Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

In this world, there are four great seas, separated by two rings which wrap around the world. The first is a ring of land, and the second, a ring of ocean surrounded by waters where there are neither currents nor winds.

In another time, these seas would be known as the Blues, and the rings would be the Red Line and Grand Line. In another time, a man known as Gol D. Roger would explore the Grand Line and conquer it, challenging pirates to find his treasure, the One Piece with his dying breath...

Whether that time is far in the future of this world or far in the past, it cannot be said for certain. All that matters now is the tale of the brave adventurers who've taken it to themselves to conger the Last Ocean. These adventurers hail from the four Seas, and they yearn to discover what answers this world has to offer.

This is the tale of one of those crews of brave men and women...


Loros was a port city in the northern region of the Sea of Eurus. As the city was relatively close to the capital of the world, it was considered a safe place, one in which crime was uncommon at worst and nonexistent at best. Many people considered it to be a paradise...

And those who called it otherwise often lost their tongues.

"You there, boy!" A man who stood at about 6'3 approached a younger man. His hair was black, but peppered with streaks of grey and white, which appeared in an unfortunate way, as to give him the appearance of a skunk's stripes on top his head. "What are you doing here? Loitering?" He asked, grabbing the boy by the shoulder. The young man was lucky the older one didn't see the gun on his waist, otherwise there would have likely been a mess of trouble, especially since Loros was a city where any weapon possession outside the Navy was punishable by severe fines and possible execution.

Thankfully for those who could escape, the charges were not often carried outside the city. Still...

In a nearby tavern, a redheaded woman could likely hear the commotion outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Angelo grinned and laughed a little until soon it built up to a crescendo of a huge laugh at the mans expense are you serious? you talking to me about loitering when it seems like their a female skunk looking for its husband! damn you need some new hair fast or should I be quiet so I wont scare it into skunking me Angelo said laughing a few other people joined in and then the man got angry. now I know this isn't the time for a fight but do you really want to try and take me down right now? ill give you a hint, think of a number between one and 10 now imagine that many holes in your body before you make the attempt to attack me Angelo said grinning thinking that it wouldn't take him much to put the pieces together on what he said knowing this guy wouldn't be that stupid in thinking that Angelo wouldn't pull out his pistol at him. Angelo went back to laying against the wall waiting thinking that the man knew he wasn't joking about holes and wouldn't try to move him again. For now Angelo simply waited for a captain to take him out of this boring place and on an adventure so Angelo could become the greatest gunslinger ever...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Abigail heard the noise outside. It was a marine, she was sure of it, making a big deal about nothing. It was always nothing in this place. Here, there were only sheep, and what could a sheep do to cause harm? Bah too loudly? What else? Nothing came to mind right away, but with a little more effort she thought of how pleasing it would be to find a black sheep that really did bite the hand. Now there was something she'd pay to see. A smirk appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she raised a mug of beer to her lips, and had a drink to the black sheep who'd take off one of these damn marine's entire hand. Things got busier on her third gulp of her drink. Much more commotion outside. "Hmmm?" She put down the bitter brew, and arched an eyebrow towards the door where all the noise was coming from. "Is there a little odd duckling out there?" Her eyebrow flexed and she got up. "Keep the change." She said, tossing a few coins on at the bar, and heading out.

The sun was up and burned at the pale skin which couldn't be tanned with an honest effort. Outside, there was a large man, out. He was a large man. Not the biggest man she's ever seen, but he towered over her by a good fifteen inches. It took a bit of time for her to recognize him, but eventually the skunk patter on his head brought it all back to her. His name was skunker, or something like that. She'd never put in any effort for figuring it out exactly, but the man was a well known bully in these parts. He was strong, there was no doubt about it, she'd seen him fight a few times, but instead of using his strength on the front line to deal with bigger threats, he'd opted to stay around and pick on weaklings.

"So a black sheep did go on and give one these dear fellows a good chomp on the fingers, and what looks like a hind kick to the nose." She turned and looked at the gathering crowd. "Anyone see who did this, and more importantly, know where I can find him?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The man scowled, standing up straight. "Boy," he said. "What in the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked. "Do you realize who you're talking to?" He asked. "You're making threats right outside a Navy compound to an off duty Navy officer. Threats implying you're breaking the Navy ordinance about carrying weapons within city limits." He explained. "Now, I am a forgiving man, so I won't go with the immediate punishment that most men in my standing would." He said, implying the executions that were all too well known within Loros. "I'm in a good mood, so you can simply see 3 days time in the slammer." He spoke. "Now drop your weapon and come with me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

oh that's so kind of you! Angelo said with sarcasm as he dropped his pistol in front of him and when he went to grab it Angelo punched him in the gut making his gasp for air as Angelo grabbed his pistol off the ground Eat shit and die navy dog. piss and moan all you want but you need a damn army to take me down and I don't see one. Now go skip along back to headquarters and tell them Angelo sends his regard and oh put a nice size bounty on my head while your at it. cause if you don't then im just going to come back and find you. now go on skunk boy before I change my mind Angelo said grinning bowing to the crowd like a show boat for punching a navy officer, Angelo was going to be a pirate so the more navy dogs on him the more important he is and the higher the bounty the bigger his bragging rights as a notorious gunslinger...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 20 days ago

Ray-Ray realized it the second the liquid slid down his throat, he hated liquor. He began to cough and hack, his body doing its best to get the dry and bitter liquid out of his system. Ray-Ray ignored the all eyes that were burning onto my back. He was not the least bit embarrassed, although his face was a little red. Ray-Ray grabbed a cup of water and downed it in seconds, the cool liquid calmed his inflamed throat. "Finally, peace and quiet." He mumbled to himself although things were getting tense inside the bar.

Ray-Ray glanced outside, wondering why things were getting so thick. Unfortunately, when he saw the scene that was right outside, he understood. There was a crowd, and they seemed to be watching something inside. Ray-Ray raised an eyebrow at that, we're they utilizing weapons? That could have ended badly for everyone involved. Ray-Ray thought about reporting this, but he thought against it.

Ray-Ray walked outside and tried to get a glance of the fighters. He thought of the fighters of buff, strong marines. He shoved and pushed his way through the crowd, earning him a bunch of angery stares. By the time he got to the middle he was sure his shirt would burst into flames with all the stares. Ray-Ray was surprised by what he saw, there was a skinny white haired kid with a gun, punching a large marine in the face. He cringed at the sight of it, this guy was much stronger then he let on. Ray-Ray began to chant and laugh, the mob mentally was very inducing.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Are you really going to run your mouth in a place like this?" The officer asked. Something odd had happened with the punch. The impact seemed to do nothing to him, the force rebounding into Angelo's fist. "Fine then... Execution it is!" He said, slamming his arm into the younger man's neck, then slamming him to the ground, hard.

When he was sure the man was unconscious, he spoke once more. "... Hmm... I tried to be reasonable." He sighed. "Must have lost some of my reflexes turning 53..." He shook his head with a frown. He picked up the limp body of the young man. "Regardless, I will give you the three days I promised before your execution. I promise a spectacle won't be made of it, in any case." He said, taking the young man in to the Navy headquarters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Abigail pushed her way through the crowd, or at least that's how the whole, going through the bunch of people who stood too closer together started, but as she made her way inwards, and people got a look at her eyes, and noticed how her body posture lacked even the slightest bit of insecurity, they all started to part. By the time she got to the end, the inner circle, the place where all the eyes were aimed at a single spot, there was basically a red carpet rolled out for her.

At the start of the journey toward's the group's nucleus people were chanting, and making merry, but that changed when she stepped closer to the stage. Two men were fighting, or at least things had started out as some kind of browl, but it went south faster than a bullet went through a human's skull, the regular kind, not the ones with any of those fancy abilities that came with a lucky break. It didn't look good. A young man, probably some fool who'd gotten lucky a few times down the road, was out, and out cold. He'd gotten himself into a fight with a much larger man, who was complaining about being too soft and how he was going to get it in three days time.

Abigail's first impulse was to step forward, and do something about the circumstances. After all, the victor was a marine, and she didn't like the thought of marines winning, but things could get bad, fast, especially if reinforcements were called. Sometimes it was best to let things go, and get the son of a gun somewhere down the road, when it was just him, and the kind of ego that thought someone a lot smaller couldn't possibly snap him in half like a dried twig. It was hard to fight the smirk that wormed its way onto her face, so she gave up and let it show.

"Hey." She said softly to a nearby man, one with a red face. "What happened?" Despite the lack of volume she was using, her voice sailed true like an arrow aimed at his ear. "What happened here? Whose the kid on the ground?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A Marine guard

Captain Argos caught a stupid for execution.
Went the information between his marine comrades around the base. Zuzu sighed he lost a bet because of it. Giving his friend the bet on sum out of his pocket. What bit him to even bet on that the captain wouldnt catch anyone breaking the law for a week and take them in personally, Zuzu guessed it was just bad luck.

A officer came in front of them and all his friends and him stood straight as a arrow saluting.

''Meet captain Argos take over the prisoner, secure all weapons from him and get him in the cell 3B. '' The officer instructed pointing at one solider before he pointed at Zuzu too. ''You two are to guard the prisoner in the first shift.''

A clear Yes sir echoed from all of them and 5 men plus Zuzu as the six made their way to meet the great navy captain of their base. Quickly enough down the few streets they saw their captain with someone over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. They saluted.
''Sir we were ordered to take care of the prisoner!'' Zuzus friend to the left exclaimed loudly and with great respect. He himself wondering how he could get his money back from the lost bet, awaiting either the person be dropped at them or new captains orders.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Abigail watched the large marine pick the boy up off the ground like he was picking up a pillow, and slung the limp form over his shoulder. Without looking around to see who was looking at him, the man started walking. Abigail, too curious about the lad who tried picking a fight with the marine, to leave him to his fate, followed. At first she did so from a distance, but the closer they go to the marine's prison, the closer she got. Not once did the man ever look behind him to see if there was someone following him. Not once did his body posture give any tell tale sign there was something of interest in the world him. It was obvious the man was too certain of himself to be give thought to someone trying to get him by surprise.

Was he human? Yes, she was sure a part of him had to be, but was that part the majority or the minority of his body. As she followed, she kept replaying the things that the people had told her, about the fight. The kid had gotten in the first punch, which from everyone involved, should've done some degree of damage, even to abs of steel, but that wasn't the case. The boy's fist hit, everyone saw it hit, but instead of going in, and pushing out all the air from the man's body, the fist just bounced back. Stomachs didn't do that. Sure, maybe someone had enough muscle control and strength to take a punch, and maybe harden around it, she could see that happen, but causing the arm to bounce back? No. A human body wasn't capable of left that.

This left just one possible reason. The man had eaten a devil fruit. It was certain. Which one though? There were so many, how could she possibly guess which? "Bouncing stomach." She muttered under her breath. "Bouncing. His body was rubbery." The only one that came to mind was the gum-gum fruit. "It has to be that one," but it didn't since she didn't know all the fruits by heart.

Someone called to the man. She didn't know who they were, but they were marines, so their personal identity didn't matter. They saluted the man, licking his boot, and said they were supposed to take the prisoner to his cell. They took him from the skunk, and Abigail followed them the rest of the way to the prison, wondering how she'd get the man out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The captain handed off the unconscious man to the guard. Block B was comfortable enough. Honestly, he wasn't planning to execute the punk, but rather, scare him straight. He'd thrown a punch, not pulled the gun he was carrying. Mind, that was a different offense, and one that would be approached later, but for now, he had other issues. "Put this in lockdown." He told the officer. "I've some business to attend to." He spoke, picking up a white jacket from a rack, one which had the word 'Justice' emblazoned on the back. He set his arms through it, then turned in Abagail's direction. "Seems we have a rat problem." He said in a dangerous tone, walking that way...

Only to stop short and lean down. Sure enough, there were rats. Argos held an open palm full of seeds, and the rats began to eat from it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Block B, did she hear that right? It could've been C, or D for all she knew. Why did all the letters have such similar endings? Couldn't they speak in the nato-fanatic alphabet, and make things easier on her? Was that too much to ask, really? Why couldn't marines do anything right! She clenched her teeth and ground them together, and began moving forward, intent on taking out the guards when the large man vanished to wherever it was he needed to be. She'd just have to start at B, and then work her way through the other letters. At least A doesn't sound like everything else in the damn alphabet.

Abigail froze when the large man turned around and looked her direction. Instinctively her hand dropped to her left side, and clutched at nothing. "It's back on the boat!" She clenched her first, and got ready to make a run at him, but he stopped short and bent down to feed some rats. "Oh." She frowned, and took a step back, allowing for the shadows to further conceal her. "For the best, anyways. If I'm right about him, then bullets wouldn't do much good." It would be better to get in close, and cut him up before he could figure out what was going on. A shot, all that would likely do would warn him of danger.

Abigail waited for a few moments, watching the man, before turning, and slowly making her to where she thought the outside of Block B was. Maybe she could talk to the get through the cell bars, and get a better idea of what was inside. If not, there was always brute force, but that was something she liked keeping as a last resort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Angelo felt the thud as he hit the ground of his cell and it was locked behind him Angelo laughed a little damn that hurt, guess he was tougher then I thought. Damn im so going to kick that guys ass later on Angelo said walking to his cell bars and he looked around seeing a bunch of other prisoners and for some odd reason some old man was banging his tin cup against the steel bar making a loud clank every few seconds while it seems the others were annoyed Angelo could see this as a good opportunity to show his charm and to show the marines that even locked men have passion and spirit. So Angelo counted the seconds between each clank then at the next one he stomped both his feet together making a boom boom then his cup made the clank and so a beat was forming Angelo kept doing it and the old man smiled as he did his thing then another prisoner started to bang his cup then hit the floor soon more and more people joined in until it was a thundering roar throughout the prison then Angelo started to sing We will we will rock you! He called out and then the others started to join in seeing the guards try to stop the prisoners from stomping but their spirits were rising faster then the marines could put them down. They kept singing that same lyric until Angelo sang the next verse Buddy you're a boy make a big noise. Playing in the street gonna be a big man some day. You got mud on your face. You big disgrace. Kickin' your can all over the place. Singin' Angelo stopped and let everyone else say the other lyric as Angelo kept the spirits high as they sung as loud as can be!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 23 days ago

By the time Abigail reached the outside of Block B she was certain it was the right one. There was a noise coming from inside it, almost like a singing group, but one with more enthusiasm that spirit. Sure, as far performing went they wouldn't get far, but it was certain they'd be able to rile up some drawing spirits. She stopped outside, and listened to the sound for awhile. She'd never heard this particular sea shanty before. It was pleasant, in the way that all songs about failure to surrender gracefully where.

With a smile she bend down, and picked up a stone. Hefted it in her hands, and admired the hard grey surface. Then she turned her attention back to the singing group. "Hey!" She snapped, tapping on a bar with the stone. "Is there a stupid kid in there, the kind that would try taking on a marine?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

the others stopped but Angelo kept singing we will we will rock you! until he noticed that nobody else was singing awe come on guys you have to admit that was fun Angelo said laughing on the second floor of the prison dumbass you have someone looking for you wait seriously? damn that was faster then I thought. okay marine or pirate cause if its a marine I will beat them to hell, especially skunk head if I ever see him if pirate tell them that if they want me to join their crew two things need to happen, one I need out of this cell, and two I need 6 pistols Angelo said smiling laughing still at the thought of beating down skunk boy then a guy turned to her and said second floor, 3rd cell on the right side he said and they sighed a little as they realized that a cute chick was looking for the dumb idiot who thought he could take on skunk head
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Before responding, she looked up at the second floor, which was higher than a lot of second floors. Then she looked around, noting the lack of things with comparable height to the prison's second floor. "Of course." The red headed woman shook her head and let out a low sigh. "He had to be on the second floor. Why not? It would be a shame if he wasn't and things weren't complicated any more than they needed to be." The frown already on her face deepened so it was just about a stone's throw away from touching her chin. "Okay, we'll have to go a different way then." She raised her hands over her mouth, as a sort of microphone, and called out instructions, telling the kid not to leave, regardless of what happens, especially if he thinks its something that'll affect his pride. There was a short pause, and then the redhead said "Especially if its something your sure will effect your pride. Stay there, damn it. If you get moved, I'm not coming after you!"

Without waiting for a reply Abigail turned and raced across to the end of the building, and turned a corner. She stopped just in time, as another second worth of running and she would've went head first into one of the two marine sentries, going on their marine way, talking their tough guy, it would've been easier and quicker if I'd been the one fighting, talk. "Hey!" The first one said, pulling out his sword. "What do you think your doing here, running around like that." The second one did the same, and nodded, agreeing that the first one's question was the fine way it was worded and he didn't need to add anything to it.

"Okay then, we'll do things this way." Abigail said, popping her knuckles. "I'm here to drink beer and beat a couple of marine's to bloody pulps, and I'm all out of beer. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A short while before the singing~

Zuzu the marine solider received the body with a salute to their captain and holding the man..more of a boy under his shoulders he carried him in the respective cell. His collage and him searched the boys pocket removing all weapons ammunition and any personal object off him. They were placed in a box and Zuzu carried to the storage room on the ground floor.Looking around he took the money out the box and placed it in his own pocket a dead boy wouldnt have a need for it. Happy with himself he went to report to the officer on the fulfilled task.


Just as he was done reporting a sound started to pick up. A pretty annoying group singing sound. ''Uh-oh....''He managed to let out, watching the officer break his pen, he hated to be interrupted in his paper work by the loud-anything.
''Go and see whats going on and ensure they stop it, and doesnt repeat''
''Sir, Yes sir!'' Zuzu all but run to block B and upstairs hearing most of the noise coming from there, seeing some of the collages already trying to break the singing up.''We better shut them up before we get cut in cubes because of them.'' Zuzu said hearing the collective gulping of his marine friends.

He joined them and with a few punches and kicks and gun pointing most prisoner actually stopped. Well as said most one was still complaining quite loudly. He was heard all the way down the hallway.
''That guy started to sing. ''Said one of the guards helpfully. The group of 4 walked to deal with the loud one the rest of the marines went to their duties of patrolling and guarding.

''Hey newcomer.'' Zuzu walked in front of the cell where Angelo was. '' Be silent or you may not live to your execution day. You pissing the officer up is no good. He is a devil with the sword understand. Now shut up and be a good boy.'' Zuzu tried to get the point across, the four of them hanging now in front of the cell as a safe keep for their own lifes too. If the newcomer tried to start being annoying again they could stop him before it goes overboard like before and attract their officer attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Stay here even if it hurts my pride please like I would risk my life over something that trivial.Angelo said softly to himself laughing a little then grinned song some navy guards trekking Angelo to keep quiet. Angelo laughed at them saying the captain was a devil with a sword please that's a joke now you want to see a real devil just give me my pistol back along with 5 more then I'll show you a devil. Angelo said with an evil look before he went back to smiling and since it was unlikely that the others would join in song again Angelo decided to sing on his own weigh hey up she rises weigh hey up she rises weigh hey up she rises early in the morning. What shall we do with a drunken sailor,What shall we do with a drunken sailor,What shall we do with a drunken sailor,Early in the morning?Put him in the boat until he's sober put him in the boat until he's sober put him in the boat until he's sober early in the morning and Angelo continued to sing no matter what, singing was the only freedom a man had in prison and they would not take that away from him. At least not until his rescue was done then he would just shoot them and steal their cash....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 23 days ago

The marines didn't like what Abigail said, and would have said something on the matter, if their hands could have reacted a bit quicker, or their mouths, got everything out a lot faster. The nearer one, the one who appeared to be command did try to talk, and got some kind of syllable out, but it quickly was molded into something of a gurgling grunt. The lady in red wasn't interested in what he had to say, and add to the fact him making noise was the last thing she'd want. Really, there wasn't any other option. Her palm shot out, and smashed into his wind pipe. It wasn't hard enough to crush it so he'd likely live. "Consider this a courtesy." She mumbled as she turned away from him. "Had this been an actual contest I'd cut you up." The second marine didn't fair much better, but he did manage to get some more air out before he toppled into a heap.

"Hey!" Someone called, a marine without a doubt. "Did you hear that?" Another one replied. "It came from outside." Judging by the way the voices traveled, she was sure the speakers were somewhere on the higher floors. "Someone get over to the lights!"

Abigail didn't wait to see the look on the faces when the spot lights came on, and the bodies, still breathing by the way, were discovered. She hurried away and threw herself inside. It was too late to be sneaky now so she started full sprint towards where she thought the stairs for B block would be, certain she'd run into at least one guard with a set of keys should go borrow, for the rest of her life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Hm..." A marine entered the B-block with a sleepy look on his face. "Think this might be a good place..." He mumbled, Sitting in a chair outside of Angelo's cell. He didn't even seem to notice the singing that had been going on mere moments before, but it was clear from the other marines' response (Or rather lack of a response) to his behavior that he outranked them enough for them to not say anything. Still, it wasn't long before the man was sleeping like a baby right in the chair.
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