Yeah, but what your butt... was actually a miniature heart and when you poop, you're just... like pooping love, man... Dude...
But I do get drunk enough where standing is simply a needless concept and crawling is much more efficient
<Snipped quote by Azarthes>
I have never crawled while wasted.
<Snipped quote by Larfleeze>
You mean like the whole butt is just a heart?
<Snipped quote by Azarthes>
Nah, like her butt contains another heart, man. Like a Dinosaur's hindbrain - a buttheart if you will...
Quick, I need x-rays of Taaj's butt!
What does this even mean
I've never had butt throbs so am I drinking wrong or ?????
<Snipped quote by Smiral>
Your butt is weak
<Snipped quote by The Nexerus>
my butt's a solid 6/6.5, that's at least throwing an effort out there
What does this even mean
I've never had butt throbs so am I drinking wrong or ?????