An Age of Empires:
Fantasy Nation Roleplay

Keywords: realism, politics, trade/economics, intrigue, crime, gore, war, marriages, racism, mature themes, low magic, plot twists, ...
Influences: From Babylonia and Assyria, medieval Europe, to Mongolia and China, and in-between.
OOC information:
This will be a nation rp. I’m sure most of you have already been in one before. If you like manoeuvring your little pawns in a political game of intrigue and shadowplay, you’ve come to the right place. The setting will be low-fantasy with predominately human civilisations.
However, the concept deviates somewhat from the beaten path. Instead of working out the entire nation or country, participants would be provided with elements and prompts. These contain basic information concerning that nation, and should be taken into account. However, that doesn't mean that everything will be filled out. The information will range from an important point in a nation's history, domestic developments, demographics, landscape/geography, to economic strength, military tradtion, etc.
I realise this might sound weird to the veterans among you, and seem as if I'm taking away loads of freedom. Yet, I see this a means to deal out certain 'boons' and balance the game. Additionally it can provide certain players with the necessary structure and/or inspiration. However, I will always be open to suggestions, requests and such. First and foremost this is a game of reason. Keep in mind I will be using a random roll system (credit and kudos to Elendra and HeySeuss) and so any and all arbitrarity will be left to fate. What it basically comes down to, is that the dice will determine a large part of the makeup of your nation/civilisation. You work with what you have, not with everything you wished for. Not to say I am unreasonable and will not work things out with a player. This mechanic is simply in place to avoid unsurmountalbe "God Nations".
I want every participant to be realistic in both their nations, as well as their characters' personalities, traits (AND flaws) and ambitions as well as take external and internal developments into account. No nation will be self-sufficient or all-powerful. Interaction is encouraged. As a rule, consider tech-level to be anything prior to weaponised blasting powder.
Focus of the RP is not to lose ourselves in game mechanics, instead this is a game of logic, reason and collaborative writing. Our goal is not to have an overly competitive game, but to immerse into a nice creative experience for all parties. We write a story with each other, not against each other. Does that mean there will not be any competition? No, but keep it civil and reasonable. War makes for an excellent story, but let us not limit ourselves to that.
IC Information:
Tanis is a continent divided, covered in vast steppes, thick forests, lush jungle, imposing mountains and fertile flatlands - as diverse as it is brutal to the weak. Fortune is indeed a fickle mistress, as relations between nations develop against a background of famine, disease and war though trade, friendship and faith are of equal strength. Civilisations rise and fall, while people are subject to tyrants or benevolent rulers, yet others govern themselves or follow a divine will. Power, after all, is only for those who are willing to go to great lengths to seize it.
A delicate and complex political balance has held for years. Piracy, assassination, torture, raids and racial strife spread chaos as the fragile balance of peace tips toward war. Has diplomacy run its course, any and all goodwill depleted? Monsters stalk the land as portents of strife.
Dominated by humans of all shapes and sizes, the old race of elves watches with disdain from their last bastions and vestiges. What course will they take? How hard are the obstacles to overcome that stand in the way of peaceful resolution? What of the other non-humans? Orcish hordes converge, and there is no telling what these savages will settle for, while the dwarves preach gloom and doom from their mountain strongholds and condemn their kinsmen who have chosen to live in the cities of the surface-dwellers.
One thing is for certain: all races are strangers to Tanis. The indigenous civlisations having died out long ago. The dwarves and orcs have lost all memory of coming to the continent, yet after them the elves in their sleek swan-ships arrived and settled the coast. Mankind, though newest and youngest of all, now holds sway of practically all of Tanis. After a series of bloody conflicts with humans, the elvish cities were ruined, and the elves themselves forced to retreat to the defensible regions, into unapproachable mountains and lush forests and jungles, or to recognize human domination and accept their lot.
- GM word is final.
- Advanced standards; common sense approach; game of logic and collaboration.
- Sheets should be posted on the OOC (though they can be sent via pm as well) for approval/disapproval. Not all decisions will be made public. These sheets adhere to the traits/provisos/rolls made my the OP in dialogue with the player.
- Play to enjoy, not to win.
- You are assumed to be an adult by submitting a nation/character for this game; please act like one.
- Applications may take a few days before a decision can be made. Generally, issues will be resolved over pm.
- Players are encouraged to play typically one-on-one scenarios, large battle scenarios, cloak-and-dagger scenarios, small plots and large plots. To be creative, and to interactive with their fellow players on their own to plot. Take initiative but don't be a dick.
- 'Meta-gaming' is evil (just don't be a-holes).
- Tech levels range from stone to steel (though full plate is a rarity), anything pre-gunpowder is a rule of fist.
- More rules can be added per GM leisure.
Compendium of monsters (for fluff reasons, courtesy of Terminal)