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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


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Cassandra actually enjoyed this little fight because they knew what they were doing -AND- both of them were sorcerers. Her head was just going left to right left to right, figuring out what was going to happen. A few moments into the battle something happened between Aiden and Isis. But it had to be Isis's doing, she suddenly stood up and ran towards Aiden but he was already fine when she got right next to them. "Oh. Alrighty then. What happened..?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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533 had become bored sitting around and headed to where she heard the fighting, which was apparently the training room. Missing the action she only heard Aiden say he almost had a heart attack. Moving closer she frowned slightly. "Do it again I missed it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gwen: I drop down when Aiden mentions Dormammu. I look at him "What was that you said?" I look directly at Aiden, my eyes under my mask almost popping out. I point at Isis, "What did you do? Why did he almost have a heart attack?" Dormammu… a distant memory echoing through with that name. 'I can't REMEMBER. Why can't I figure it out? I have heard it…or did Peter hear it?' I think to myself, a headache setting in, just like every other time I try to remember something. I have photographic memory…yet I can't remember without it hurting…
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

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"Dormammu..." Aiden muttered before he blinked a few times. It took him a few moments before sat up, a dazed look on his face. He sat there stunned before he turned to Isis. "Dude that was so not cool!" He said, throwing his hands into the air. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."
"Hey, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean in...it's what happens when I use my powers. I thought you could handle it. Who's Dormammu anyways? You're the one who said you defeated people like me on a daily basis." Isis glared at him, before sighing and holding a hand our so he could get up. "Sorry Aiden, that was a good fight though." Isis then turned over to Gwen, who was questioning her. "I became his biggest fear, not that big of a deal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It had been a long time since Bearman had seen the inside of a military facility. Again and again they had told him it wasn't, but Bearman could practically smell it. Weapons, sweat, determination..... this was a place where soldiers were trained. Whether they used guns, or some form of paranormal ability, it made little difference. They were the men and women who chose a cause to fight for, who chose a cause to die for. They were the soldiers of this new organization, SHIELD. Walking through the hallways, he considered the implications of being a soldier once again. He couldn't remember his own time serving the Soviet Union, and as such he had little experience he could call upon. However, in certain ways the concept was appealing. He had always enjoyed fighting, and if one is going to fight anyway, why not do so in a manner that helps people? At least at the moment, Bearman could find no reason not to do so, which was why he had accepted SHIELD's invitation in the first place. The sound and smell of battle, not too far away. It was not battle with guns, but rather with paranormal capabilities, as would be expected in a facility such as this. For some reason, people were fighting. Moving on all fours, Bearman rushed through the tight corridors. SHIELD personnel and guards alike were bowled over, some managing to jump aside in time to avoid an unhealthy meeting with the ground. Arriving at the scene of the fight, he found his way barred by a door - and a small one at that. However, there was no time to find an alternate route. With a crack and a bang, the wall collapsed, as the door itself was propelled across the room, slowly skidding to a stop on the stone floor of the training area. Through the newly created hole stepped Bearman, standing on his hind legs as he marched into the area. The cloud of dust and broken stone that had gathered around his legs like a brownish fog only added to the figure he struck. "Bearman has arrived! Where is da fighting?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gwen: I turn to this 'Bearman' "Oh great…well you already destroyed a door…which automatically opens. I was wondering when the walls would start being destroyed." I roll my eyes at the 'Bearman' then look back Aiden, waiting for his answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aiden had a slight glare in his eyes directed towards Isis, but he let out a sigh and took her hand of help. He couldn't be mad at her, she was just using her powers. But he didn't have long to properly regain his footing before a on slot of questions cane to him by his other team mates. He awkwardly shuffled on his feet and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uhh he is... uhh nobody, don't worry about it." He clumsily stammered out, trying to find a way to change the topic. Luckily this came in the form of a large speaking bear who went by the name Bearman, a real shocker that one. Aiden never thought he would be so happy to have a giant bear in the same room as him. -------------- "Smooth move you over grown teddy bear, it isn't like doors open or anything." A dark haired boy in a Three Days Grace T-shirt under a black leather jacket said as he walked through the cloud of dust that used to be the door to the training room. He had a cocky smirk on his face and his arms crossed in front of his broad chest as he looked over the people in the room. "Sup chumps, you can call me Vince."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bearman didn't like the smirking one, he looked like a brat. He'd make sure to throw him across the room sometime. In Bearman's experience, high-speed impacts with the far wall had a tendency to severely reduce people's tendency to be annoying. Occasionally due to fear of repetition, and occasionally because they were incapable of cognitive thought. Either way, it was a highly effective method, which he had found need to apply often. "You build your doors too small! You need a bear-sized door!" Growling, bearman marched across the room, as he looked down. One of the people here smelled like demon. Bearman had no problem with demons, unlike most sentient beings in general. As long as demons didn't mess with him, he didn't mess with them - and as far as he could remember, no demon had messed with him or his family. The others were human, as far as Bearman could tell. Most of them were but children, clearly unsuited for battle. "Why are all these children here, fighting? You should be in your rooms, and let the grownups fight!" Had Bearman had eyebrows, he would have furrowed them. Whilst this group certainly smelled strange, he found the quantity of teenagers among them disconcerting. What were they doing in a military location?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gwen: "Did you just call use kids? I don't know about these people…but I will have you know that I am twenty-three!" I grin at Bearman, aiming my web shooters at both of his feet. Firing the webbing at him, it coats his feet and sticks to the ground. "Now apologize for breaking the door…which by the way, was Hulk sized…trust me." Turning back to Aiden, I giving him a look of disbelief, "Now, why did you mention Dormammu when Isis became your greatest fear, if he is no one. I have hear the name before, so spill it…" I stare directly at Aiden, aiming my web shooters at Bearman. 'Vince? He sounds like trouble, I don't like his attitude. I might need to avoid him, and focus on these magic users, and that Bearman…reminds me of a more human Hulk.' I think to myself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aiden had a slight glare in his eyes directed towards Isis, but he let out a sigh and took her hand of help. He couldn't be mad at her, she was just using her powers. But he didn't have long to properly regain his footing before a on slot of questions cane to him by his other team mates. He awkwardly shuffled on his feet and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uhh he is... uhh nobody, don't worry about it." He clumsily stammered out, trying to find a way to change the topic. Luckily this came in the form of a large speaking bear who went by the name Bearman, a real shocker that one. Aiden never thought he would be so happy to have a giant bear in the same room as him.
Cassandra shrugged not knowing what they were talking about as she finally stood up, seeing that she was knelt down next to Aiden trying to figure out what was going on with him but it seems that, it was taken care of. "Alrighty then..." she placed a hand on Aiden's back giving him a smile. Worried that he might have not been alright, he was pretty frozen back there... frozen with fear. Whatever it was, she was going to be there for him.~ Cassandra was now crossing her arms. "So..what do we do now..?" and then someone comes into the room, but she ignored him being worried about Aiden so she was staring at him until she told him if he was alright!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

533 was becoming disinterested with what was going on. She had come hoping to see a fight, not watch a bunch of girls fall all over themselves for Aiden. Bearman was almost a welcome change of pace as he took the wall down with the door. Some new hotshot made a comment on that particular action and Gwen as usual was still talking. The comment about children was Groaning slightly she walked over and looked over the hole in the wall. "It looks like an improvement to me. Maybe we should make the rest of the facility to match." Really the state of the place couldn't matter less to 533. So far they were just left to goof around which the others made liberal use of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The girl just shot white stuff at him from his wrists. Whilst certainly unexpected, this was mildly annoying at best. Was this her power? To mildly annoy people with sticky white stuff? He'd just.... Frowning, he looked down as he tried to walk, finding that his feet were stuck to the ground. Had she shot him with some kind of glue? If so, that would certainly explain why she'd looked so smug when she'd hit him. "You girls and your glue...." Obviously, however, she had made a mistake. It was a rather large mistake, and one Bearman had been surprised she would make. A mistake that was the undoing of any kind of attack. She'd used it on Bearman! With grunt, he ripped a grouping of bricks from the ground, the web sticking to the shattered fragments of stone. It took him a second to find his balance, it had been a long time since he'd worn shoes. "You should be old enough to know that it's never a good idea to make the bears angry...." Walking over to Spiderwoman, Bearman cracked a slight smile. His mouth, whilst similar to that of a bear, was quite capable of smiling. It was a rather odd sight. "I do hope these things dissolve. Else the situation might become.... unbearable." The bear chuckled softly. "Don't worry, Bearman is not easily offended. Neither by your puny doors, or by your glue. Now, where is the food in this building? I could eat a horse!" Smiling brightly now, Bearman looks around at his new comrades.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Look it doesn't matter... I... I just don't want to talk about it okay?" Aiden said as Gwen pressed him about the topic. After the events of being called a evil magic user he really didn't want to find out what would happen if they all found out that he was the son of a interdimensional being of pure magic. He managed a smile as Cass placed her hand on her back, he was grateful someone was getting the message that this was a sore topic for him. Though he didn't speak the words but his eyes clearly said 'Thanks Blondie.' -------------------- "Breaking doors, cracking the floor, and referring to yourself in the third person. Yeah I'm pretty sure no one would be worried about us 'kids' fighting when a over grown Poo the Communist bear is around." Vince said as he walked over to the group, his arms still crossed. He was completely unfazed by the bear man. Hell he use to work for the Kingpin, he was use to working with overgrown people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Isis sighed, rolling her eyes at the Aiden and Cassandra. She didn't do much to hide it either. "Aiden. He must be important to you somehow, and if you don't just fess up we'll all be concerned about the secret you're keeping. We're your team, you can't just choose one person to fall back on. If you don't trust all of us, we won't trust you." She pointed at Aiden and Cassandra, her voice turning cold. This game Aiden was playing was annoying Isis, and she wanted him to spill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cassandra clearly noticed Isis rolling her eyes but she was not going go ask and wasn't going to ask either, whatever it was her problem. Cassandra was still worried about Aiden because what happened back there was a completely different person, he didn't get that scared. She looked at Isis, speaking. "I think, we should just let him calm down and not speak about it until he is more comfortable...in telling us...." she nodded turning her attention back to Aiden as her hand was on his shoulder, still worried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aiden let out a sigh. "It is just a topic I don't like talking about okay? I'm more than sure there is some stuff you and everyone else her would rather not spill their guts about. He said, he took a slight step away from everyone. He was ready to bolt if they pressed any harder on this
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gwen: I turn to Aiden, and open my mouth, "I'm a clone of Spiderman and his ex girlfriend, Oscorp used his blood and her's after she died to construct a soldier. Unfortunately for them, I got multiple personalities from the experience. I also got certain memories from both of them. They tried to kill me, and start over with a new clone, this time they would erase their mind, and put info of why they were to be trusted. When I escaped, I destroyed all the information on the cloning process, and the DNA from both of my 'parents', after I went to New York, I asked Spiderman for help. So I have the face of his dead love, and I have two people in my head. Did I mention that Nick Fury put me in jail for a month while they tested my DNA to see if there was anything wrong?" I turn back to Bearman, grabbing his hand and using it to jump over him. Walking over to the women's bathroom/changing room, I walk inside and into a stall. Locking the stall, I punch toilet seat, causing it to shatter. Director Fury will be arriving tomorrow, curfew will be at 2100 Echoes from the hidden speakers around the 'compound'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bearman blinks as he looks around the room, suddenly charged with emotional tension, even as the girl vaulted over him - not an easy feat, taking into account his length. Once again, things had gotten far too complicated for his liking. Humans were such noisy creatures, always getting upset, always rushing through life at a breakneck pace. "Look, I know I am new here, but we are going to be working together for a long time, no? We will get to know each other, but we must know how much to know. Everyone will share their story in time." He rubbed one paw over his rugged forehead, slightly awkward at the entire situation. Bearman had never been much of a speaker. "The girl will calm down in time, and then she may speak more. But we should not press things." Sitting down in the centre of the floor, Bearman started working the concrete and webs from his feet using his claws. "I am Bearman, the result of a supersoldier program in Russia. I do not know who I was before, but it does not matter. Now I am Bearman. I came here so that I might help people, and meet those who would not fear my appearance." He glances upwards at the small gathering of mutants and mages. "So then, who are you? Tell only what you wish to. But I would like to know who I will be fighting besides."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aiden let out a sigh after hearing Gwen's speech. He got what she was getting out, he appreciated it in fact. But he just couldn't do it himself. He has dealt with being a Hellspawn his whole life, so when he was now in a group of people who didn't know what he was he didn't want to give it up... well just not yet. He gave a slight smile to Bearman, he liked what the big guy was getting at. "My names Aiden and I am the best cook this side of heaven and hell." He said with even a slight smirk. --------------- Vince rolled his eyes at the situation in front of him. "Touchy feely blah blah blah." He said as he looked over the group. "As long as you aren't complete crap in a fight and won't get me killed I don't care about your back story."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Attention…Cadets, please report to the dining hall, dinner is ready for consumption. And please use the designated doors. The computerized voice says through the speakers. Gwen: I fix my mask, and head out of the bathroom. I make my way into the hallway and sneak to the dining area, I look around at the feast layer out for use, and grab a plate of steak, some green beans, and a sweet potato. Walking to the very back of the room, I set down my tray and reach up, flipping the mouth part of my mask up, but not enough to impair my vision or show off much of my face besides my lips and chin. Wanda: I hear the announcement and run down the hallway. Entering the cafeteria, I pile a plate with every kind of meat…even a 'haggis', whatever that is. I sit down at the front table, watching for everyone to enter the room. I take out my knife and carve into the table Kool Kidz and grin at myself.
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