Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kurisa Shuiji
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shoske Kawahiru
Age: 17 Gender: Male Class: 2-B Personality: Shoske is a pretty laid back and carefree person, usually trying to blend in rather than being on the spot. Shoske is also quite resourceful since he used to get beaten up so much. Will rp rest out Background: Shoske grew up in your average Japanese household, his father worked at a large company and his mother was a stay at home mom. He had 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister. There was only one major problem in his household. HE WAS SHORT. His younger brother had already almost caught up to him and he was already shorter than his mom and dad. Everyday, he cursed life for being short School was nothing special, he found a great interest in certain things and often read books. But he knew not to overindulge or he'd end up being called a nerd. So he kept a balance. Despite that, he was still bullied on due to his short stature. However, he never backed day. Every day they beat him up, he put up a fight. It didn't matter how bad it was, he wasn't gonna take shit for being short. Thanks to this, he has pretty good endurance since he had to fight multiple people at once. Although he never really won, he still left them with atleast a scar of 2. In highschool, they eventually gave up and moved on to another target. Finally, he was able to live the relaxed life he wanted. He joined the gardening club since it didn't require a lot of effor and still read books every now and then. Skills: Very skilled in biology (plants and animals), skilled in gardening (was in the club), skilled in p.e. (mostly endurance), and horrible at hands on stuff including machinery like engineering, mechanics, etc. Weapons: None Relationships/Friendships: Open to any ^^ Other: "They Ate Shoske!"....wait......THATS
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Kenny Age: 18 Gender: Male Class: 3-A Personality: Kenny is...well majority of students and even teachers struggle to understand what he is. Kenny rarely talks, though his mask mostly makes what he says muffled. A loner is what most say or a freak by others since he's always seen wearing a mask or carrying around a metal pipe. kenny does keep to himself majority of the time, often skipping class to explore or hang out at his hideout. Yet, his appearance deceives others from seeing that he's actually pretty smart that even with skipping class, maintains A's and b's. He tends to spook other students for fun with his mask, which further gave him the look of a troublemaker, though is simply a curious person who enjoys reading and learning how things work. Background: Kenny had been given up for adoption since birth, having never known his actual parents. Due to his strange behavior; it was difficult to find him foster parents and was put through foster home after foster home over the years. As this went on, it grew to the point that he decided not to bother with making friends or even talking to others, which could explain why he had started covering up his face with hoods or makeshift masks. Eventually, the teachers and adults gave up on trying to get him to stop with the masks and left him be. When able, Kenny would wander off to explore abandoned buildings or any nearby forests. Often choosing a spot where he would spend most of his time to study objects he was able to get his hands on or to read books that he found interesting. Reading from an assortment of items or weapon books as he was a very curious person who always wanted to learn Not until he turned 15 did he finally get adopted; a father who worked as a simple garbage man and mother who was too lazy to work. His guess that they adopted him was simply to get child support money, which didn't bother him since he hardly spent time at the house, always off on exploring or at the small abandoned building that he turned into his latest hideout. Upon entering the school officially, he was put in class a, something no one expected with the appearance of his. Only coming to class half the time and yet somehow able to turn in all assignments and maintaining top grades. Kenny made sure to learn self defense by learning how to use weapons like bats or metal pipes to keep the bullies off as he would train at the hide-out when he had spared time. Even working on building projects and thus took up shop class to improve his building skills. Skills: shop class- expert at building, kendo- average skill in swordsmanship, gym- works on his speed and and stamina. Weapons: -Metal pipe two pocket knives hidden in each pocket - in reserve at his hideout Other: "They ate shoske!" *muffled mask words*
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Appearance: Name: Takahiro Zev Age: 18 Gender: Male Class: 3-D Personality: Act it out because I'm lazy. Background: There isn't much to say about his background. He's an only child that grew up with a dad who played baseball in the major leagues and a mother who supported his father unconditionally. Growing up, his father taught him baseball and trained him hard, harder than most people would expect a child would in hopes that he would actually succeed him one day. Skills: Baseball-While this is an extra-curricular activity, he is incredible at it. He became the school's best player in every aspect of the game whether it was batting, pitching, or fielding. Due to the constant training he put himself through for the sport, he's reached a high level of physical abilities such as stamina, strength, reflexes, and speed. He can throw a 90 mile fast ball and can easily punch a whole in a wall or even swing a metal bat around with one arm. It's very likely that his skills could take him to the major leagues. Craftsmanship- Another extra curricular he took was woodshop and metal works, he is mildly skilled at crafting objects and knows how to use tools. Just don't expect him to be fixing cars. Human anatomy: Surprisingly he is actually pretty decent with the human anatomy and knows his way around it. It's something that he decided to take upon himself to learn about his own body and what to do to when he injures himself. Math-*holds up a cross* The power of Christ compels you! *isn't very good at it* Weapons: baseball bat baseball Relationships/Friendships: N/A Other: "They ate Shoske with some fava beans and a nice chianti."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Utaho Rinnosuke Age: 18 Gender: Female Class: 3-D Personality: Utaho is a delinquent, first and foremost, and as so, she always has a tough act on and a deathly glare on her face. Her fuse is fairly short and she'll probably beat the shit out of you once she explodes. She holds nothing back against anyone, no matter who they are, if they insult her, they can consider themselves dead meat. She also likes picking on the weak, and will probably continue doing so until they show any kind of resistance against her harassment. Of course, this means that most of the times, the only way she knows how to solve things is by using her fists, and always leaving the brains part out. Utaho is also fairly dumb, and probably a person with which you shouldn't speak to with complicated words. Of course, that's not all there is to Utaho, though. She may seem like any other asshole of a woman to everyone, but those that have indeed gotten to know her are aware of her friendly nature, and how she always puts her friends first. If you ever show to her that you've got enough guts as to stand up to her, or even withstand one of her punches, then you'll probably gain her respect, and friendship, and she's the kind that would go to great extremes just to see her friends happy and well. She doesn't bully those who show some guts out of sheer respect, but anyone that is spineless enough as to bow to the will of a single woman.... well, she doesn't respect them even as a person. And even so, she is not arrogant. She thinks of herself as only a woman, and is pretty down to earth in that aspect. She knows there are countless people better than her, at academics mainly, but, in her own twisted way, she also worries that those talented people might not be ready for what the world holds for them. Background: Utaho grew up in a household with nothing but men in it, so she had to learn how to defend herself from her older brothers, and quick. At first, they didn't really pick on her or anything, to be honest, they loved her very much, but what was just awful was the fact that they treated her just like how they would treat any other guy. While young, Utaho wore her hair short as a consequence of this. Playing rough with your bigger brothers usually develops some skill in you, such as fighting. Utaho was able to learn moves from seeing them once in TV and could replicate them to almost perfection, in fact, she thinks that's her only redeemable quality. She was able to survive her older brothers, but nothing could have prepared her for what was awaiting her in middle school. Yes, elementary school was a walk in the park, everything is fairly easy, and Utaho managed to get average grades, but middle school? That's when the problems started. Most of her history was filled with failing marks. One could even say she was somewhat depressed, and her little group knew it. Around that time, they used to pick on an intelligent, loner girl who always got high grades. Of course, these kinds of things (usually) do not last forever. One day, the girl finally decided to stand up against them, even going as far as to punch one of them, and she gained Utaho's instant respect and friendship. Thanks to that girl, she has been able to at the very least pass exams. Skills: She is very skilled at fighting, not any particular discipline, more like street fighting. She is also semi-skilled in home economics (she had to cook for a family of men) and also semi-skilled at sewing. She's bad at anything school related besides the aforementioned two. Weapons: N/A Relationships/Friendships: Kurisa Shuiji: "Well, what can I say about the guy? He knows how to kick ass and he does it well enough for me to invite him over to kick some ass together from time to time. I like him, definitely so. The only bad thing is that he ain't one to talk much. It'd also be nice if he was a bit more intelligent. Other: She is into cute things, and even her phone is decorated with cute-ish things all over. And also, "They Ate Shoske!".... Poor guy. D:
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Reiko Kanzaki
Age: 18 Gender: Female Class: 3A Personality A self-interested and calculative character, and perpetually bored, Reiko navigates life with an almost uncanny confidence. Typically, she comes across as calm and emotionally self-contained, yet is capable of displaying bouts of brash stubbornness akin to that of a child. Reiko appears to be disinterested in interpersonal relationships, for she thrives inside her mind - an intellectual, observant and cautious individual, having little patience for anything superficial or repetitive. As many of her acquaintances would find, Reiko's habitual bluntness can be unnerving. She is sharp-witted, and quick to lash out with brazen comments. It is not unusual for one to be acutely aware of the psychological distance between them and her. Reiko values creative and intellectual pursuits, thus constantly engaging herself in activities which involve the stimulation of her mind, easily breezing through the past academic years to obtain a placement in the top class. Oddly, she has a penchant for video games - and getting addicted to them - thus creating a paradoxical image of herself as a bright, studious individual. Focused and independent, Reiko fails to see merit in taking orders from others. However, this aspect of her is more often than not, misunderstood. She does not view herself as superior, rather, it goes against her nature and personal beliefs. A pet peeve, if you would call it. Concerned about meeting or exceeding her personal standards than attempting to please other people, Reiko relishes situations or circumstances that challenge her intellectual curiosity. Background The Kanzakis are a prestigious, wealthy family, gaining their riches through the operation of a multinational company in the food industry. Selfish, arrogant and snobbish, Reiko’s parents although having studied at excellent and renowned universities, regarded the whole concept of education as a poor-man’s ideal – to them, the rich and sophisticated needed nothing else but lavish attention provided by a congregation of butlers, maids, and chauffeurs. They spent their days in leisure, encouraging Reiko to do the same. In true Reiko-fashion, she obstinately refused and rebelled - quite boldly too - against her parents’ protests. Not surprisingly, a lifestyle of sloth and gluttony disagreed with her intellectual pursuits. However, her scion status had exposed to her various elements of the sophisticated, high society, allowing her to select certain aspects from it which she found agreeable. In public, Reiko carries herself in a refined, dignified manner, albeit on several occasions choosing not to do so out of a personal whim. Her wealthy background, mannerisms and seemingly ‘high society’ interests have resulted in others generally unwilling to get close. As such, her close friends are few. Skills Geography: Reiko’s best subject. She is highly proficient at reading maps, and her memory capabilities allow her to excel in regurgitating facts and information, quite easily. She tops her class: every-single-time. Mathematics: As a personal rule of thumb, Reiko abhors mathematics, finding no point in the learning of this subject at all. Her relatively good math scores are only a result of her obstinate refusal to give in to silly numbers. Business Management: A subject in which she has no interest for, but compelled to take up for the sole purpose of ceasing her parents’ nagging. “If you insist on going to school, then make your time worthwhile and ensure you’ll be fit to replace us as CEO,” they said. Not that Reiko had the slightest interest in doing so. As of now, her grades in this subject are passable, yet far from impressive due to a general lack of interest in the corporate world. Physical Education: Reiko’s physical fitness is laughable, considering the nature of all of her interests and hobbies. She detests strenuous activities, preferring to indulge in the invention of various sorts of schemes and tricks to get out of her PE classes. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that she gets winded easily. Student Council (Extra-curricular): Reiko’s involvement as a member of the student council was out of sheer luck – or misfortune, as she’d prefer to put it. With her overall excellent grades, refined intellectual disposition and affluent background, the teachers saw in her a potential leader and promptly deposited her there. They, of course, were utterly wrong, just as how Reiko found her extra-curricular utterly boring, disliking the enclosed, annoying society of pretentious people almost as much as she disliked math. The only merit she saw out of it was that she was excused from having to deal with bossy student councillors. Relationships/Friendships Kurisa Shuiji: They do not know each other personally, but Reiko is familiar with his face and name - only because he is a persistent subject of conversation amongst the members of the student council. For causing 'physical harm' to other students, of course. Reiko, although has no qualms about his... hobbies, has inadvertently formed a distaste for Kurisa. And why so? Because she's absolutely sick of having to listen to the student council brats bitch about him on a regular basis, on the ethics of bullying, physically harming another, blablah, speaking as though they were basking on a pedestal of divine holiness and goodness. As such, Reiko has associated hours of horrendous ranting with the boy. Shoske Kawahiru: Does not know him. Kenny: Reiko, being in the same class as Kenny, has spoken to him on a few occasions. She treats him in a civil manner as how she would with any other individual, and finds her classmates' fear and distaste for Kenny rather illogical and sometimes, plain stupid. Her treatment of him goes as far as to accommodate his oddity by communicating with him in written notes. However, due to Kenny's apparent adverse behavior towards socialization, Reiko does not know him well enough to say that she knows him personally. Utaho Rinnosuke: Quite similar to Kurisa, Utaho is also a subject of conversation amongst the student council, effectively earning Reiko's distaste as well. However, the fact that she is girl has earned some bias and merit in Reiko's eyes. Akane Hetoshi: Reiko does not know her personally, but is familiar with her face and name. She is so far, duly impressed by Akane's consistent high grades, as well as several of her essays which she had gotten the opportunity to read. Shared by Reiko's teachers during class of course - 'model essays', they had said. Mi Kiyoshi: Reiko vaguely remembers her during the school orientation organised by the student council for freshmen, during which she had taken class 1A around the school for an introductory tour. Musato Kibaya: Does not know him personally but is aware of existence in school, largely because of his glaringly obvious stature that is quite hard to miss. Reiko has, however, taken mental notes of the occasions when Kibaya had interjected in bullying cases. Aki Okumura: Does not know him. Paneru Yagyū: Does not know him. Weapons: N/A Other: They Ate Shoske
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 9 mos ago

::Name:: Akane Hetoshi ::Age:: 19 ::Gender:: Female ::Class:: 4-A ::Personality:: Seeming calm at all times is generally Akane's behaviour. She hardly makes effort to socialise with others unless they know something she wants to find out. Other than that, she usually speaks only when spoken to during classes. She's never bothered by the lack of friends she has or being left out of most social activities outside of the school as any other student may be. She just likes her own company and enjoying herself by herself. Her main focuses, goals, aspirations, so on and so-forth are:... well.. nothing. Akane feels that she merely exists in this world, nothing more, nothing less and thus is quite content with just 'going wherever the wind takes her'. She takes solace in knowing how insignificant she is, how small her mistakes are compared to the mistakes of those who influence and thrive on being surrounded by other people. This may seem depressing, but Akane feels comfortable with this realisation, it makes her feel liberated when thinking about it since she feels that she can do anything she wants and no one would care or pay her any notice. Generally Akane is quite relaxed, hardly ever worried or stressed about anything as nothing important or worth fussing over ever happens in her life, or more that's how she sees things. Little know however that secretly Akane is a very hot-headed person. Since she isolates herself within her own little bubble, rarely anyone is given a chance to notice this side of her. Covering up her anger isn't easy but Akane has learned how to conceal it better by dodging the problem altogether: Other people. Her mind, on the other hand, is often filled with annoyed and agitated thoughts from what she witnesses in day-to-day life since she is also rather observant. Due to this, she has a large amount of dislike for many people, especially loud, arrogant, unnecessarily mean and outspoken people. Those who also say what's on their mind at all times no matter whether their statements are positive and nice or rude and negative just grinds her gears. When in the presence of such people, Akane grits her teeth as an automatic response, something she often doesn't realise she's doing. ::Background:: Akane moved from home as soon as she turned 18. She had enough of her loud, invasive and opinionated family since they'd constantly bug her about being quiet and enter her room unannounced before snooping through her stuff for no reason what-so-ever. She hardly spoke to them despite living within the same building, however on the odd occasion a conversation was made, it'd easily turn into a one-sided argument because of how strongly opinionated they are and the fact that the moment voices or tension raises, Akane simply walks away and escapes to her room which tends to annoy people who're trying to argue with you. Throughout most of her childhood, Akane spent her time in her room with the door shut. If she wasn't there, she was at the local library, enjoying the quiet atmoshpere despite how little she read books. Now that she has her own place though, she's almost happy... if it weren't for the fact that she needed a room-mate to live with so she could afford to move. However, it wasn't all bad, her room-mate is actually quite a nice person and leaves Akane to do what she wants with few questions. There had been a couple of moments where the two of them had interesting deep conversations about a variety of topics as the two of them shared a couple of common interests, one of which was Science. Although such conversations happen rarely. With her vast amount of alone time, whenever Akane was bored with entertainment or whatever other task she was preforming, she'd turn to studying. Her version of studying had always been a more relaxed, almost lazy approach since she only studied a little each time she was bored until the urge for some entertainment returned. However, despite the lazy quantity, the quality of each study time was high. She'd make sure she fully understood absolutely everything she learned about, be it through text books, research, work sheets etc. This made her rather knowledgeable in quite a few different subjects which was the reason for her constant high grades. Even though her grades were high and she did well in school, Akane didn't care about her high achievements. They weren't impressive in comparison to a person who changed the world so there was no point to embracing such minuscule achievements. ::Skills:: Skilled at Science as it's a subject of interest for her. Semi-skilled at mathematics and computing making her knowledgeable about technology, and also semi-skilled at games which helped her improve her strategic and problem-solving skills. Bad at physical education since she hardly leaves her room, the little exercise she does consists of just walking to school or the library, which hasn't helped her stamina meaning she runs out of breath rather quickly. ::Weapons:: N/A ::Relationships/Friendships:: N/A -Open- ::Other:: They Ate Shoske! - He was in my way. *snickers darkly*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Mi Kiyoshi Age: 16 Gender: Female Class: 1-A Personality: Mi is shy, to say the very least. She doesn't quite know how to start a conversation, and if she managed to get into a conversation she didn't quite know how to keep the conservation up. In conversations she would look to the sides, avoiding eye contact. However Mi does have a large amount of patience, so she can tolerate most people being rude. Mi also loves to help people. She will help someone if they are hurt if she can. She cares more about other people than about herself. She admires strong people, though she doesn't really show it. She tends to stray away from human interactions. Background: Mi grew up an only child with a single parent. Her father had died while Mi was young and so Mii's mother raised her alone. Mi's mother was a doctor, and so she was gone most of the time and when she was, she would be studying medical procedures and so Mi was taught quite a few medical skills by her mom. Mi enjoyed learning about medicine. She would ask her mom to teach her more and more in exchange for Mi doing the housework. As Mi got older, school became sort of awkward for her. She was small for her age and so most of the girls in her class treated her like a little doll. They would mess with her hair. Mi's shy demeanor didn't really help stop the treatment from the other girl's though she didn't really mind it Skills: Mii is skilled with medicine and has a large amount of medical knowledge. She's pretty good at at cooking and cleaning and is quite a fast runner, though she sucks at fighting Weapons: N/A Relationships/Friendships: N/A Other: "They Ate Shoske"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Musato Kibaya is not a very Japanese, nor 19 year old, looking individual. He stands at 6’3 and weighs in at nearly 200lb (~90kg), putting him far out of the norm. His skin has a slight tan from the time spent under the sun, and it is far from fair, having weathered countless hours of work in dust and grime. Still, in spite of his job, he’s a well-kempt and tidy person, at least when he bothers to show up for school. His eyes and hair are both black, some of the only physical traits that match with his Japanese heritage. He usually wears what most would consider cheap clothing, t-shirts with no designs, no-name jeans or cargo pants, attire along those lines. When he does bother to show for school, it’s in uniform. Name: Musato, Kibaya Age: 19 Gender: Male Class: 3-C Personality: Kibaya is a relatively reclusive individual. He doesn’t speak much, and given his stature, not many people try to strike up conversation with him. Those that do manage to brave the unapproachable exterior may find him a bit lacking. He’s polite enough, conversational, but doesn’t really engage actively. Really, most people just find it just better fun to chat with their friends and its no skin off Kibaya’s back. He’s not someone who likes to ignore problems though, and will more often than not step up to rectify what he sees as a problem. It becomes more rare that he’ll do this when it involves interpersonal issues as he knows he’s not the greatest at them himself so he shouldn’t really poke his head into those of others. For blatant problems like bullying or whatever though, he doesn’t shy away from using his size to interject himself. History: Yakuza debts. Horrible things to be stuck with. Worst was when the debts were forced onto people. Suffice to say, his father’s debt was enough for the bastard to take his own life and leave Kibaya and his mother to deal with the fallout. The group that came to collect the debt weren’t scum though, thankfully, but debts had to be paid one way or another. He was old enough to work, and his body could handle it, so Kibaya worked. It wasn’t easy, since none of the money he made actually came to him, but compared to the alternatives, there really wasn’t a choice. He was motivated by hate for his father, who had never been a great parent in the first place, at first, but that couldn’t last the years it would take for him to pay back what the man owed. Eventually, he simply worked because there was no other choice for him. Now though, now that the debt has actually shrunk and the end is imaginable, Kibaya figured that the work he did actually wasn’t so bad. Sure, the reason he had been forced to it was utterly detestable, but that was years ago. In terms of school, he’s got a strange relationship with it. Thankfully the staff are at least understanding enough that they accommodate for his special circumstances as normally he would have been expelled a long time ago with his attendance record. Nonetheless he’s been held back a year due to it, rather than for any academic reasons. Skills: He’s got a physique that makes him look in his mid-twenties rather than a high school senior, and it shows whenever he bothers to show up for physical education. He isn’t the fastest runner, but strength-wise, Kibaya is solid. Despite meeting the bare minimum attendance for school, Kibaya has a sharp mind, specifically towards details and spatial awareness. His mind has a knack for things that relate to locations, such as where he had last seen something, the distance between two points, how a room was laid out, etc. Small details like those that would help out in the job site. As one would expect from someone who works on build sites, Kibaya is fairly decent when it comes to DIY projects. He isn’t an expert contractor by any means, but small things, out in the back if he had the materials and tools to, aren't impossible. Not exactly a socialite, he’s more likely to make people feel uncomfortable than welcome given he’s not one to speak up unless necessary. The sounds of work being done over idle conversation has always been more pleasant to Kibaya’s ears. Weapons: Friendships/Relationships: Other: “And then they’re going to eat me. Oh my goooood.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Appearance: Name: Aki Okumura Age: 17 Gender: Male Class: 2-C Personality: He is a quiet one at first, seemingly having no people skills in the slightest. Whenever someone asks him a question he will for the most part just stand there with a blank expression. It’s not like he doesn’t talk however, it all depends on what you talk about with him. he may look like a typical arrogant person, but the saying”Don’t judge a book by its cover” Will never ring more true than with this guy. Some of the reason he doesn’t talk much has to do with what he likes and does, if he admits this openly, he knows that he is just asking for some ass to bully him. Background: Born to a fairly decent family, they weren’t poor or rich. They weren’t hated or well loved, just a normal family with two sons and a daughter. Aki wasn’t a kid who really played with the other kids, as he stuck more to himself, and his game system. While his older brother would hang out with all his friends, and his sister would gossip with her friends, Aki would sit by himself in his own world playing his video games. It didn’t matter what game he played, each one was just another world to be absorbed in. This little feature made him have a passion in technology, and believe it or not he also began to like fashion and interior design from such ways. Pretty much he was a guy, that other males would say was a little girl for liking what females would like. And he knew that this is what they would say as well, so he kept to himself for the majority of the time. However with his gaming, his grades would reflect his non studying ways, with him not faring very well in the majority and getting by, with lucky guesses. He did however have a knack for geography, for some reason he loved the subject and would regularly pass the assignments. Skills: Is quite great at geography, being able to answer most of the questions, simply by listening to the class(And some games actually have real geography lessons in them) ((Very skilled in)) Fashion design may not be that helpful, but hey atleast you can be stylish even in an apocalypse. ((Semi skilled, purdy much for the lolz)) Math… -does prayer- Lord please do us a righteous favor in banishing this vile thing from the world. -prayer failed- Damn. (Super bad) Due to his gaming skills, and quick time events, his reaction time is pretty damn impressive, of course he always has the chance to slip up. (Semi skilled in) Sewing……. Don’t judge. Ya judge him, you keep them holes in your clothing! (Semi skilled. Every other subject is pretty much laughable, since he is barely passing cause of luck. (Bad) Weapons: N/a Relationships/Friendships: N/a (Try to befriend him… IF YOU GOT DA BALLZ) Other: “They ate Shoske!” ……. I care why?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Sometimes I want to cry...or run away...or even just fight back. It's cause I'm human. No matter how hard we try to fake it, we can't help how we feel. This is who I am and this is who you are until the end."
Name: Paneru Yagyū Age: 16 Gender: Male Class: 1-B Personality: Despite his effeminate appearance, he doesn't actually act girly, though, due to his comforting and protective nature, he comes off as very…motherly. Paneru is incredibly sensitive to the feelings of others, making him very empathic. He is prone to cry for many different reasons. He is a feminist who believes in equality regardless of gender or rank. He is often mistaken for a girl and admits to having a bit of a complex towards these types of questions. Nonetheless, as mentioned, he is a very motherly individual, typically protective and worrisome over the well-being of others. He is often seen making graceful expressions such as clasping his hands together and being tender and affectionate. Though preferring diplomatic resolutions and being slightly demure, he won't hesitate to snap at others for slipping with their manners or being impolite or selfish. He is an immense social butterfly who feeds off the positive energy of others. In some instances though, he can behave like an overprotective parent and go on seemingly endless rants. However, hidden beneath the surface lies a dark past and a heavy heart, scarred, but usually kept on reserve by a coy smile. He is incredibly aware of the world around him and as a photographer and painter, he uses that as a focal point for his hidden sadness and talents. He does indeed suffer from depression, though, most wouldn't know it. Background: As odd as it seems, Paneru's mother was a neglectful fortuneteller who made quick money by rambling off self-proclaimed prophecies about her clients. Whether they were the truth or not is up in the air. But when his mother died from an illness at the age of 10, his father took custody of him and his two younger sisters. His parents had divorced when he was only 2 years old and this turned his dad into an emotional wreck. His father, who was a drunk no less, sexually and emotionally abused him and his sisters for many years. Although he was already growing into his talent for art at his age, Paneru began swimming as a way to escape the pain of his father. To be free like a fish was the greatest feeling on the planet. Swimming became his life, even overtaking his love for art and newly blooming love for photography. But of course, these acts from his father turned him into an emotional wreck as well and unfortunately Paneru began a trend of cutting himself. When he was finally freed from his father(sent to prison) at the age of 14, he and his sisters went to live with their maternal-grandmother and grandfather. They were two of the most angelic people on the planet and nothing like his abusive father or neglectful mother. It was them, who helped steer Paneru into a path of positivity. Although the pain still resides in his heart, he is slowly learning to come to terms with his past, so he can eventually forge a much better future. Skills: Paneru is an incredibly talented artist, so he can draw and paint exceptionally well. He is also an amazing photographer. Though usually lacking in most physical activities, he took a liking to swimming when he was 5 and has been swimming on a regular basis ever since. In the water he is like a fish and can hold his breath for several minutes. Because he is an incredibly talented swimmer and does it actively, he has very good stamina. Furthermore, having trained to be more agile in the water has help him be more nimble and agile on land, especially since his body is so lithe. He definitely lacks pure strength though. Also, he is tone deaf and can't sing worth a lick or play an instruments. He is fairly book smart, but lacks street smarts. Because he loves to read and is very good at reading, he knows about a lot of different things, but suffers when it comes to more complicated subjects like math and technology. Weapons: N/A Relationships/Friendships: He is always open to making new friends. -Ben Warren: He was immediately welcomed by senior Ben Warren and they almost instantly had a genuine connection as if they had been long-lost friends. He is saddened by the idea of Ben graduating at the end of the year, especially since he is always worrisome over Ben's well-being, especially since he is so physically active and suffers from hemophilia. Other: Pansexual. Paneru almost always wears long sleeves and long pants to cover the numerous self-inflicted scars and cuts on his arms and legs. (They ate Shoske)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiya
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Hibiya Secretly super cool. I know. Super cool.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Yukito Amamiya

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Class: 1-A

Personality: Yukito is extremely studious and nerdy, trying to learn all there is about the world he lives in, and the people that live in it. Socially, he is somewhat shy and quiet, but kind and generous, and will not hesitate to try to help a good person in need. He can easily make a decision, and stick with it, but at some times (when he is in a bad state or in panic) it is hard for him to think rationally and he won't stay calm. Regarding his pansexuality, he hasn't spoken of it to his family and friends. He does, however, not try to hide it, as he doesn't want to accidentally lose the chance of love. (And he doesn't flirt. I don't think people like him flirt.)

Background: Geography, physics, math, history, you name it, he's almost definitely got it. What he lacks in strength and personality he excels in intelligence. Yukito's parents are very strict, but they strive for him to be the best, and they wish to enroll him in a prestigious college. In his family life, he has two siblings, an older brother and a younger brother, and his extremely strict parents. His older brother is the slacker of the family, the one who stays home all day doing jack shit. His grade-school level younger brother on the other hand, learned from Yukito and is on par with about a middle school student's intellect. Though Yukito's family isn't even close to the richest, he still was pressured to do his best, by family and friends. From an average person's perspective, they would probably think Yukito's background is pretty average. But the reason why he needs to strive is not just the prestigious college, but his parents. His parents, although very smart and responsible, did not make close to the right decisions in high school/college. They, instead of studying and learning, chose to go with friends and have fun, fool around, and throw parties when no homework or projects were assigned. If it were not for this, Yukito would probably be rich- but also a delinquent like Utaho. But these past mistakes made by his family give him an inside hope to never give up.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Geography/World History
Yukito is extremely interested and proficient in the field of Social Studies {Geography/History}, and was even the champion of a regional contest in the subject. This is his best grade, and his grade in this maintains a beautiful A+. He knows all the capitals of the world, from Moscow in Russia to Yaren in Nauru, and even the smaller countries like Bhutan and Georgia. This is obviously his favorite class.

As this is also a core class and a very important one as well, Yukito is forced to excel in this. Even though he is not interested in it, he is forced to try to be the best in his class at it, although he himself doesn't think of it that way. That, of course, doesn't mean he does not like the mathematics subject in general. He still believes it is sometimes fun, and crucial to graduate and make lots of money.

Life Sciences/Physics
Although Yukito loves the hands-on part of this subject, and he loves learning about certain parts of Science. But the only problem for Yukito is the arduous, boring lessons and lectures given to the students. In this subject, he seems to excel in organic life, including reproduction, the ecosystem, and cells. (Life Sciences)

Physical Education
He can run. He can jump. But he sucks at everything else. Staying up all night studying and doing entirely academic, indoor activities takes a toll on your physical performance. Although he does exercise occasionally to keep his weight low and his good looks staying fresh.

Extracurricular activities
Yukito is in three different clubs, the Chess, Honors, and the Cooking Clubs. (Yes, I just made those up ;.;) He also knows how to play and practice the piano, but I don't think that would really matter in a zombie apocalypse.

Weapons: N/A


Mi Kiyoshi
Yukito only really talked to his very small group of friends, but that doesn't mean he doesn't notice the other kids in his class. His relationship with Mi is unknown, as he hasn't really interacted with her.

Paneru Yagyuu
Paneru is not even an acquaintance to Yukito, as he probably doesn't even notice the poor boy. But since Paneru is an older, class 2 student, Yukito looks up to him as a sort of "role model". Not to mention his kind personality, one that Yukito would try to adopt.

Other: Yes. The tag is right, he is a nerd. Just like me.
They ate Shoske! (What else did they eat?)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


-Student Body Polls-

Poll 1: Majority vote for student that everyone wants to see die first. Winner: Kurisa Shuiji

Death Order
1. Akiko
2. Chisato
3. Shingen

This is for New and Exsisting Character Reminders. A character reminder is a picture you put at the top of each of your post so when everyone reads your post, they wont forget what your character looks like and will be able to visual the scenario better. It's always nice to read RP and visual them like a book. Of course, you don't have to use it if you dont want to. I just thought it would be a nice touch and to help out us forgetful folks. LOL I will make new ones should new characters join and I will remove ones if the the roleplayer decies to leave the RP. That is different from the character Dying. If the character has died IC...I will update said CR with "Deceased".

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Appearance: Megumi takes the appearance of an average height girl with striking red hair and eyes with an ego to match. Her hair is rather long, yet well kept and constantly gathered up in pigtails or one long ponytail. Name: Megumi Hazekage Age: 17 Gender: Female Class: 2-A Personality: Prideful to say the least, Megumi is extremely intelligent, calculating, patient, while simultaneously unwavering and iron-fisted. Megumi calls people as "pigs in human clothing," and justifies that the weak and foolish must be ruled. Due to her steadfast convictions, she also possess a natural charisma and ability to lead others. In spite of her pride, Megumi is shown to be pragmatic and determined, willing to cast aside pride and using whatever means necessary in order to secure victory, even if it threatens her life. When first meeting her, she is cold and rather ruthless, just gazing upon her will send shivers down ones spine. Not only is she intelligent, yet she knows what to do to bring weak targets down, especially when those targets have a very low self-esteem. In some cases, she could be what you consider a 'Major Bitch'. In spite of her behavior at school, she is not heartless. While very harsh and not very willing to tolerate failures, she does care a great deal for those who she manages to care about, such as her brother. Megumi has a small social circle, so most of the time she lingers around her sibling. Background: Megumi was always a stuffy, if not brilliant girl. Born under the daughter of Izuma Hazekage, and sister to Kurogane Hazekage, she was put under speculation by both the press and by her family; although, by extension, her brother would be the heir, she would still represent the family in hindsight, in both business and in war; which she was expected to throw herself into once she became of said mature age. Her days were spent studying with her mother, a softspoken lady that didn't have much to do with her brother, Kurogane. She would often spar with her father and brother, although, whenever she entered the dojo, it was to the sight of Kurogane bleeding, battered and bruised, while her father goaded her in with only a stoic shift of the head. She blossomed underneath his teachings, and often tested her skill against Kurogane; whom she knew to be holding back insurmountable amounts of anger at her father's way of abuse and stress-relief. Every-day, she would help him, either with studying or medical attention, and every-day, he would do the same, straightening her form or giving her a round in a game of Shogi. Life continued on, with Megumi's creative mind allowing her to come out on top with anything she put her energy and time towards. Her relationship with her brother became her strongest bond yet, although it will surely be tested to it's limits in the time to come. Skills: Megumi is talented in the field of math and engineering, though she is rather lacking in history and social sciences. Due to her great knowledge, she knows quite a bit of information especially pertaining to the crafting of items(Thinks like nailed in baseball bats, or simple weapons for defense, if she were to have completed her studies, Megumi would have learned a lot more). The young girl is a fight fanatic, she dabbles in hand to hand from the teachings her father and brother had given her. She knows some medical treatments, like disinfecting cuts and bruises, but that's something everyone should already know how to do. Friendship wise, she sucks at gaining trust from others since she is constantly brooding and upset. Weapons: N/A Relationships/Friendships: Kurogane - Her older brother and someone she knows very well. He is the only person Megumi is actually willing to socialize with, mostly due to the fact that they are siblings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

::Name:: Kurogane 'Kuro' Hazekage ::Age:: 18 ::Gender:: Male ::Class:: 4-A ::Personality:: Kurogane is...well, let's just say that he's not the most 'forgiving' of students. He has learned, since Day 1, that weakness is not something that should be apparent in his body. Quiet, composed, and calculating, he is a relatively young man that has the ability to intimidate and injure with the blink of an eye, and absolutely no remorse. Events in his history has tailored his mind into such a way, that taunting and insulting him will never work in the midst of battle or survival. He will not joke or play patty-cake with you. If you inspire his ire, then you will perish within the first three seconds. If not, you better make sure that cardio comes natural to your body. He has no fear of 'being too brutal', and the way he fights...the way he 'disciplines' his opponents, well, there's a reason why he is feared by the student body. He's not all bad, however. Catch him when he's not in a bad mood, and he's still quiet, apathetic and distant...but at least he won't kill you if you look at him wrong...maybe. He rather enjoys knitting - joke about it and he will kill you, and can prove to be quite pleasant company, seeing as he's highly intelligent - and his intelligence shows him that not all people are trash. A shining piece of his personality is his overprotectiveness of his sister, Megumi. ::Background:: Kurogane...the heir of the 'wealthy' Hazekage Clan. An ancient Japanese family that dates back since the cavemen were born, it's obvious that he has always been held to a higher standard than the common rabble. His father, and his father before that, and thus-forth, has been honorable soldiers in the Leader's Royal Guard, and Kurogane was trained to be such, along with being the heir to the wealthy family. He would become the head of the business, along with serving and bearing their family crest within the bloody trenches of war. At a young age, he was taught etiquette, politics, and when he reached the age of five, he was taught the fine skill of swordsmanship; or Kendo, as the practice was called. Every day, he was beat into the ground with the same sharp wooden sword, until he could counter, plunge, counter, parry, counter, counter, slash, slash, pierce. Bruise after bruise, welt after welt, fracture after broken bone...he was tortured. The stress, it was heavy. Books became his life, sword became his soul, pain became his haven. This history is what made him into what he is today; the only solace of his dreary life being his sister, Megumi Hazekage. Although trained alongside him, she would always be there once it was all said and done, giving him words of encouragement, and treating his wounds, as he would treat hers, if she managed to garner them after the multiple-hour spars. The two grew closer, forming an inseparable bond that would last until their death. When this whole...schmick started, it was just an average day... ::Skills:: Kuro's skills comes from his intelligent, prodigal state of mind and body. Born to be a highly skilled, highly intelligent young man, he became adept with combat at a young age, most-likely from the constant prodding and abuse his traditional father put both him and his sister through. His body-form is lean, muscular, compact, and sharp - only an enhancement to his already formidable capabilities. He thinks in logical manners; IE whether or not that person should be saved, what personal ties they have to anyone within the area, and if killing them would save their agony. Similarly, this gives him a one-up in battle strategy; something that comes in play when you consider his combat ability. Martial-arts and Kendo are his specialities; having went to Nationals for both. ::Weapons:: N/A ::Relationships/Friendships:: None, other than his sister; whom he will protect with his life. -Open- ::Other:: They Ate Shoske. - Why not? Kurogane is the head of the Discipline Committee, his second-in-command being his sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Merman
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Merman Below the Surface

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I'll go to hell and back to keep you safe"

Name: Ben Warren

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Class: 4-B

Personality: Shortly after arriving, Ben was quickly nicknamed by his close friends and classmates as the school "Guard Dog", do to his fiercely loyal and somewhat territorial nature. Furthermore, this point is accentuated by the fact that he is immensely overprotective of friends and those he cares deeply for. However, this is to say that he is only protective of a small circle of people as he doesn't give away his trust easily. He has many acquaintances, but few true friends. Due to being an expat from America and the stereotypes associated with it, he made sure to put forth extra effort to learn the language and be respectful towards everyone, but he for certain expects respect in return and nothing less. Respect is a two-way street. Also, Ben is extremely competitive, passionate, somewhat aggressive, confident and intensely athletic. Unfortunately though, he has to be very wary about certain things. as he suffers from hemophilia. Despite his tough exterior, he has a weakness for anything and anyone that he deems cute.

Background: Despite having been born in Boston, he didn't actually spend much of his time there. He lived the life of a military brat with his mother and father who were both in the military. His father, more so than his mother, was extremely stoic and stern, and like father like son, overprotective as well. He made sure to have Ben become very physically active so he could protect himself, and as they moved from place to place, Ben became in involved with boxing, fencing, swimming, and basketball. Shortly after his 13th birthday, his father was stationed in Japan, and naturally, Ben had to move there as well. Although leery at first of his new found home, he became enthralled in the culture and the people and as this place has been the longest place he had ever lived at one time, he soon began to feel as though he finally belonged.

Skills: Ben is incredibly athletic, specifically being very skilled in boxing, fencing, basketball, and swimming. As the Captain of the swim team, he similarly takes after his father and is very stern with his team, but protective of them and tries not to allow his leadership role to go to his head. He developed a good sense of street smarts due to moving around so often, but is somewhat impulsive, so often he isn't the one who can do things easily like solving riddles, planning ahead, and developing strategies and the like. And he is somewhat average in academics.

Weapons: N/A


-Paneru Yagyū: Of all the students, he immediately found himself drawn to the freshman and took a sudden and affectionate liking to him. In such a short amount of time, the two became very friendly and he is extremely protective of him, perhaps to a fault.

Other: He is a hemophiliac.
(They ate Shoske)

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Asuu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Appearance: Jason is a tall young man, American by ethnicity. His skin is a fair olive color, neither tan nor pale, and his build/physique is about the form of a young man that was into sports and stuff before he left home, where he began exercising regularly. AKA, muscular, albeit not at a body-builder's level, since he felt that would be really, really gross. His hair is sorta messy, yet short, being black in color. It's not really something you write a paragraph over; short, messy, and cut lower on both sides. His eyes are a dark blue color, almost black in certain lightings. His attire, as seen in the pic, is rugged dark jeans, sturdy, dark brown, almost black boots. Those are the things he never changes, only washing them when necessary. Then, there are his tanktops/wife-beaters, which varies based on their level of cleanliness and scent. All are usually a light gray or something, he doesn't care. Then, there's his coat. Dusty, road-worn black, around knee-length, with a dark red interior. Unbuttoned, all the time, and the Union flag is sewn in on the shoulder. A gift from his grandma.
Name: Jason Stowe
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Class: None.

Personality: Meet Jason...an asshole. Not really...but sorta. Eh, not really. Laidback and jaded, he's a pretty chill guy, seemingly not affected by this entire apocalypse. He carries himself with a natural confidence that befits someone of his stature in the world...eh, actually, his stature in the world's pretty shit all things considered, but he doesn't care. He's young, all things considered, and holds a lot of anger in his heart - probably from his past. Spite is a sin, and he sins quite often; Jason would leave you alone, in front of the zombies, a raw steak in your hands, if you piss him off enough, or if you're a bigger dick than he is. Quick, sharp wit - honestly, you won't win in an insult or word battle with him - he is rather neutral and 'Idgaf' with society, since he sort of left that whole life alone a while ago. This leads to him being quite apathetic and ruthless, but if something sticks, it sticks. He has a dark humor, although, despite the vulgarity of some of his jokes, it's also undeniably funny...in a morbid, 'I really shouldn't be laughing' way. Jason will not let anyone walk on him, and he's very rebellious to any designated 'authority' figures, which is why THE MAN banned him from a lot of smaller towns across the world. Something about graffiti and property damage. Hah.

Background: You'd like to know, wouldn't you? Oh...you would? Ah...it will be revealed in due time, Padawan.

Skills: Growing up in a very dangerous, ghetto neighborhood, Jason is a scrapper, through and through. Although he had never learned a rigid, noble fighting art, he was pretty damn good at just simply beating ass, rather than going through Katas or forms. His instincts are some of the best, and this, combined with his tolerance to pain, makes him an extremely dangerous fighter close-up, although he finds that using his fists against zombies are stupid, and usually just swings something hard at them to make 'em shut up.

Going past, this, he was in auto-shop back in school, and is an expert when it comes to rewiring things, fixing vehicles, and other grease-monkey stuff. This also goes hand-in-hand with his ability to drive stick, and other vehicles. Had to use a few guns in his line of 'work', so he's pretty good with those. A crack-shot, if you will. So, to put it in three words. His skills: Close Combat, Vehicle Repair/Driving, and Firearm usage.

He's not that bad at prolonged strategizing; throw him in a herd of zombies and he'll figure out a way to work it to his advantage, but plant him inside of a house, throw a map, and get some zombie figurines? He won't know what to do with it. Was never one for chess, after all. Similarly, he tend to piss people off; more specifically, rigid, authorative figures such as police officers and most of the people in Japan. His brusqueness when dealing with both living people and zombies can also turn a few people off, and not in a sexual way.

Weapons: He went through quite a few weapons, just grabbing whatever sturdy thing he could find as he traveled through this god-forsaken city. Right now, after holing up in a hardware store, to get some 'Gorilla Duct-Tape' for future needs, he found a machete and hammer. Well, a lot, but for the sake of lightness, he 'stole' one of each and got the Hell outta there.

Melissa Twist - His childhood friend. They parted ways a few months ago, when he dropped her off at Canada for her sister's wedding. He has a feeling she's dead.

Ayyy bruh, they ate Shoske.
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