I'm back and thank you Kal=EL and Raijin for taking care of things.
Accelerator is OP as heck but still does have weaknesses. He's still a good character.
Reminder: If anyone Godmods to extreme, I, Shiho, or Raijin will give sanctions.
We are a making story together. It's not just about showing off how awesome and powerful a character is. What makes a character is the depth of its development in hard times/cool times/fun times... Basically how he/she progresses from day 1 till the end. Powers are just part of it.
Since it is difficult to control multiple characters, the masters.
This is exclusive Vyper territory only.
@Members of this guild. I trust in you. Which of the masters would you like to control bar Li Jat? I'm accepting two Rpers to control them.