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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadow spent a few days getting supplies and then sent out his location to everyone and said " you must get to me now. i will need Ame's help with this spell or else we will not be able to stop the hex." he then started to set it up so that they could start as soon as they got there. they had no time left to waste on trying to figure things out either this worked or it was all over. he knew they had found Celaena and would bring her with them. " i have everything set up just get here now." he sent out when he finished
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 26 days ago

Ame nodded. "I'm tracing your magic, so that I can find you and teleport us there."
She waved her hand and all five of them, and the horse, appeared next to Shadow. "Whoops, I didn't mean to bring the horse." She shrugged. "We've got to hurry. They have like two hours left, and I REALLY don't want to know what happens when Aery becomes Celaena and Celaena becomes Aery. I think I've found a spell that can help us." She produced the scrap of parchment that she'd scribbled it on after fishing it out of the mind of a witch who had been dead two thousand years.
Silly got off the horse too, helped Aery and Celaena out of the saddle-bags (which had become Aery's favorite riding position, since she was still too weak to hold herself up in a saddle. Celaena had been riding in the other one, still very weak, even though Ame had gotten the paralysis spell off.) Silly dusted herself off, looking inquisitively at Shadow. "What now, sir? Didya figure out a way t' get th' curse off? Ame did no have th' power t' even try t' take it off herself."
Aery leaned heavily against the horse, barely-masked distrust in her eyes as she gazed at Shadow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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Celaena coughed up blood as her eye began to bleed as did her ear "W..il...l i...i m..ak..e it" She begged as silly got her off the horse and Celaena just lay there waiting for the hex to do it's work, she coughed up more blood well much more than the first cough then she tried to climb on to her belly. She thought she was going to die today or switch bodies with Aery that was the two choices available to her and Aery.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Leon realized what the man was going to do as soon as he opened his loud mouth, one look at the already exctied mare showed him it would work. Except Leon had no small amount of expeirence with horses and he locked eyes with this one and stared it down concetrating intensely through his eyes refusing to let the horse break eye contact. The horse ignored Charles's loud Hiyah due to the power of his gaze. Leon grinned and ended his jump lightly coming to a rest on the horse's shoulder. Narrowing his eyes he looked at the idiot trying to flee, in plate. Leon quickly ran after him intending to bring him down for good this time, with no horse there was no way he was going to get outran by a guy in plate. Espically not in a city he knew like the back of his hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 3 mos ago

" get them both into the circle. and make Celaena drink this." Shadow said handing Silly one of his healing potions " this will kick in quickly and give her the strength to heal the wounds that she has. it will also give her the strength to live through the counter spell that we have to cast." he turned to Ame and then said " the spell you found isn't the one that i found but its close i will share with you the memory of the spell that we have to use to stop this don't fight me when i do this" Shadow said as he put his hands on her shoulder and head and then took the memory of the spell and copied it and sent the copy into Ame's mind so that she would know just what to do. " we have little time so get all the strength you can and then join me over in the circle" shadow said walking to the position he would need to be in for the spell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 26 days ago

Ame nodded soberly. Silly grabbed the vial of potion, went over by Celaena. "Come on, Celaena. You've got to drink this." She propped the woman up and poured the liquid down her throat. "Swallow, Celaena." Thankfully, she did, and Silly could prop her up with an arm around her shoulders and get her into the circle. She pulled Aery into the circle as well, only to stop in shock. When had she gotten so tall? She was about the same height as Aery, despite the four-odd years of difference between them.
Shaking her head, she let go of Aery's hand and stepped out of the circle, backing up a safe distance. As soon as she backed away from that magic, the voices of the dead ones surrounded her.
"Silenia..." A voice whispered.
She teared up instantly, whirling around, searching for where he was hiding. "Tazzy? Tazz! TAZZ, where are you? Tazean!"
"I'm dead. Don't you understand that? I'm dead and I'm in the dark and I'm hurting and I can't go on until you've let me go!" Tazz sobbed. "It hurts here, Silly. It hurts so bad. Let me go. Please. Put your heart to rest and let me go on to the Peaceful Realms. Please, Silly. Silenia. My dear Silenia. I'll be waiting for you, on the Other Side. I'll never forget you. And when you get there we'll grow up and have our own children, Liza and Gray and Eddy and Mud and Puddle and Giggle--"
"Stop! Tazzy, Tazz, stop, please. Please. I... I can't let go. I can't let go of you. You're like my husband." She sobbed.
"Please, Silly. Let go. Find peace. I'll be waiting for you on the other side, however long it takes." And then, with a breath of wind seeming to caress her face, he was gone.

Silly knelt on the ground, fighting to not cry, and losing the battle entirely. removing from her finger a loop of white thread, woven white thread with multicolored bits of brilliant glass tied into it, she wept, and finally let Tazean go. And with a whisper of "Thank you," a whisper of wind through the grass, he went.
Silly put the ring onto the leather thong on which she wore her silver dagger.
Ame, trying to ignore Silly's utter mental breakdown, gathered the power of the dead witches, imbedding the spell Shadow had given her into her mind. It was probably a slightly newer, more refined version of the one Ame herself had found. Which was good. The more precise the spells, the less of a chance of nasty, deadly side effects.
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The doctor ran, plate arour wasnt that heavy all in all. He was glad the horse had given some ammount of cover as he could get out into Main Street where he would meet a contact.

Candlestick stood at the building over looking waiting for the second man to come out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadow stood next to Ame and then put his hand on her shoulder and said " okay i'm going to combine my magic with all of yours. this is going to take everything that we have." he focused and then felt their magic grow together and he felt the power flow through him. he then said " okay i'm going to start this spell. repeat my words and we should have this fixed soon enough." he let his mind fade away into the magic. he then started the chant. " Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Uenes Phasmatos Et Somnos. Ex Totum Ex Um Maleo Matos" his voice was deeper that normal as he let the magic have full control. he felt his mind go blank and then he fell back as his body lost all of its energy. he was still new to magic use and this whole use of it had drained him fully and he was out cold before he even stated to fall. he had no clue if the spell worked or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 26 days ago

(O.o what language is that? It looks almost like Latin. But... "The Spirit of the Tribe, you swim from truth, you come from spirits and sleep. From all and from any bad..." Then I can't figure out what language "Matos" is from. Not Latin. And anyway the translation makes no sense.)
(Oh, got it. From the wiki: For reasons unknown, the majority of spells used by practitioners of Spirit Magic and/or Traditional Magic are spoken in an ancient language very similar to Latin.)
"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Uenes Phasmatos Et Somnos. Ex Totum Ex Um Maleo Matos" Ame said. Her voice, already high and immature, took on a very bright, almost bell-like sound. "Ut somnia nocturna, ut vigilans diurnus, veritati venes." Adding her own spell onto the counter-spell. Her magic flowed out of her too, but she (just barely) managed to retain her footing. "Oh please work please work please work...." she mumbled. And then the world went black and she collapsed next to Shadow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

@User Leon rushed after the man his comparatively light armor allowing him to nearly catch the man as he rounded the corner. Angrily he rounded the corner onto Main Street hurling a weighted bola at Charles's legs. If the man managed to somehow dodge it with some freakish eyes in the back of his head things dodging the attack would still slow him down enough to allow Leon to catch him and use his knives to bleed the butcher dry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

" All I wanted is for people to care and be there for me" As she began crying Celaena grunted in pain as the counter was chanted but her body began shaking wildly for quite a time then stopped and lay still.. empty if you like, but then opened her eyes to reveal different eyes.. not her own eyes.. but Ansel's, not that they'd notice.
Meanwhile Celaena awoke in a different location, she climbed to her feet and looked around the building she was in ' A witch asylum ' she thought in her head and then ran to the door then tried to open it but got shocked by the handle "Let me out now.. I'm Celaena Sardothien, i will hunt you down and end your miserable lifes." She turned her back to the door and slid down it while sobbing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 26 days ago

Aery opened her eyes to find blackness surrounding her, blackness and pain. Again with the pain... hadn't she suffered enough in the last three weeks?
"Where am I?" she asked.
In the realm of the dead. A voice purred in her ear. You can't talk here, except by your mind. You of all people should know that, Tazean. I'd have thought your lover would have let you go by now, young love being so fickle. But you're still here for us to enjoy, until she finally decides to end your torture.
"Tazean? My... My name is Aerienna Silverheart. I'm not dead. My soul was switched."
Aery's body opened it's eyes. "Wha...? I were dead!" She spoke in a young boy's voice, peering around her with green-brown, not silver-blue, eyes. She saw Silly laying on the ground. "Silly? Silenia? Silenia, get up, it's me." And Silly bolted to her feet, her eyes wide with hope. "Tazzy! Tazean, where are you? I hear you! I hear you, Tazzy!"
Tazz wiggled his fingers. They were too long to be his. He looked down, seeing the rounded bulges on his chest. "Whaaa...Okay then. I'm a girl... now?"
Silly sprinted over, tackling him into the mud. "Aery. Oh, Aery, I was so scared. Wait... Aery, what's wrong with your eyes?!"
"My name be Tazean, not Aery. Aery be dead."
Silly fell back, staring at him in horror. "Your eyes... Tazzy's eyes, Aery, but your name is Aery. Tazzy... Tazzy's dead." She sobbed, curling over into a balll.
Tazz looked at her, eyes going huge. "I'm no dead, no more'n ye are, Silly! Aery be the one who's gone dead. I swear, I dunno wha's happenin', but I be Tazz. I always been Tazz."
Turning to Ame, her eyes huge, Silly shouted, "Amethystia Naeren Silverheart, what the hell did you do to Aery and Tazz?!!?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Ansel/Celaena looked at Ame and got up from the ground "I can't be alive you killed me Ame, I sense a Fae presence .. Rowan's presence. OH MY GOD BY THE WYRD I'M A FAE!!!" At that moment she fell to her knees "That means I can't perform Spirit, ancestral, kemiya or the other magics" She began to cry. "But where is my right body?" She asked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 26 days ago

Taking the habit she'd learned from Aery, Ame flopped down on the ground pinching the bridge of her nose and covering her eyes. "Okay, what the hell happened. Wyrd save me, I switched Celaena and Ansel, and Aery and... Tazz? Gods above." Her eyes teared up. "I'm such an idiot. Such a complete and utter idiot. If I kill myself now, the souls aren't settled, because they're still draining me... Without what's left of my power, they'd theoretically revert to their original bodies. Right, or wrong, Ansel? Celaena. Whatever you want to go by."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

" I have no idea, my mentor knows much more and I'm just an ant compared to him" She sobbed out completely knowing it were very much true, She was an ant and she was useless in this moment " I'm so sorry for hexing Celaena, or what body she is currently inhabiting right this minute and i'm sorry for everything please forgive me." She did the witches gesture again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shadow was still out cold but his mind was racing. he could feel what was going on out there and he was trapped in his own mind with no way of helping them. he could also feel the parasite moving in his head. his body started to jerk as he was driven to immense pain. he quickly traced the pain and knew just what was going on. he started thinking of what he would do to counter it when it had happened fully.

Shadow's body jerked a few more times and then a copy of it stood up and stretched. it smiled and then said " well it looks like i can finally do what i have been wanting to do for a long time." it raised its right hand and then said " you tried to get rid of me once but you failed and now i have split from my prison and will take the power that you all hold inside. I feed on magic and you are all going to give me the magic that you have. i dont need you alive to do this either so you can either give in or die." he turned back to the other body of shadow and said " well you have lost and i win this one Shadow. your spell there let me out and now that i'm free i will claim what i was destined to have. this world will be mine and there is no one left who can even try to stop me. you were the last and now you are dead." the parasite Shadow turned and looked at them all. he walked over and reached down to grab Ame but right as he did he yelled in pain and fell to the ground. he looked over his shoulder and yelled " How the hell are you not dead?"

Shadow stood over him and said " i'm stronger than you think and i have been through a lot worse than that." he turned to the group and smiled. " thank you all for everything but now my time with you has come to its end. i dont have anyway of stopping this parasite normally so i have only one option left. i wish you all luck in your lives. he drew another dagger and rammed it through his hand and then yelled in pain as he took it out. he ripped his necklace off and placed it onto the wound in his hand so that it would get soaked in blood. the wound healed quickly but enough blood got on the amulet on the necklace for his blood magic rune to kick in. he reached down and then grabbed the parasite by the throat and said " your time here is done we are alone in this world and of one body you know what i'm doing and this is over." he looked at the group on last time. " if you ever want to see me again just take my amulet with you and it will teach you how to bring me back with out the damn parasite that has lived within me my whole life. now that we have split it is possible to bring me back at my full power with out the parasite." he opened his hand and the amulet fell to the ground flashing gold as it hit. he had transferred his knowledge of blood magic into the amulet and when it touched the ground a flash enveloped both of Shadow's bodies and when it cleared there was nothing left.

if anyone touched the amulet they would be granted the knowledge of Shadow's blood magic and the fact that they only need the amulet and his blood which the amulet still held inside of the blood rune. they would have to place it in a circle of chard wood and animal bones on the third day after he died. or every third day after that would work as well for up to a year.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Celaena realized she was not alone as she could hear groups of people talking 'Must be other witches' she thought and followed the sound of their voices only to realize they weren't paying any attention whatsoever and she was disgusted at that, but she had to try and find a way out of this crazy place, and then It sunk in... she wasn't in Ansel's body but another witches body, she looked down at her body and seen she had been transferred into a African american's body but not a male's body but a females body, she winced at this new appearance "IM BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!" She shouted out and sobbed again. Then she realized she could perform Traditional magic like Ansel, but what good would that do in a spell enchanted locked Building when the buildind can only be forced open with an extremely powerful witch, and her body wasn't strong enough to open this building let alone temporarily power her self up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 3 mos ago

(shadow's past that day of his parents death. shadow from the future chose this time to trap himself and the parasite in.)
shadow woke up and looked around his room. he smiled and got out of his bed. "Shadow come down stairs we are going to start working on your training again" came the voice of his mother. she was currently training him to be better at making potions. he ran down the stairs and smiled as he walked into the kitchen and sits at the table to wait for them to bring out the supplies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 26 days ago

Ame gasped and reached out to seize the amulet as it hit the ground. "He saved our lives and died for it... And I have no idea why. Why must people be so hard to understand?" She put the amulet around her own neck to keep it safe. She really had too many necklaces on, having the colored glass necklace that Silly had given her, the silver dagger necklace Aery had given her, the crystal heart necklace Celaena had given her, and now this rune necklace from Shadow.
Turning to Celaena/Ansel, she sighed. "Okay. Rowan. Tie Cel--Ansel up, kindly, and put her on horseback. And cover her mouth too, lest she hex us."
Then, looking at the spectacle of Aery and Silly, she groaned. "Silenia, get yourself together, girl, or else you're getting tied up with Ansel."
Silly sniffled, but nodded. Ame turned to Aery. "Aery?"
"My name is Tazean. Why does everyone keep calling me that? Ame, why am I a girl all of a sudden?" "Tazz" asked.
"Okay, this is giving me a headache. Rowan, more rope? Add Aery to the bundle because I just can't deal right now." With all of the authority of her four years and two months, Ame then turned to Silly. "Either you get yourself together, girly, or you get bound up too. We can't freak out yet; we've got to try to resolve this."
Silly nodded. "I won't freak out." But she was shaking like she was trying to hold herself together.
To Rowan, Ame said, "I'm going to trace Celaena and figure out where the hell she is. I don't know how I'm going to bring T...Aery back in order to flip their souls. Okay, this is seriously giving me a headache. Tazz and Aery flipped, Ansel somehow got into Celaena; I have NO IDEA who Celaena is or where she is, and I have absolutely no idea what happened to Ansel's body. Oi. But I can't actually do anything right now..." She was swaying on her feet from utter exhaustion. "I've got to rest. I'm entirely dry of magic at this point. Between the blood spell after Celaena killed herself and just now trying to fix her and Aery... I might be able to teleport again and figure out where Celaena is, but I couldn't do anything serious." And then her eyes rolled up in her head and she fainted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Rowan acted fast and ran to Ame and stretched out his arms to catch her "Always and forever isn't something you can just weasel out of Ame .. Wake up" He tapped her cheeks hard enough to cause a little sting but soft enough so no bruising appeared. "Aery.. I mean tazz whoever the hell you are.. dig into the girls memory and give me memorys of Celaena" He commanded and laid Ame down on his cloak that was layed on the ground and wrapped her up and put her in Celaena's horses saddlebag
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