I originally thought Piper was a special exception because he was the only "second" character that existed, and there was a lot of talk about his inclusion. I guess this just means I have to read harder in general.
Gratia, Taidan, Teàrlag.
I originally thought Piper was a special exception because he was the only "second" character that existed, and there was a lot of talk about his inclusion. I guess this just means I have to read harder in general.
18? Damn... looks like I have some catching up to do, heh. By the way how are you doing, crimmy?
Oh snap, this is a thing? This is a thing that is happening? Sweet. Of course now I feel kinda obligated to offer up my own lover of drink to the situation; even though I know full well no such obligation exists. I am way too easily excited...
It wouldn't be considered poor form if I posted again soon, right? Since Skye has snared a part of poor Luke's already taxed attention..
<Snipped quote by FlitterFaux>
just post again, i'm not going to be able to get anything in for the half of the mindaro family hanging around there, and luke has a habit of getting lost in conversations with standoffish seeming girls
Hmmmm... when writing should anything spoken be separate?
"Like so."
I have not been to school or brushed up on my writing skills in a long time.