Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

First Story Arc - Crosshaven
In a world that is gradually removing itself from superstition and things unnatural, the Seer is an oddity of sorts. Perhaps the Seer could be described as an old remnant of mythical times past, an oddity, an unknown that both fascinates and frightens others. Still, the legendary still exists in places and not all locations follow the path of progress so perhaps there is still room for the Seer in our lives. Still...no one really expects the Seer to look like that. Standing only 5'5'' with black, long hair tied up in a tail on one side, and pale, translucent skin; the Seer is an oddity to behold. What compounds upon people's confusion is the fact that there is no way to tell if The Seer is male or female, a pretty boy or a beautiful girl. Usually when people first meet the Seer they try to decide what personal pronoun to attribute the Seer, as was the case with the farmer who had picked the Seer up on his way to Crosshaven. "So erm, young man?" The farmer asked as he was unsure if this porcelain figure sitting on the wagon seat beside him was in fact male. "What brings a fellow like you to these parts?" The Seer gazed back at the farmer for a moment with licorice eyes that seemed to be able to trap anyway staring back into them. The farmer was perfectly reflected in those glass-like eyes, so he felt the need to look away and back on the road. Of course the farmer was ignorant to who the figure beside him was, but figured it must have been someone with a decent upbringing, more so by how the Seer responded. "We felt a shift in this area and have need to investigate. Also I know fate has guided me here for some reason, that reason should become known to me in time." The Seer started looking around as they drove up toward the outskirts of town. The farmer really did not know what to make of his strange passenger. "Well...if you need a place to stay should be a nice inn just up the road a ways. Any case I need to turn here so you better hop off now." The Seer nodded once and then alighted off the seat like a feather in the wind, the black traveling cloak billowed around a bit before the Seer touched the ground. "We thank you for your generosity, I do believe your daughter should be born shortly. Many blessing on you and your family." The Seer smiled lightly as the stranger to the town made way toward actual population centers. The farmer dumbfoundedly watched as the figure walked on with no further comments. "How the hay did he know about that?" The farmer shook it off and turned his wagon toward a dirt road that headed toward his fields. "Still, must say I appreciate the blessin's" The sun was high in the sky, there was quite a bit of day to burn before nightfall. The Seer knew that there was a need to be there in this small town, now just to figure out what it was before needing to journey again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 5 days ago

Caboose was making his way towards the inn to help unload the supply carriage that was going to be arriving today, as he walked down the dirt road towards the inn he could only smile as two children ran past him playing tag. When the kids left his view he noticed an unfamiliar face entering the village, it was always nice to see new people visiting, Caboose liked to listen to stories they had to tell about their travels. But Caboose had a job to do, he'd almost forgotten about it from the slight distractions, his focus had returned to him when he seen the supply carriage approaching, not wanting to be late to help Caboose broke into a run towards the inn. When Caboose got to the inn he was greeted with smiles from the staff who were waiting for the carriage. "Yes! I made it!" Caboose exclaimed with a fist pump in a cheerful tone as he looked to the supply carriage approaching, when it stopped Caboose would proceed to help with unloading the heavier crates full of supplies and bring them into the back of the inn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Classified
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Classified Classified Information

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

'Rhys Errol - Day 737' "....I think", Rhys mumbled to himself staring at the words written in front of him, "Oh why didn't I start on the day I left," He yelled angrily at himself. "Nevermind. Day 737. It's a nice day and I'm still walking to a new village. I met a horse this morning, he tried to eat my paper...." he trailed trying to think what else to write. "I need new shoes?" He said aloud debating whether to write it in or not. "I...I...", he stopped and looked up, his eyes widened but quickly darted down to the paper to write: "I have finally made it to the new town, it's within my sights and it only took my 2 days to get here, by foot." He finished proud of himself. Rhys stopped and placed his entry into his bag before continuing on. Before Rhys knew it he had finally made it to the new village. "Crosshaven," Rhys said and fumbled with his bag to get his entry out to write the name down. Shoving it back into his back as quickly but gently as possible he walked further into the village looking for the nearest watering hole. Rhys was parched, he'd been travelling for 2 days and his water supply had ended early this morning. Rhys wandered the small village knowing soon he should find some place to stop but feeling tired he sat down unable to walk another step.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 24 days ago

The tall amber grass swayed as Niana stalked her way through the field. She reached a clearing and slowly pushed a stalk out of the way and peered out onto the road. There was a cart. There was a farmer on that cart, as well as a man (or a woman, Niana couldn't tell). Not that it mattered. The only thing that mattered was that this person was the Seer. The Seer that people had been discussing for weeks in the town square when Niana had been watching. The Seer that would help her find those men that had killed her family. She growled at the mere thought of them, her teeth bared. She watched as the Seer got off the cart and headed in closer to the town of Crosshaven. The feral girl retreated and sat back down amongst the grass. She closed her eyes and listened. There was the rustling of the grass with the wind. There was the call of distant birds. There was also the steady beat of Niana's own heart. But.... there was something else. Something farther off, like the tapping of shoes on the dirt road. The Seer? She peeked out of the grass again. No it wasn't the Seer. She turned and faced the other way. Sure enough she could make out a man's silhouette. She darted back into the grass and creeped in his direction, away from the town to get a better look at him. By the time she made it close enough to him, he had sat down. Niana also noticed he was clutching a bag. He seemed to be at ease on the road, so she figured he wasn't from around here. She clutched her bone knife and wondered what to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Argo had spent a considerable portion of his morning in the normal fashion, out amongst the hills and forests of the perimeter of Crosshaven in the pursuit of plants, herbs, roots, and all other manner of psychical remedies. His self-training in the shamanistic arts were progressive considerably. In the path few months he had begun experimenting with the effects of different plants on different sicknesses, be they animal or human, and had taken to keeping a log of his findings. Today the routine had continued to some moderate success. Some days the herbs were low to the ground, hidden amongst the grass and difficult to find. Today a few choice samples poked up from beneath the forest floor and made themselves known to them; they were collected promptly. Bag filled with the necessary items it was not even mid-morning by the time the shaman returned, retiring to his quarters near the outskirts of town. Argo spent the rest of the morning in religious prayer and observance. He had learned the proper rites and rituals from passing travelers who were more than happy to pass on the information in return for mending a broken arm or healing a sick animal. Small bits of tobacco burned in an incense jar on the far side of the room; it was the only suitable leaf he could find around these parts of the world. Retiring after his hour or so of worship the shaman decided to go into town to check up on the population. As their principal healer and religious icon Argo had become an important if not truly prominent member of the community. It was during his journey into town that he caught word of the Seer's arrival. For weeks now there had been rumors and speculation and all manner of tall tales which related the supposed powers, abilities, personality, and appearance of the legendary mystic. It was said that those who conversed with the Seer found either great or terrible fortune and so, it was with these portents in mind that Argo moved towards the center of Crosshaven with an intention of seeking the mighty mystic out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarInaBox
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StarInaBox Probably Scarfed

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"And so then... And so then - Hoo!... So then I said to him, 'what do you mean, we're all out of gin? I put the order in last week!'" The Niirborhood Tavern was alive with loud, hearty guffaws as Lucas Niir hit the four listeners with his punchline from behind the bar. Lucas, laughing with them, wiped away a tear, and continued washing a dirty glass. "Let me tell you something, Lucas, those jokes won't ever get old!" One of the listeners complimented. Lucas just shrugged. "It's my job to keep you folks happy and full. It looks like I've done a good job of both." Besides the four men, there were about two others sitting at two different tables. One cracked a grin at Lucas's joke, but the other stayed stoic, watching the door intently. "Hey, can I get you fine folks in the back anything?" Both looked back and denied the offer. "You got anymore good jokes, Lucas? You know I come here just for 'em!" Lucas stepped back and placed the glass he was washing on the shelf behind him upside-down, next to a row of other sparkly clean glasses. "Sorry boys, maybe tomorrow," he responded. This was met with a chorus of moans and groans from his audience, and he waved them off like flies. "Oh come on now. I've got work to do. And hey, you guys best be getting some work in, too. These drinks ain't free, not by a long shot."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the Seer had walked along the route he had sensed a presence nearby; however it did not seem to be hostile so the Seer ignored the presence and continued toward the 'heart' of the town. The Seer could feel several pricklings down its spine, not hurtful ones, more like gentle proddings. The Seer knew what these signs meant, the fates were once again bringing some rather integral characters to the stage for another grand play. Unlike what the stories said, the Seer could not in fact control the events and information that flowed into his mind from outside his knowledge. The Seer did have visions to be sure but trying to make any sense out of them was sort of like interpreting a dream, even if the image was clear the meaning could easily escape. Thankfully the Seer had quite a bit of experience with this strange gift and therefore was quite good at figuring things out. It appeared there would be a few intersecting stories in this village that the Seer would be a part of. The large young man unloading the supply wagon, the traveler behind him, the presence that the Seer sensed, already a few of the pieces were starting to become apparent. Course a few pieces to the puzzles were just that, pieces, the Seer would put the picture together eventually, now it was high time to get a drink and some food. The Seer looked for the nearest place to get some refreshment, it appeared 'The Niirborhood Tavern' was the place to go. The Seer idly wondered if the owner had purposefully decided to mis-spell neighborhood to make it specially or if he really thought that was the correct spelling but that was but a small mystery that did not deserve to be found out. The Seer entered the establishment without hesitation. There was a rowdy bunch in there already it appeared but the Seer was not bothered by some noise. From some of the conversation in the tavern it appeared the Seer's reputation had preceded the mystic. Still as was usual with such rumor one of the most important facts about the Seer was just plain ludicrous, the Seer's appearance. The usual rumors were that the Seer was a wise old man who showed wisdom on his wrinkly face, was in fact a gorgeous and well-endowed woman, or was in fact a powerful warrior that used his mighty magics to lay waste to creatures of darkness. The Seer never made any effort to correct the rumors as it allowed the magician to travel through most towns without too much trouble. Being always on the move the Seer tried not to stay too long in any one spot unless there was a reason to be and it looked like Crosshaven might just be such a place. The Seer strode across the floor, almost making no sound when walking. The Seer made it to the bar and took a counter-seat with the men nearby. "Barkeep a pleasure to make your acquaintance. We wish to purchase a meal and a glass of honey-wine if available." Honey-wine a step up from most of the low end drinks but did not quite reach the levels of sophistication of the higher class, still it was not a drink a regular working man could afford very often. "As for the meal, we shall take whatever special you recommend to travelers in order to taste Crosshaven's flavor." Even just sitting there and speaking the Seer gave off a distinct aura or...differentness. It was not exactly odd just different, course the Seer's looks helped tip it over to more of an oddity along with that particular way of talking. The Seer was capable of making people curious, weary, confused, and pleasant all at the same time. It really was quite a feat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Arman groaned, slumping down on the seat at the front of the wagon. Rubbing her eyes, trying to clear away the bleary, fuzzy, vision. Silently she mouthed something, probably a rude word, but no sound came out. It really wasn’t fair that she had to lose her voice NOW, when they were finally at a village after traveling on the roads for so long. Sighing she flipped open her latest book of legends, that she had bargained for a few villages back. The price had been steep, and she was wary, it was probably just another book full of common fairytales. But her life was these stories and so, even knowing she was probably being conned, she had traded out three rabbits, a pigeon, and a handful of coins. The rabbits she had caught herself, and Ryan had ‘lent’ her the pigeon so he would be expecting something back. He was her ‘father figure’, the man who had picked her up all those years ago, and she had taken his name, as was costmary in some regions, Ryanson, or Ryan’s son, even though she was neither his son nor a boy. Ryan himself was driving the wagon, whistling cheerfully, to a tune in his head. Frowning Arman droned the sound out, burying her worries about her voice, and started reading from her book.
Have You Heard? Have You Heard? The Seer is here! The Seer is here! The Seer brings Miracles! The Seer brings Death!
Arman sighed, this poem again. There wasn’t anything wrong with the poem, actually she loved it, more than most of her stories, but as with most things, too much of something leads you to never want to encounter it again. This had been the first proper thing she had read, back when she was learning to read, piecing together the hastily scrawled words on their scrumpled piece of paper. When she had finally managed to read it, to read it all, she would then spend some time every day re-reading it, proving to herself that she could, that it wasn’t a dream. Speaking of dreams; Arman jolted awake, wincing at the sore spot where Ryan had dug in his elbow. She mouthed a curse at him, but still found she couldn’t talk. Glancing ahead she found they were at the edge of the town. Ryan stopped the horse, and Arman could hear the creak as the two other wagons behind them pulled to a halt as well. “Meet you back here, this evening, yeah?” Ryan bellowed at the other four as he hopped down from the wagon, grinning back up at Arman. “Shall we go conduct business, and see if there’s someone who can help with your voice?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarInaBox
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StarInaBox Probably Scarfed

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lucas looked up from his audience and smiled at the young... Oh boy, I'm in for it now,Lucas thought to himself as he couldn't exactly guess what sex this newcomer was. She -or he- had long, black hair tied up in a neat ponytail, and at first sight the, this would make any sane person believe that this fellow could be a woman. But her face was so rigid and sure, unsmiling and straight that this patron could have been a man. And of course, men without ponytails weren't totally unheard of. Why, just the other day, Lucas had a man cone in who was under an occupation of a foreign name. He said he was a sam-ooh-something... Or maybe a rai-ooh-something? Oh, to Hell with it, Lucas thought. After a fee seconds of searching for a unisexual pronoun for his customer, and a short second of hesitation, Lucas Niir smiled and nodded. "I don't think I've had anyone ask for honey-wine in quite some time, stranger. I'll see if I have any in stock, though. And just in case you've never come in before, the name is Lucas Niir. At your service, stranger." He greeted the mysterious fellow and turned around to examine his shelves of liquor, looking around for the specified drink. He certainly stocked honey-wine, but only near festival seasons. The folks that walked in to the tavern around these parts usually favored a more "manly" drink."Let's see... Hmmm... Ah, here we are!" Lucas pulled out a bottle of unopened honey-wine, ready to serve. He started to open it immediately with one hand, searching behind him for a bottle with his other. "Well, you're in luck. This is one of my last bottles." As he poured, he thought about what exactly he could make for his customer. They had a limited menu at the Niirborhood Tavern; usually the chef Lucas has hired made whatever he could make, but because of his great skill in cooking, this was usually not complained about. "Hey, chef!" He called to a door to his right which led to a kitchen. "Think you can cook up a meal for me?" With that, he set the wine glass filled with the golden wine in front of the stranger. "Excuse me, but you're old enough to drink, right?" With a yes, he would let go of the glass for the customer's enjoyment. "So, what's your name, stranger?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Argo made his way quickly towards the town center, stopping to talk and converse with a few people along the way. The seer, the seer! She's in the tavern right now! No, no! It was most definitely a girl! Argo didn't wait for any further rumors, instead he sped on to his destination with all due speed. Upon approaching the front of the establishment the shaman waved hello to a couple of local customers. Although he lived on the outskirts of town his profession had made him quite well known and when he did not have the time to compose his own suppers he often came her, to the Niirborhood Tavern to get his fill. Today however he had a different sort of aim and so it was with this enthusiasm that Argo moved through the entryway. Almost immediately the shaman was capable of picking the sage out. The. . . person, for he could not definitely tell whether it was a man or woman, released a certain aura which seemed to hang about them like rain clouds to mountains. Argo, more in touch with the supernatural than most, could almost visualize this aura and for the first time since he'd heard of the seer he began to have his doubts. Still, if what was said about the seer was true than his caution was heedless. As he approached Argo caught sight also of the tavern's master, Lucas Niir. Argo was not quite friends with the man though they were assuredly acquaintances. Having been a patron of the tavern for some time Argo was sure Lucas was also privy to his usual favorites in regards to food or drink; that is to say that Argo ate food that was rather plain and preferred some alternative to drinking alcohol whenever it was available. Trying his best to contain himself, the shaman drew up a seat next to the seer, almost at a loss for where to begin. He was sure his hesitance was palpable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Classified
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Classified Classified Information

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"The seer, the seer! She's in the tavern right now", Rhys heard from the locals and saw a person run by him. Rhys watched the direction that Argo ran in. "Tarvern?" Rhys hoarsly said attempting to get to his feet. Using all his strength he managed to get up and began to stumble his way the tavern. His head was spinning from lack of food and drink but his willpower was strong and he was determined to get to the there. After what seemed like an eternity Rhys made it to 'The Niirborhood Tavern' feeling very relived. He stumbled through the doors and managed to make his way up to the counter. Breathing heavily he leant against the counter to steady himself, once he began to breath normally he opened his bag and rummaged around for his money. Looking at it with despair he looked up at the Barkeep who was serving another customer. Rhys looked like a lost child, all he could afford was water and possibly a bit of bread, if he was lucky. The last village he visited had little work for him to do, so the money he earned did not last him very long, he had hoped the next place he visited would have more opportunities; without money Rhys could not travel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 24 days ago

Shouting caught Niana off guard. Since the Seer had arrived in the town proper there was a commotion stirring. The man she had been observing had even got up out of his sleepy reverie and rushed off towards the tavern. Perhaps it was time the girl made an appearance? Niana wrestled with the thought, a knot growing in the pit of her stomach. Would anyone remember her? Would anyone care? She shook her head and growled at the grass. She had a mission. It was for her family. She had to do it. Clutching the bone knife around her neck for good luck, Niana crouched on all four and creeped towards the town again. She was close now. Well, closer than she had been. Closer but no less nervous. The feeling was curious to her; years of living in the wilds had made her slightly uninhibited when it came to matters of all sorts. Her clothes were an obvious one, and her emotions were an close second. Niana had all but forgotten what nervousness had felt like, along with a variety of other, more human emotions. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the grass and on to the dirt road. She stood perfectly still, the gentle wind blowing her platinum hair as she stared down the tavern. Finally she began to walk towards it and finally she reached the entrance. The Niirborhood Tavern. That's what the sign read. Or at least what Niana thought it said. It had been a while since she had done any reading, so she may have been a little rusty. Stroking the bone dagger around her neck one last time for comfort's sake, the feral girl finally entered the tavern as quiet as possible. She was immediately blasted with various pungent smells and loud noises. She winced and tried to slink off into a corner. She was used to the ambiance of the forest, and the cool natural smells of the lush life that lived there. This was almost overpowering. The closeness of the people, the roaring of laughter and chatter and the smell of a load of humans smashed into a small space made Niana want to cry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

While people knew the Seer was in fact in town, there was still general confusion about exactly who was the Seer as there were more than a few travelers on the road. Of course there were the clever ones, like the somewhat bashful shaman who had just taken a seat beside what he probably thought was someone akin to the man on the proverbial hill for shaman and wizards. It was rather annoying really but the Seer realized that this one had a part to play in the story at hand. The Seer sensed a few more presences that would play a part in the forming tapestry, the threads were there now it was time to string them together and then decide which branching path to take. "Our name is of little import I am afraid but I can assure you my age is beyond the least needed for a drink that mind." The Seer said, speaking to the barkeeper. "Now this young man here," the Seer nodded in Argo's direction, "is going to pay for my meal, aside from the honey-wine of course, I have foreseen". The Seer was of course lying through the teeth and had not seen if the boy was going to pay for his meal because of his powers, this was simply called fabricating your own future. Still in a way the Seer was allowing Argo to feel more comfortable in talking, since the boy was silent as a dead mouse. The Seer ignored the person who had just come in to lean on the counter for the moment, a more pressing matter was at hand. The aura the Seer had noticed before on the road was now in the establishment and had a wild side to it, different from the 'wild' side of a drunk patron. It was entirely too easy to follow the source to a rather wild looking young woman who was entirely unused to civilization it seemed, not that one would consider Crosshaven exactly a huge source of civilization. The Seer locked eyes on her and motioned with eyes only, that and a look filled with authority despite the Seer's rather deadpan expression. The Seer had powers of persuasion beyond normal men, though in reality it was but a simple trick of presence that few had mastered, message did not have to be spoken to be understood though the Seer decided to speak anyway. "Come here child we have business to discuss." A few patrons turned their eyes curiously from the Seer to Niana, unsure of who she was or what was happening. Mostly the Seer just did not want Niana to slink off after getting a whiff of some not so great civilization, it would be better to figure out where this piece fit in the upcoming tapestry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Arman trudged into the town alongside Ryan, heading for the local tavern. There was no better place to sell herbs and spices, and also the best place to ask around for the town healer. “The Niirborhood Tavern. Well they're not from my neighborhood.” Ryan joked pushing through the door, followed closely by an eye rolling Arman. Steping inside she gagged. It wasn’t like the smell was new to her, but after being on the road for so long, she had grown used to the clean air. But she would adjust, just as she always did. She followed Ryan up to the bar, where he snagged a spare seat, and she stood behind his shoulder, as usual, waiting till he gestured to a seat next to him, leaving a short gap between her and a pair of others a few stools over. When the barkeeper finally got to them Ryan nodded to the man, “Hello sir, can we get a drink? Two ales, please.” Arman growled silently and smacked him round the head, “Fine, fine, one ale and, …do you have any milk?” Ryan amended his request. “Also, when you aren’t busy, I’m selling herbs and spices, along with a few interesting odds and ends. Would you be interested?” Arman was listening to every conversation, at least every one she could hear, paying attention, hunting for a story, interesting things like that. When the, was that a boy or girl?, called across the tavern to a wild looking girl skulking near the entrance, she swiveled her head, watching everything she could. Paying as much attention as her tired self could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarInaBox
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StarInaBox Probably Scarfed

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lucas stared wide-eyed as customers poured in to his tavern. First, Argo graced the establishment with his presence, a peculiar young man who was studying medicine or something-or-other. Then, more and more came right after: about five other people in total, some from town, one who looked like a traveler, and one- Oh, Hell, what does this girl think she's wearing? For God's sake, she's in a public place! Running a hand through his dark hair, Lucas began trying to serve each one of his new customers. Firstly, the gender-bent one who asked for honey-wine. The individual claimed that Argo would be paying for the meal, which was a little strange since he just walked in... "Argo!" He yelled across the noisy tavern. "Hey, are you paying for this guy's meal?" Lucas mentally winced as he threw out a gender-specific title, but shook it off, figuring that maybe "guy" would register as unisexual as well. Lucas then looked towards the traveler, who he hadn't ever seen around town before. He looked a little lost, like a child in a crowded market. In fact, that might have been the truth, come to think of it, that might have been the case. Lucas ignored him for the moment, and two other people entered the bar: two more travelers of whom he hadn't ever seen. Before he got to them, it was time to address the skimpily dressed girl. He started to walk towards her, but stopped as the gender-less customer called out to her. He quickly stopped the individual before he got up. "Uhm, excuse me, you look like you two know each other," he gestured to the female. "Could you tell her to cover herself up a little more properly? This is a tavern, not a brothel." Already he began to see regulars gawking at the girl, and he rolled his eyes. Next, a couple more travelers he hadn't seen before wandered in to the tavern. They approached the bar and took their seats. They ordered two ales originally, but one smacked the other in the back of the head and changed his order to milk. "Alright, coming right up, you two." He began to fill up a cup of ale and a cup of milk, listening to one give him an interesting offer. Apparently, these two strangers were salesmen, offering herbs and spices to him. "Well, I'd be happy to buy from you two fine gentleman. I should have plenty of money to buy after today," Lucas agreed, gesturing to the crowd. He heard a bell ring to the right of him, and a small plate was sitting on the bar with and small sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup. Ah, that's for... he picked up the plate and set it down where Mr. Nameless was sitting before she got up. "One meal for the one who ordered it! You didn't give me your name!" He pointed at those sitting around the nameless one's seat. "If you guys touch his meal, you'll lose a finger."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 24 days ago

Niana could feel eyes on her. She could feel the gaze of many patrons drinking in her immodest visage. She had hoped to blend in, but clearly blending in with a forest and blending in with humans was an entirely different beast altogether. She pressed herself against the far wall, like a cornered cat that was hoping to slip through the wood and out into freedom. No such luck for Niana though. Someone pushed past her and she felt and drunken hand grope her chest. This was degrading. How did people live like this? She felt like she had thrown herself into a cage. Her hand felt her bone knife and she remembered her purpose. The Seer. As the thought made its way through Niana's mind she heard a voice call out to her from across the tavern. Wha-? The Seer's eyes locked onto Niana's own and she felt oddly calm. Not entirely at ease (she never felt she would be in this place) but her mind was at least calm for the moment. After a moment of deliberation Niana pushed herself off from the wall and slinked through the crowded tavern up until she was finally face to face with the Seer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

It was not even a full minute after the shaman entered that the tavern picked up its activity by a significant margin. The light grumbling and gentle laughter that had filled the place previously was now replaced with a much louder, more joyous variant. The day was dragging on and more people were coming in, though what really surprised the shaman was the way the occupancy of the tavern seemed to almost double in the span of a couple seconds. Surely this was the work of some otherworldly force, after all, was it not said that where the seer traveled many were drawn close along behind? It was Lucas, the barkeep's, voice the finally broke Argo from his revere, reminding him of other things at hand which required his attention. "Hey, are you paying for this guy's meal?" The shaman nodded in the affirmative, still a little slack in the jaw. He watched in silence as the seer went on to converse with a few others before finally lodging his request. "Great seer," The shaman took up a rather reverent tone, as if speaking to someone who was by far his superior, "I am an apprentice in the shamanistic arts, though you probably knew that. I have come seeking advice and training. I wish to know all that you can teach me." When the seer's reply was not immediately forth coming Argo allowed himself to at least take stock of the newer members of the bar, in particularly the crudely dressed woman near the back of the room. He recognized her from his work in the fields and with herbs, often caught glimpses. Still, he'd not really bothered to give her much interest until now. She was so out of place? Gazing back again at the seer to see if they would grant his request the shaman found again, sadly that it had not spoken. Assumedly it was more interested in its sandwich and honeywine at the moment. Still, it would give Argo a chance to run damage control, especially after Lucas' latest request to 'tell her to cover herself up a little more properly'? Rising, the shaman-in-training made his way over to the scantily-clad female, removing his light poncho which he then offered to her. "It would probably be best to cover yourself, miss."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Seer had gotten the wild one's attention and soon they were face to face. Her appearance did not bother the Seer in the slightest but many of the others were quite taken aback by her appearance, even calling her a 'whore'. The Seer now had a few things to juggle: food, those around the Seer, and of course the honey-wine. The Seer kept Niana in that mystical gaze and somehow managed to also procure half a sandwich and a glass of honey-wine. The Seer also had an adoring fan in the next seat who decided to go ahead an offer the girl a poncho for herself. The poor thing looked healthy but she was quite out of sorts in this environment, still, the Seer appreciated the help from the side. The barkeep was a bit miffed at her appearance but he would have no complaints after what the Seer did next. The Seer took the poncho from the young shaman's hands and instantly put the garment on her. "Alright young one, I have at least an idea as to why you are here. For now do not leave my side until I have heard the story." The Seer commanded quite sternly, getting down to business. "As for you young shaman," The Seer finally acknowledged the young man who wished to learn all the secrets the Seer had, "keep your eyes and ears open. Observe and you may learn something." The Seer then took a quick break to down some food and drink. "As I am currently dining by all means explain your request in full. By coming to us, you have interwoven your life's thread with several others in this room for a span. Now speak." It was impossible for Niana to back out now, her fate was interwoven with that of the Seer since she entered the Tavern. Almost as an afterthought the Seer reached inside it's garments and produced the necessary coin for the drink and placed them on the counter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When they received their drinks Ryan placed a couple of coins on the bar. He called me a gentleman, a gentleman! Arman sniggered silently to Ryan, Oh that’s a good one, you’re a gentleman, you! That was too funny, them gentlemen? Oh, and she collapsed into silent laughter again, with Ryan gently thwacking her ear, to get her to stop. Pulling herself together, Arman stopped laughing and instead watched the scene further along the bar play out in front of her. Good material for a story if ever there was some. The wild girl, with very little clothes, was interesting for a start, and the person who had called out to her, Arman had long since given up trying to decide on a gender, was certainly quite a piece. The boy who offered the cloak like thing was also worth mentioning. Basically, Arman found the whole situation interesting. She took a swig of her milk, gulping it down. For now she was content to watch. But later, maybe, she might, might, jump in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Athoriel
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Athoriel Yes?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

*Thunk!* splinters were sent flying as the two pieces of wood cluttered to the ground. Hefting the ax onto his shoulder with a small grunt, Fredrick wiped his brow with his other hand, taking a brief moment to scowl through the harsh light at the fields of golden wheat gently swaying in the breeze. He heaved a sigh as the gentle winds washed over him, cooling his body down from the work he was doing behind the homestead. "Fredrick!? Fredrick my dear boy!" a familiar voice called out. Samuel Louis the farmer appeared around the side of house, moving quite quickly for a man with a fixed limp, his weathered face was bright red, which Fredrick could only assume wasn't from hard work out in the fields, with the stench of whiskey that hung about him. "There you are lad. I have some news that may be of interest to ya, do you care to hear it?" He asked with a toothy grin, despite his worn appearance and habit of drinking away his savings, Samuel was a good man and a deceptively robust character. "I know you have a penchant for gossiping, so I fear I'll hear this news regardless." Fredrick replied jokingly, swinging the ax down into the stump with hearty thump, where he had been cutting this afternoons wood. The whiskers on Samuel's face seemed to bristle at the notion that his companion cared not for his tale, which he had so selflessly stopped his evening ritual to deliver. "So I suppose ye' don't care that there's a rumor that the legendary seer is in town." He said, trying to hide a grin as he waited for the young lads reception to the news. Fredrick's face became fixed with a determined look as he immediately moved with a purpose, quickly tossing the two bits of wood into the pile, before rushing over to the back of the wagon where he placed his coat and sword while he worked. "Forgive me Samuel, I'll need to borrow Killigan if I'm to see if this rumor is true." He said, not actually waiting for confirmation from Sam. The old man blinked in surprise as the lad bustled past him into the stable, before emerging moments later, leading his old grey gelding toward the front of the house. "N-now, just hold on a second, I-I thin.." He stammered, but was cut short as Fredrick vaulted into the saddle and tossed him a small leather bag. "That there is for Killigan, I do hope it's enough." He said, as the old farmer, stared bewildered at the golden light glinting from the bag. That had been the sum of his fortune that had survived the journey from his home land, he had hoped to use it to buy passage with some travelling merchants, but those few who did pass through the small town knew nothing of the name he gave them, he now hoped that it would help the old farmer retire for good. Wild thoughts and stray memories swirled about his head 'The seer, a being that appeared in both his peoples and this lands stories of yore, here, in Crosshaven?' Fredrick just had to know, spurring his heels into Killigan, he raced off toward town.
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