The Seer
Have You Heard? Have You Heard?
The Seer is here! The Seer is here!
The Seer brings Miracles!
The Seer brings Death!
The Seer is a Mystery!
The Seer is Unknown!
Is the Seer an Angel?
Is the Seer a Demon?
Wherever the Seer goes change soon follows.
Will you seek the Seer or avoid such folly?
Will the Seer bless you?
Will the Seer Curse you?
Diviner, Prophet, Magician, Priest.
The Seer is all and so much more.
Are you prepared to meet the Seer?
~ Poem from Myths and Legends: A Guide of Safe Travel Against the Supernatural
The RolePlay
The Seer roleplay is intended to work as such. There is a central character, The Seer who travels across the land and has many encounters with other characters along the way. The Seer will continue the journey no matter what happens and while the Seer is in a sense the main character it is really the characters the Seer meets along the way that drive what happens. So as the Seer travels different story arcs transpire, be they character driven or Seer driven with characters plunging into the story. As the Seer will never stay in one spot characters can naturally fade out of the story when their arc is done, that way there can be a continual flux of characters going through the story. How long will your character stay with the Seer, well that is up to you.
This roleplay idea is a bit unorthodox to be sure so I'm interested in seeing what people think of it. The Seer character is essentially unknown in the roleplay and therefore will only reveal itself through roleplay interaction. The Seer has limited precognitive powers, hence the name, which can be seen as either a blessing or a curse, depending on the location. Some want to use this power, others fear it, people want to capture the Seer, kill the Seer, learn from the Seer, or just avoid the Seer at all costs. How will your character react to the Seer?
Role Play Setting
This roleplay takes place in a world that is just beginning to enter is renaissance period but is still mostly in a medieval state. Better technology is starting to take hold in places but the level of sophistication really relies on the location. As for magic, it exists to a certain extent. Magical beings are not common at this point in time but still exist but most people consider them myths at this point. Magicians for the most part no longer exist and arcanists and risen in their place. Arcanists know some old magic but for the most part supplement it with contraptions and chemicals that give the illusion of magic. The source of magic can come from at least two known sources, from the inside of living beings and from magic stones. Magic from inside people has been on the decline for quite some time, also magic stones are rare and once it loses its charge the magic is gone for good. This steady decline in magic is part of the reason new technologies are starting to be developed.
Races and Monsters: The world does not have a wide variety of intelligent races, humans are the main population, anything else is rather miniscule at best. Elves for instance have faded into legend, Dwarves are just little people, and Orcs are fantasy. Humankind has been dominate for hundreds of years and anything else is barely even heard of anymore. Monsters have been on the decline for a long time as well, most having entered the fantasy and myth realm at least a hundred years ago. There are occasional sightings of supernatural creatures and some places can still have a decent amount of trouble but on the whole meeting fantasy beasts is very low in probability unless you are far from any civilization. Capturing a monster can fetch a high price with collectors of such 'endangered' species.
Most of this age's 'monsters' are humans.
Character Sheets
(Decided to keep the sheets rather simple for simplicity's sake as you will probably be making multiple characters throughout the story arcs)
Who is the Seer?: (Before meeting the Seer what is your characters general impression on the subject)
The Seer - Character Sheet
Name: Unknown
Appearance: (Just ignore the 'tails')

1. People will come and go in this roleplay, as such this allows people to easily go away for a time before they come back in or make a new character.
2. Respect your fellow roleplayers, if you start to act badly I will not hesitate to politely ask you to leave.
3. Do your best to have proper grammar, spelling, and try to have at the very least a paragraph per post. If I find you unable to keep up with casual standards I will ask you to leave, though I will give you one post to have your character go away somewhere or even die if you so wish, a parting post so to speak.
4. No god-modding without my permission or The Seer will crush you like a bug.
5. Cry to be creative, make up side-stories and get involved. The Seer is the center piece but you are the players.
Story Arc 1 - Crosshaven
Arc 1 Character List:
Argo of Crosshaven
Michael J. Caboose Hunterson
Arman Ryanson
Rhys Errol
Lucas Niir