounds way too girly,” the blonde boy protested vehemetly, giving the older teen a half-hearted glare,” I told you o call me Avar, or Ava, or something less girly sounding them my demon name.” “But your name’s pretty.” “I don’t want pretty, I want tough, I want cool, I want something manly sounding and dark and mysterious, not a dainty sissy name like Avaritia.” “Whatever,” Acedia sighed, looking over the carnage with a complete sense of apathy, only taking part in the killing himself when Avaritia bothered him to. “Just focus on your job and stop bugging me, okay?” “Pffft. you’re no fun. Why did I have to get paired up with you, I wanted to be paired up with Luxuria-chan. Insead she got partnered with that bitch Invidia. I’vee only known her for less than 24 hours, and I already hate her.” “You’ve known Luxuria for even less time and you’re already in love with her, no matter how hopeless the odds of her even noticing you are.” Acedia mumbled under his breath, though Avaritia still got it. “Shut up, you wouldn’t understand, we share a special bond, a string of destiny, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” “She’s the only woman you’ve ever laid eyes on.” “I said to shut it, you know what, fine. If you want to stay up here and sulk, then please do so, I’m going to go down there and enjoying kicking you but in the murder game.” Avaritia stuck his tongue out at his partner before disappearing in a blur of movement, rejoining the bloody chaos filling the streets. Acedia sighed, wishing he had been paired with Invidia instead. Her psychotic ass would leave him alone and just go crazy on the inhabitants of the town, but Avaritia has to try and pull him into it. Why doesn’t that kid just leave him to wallow in his own misery in peace. He had enough to deal with, with his Curse slowly eating away at his sanity every second of every day, and the little blonde nuisance wasn’t helping him keep it from going with his incessant need to involve him in everything. “Stupid brat.”
Surprise Demon Attack: Magnolia Town
There was no terror or mayhem in the town of Magnolia, only laughter, conversation, and the usual peaceful day-to-day activities of everyday life. At the top of the hill stands the Former Guildhall of Fairy Tail, kept pristine and in top condition by the people of the town as a way of remembering the joy and happiness the guild had brought to the town, as well as the headaches that came with their wild antics. Standing in front of this historic landmark was a figure, however, was a tall, hooded figure covered head to toe in black robes. His face was hidden as well, by a black metal mask shaped like that of a skull, the only features that could be seen were his eyes. And what eyes they were, an intense shade ring of blue circling a pale dot of red, and filled with such a violent, yet cold rage that anyone he made eye contact with feel as if they were standing in front of a mighty beast that was about to devour them whole. For awhile, the mysterious man stood there, drawing stares from passers by as he gazed at the building in front of him, eyes focused on the trademarked guild seal that was emblazoned on the front, a symbol of both pride and power. Then, as if receiving a signal, he walked up to the doors of the hall, placing his hand on it, and then he began to focus. As he did, sparks of red lightning began to spark off of him, collecting most visibly around his hand. Some guards, upon seeing this, began to approach him. “Hey you,” one of them exclaimed angrily,” what the hell do you thi-” “Red Lotus.” For a split second, a hugely oppressive presence could be felt by everyone in the town, before a sudden explosion lit off in the center of town. The debris from the explosion, dyed red by the energy, spread out over the city in the shape of a lotus flower, before falling down to the earth, large pieces of stone, wood, and concrete killing people as they all stared in frightful awe of at the even. At the epicenter of the blast, there was only a smoking crater where the once great guildhall stood, anything that remained of it blown sky-high and now rained down on the populace. The man who had caused all this, just looked around silently, before walking off in a direction, ignoring all the charred corpses that surrounded him. It was only when he came upon his first living person, a woman trying to breathe life into a man with tears in her eyes, that he struck. She never saw it coming, only offered a moment of silence as the man gripped her head, before she was set aflame by a blood red fire, sending her screaming down the road, bits and pieces of her falling off, until she tripped over the railing and fell into the river. By the time that happened, the figure was already setting himself upon the towns folk, slaughtering them all with nary a word by either burning alive, or shocking him to death. All of his attacks bearing that same angry, blood red coloring. At Kuro, Xavier, and Vanu, it’s decision time! Fight back against this psychopath and protect the citizens Ignore the man and leave town, this isn’t your battle to fight Your own Decision
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Aiden Aiden looked away from Oriel as she got off of him, his face still red, as he tried not to think about her in anywy, tried not to remember her figure as it had been in the hot springs. 'What the hell is this feeling, what are these thoughts, what is going on!' Aiden wondered in his mind. As he got up, and turned around to look at her, she did that lip-licking thing again, except now it seemed a lot more predatory than before. And drew attention to just how full her lips were, how attractive she was. Dammit, what the hell is happening here. He did his very best not to stare at any where but Oriel's facd, but even that had it's dangers and pitfalls. 'What kind of feelings are these, why am I feeling so uncomfortably warm right now, what did she do to me with one sentence.' Aiden took a breath as he contemplated Oriel's question, calming himself down. Aiden took her hand in his own amd gave it a firm shake, though Aiden was shyly looking away from the brash fire mage. "Y-yeah, of course we're friends. Part of beung in a guild, ya know, you're friends with everyone unless you're a dick. So, what do you want to do now, as I'm not really in the moid for more sparring." Xavier Xavier watched in interest as Kuro seemed to sinle a girl out in the crowd. 'That must be the target, time to-' 'My prince, we must leave! NOW!' The voice in his head, which he was going to call Cassandra from now on, yelled at him mentally, a great amoint of fear and panic laced into it 'Wh-' Xavier began to ask, when a huge pressure filled the air, stopping his thoughts in their tracks, he felt like he couldn't even move an inch. The explosion afterwards was worse, and Xavier luckily wasable to avoid a majority of the fall out debris by going down into the building. When he came out, however, he saw a horrifying sight that would haunt his nightmares for years to come. Every where were dead bodies killed by debris from the explosion, and even more were forming around the masked figure as he went about his slaughter. And for one second, he felt that monster's eyes stop on his figure, and his reaction was to run back inside, close the door, and hide, tears running down his face as he cried into hands. 'I'm not ready for this, I'm going to die, I'm going to die and I have only myself to blame.' Xavier began rocking himself back and forth, unable to shake off the fear that was filling him right now, it was just too much. He just wasn't prepared to see these kinds of things, and his psyche was paying for it dearly.
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