Name: Shuya "Steve" Habasaki
Age: 22 (physically), 16 (Mentally)
Gender: Male
Role: No fucking clue. Any suggestions?

Personality: Okay... here's the fun part. Steve... has issues. Normally he's very shy, kind, and timid in an adorable fashion, but he has a mask (made of blood) that when he puts it on, allows him to unleash his more aggressive nature. It's like how telling a child sunglasses make them invisible or that a Spider-Man mask will make them strong. He personifies his aggression into the mask, and by wearing it, "becomes the mask". In order to distance himself from this bloodthirsty asshole, he calls him Mr. Vein, so that he doesn't have to face the fact that it's actually Steve himself that wants to do these things. But both sides refuse to kill unless it's to protect those Steve cares about. Steve's too kind and that carries over, even if Vein loves bloodshed.
The mask itself is more like a faceplate. It's shape is of Vega's:

While the design on it is closer to the mask in Danganronpa:

Note that the eyes are smaller and the mouth moves to replicate talking. However it never opens except under special cases (like insane laughter or consumption)
Powers: The Blood-Blood fruit. This paramecia-type devil fruit gives it's user hemokinesis, or the ability to manipulate their own blood. Steve can cause his blood to come out of his body and form weapons (like knives, swords, clubs, maces, staffs, spikes, spears, tentacles, etc.) or solid masses (he can change it's density to like, hard as a rock and use it as a platform, or elevator, or hand). Any blood that leaves his body is instantly replaced, making it impossible for him to die of blood loss. But his blood has to tear through his skin to come out, and while the fruit does grant a healing factor, it is only minor. It takes about five minutes for a small wound to heal, and larger wounds can take up to a full day to heal. Not to mention, he'd be bleeding the whole time. Seriously, it wouldn't take long to get a Carrie look going on, and although he can keep the blood in his body, it splits his concentration. Since his blood opens wounds in his skin, he doesn't feel pain in the same way normal people do. Rather than pain, his mind just kinda goes "Oh, there's a wound there, be careful" as opposed to "FUCK, IT HURTS!!!". Oh, yeah. He can also change the color of his blood. Woo-hoo. He really only uses it on his mask to turn it black. It IS made of his blood after all. How else would it move to display emotion?
Weaknesses: Well, beyond the obvious of seawater and seastone? Normal water causes Steve's blood to dissipate, making it much harder to manipulate. On top of this, due to the iron in blood, and the general liquid state it's it, he has a higher aversion to electricity. Finally, while his minor healing factor does eventually heal his cuts, it won't regrow limbs or organs. He's just as weak there as a normal human. He just can't die of blood loss.
Background: Not much to say here... Steve had a normal childhood, aside from being horrendously teased for his shyness. But he never fought back, instead opting to bury his anger and rage deep, deep down. One day he was out in the woods, picking fruit when he ran across a peculiar one he'd never seen before. Curiosity getting the better of him, he took a bite... and holy FUCK was that shit nasty. By faaaaar the worst damn thing he'd ever tasted. Throwing the rest of the fruit away, he continued on his way. On his way back to town, however, he was confronted by some of his bullies. Viciously beaten and desperate for help, fearing that he would die this time, he threw his arms up to shield himself... and was greeted by screams. Sneaking a peek, he say a slimy red tendril impaling one of the bullies in the shoulder. Following it's path, he saw that it came from own body. Screaming in fear at what was happening, he couldn't stop it from happening again and again, as more tendrils burst out and impaled the rest. Horrified at what he'd done, Steve ran back home in tears. Once there, he locked himself in his room and refused to come out. Not just because he was terrified of hurting anyone else, but also because he... enjoyed it. But Steve wasn't that kind of person. He wasn't... he wasn't... No... ... no... Steve wasn't the one who did that. No. It was someone else. Steve was a good boy... a good boy.
A few days passed before Steve was able to leave his house again, but he kept more to himself than ever. But he never should have left. It wasn't long before he found himself cornered in an alleyway, facing down the fathers of the boys he injured. They were furious, and promised far more pain than ever. Scared out of his wits, Steve didn't even notice when a small cut formed on his cheek, and blood began pouring out, flooding his face, and forming into a mask. Just like when he was a little kid and he wore an old mask to hide himself from the world. And he felt his fear disappear. But in it's place came something else. A boiling, seething rage the likes of which he had never felt before, and why would he? 15 years of compacted rage spilt forth. And Steve used his powers to let loose. And it felt great... felt fucking good. Once he was done, however, and the mask cracked away, realization dawned as he took in the near-corpses of the three men. He knew he couldn't stay on the island anymore. He'd be hunted down and killed! So... not wasting any time, Steve darted home, grabbed what personal affects he could, and under the cover of darkness, stole a boat and sailed away. Only looking back for the briefest of moments to shed a tear. And he's been like that ever since, with no one around except the vicious little voice in his head he decided to call, Mr. Vein.
Huh... not a bad backstory for being pulled out of my ass. Let me know if I should change anything about my CS.