Kurisa Shuiji

Kurisa Shuiji
Kurisa is a pretty standard guy, obsessed with cars, sports and the alike. However this focus on somewhat physical subjects means Kurisa isn't exactly book smart which is his main downfall and why he is the C grade. Kurisa is a firm believer that the crap you learn from books is useless and that the best way to learn something is physical experience and learning from mistakes, although when you do something physical that threatens to hurt you, you're generally more careful and so less mistakes happen. You screw up, you get hurt...Do you get that with a book? You bet your ass you don't!
Aside from Kurisa being more of a hands on kind of guy he is also a pretty hard person to generally get along with. Some will hit some luck with him but most will likely fail...this is generally shown with how he hates half the people at his school just down to the way they act. You could say he has a lot of anger inside him and so it doesn't take much to set him off...yet on the odd occasion he will stay in control of his emotions however due to this being somewhat rare Kurisa has fought with a lot of the other males in his year and the year above...not always winning but that doesn't mean he didn't give them a decent ass kicking!
Kurisa has a pretty standard family. His father is a mechanic, hence why Kurisa takes an interest in Mechanics and his mother is an accountant. Kurisa also has a much younger Sister however it's to early to tell what she will be into as her only interests as of now are drawing and Pokemon. Kurisa's upbringing wasn't necessarily a bad one, he was certainly much more cheerful in his life when he was younger however when his Grandmother passed when he was aged 10, things started to go down hill a little from there and eventually lead to Kurisa becoming somewhat of a troublemaker at school. His Mother speculates that Kurisa's anger and aggression are simply a front to hide his depression, almost as if he lives in some sort of denial that she is gone...However that is just his mothers views. His fathers are somewhat different and that he simply blames it on him just being in his Teens and rebelling.
(Keeping it short and sweet)
Very Skilled in engineering due to being around vehicles and machinery all his life due to his father being a mechanic and so Kurisa has followed in his fathers foot steps in hopes of one day becoming a Mechanic himself.
Semi Skilled in Sports/Athletics. Kurisa generally likes to keep fit and so puts some time into sports and the alike. He isn't really all the competitive but it's a great way to keep himself in shape and in some ways helps him when he somewhat occasionally gets into a fight with another student...even on the field
Semi-Skilled in Kendo. Kurisa does have an interest in Japanese history and although not a large amount it's enough of an interest for him to want to take up Kendo class so he can at least believe he is somewhat like a Samurai...although in truth he is far from it as he isn't the greatest there is but he is good enough that he can give some more experienced members a challenge
Useless at Geography. Kurisa has no interest in Geography...he knows how to use a map and that is as far as it goes for him. All the other crap they try teach you is useless and he believes it will be hardly useful at all! If you got eyes and a map then you should be fine
Utaho Rinnosuke - Kurisa would say he is somewhat friends with Utaho or at least they get along well enough. Although they may not be side by side everyday there is the occasional case in which the two may go out if they are bored and just kick some randomers ass or someone's ass from their school who annoyed them...why?...well...why not?
Kibaya Musato - Kurisa doesn't know to much about Kibaya...probably due to him rarely even being in class. However the two have spoken a few times to know a little about eachother but not enough to be considered really anything close to friends
"THEY ATE SHOSKE!"...That's why he's called Zombie Bait *chuckles*
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