Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The RP has finally started! Woop! Post away x3

(Include at the end of each post)

Weapon: ???
Hits used: ___
Hits left: ___
Throwable: ??? (they only last 1 post anyway)


Group 1: Kurisa, Utaho, Shoske, Akane, Yukito

Group 2: Aki, Megumi

Group 3: Zev, Mi

Lone: Kenny


Reiko Kanzaki - Died on the school Roof

Paneru Yagyū - Died on the School Roof

Kurogane Hazekage - Died on the School Roof

Kibaya Musato - Dead from the get go
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Location: Japan, Tokonosu City Time: 11:37 A.M Date: March 7th, 2015 Out on the Horizon was a city filled with smoke, filling the skies above as fires burned out of control, it looked like something straight out of a Movie...this place looked like hell! And it may as well have been...Monsters in the form of humans roamed the streets, consuming human begins and turning them into one of them. It was like a nightmare...in so little time this world had fallen into chaos and although the people of Japan may have thought it was just in Japan, it wasn't...this was world wide...there was no escaping it. Little did we all know They were already here... Location: Japan, Tokonosu City, Fujimi Academy Time: 10:50 A.M Date: March 7th, 2015 Right now everything was normal in the School, people going about their daily lives learning, skipping class and causing trouble...just another day in Paradise. This is where it all begins, at this somewhat normal High School located in Japan. Right now most would be in class but as usual a few decided to skip class and just wait it out until something they actually wanted to do came along or until they got caught but for the regular people who skip class this wasn't much of a problem. The Teachers had given up on dragging students back to a class they had no interest in and went on as normal, focusing on teaching the students that did want to learn. To some this was a place of wonders, where you come to learn and make something of your life...for others it was just a pain in the ass! Almost like a damn prison! Being forced to come here day after day to do stuff they hate. Some would go as far as calling this place hell!...but they had no idea what hell was on it's way We start our story from this point on...everything is as normal...for now
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mi was in gym. It was her least favorite class. She didn't have very good physical properties. Well, except for running. And Mi even messed that up sometimes. But it wasn't running. It was football. A contact sport where both the girls and the boys were playing for once. Mi ran along the outskirts, chasing the ball. Before she knew it, her face was on the ground. Someone had tripped her. A girl ran over and asked Mi if she was okay. Mi nodded but the girl pointed at her face and arms. "You don't look okay," she told Mi. Mi looked at her arms and noticed that they were bleeding. Her nose was probably bleeding as well. Mi stood up and walked to the nurse's office. As Mi entered the office she told herself that she would be fine even if the nurse wash't there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Another day, another class skipped. Utaho walked by the hall, accompanied by two of her friends, well, more like her gang. She liked hanging around with them, given that it actually gave her a 'delinquent' feeling. She was the kind of girl that teacher's had given up for a while ago, she was probably not going to college too, perhaps she'd try for a career in MMA, though, it'd be fun to kick ass and not being scolded afterwards. "Uta-chan," one of the girls walking by her side started, she was dressed similar to Utaho, wearing a hoodie and a skirt. "What do ya want to drink? Soda, like always?" She asked, while she turned around to go to the vending machine that was nearby. Utaho nodded. "Yeah, please." She simply said, before reaching over to her hoodie's pocket and taking out her phone. Her case was pink and had a black heart in the middle, with the figure of a dog. Also, it read 'PINK' in big white letters. Totally in contrast with her own personality. Utaho was wearing a purple hoodie and a black skirt, along with stocking and a pair of sneakers (she just hated the school slippers), and her long blonde hair was done into a side ponytail. "So, who you got money from this time? That Amamiya brat or that Kiyoshi girl we've had our sights on for a while?" She said, laughing a bit. They still hadn't done anything, trying to respect their kouhai status and all, but they would start anytime soon for sure. "Neither, I'm not as awful as you! I brought my own money today! Geez, Uta-chan." Though the girl said so, she still laughed. She went to the vending machine and got three drinks from it. She quickly returned and threw at each girl their drink. Utaho opened the can of soda in her hands and took a sip on it, before her sharp eyes fixated on the sky. "Fuck, it's boring today. I wonder if Kurisa has anyone that needs their butt kicked." She said, before taking another sip on her drink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kurisa for once had decided to actually go to Geography and instantly began to regret it when the Teacher pointed out that he had actually turned up "Oh so you finally show up to my lesson Kurisa! How many have you missed now? Take a good look everyone...Kurisa is the prime example of a student who will fail in life, all because he refuses to learn" Kurisa rolled his eyes then looked off to the side "So Kurisa. May I ask why you have decided to show up for my lesson today? Please stand and give your reasoning..." Kurisa closed his eyes and let out a sigh as he then stood up to speak "You know what? Screw this...you just reminded me why I hate this class so much. You're a shit teacher, teaching a shitty subject...it's no wonder you're such an asshole. So take your shitty class and ram it up your ass...I'm out of here" Kurisa then began walking to the doors of the class and opened them "D-Don't you speak to me like that you brat! Go back to your seat now!" Kurisa grinned as he turned and looked at the teacher "Or what? you're going to make me? Don't make me laugh! and do yourself a favour and stop stuttering infront of your other students...it makes you look weak and they wont respect someone so weak. To them you may be some strong grown up teacher but I see you for what you are...a cowardly man using the title of Teacher to make people respect him...sucks for you that I can see past that scapegoat doesn't it? That's why I can walk all over you and I know you can't and wont do anything about it! Unless you want to prove me wrong?...Didn't think so" Kurisa then turned and walked out the class slamming the door behind him as he put his hands in his pockets and began walking down the hall "Stupid jack ass teacher...why the hell did I even bother going to that lesson anyway? the fuck was I thinking?...that's the last time I try to actually apply myself to that subject...didn't even get 5 minutes into the lesson before he pissed me off! Tch!" Kurisa made his way up the stairs and to the roof to get some peace and quiet but that was far from possible...of course other students skipping class would be up here and it'd be just Kurisa's luck that they weren't that fond of him "Well lookey here! We got ourselves the famous little bad boy Kurisa! What skipping class again? Shit...it's pretty funny you know...with you being one of the dumber than me and hell I hardly show up to any lessons!" Kurisa let his head drop back as he let out a groan then threw his head forward and facepalmed it with his right hand before letting his right hand drop off his face "Yeah...you're real smart aren't you? you basically called yourself stupid...since if I'm stupid like you say that means you're barely smarter than me...but still it makes you stupid. Wait perhaps...maybe...wait did I just become smarter than you? Well shit I think I did! Wait no! I've always been smarter than your stupid ass! Hey I got a joke for you...what's the difference between your ass and your mouth? Want me to tell you the answer? of course you do! Nothing...both spout shit!" The guy grit his teeth then balled his hands into fists as he then ran at Kurisa, cocking his right arm back, ready to throw his fist at Kurisa's face. As the guy sent his fist flying at Kurisa, Kurisa ducked down then stepped forward with his left foot as he then threw his right fist up into the guys stomach causing the guys eyes to widen as he hunched over and held his stomach. Kurisa then stood up and turned so he was facing the guys right side, Kurisa then slammed his right foot into the side of the guys head sending him crashing into the floor "You'd think you would have learned your lesson after the last time I kicked your ass. Clearly not." Kurisa then looked at the other guys and spoke "So you all want to try your luck? Strength in numbers right?...but if I remember last time...I proved that little statement wrong didn't I?" The other guys ran over to their friend as they helped to his feet and quickly got him off the roof. Kurisa then let out a sigh and walked over the the edge of the roof and leaned on the railings as he looked up to the sky "Same shit, Different day...man I'm getting tired of the same events happening over and over. I wish something interesting would just happen already..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiya
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Hibiya Secretly super cool. I know. Super cool.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Another day at school. That was at least from Yukito's point of view, if it was different for other kids then that was respected. It was between periods for him, a break known as "lunch" that was highly respected by the kids in his science class. He was sitting down on the large windowsill, eating the packed lunch that his mom made for him. Yukito's two friends were also sitting on the window, eating their food and seldom talking. "So, how was you guys' day?" Yukito had to look at his friends for them to at least reply, with either a small shrug or a shaking of the head. "So... what do you guys want to talk about...?" It was kinda boring, but that wasn't too out of the ordinary. "I don't really feel like talking, I just want to eat. Sorry." And just like that, one of his friends left his seat at the window. Yukito frowned, but it was probably inevitable. "How about you, Shinge-" The other, plump boy frowned, gave a similar response, and walked away as well. Yukito didn't even move. Did that mean he had no more friends? "If this day got any worse..." He swore under his breath, and finished up his food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

tack ka tack tack ka-tack tack ka-tack Clank! The hallways empty with classes in session, allowing the metallic thumps of a ruler rolling along the lockers to echo. A single figure, alone walked down the long hallway. Rounding the corner to find a group of three girls, who decided to skip were chatting until they spotted him."Ew, its that masked freak."One spoke before the three of them giggled as the masked individual tilted his head in a curious manner while tapping the ruler against his leg. The girls had looks of disgust.'Why do they let in creeps like him. Just go away!'Another of the girl spoke in a harsh tone and waited to see what he would do. Kenny simply stood there; mask hiding his expression or what he was thinking and the faint heavy breathing from exhaling the only sign that the person was indeed alive. Tapping that ruler against his leg, held by his gloved hand as he lifted his leg up forward. Taking a step forward, he started marching like soldiers in line while tapping the ruler along the lockers. Tack ka-tack tack ka-tack Drawing closer to the girls with each step as the three started to back up into each other, fear evident in their eyes."h-hey...stay away...o-or we'll...we'll scream.'The foremost of the girls said in a shaky voice, but still Kenny kept marching. They closed their eyes, hugging each other; expecting the freak to attack them, though after noticing the tapping sound that had grown louder was now faint. Turning, they saw that Kenny had marched right past them, acting like they weren't there to begin with."Come on...lets get away from this weirdo."The three walked off, while a muffled laughter could be heard from under the mask and he just kept on marching, right hand in pocket. On his third year at the school and still the masked boy was an strange enigma to students and teachers alike. For he had appeared with his strange appearance of a heavy jacket and a gas mask with rabbit like ears poking out from the puffy hood. Countless rumors resolved around him as some thought the mask welded to his head through some accident. Others think he was hideously disfigured and didn't want others to see. It was only made worse with the fact that Kenny never spoke or bothered to try to interact with anyone as he kept to himself. Most avoid him anyway, making it hard to tell if he didn't bother or more that everyone was creeped or disturbed and wanted nothing to do with him. Stranger still, the fact that he was in put in A class and though he was known for skipping; yet, his grades were maintained an steady A. Students were lead to think he was threatening the teachers or bribing them, though it was simply that Kenny always seemed to turned in his homework. A mystery was how most summed up the masked individual and he had no aim to correct or tell anyone otherwise. In fact, he preferred it this way as it kept bullies off his back. It was especially fun to scare or mess with classmates and sometimes teachers. Humming under his mask as he marched on, stamping his feet against the marbled floor before spotting an empty classroom nearby. He came to a halt and turned or more spun his body around to let his arms dangle back and forth a bit. Gazing into the dark room, guessing the teacher had no classes today and peered down both ways of the hallways before making his way to the door. Upon finding the door locked; Kenny produced a paperclip from his pocket and adjusted it to into a makeshift lockpick and tinkered with the doorknob. Doing so until a click was heard as he did another quick look around before slipping into the vacant room. Tapping the ruler against his shoulder as he strut his way to the teacher's desk and looked up to see a pull down map set up above the board. Doing a little giddy dance before pulling the map down then started tapping the ruler against it, acting like a teacher in the midst of teacher and shook his head in an obnoxious way as he did so. He finished with tilting his head left and right while motioning with his hand of a mouth talking non-stop followed by another muffled laughter. Kenny pulled and dropped onto the teacher's chair and spun around a few times, laughing beneath the mask before leaning back and propped his feet up on the desk. Enjoying the quiet and solitude as he set the ruler down on the desk before reaching into his left pocket. From it, he withdrew a small notepad and pen; scribbling down a doodle of his main room teacher with a big head and wide mouth and stink lines coming from the body. Muffled whistling, Kenny continued to sketch down silly doodles, passing the time until school ended.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was in the middle of geography class, when a polite knock sounded on the door of Reiko's classroom. All heads turned. "Morning Ma'am. May we please see Reiko? Student council stuff," the boy at the door explained, offering one of his famous Student President smiles. He articulated 'student council' lavishly, rolling the words in his mouth. The silence that had blanketed the room upon Akiko's entrance was broken only by the sound of a lead breaking. It's owner had gritted her teeth, applying an ounce too much pressure on her mechanical pencil. Reiko was working on an essay. And she disliked being interrupted from her work while her train of thoughts were chugging at full speed - especially not by student council members off on their errands with their heads held high, thoughts of self-importance clogging their pea-brained skulls. Their activities never failed to impress Reiko - for their sheer stupidity, that is. "Here," Reiko announced and stood, excusing herself from class. What was it this time? A charity drive? Sports event? Another one of their fantastic, miserable attempts at cultivating 'school spirit'? Outside, Akiko, along with a congregation of inbred mutants were waiting for her. The faces beamed. "What is it?" Reiko asked, eyeing the colorful pamphlets they were clutching in their hands. "Well!" Akiko begin proudly. "The year 4 Student Councillors have organized a blood donation drive, so we need people to help distribute the information booklets. Like, y'know! The time, date, place and stuff." Akiko seemed majorly pleased with himself. Reiko, on the other hand, was scarcely impressed. "Okay, right." Reiko drew a pamphlet from a pile held by one of the girls. She held it up, scrutinizing the document with furrowed brows. "This is wrong," she announced immediately, gesturing to the introductory paragraph. "It's not 'me and the Student Council'. It should be 'the Student Council and I." Reiko returned the pamphlet. "Ah!" Akiko turned slightly red. "Right! I must have missed that out - accidentally of course. It was quite late into the night when I drafted that." He shrugged. "So, you'll help distribute these, right?" "You're not going to change it?" "Nahh, we've already gotten them printed." "Up to you." Reiko motioned for a pile to be handed to her. "Great!" Akiko exclaimed gleefully. Obnoxious potatos, was all Reiko thought, before she proceeded to make her rounds. ----------------------------- It had taken her approximately fifteen minutes to complete the distribution of the pamphlets to the year 3 classes. Her geography class had already ended, and since the next class would be PE, she failed to see why she should be hurrying back. Instead, Reiko took a leisurely walk towards a dark, empty classroom situated at the furthest end of the hallway, with the motive of stealthily discarding her leftover flyers. No doubt, Akiko would raise up a storm if he found out that his precious work had been unceremoniously deposited, left to rot in trash cans. As it turned out, the empty classroom was not, well, empty. Reiko had taken a step into the room only to realize that Kenny was there, seemingly having the time of his life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Another usual day for Aki, he attended class, didn't pay attention as beating the level in a game was far more important, and would get scolded. They never took his game systems, for no matter how many times they did, he always seemed to have spares on end. They decided it was pointless and never bothered, just gave him a warning and that was it. So when it came to a math class, he didn't even bother going as he knew the teacher would yell lecture him about his grades and nothing would change. So instead he went up to the roof and look at the sky and birds. "Ahh what a beautiful day, bird are singing. The breeze is amazing and the sun is shining. Perfect time to beat up enemies with Henry's good ol banter." Aki spoke to himself, sitting down against the wall to the entrance of the stairs pulling at a 3ds as he started his Fire Emblem game. It showed he played the game a bit as he had over two hundred plus hours logged into it. Having beaten it many times and replayed it to simply replay it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Seven minutes...23 seconds...", Paneru whispered to himself in a tone of disappointment. He placed his hands on the end of the pool and pulled himself out, shaking out and squeezing his long blonde hair of the excess water and sitting on the edge with his feet dangling in. He moved his toes around in a circular motion as he started drying off his hair with his towel. He paused briefly and looked back at his water proof stop watch. To some degree...he was disappointed. One would think that being able to hold your breath for over seven minutes was an remarkable feat in and of itself. Sure, for your average person, this was incredible. But when it came to the water, to swimming, this felt like his territory. It wasn't new for him and with a goal of 10 minutes lurking in the deep crevices of his mind, only being able to hold his breath for 7 minutes was unsatisfying. Second by second he would constantly remind himself. Every second he could hold his breath longer was a victory. He smiled softly at the thought and felt a sense of self-importance that boosted his spirit.

Having gathered back a immediate burst of confidence, he quickly stood up and made his way into the locker rooms to change out of his swimming trunks and into the school uniform. With the swimming competition coming up, he was one of the few freshman accepted on the team, so he had to make sure to work his hardest and put forth his best effort. Momotaro...as his mom used to affectionately call him...Your like a fish out of water. Standing at his locker, he smiled softly at the thought, and briefly began to cry, quickly trying to wipe away the trickle of tears that had formed. From behind a voice spoke, somewhat deep and harsh, but oddly comforting.

"Hey...Paneru...you okay?", the voice spoke softly in a worried tone. Paneru spun around quickly in shock and slipped on his towel, losing his footing in the process. As he was about to fall to the floor, he found himself caught in a sudden embrace. It was a senior and the leader of the swim team, an expat from America named Ben. Ben was one of the taller boys at the school, about 6'3. For a brief moment, Ben held Paneru in his arms tightly and looked in his eyes as though he was concerned before awkwardly letting go. Paneru chuckled in an awkward manner as he turned back around to face his locker and finish putting on the rest of his uniform.

"Oh...hehe, thanks for the save. Looks like I would have been a goner.", Paneru said to him teasingly. Ben chuckled lightly, sitting down on the bench that lined the center of the lockers and swiveled his body around to face Paneru. "So...", he began calmly. "I saw you were crying from outside the hallway and....I mean...I didn't mean to intrude...It's just...seeing you crying didn't feel right. You know?", he said bashfully, rubbing the back of his head and smiling awkwardly at the same time. Paneru smiled warmly as he finished buttoning up his shirt before closing his locker and gently sitting down on the bench beside Ben.

Paneru turned his head to look at Ben briefly, before turning away and speaking as he looked down at his hands that were clasped together on his lap. "It's nothing...I'm just...just having a moment is all", he spoke in a sorrowful tone. "It's about your mother huh?", Ben chimed in. Paneru nodded slowly. After his mother died and after the ordeal with his father, he'd never been the same. Sure his mother wasn't the greatest parent, heck, she wasn't even a great parent...but, there was an undeniable bond he felt like he missed out on with her. For the period of his life that he had with her, it was enough to make him wish she hadn't left so soon. Abandoned him to fend for himself against his abusive dad.

Paneru sighed deeply, as did Ben, who then began thinking about something, and after a few moments, a cheeky grin appeared on his face. Paneru looked up from his hands and couldn't help but chuckle at Ben's silly grin. "What are you smirking for Captain? I gotta be honest...you look insanely mischievous right now. Your totally giving off a weird...creeper vibe", Paneru said to him teasingly. Ben giggled and shot up off the bench like a rocket and held out his hand for Paneru to take it. "Come with me skipper, I think I know something that will cheer you up", he said to Paneru in a confident and assertive tone. "Really?", Paneru chimed playfully. Ben nodded and reached out his open palm a bit closer to Paneru, waiting for him to grasp it with his own. "You won't regret it. I promise", he assured him. Ben couldn't help but smile....and neither could Paneru.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Okay class, here's the equation for this question, if X is unknown with Y-" 'Again with this. Seriously, it isn't hard to figure out these sorts of questions so why are we practising them again?' "Huuuh..." Akane sighed, her left hand cupping her left cheek while her eyelids dropped a touch. She watched her Mathematics teacher write yet another simple equation on the white-board at the front of the class. Uninterested in the mundane question, Akane's eyes wondered around the room in a nonchalant manner, taking a look at the few other students within her class from her allocated seat; in the middle of the room, closest to the window. Only a handful of students occupied the rest of the room. Everyone had one empty desk in each direction around them to ensure that there wasn't any chance of anyone cheating during classes. Akane actually liked this seating plan so she had no issues with how spaced out her classmates were. 'Hmm, it truly does say something about the students within this Highschool when you can count the amount of fourth-year high achievers with two hands. Imbeciles.' Despite her spiteful thoughts, Akane's facial expression was as straight and calm as usual. "-Then if you add in the square route of A times by B which gives you Y, what is X? Anyone?" The teacher's eyes examined the room, waiting for someone to volunteer an answer. Since everyone kept silent, as usual, she decided to nominate someone who looked as though they weren't paying attention. "Akane? What is the answer to this question?" Akane's eyes returned to the white-board after her name was called. "Four thousand, two hundred and twenty two, miss." She answered effortlessly, still resting her left cheek on top of her left hand. "She's incorrect! The answer is actually four thousand, two hundred and twenty one point nine recurring!" A voice sounded from behind Akane, causing her to turn her head in that direction. She already knew who it was, but she continued to direct her attention momentarily towards the girl. "Is that so?" Akane responded soundly. 'Idiot, you have no idea what you're talking about. The question asks for an estimation so the decimals are rounded, clearly someone needs to learn how to read.' "Yes it is so! Honestly, how did you even pass last year's examination when you can't even reach the correct answer for such a simple equation? You belong in set D. I swear if it was up to me-" The girl rambled on for a little, glaring at Akane with the latter blankly staring back, not at all interested in what she had to say. While turning her eyes back to the teacher halfway through this student's pointless moan, the teacher simply shook her head in disappointment before speaking up. "That's enough Tetsuna. How many times must I tell you that this behaviour of yours is not acceptable. In this classroom, it is Okay to make mistakes. Just because you are in the top set, doesn't mean you'll get every question right. With that said, you were in fact incorrect. Read the exam question, it doesn't ask for the accurate answer, it asks for the estimated answer therefore decimals are rounded." The girl crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at the teacher's stern tone but atleast quietened down. "Well done Akane. Anyway, on to the next question, how would we work out this one class?" Akane closed her eyes and queitly sighed. Opening them once more, she decided that she'd spend the rest of the session gazing outside of the window she sat beside. The sun was bright with clear blue skies surrounding it. The colourful trees swayed gently from a soft breeze that ruffled the leaves. It seemed to be an average day, one very much like most others. 'I'm so close to leaving this wretched place and finally starting my travels. Hopefully then I wouldn't have to deal with foolish, annoying people since I'd be out there alone. Hmmm, needless to say, I'm rather anxious to get started, but first I must finish my time here. I shouldn't get impatient' The thought of leaving and travelling brought a small smile to Akane's otherwise bored face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mi searched the cabinets. The nurse wasn't in and so Mi was going to need to patch up her own wounds. She opened up a cabinet and found the disinfectant she was looking for. Mi cleaned her face in the bathroom before returning to the nurse's office. She poured the disinfectant on a swab and began to disinfect her elbow. She then proceeded to search around for bandaids. Once she had found them she unpeeled the bandaids and applied them to the scratches on her elbows and forearms. She then lied down one one of the nurse's office's beds. She needed an escape from PE. She sucked at anything physical that didn't involve purely running.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The bells had finally rang and it was time for everyone to go to class, except for Shoske that is. He was reading a book in the bathroom stalls, as shameful as it is it is the only way to avoid confrontation. After fifteen minutes or so, he finally poked his head out the bathroom doors to look in the hallways. First he looked left "So far so good" Then he looked right, letting out a sigh of relief as no one was in sight. With a wide grin on his face, he exited the bathrooms and quickly made his way to the staircase. It was too soon to bask in the glory of naps. He had to reach his destination. Step by step, he grew closer to the door at the top and eventually the roof top. As he was walking up, he heard foot steps going down the same stair case. His eyes widened, looking left and right for an escape plan but there was nothing. He could now hear them talk, a sign of their eventual approach. He panicked further Shit, I don't wanna deal with this today..what should I do...hmm Two students holding up another beaten up class mate walked down the staircase, too oblivious and focused to notice their surroundings. Shoske, who held a mop in front of him, had miraculously gone unnoticed as they exited the floor below "Wow...thank god those people are stupid" He said with a smile before running up the staircase in a hurry. Shoske, now at the top, kicked the rooftop open with his eyes closed and holding out his arms to the sky. He was relieved to finally reach his destination and only spot he liked in school "HELLO MY ROOFTOP, DID YOU MISS ME??" He said, his eyes growing wider as he saw a familiar face. He didn't know exactly who it was, but he had atleast heard rumors of the person "...." *SLAM* Shoske immediately shut the door, holding it tightly closed "Why the fuck is there people on the rooftops! I gotta get the fuck out of here" He quickly let go of the door handle and started to run down staircase "Shit, looks like its boneyard for me!" The boneyard was a small garden that Shoske often relaxed at, often the only one there so he had decided to give it the nickname the boneyard. However, today that nickname may end up being the perfect nickname for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kurisa continued to look up at the sky, not bothered by the other person's presence as he wasn't exactly being noisy or anything and so Kurisa wasn't as bothered as he'd usually be. That was until now...Kurisa heard the rooftop for slam open which caused him to turn his attention to the person who had kicked the door open...then they said those words...the words that instantly irritated Kurisa! For once Kurisa wanted peace and quiet but no! Some little shit had to come and ruin that and make it worse by calling it their rooftop!? THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE!? Everyone by now should know this is one of the places Kurisa comes to the most, so if anything it's his rooftop. Kurisa watched as the person slammed the door shut but it was to late for them...Kurisa had made his way to the door then yanked it open, catching a glimpse of the person as they bolted down the staircase, Kurisa following in hot pursuit! "Your Rooftop huh!? That what you been telling people!? GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE SO I CAN KICK THE SHIT OUTTA YOU!" Kurisa followed the person down the steps, jumping down a few so he could make up some lost distance "If you stop now I'll go easier on you...keep running and when I catch you I'll break your god damn legs!" This guy had a death wish right now. Not only did he disrupt Kurisa's peaceful relaxation time but also claimed the rooftop was his!? That shit didn't fly with Kurisa...he wasn't about to let some nobody get away with that...not without a beating
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

He rocked back and forth in the chair as he hummed and doodled. He was thinking of what kind of building project he should do next, though the faint creak of the door opening caught his attention. Lifting his head up from the notepad and looked to the door to see Reiko standing there; closing the notepad, he pocketed it before jumping up. The silence broken by the rapping of the ruler against the desk before pointing it at her then at a student's desk, his way of telling her to take a seat. Left hand held up as if holding a clipboard and shifted his head up and down as if calling out names then turned with his left arm against his back. Marching along while randomly clapping the map with his ruler until he pointed at Australia. Holding the ruler there for a few seconds then pointed it at Reiko then back at Australia wanting her to name the continent he was indicating, having fun with his mocking of teachers. If it had been anyone else, Kenny would of simply ignored the person and kept on with what he was doing, but Reiko was different. She was the only person in the school who treated him like a person, who didn't speak to him like he was a monster or freak, though couldn't understand why. How was it that she wasn't creeped or put off by his appearance or how he acted, certainly surprising, but was thankful that at least one person treated him decently; so the rare times he actually stayed in class, would sometimes chat with her, well more note communication than talking. Still, he was extremely socially awkward and never really opened up as they kept to casual topics and always changed it if it started to get personal. He was comfortable enough to spend time with her at most and was grateful to have that at least. Done with acting like a teacher and slumped into the chair and used his foot to propel himself from the desk over to Reiko. (whether standing or at a student's desk)Spinning to a stop before her and leaned back some before waving at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shoske continued to run down the stairs at a paced speed, running fast but making sure not too recklessly or he could end up falling. The hairs on his arms when that inevitable noise echoed through the staircase. The sound of the door being yanked open and one of the students screaming like a madman. Shoske didn't really care about what he had to say, all he wanted was to have a good sleep. But it had to be ruined when two delinquent looking people were on the roof tops. Shoske didn't turn around but instead, continue to run down the stairs "WHY WOULD I LET YOU KICK MY ASS DUMBASS!!?" He said as he kicked the mop bucket, its soapy water spreading throughout the stair case behind him. He jumped over a small flight of stairs, landing to turn back at Kurisa for a small moment. Despite his small size, Shoske was both surprisingly fast and ballsy. He stuck out his hand to Kurisa, flipping him off "How bout go shoving that mop up your ass!" Shoske immediately opened the door behind him and ran out into the hallway, sprinting with all his life Dammit why did those bastards have to go claim land as their own?! Always picking on us shorter people and not leaving us anywhere to be. Well, atleast he should be gone now Shoske slightly tilted his head as his loud footsteps echoed throughout the hallway and probably alerting some of the classes. None of that mattered though, all Shoske thought about was getting the hell away from that brute. As he tilted, he could partially see behind him to see if he had lost him already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kurisa continued to head down the stairs chasing this little shit and as he did he noticed that the little shit had knocked over a mop and bucket spilling water over the floor "You sneaky shit!" Kurisa leaped over the puddle, managing to avoid slipping on it, he then stopped and picked up the mop then put it on the floor and snapped the head off of it by stamping on it with his right foot and yanking the handle up "Hey that aint a bad idea! but let me adjust it a little! How about I ram it up your ass instead!" Kurisa grinned a little as he then continued to run after the little shit, now with a nice weapon to beat the cheeky git with. "Once I get my hands on you...I swear...you will regret ever meeting me, I'm not letting some cocky little shit get away without a beating" One thing that should of been noticed is how Kurisa wasn't exactly the slowest of people and in fact had some decent speed. This meant keeping up with his target wasn't as difficult as first thought...that guy better have some good speed and stamina cause Kurisa was far from unfit!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

In the large, dojo-like gymnasium, there was absolute silence. On small, padded cushions towards the back of the room, eager, yet frightened and tense eyes of freshmen, sophomores, and juniors alike sat watching the sparring circle. The tension in the room...it was thick enough to be sliced in half with only a whispered word, and it seemed as if the silence would never be broken. The referee; a teacher in padded gear, nodded his head once in affirmation, before nimbly leaping out of the circle with a whispered 'Hajime!'. In response, the silence was broken, and a loud battle-cry came from the padded, helmeted figure to the left; a brown-haired, feisty Senior that was completely sure that he would win against his one-sided rival, the popular, yet feared...Kurogane Hazekage. "I'M GOING TO WOOP YOUR-" His downward swing with the bokken was smoothly blocked, his opponent's bokken sliding along his edge before the owner dutifully stepped to the side and lashed out with a simple, cold kick, sending the boy careening out of the circle and into the wall with a resounding 'CRASH'. Silence became tense once more. The owner of the foot slowly rested the appendage onto the ground. Curiously enough, he did not wear the same padded, safe armor the other students wore. He was a boy of average height, give an inch or two, with long, silky, and tameably spiky red hair that went down to the middle of his back, a few feathery bangs going over intense crimson eyes. He had a pale, handsome face, complete with an aristocratically sloped nose, small, frowning lips, and an intense gaze that could slice the sun into two halves. He wore the standard school uniform, neat and prim, although his black blazer had an added, subtle...flare, with the words 'Discipline Commander' written, in Kanji, on the back, in red strokes of a brush. He opened his mouth slightly, and his voice, quiet and cold, carried across the room, despite it's low tone. "Kaizo...do you understand your mistake?" His eyes were staring straight towards the downed boy, whom was imprinted, rather comically, into the wall. "Y-yes...The fact that you're not out cold!" And Kaizo was back up in an instant, sprinting across the wooden floor and attempting to spear Kurogane through with his dulled, wooden bokken. Once more, in fluid, smooth motions, Kurogane side-stepped and slightly pressed out his foot, sending the other boy sprawling through the air. In a flash, Kurogane was there, his hand out as he caught Kaizo by the face, showing intense amount of strength, especially for his lean, defined form. "Wrong." A casual flick of the wrist, and the brown-haired boy was eating a mouth-full of wood once more, excuse the dirty term. "You're too brash. Anyone else want to capitalize on his mistake?" Kurogane's eyes wandered over some of the people in the room, and his lips twitched once as his eyes caught the face of his sister, staring disinterested at the match. The other students were too afraid to answer. Pfft. "How about you, Miss Hazekage?" He actually did smirk - although it was too small to notice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was a usual day, with usual punks and the usual discipline. Megumi had watched the scene play out in front of her; someone had believed that they stood a chance against her brother, whom was hardier and much more controlled due to his years of training. She wore her school uniform which was tucked in neatly and a band pinned on her bicep to signify her affiliation with the discipline committee. Her long red hair had been tied back into pigtails with black ribbon lace with her bangs brushed onto the side of her face. Megumi was quite a doll in the eyes of many, what with her porcelain features and youthful glow, however most of that was blocked out due to her cold, bitchy nature towards people. "His form is sloppy and he has bad timing, but it was expected from someone whose brain can't even comprehend simple math," The girl commented, simply turning away to examine the others who were whispering among themselves. "Hm... So reckless. You can never be too confident in your skills, and hold your tongue next time otherwise I'm going to have to cut it off." Megumi's red eyes traveled back over to the buffoon, her cold gaze making him break out in a cold sweat. She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot on the ground rather impatiently, waiting for her brother to finish up what he was doing so that they could go elsewhere instead of dabble among those who were putrid and slow. Megumi raised one hand and trailed her fingers through segments of her soft red hair, twirling them and messing with them as she simply stared at the environment. "Everyone is so quiet, hmf... I think class should end early. Why don't you all go to the locker rooms and change?" She finally said after a few long minutes. The students remained still. "Now," She said, this time her voice being much more assertive. The group disperesed, finally making the gym completely silent. "Finally, I couldn't take their one sided chatter..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! Out on the school's baseball diamond, the baseball team was practicing for the big game today and their star was hitting baseballs with pin point accuracy. Zev, with that wide grin of his kept swinging his bat with his large, muscular arms and kept hitting the ball with so much force that it flies almost like a bullet out of the park. As usual he was in top form and ready to go and kick the other school's ass."Come on, throw harder! Shift your weight forward more!" Zev yelled at the pitcher who was pitching for him. Normally relaxed and carefree, the big game kept him on edge and he wanted his team to in top form, lest they would lose just because someone was sloppy and boy, all hell would break loose if that were to happen. The coach would probably be spitting hellfire while yelling like all hell on how they were all piles of shit and that they would go through the most soul wrenching training ever. Out of pure exuberant strength, Zev smashed a ball that went flying straight towards the school building. CRASH! The next thing they know the baseball smashed through the school window into a class room, hitting a teacher straight in the noggin, masking that person fall down to the side. It took a moment for Zev to process this and then calmly he walked up to another person and the team and handed him the bat he was holding. Then with that, he calmly walked away to dugout whistling ever so innocently.
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