
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 114 lbs
Hair: Long, often tied into a ponytail
Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Name: Katarina A’Darran
Age: 17
History (Optional): Born to ex-criminal parents that had been exiled to Exilia, Katarina grew up in the desert. She was raised to survive, and then to leave the desert. Her father taught her the skill of quick drawing and how to fight with a katana. Mother taught her how to search for and get food and water; something that everyone needed to know in a desert. When Katarina became as good at the blade as her father was, he used a special forge he had created to smith a glass katana and wakizashi made out of a special mixture of sand and metal that made the glass as strong and sturdy as any steel. He then told her it was time for her to leave the desert and explore the world, because while he and her mother were unable to leave the desert due to their exile, they wanted Katarina to find her own place in the world.
Personality: Katarina is a curious young woman with a love for learning new things. She has an aggressive personality when it comes to doing what she wants to do. Even with her stubbornness, she is as cautious as she is curious around new things as to keep herself from getting hurt. She is resourceful using what little she may have on hand to deal with any problems she may end up running into. She finds fun in the small things since there weren’t that many large things in the desert. She has no understanding of law as there was none in the desert. When she feels that she’s not a risk for injury she is bright and outgoing.
Weapons: She has a glass katana and wakizashi forged by her father, a talented weaponsmith and glassmith. Their blades are sharp as any other and will not dull under normal circumstances. They are not susceptible to rust as they are not a metal blade. Even though they are glass blades, they will not shatter under normal circumstances either as they were made with a mixture of metal dust and sand that is resilient enough to be as sturdy and strong as any normal sword.
She calls the blade Dawn as the hues of color within the blade look like the sky at dawn. The wakizashi is called Dusk for a similar reason. She keeps the both of them on the left side of her belt in simple leather sheaths.
Abilities (Magic):
Body Magic – Katarina’s magic is focused completely on her own body, she can concentrate her power on her legs in order to help her run quicker or jump higher. She could focus it on her arms to give her attacks more power or speed. She can use it to accelerate her healing process in order to allow an injury that would take weeks to heal only days. She can slow down her metabolism allowing her to go longer without food or water. Her greatest weakness is that she can only chose one particular improvement to make, meaning she can’t heal herself and improve her strength at the same time. Rapidly switching between multiple improvements in a short time wears her out, and she can only manage to do so two or three times in strenuous situations.
She can only multiply her speed, strength, recovery, or whatever else by 4x, and that’s only if she focuses on one arm, leg, or other single body part. That also doesn’t go without risk as such an increase can strain the body depending on what type of increase she is focusing on. She can improve her entire body, but that is limited to doubling her ability. Shifting from a focused point to her entire body or vice versa multiple times in a short period of time can also exhaust her.