Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Ito sighed, just as he thought the fighting had come to an end, or at least calmed down, it picked strait back up, rather than teleport again he just sat down and watched the fights, if they got to out of hand again he might just try to end them himself, well...with Shuten's help of course, if only to finally officially enter the academy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan flared the wind around him eliminating his shadow completely. He saw Elsa dash towards him and brought his sword up to block. However this was a trick as he instead ducked the scythe and brought his sword forward in a stabbing motion. He looked at his feet to see the shadows around him and abandoned his stabbing notion instead rolling behind Elza. The wind blades from earlier returned towards Elza and caught fire. Meanwhile Ryan was digging around in his pockets for something. He pulled out what appeared to be a grenade and pulled the pin. He tossed it towards her and covered his eyes as it exploded in a flash of intense light. If she didn't cover her eyes she would be blinded for a good amount of time. Meanwhile Ryan was already preparing a new spell to try and end the fight. "Grimoire Art: The Lovers!" This spell would attempt to forcibly take control of anyone near Ryan but it was a two way street as he could be taken control of with enough will power.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Elza continued her swing keeping the momentum of the swipe and smashing her scythe into the flaming blades sending them flying off wildly into the distance. Her eyes widened when she saw Ryan pull out some kind of grenade, modern weaponry? she thought to herself incredulously as Elza hurled her own shadow at the grenade incasing it and totally negating it's affects. Seeing that Ryan had closed his eyes she decided that it would be best to remain on the offesive and once again charged Ryan this time attacking with the butt of the scythe. Elza blinked curiously as she felt Ryan's mind as well as her own. A mental attack of some sort? A dark shadow rose from within her mind screaming with brute force as it assaulted Ryan, an overwhelming amount of dark energy surrounding his mind and constricting around it. Lorne! Elza scolded silently, I told you, you can't play with my friends, you break them to easily. A shadowy voice replied echoing upon itself, "of-f course-ss my l-lady, as-ss you wish-sh." The dark force retreated to simply hiding behind Elza, but it was clear that it was waiting for a chance to strike out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin's eye twitched. Okay, this was really, truly getting out of hand. Marcus, Conrelia, Deus - what were these three thinking?! This was an academy, a place to learn. Sure, the battles were extravagant and chaotic, but it was all for the sake of self-improvement - or at least, to Meruin it was. To everyone else, it seemed like a chance to kill each other off.

Enough, she would not condone such foolishness anymore.

She turned to Ryan and Elza. Her normally emerald eyes were now glowing a dangerous silver. "Ryan, Elza, I apologize for my rudeness, but may I ask you to put your fight on hold for awhile? I think I feel like dealing with a certain trio first."

After her statement, a large book the size of her torso dropped in front of her and floated in front of her chest area.

"After all, it has been awhile since I've felt this displeased with someone else fighting."

Grimoire of Meruin
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan went through minor mental anguish as he felt a darkness surround his mind, but it quickly left. Ryan heard Meruin and his feet hit the ground. He took one knee to the ground as a sign of respect and bowed his head. "As you wish." As a strange coincidence, when he bowed his head it caused the blade to once again miss. He ended his Grimoire spell and watched as Meruin brought out her own Grimoire. "Hell hath no fury." He muttered to himself with an imperceivable grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Elza skidded to a halt inches from Ryan and turned to look at Meruin. Strange request that, but if she kept fighting no doubt Meruin would interfere and that’s the last thing she wanted. Somewhat reluctantly she molded her shadow into a chair and sat down. Elza was sure that she was about to get Ryan but no matter, good things to those who wait. That and she was interested to see Meruin's response to the... overzealous fighters. It did seem rather intense for what was an all actuality a simple assignment. "Hey wingboy!" she yelled at the kid that was flitting around the battlefield, "Might wanna take a seat behind Silver-Eyes, collateral damage and all that." Elza said grinning while gesturing to the furious mage. She was ready for a lightshow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Cornelia: Pandora's Box

As soon as Cornelia awoke, she knew that she was in an Illusion. First because she didn't have the gauntlet on that prevented her from dying, meaning if she died here, she died for real. Secondly, she was in her old home which in the real world was burned down and in tatters. She had killed her family and Now wants to kill Deus, yet she doesn't know why. Her Love for Killing comes from the Sword Muramasa. It took her humanity and part of her sanity.

Deus: Outside of Pandora's Box

Deus was charging up another blast when suddenly, two Magic Circles appeared in his arms. This was his father's magic circle, meaning he could definetly not break it. The Magic Circles pulled him all the way down to the floor, and at the second he touched the Floor, Chains came up from the ground, tying his arms and legs in a chain. An Aura-Magnetic Force Field was placed around Deus. This was a safety lock. Intended for when Deus' powers were about to create a storm, using the word extremly loosely. Pandora's Box was still active, and whomever got near it would get either possessed by the evil Aura or killed. Anyone could currently see that Deus' Dark Aura Manipulation powers were being drained. Meaning he wouldn't be able to use them anymore, forever. "No! Stop! I- I- I need to kill her, now that the stupid gauntlet is out of the way, I can kill her no holding back!" The Dark Aura could be seen, being expelled from Deus' body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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When you look at the words 'illusion' and 'reality', how does one define the difference between the two? Generally, people define illusions as a trick, a deceit, or a lie. It is something false with no real substance behind it. Reality, therefore, must surely be something that can be confirmed from all perspectives.

Such foolish concepts, no?

Reality and illusion, in truth, are separated only by the flawed perception of those that view them. Reality can become illusion from another angle and vice-versa. The inevitable conclusion to this is that whatever we view, it is reality only so long as we believe it is so. So if we believe that the world around us is an illusion, then it is so. Once we think of something as an illusion, then naturally, we seek to find 'a reality' behind it.

Effectively, everything is and isn't at the same time. It is all about perception. The perception of concepts.

Yes, that is right, it's all about perception.

Such is the mechaninc behind the second page of Meruin's Grimoire.

The short mage's eyes shot upwards, looking at the moon lying beneath the sun.

The sky turned dark with night, and where the bright sun of the afternoon was, a blurry silver moon now stood. Everything and everyone's outlines blurred. Spells faded, strength began to fade. Everything that was real has now become an illusion. Even your powers were now illusions. None of you held any meaning to the world anymore.

None of you can truly do anything permanent. The only reality here was Meruin, who saw all of you as an illusion. She could not touch you, you could not touch her or each other. When your spells ended and when you were released, even that would mean nothing. Once Meruin stopped seeing you as an illusion, you would become the reality she wanted you percieve.

Grimoire of Meruin, Second Spell: Hazy Moon

Meruin approached Deus and Cornelia, the former who was chained while the latter was still trapped in an illusion (which was an illusion within itself). The short mage had a concerned look on her face.

"Deus . . . I apologize, but so long as I am here, you will do no such thing. If . . . you should ever attempt to do so again, I will . . ." Meruin bit her lip, thinking of a way to stop him from doing so, without being unfair to Deus. She could see clearly that there was history between them, but there was no giving leeway for murder.

"If you ever attempt this again, I will take Cornelia under my wing. I will protect her and train her, and make her strong. Strong to the point where you will never be able to defeat her. I am capable of this, and I swear I will do it if you force me to."

That was not a request or even a statement. That was an ultimatum.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan chuckled lightly. He could feel himself not being. What an interesting feeling. He looked at the moon and laughed a bit harder. "This feeling is amazing. I feel so detached." He said to himself. He knew no one could hear him, as he could hear no one. He had gained a deeper understanding of himself in this moment. "I can feel my soul expanding. I can feel The World." He understood so much. It was truly Zen like. The only sadness he felt was that it would not last forever. It was only in this Zen like state that Ryan could activate The World. He looked into the laws of the Universe and shivered. " This is the potential of my Grimoire? I feel so powerful." He knew he couldn't do anything with this power because of Meruin's stronger Grimoire, but it was a nice motivator to see his potential.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus: Outside Pandora's Box

Deus was no longer himself. His eyes had turned white, as white as the full moon. His hair had also changed to white. The Chains and the Force-Field was dispelled. There was now only agony in Deus' eyes. The World had changed, and Deus could sense it. But he would not give up, he had to survive what he was about to do in order to kill her and get his revenge. He looked at Meruin then at everyone else. He was going to do something he learned recently, but that was Dangerous because the Limits...well there were none. If Reality and Illusion were all just concepts of Perspective, then what was the point of getting revenge. He had to get his revenge, he was an Avenger after all. Deus looked at Meruin. ]"Ha- hahahaha. Take her under your wing? Protect Her? Train Her? I never knew the people at this school would prorect a Mass Murder. Reality and Illusion Huh? The Concept of Perception, Just like her power. The Balance between Reality and Fantasy.. That Accursed power, that which has been hunting me for years....If you think you can protect her, train her, then you're Dead Wrong...Is what I would like to say if you had pulled out this "trick", Everything has a Cause and an Effect Meruin just remember that when you attempt to take her under your wing. That will come to bite you in the arse some years later." Deus looked at the now unstable Pandora's Box. Pandora's Box, was able to transcend Space-Time thanks to Deus for using his Ability Creation technique, but was currently useless against Meruin's spell. The Dark Aura had faded out of Deus, he could no longer go into that mode, Of course, all thanks to Merlin. Deus sat down in a meditating stance. He was attempting to communicate with Lucificus and Merlin. During this time, it appeared as if Deus had fallen asleep. But there were two kinds of Aura that began to emanate from his body. One was a Light Warm Aura and the other a Dark Cold one.

Cornelia: Inside Pandora's

Cornelia could sense the commotion outside. She had to get out of there. What Cornelia did before she got trapped in Pandora's Box was that she had put herself in an Illusion meaning that if she broke out of her Illusion then she could break Pandora's Box. Man, was she wrong. As she walked inside the house she realized why there was no one in the House. Because today was the ceremony that Changed all of Fate and History with her Brother. The day that Muramasa picked her to be the wielder of it. This changed, no, more like Erased her Humanity and Sanity
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin was probably going to get a migraine from dealing with these two - it hadn't happened yet, but she was sure it was going to happen.

Deus seemed to be mistaken about the reasoning behind her ability, but that was fine; a true magi never reveals her mysteries, after all. It was the secret behind the spell that gave it power, and the less of a secret it was, the less powerful it would be.

"I care not for what she's done before, Deus; the fact of the matter is that she is here now, and she will abide by the rules set in place for all of us. I don't want to make a habit of repeating myself, but I will do so for you to understand: This. Is. A. School. It is not your personal ring where you can kill as you wish. The same goes for Cornelia, however you were much closer in your efforts."

The short mage shook her head. She was really talking a lot today. Perhaps next time she would marshal a team fight rather than participate.

"I know my own limits, Deus. Talking about cause and effect is circular logic when it comes to magic - but that is a discussion for another time."

Meruin peered at Cornelia behind her. It seemed she'd yet to break out of the illusion placed upon her. No matter - nothing mattered as long as Hazy Moon existed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus eyes changed, one was Purple and the other one was Blue. This is the phenomenon that happens when many Spiritual Energies gather together in one body. Deus stood up, but this wasn't Deus, but the ancient demon Lucificus and Merlin. Deus ((which in this forme I'll call him Neo-Deus)) looked at Meruin and his surroundings. "Well, Look Lucificus, someone that might be as strong as me in the magic sense. Hello Meruin Hazy, As Deus may have told you I am Merlin his father. The other being in this bodt is an Ancient Demon Lord named Lucificus."
"Yo." Lucificus said.
Neo-Deus began to feel the ground. They chuckled a bit. "Reality and Illusion. These two things are just figments of our Imagination, that is what our Brain tells us. If we were in an Illusion we would have no way of knowing it, Our Brain doesn't have the capability to perceive Illusions therefore they Perceive it as a reality. At the end of the day it Is Knowledge. The Knowledge to know whether we are in an Illusion or in Reality. Oh, I'm sorry I've seemed to have gotten carried away. Anyways, Meruin Hazy. I have a favor to ask of you. I'm going to unlock this child's memories. During this time he will not be able to differentiate between what is real and what is not (in his memories) During this time he will attempt to attack Cornelia. I would like it if you didn't do anything. This will decide his Future in a way."

Cornelia: Inside Pandora's Box

Cornelia looked in front of her as her past self grabbed the sword. Mixed emotions were goimg through the head of Cornelia, asking herself if that was the right decision. This would lead her to kill her whole family and make her brother go after her for Revenge. She was crying, but she didn't know why.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan continued to look at the moon when he sighed. He got up and walked towards the forest. "I've no idea whether anyone can hear me or not, but I'm going to the river. Later." He entered the forest and looked at the stream as it flowed. He sat down and began meditating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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Time: 7:00 AM
Day: Tuesday
1st day of the second term.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan walked out of his room and looked at the hallways. He headed to the cafeteria to get some food and brush up on his reading. He was beginning to read intermediate level books on elemental combinations and it was fascinating how their molecular structures interacted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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Slick performed his morning routine, and headed down to the cafeteria for some bacon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus: Dorms

Deus threw some papers aside. These Papers had mysterious symbols that were glowing on them. "No, No, No! The process is all wrong! How could I master this art, Father mastered every single type of magic, yet I can only master Alchemy, the most basic forms of magic." Deus said in frustration as he stood up from his chair. His hair was in tatters. He was wearing glasses and he hasn't been able to go to sleep, plus he has a silver streak in his hair because of how long he spent studying magic.

Deus opened the door to the dorm and began to make his way to the cafeteria for breakfast, with Kusanagi at his side. He was wearing a white lab coat. He sighed. He needed some sleep but he thought that a good breakfast would wake him up. As he walked along the halls he looked outside the window to look at the morning sky, he then sighed.

Deus arrived at the cafeteria. Seeing that Slick was already there he walked towards the counter and grabbed two plates of scrambled eggs, a bowl of oatmeal, orange juice, and two apples. He then proceeded to sit down next to Slick. "Thought I'd give you some company. So how are you feeling Slick?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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"Not amazing if I'm honest Deus. Ever since the large team fight at the start of last term, my powers don't feel natural anymore, like they don't belong to me." Slick said staring at his hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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"Damm, Well If you need help with that, I can help. That has happened to me a few times. Most of the time it is because of an Internal Struggle, like if you're playing tug of war with yourself. It can also be that your full potential hasn't been unlocked yet." Deus said as he scratched his cheek. That certainly was strange. Deus then looked at Slick and activated his Aura Manipulation abilities. He attempted to read his Aura but here was the problem, there was nothing.

Deus looked at Slick quizzically. Something was definetly wrong. Deus wasn't able to read his Aura, more like it was transparent, a different "color". "Hey, uh, Slick, after the Team Battles or During them, did you feel anything weird inside your body, like something that directly affected your powers?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick picked his head up and looked at Deus. "Yes. My ability to see the colour of people's souls, just exploded inside of me, then imploded. My powers completely vanished for about a minute, then they returned."
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