Rags to riches describes this town perfectly- it's where dreams are crushed and, in some rare cases, made a reality. Do you have what it takes to participate in the 100th Annual Battle City Tournament? Open to the media for the first time since it's construction, the Shambala Palace in it's entirety will be the battlegrounds for this battle of champions. "Hello, I will be your gracious host for this event. Me? I am known as The Khan. I dabble in Duel Monsters and I am being sponsored by Industrial Illusions to host this event. There will be 16 packs distributed throughout the public each with a blank card in it. Whoever receives this card can trade it in at the store they bought it from and redeem it for a plane ticket to my palace to participate in the tournament. The rest of the participants will be personally invited by Industrial Illusions. Don't worry, I know who are and if you are good enough... No matter how 'casual' you may be. Khan, out." *winks*
This is a Yugioh RP for Battle City's 100th Anniversary Tournament! As with all RPs, there's more than meets the eye here... But that'll be introduced at a later time. Participants in the tournament have multiple ways to duel. One way to duel is to just do a collab! Decide a winner before the duel or after and just make it a very fun and dramatic duel, each drawing the perfect cards, etc.! Other options, such as live duels or duels initiated online are also available, though I'd prefer to see and record the duels as they take place. Of course, dramatization is highly recommended (just add some dialogue and thoughts I will record it so we can mark times and such.) This tournament is double elimination and there are certain ways to get back in the Winner's bracket that will be revealed through RP. (I am also open to plot twists.)
Now let's lay some ground rules:
1) No godmodding. Stacking your deck for plot? Have clearance first!
2) No force actions upon other characters unless agreed upon mutually.
3) All duels that aren't collabs must be viewed by me or my co-GMs (who are yet to be determined)
4) OOC stays apart from IC at all times!
5) Be respectful, please.
6) No spamming or griefing any part of the RP.
7) Any frisky business should be taken to PMs (if necessary)
8) If you are absent let me know ahead of time and we will work around you otherwise you might risk losing your character.
9) Banned cards are NOT all banned- if you want to know if a card is cleared ask me!
10) We are using this as a rulebook. This is pre-ARC-V, so first turn draw is still in play.
Here is the
Name: Hank “The Khan” Liu
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Like this with more furs and more dimly lit.
Personality: The Khan is what some would call a manic, and whoever would call him that is long deceased. Overly-friendly and generous he is the greatest host you could ask for. His palace has been a mystery location in Ricco Rengo for many years. Cynical and deceptive The Khan is not somebody who should be taken as lightly as he seems.
Bio: Hank Liu is the son of Lucille and Han Liu, Lucille was what some would call a prostitute. An avid drug addict as well. She didn’t know she was pregnant until too late and the abortion clinic refused her. She went to Han Liu a recent customer and senator. She claimed the baby was his and being the pro-life man he is he decided she should have it. Though it needed to be kept private due to the fact that he is a bastard and son of a lady caller. Han Liu’s conservative name would be diminished if anybody found out. Once the baby was born Han named him Hank after him (he was a very vain man). And named him the americanized name so he would seem more legitimate.
Over the years Hank grew tired of his father and his hypocritical ways. His father was a completely different person behind closed doors. Forced to meet ridiculous standards for grades and other work Hank was at a breaking point. And he would’ve broken if not for Duel Monsters, his only refuge. The only thing Hank liked about his father is that he was easy to blackmail. Which meant getting the latest and greatest cards whenever he wanted. He then began dueling competitively and was starting to win money. Han Liu took and interest in this and decided to start gambling on his son behind his back. Then when Hank made it to the district championship. Big money was on the duel. One duel to win or lose it all. Han bet on his son a large amount of money that the government would definitely notice if it went missing. So when Hank lost due to an unfortunate last second card. His father was in deep over his head. So his only choice besides tarnishing his name and shot at a higher political position. Was to give the Triads something better than money. A slave.
A slave to the Triads Hank grew tough, and has a lot of dark things in his past. That won’t be revealed now. Needless to say gruesome conditions he was put in resulted in his only use showing. Dueling and blackmailing. How he gained most of his wealth is still a mystery to this day.
Signature Feature: Two sphinx branded onto the back of his hands one silver (left hand) one gold (right hand)
Monsters (20):
1x Exxod, master Of The Guard
1x Megarock Dragon
2x Guardian Sphinx
1x Great Spirit
3x Giant Rat
2x Moai Interceptor Cannons
2x Gigantes
1x Stone Statue Of The Aztecs
1x The Rock Spirit
1x Sand Moth
1x Hieracosphinx
1x Criosphinx
1x Guardian Statue
1x Medusa Worm
1x Golem Sentry
Spells (14):
1x Brain Control
1x Shifting Shadows
1x Hammer Shot
2x Shield & Sword
1x Swords Of Revealing Light
1x Spring Of Rebirth
1x Magic Mallet
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Ectoplasmer
1x Spell Of Pain
1x Premature Burial
1x Impenetrable Formation
1x Canyon
Traps (12):
1x Waboku
1x Reckless Greed
1x Chain Destruction
2x Magic Drain
2x Ordeal Of A Traveller
1x Robbin' Goblin
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Royal Decree
1x Rock Bombardment
Favorite Card:
Other: A great dancer
Hi Star! Haven't seen you in a while!
Also, characters coming up when I get out of class!
And Dread, you still have that whole duo thing in the first ic post that caused the previous one to die.
I guess I'll drop character number 1 in the Characters tab.
Edit: HAT format was abusive though.
(not as abusive as spellbooks when judgement was at 3 or DRulers but still)
I see every bit of what you're doing with that character. And I like it.
My two will be up soon enough. Should I just post them in the characters tab, or...?
For now, I guess drop them in there. I can discuss it with Dread if he doesn't accept any character, but this makes it a LOT easier for everyone involved.
You guys think Ultimaya Tzolk'in should be allowed?
My only concern with that card is that it's a special card within the anime, just like an Egyptian God Card or Earthbound Immortal would be. For a character to just have it in his deck at the start without being some sort of prophesied hero or something wouldn't make much sense. Now, if the plot does happen to have Underworld gods and a bunch of other apocalyptic stuff going on, then maybe, but there would still need to be some damn good explanation for how the character got the card instead of just, "HEY LOOK AT THIS COOL CARD I FOUND ON THE GROUND THAT JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE THE ANSWER TO ALL OUR PROBLEMS!"
Edit: Oh, and on that note, maybe those kinds of legendary cards I mentioned shouldn't be allowed to be in a character's deck.