What happens when you run?????????????????????
Does it bounce? Does the peen itself bounce? Do the balls bounce? What does a jock strap do? Does it flop? Does it flop out the shorts?
What happens when you run????????????????????? Does it bounce? Does the peen itself bounce? Do the balls bounce? What does a jock strap do? Does it flop? Does it flop out the shorts?Unless you're in the nude, it doesn't bounce. But who runs in the nude, amiriite? Haha...
Taaj, you should buy a high tech ultra realistic strapon dildo and walk around with it on for a few days. Then you could stop making threads about dicks.okay but what if I told you dick threads are the coolest thing about spam rn
I wonder what the world would be like if this was the only underwear you could buyA lot of free ballin'
>implying I would need to be forced to wear thoseI wonder what the world would be like if this was the only underwear you could buy
Taaj, you should buy a high tech ultra realistic strapon dildo and walk around with it on for a few days. Then you could stop making threads about dicks.Even if I did this I would still make threads about dicks.
<Snipped quote by The Nexerus> Even if I did this I would still make threads about dicks.But they wouldn't get questions. Because you would also buy a go pro, and post video's from your psuedodick's POV as you do normal things. .... I can't even imagine the required penis strength to carry around a go pro. You're need like... a trapeze.