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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Vesper jumped slightly when Xander attacks but she calmed down quickly. Small clearish spikes started to form on her arms, she was ready to kick some butt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The woman cackled as she overheard what Vesper had told the others. "Oh really, you think you can take care of me do you?", she asked while simultaneously launching a ring of air from her outstretched hand, downwards to be like a really tight hoola hoop that would hopefully keep Vespers arms pinned to her sides.

The man's jaw dropped as he saw the magic circle appear and the words that the boy said before him clicked in his mind, Dragon Slayer, Oh my good god, I've only heard of these... but then again he is just a kid... he couldn't be very powerful... there's no way... Then he heard the roar attack announced and was already concentrating as the warped sound waves started to approach him. He made a slapping motion with his hand multiple times and then stopped, a current of wind appeared before the thunder dragons attack and slightly altered the sound waves destination. This allowed the man to dodge by floating to the right as the attack instead continued on passed him and blew a crater into the back of a building's wall behind him.

The man was beyond talking with his opponent, he had heard about the potential power of a strong dragon slayer, which he didn't think this kid was but he wasn't going to take any chances.

He put his hands together quickly with fingers interlocked almost as if he was praying, and daggers of air were created all around Xander and shot towards him with each sharpened air daggers blade point first.

He then noticed the girl with ice start to form on her and looked as if she wanted to fight... It was ridiculous but he still took her seriously.

He raised one hand up in the air and then used his other hand to lift up a ball of air, then he used the hand in the air to spike it almost like a volleyball as hard as he could at Vesper, aiming for her head.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Avery stayed back and watched
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Xander jumped at the man in order to avoid the air daggers pointed at him. "Thunder Dragon..." He yelled as he readied his fist "Thunder Fist!" he added as he punched the man in the chest. The punch seemed to be weak on contact but after a while a force of pressure was unleashed from the fist that would knock the man back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Vesper ducked and rolled, not noticing the ball of air that had been going for her head but saw the spell that the woman cast. "Crystal Dragon: Crystal Spike." She said as a magic circle formed in front of her as spikes of crystal shot at the woman from all directions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Eris stood there ready to fight but realized she wasn't even being attacked or anything and that ticked her off slightly. "Hey, don't disregard me!" She said as she jumped up reaching the same height as him "frozen claws of the Ice Dragon!" She called when she got close enough swinging at him with two giant swords made of ice that if they fit would cause ice to erupt from the cut then shatter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The woman was in the zone as she focused on Vesper so much that the magic circle and the fact that she was facing a dragon slayer didn't faze her. To her this was like a chess match, move and counter move and she planned to take the advantage and right now.

And so when the crystal spikes were announced by Vesper, her reflexes kicked in and her counter attack ensued. She spun her whole body around and shrieked at the top of her lungs, "Hurricane Storm!!!" as a hurricane molded itself to her body and quite easily blew away the incoming crystal spikes. And then the hurricane chased after Vesper with winds strong enough to rip apart houses, and then a second hurricane was launched after Vesper and then a Third, each as strong as the one before. After she launched the third one she put her hand on her knee and panted heavily, she wasn't quite exhausted but she was close.

Xanders dodge of the dagger cage came as a total shock to the man and so he wasn't prepared for his thunder fist, taking the breath from him and leaving a stinging pain inside his chest.

"Don't Disregard me!" The man turned to the sound in time to see Eris right next to him with blades ready to shred him. Ah, damn. this be painful... he used his right arm as a last second block to prevent his chest being sliced apart. As a result his right arm was rendered useless.

He didn't dare give up though. He knew that the grunts might take pity on him, but the higher ups would personally obliterate him, for weakness.

With that thought in his head he attacked ferociously, he gestured with his left hand and moved it so fast its gestures were unreadable. The result was that wind tore apart all the roofs of the dozen surrounding houses and threw down the broken roof pieces upon Eris and Xander.

He grinned wildly as he attacked. They are dead! They are dead! Ahahahahaha!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the pieces of the houses fell on top on Xander and Eris it would seem like they would be crushed. Luckily he had used a simple barrier spell to protect them. "Thunder Dragon..." he yelled as he brought both arms out to the side "...Sonic Boom!" He added as he clapped his hands causing a giant sound attack to shatter the house pieces as the blast was launched towards the man. "Eris now!" He yelled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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"Got it!" Eris said as she jumped on to the blast riding it up on a board of ice "Ice Dragon..." she started and got up right under him holding her hands together above her head "shattering Burst" she yelled and tendrils of ice shot out and moved to surround the man, and after they reached a certain point they splintered and launched ice spikes towards him at incredible speeds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Vesper was able to block the last hurricane using a crystal shield. "Urgh. C'mon think." She mumbled to herself. "Crystal Dragon: Crystal Roar!" She said as she blew small shards of crystals at the woman.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Raven turned to see her comrades in the heat of battle. She quickly drew her blade and ducked into the shadows making her nearly invisible. She then appear beside Vesper. "In a bit of a pickle are we?"@booksmusicanime
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Understatement of the year!" Vesper said with a laugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@booksmusicanime "Lets say I cut in on this dance." Raven said, grinning maniacally. "Nightshade." She raised her arms, creating a dark mist, dark enough for her power to take effect. As the mist filled the room, Raven then became nearly invisible again. Raven then made her way behind the woman, "Despair" Thrusting her blade towards the woman. A purple, mist like aura began to form around the blade as Raven began closing in on her target.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Suddenly, a cloaked figure jumps from a nearby rooftop to stand beside Vesper. His guild mark is visible on his right hand, clearly identifying him as a member of Fairy Tail. "Heh, come on. How're you going to realize your dream if you're defeated here? Considering you and I share the same dream..."He pauses mid-sentence as takes off his cloak, tossing it to side,"I can't let that happen!" He says, grinning at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Vesper grinned at Terra. "Thanks." She said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The man's abrupt mental laughter cut off as the burial of the pests was blown apart from something he could not see. Then he saw it. Well he saw her, the girl that should of been dead shot towards him and attacked.

He thought his reaction time was fast enough, but for some reason he couldn't manage to block more then half of the ice spikes, and those fell to the ground harmless. The others struck his heart from all sorts of angles and the air that kept him hovering gave out.

He collapsed onto the ground, bleeding out from his chest, as he struggled to rise. Eventually after a few very painful moments he managed to sit up and speak to Eris. "Who are you? And why did you f-f-fight so hard to p-protect s-s-strangers?"

It was clear the man wouldn't live much longer, save a miracle.

The woman knew she had the advantage over Vesper by how she struggled against the hurricane attack. This gave her confidence, and some more energy then she thought she had only moments before. So when Vesper used crystal dragon roar, the woman put both hands palms outstretched towards her left side to push herself to the right and dodge the attack making it seem easy.

"That the best you got girly?" the woman tossed her hair back, as she talked smack to Vesper, wanting to anger her opponent and throw her off her game.

She then thought she saw another person appear beside vesper and before she could decide what to do about the person, they weren't there anymore.

This worried her.

Then a mist came out of nowhere, and out of sheer paranoia, she instantly, made a cube made of thick walls of wind around her body, ten feet wide by ten feet long by ten feet high, making it 'difficult' for anything to reach her.

Sure that she was protected for the moment, her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she sent an air current, around the area to try and figure out what had created the mist, as it didn't seem to be anyone she could see.

The cloaked figure's arrival was not noticed by the woman, as she was already freaking out about the mist and how it got there.


Lucky shot, Jeff thought irritably, as he back up from crashing into the wall behind him hard and knocking down some of the Tavern's hanging pictures. It was unfortunate that Harry had already left the Tavern, probably taking the brief moment Jeff was down to make his escape, avoiding a potential counter attack and getting a jump start on finding the bandits hideout.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself he left the Tavern and made his way to the street. Once there he called out,

"Taxi, Taxi."

After a few minutes a taxi did arrive, and once Jeff got in the car he kicked the driver out the drivers side, and drove off.

He was going to wreck Harry and then make an example out of him to everyone.

No one messes with Jeff Zook. No one.

The figure that was Farad left his room and made his way to the first floor. He then made his way over to his two henchmen to see what's up.

Nah. That's not how Farad is.

This is how it went.

Farad slammed his door closed as he stormed from his room in a rage because he wasn't informed that everyone on the simple, simple, simpleton Terror mission had returned.

He wanted answers.

As he arrived next to what he was starting to think of as his two excuses for Guild Officers, he got straight to the point.

"What happened?"

Having already discussed the mission completion time with Farad and guiltily knowing that fact and knowing the other fact that they were supposed to have every grunt back by now, the man covered in weapons and the other with his golden eyes hesitated a moment.

Farad glared impatiently....

Then Farad's officers both spoke at once, "Every grunt has returned, except two, some with success and some failure. The ones who have failed will be punished tomorrow, rest assured." They hastened to add that last part to make sure Farad knew that he didn't have to wring their necks for them to do their job. "The other two that have not returned are Marrick and Michelle, the robed duo that use wind powers. We don't know where they are or why they haven't returned. But we had planned to look for them come tomorrow morning."

Farad thought about his officer's report and then gave the smallest nod of his head. "Be sure to make the ones who failed never fail again." was all he said to them as he left, heading back to the second floor.

It was apparent from not saying anything about Marrick or Michelle, that Farad did not give a damn if they were even still alive...

Farad had other things on his mind, as he got to the second floor. About halfway between his room and the staircase from the first floor, he turned to his left, and ran his hand along the wall, looking for a particular brick. After a few moments he found it and pushed it in and then there was a hole in the wall as if by magic. Farad stepped through the hole, and into an area only he has ever known.

Right after Farad had entered through the hole in the wall, the wall replaced itself as if the hole was never there, again as if by magic.

There was things Farad had to take care of and he sighed, as he knew that tonight was going to be a very long night.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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With the woman now distracted by Raven, Vesper could attack without the woman blocking. She had to get that shield down though. "Crystal Dragon: Crystal Claw." She said and sprinted at the wind box with claws made of crystal, maybe that could do something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Following suit to Vesper's attack, Terra grins as in a flash of light, he utilizes Satan Soul to transform into a demon. He utilizes the blades on the bottom of his feet to rush the wind barrier, mercilessly slashing away to his heart's content.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 15 days ago

Augustus arrived back at the guild hall. he had his arm over his eyes which stung from his encounter with a light mage, "my god guys that Light mage really gave me some trouble, I mean who the heck flash's lights in peoples eyes when they are trying to make things." Augustus said as he sat himself down and unloaded the new weapons he had made, a small tube that spat fire. A sword that regenerated itself with earth and a Shovel that did a similar thing to the sword. his assignment was to find create weapons for a small town as well as help build defenses so the town could defend themselves against the Wild wolf's that constantly lived on the outskirts. he had succeed but on the way back he had to bump into a ill tempered light mage. who blinded him out of spite.

"hey guys... are you listening?" Augustus said before lowering his arm and squinting to look around. "hey where is everyone!" he shouted out wondering if their was anyone out of sight. "I guess its just me then for the time being" he said, as he put his head in his arms and stared at the table. waiting for something to happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Axir walked into the guild soon after Augustus arrived, he was carrying a huge wild boar on his shoulder. He arrived just in time to hear Augustus talking alone.

"I guess they all went to do some quests..."

Axir said before dropping the boar on the floor, his fists suddenly started to shine, charged with energy.

"Want some meat?"

He asked with a hungry, yet serious face
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