Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sini
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

An Age of Empires:

Fantasy Nation Roleplay

Keywords: realism, politics, trade/economics, intrigue, crime, gore, war, marriages, racism, mature themes, low magic, plot twists, ...
Influences: From Babylonia and Assyria, medieval Europe, to Mongolia and China, and in-between.

OOC information:

This will be a nation rp. I’m sure most of you have already been in one before. If you like manoeuvring your little pawns in a political game of intrigue and shadowplay, you’ve come to the right place. The setting will be low-fantasy with predominately human civilisations.

However, the concept deviates somewhat from the beaten path. Instead of working out the entire nation or country, participants would be provided with elements and prompts. These contain basic information concerning that nation, and should be taken into account. However, that doesn't mean that everything will be filled out. The information will range from an important point in a nation's history, domestic developments, demographics, landscape/geography, to economic strength, military tradtion, etc.

I realise this might sound weird to the veterans among you, and seem as if I'm taking away loads of freedom. Yet, I see this a means to deal out certain 'boons' and balance the game. Additionally it can provide certain players with the necessary structure and/or inspiration. However, I will always be open to suggestions, requests and such. First and foremost this is a game of reason. Keep in mind I will be using a random roll system (credit and kudos to Elendra and HeySeuss) and so any and all arbitrarity will be left to fate. What it basically comes down to, is that the dice will determine a large part of the makeup of your nation/civilisation. You work with what you have, not with everything you wished for. Not to say I am unreasonable and will not work things out with a player. This mechanic is simply in place to avoid unsurmountalbe "God Nations".

I want every participant to be realistic in both their nations, as well as their characters' personalities, traits (AND flaws) and ambitions as well as take external and internal developments into account. No nation will be self-sufficient or all-powerful. Interaction is encouraged. As a rule, consider tech-level to be anything prior to weaponised blasting powder.

Focus of the RP is not to lose ourselves in game mechanics, instead this is a game of logic, reason and collaborative writing. Our goal is not to have an overly competitive game, but to immerse into a nice creative experience for all parties. We write a story with each other, not against each other. Does that mean there will not be any competition? No, but keep it civil and reasonable. War makes for an excellent story, but let us not limit ourselves to that.

IC Information:

Tanis is a continent divided, covered in vast steppes, thick forests, lush jungle, imposing mountains and fertile flatlands - as diverse as it is brutal to the weak. Fortune is indeed a fickle mistress, as relations between nations develop against a background of famine, disease and war though trade, friendship and faith are of equal strength. Civilisations rise and fall, while people are subject to tyrants or benevolent rulers, yet others govern themselves or follow a divine will. Power, after all, is only for those who are willing to go to great lengths to seize it.

A delicate and complex political balance has held for years. Piracy, assassination, torture, raids and racial strife spread chaos as the fragile balance of peace tips toward war. Has diplomacy run its course, any and all goodwill depleted? Monsters stalk the land as portents of strife.

Dominated by humans of all shapes and sizes, the old race of elves watches with disdain from their last bastions and vestiges. What course will they take? How hard are the obstacles to overcome that stand in the way of peaceful resolution? What of the other non-humans? Orcish hordes converge, and there is no telling what these savages will settle for, while the dwarves preach gloom and doom from their mountain strongholds and condemn their kinsmen who have chosen to live in the cities of the surface-dwellers.

One thing is for certain: all races are strangers to Tanis. The indigenous civlisations having died out long ago. The dwarves and orcs have lost all memory of coming to the continent, yet after them the elves in their sleek swan-ships arrived and settled the coast. Mankind, though newest and youngest of all, now holds sway of practically all of Tanis. After a series of bloody conflicts with humans, the elvish cities were ruined, and the elves themselves forced to retreat to the defensible regions, into unapproachable mountains and lush forests and jungles, or to recognize human domination and accept their lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"His Highness, the Emperor Shitastsu vi Ryukyu has arrived!" the guard called as the royal carriage rolled in through the heavy wooden gates of the Imperial Palace. The palace was a sprawling monument to the wealth and power of the Empire. Little over two hundred years ago, the grand palace was little more than a sizable stone hut on the top of a hill, protected by dinky wooden palisades and guarded by a dozen or so men with stone axes.

Now, the Imperial Palace was nearly half the size of the nearby city of Ritang, the capital of the entire Empire. With a dozens of courtyards and gardens, beautifully crafted and reinforced red walls with porcelain roofing accompanied by hundred of statues and idols representing the Inshingu faith. The Emperor's own Thousand Blades patrolled the premises, standing guard at every corner and entrance with undying vigilance and armed with the most advanced weapons and armor the Empire could create. Both beautifully decorative and luxurious and also dangerously well protected, the palace was a symbol of great pride of the people.

The Emperor step out of the gilded carriage when he had arrived at the entrance of the palace, the hundreds of advisors, servants, senators, guards and generals all jumped to attention by putting one hand behind their waist and the other over their hearts. He was wearing royal robes of golden yellow with parchment lining and silvery weaving decorating it. With a quick wave of his hand, the Emperor allowed everyone to relax as he walk through the doorway, guards and advisors followed.

There were two courts in the Imperial Palace, the Royal Court and the Imperial Court. The Imperial Court was where public appearances were made for things such as diplomacy and trade agreements, enacting new laws and hosting lavish dinner parties with Nobles. The Royal court was for strictly political matters and was actually more commonly used as the Imperial Court was often used as the Iron Root's senator meeting room. The Royal Court was much less lavish then the Imperial Palace, namely since it wasn't often seen by the public.

Once the sliding doors of the Royal Court were closed and everyone was seated, the Emperor collapsed at his desk, “Geh, who knew playing politics for 14 hours straight could be so tiring.”
“Your Highness, it is a crucial par-“
“I know it was a joke.” Shitatsu interrupted his domestic advisor as he straightened himself out, “Alright then, what is the agenda today?
“Food storages are dropping and the price of rice is rising again.”
“One of our pirate fleets captured a rogue merchant vessel. It had no flags on it and the captain is refusing to tell us where he is from but demands immediate release or we will suffer political consequences.”
“The festival will be here in a few weeks, we must prepare.”
“The House of Roderick is once again requesting more funds for their projects.”
“There has been more border tensions due to peasants claim land they don’t own.”
“There are reports of pagan rebels raiding armories for weapons.”

The young emperor sighed, today was just one of those days that nothing went right. The festival would require a lot of surplus food for celebration but there was no extra food at this time of year. He hoped he wouldn’t have to get the pirate fleets to raid ships for food.
“You know you want too.” A voice said to Shitatsu.

The Emperor nearly jumped over his table as everyone else in the room leap to their feet before realizing whom it was. It was Muchi, the Devil of the Sea. She played with Shitatsu’s hair, “The Black Wings of Cold are ready to go raiding, we have had some fun in a while you know.”
“That’s because the last time I asked you guys to go raiding trade, you ended hauling back a foreign warship and that created a political mess.” The Emperor was clearly not amused, “And how the hell did you get in here?”

The pirate queen winked and shrugged her shoulders as everyone returned to their spots. The Emperor sighed as he looked on a small piece of paper contain his agenda for today,Calmarr, can I suspect you have some idea on how the hell to balance all of this out?”
“Course mi lord,” the dwarf spoke in a hearty voice as if he had just been drinking. Knowing him, that wasn’t impossible, “I’ve already drawn up some plans.”
“Have you factored into account Roderick’s request for more funding?” one of the guards took the papers from Calmarr and handed to Shitatsu.
“The last two take that into consideration.”
“Touksen, how goes the construction of the new heavies for the fleet?” Shitatsu addressed his best friend and retainer while flipping through the pages of plans and numbers.
“On time you Highness, three Zhan Zhe’s have already been finished along with a Zhan Cui.”

The Emperor sighed as he looked out the window to admire some passing clouds. A servant arrived and began passing out tea in fine china cups mixed with a bit of kumis. Muchi didn’t get any of the kumis-tea, but she had brought along her own bottle of alcohol of questionable size.

“Have we gotten any word of our emissary to the Lastar lands?” Shitatsu sipped his drink as he prepared some ink to write with.
“Our border guards have reported that he is across to border and all of the gifts are accounted for.”
“Very well then, I will ask for all of you to leave, I must finish these papers soon.”

With that the room soon emptied with no one but the emperor and two guards left. Shitatsu put down the Three Mountain Crown, on the table in front of him the golden crown of Ryukyuan rulers inlaid with pearls, a national treasure. With a snap of his fingers, a few servants rolled in carts with books of various subjects, archived reports and letters that soon surrounded the young ruler and they carried him charts and packets at his orders. The noise returned to the room as the young emperor got to work. Just because he had power didn’t mean he didn’t have work.


- Emperor Shitatsu has come back from some meeting that last 14 hours straight; presumably slept on the ride home.
- There is an Inshingu festival soon, however Shitatsu worries if there is enough food to hold it. Muchi offers to raid some trade ships for food and is shot down.
- The House of Roderick is once again requesting more funds for their projects.
- There has been more border tensions due to peasants claim land they don’t own.
- There are reports of pagan rebels raiding armories for weapons.
- 4 new heavy ships have finished being constructed and are added to the fleet
- An emissary is on a diplomatic mission to try and form an alliance with the Lastar nation.
- The Royal Court is now more like a library as Shitatsu gets to work.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Down the dusky trail the procession rode, the rising sun shining into their eyes. Suhail paused to adjust the turban on his head and wiped the sweat from his brow, then goaded his horse to resume its walk. "My prince," one of the many bodyguards called out. Suhail turned as the horseman tossed him a waterskin. He took several gulps before throwing it back and giving a terse thanks. The morning sun gleamed on the bronze armor of his guards and the glare shone in his eyes, and the horses of the men riding ahead kicked up dust. The prince made his way to the front where such annoyances would be lessened.

Passing a dozen bodyguards, Suhail could not help but wonder why he had this small army accompanying him. The squad of some fifty Atarma that had been sent from Marad to summon him would have been excessive, yet a retinue of two hundred of Dhirim's city guards had also been ordered to accompany the prince on his journey back to the capital. Suhail knew Malik Uqais like a father, having had the man as a guardian for the past eight years. Uqais would not have sent so many bodyguards unless told to, the prince reasoned. This had to have been the work of his real father, the Sultan.

Suhail struggled to remember what his father looked like. He had seen the man once for a day or so, a few years back when he came to visit Dhirim. He had brought with him some foreigners, from a strange and faraway land named Ryukyu, that were to help Uqais modernize Dhirim and increase production. Naturally, after a brief greeting to his father, the prince had then allowed his interest to be captivated by the foreign scholars and their thickly accented speech, and before he had known it his father had left to return to the capital.

Then, half a year ago the letters had began coming in. At first they were a weekly occurrence, small gifts and friendly letters from his father, but they soon increased in frequency and size. For the past two months the letters had arrived constantly, sometimes two or three in one day. Occasionally they were friendly questions that Suhail amicably answered back to with a letter as expected, but many more were simply long ramblings: pages of his father's musings, on everything from the situation of the military to his thoughts on things such as salt shortages. A few times the messengers had been accompanied by bodyguards and the letters sealed many times, because the contents of the writings contained information that was secret to the public, and sometimes even to Uqais.

Suhail had not known what to think of the sudden flood of information; he read all the letters when he found the time, but after some time he had noticed that the handwriting was too sloppy to have been the work of a scribe. The realization that his father was spending hours every week, personally writing out these letters and having them sent had been strange, and somewhat worrying. The prince had started to feel that his father was going mad, until Uqais suggested that he might merely be trying to reveal his thoughts in the hope that Suhail would learn from them. Grooming him to be Sultan, from afar.

In any case, Suhail should not have been surprised when the Atarma came with a royal summon and orders to accompany him to the capital. There had been no prior announcement, and they ignored Uqais' objection that he leave at once without a ceremony or chance to bid the court farewell. Their leader said something about Suhail perhaps coming back, though Suhail suspected that he was done being a retainer to Uqais. With any luck he would be allowed to visit again, but Marad was doubtless going to be his home now.

The prince looked up from his musings, surprised to see a roadway sign that indicated they had traveled many leagues. The sun had risen as well. It would seem that he had rode for hours, the time passing by quickly as he looked back through his memories. Suddenly fatigued by the monotony of the countryside, Suhail waited until the procession passed by a small peasant caravan, with farmers bringing wagons of crops to the capital. Then, the prince moved back into the middle in the procession and joined in a conversation with some of the more affable Atarma. He laughed at their japes and joined in on the few times that he knew of the subjects that were discussed. The time once again passed quickly, and soon the great walls of Marad appeared on the horizon as they drew nearer to the city. After many days of travel, they were drawing close.



The prince, Suhail, has grown up serving as a retainer to the Malik of Dhirim. But recently, his father has taken an interest in him, sending many letters. Suhail has now been suddenly summoned to the capital to live in his father's court, and has traveled with a small army of bodyguards. They have nearly arrived.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A carriage, shaped kinda like a pumpkin with the same color pallet, rides down the one paved road to the Empress's Hightower. Inside this carriage was Empress Victoria. Due to her publicity issue she rides a in a carriage which on the outside looks like one of a peasant. On the inside it is furnished comfortably, silk fabrics along the inside with mats ontop of the smooth wooden seats.

" Victoria we have arrived." Said her head general who had accompanied her to and fro the Legal court in which she had to look over ever week.

The Empress's Hightower in which served as her royal palace was a sight to see. Connected at the base to the royal family mansion which extended behind it. Crafted from the sturdiest materials possible it has been in the empire since its been a empire. The empress was announced now to the royal guards some of the best in the empire stood around the floors of the towers base. She stepped out of the carriage onto the woven mat laid out before her as not to get her bare feet dirty in the mud. Her dress rolled up so it stayed at her ankles. It made from the finest silk in her empire.

" Advisors come to my study so we can discuss the week'g going. " They of corse fallowed her up the winding stair cases making sure to have a guard in front of the group and behind it. As soon as she got into her study she flopped onto the silken couch specially made for her hight and weight. " Okay, what has been going while i was gone?" Victoria questioned her head advisor.

" The harvest season has been a success as we now have a good stock for winter."

" Our food stock pile has been increasing are a fair rate without any looks for faulting."

" From all our reports, it seems well to try and open a trade route along the north eastern coast, with silk and salt."

" Overall trading has been well this season though many of them said pirates are lurking more along the eastern coast of the bay. Which could be a problem later on."

" You also have another suitor, this one i do not trust. Seems like the dominit type, i know you don't like dominit men to much. " The head advisor looked at her with a disagreeing head.

" Have him tossed into the river and test how he swims. Also someone fetch me some tea, its dry in here. " She said the first part with laugh and laid back against the silken couch. The river was a gental one but the downdrafts into the rocky bottom could kill a man who didn't know how to swim.

TLDR, Summary

- Harvest season has went well and the food stockpile is increasing at a fair rate.
- The Algongun empire is open for trades in silk and salt along the northeastern border.
- There is talk of pirates along the eastern shore of the empire.
- Finnally, another suitor showed up and is now going to be tested before getting contact with the queen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Random Little Collab Story between me and Song Book

Somewhere in the Ryukyu-Algongun-Lastar Bay

Hitato Kanzaki lived a simple life for someone of his age. He was already in his late teens, by Ryukyuan standards he should have begun courtship or at least look for a prospective bride. IN all fairness, he was meeting with the girl he often saw in the local tea house, but he loved the sea too much.

He live on an old Black Armored Nanban, a ship used by the Ryukyuan Navy's pirate mercenary fleet, the Black Wings of Cold. While not the largest, or most orthodox fishing ship for that matter, the fact it was meant for 5 people made it quite roomy for one person.

The sun hung a good bit over the horizon as he pulled up the stone anchor, he thought of when he should get back to port. He had enough food for at least a week and enough room in the hull for more fish. He thought of getting some pearl diver aboard his ship. Of course, those thoughts transcend into him becoming a wealth baron with a wealth made of fishing.

As he laughed to himself on the deck of the ship, he realized there was something bumping the side of his boat. CUrious, he looked over and saw a mess of fancy fabric. Hitato's eyes widened as he realizes the possible wealth made by the expensive (if not wet) fabrics. WIth a blink of an eye, he ran to grab his net and tossed it over, hoping to catch the mess of textiles.

Egearly pulling up his strangely heavy net, a pair of dead eyes soon met him. He screamed as he realized it was a dead body.

A merchant vessel, one of the Algongun's resident merchants going out to trade some silk and sliver most likely. It was quiet a small vessel. Enough for a 2 man crew, the merchant and the caption of the vessel. The merchant listened closely on the wind hearing the screams of a young man. Having the captain steer torwards the sound. Spying a fishing net wrapped around fancy cloth he knew what happened and pulled closer to the mans ship. " Caught yourself a fancy one huh?" He joked leaning aginst the side of his ship.

"Wh-wh-why the hell is there a corspe in the damn ocean?" Hitato nervously pointed at the pale body in fancy fabric that he originally wanted to sell.

" He was a suitor to my queen I assume. They dispose of bodies, well in the rive. Looks like this one lost his rocks. " The man laughed again. " They test the ones they don't like to much, Dumping them in the river with rocks in their clothes. See if they float. Never seen one that has. " The man looked at the suitor.

Hitato stared at the merchant, "Are all women in Algongun like that? Since if so, remind me to never get a wife from there. I can swim, but I prefer Ryukyu's courting process. Especially the part where you're not dumped into a river to see if you can float."

" Only If you get them mad. The queen always dumps suitors who she doesn't like in the river. My bride there likes whacking me with a stick sometimes. But then im drunk and she has a reason." He laughed again, Pulling a flash from his front pocket shaking it up before taking a swig. " The girls there are beautiful though. "

"Sounds more like demostic abuse than love if you ask me." Hitato was divided between being worried and being amused. He was making a mental note to never go anywhere near an Algonguan woman at this rate.

"Say, what kind of man does your queen like anyways?" Hitato quickly chagned the subject before any more tales of getting thrown into the river was spoken of. "The Emperor is still unmarried and apparntly he going to be celibant at this rate!"

Hitato laughed to himself, as he leaned back on to the corpse which nearly made him jump into the merchant's arms.

" Lucky for me, ive found plenty of these guys to know what she doesn't like. People with big ego's gets thrown into the river as soon as they arrive. I live in a girl dominit society. I also think she's more interested in her newest advisor than any Emperor. " he laughed at Hitato's reaction to the corpse." Name's Dukara Malgatisa. You?"

"Hitato Kanzaki." the fisherman opened the small door that lead into his ship, "Care to join me for some food? Home-style Ryukyuan cooking. Well, sea-style cooking I guess."

" I would man but if im not home for food ill get a head-ful from the wife. Feel free to come to the port anytime. I have a stall over there. " He waved before jumping back into his own ship signaling the caption to start heading home.

Hitato waved good bye and as soon as the ship was out of veiw range, he stripped the body of the suitor. It should have something worth while on it.
"Its just a fish, its just a fish Hitato, its just a fish." Hitato repeated to himself as he touched the corpse.
At the end of it he managed to strip off most of the fancy clothing expect for the man's fancy loincloth. The rings and jewelry should also make for a good profit. As he kicked the body off the deck and turned to port, he felt nauseous for the first time in a long time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by OneEyedChurro
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OneEyedChurro Pam Grier's Fro

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Zanzeb- that is, the original croppings of mud huts and adobe abodes, would have displayed a certain architectural curiosity were the city not cut in half by the river nor surrounded by similar yet small villages. In many places throughout the city it became a similar problem that these small homes were being built outside of the original wall, the small hovels being built closer and closer until many found their stability on the wall itself. It was during these years that the second wall was built to shield these outliers. It quickly became a caste in and of itself- around Zanzeb specifically one may find the 'outer' peoples live nearly oblivious to the functions of the 'inner' folk.

The architect whom pondered such musings- Rord- stood atop one of the inner wall's gatehouses, staring into the river below. It glistened beautifully even on a relatively cloudy day such as this. But his reminiscing on the city's historical construction had been abruptly interrupted by the loud gong of a bell. The bearded man glared towards the direction of the noise- the only bell that loud was housed in the middle of the circular city, and was used to hail significant events, most often regarding the Ketua. There was one thing that came to mind, something most of the populace had been expecting for months; the sounding of the bell were their dreams coming to fruition. A second gong rang out. The time between the gongs was as quiet as a post-warfare battlefield. A third.

The city below Rord erupted into cheer, applause, and merriment. Three rings of that particular bell could only have meant one thing:

Idris Setuin, sister-wife of the Ketua, Falahad, had birthed a child. A son, no less.

No doubt the festivities were already being arranged. As per Armanian tradition when a leader's child in born there are great feasts held the next supper in celebration. This was one of the few traditional events that the powers that be chose not to reform when they restructured their ruling. While their new found Republic meant the son of the Ketua didn't naturally inherit and power, their opinions were often seen as a reflection of the Ketua himself, and often times if the populace were favorable with one Ketua then his children were often nominated to be next in line, at the very least.

But this particular child had come at a very convenient time- much of the former aristocracy were still bitter about losing their official power, so if the Ketua were to service his child to become a ward, hiring a guardian for his child from among the upper class, then it could be possible that they raise the child to reinstate himself a King.

Of course, such grand a plan had required months of planning and subterfuge, of which Rord was plenty guilty of. He had been a secret letter carrier for several months now- ferrying capsules filled with written letters, plans, charts, and graphs to and from the upper class in an attempt to further the cause. Luckily, today's leadership was not very smart.



The road was muddy today.

Not necessarily surprising, considering many were built next to or over rivers and their tributaries. But why was he walking? Surely he, the Grand Triarchate of the Church of the Ternion, deserved to be carried, especially on a task as important as his. For long the Church of the Ternion had operated solely out of their singular, massive Ziggurat in the equally large city of Kyk. Such an old and fundamental religion deserved its own piece of land- though not in Arman-Arhus. The Church's worshipers were spread throughout the world and the Grand Triarchate had decided it time they were offered haven. Thus, it had been decreed that the Church and its missionaries would begin searching for appropriate land on which a colony of sorts could be built, perhaps even a second Ziggurat to glorify a second patron god, for the existing one in Kyk was devoted to Edesu, the Goddess of Fertility and Growth.

To further their agenda not even the Grand Triarchate was pardoned from the gruntwork that would be required. Of course, a contingent of the Ketua's own Oathguard were dispatched with him to safeguard him on the road, for though his destination were the Commonwealth's one enemy but long-time allies in the Dominion of Terus, the road to get there had passed through some of Khumer and A Seihid, who had had little contact with the Commonwealth. Not to mention some of the peoples of Azraca still made Oluro nervous.

Yet their journey was nearing completion. The Oathguard and the contingent of Triarchates that accompanied Oluro were all tired, but the aging Grand Triarchate was becoming ecstatic at the thought of finding a place for a new Ziggurat, or perhaps even a new city. No doubt of which he would own, of course.


-In Zanzeb, Ketua Falahad becomes a father to a son. This pleases the upper class, who have been plotting for months to try and convince the Ketua to service out guardianship to someone in Zanzeb, who would then collaborate with other peoples of the upper class to try and convince the boy he should become King, overthrowing the somewhat recently established Republic when he becomes of age.

-Meanwhile, the Grand Triarchate of the Church of the Ternion (How's that for a title) is travelling to Azraca to try and find suitable land on which the Church may build something new. Whether 'something new' refers to a settlement for churchgoers or a new Ziggurat, that's yet to be decided. Regardless, Oluro's journey is getting close to its destination.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Lands of the Fulmen Nati
Mount Limen
Fulmen Vigra
Seven Days Ago

Lugal Aigen sat cross-legged at the edge of the summit, facing East, staring blindly into the darkness. His eyes were white, his pupils clouded. His body skeletal in form; the Lugal lived a harsh life of fasting and idle meditation atop one of the tallest mountains in the land where the air itself gave way to the Aether. It was little wonder that, despite being a mere twoscore years in age, he bore the look of an elder approaching their final days. Such was the burden of the Lugal. Serving as a conduit for the will of a God taxed the body. Even supping upon Divine essence daily to sustain the body, it was still eroded away by the raw potency of the force connected to it. No Lugal lasted for more than a year. It had been two months, and already Aigen found that he could no longer sleep. Every ache and pain of his body had faded away, and his every waking moment was filled with glorious visions and whispers of prophetic portent.

The priest in him revered the signs and gestures of a God. The learned scholar in him recognized the signs of Delirium. The truth of the matter was something more and something less than what men could know. Perhaps both were one and the same.

The throne of the Fulmen lands was a humble arrangement. The Lugal had a stone shelter carved into the recess of the summit overhang, where he kept a private library, a slab of rock generously called a bed, a stone table and altar, and several racks and hangers for the requisite collection of religious paraphernalia. Each of the fifteen receptacles was barren, the artifacts they had once held having long ago been stolen or bestowed as gifts. Lost so long ago, what the relics had even been was lost to the ages. Just beyond it, a small garden of Verum Flowers was kept. Something of a botanical mystery, the silvery orchids flourished in the horrid conditions of the summit. Nowhere was there food. This high up, the summit should have been crested by pure-fallen snow for a source of water, as many of the other mountains in the Fulmen chain were, but Mount Limen had purportedly never harbored snow in any measure upon its peak. Not even in the deepest and most bitter of winters.

Thankfully, the agony of thirst and hunger had been supplanted by the yearning need for a new kind of sustenance, which saw the Lugal sitting at the edge of the Summit now, in total darkness, waiting.

His patience was rewarded. The sky grew brighter with an orange glow by measures, and then Tafari broke across the horizon and began to ascend into the sky. Aigen looked head on into its brilliance, his blinded eyes unflinching as divine light speared into his mind through the two organs. In the light of dawn, Aigen rose.

After staring into Tafari for several minutes, he turned to the South-east, away from the Fulmen mountain chains. Though his vision was obscured by distance, a layer of clouds, and blindness besides, he looked out to the foreign lands beyond his own and saw them as they were in the light of day. For thousands of years they had been apart from the Fulmen Nati, which was the way of things. They had their own gods, their own ways and arrangements, and this was as it should have been. The pantheon of the Fulmen Nati harbored no delusions that they were anything but (relative) newcomers to this world. They had taken places within it, but they would hardly presume to dictate the terms of their visitation.

That was about to change. It was the Will of God. The heathens in their civilized lands could keep their gods. So long as they bowed lowest and foremost to the new Pantheon, in the Dawn of a new Age.

Aigen spoke to the wind and intoned. Nobody was present to hear his decree, but nonetheless it would reach its intended recipients.

~The gathering of the high priests of the Effulgent Order is convened.~

He then turned away from Tafari and retreated to the overhang to meditate and read the stone tablets of his library. Many things would need to be done in the coming days, and Lugal Aigen intended to be prepared to execute them before the high priests arrived at Fulperlitt for the convocation.


Mount Limen
The Seat of Legacy
Present Day

The round stone room, allegedly the site of the first Effulgent temple, stank of corpses. Eleven Demihumans sat uncomfortably upon their ceremonial seats, surrounding a central fire pit where empyrean incense smoldered. Unfortunately, the smoke released by the burning essence was nearly odorless, and did nothing to mask the scent of charnel emanating from the vacant twelfth seat.

High Priest Iimah'lutah, head of the Effulgent Order at Apricor, solemnly waited in stern silence nonetheless. He preferred to let the convocation of high priests take in the fetid air here, as a reminder of what had transpired that had so cursed the empty seat. He glanced about the room, and seeing that the junior-most of their number had turned an unfavorable pallid coloration out of sheer nausea, decided he had let them stew for long enough.

"As senior-most priest of the Effulgent Order, I declare this Convocation of the High Priests at the behest of the Lugal to be assembled. I call upon each of us in turn to deliver their portents for consideration by this gathering."

The junior priest from Otium, a mere score and eight years in age, spoke first with a look of immense relief. "The flow of wind now sweeps in a great vortex between the Waning Gulf and the Revenant Bight, encompassing Otium in its breadth. Flocks of birds attempt to migrate, but follow the thermals in circles. Some manage to escape either to the Northeast or the Southwest, flying to foreign lands. The number of birds that return are the same, but the newest amongst their number are of species foreign to our lands."

The priest from Satus - a somewhat obese man adorned in fine jewels none of the others bore - spoke next. "Foreigners have come to Satus. Mostly Orcs and Elves, armed and armored, skilled in traversing the jungles. They die fighting rather than surrender. Songbirds have flown beyond the Draw Veil without prompting by their masters."

The priestess from Ungdet, with vines of carmine hair, was next. "The flow of the rivers, from the mountains to the Northern estuaries, has reversed." There was a collective take between the assembled priests - short breaths, blinking eyes, turned heads.

"Reversed. The streams flowing uphill?" The Baleosus priest inquired.

"Uphill." The priestess affirmed. "The water appears to sink into the Earth at each of the river sources, and is brackish and salty. Furthermore, with the changing of the flow, strangler figs have been found along the riverbanks, fully grown, where a moon earlier they were absent. They choke and slay the trees around those streams, and at their bases, Verum orchids grow."

"Fascinating." Iimah'lutah said. "These portents are rather telling so far. We must proceed."

"The Warlord Charis attempted to recreate foreign siege weapons." The priestess from Ecsigent went next. "They succeeded, but proved unable to move the weapon effectively through the jungle or the swamps. In an uncharacteristic gesture of piety, they had the construct chopped into kindling and sent to the temple of Mannet as an offering."

"Children have been seen throwing clay bottles into the Tiam causeway, containing slips of parchment inscribed with profoundly upsetting insults." The priest of Fulperlitt said simply.

"Clay bottles containing slips of parchment inscribed with profoundly upsetting insults have been found washed up on the riverbanks of the Tiam river." The priest of Mollis Latus said, their tone of voice reproachful. One of the eleven figures hurriedly turned a bout of snickering into a disturbed cough. "Foreign bodies have been found in the maws of the Devouring Earth of the Protrero. Domodets have been sighted south across the Tiam river, carrying tools stolen from nearby villages."

"A small plot of cleared land in the jungle was found, where some force of peoples had been constructing a ziggurat with unfamiliar signs. Construction appeared to have been abandoned halfway through. Masons say construction might have begun a decade or more before. The structure was torn down and the materials made an offering to Mannet." The priest of Respecit Fulmen stated.

"Foreigners head to Iugulum Mot, ignoring our warnings. Their flayed skins are found draped across clotheslines, the image of a crown carved upon their brows." The priest from Dakat'fium spoke more with embarrassment than with concern. Their village was the first line of defense against the Revenants and Wraiths of Iugulum Mot. That the agents of Mot could so freely move in and out of the village to leave their 'laundry' to dry without being detected was a sign of lax vigilance. "One foreign ship, The Azrac Sun sailed North, hugging the coastline. It passed through the Waning Gulf, and was spared by the forces of Iugulum Mot."

"Have there been any other ships recently?" Iimah'lutah asked expectantly.

"No other ships have passed that way for the last year." The priest said flatly.

"Curious. What else?"

"There was a disturbance of the blood of the earth in one of the shaft mines just this week." The priest from Baleosus, Eimli, the third oldest in the room, who bore a steel scepter with a tip of diamond - likely a token gift from the warlord Balefor. "A great plume of flame erupted from one of the tunnels, filled the air of the shaft, surged upwards, and spread across the basin like a dome. There was no damage, save for a single shipment of empyrean incense which combusted and was carried by spread across the village by the event. An unscheduled holy day was declared in order to keep peace. The fumes formed a cloud which rose from the Metfall basin, and blew to the Southeast with the wind."

Everyone strained to hear the priestess from Radix Arx as she whispered a faint report. "Somebody left the village to plant a verum orchid by the main gates two months ago. They now blossom freely about the road." The flowers were interesting, but the simple statement that even one of the almost religiously solitary natives of Radix Arx had left the confines of the village was unheard of. The population there was called 'The Last Family' with good reason. Only high priests had regularly been in and out of the village for thousands of years, and its inner routines were almost a complete unknown to those outside. Their population amongst the Fulmen Nati, which was a distinct subgroup of the Human Species, was in itself a distinct subgroup of that population.

"The Twelve Prophets declared that a New Era would soon dawn." Iimah'lutah stated. "They said that the Wind would carry on or carry off the Cadence of Freedom, that the eight Instruments would be unearthed in great turmoil, and that the Third Lament of Tafari would either made or averted by the actions of man."

A new voice spoke last from the twelfth seat.

"The dead rise to walk the steps of those who never were."

The twelfth seat, from which the stench of death and rot emanated, which was in perpetuity stained with the blood of the lives lost from the collapse of the sunken village, which had been empty but mere moments ago - now seated the exiled High Priest of Iugulum Mot.

Tien'camot, High Priest of Tafari, High Priest of Mot, Kinslayer, Traitor, Deceiver, Heretic. Reaper of Tens of Thousands. Disciple of Centipedes. Keeper of the Carmot Tablet.


Iimah'lutah and the High Priests of Mollis Latus and Baleosus rose as one, gesturing with their right hands and reaching for divine icons with their left. The other priests either recoiled in their seats or else sat in stunned shock.

Tien'camot waved a hand, lazily and errantly, as the series of curses and invocations surged through his body. His eyes flared, shone, and dissolve before starting to dribble from their sockets like molten gold. Blood began to seep from his arms and chest. His head twisted a complete 360 degrees, the flesh tearing and exposed vertabrae growing brittle and snapping into pieces under the forces acting upon them. The dead body slumped in the seat, but the head just laughed, even as boiling and steaming cerebrospinal fluid and meningeal tissue began to pour out from the stump of their neck to stain and burn the body below. The already horrid stench coming from the chair descended to new depths.

"Such a harsh greeting. Has time not eased the ill condition of your humors for me?"

"This is a dream." The spluttering priest from Satus moaned. "This isn't real. Too much of the smoke. Too much of the incense."

"Even if this was not real, you would not be spared of me." The disembodied head hissed. "I received the same summons you all did."

"And you have said all that we will hear." Iimah'lutah said through bared teeth. "Your words will be taken into consideration. But you will leave, least we render this vessel of yours into scorched pulp."

"Very well. Heed these final words: The ancient enemy of our people has returned. I have deciphered such from reading the Carmot Tablet. They will be the perpetrators of the Third Lament. If you do not take action, they will enthrall Providence itself."

The head lifelessly fell from the air and bounced into the fire pit, rolling to a gentle stop amidst the smoldering ashes.


"His first portent cannot be trusted. Even if true, we have no way of verifying it. The second portent is...worrisome."

It was now late into the night, most of the High Priests had retreated to private cells for rest. Iimah'lutah and the priests from Baleosus and Fulperlitt had stayed up to discuss what was to be done.

"Regardless of what he said, we must act all the same in regards to the remaining portents." The priest from Fulperlitt declared. "All of them are clear and consistent. Either foreigners will come to our lands to destroy our way of life, or we will venture out to their lands to ruin theirs. The lament of Tafari must be tied up in this matter. I propose that our action to avert the Third Lament will be our carriage of our faith to the desolate lands beyond the Tiam and Mata rivers."

"The Apricor Prophets warned that the Third Lament would be either made or averted by the actions of man. What if such an effort on our part inadvertently contributes to the inception of the Lament?" Eimli pressed. "It may be that we must merely act to defend ourself from outside influence and interference by foreign powers. I am convinced of this due to his warning of our 'ancient enemy.' Iimah, what enemy did Tien'camot speak of?"

Iimah'lutah remained silent for some time, appearing to weigh his words carefully before responding. "The Fulmen Nati have no ancient enemy, save perhaps for the First Lugal himself. Though I would be hesitant to ascribe them as an enemy of our peoples so hastily. Even Mot and his servants are not truly our enemies such in the way Tien'camot has framed his warning."

"I almost wish we had not banished him so quickly. He might have said more on this matter had we let him." The priest from Fulperlitt said, frustration in his voice. "He may be treacherous, but he swore by the Carmot tablet and indicated this enemy - enemies - would be responsible for the Third Lament."

"If the Third Lament is made manifest, does that not benefit Mot? The Whole of Existence would be his to consume." Eimli argued. "And mentioning the Carmot Tablet is probably the only way he could have made us listen to him at all. Any fool would have known they would have to use it in order to make us consider their words seriously, true or not. He is proven to be treacherous, I say he may be playing us."

"Excellent points, Priest Eimli." Iimah'lutah said. "Once the gathering has ended, I would like you to personally investigate the possibility that the Cult of Mot may be rising within the echelons of society, and possibly the Effulgent Order itself. If Tien'camot spoke the truth, then there will be no harm in doing so. If he lied, we may potentially unroot the cult and their conspiracy before they can do any damage."

"And what of our response to the portents? Shall we prepare to wage glorious and bloody war upon the desolate nations? Or shall we close the thresholds of our house, that none might enter?" The priest from Fulperlitt asked.

"Until we see more conclusive evidence of foreign interference in our affairs, stirring up the Warlords against the foreign nations would prove detrimental to our long-term stability." Iimah'lutah thought aloud. "Either for purposes of invasion or defense, I would think." He turned his head down to the floor for several moments, clearly thinking, before turning to face the other two once more.

"Perhaps we might merely send members of the Effulgent Order and Questors to the Desolate Nations, to spread the Glory of our pantheon? If we use only peaceful measures, none would dare attack us for such. We are too isolated, our lands too inhospitable to invade effectively.

"I do have some difficulty envisioning the spread of our beliefs to foreign lands contributing to the Third Lament." The Fulperlitt Priest said slowly. "This seems a safe enough momentary action."

"Then let it be. On the morn, I shall announce our intention to the others."


Terus Azraca
The Great Foundries
Five Days Ago. . .

Brine was in the air, mixed with the smell of soot. The nearby refineries belched black smoke from burning coal as they heated the ore, which the great foundries then cast into ingots. Within the plain, rectangular buildings of roughly hewn stone blocks, there were hundreds of smiths. The foundry was like a beating heart, or maybe that was simply the impression one got from the constant thrumming in the air as the smiths beat weapon after weapon into shape, working side by side in almost complete unison.

Into the briny water fresh from the sea were the searing hot blades thrown. Once cooled, they were taken out and loaded into crates. Some dozen or so crates found their way to the docks, along with crates of everything else from ale to pottery.

The dockyard was rather quiet, as Dhirim did not ship so many goods as it once had. Alaba was now the wealthiest city and the center of all trade, while Dhirim was in the back of the merchants' minds, continuing to be the source of near all Azraca's metalworks just as it had been for the past five centuries. Still, there were a fair few orcs that helped the lankier Azracs to heft the crates onto the ships. No doubt the orcs stared at such crates with envy; a month of hauling the crates back and forth would yield enough pay for a worker to keep maybe one or two such crates full of goods for himself.

By early in the morn, the last of the goods had been loaded into the belly of The Azrac Sun, a tiny little trade vessel that was the pride of Azraca and the laughing stock of the rest of the world. Still, steered by such a skilled captain it had a good chance of making it to Ryuku, where the strange people would pay handsomely for the weapons and other assorted goods. The Captain of this ship had made many a successful venture such as this, and so his word carried with it the weight of experience. The younger lads looking to make their fortune did exactly as he said, as soon as he said it. That was precisely how the Captain liked it.

The ship left at the sun's first appearance over the cliffs to the east. A trade wind was stirring, but the ship was able to steer straight in the shallows, hugging the coastline. The sailing was uneventful and monotonous for several days, the sailors passing their time gambling and occasionally fishing, while the aging Captain slept in his cabin. It would seem that Selijuk intended to grant his faithful with an easy voyage and easy gold.

The only thing amiss with the voyage was the absence of a single sailor, who had failed to return from their shoreleave once they had learned in which direction the ship would be sailing. The rest of the crew did not let the memory of his drunken, slurred warnings and ramblings dampen their spirits. If the man believed what the Demihuman primitives in the Nati lands said about the savage coast to the Northwest, it was his loss when the ship pulled in to port in a week and half.

Sailors were a superstitious lot, but only a fool would believe in the tales of Iugulum Mot and its vengeful revenants attacking ships. The Blind Prophet himself could see that Iugulum Mot was no more than a pile of rocks in a marsh.

The Lands of the Fulmen Nati
The Revenant Bights
Coastal Waters
The Present Day

After having traversed the coastal waters surrounding Iugulum Mot, a few of them had broken across a change of heart. Others were merely ambivalent. Even those who steadfastly refused to believe in the restless dead were still forced to admit there was something queer about the waters around the bleak estuaries and marshes of the peninsula. As they had entered the Waning Gulf, an eerie green sky had swept out from the shoreline - in complete contradiction of what Nautical science said about how storms should form - and loomed over the vessel for days as it traversed the Gulf's coast. The horizon was filled with lightning constantly, preventing any of the sailors from resting with its frequency, but no rain accompanied it, and the waters were still and dead. In the night, sailors swore they saw dark shapes moving in the water, and strange bumps and keening hisses in the dark seemed to invade the hull.

All of this was but a paltry prelude to the passage past the accursed site of Iugulum Mot itself. The tales and rumors said none could lay eyes on it and live. The moment the broken spires and sunken visages of the sunken city came into view, a keening, eerie, alien roar filled the air, chasing after the ship. The sea had churned and boiled as they sailed by, and every shadow seemed to have a mind of its own, cast in the shapes of men and beasts alike.

But it had passed. The Captain had personally taken stock and seen the ship past that dreaded port. Once they had left the waning gulf, all had returned to normal. The remainder of the trip around the Sterile Peinsula was as boring as the approach to the gulf had been, and now the enduring Azrac Sun was halfway across the Revenant Bight. Iugulum Mot had once again come into sight from the crow's nest, but none of the fearsome omens had manifested. The sky was clear, the sun was shining, and the waves were gentle.

The Captain continued to stare with distrust at the dreary spires. In his heart he had been sure of his own doom and the foolishness of choosing this route rather than the tried and true eastern one, but it seemed that his original sentiments had been right. Of course they had been; he was wiser and his beard was whiter than half the fools in the Terus dynasty. As the Captain stumbled onto the deck, his daily skin of palm wine in hand, he spotted the Quartermaster on break.

"I told yeh, son!" he slurred. "Those Demihumans were dumb enough to build a city on a swamp, so they're dumb enough to think the ruins are cursed. This," he said, gesturing at the serene waters, "is what I said it'd be. Ne'er doubt yer Captain!" he spat, his spiel at last over.

"Aye Captain. You can be sure once we're back home, every seadog worth their piss is going to hear what a joke you made of their tall tales." The Quartermaster affirmed. "Will we be takin' the same route for the return trip?"

The Captain shrugged. "I've been thinkin' about that. Might just sail our way over to Vathcras and take the eastern route, bring back a few slaves. Word has it that Khazard is running out."

Suddenly, there was a fearsome shout from above as the lookout cried out from the Crow's Nest. "MAN OVERBOARD TO STARBOARD!" He bellowed at the top of his lungs, loud enough to wake the dead spirits that had failed to appear thus far.

"What fool?" the Captain shouted, dropping his wine in alarm. The wineskin tumbled overboard. "Go save the wretch's hide and bring me back that wineskin!" the Captain slurred, grabbing the Quartermaster and throwing him overboard. The Captain moved to turn the ship around, circling so as to not sail away from the two in the water.

The Quartermaster shouted several indignant curses as they fell through the air into the water below, but they nonetheless began to swim out from the ship once he surfaced. In the distance, perhaps two dozen meters or so, was the bobbing form of a man adrift at sea, their body floating limply on the waves. It took them the better part of fifteen minutes to drag the pale form back to the ship, struggling to swim through the water with just one hand. Thankfully for the both of them, the water in this part of the sea was warm rather than chill. The Quartermaster was met alongside the hull by two sailors with ropes, who helped him and his passenger back aboard.

"The wineskin was irretrievable sir." The Quartermaster reported primly as he dumped the man's body onto the deck. "And this dreck isn't part of the crew."

The Captain spat. Soon he'd drink the last drop of the palm wine that they had brought to sell.

The stranger appeared to be dressed in the Azrac fashion, albeit waterlogged to the point of ruination. Their skin though, was a pale and deathly ivory shade. Their eyes were glossy and gray. One of the crew knelt down and pressed their head to his chest. "No heartbeat." They grunted. "This dreck is dead as driftwood."

The dead man proceeded to vomit out the contents of their stomach along with two lungfulls of seawater out from their mouth, all over the sailor's head and the deck. They jolted upright, then fell to the side and continued to heave onto the deck, bent over on all fours as they violently wretched.

At this point, the Captain was contemplating throwing the man off the boat before he made even more of a mess. He was a godly man, though, so instead he would force his idiot of a Quartermaster to clean the mess.

"Well, son, ye brought this man onto the boat, and he made this mess. And ye didn't bring the wineskin. So I reckon it's ye who ought to clean this...this..." the Captain growled, at a loss for words.

"Aye sir. What do we do with him though?" The Quartermaster gestured at the stranger, gasping and panting for air on the deck before them.

"Does it look like we have a Mazman? There are no healers here. He's a dead man. May as well let him hang over the side 'til his belly's empty. We'll wait 'til he's dead before we push 'im over, that way we won't be no murderers."

"Aye aye. You louts heard the Captain, get him tied and secured!" The Quartermaster relayed. "And somebody get me a mop!"

And so the man was lashed to the rail of the ship, head bent over the side, and they continued on their voyage. Hours later he had started to murmur and growl feverishly. A day later he started muttering almost coherent speech.


Off the coast of Ritang
Present Day

By the time they reached port almost five days later, he had started complaining.

"For Selijuk's sake, somebody untie me at once!" He cried out. "What is wrong with you people, tying up a dying man fresh from being adrift at sea?"

The Captain, drowning his sorrows in ale now that the palm wine had all "leaked out of its barrel", looked over at the man.

"Eh, I figure someone's been givin' you food an' drink, else you'd be stiff by now. Pah, fine," he slobbered. He pulled out a small dagger from its sheathe on his side and began to clumsily saw at the rope tying the man to the side of the ship. A few grunts and a few shallow, oddly bloodless cuts in his skin later, the man was freed. The Captain looked at the man, still as pale as the when they had pulled him from the sea, and once again thought about throwing the ungrateful sot overboard.

"About time. If a Mazman were here, you can be sure they'd be upbraiding you about now!" The man grumbled as he got up, stretching his arms and back as he turned to face the captain. As their eyes met, the captain saw that his eyes were dull and gray, his pupils milky and blind. "Where in Tanis are we?"

The groggy Captain stared at the man for several moments. He looked a bit queer, didn't he? The drunken man blinked a few times before second guessing himself. "Ryuku, home of a bunch of fools that willin'ly give us gold for crates of bronze garbage that we might as well use for anchors. Say, I should be asking, what were ye doin' out in the water when we found ye?"

"I was a passenger aboard the Mountebank, sailing back to the homeland. We sailed too close to the coast. I was below deck when it happened, so all I heard was the roar of the damned as they tore the entire ship to pieces. Last thing I remember is blacking out a half dozen fathoms underwater." He paused for a moment. "So, Ryuku? You mean the place where they worship bushes and sticks and every damn thing under the sun? The same Ryuku with the turnips and radishes?"

"Aye. The one and only..." the Captain mockingly slurred, outstretching his hand towards the approaching city, "Empire of the Sun! Say, the sun is where Selijuk dwells. Ye think they call themselves holy?" the Captain guffawed.

"Well, the damn fools are certainly wanting enough for people calling themselves an empire. I'd like to disembark at port, but I reckon I do probably owe you something for rescuing me. Did you find any trace of the ship, or any other survivors? I'm guessing not, considering I was the only one lashed to the rail." His voice was only mildly reproachful as he broached the question.

"Nah. Else we'd be sellin' heaps of timber from yer 'Mountebank' and we'd be turning around for Khazard with a shipload of fresh slaves," the Captain choked out as he continued to laugh at Ryuku, his seriousness hard to tell.

"Well, if you want to make a bit of coin - the Captain of the Mountebank was this fellow from Khumer, if you can believe it. Said he was moving a shipment to one of their nutter cultist priests. Thing is though, they told me when they were a bit deep in the cups that most of their shipment was already being stored at port, ready to be sold. The Captain's name was Werrill. If you happen to stop by Khumer on the way back home, you can maybe stop in and attend to his affairs for a tidy sum."

A gleam shined in the Captain's eyes at the mention of gold, and the seasoned sailor listened intently to the man's tale. "Aye, I'm growin' too old for this...might be nice to finally hoard enough gold to buy myself a palace to die in," the Captain said, looking down in thought. However, his distrusting nature got the better of him. He had fallen for scams and ruses his fair few times over the years. "But, ye just as well may be leadin' me whole crew into chains or graves. Khumer isn't a friendly place. The Sultan doesn't guarantee our protection when we go to such lands. Why risk going to that crazed hellhole of a kingdom?"

The castaway shrugged. "That's your decision to make. I just thought I'd pass on the information. Not like I can make use of it without a ship. As far as I'm concerned, we're even. If you change your mind though, Captain Werrill said that there was a code phrase to validate his identity. When he passed out I went through his records, thinkin' maybe I could make do for the shipment instead of him. It goes like this, 'The Drum of Thunder stirs the Blood of the Blistered Earth.' If you relay that to any authority under the Flayed King at the port, you should be able to claim his dues.

The Captain thought for some time. At last, he gave an apathetic shrug. "Well, stranger, I s'pose I'll ask your name out of curiosity's sake before I let you do your "business" here. I'll sell these goods, let the boys go on land for a few days, then head back to Azraca. Maybe see about getting that payment on the way," the Captain said just as his first mate steered the boat into port. Several of the Ryuku dockhands saw about tying the ship in place and putting down a plank.

"You may call me Mote. Permission to disembark now, Captain?" The strange man said as the customs officers boarded the deck, asking for the captain of the ship.

The Captain smirked at how quickly this 'Mote' was catching on. He nodded his permission to Mote before turning to deal with the Ryukuan officials and their ridiculous regulations. When he turned to try and catch one last glimpse of Mote, the man had seemingly vanished.



-Nothing happened.
-The Azrac Sun rescued man found adrift in the Revenant Bights, and delivered him to Ryuku.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The air was oppressively thick and the sun's heat was equally unbearable in the Eastmarsh. Fortunately, few besides the men stationed at Swampwatch that had to suffer such weather. Swampwatch was a large stone keep in the middle of an unnavigable sea of mangroves and stagnant pools. A long, winding road from the north, the only one through the Eastmarsh to Azraca, transformed into a raised highway as it neared the Swampwatch. The Swampwatch itself was a castle built on top of this road, with numerous portcullises and murder holes guarding the tunnel through the castle from the open highway. Along the sides of the causeway rose several squat, stone archer towers, connected to the main keep by rickety rope bridges.

The keep proper and the nearby guard towers along the causeway seemed to simply rise out of the swamp. While such loose foundations made the towers treacherously lean and slowly sink into the mud to be claimed by the marsh, the castle itself was built atop a hill and it was strong. With no materials to build siege weapons on site and no real room to set them up, as well as the extreme difficulty that would be involved in simply moving off the road and around the castle, the Swampwatch was actually very effective at protecting the realm from northern invaders. It was not a large garrison, though, manned by only a few hundred Strazari.

Amaan awoke when the sun was already high in the sky. Slowly he got to his feet from his small cot within the barracks, careful not to disturb the others. He walked down the dimly lit room to find the others on his watch, nudging awake those that were not yet stirring. The soldiers silently left the room, trudging down a corridor to the adjacent armory. There they took off their bedclothes and equipped their uniforms, the standard bronze and leather armor of the Strazari. Though their armor was identical, they each had white tabards with their own coat of arms sewn or dyed onto the fabric. That way they could be told apart from one another even with their masks and helmets covering their faces, and the men of more renowned houses could flaunt their superiority to their fellow soldiers that came from humbler beginnings.

Amaan was a noble, the second son of a Baig, though there were a few men in the garrison that were above his station, being relatives of Emirs. Amaan left the armory with his falchion at his hip and his composite bow in its case, as the moist air could damage its glues if he left it exposed while on watch.

Amaan and the other men that had the afternoon watch that day ascended several fleets of stairs as they navigated the dark and maze-like corridors. The fortress was intentionally confusing and labyrinthine to make it more defensible, though it also proved to be a nuisance to the defenders at times. At last the men arrived atop the battlements and made their ways to the various watchtowers protruding from the bastion that was Swampwatch.

Almost immediately upon relieving the previous watch and assuming their positions, the Strazari guards were assailed by swarms of mosquitoes and other insects that plagued the Eastmarch. It was no wonder that the Eastmarsh was wilderness; any fools that tried to establish a settlement in the marsh would be eaten alive by leeches, insects, and worse things that inhabited the waters. Few caravans even attempted to traverse the Eastmarsh, despite the effort that the Dominion had gone through to create a decent road through it to the Golden Lands beyond. The merchants seemingly preferred the more dangerous and lengthy North Pass, or simply sailing down the coast in ships.

Amaan lit a torch of incense, which helped to stave off the swarms. Having been stationed at this hellish garrison for half a year now, he had grown somewhat used to the incessant itching that the relentless insects mercilessly inflicted upon the men. There were half a dozen Mazmen in the garrison, so high was the number of men who caught diseases and other ailments from the swamp fumes and mosquitoes. Amaan broke off a hunk of bread to break his fast. As he ate his meal, he lazily stared into the distance, looking at the raised road that started at the swamp's border, continued clean through the portcullis beneath his feet and through the castle, and then finally made its way to the wealthy port of Alaba.

The road was deserted as usual; a fantastic waste of money. Or was it? The Azrac's eyes narrowed into slits as thin as a sheet of papyrus as he squinted down the road. It appeared that a large host was approaching, too many men to count. Without thinking, Amaan reached for a nearby horn and blew it to indicate people traveling on the road. The others lazily looked out of curiosity, expecting to see a few lonely figures trudging down the road, or perhaps a single wagon, but instead they saw what could be a host of a hundred men, at least. Though the men were a long ways down the road, barely within sight of those atop the battlements, many of them still glimmered in the sun like the jewels of a Sultan. They seemed to be wearing metal armor.

The men atop the garrison unsheathed their powerful composite bows and began gently tugging at the strings, back and forth, loosening them up in preparation for combat, if that was what was to come. Amaan, as the commander of this watch, sent one of the men into the castle to summon more guards to come atop the battlements. No doubt they would want to see whoever was coming, and if the approaching men turned out to be hostile, it would be good to have more men atop the battlements. That way less invaders would flee back north without a few arrows in their backs.

As the host slowly made its way down the muddy road and towards the Swampwatch, the young Captain Amaan wondered to himself what their purpose was. An invasion was unlikely. Perhaps they were bandits or deserters, but then they seemed relatively well equipped, and such lowly wretches would not dare to come within sight of a castle. The more that he thought, the more likely he reasoned that this was some protected convoy, or maybe an important traveler and his bodyguards. That would also be strange; foreigners with any wealth almost always came by ship rather than land, and the garrison was notified ahead of time if the Sultan or Maliks knew anybody of importance was coming through.

As the Grand Triarchate and his Oathsworn, for those were the travelers, made their way down the causeway to the castle, they would be stopped by the men standing atop the first towers alongside the bridge. From the towers to their left and right and from the castle battlements straight ahead, the Armanians were being stared at by perhaps fifty Azrac guardsmen. Armored with their helmets and chain mail visors hiding even their faces, the guardsmen were sure to let the travelers see that they held bows in their hands, though the archers were not so threatening as to have their arrows nocked.

From the first one of the towers jutting out of the water to the side of the causeway that the Grand Triarchate approached, a guard cried out in the harsh Azrac tongue, "Halt! Move no further before declaring your intentions."

Standing directly ahead of the approaching men, atop the battlements directly above the portcullis, Amaan stood waiting intently to see how these strange people would respond. As the son of a Baig, he had been given a better education than most in his nation. Still, he was not so wealthy and with so much free time that he had been able to study the language of the Armanians or the Arhusians. He knew only a few basic words in those languages, acquired from when he was stationed on the Old Kings' Wall and had to deal with many more foreign merchants than he did here. If the Grand Triarchate and none of his accompanying men spoke Azrac, communication would be difficult. However, they surely would have brought a translator or learned man if they had planned on entering Azraca.


-The fortress of Swampwatch was described.
-Amaan, the captain of the afternoon watch, saw a large host of armored men (The Grand Triarchate and his bodyguards) approaching.
-One of the archers stopped the Grand Triarchate's party as they approached, and demanded to know their purpose.

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