Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kill or Be Killed
-Currently Four Positions open-

The setting: A High School in Japan
The goal: To Survive

Your GM's: Kurisa, Shoske (Otherwise known as Phobos)


The Setting is exactly that of High School of the Dead. For those of you who do not know and have not guessed this Roleplay is about High School Students trying to survive a world quickly falling into despair and apocalypse as they try fight their way past the infected in order to survive. Why High School Students? why base this off High School of the Dead? well that answer is simple! High School students are about as average as human beings get! they aren't very skilled. They aren't some military trained macho man, they aren't some Super Samurai...they are ordinary people with little knowledge about the world around them. So why High School of the Dead? Because the setting in itself is a pretty interesting one and one that we could easily introduce our own characters into. Will those characters who were in High School of the Dead actually appear? Hell no! As far as we are concerned they don't exist...our own characters will take their place and try to survive. The goal? Uhm...Survive...what else would you try do in a Zombie Apocalypse?

Note: You don't need to watch the Anime to join, this is basically a Zombie Survival Roleplay.


- In the event of any of these rules broken by any member of this RP, a PM will be sent to you by one of the GM's.
If you continue to break the rules, depending on the degree of which the rule is broken, how many and which rule, you will receive a warning and given one chance only to stop or you will be asked to leave the RP with the result of your character being killed off instantly. -

- In other words, respect the GM's.
The GM's word is law, any sign of disrespectful behaviour towards the GM's or any other member of this RP will be dealt in the above method. -

2. Don't try to be the hero, you'll most likely die
- Blind, heroic acts won't and don't tend to work out in the way you'd like them to. -

3. No Mary/Gary Sues who are experts at everything
- Just be realistic, where's the fun in knowing everything anyway? -

4. No god modding or metagaming, or anything of the sort
- Self explanatory -

5. As GMs, we can kill off your char when we see fit.
Either for plot or other reasons. We will PM you prior to death

- If your character is killed, the reason for their death will be PMed to you first. -

6. No killing off other chars unless permission is given
- Unless given permission by the GM's and the player of the other character then no killing other characters. -

7. This is a Roleplay, it is a Hobby...this is what we do for fun
- It isn't a Job so don't take it stupidly seriously and treat it like a Job.
We only want everyone to get along in harmony and have fun, nothing extremely strict or highly professional. -

8. Three sentences Minimum
- As this is a casual Roleplay we expect 3 Sentences at the absolute Minimum. -

9. Absence
- If you are absent from posting for a week and have failed to give the GM's a reason as to why you may not be so active, we will assume you have abandoned the RP and kill off your character -

10. Posting in the IC
- In this Roleplay we use a posting order to make sure things run smoothly. If your character is in a group then a posting order is needed. Person 1 posts, Person 2 Posts, Person 3 posts, repeat the cycle. Nothing like: Person 1 posts, Person 3 posts, Person 1 posts, Person 3 Posts, Person 2 posts. Aside from this, if you fail to post after 2-3 days then your character can and will be skipped over to ensure the group can continue to move on.

If you've read the rules, type "They Ate Shoske!" in the 'Other' section of your CS.


Yes, you will be allowed to kick zombie-ass with various weapons that you might find lying around or stashed away. However, there will be a limitation on all weapons and use of vehicles to keep this RP more realistic. If there is a weapon or vehicle that isn't listed which you feel would be possible to find, please let us know in the OOC so it can be added.

At the end of each post you must include this little template so you, others and the GM's can keep track of what weapon you have and how long it has left before it breaks

Weapon: ???
Hits used: ___
Hits left: ___
Throwable: ??? (they only last 1 post anyway)

(Thanks Silverlight for mentioning that. Would of probably been chaos keeping track otherwise)

Key: Weapon/Firearm/Vehicle | Posts it'll last (For Firearms, ammunition is randomised, you'll be told how many bullets you'll get so keep track of how many you fire. Ammo will also be scarce so use it wisely.)

Note: For Rare items, you will be told when a certain rare item is within your character's vicinity so they can have a chance to find it if they want said item.

Another Note: Just to make sure there is no confusion here. When you pick up a weapon and it says for example "Lasts 5 posts" that doesn't mean you have 5 posts to use it before it's gone. That'd make no sense. No. Instead this means you can use it against zombies (As in hit them etc.) for that many posts. If you hit a Zombie one post then run off the next then the post count for that weapon drops to 4. Hitting Humans and other living things also drops the duration by a post. I hope this is clear

Yet Another Note: So I have been thinking and I think being able to have a weapon and something considered a throwable would be a good idea and so now you can carry a Baseball bat and a Baseball to hit if your character is allowed to find it. Throwables are generally one post small objects so you wont be able to carry something like a Sledgehammer and a Bowling ball for example.

Wooden Baseball Bat | 7
Metal Baseball Bat | 13
Hammer | 12
Sledgehammer | 10
Kitchen Knife | 5
Pocket Knife | 7
Cleaver/Machete | 10
Novelty Katana | 5
Rare Genuine Katana | 16
Wooden Kendo Stick | 5
Tree Log | 3
Stick | 2
Broom | 2
Wrench | 9
Metal Litter-Picker | 3
Umbrella | 1
Power Drill | 6 per battery, 3 without batteries
Golf Club | 5
Pokéball | 1 (You cannot catch zombies in Pokéballs...but hell don't mean you can't try!)
Dragonball | 1 (Maybe if you collect all Seven you get a wish...or you could just throw it at a Zombie)
Baseball | 1 (After it's hit/thrown. It's probably going to be gone)
Axe | 8
Emergency Small Fire Axe | 9
Metal Pipe | 8
Crowbar | 10
Fire Extinguisher | 4
Rare Chainsaw | 16
Garden Sheers | 6

Custom-made Melee
- You can submit custom Melee weapon ideas to the GM's via PM or OOC, if approved, your character will be allowed to make them. These weapons would have to be made out of items your character finds laying around so please be realistic. -

Barbed-wire Wooden Baseball Bat | 11
Nailed Wooden Baseball Bat | 10
Barbed-wire Broom | 4
Hazekage Training Bokken [Reinforced] | 12 (Just for reference)

- No machine guns, bombs etc. The characters are all High school students, it'd be highly unlikely that they'd find assault rifles lying around. -

Rare Revolver | Randomised by amount of bullets owned, ? without bullets (to shoot with)
Rare Shotgun | Randomised by amount of bullets owned, ? without bullets (to shoot with)

- I doubt a random Mercedes-Benz car will be parked outside of a public High school, just be realistic. -

School Bus/Public Bus | ? (Post duration decided upon discovery)
Family-seater Car | ? (Post duration decided upon discovery)
Two-seater Car | ? (Post duration decided upon discovery)
Rare Sports Car of Any Kind | (Post duration decided upon discovery)


Appearance: (Anime preferred)


Age: (Between 16 - 19)


Class: (Example: 1-C. The letters range from A to D. Those in A class are considered the smart ones, those who are in D are considered the under achievers. The numbers range from 1 to 4. 1 represents the year in which your character is. If they are aged 16 they will be in 1-?, if they are 17 they will be in 2-?. I think you get where this is going)


Background: (Like a family background, classes they excel in/hate and perhaps why they do etc. Doesn't have to be long)

Skills: (Relate these to classes/extra curricular activities your character would of taken. You're allowed 1 skilled classes/activity, 2-3 semi-skilled classes/activities and 1 or more bad classes/activities. For example, Skilled in Mathematics, Semi-skilled in Physical education, extra curricular Kendo club and Engineering, Very bad at Geography. You should use your character's Background section of this CS to mention these skills, such as saying they enjoyed a certain class more or was from a strict family so they had to work hard in certain classes to achieve their parent's high expectations. We will all be high school students after all.)

Weapons: (Here is where you'll keep track of what weapons you've gathered/made and how many bullets/batteries you may have)

(You may list some here if you wish to start off with some friends. We do recommend for actual relationships that you let those develop properly through out the Roleplay...although please be realistic...you are in a Zombie Apocalypse, getting a Girlfriend/Boyfriend is likely one of the last things on your mind)

Need Help?
Like what you see but confused or would like help with something so you can join?
Feel free to ask, we're all friendly here ^-^ All questions are welcome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character List

Format: Username - Character name - Status
Kurisa - Kurisa Shuji - Alive
Phobos - Shoske Kawahiru - Alive
samreaper - Kenny (You Bastards!) - Single, but looking
hatakekuro - blonde shoujo - Nonexistant
Hebigami Shiho - Utaho Rinnosuke - Alive
Silverlight138 - Reiko Kanzaki - Alive
AbigailTenshi - Akane Hetoshi - Alive
BlackCat - Mi Kiyoshi - Alive
Zombehs - Kibaya Misato - Alive

Totally didn't steal this(Ty Abi) just here for now too I edit it
Roof - Kuro, Paneru, Megumi, Reiko, Aki and Kenny
4th floor - Empty
3rd floor - Utaho, Kurisa, Shoske, Kenny, and Akane
2nd floor - Zombies
1st floor - Empty or Mi and Yukito
Outside - Hatake's character

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

hm, so its actually up. didn't expect that for a while
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So, um, is this open for outsiders or is it an invite only thing? If so, I'll show myself to the door. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

First of all, love the gif Kurisa. Second, you finally are getting this started. xD It looks like rpg is getting fixed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So, um, is this open for outsiders or is it an invite only thing? If so, I'll show myself to the door. :P
Nope, all are welcome ^^ plus, I'm in your rp so I can't really say no xb
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hebigami Shiho> Nope, all are welcome ^^ plus, I'm in your rp so I can't really say no xb
Haha, don't mind that! Anyhow, yankee-chan on the works then! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

whoa whoa..yankee-chan? what is this yankee-chan?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A female delinquent ;P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
Avatar of Phobos

Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Someone from American im guessing? o.O edit: nevermind, was snipped >.<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

A female delinquent ;P
and this is your nickname for shoske?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
Avatar of Phobos

Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hebigami Shiho> and this is your nickname for shoske?
where's that cat like typing detected when you need it >.> >.> or even go home you're drunk
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
Avatar of samreaper

samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

<Snipped quote by samreaper> where's that cat like typing detected when you need it >.> >.> or even go home you're drunk
can't do it here biatch!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
Avatar of Phobos

Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Phobos> can't do it here biatch!
>.> not yet
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Phobos You know you only gotta do >this right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

First of all, love the gif Kurisa. Second, you finally are getting this started. xD It looks like rpg is getting fixed.
Why thank you~ I felt it was in good taste xD And it is ^.^ so glad things are being worked on here
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

May I join in the fun?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

May I join in the fun?
*Nods* you certainly can ^.^ The more the merrier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I have a concern. What happens to melee weapons when their count drops to 0? Do we just continue RPing our characters like the weapons never existed, or do we have to constantly come up with ingenious ways to get rid of the weapons. Either way, it's going to be weird. For weapons with ammo, this system makes sense, but I'm not entirely sure about melees. EDIT: Also, are the 'weapon-allocations' going to be decided by the GMs only? I think it'll be fun that way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I have a concern. What happens to melee weapons when their count drops to 0? Do we just continue RPing our characters like the weapons never existed, or do we have to constantly come up with ingenious ways to get rid of the weapons. Either way, it's going to be weird. For weapons with ammo, this system makes sense, but I'm not entirely sure about melees.
Basically once the count hits 0 you could say that is when the weapon breaks and is no longer useful as a weapon (Sure a broken bat could still be used but better off keeping things simpler) Of course some weapons like Hammers would in reality take ages to actually break but for RP purposes it's best to shorten that to keep things somewhat interesting. So yeah when it hits 0 your character would react to the weapon breaking after one final hit...as said I know they'd all likely last a lot longer but still...no fun having a weapon all the time to fend off the Zombies with right? xD Edit: If you mean the GM's deciding what sort of weapon you find then that will likely be the case. That way we can keep things a little more balanced and mess with people in some way with the occasional "useless" item xD
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