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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Seer - Character Sheet
Name: Unknown Appearance: (Just ignore the 'tails') Age: Unknown Gender: Unknown Bio: The Seer is an enigma and seemingly unknowable. A wanderer who at times can see the future and seems to always have mysterious events surrounding The Seer's every journey. Who is The Seer? What is the Seer? Does even The Seer know its purpose or is The Seer merely tight-lipped? What is known about the Seer is wherever The Seer travels, change is soon to follow. Who is the Seer?: The Seer is The Seer, nothing more, nothing less.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: Michael J. Caboose Hunterson (or just Caboose for short) Appearance: Caboose stands just over 6ft tall, with blonde hair, blue eye's with a little more than average athletically fit build and slightly tanned light brown skin. Personality: Caboose is a cheerful fellow most of the time and always try's to see the brighter side of any situation, god have mercy on those who somehow make him mad, despite that he's not the brightest, by that I mean he's hopelessly dimwitted, but what he lacks in smarts he makes up for in his incredible almost inhuman strength. Age: 20 Gender: Male Bio:
Who is the Seer?: Caboose: "The Seer is... a Powerful!... and Intelligent! Wizard, who goes on awesome Adventures!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 27 days ago

Name: Niana
Age: 18 Gender: Female Bio: Originally from Crosshaven, Niana and her parents went up to the mountains looking for her older sister who had disappeared a few days before. It turned out that bandits had robbed her and left her for dead on the snowy slope of a mountain. When the rest of the family arrived, the bandits struck again, murdering Niana's parents but sparing her and leaving 12 year old Niana in the nearby forest to her fate. Determined to survive, Niana has lived for the past five years in the forest, not sure of where she was or how to get home. She learned to be self-sufficient and to thrive in the wild of the mountain and forests bordering the fields of Crosshaven, and eventually in the last year found her way back to the wide-open plains surrounding Crosshaven. She has not formally reentered the town, but instead watches and observes daily life from the shadows and outskirts of the town, which is how she found out about the Seer. Who is the Seer?: Someone who can help her track down the men that killed her sister and parents. There's mine ^.^V
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Arman Ryanson Age: 16 Gender: Female, but looks male. Bio: Arman grew up traveling, village to village, never settling anywhere. She was the story keeper for her troupe, telling stories for her keep. They are currently stopping by in Crosshaven for a little while, before they plan to move on. Arman hides the fact that she is a girl. When she was little she was picked up from the roadside and has been with the travelers since then. Who is the Seer?: Another traveler, someone, she respects if ‘he’ exists. She has heard of ‘him’ in legends and one of the first stories she read was a piece of poetry about ‘him’. She would also like, if possible to be the one to record the seer’s story, and tell it to others. (But for that matter she quite likes telling anyone’s stories, if they will let her.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Classified
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Classified Classified Information

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Rhys Errol Appearance: Age: 19 Gender: Male Bio: Rhy is a traveller, his hometown is unknown as he has never stayed for long in a town before. This was mostly due to his mother moving them from town to town, the reason to this day he still does not know. His mother often left him with strangers for periods of time and he has been raised by many people, although Rhys has not seen his temporary carers since his time with them as his mother would return and move him again to another town to be once again left to be raised by strangers. This cycle ended around his 17th birthday when his mother admitted she would not be returning soon and didn't want him to have to wait for her, she gave him the chance to stay where he pleased, travel back to any of his carers or go his own way and travel. Rhys chose to travel. Who is the Seer?: A travelling companion
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarInaBox
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StarInaBox Probably Scarfed

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lucas Niir
Age - 29 Gender - Male Bio - Lucas comes from a town a little ways down the road from Cross-Haven, where his parents own a locally famous tavern by the name of "Your Friendly Niirborhood Tavern." Their service is fantastic and incredibly quick, with their only being three people employed: Both of Lucas's parents, and a single cook. Their business was their pride and joy, and ever since childhood, Lucas was captured by the devotion his parents showed towards their business, and aspired to run the store some day. Lucas helped out around the tavern, and eventually was considered to be a fourth employee by everyone. He learned much from his parents, and eventually became skilled enough to open his own tavern in Cross-Haven by the same name. Business there, although a little slower due to the smaller size of the town, was well, and lived up to the reputation of his parents business in the town over. Lately, however, it had come to Lucas's attention that his father had come down with a terrible sickness. Due to this, his normally cheerful and eager-to-please attitude has waned a little bit. Who is the Seer? - Lucas has heard of him/her, but doesn't believe in The Seer. Upon mention, he usually will laugh and reply with: "Hell, we can all see, can't we? I don't see the big hoopla over it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Athoriel
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Athoriel Yes?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Fredrick Riel Appearance: Age: 19 Gender: Male
Who is the Seer?: Someone who may know of his homeland, as the name has been met with confused stares by all others/ A travelling companion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Lilliannah Corrine Dancroft
Alias: Annalynne (Anna-leen) LaFray

Appearance: Enticing your gaze, if not shrouded by her hood, are her eyes. Big, pale crystalline blue, reminding you of the sky on cloudy day, one displaying green speckles within. Also often hidden, are silky waves of fiery red hair, which is usually pulled back into a loose braid, allowing strands to fly about. Freckles scatter lightly over her nose. Standing at about 5’6”, Lilli’s build is more reflective of a dancer. Petite, though not without curves, and the majority of her weight sits below her waist. If exposed, several faded scars stretch across her back and shoulders. One scar in particular rests upon her right cheek, close to her ear and is about 1 1/2 inches in length. Her skin, tanned from travel, otherwise shows no markings.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Bio: Lilliannah is the daughter of wealthy merchants Pavel and Catherine Dancroft, nestled in a quite far away mountain top town. Born into wealth, Lilli was raised to be prim and proper. Her older sister Kendall was a sight to behold. Lovely, thick brown wavy hair, deep blue eyes, pale skin, elegant and beautiful in every way, and more importantly, a product of both Pavel and his wife, Catherine. Lilli was constantly being criticized, and endlessly compared to her. “Why can’t you be more like your sister” the words would course through her mind, with no release. Always to be reminded of where she came from and who she wasn't.

As the years passed, their differences became more apparent. She was constantly shunned by her parents, completely ignored by her sister, and made to feel like an outcast by most around her. She became violent, secluded and resentful. She thought perhaps by distancing herself, she’d be free of their criticism and harshness, being able to live her days in peace.

Unfortunately this was not the case. Dark thoughts began to fill her mind, and so she sought the gods for help. Spending a week in prayer and deep meditation, she begged and pleaded for things to change. Frustrated by no answer, she finally went home. Exhausted from the thoughts that raced through her mind, the disappointment that echoed through the tense muscles of her body, she passed out even before she reached the front door.

That's when the nightmares began. Within the horrid dreams, a message was relayed - her answer. It was merely a name, but she knew exactly what it meant. Each attempt at putting it out of her mind only made things worse. And so the day finally came; the day she would bring Kendall to her death. Her hands set to purpose with glee as she began to concoct the poison that would end her sister’s life. Deep down, she had hoped that this would make her parents acknowledge their only living daughter, at least acknowledge her with something other than disgust and disappointment.

And finally, the deed was done. Days passed and turned into weeks, months. Nothing changed, nothing was ever enough for them. Lilli was gazed over and became one of the servants of the house. With that, she crept into the shadows and left.

She never spoke of 'home' again, and after leaving it, she enlisted in the local mercenary guild. She had no experience, but they took her in anyway. Like a lost little puppy she seemed to paw at their door until they allowed entrance. Life became a quick and harsh lesson, it wasn't all dresses and dance lessons like she had while living with her parents. Though, they treated her with more care than she ever received at home, so her complaints swiftly diminished. Lilli picked up on things quickly, and would take to anything anyone would teach her. Within the few years spent there, they honed her skills as a ranger, and even began focusing on the skills needed for a successful scout.

It wasn't too long before she's met Colin, the heavy footed barbarian, and one of the higher ups of the guild. Despite being married, he never hid his interest for her, it was just never reciprocated. She picked up on a few other things too, including how Colin looked at his wife, and every other woman who passed him by, the look of disgust and scorn his wife would give her upon passing. She also heard rumors, bits of her past creeping up in conversations held in the shadows, and from the sounds of it, this wasn't good for her. Sure, many in their ranks were criminals; petty thieves, murderers and the like. But a major client’s daughter was killed. Having her there, not turning her over, well, it was bad for business, and the guild was all about business. She needed to get out, to disappear, to leave the mountains, once and for all.

A job came in that would send them to a set of islands not far from the mountains edge. This was her chance to escape. Unfortunately nothing went as planned on that trip. Betrayal, blackmail, manipulation, and one thing led to another. The only way she was leaving was with more blood on her hands. One night, after Colin had been particularly cruel to her, she called upon the gods for the courage to do what needed to be done. Dawn finally came about them, and as his life slipped from his body, she gazed upon him, an eerie sense of satisfaction and contentment came over her. The rage had finally subsided, leaving Lilli calm and peaceful. And with that, she slipped into the shadows, the fog of the isles hiding her presence.

Finally, away from everything, she was able to rest. It was a peaceful sleep, hidden in the shrubbery of the forest just at the foot of the mountain, shrouded by the darkness of night. She'd have to be careful from here on in, and she had a long way to go. They'd be looking for her for sure. Is there anyone she can trust?

Who is the Seer?: She's heard only rumors of the Seer, whispers within the dead of night. Years of travel still haven't brought her any closer to this being, this myth. She wanders now only looking for a purpose; something to do, somewhere to call home, people to perhaps call family, a real family. Her days of chasing childhood stories are done.

An interesting tidbit which the Seer might know or see about her- Lilli is of chaotic alignment. She is a good person though there is a darkness within her. She is quiet, and likes to observe. She is also hot tempered if angered. She doesn't trust very easily however she is loyal to those who she deems worthy of her trust. Lilliannah is a woman of her word and will try very hard not to break it. She is honorable to that extent, but she plays by her own rules, her own code.
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