"We are all just maggots on the carcass of a dying earth, a parasite feeding off the scraps and ruins of a vanishing human race."
On the first day of the New Year, 2014, a great struggle for power began. A revolution in Brazil, a great war between two determined factions. Word spread like a wildfire. Within days, media outlets around the world were constantly reporting their versions of the war to the masses. And the people of the world gobbled it up. It was intriguing and easy to discuss, but also far enough away for people to turn an eye to atrocities. For the first few months, it seemed that the two factions were locked in a stalemate. The revolutionaries would seize a city from the nationals, who would in turn take it back. The battles lasted for days, many died. As families were torn apart by the horrors of war, the world turned a blind eye. This would change however, in the spring.
An American news cast came in during the early morning hours. It was a rainy, insignificant Monday, but it would be remembered. CNN had managed to finagle their way into Brazil, and with them brought a reporter and his five man crew. Their journey through Brazil would take them from the inner city, a relative safe-zone, to the revolutionary controlled jungles, and back through the war-torn cities. The task given to them was to report the truth about the war. This was a task that was cut short. Via a live feed, international viewers were able to watch a few brief moments of a firefight that took the life of three crew members and the reporter. Afterwards, CNN lost all contact with the remaining crew. A very large controversy spilled across the United States. Universal outrage led to the President officially addressing the chance of military intervention in Brazil. "As a country we need to stand strong. We need to pray for those cameramen who are still in Brazil, and for the people of that country. However, at this time there is no need for direct military action". Three days later a video depicting the beheading of the crew members was released. It went viral.
Left with no other choice but to act, the President (backed by all facets of the Government) signed off on the deployment of armed forces in Brazil. In an effort to try and keep the number of American casualties low, the President was holding back the mass of the armed forces, instead he deployed only a thousand men and women. United States forces only occupied Brazil for a few days, they only needed enough time to deliver a killing blow to the revolutionary leadership. They severed the head from the snake, and within a few weeks of their departure, the body died. The war and murder of the CNN news team was one of the most important events of the time, but it would soon be overshadowed by an ever looming threat. Among the souvenirs, scars, and trauma brought back by the soldiers, was a disease. The virus did not reveal itself immediately, but rather began to creep over the population in the summer of 2014.
The final chapter of mankind and it's civilization was discretely coming to a close. Reports started piling into hospitals, which flooded days later. Men, women, children, elderly, all manner of people were catching some new strain of the flu. At first it seemed harmless, but then it claimed it's first victims. Many of those first infected died, their rotting corpses still resting in hospital morgues. The second wave of victims were the ones that exhibited the mysterious final stage of the virus. It took place in one day. Law Enforcement, Military, and the CDC were unequipped and unable to thwart the final stages of the virus. On that fateful day, the second wave of victims passed into comas. It was midday in the United States when it began, night, evening, and morning in other places. The parts of the world that were experiencing night, had gone completely dark. Scarce reports of mass rioting and murder came in, but were dismissed as rumor. Then night fell and the comatose awoke.
Though many of the victims retained their features, all of them exhibited a few similar traits. Skin tone paled, gums bleed, nails fell from the fingers and toes, hair thinned and fell from the body. Three things startled doctors. The first was the heart rate, or the fact that there was none. The second was the lack of complex brain activity. At first they were confused when they rose from their comas, but that soon turned to rage and violence. The third trait that startled doctors were the vitals on the victims, they all appeared dead. An hour before waking up, the vital signs on all comatose victims showed that they were dead. But they still rose. By morning, the sun rose on a horrible new world.
That was two years ago. Since then, things have changed majorly. A shift in world population occurred. The human race has dwindled to about 10% (estimated) of it's original strength. The infected, their numbers exceed ten times that. Now the human race is locked in a battle for survival, but the tides of war are always changing. Reports say that bands of survivors are joining together. The UN, though weaker, has begun to try and make a push to reclaim parts of the world. The United States Military, now back on it's feet, has begun setting up refugee camps, but these camps are still vulnerable.
That is where our survivors find themselves, a refugee camp on the outskirts of Orlando, Florida.
Days Gone By is a zombie survival Roleplay that takes place in Florida (and eventually other parts of the United States). The characters, though from different walks of life and though they have survived for two years, have all ended up in the same United States Army Refugee Camp near Orlando, Florida. The zombies are slow shufflers but they are very dangerous when in larger groups. In the beginning of this, all characters will be living in the Refugee Camp for at least 2 months. This will not take place only in the camp because that would be dreadfully boring, we will take our characters to other places. The Refugee Camp is filled with RVs, Tents, Shacks, Shanty houses, and all kinds of other buildings. I'll include some visual links so people have something to reference.
A Map of the Refugee Camp
First reference.
Second visual reference.
Description: (Can be a picture or written)
Pre-Infection Career: