You know when you have an awesome idea for a roleplay, and want to make an interest check, then realize that you're already GMing five or so roleplays and can't be bothered? You know when you feel really bad about it because this idea is awesome and you wish it was a thing?
Well, I sure do! It happens all the time! I have an idea, I make an interest check, two dudes say "Probs", and it fades away into the second page of the subforum because I got assigned another essay. It's just too bad that these ideas just die off, so I made this thread!
What is this, exactly? Well, it's a place for people who are crazy enough to trust random people on the internet with their own roleplay ideas. If you have a roleplay concept you can't or don't want to GM, then post it here and I'll add it to the OP for people to pick (Provided you give them permission, obviously). The idea is still yours, and you can request that it be removed if you want to for whatever reason. It's just a place to leave ideas which you want to see but can't make happen. Once an idea has been chosen, I will add a link to its roleplay in the idea's place. Totally insane, I know, but somebody out there will want to make use of this, so I figured I might as well create it!
Free Ideas:

"We embarked on our journey to the stars with a question first framed in the childhood of our species and in each generation asked anew with undiminished wonder: What are the stars? Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars."
-Carl Sagan, Cosmos
Humanity, nobody expected much from them. Most humans had their lives all planned out, and to them there would be nothing in the future but their normal lives. The sensible ones were completely fine with this, for they believed the could only dream of a more exiting life. Those sensible people withered away into the history books, being known only to those who decided to spend a few days backtracking through their family tree decades in the future. They are not the writers, they are those who look at the story and say "Ridiculous! That is impossible!". Rightfully so, as well. They were completely right, the story the writers wanted to make was impossible.
The writers would know this if they were sensible, but they were not. They ignored sense and followed their dreams, never giving a thought to the sensible people who said it couldn't be done. Pushing on ahead, those writers kept their eye on their goal and never allowed to wander. Through this reckless yet calculated journey, the writers finally succeeded. They had done the impossible, something that should not have been possible for such a young and damaged species. While the sensible people watched in awe, the writers trod upon the brilliant road to the stars. While the sensible people killed and fought, the writers marched forwards. The writers had to fight, of course, they were drawn into the conflicts of the sensible. But they never stopped marching, no, they refused to allow the sensible people to be right, to accept that reality truly was nothing more than menial labor and repetition.
As the ages passed, the writers kept on marching onward. Though none had yet been able to touch a star, they kept marching with no thought to the thousands that had already failed. They made great progress in their collective quest, continuing to invent new devices to make life just a little bit easier. As life got easier, the writers had more time to think and invent yet more devices to make life even more easy. It was a self-reinforcing loop, but still the sensible people refused to give a thought to the insane dreams of the writers. They used the devices to have more time to lay around doing nothing, but the writers did not care. While all this was happening, nobody gave a though to Earth and its inhabitants, still being stuck in a repeating loop of nuclear annihilation the moment they discovered the technology. Earth rocketed towards that point, having no idea what would happen.
Then, something happened. If Gods and Goddesses exist, then their interest was surely piqued. Something anomalous had occurred on that insignificant Earth, though they now had harnessed the power of the atom, their voices continued to speak. Their hearts kept beating, their DNA remained normal, their atmosphere was not full of ash. They had survived the creation of the nuclear bomb, something that had never before happened in the galaxy. Suddenly, Earth was no so insignificant anymore. The writers were closer than ever to achieving their goals.
The stars in the night sky burn brighter than ever, beckoning us writers to them. To some the stars say "We will give you power", to others "We will give you respect". Yet more hear "We will give you knowledge", and to a select few, they say something similar yet completely different.
To those few, they say "We will give you a home".
As you might have possible realized by now, this roleplay begins right at the dawn of the space race. Obviously, that means it is an alt-history roleplay. However, the in-universe history only loosely sticks to real life. The allies still won WW2, but details are left to the players to decide. The Cold War is going on, but the details of it are absent unless someone points them out in the roleplay.
Now, this is an NRP (obviously). However, you can also play exclusively as a space agency if you want. Actually, they will be the primary focus of this RP, if the title didn;t tell you that already. Apps are as follows:
=Nation App=
Name (The nation must either exist, or an explanation for why it exists):
History (At very, absolute least two paragraphs, exceptions can be made if little history was changed and the nation is well-known):
Leader (It can be the real leader of the nation at the time, or someone else):
Space Involvement (A simple yes/no question. This will determine if your nation has a government space program. If yes, you must also make a Space Agency app):
Other (Anything not listed, go as in depth as you want with this, or just make a suggestion):
=Space Program App=
Name (Can be anything, as long as it makes sense. Historical agencies are completely welcome):
History (Two paragraphs bare minimum. Who founded it, how it got started, etc. No exceptions from this one. If it is a historical program, use the real history or explain why it is different):
HQ Location (You can choose a real world or fictional site):
Head of Program (Again, can be someone who really existed or a fictional character):
Organizational Structure (Government Agency or Corporation. This will decide where you get your funding, how important the board is, etc. To be a Government Agency, you must be based in an unclaimed nation, have claimed the nation you are based in, or have an agreement with whoever claimed the nation you are based in):
Other (Same as the Nation App):
1: While everyone is welcome, we expect at least a paragraph for each post, with readable grammar and spelling that does not cause us to feel physical pain in our eyes. Assume our eyes are extremely sensitive and we have extreme problems with dealing with pain.
2: Please be sensible, goofiness is allowed, utter stupidity? No. You can crack jokes, but you can't build buildings in the shape of pink bears. Unless your mascot is the pink bear, and you have a good reason for it to be a pink bear. Which you don't.
3: We will continue as far as activity permits us, that means we may pass our current year. This does not mean you get FTL and replicators. If we ever reach a point where sci-fi is acceptable, that sci-fi is going to be harder than tungsten. Google ways to do what you want to do if you have to, just don't build a "Whatever Drive". Did I mention no FTL? Ever? Follow Einstein, would you?
4: My decision is final, even when I change it multiple times. Especially when i change it. Because that will probably happen a lot.
Now, onto the gameplay mechanics! These following folders will tell you everything you need to know about the stat part of the RP:
March 19th, 2013
"A concerning number of reports of unusual little creatures running around has been growing recently in small rural areas. Local authorities say that investigations into these reports have revealed nothing and that they suspect a prank that may have started on the internet is to blame."
August 3rd, 2013
"An unusual new video has been making the rounds on the internet recently of a strange jelly like creature hanging off and following a young man around. The video comes from Dongguan, China and has many viewers scratching their heads, we've brought a special guest who has many years of experience with CGI and special effects and who claims that the video is fake. Find out who our guest is and why they think the video is fake this evening at 5."
February 26th, 2014
"Disturbing news today as new security footage reveals what caused the death of four animal control professionals. The quality of the footage and the position of the camera makes it difficult to make out what happens exactly, but it appears that moments after animal control corner the creature that had broken into the supermarket late Thursday night, a cloudy residue can be seen leaving the creature and seconds later the four young victims fall to the ground motionless."
April 9th, 2014
"Tonight we have Reverend Coal with us who believes he can shed some light on the growing number of attacks and appearances of these unusual creatures that have scientists world wide, absolutely baffled." - "Yes Thank you, we cannot rely on the word of science to reveal the mysteries of these creatures, because by their very nature they transcend science. We've been saying it for years and finally our proof, the fruits of our faith is before you. These creatures are demons and their appearance marks the beginning of the end times!" - "Let me interrupt you real quick Reverend, I'm sorry but doesn't that seem a bit far-fetched?" - "If I had told you a year ago, that a creature only knee high could kill three adult men and one adult women without even touching them, you'd have said that be far-fetched too would you not? What of the story of the young man in Russia, he was viciously attacked by one of these creatures and lost his left hand to it in one bite! You could expect that type of damage from a shark, but a knee high creature? The fact of the matter is, that these creatures are not related to any animals we know of and we have yet to come across any two of-of these demons that look exactly like one another. I tell you, these are not animals, these are demons!"
May 7th, 2014
"Tonight we have another guest with us to speak about the demons and Reverend Coal's remarks last month on our show as well as the quickly growing international movement that has been gathering in response to the Reverend's recent television appearances and talk rallies. The world's leading expert on animal behavioural science with over 20 years of experience as a Zoologist, Professor Xen Ming." - "Thank you for having me on, to get straight to the point; Reverend Coal's remarks are absolutely detrimental to discovering what these creatures are. The Reverend's speech about the end times and demons has only served to worsen the situation with these creatures when we should be looking at ways to study them." - "And your view of the exponentially growing number of attacks?" - "Attacks? Even a cursory glance at the footage collected can show that these creatures were giving warning signs, they were defending themselves." - "So you call fifteen dead and over thirty injured people, world wide, defence?" - "Yes, when we demonize these creatures we paint a false dichotomy of it's either us or them. It is no surprise people are going to attack these creatures, likely in a hope that it will leave and wont come back." - "So what do you propose then Xen? We let them have free reign to our food? Let them waltz into our homes and do what ever they want?" - "No, of course not. But shouting monster and grabbing your pitch forks will only bring us more harm. How about we stop looking at these creatures as 'demons' and start looking at them as animals, how about we put aside our emotions and start looking for a solution that will help both us and these creatures progress forward."
Welcome to G.S.D. a slow pace slice of life sandbox RP based around little creatures known as 'Demons'. The origin of these creatures changes from demon to demon, but depending on their individual aspects, abilities and appearances, they can often have fairly humble beginnings. Despite their name, they are often naturally extremely docile and gentle little creatures, they just happen to get scared pretty easily when they're alone. The ultimate goal of a demon is to find it's partner, usually a person who played some part in the demons birth. These little critters will search their entire lives until they find the one that resonates with them on a level that we humans can't seem to understand.
Now, it'd be wrong for me to say that all of the demons are completely gentle, as they have an unusual knack of tacking on some of the positive and negative traits of their creator and expressing them to slight extremes at times. That means if a demon owner has an anger problem, you might want to keep an eye on his pet. Now demons aren't just mere pets in uncommon forms, they all have a particular theme to them and they exemplify unusual and amazing feats related to their theme. For example, a rose themed demon can manipulate roses and help them grow faster, they can also produce their own special seeds of types of roses that don't even exist! There is even rumour of a canine themed demon that is able to communicate with dogs and help make them smarter, some versions of the rumour even suggests that prolonged time spent with this demon has changed the markings and colour of some of the dogs fur as well as made them bigger.
But owning a demon isn't all sunshine and lollipops, besides the fact that they take on some negative traits of the owner, they're also ostracised in many parts of the world and especially amongst specific religious congregations. Despite the positive progress in regards to the demons in many areas of the world, thanks to people like Professor Xen Ming, typically an unsupervised demon will be apprehended quite quickly and violently to prevent civil harm. Not to mention the rumours of demons belonging to greedy, angry people being used in illegal underground fighting competitions. Reverend Coal also remains quite a popular, vocal figure in regards to the creatures, it is his fault that they have come to be known as demons after all. However, there has still been progress made for demon rights as well as understand these creatures, in fact one bacteria based demon has helped produce all kinds of new revolutionary medicine, though they're still under trial and research.
The sandbox of this RP is a little town that goes by the name of 'Glis', Glis is a medium size rural town who's main export is wood and agricultural goods. Glis was one of the first towns to start having demons around openly, as a few demons in particular owned by local labourers and agricultural works found that working with their demons produce more bountiful harvest more frequently. The local logging industry has also boomed due to enhanced tree growth. Glis is the first town in the world to enlist demons and their owners as both workers and even offer the owner of a demon an extra stipend with the condition it is used primarily for the care of the demon.
Regardless, there are still many in Glis who express anger or fear towards these creatures, but typical attitude as grown to accept the idea that demons will be seen out and about with their owners. If nothing less, some justify it as more of an acceptance to allowing them to work, since their large contribution has become an irrefutable fact.
The city of Wistoh is only an hour from Glis and is a rather large, bustling metropolis of commerce and culture. Most of the agricultural goods sold in Glis goes to Wistoh supermarkets and restaurants while a portion of Glis' timber goes to Wistoh's industrial zones. Demons aren't quite as accepted in Wistoh as they are in Glis and often people seen wondering around with demons are assumed to be 'country bumpkins' from Glis.
[b]Negative Traits:[/b]
[b]Positive Traits:[/b]
[b]Exp. Negative Traits:[/b]
[b]Exp. Positive Traits:[/b]
Key: [Exp. Negative/Positive Traits] - Means to what extent does the demon have negative trait and positive trait of the owner. For example, if your negative trait is that you have a bit of a temper, then type down how this is expressed through your demon in the Exp. Negative Traits: section, whether it be that the demon can get angry at others too easily and become stand-offish or maybe they have a violent fit at somewhat minor offences. Ect.
[Birth] - How did the demon originate? Often the case for plan based demons, they were planted and grew extremely quickly underground, over a period of a month or two. Animal themed demons could originate from deceased pets or pre-existing juvanile animals could become demons when fed/cared for by a person. This can also be the case for animals that hatch from eggs. If you cannot think of a method that you're happy with, merely write 'Unknown' and add a sentence or two about how the demon came to you.

It was raining the night of October First, 1857. A man runs down the street, the paper in his hand. The London Times. Across the headline it said; MURDER! THE 11TH IN A STRING OF MURDERS! The man knew that he shouldn't be out this late. He stopped to check the time on his silver line pocket watch. 11:26. "Where had the time gone?" the man thought to himself. "I should be in bed with my wife." He rushed down the lane, only a few blocks away from his house, 21st Pudding Lane. As he saw his house, he slowed his pace. Suddenly, a Laugh was heard though the air. The man stopped "W-who's There??" he shouted. The Laugher only got more intense. And then... The man was killed.
The next morning, The man was found, sitting down. his head had been cut off, replaced with a pumpkin with a smile carved into it. In the man's hand was a note addressed to Scotland Yard. It read...
Let The Game Begin
I am looking for four detectives and one murderer.
The Detectives
1. The Famous Detective;
The Best Detective around. He/She has been following this murderer for weeks now.
Rules for The Famous Detective;
Read the Murder scene. The Murderer (and me) will write this together, in mass detail, so you can pick and pull at everything you need. Take anything you think that might be of value.
Try to tell the group what do, sense you are the best at what you do. It's up to them to listen or not.
Witnesses. Try to ask questions to any or all of them, what ever you seem fit. Some may not talk.
2. The Fighter;
A Grand Fighter. You have a bone to pick with the murderer, and nothing will get in your way.
Rules for The Fighter:
Witnesses. Anyone could be the murderer. If the wont talk, offer to beat the snot out of them for the answer. Some witnesses might come clean to things they have done.
In a Fight/ Chase situation, you can take charge. This is what your best at after all.
You do what you want. You may listen to the Famous Detective, but you don't have to.
Trust no one. Anyone may be working for the murderer.
3. The Spiritual Medium;
The best witness is the one who was killed him/herself.
Rules for The Spiritual Medium:
If you would like to talk to the dead, make a post that establishes that. The Dead will appear only to you, so you might want to tell the others. or keep the info to your self.
Listen and work with the Famous Detective, as he knows what he's doing.
Understand the Fighter, as you may have lost your own family member to the Murderer too. (if you want.)
4. The Researcher;
The one who takes the info and processes it into workable data. You are obliviously the smartest.
Rules for the Researcher:
Analyze what The Famous Detective found. It might be important, it may not. (I'll give the result)
Listen to The Spiritual Medium, the Evidence might be important.
The Fighter has almost no use to you.
And Now... The Murderer.
Rules for The Murder:
You (and me) will create murder scene. Try to create as much detail as possible. Leave a few (or more) clues. You are playing a game with them, so remember that.
You may make your self seen at any time you choose, but the objective is to not be caught.
I am allowing ONE super-natural ability. It may not be over-powered.
So, who's ready to play A Murderer's Game?

Dear prospective students,
Again, congratulations! We look forward to welcoming you in August!
With warmest regards,
Dr. Mary Beaulieu, Ph.D
Vice Principle, Assistant Dean, Head of Exchange Programs, Vice President for Academic Affairs


Catalina Academy was originally the 'Brillembourg Lighthouse Hotel' commissioned by business magnate and philanthropist Jack Brillembourg, one of the driving members of the islands business community. Mr. Brillembourg, despite being involved in countless other business ventures, personally managed his hotel, and ran it in a way to maximize profit as well as undercut other hotels on the island. The tourist industry was, and continues to be one of the islands biggest generators of revenue, and Mr. Brillembourg knew this. Constructed in 1944 as Mr. Brillembourg's first hotel, by 1956 he had put more than half of the hotels, by '60 he had all but monopolized the island's hotel industry, and he continues to do so today.
But in regard to his first hotel, the Brillembourg Lighthouse, something changed over the years, and for some reason, that still hasn't been completely explained, he had the school converted into a boarding school in 1978. The accepted theory is that Catalina, his late wife and a Spanish-Brazilian educator, inspire him to have the school opened with her death, although, the mysterious circumstances surrounding their relationship and her death make this hard to confirm.
What is known, though, is that in having the school opened, and handing educational control over to David Ochoa, the half-brother of the late Catalina, has ultimately resulted in one of, if not the most successful schools in the entire Caribbean, and one of the most uniquely personalized schools in the whole world.

*The exchange program is unique, in that, while you won't be separated from the other students of the Academy, you will all share the same classes and instructors, to help you build a repertoire with them and each other.
August: Beginning of school; local events
September: Ferry week; local events
October: School and local events
November: End of term tests; local events
December: No School; local events; Pirate and Puerto Libren cultural festival; Christmas
January: No School; local events; New Years; end of 'steam,' beginning of 'mist'
February: New term of school; local events; White Death day
March: School and local events
April: Finals; local events
May: End of classes; month of break; local events
June: No school; local events
July: Final days of exchange program; coincides with Sun Week; end of 'mist,' beginning of 'steam'
*subject to change
Absences are recognized for the following reasons:
1. Absences to participate in official campus activities (designated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs)
2. Absences for family or personal emergencies (designated by the Dean)
3. Absences for medical emergencies (discussed with instructor)
4. Absences for work or other of campus activities (discussed with instructor)

Puerto Libre is an archipelago located inside an atoll, the whole of which is known as Libre Isle. Puerto Libre is the largest island and is where the majority of the population and businesses reside. Home island, the third largest island in the Libre Isle, is rocky and mountainous, with only one permanent resident, being the person assigned to manage the Home Weather Station. The two, smaller islands to the south of Puerto Libre have no official names, scientists have determined that at one point, large amounts of people lived on the two islands, but some force either cause them all to leave, or, possibly, kill them all. Due to their similarity to Puerto Libre, they are known colloquially as 'mini Libre' or 'baby Libre.' The language of the previous inhabitants of the island is currently believed undecipherable.
The atoll, while colloquially known as 'Libre Atoll' is officially named 'Crescent Island', it is home to less than 5000 permanent residents, the majority of which are the Caribbean's most wealthy citizens. Businesses on Crescent Island are incredibly exclusive, with the only facilities being available to those who aren't extremely wealthy being the Libre Public Airport and the various ferrying and fishing services that exist on it's shore. Crescent Island is the only location in the Libre Isle not completely plagued by the notorious fog that the region is famous for, as such, satellite pictures have been taken of Crescent Island.

*pictured, parts of Crescent Island not obscured by fog from satellite
The ancient history of the archipelago atoll known today as Puerto Libre is not well known. As the culture of the New World came to the Caribbean, The united citizens of the island that was known to them, translated, as the 'Soul of the World', would separate, traveling down different paths; either adapting and improving on European culture like Crescent Island, fighting and enslavement as the citizens of Home Island, isolation and defense as the people of western Puerto Libre or using political manipulation to remain independent as eastern Puerto Librens did, and disconnecting and disappearing altogether, as the citizens of the southern Islands did.
Western Puerto Libre is almost certainly abundant with culture and information regarding ancient Puerto Libre, but to this day, the jungles of the island remain wild and unexplored. Rumored to be protected by spirits, the plausible explanation is that the direct descendents of the original western Puerto Libren natives still practice tribal rituals, and can be heard warning off those who veer too close to their claimed reservation.
Like Cuba and Puerto Rico, the Libre Isle was 'discovered' in 1493. while culturally and religiously more advanced than the Taino people of their sister island, Puerto Rico, the pre-Columbian Librens lacked in physical resources. Contact with the Spaniards caused a rift in Puerto Libre, and it is thought this is the two most successful factions to stem from this, eastern Puerto Libre and Crescent Island, were able to avoid colonization altogether.
While a few documents from this era exist, most are believed to be fictitious or embellished religious texts, often depicting stories of legends and urban myths. No document exists from this time period acknowledging the fog that plagues the region today.
While other Caribbean islands were absorbed as European colonies, most of Puerto Libre managed to avoid this fate in several ways:
- It appears Crescent island managed to pool its resources, and temporarily become a kingdom it it's own right, quickly intermarrying with the most wealth and royal of European descent. Today most native citizens are probably more British, Dutch, French and Spanish than they are ethnic Libren, most are also probably directly descended from royalty.
- By entering into trade agreements with France, Portugal, England and Scotland, the united Eastern Puerto Libre avoided conflict in the most civil way possible, perhaps at the expense of the smaller islands in the isle.
- Western Puerto Libre hid, relying on religious fervor, guerrilla tactics and luck to fend off Europeans, as well as the people who were once their fellow islanders. They continue to do so today.
From this era is the first document discovered mentioning the fogs that characterize the island today..
The first significant US presence around Puerto Libre was in 1890, as the Spanish-American war was brewing. Puerto Libre always remained independent from the US, but as war waged on, the US found an ally in Puerto Libre and found having a base on the island beneficial. This led to the reunification of the isle, at this point in history officially known as Puerto Libre or the Libre Isle. By 1914, the two entered into a free association deal, that gave US citizens incentive to move to the isle, and bring their businesses, and things have remained stable for the island as it grew into the new era. Never particularly isolated, but certainly always strongly independent.


...*sigh* it's always the same.
Greetings from Puerto Libre! is an RP about a group of students spending a year together in the fantastical mysterious Libre Isle. While pulling themes from Twin Peaks, Welcome to Night Vale, SMT: Persona and other works of fiction (and non-fiction), this is not a Twin Peaks fanfic, as much as it pains me to say, we won't get to have coffee and pie with Dale and Harry (;_;).
Genre wise, this plot is a supernatural mystery. I will be controlling most of the environment and NPC's you interact with as well as serving as your primary connection to the supernatural voices of the island (through PMs). You have autonomy over what you do with the information I give you; you can share it with your fellow students to forward progress in your search for the (reaching out to the) truth, you can try and solve the mystery on your own, you can say "fuck all that, I just want to do school," you could do something else, as long as you can reason why your character would do such a thing. Pretty much everything is a viable option. While definitely a "mystery," the investigation will only be what drives the plot, and this RP will be just as character driven as it is plot driven (that's the hope, anyway).
Mechanically, this RP will be a little different in two regards: more PMs (because scary visions) and less control over NPCs. I'm leaving this to mostly to your own to figure out though, like, if you ask a lunch lady for orange juice-- that's okay. Asking her if she was born on the 7th lunar solstice of the dark season and assuming an answer-- not so much. I realize that with having to wait for me to respond EVERY TIME you ask someone if they worship Satan can be frustrating, so I'm not going to raise a fuss over small posts like that, also, if it's convenient, I'm also open to collab posts and will try to respond to those requests as soon as possible.
Be it through rumor, news, or some other way. You have become aware of the recent string of disappearances on the island of Puerto Libre. Maybe it's information that you just put away into the back of your mind, barely considering, maybe you can't go to bed because you're so obsessed with this.
However it effects you on the surface, deep down, will all of your characters, it is eating at you, bothering you on a level you can't quite comprehend.
You aren't aware of how to make it go away, and you doubt your time at Catalina Academy will help much, but... maybe...

Character sheet +stuff!
And again, feel free to suggest/ask me things.
I had this idea a while ago but I couldn't get it to work then (15 posts in before it ultimately died). It's failure was possibly due to my preference to being in a more advisory position as opposed to full GM.
It probably needs striping down and rewording, but I think the general premise of a NightVale/Twin Peaks scary Caribbean island, and a group of kids having paranormal adventures on that island, is a pretty good one.
(I'd totally like to be involved if someone actually DID manage to revive it.)
Well, I sure do! It happens all the time! I have an idea, I make an interest check, two dudes say "Probs", and it fades away into the second page of the subforum because I got assigned another essay. It's just too bad that these ideas just die off, so I made this thread!
What is this, exactly? Well, it's a place for people who are crazy enough to trust random people on the internet with their own roleplay ideas. If you have a roleplay concept you can't or don't want to GM, then post it here and I'll add it to the OP for people to pick (Provided you give them permission, obviously). The idea is still yours, and you can request that it be removed if you want to for whatever reason. It's just a place to leave ideas which you want to see but can't make happen. Once an idea has been chosen, I will add a link to its roleplay in the idea's place. Totally insane, I know, but somebody out there will want to make use of this, so I figured I might as well create it!
Free Ideas:
Genre: Horror, Modern, Action, Supernatural, Mystery
Premise: A quiet secluded town is suddenly attacked by strange creatures in the night, a few deaths occur but ultimately the attack is small. The locals mobilize on the situation quickly in order to secure the peace and prosperity of the quiet little town. A new curfew is enacted and a local campaign geared at warning and informing the public of the dangers of not securing their house at night is launched. The towns plead for help is met with an unusual demand from the local military forces to keep quiet about the situation.
Meanwhile a group of students from the local high-school decide to take matters into their own hands. Among these students are a number of people who were gifted an unusual deck of cards that appear to float and hover when dropped or thrown. The night comes when the group of high-schoolers arm themselves with make-shift weapons and hit the streets to engage the monstrosities that have kept them in fear of the night. Unprepared and unaware of the full extent of the danger they were facing, only those gifted with the decks survive, making use of the unusual powers of the decks.
Details: The RP is based around an idea that players are given a deck of thirty rather thin, metal cards. The deck itself contains a demon that had been captured, tortured and twisted into a new form of various items, these items being weapons and armour of different designs. The items are entirely useless when separated from one another, but assembling them all together can risk the reformation and release of the demon that the items come from. So to get around this, aspects and items of the demon were phased into a 'static' dimension where time does not exist, and each card acts as a 'key' to this dimension, allowing a user to reach into the card and pull out an item. As long as the user has the deck with them, the item is still useful albeit somewhat weakened.
The deck's demon is able to communicate with the owner, so constructing a personality for your deck would be required in the CS. Further more, use of the cards is chronological, only one of the cards can be accessed at first and only this card has an image of it, the image is of a weapon made from the demon. But as the user pulls items from the cards, more cards become accessible to them, and not all thirty cards are items, some contain, say, the flame of the demon, essentially making a card a 'spell' that shoots flame from it when the card is touched or hit by the item of a card the precedes that card.
Clarification: Here is an example of how the deck would work; a user looks through their deck and notices only 1 card has an image, it's an image of a rather plain long sword. They let the card hover in front of them by 'dropping' the card in front of them, then they reach into the card and grasp the long sword, pulling it out of the card. Now with the long sword in hand, they look through the deck again and notice three cards now have images, one is of a flame, the other is of a shield, while the third is of the same sword the user is holding, only the blade is more stylish and has runes on it.
To use the flame card, the user can throw the card in question in front of them, so it hovers slightly before them, then swing their sword at the card and hitting it, causing all moment of the sword to stop and then that momentum suddenly comes out of the card as a huge flame. The shield card can be reached into and grasped, allowing access to other cards in the deck that relate to the shield, but the shield can not interact with the flame card, as the flame card only appeared when the long sword card was 'played'. Finally, the stylish blade card, can be 'stabbed' by the long sword and when the user pulls their blade out from the card, their long sword will have taken on the design of the image on the card and is more powerful. This 'upgraded' sword may also give access to more cards in the deck too.
I used two characters when I played this RP, one character used a huge knuckle gauntlet that covered their fist, wrist and forearm, the other used a staff and was ranged/spell based. Though I did entertain the idea of a marionette user based deck.
Premise: A quiet secluded town is suddenly attacked by strange creatures in the night, a few deaths occur but ultimately the attack is small. The locals mobilize on the situation quickly in order to secure the peace and prosperity of the quiet little town. A new curfew is enacted and a local campaign geared at warning and informing the public of the dangers of not securing their house at night is launched. The towns plead for help is met with an unusual demand from the local military forces to keep quiet about the situation.
Meanwhile a group of students from the local high-school decide to take matters into their own hands. Among these students are a number of people who were gifted an unusual deck of cards that appear to float and hover when dropped or thrown. The night comes when the group of high-schoolers arm themselves with make-shift weapons and hit the streets to engage the monstrosities that have kept them in fear of the night. Unprepared and unaware of the full extent of the danger they were facing, only those gifted with the decks survive, making use of the unusual powers of the decks.
Details: The RP is based around an idea that players are given a deck of thirty rather thin, metal cards. The deck itself contains a demon that had been captured, tortured and twisted into a new form of various items, these items being weapons and armour of different designs. The items are entirely useless when separated from one another, but assembling them all together can risk the reformation and release of the demon that the items come from. So to get around this, aspects and items of the demon were phased into a 'static' dimension where time does not exist, and each card acts as a 'key' to this dimension, allowing a user to reach into the card and pull out an item. As long as the user has the deck with them, the item is still useful albeit somewhat weakened.
The deck's demon is able to communicate with the owner, so constructing a personality for your deck would be required in the CS. Further more, use of the cards is chronological, only one of the cards can be accessed at first and only this card has an image of it, the image is of a weapon made from the demon. But as the user pulls items from the cards, more cards become accessible to them, and not all thirty cards are items, some contain, say, the flame of the demon, essentially making a card a 'spell' that shoots flame from it when the card is touched or hit by the item of a card the precedes that card.
Clarification: Here is an example of how the deck would work; a user looks through their deck and notices only 1 card has an image, it's an image of a rather plain long sword. They let the card hover in front of them by 'dropping' the card in front of them, then they reach into the card and grasp the long sword, pulling it out of the card. Now with the long sword in hand, they look through the deck again and notice three cards now have images, one is of a flame, the other is of a shield, while the third is of the same sword the user is holding, only the blade is more stylish and has runes on it.
To use the flame card, the user can throw the card in question in front of them, so it hovers slightly before them, then swing their sword at the card and hitting it, causing all moment of the sword to stop and then that momentum suddenly comes out of the card as a huge flame. The shield card can be reached into and grasped, allowing access to other cards in the deck that relate to the shield, but the shield can not interact with the flame card, as the flame card only appeared when the long sword card was 'played'. Finally, the stylish blade card, can be 'stabbed' by the long sword and when the user pulls their blade out from the card, their long sword will have taken on the design of the image on the card and is more powerful. This 'upgraded' sword may also give access to more cards in the deck too.
I used two characters when I played this RP, one character used a huge knuckle gauntlet that covered their fist, wrist and forearm, the other used a staff and was ranged/spell based. Though I did entertain the idea of a marionette user based deck.
2432 CE: Genetic manipulation has reached its peak. IQs can now be specially engineered to 200. Hair color, eyes, and other features are for parents to control. Personality manipulation is the stuff of science fiction and can never be achieved.
2563 CE: Atomic manipulation is available. Atoms can be created and destroyed at will.
2585 CE: "The Dark" occurs. All metal in the world goes dark for 10 seconds, then humanity blacks out for 10 years while specially engineered drones and probes go around the world and insert an electric virus emitter. The virus is controlled by a man named Giov Morodimi. Humanity is aware only of the 10 seconds during which all electricity stopped and all metal went mysteriously black. Many speculators believe aliens, but this was disproved by NASA.
2654 CE: Giov Morodimi enters a cyrochamber where he will achieve sub-sentient immortality. His mind still controls the virus emitters and the viruses themselves.
2733 CE: Giov releases virus. His cousin, Derigm Morodimi, institutes "The Hack". All alter-egos are put in cryostasis and their personalities are carried by the infected cells to the virus emitters, who in turn "Upload" them to a mysterious supercomputer known as the "L-Net", standing for "Life-Network". It is now 0 LNR (Life Network Rotations).
0.5 LNR: Derigm voluntarily joins the L-Net to assimilate humanity for "The Return", when they will all be enslaved to the Morodimis. Derigm and Giov cannot figure out how to directly control personalities, but they know how to code it into their minds.
50 LNR: The Morodimis lose control. Nobody knows why. Legend says that Derigm's key to the Return is still hidden in the L-Net.
250 LNR: Civilization is reestablished. Various cyber-governments spring up.
You have the ability to cast 'spells' in the format of a computer command. Only a small nobility has access to these.
///:{[CommandNameOneWordAbbreviationsAreLikelyALLCAPS]:<Target/Message/PointA/PointB/AnyThatMayApply:<Whatever>>}(security code clearance-command channel)
Sends the message "Hello" to UltikanaRe through the "ulti'schannel"
Kills UltikanaRe through the "End" command channel
Security Code Clearances
0-7, easy to hard to learn the inner code. 7 is unknown to most people.
Levels of code
0-7, 0 being visible when you enter the command line, 7 being accessible only by hacking into the inner core of the L-Net. Depending on the clearance of the command, you must know that layer of inner code.
File extensions
An User (Command-wielder) may create files of varying power depending on the commands used in that file. Here are some common file extensions and their clearance:
.doc: Document, 0
.img: Image, 0
.dsp: Display, 0
.adsp: Animated Display, 1
.wor: Superficial world (looks and feels like just a game), 1
.wedit: World Edit (Minor), 2
.lnk: Persona Display Link, 2
.ccon: Optionial Control Link, 3
.ssc: Self Structure Change, 3
.wrd: File ward, 4
.endoc: Encrypted document (Minor), 4
.nedit: Net/World Edit (Medium), 5
.enfl: Encrypted File (Major), 5
.core: Net Edit (Major), 6
.aurhak: Hack into persona without permission, 6
.moro: Contact to the 'mythical' world of Earth, 7
.rel: File pertaining to "The Return", 7
All personas within the L-Net have a Netalias, which is essentially a name. Users have an Useralias and a Netalias. For most commands (specifically minor ones), a Netalias is required. For the most advanced commands, they may require an Useralias.
All personas have a Netcode, which is essentially a password. Users have Netcodes and Usercodes. Again, these are required for commands and accessing files well as the L-Net itself.
All humans are users, the other 5/6 of the populace are net personas. They are engineered to be the Mrodimi's military ideal citizens. They're looks and features are based off of a random User.
You will play a user, and feel free to make your own commands. If I see something OP I will tell you, but virtually anything is possible with the right clearance.
The posting requirement is 8-14 paras a week, distributed however you wish. When you are making your character, think about the world (file) you are in. Nothing is perfect in the L-Net, so feel free to come up with a few mega-dystopias. You may also decide you want your native world to resemble a high fantasy MMOORG. That is totally fine. I want that diversity. You are required to also fill out the world sheet unless you have the express consent of the world builder. Anything used without permission will not be accepted, be I do not accept world builders who decide they no longer want to work with the other person at a deeper level.
You may switch up the order of anything in those sheets.
Please do not go too far over those maximums. I do not really want novella-epic-per-post or even in CSs (although I did intentionally add a lot to the CSs and Worldbuiling Sheet). I feel this belongs in advanced because I do want 2 or more paragraphs a post, I just want less than 10 (per post).
2563 CE: Atomic manipulation is available. Atoms can be created and destroyed at will.
2585 CE: "The Dark" occurs. All metal in the world goes dark for 10 seconds, then humanity blacks out for 10 years while specially engineered drones and probes go around the world and insert an electric virus emitter. The virus is controlled by a man named Giov Morodimi. Humanity is aware only of the 10 seconds during which all electricity stopped and all metal went mysteriously black. Many speculators believe aliens, but this was disproved by NASA.
2654 CE: Giov Morodimi enters a cyrochamber where he will achieve sub-sentient immortality. His mind still controls the virus emitters and the viruses themselves.
2733 CE: Giov releases virus. His cousin, Derigm Morodimi, institutes "The Hack". All alter-egos are put in cryostasis and their personalities are carried by the infected cells to the virus emitters, who in turn "Upload" them to a mysterious supercomputer known as the "L-Net", standing for "Life-Network". It is now 0 LNR (Life Network Rotations).
0.5 LNR: Derigm voluntarily joins the L-Net to assimilate humanity for "The Return", when they will all be enslaved to the Morodimis. Derigm and Giov cannot figure out how to directly control personalities, but they know how to code it into their minds.
50 LNR: The Morodimis lose control. Nobody knows why. Legend says that Derigm's key to the Return is still hidden in the L-Net.
250 LNR: Civilization is reestablished. Various cyber-governments spring up.
You have the ability to cast 'spells' in the format of a computer command. Only a small nobility has access to these.
///:{[CommandNameOneWordAbbreviationsAreLikelyALLCAPS]:<Target/Message/PointA/PointB/AnyThatMayApply:<Whatever>>}(security code clearance-command channel)
Sends the message "Hello" to UltikanaRe through the "ulti'schannel"
Kills UltikanaRe through the "End" command channel
Security Code Clearances
0-7, easy to hard to learn the inner code. 7 is unknown to most people.
Levels of code
0-7, 0 being visible when you enter the command line, 7 being accessible only by hacking into the inner core of the L-Net. Depending on the clearance of the command, you must know that layer of inner code.
File extensions
An User (Command-wielder) may create files of varying power depending on the commands used in that file. Here are some common file extensions and their clearance:
.doc: Document, 0
.img: Image, 0
.dsp: Display, 0
.adsp: Animated Display, 1
.wor: Superficial world (looks and feels like just a game), 1
.wedit: World Edit (Minor), 2
.lnk: Persona Display Link, 2
.ccon: Optionial Control Link, 3
.ssc: Self Structure Change, 3
.wrd: File ward, 4
.endoc: Encrypted document (Minor), 4
.nedit: Net/World Edit (Medium), 5
.enfl: Encrypted File (Major), 5
.core: Net Edit (Major), 6
.aurhak: Hack into persona without permission, 6
.moro: Contact to the 'mythical' world of Earth, 7
.rel: File pertaining to "The Return", 7
All personas within the L-Net have a Netalias, which is essentially a name. Users have an Useralias and a Netalias. For most commands (specifically minor ones), a Netalias is required. For the most advanced commands, they may require an Useralias.
All personas have a Netcode, which is essentially a password. Users have Netcodes and Usercodes. Again, these are required for commands and accessing files well as the L-Net itself.
All humans are users, the other 5/6 of the populace are net personas. They are engineered to be the Mrodimi's military ideal citizens. They're looks and features are based off of a random User.
You will play a user, and feel free to make your own commands. If I see something OP I will tell you, but virtually anything is possible with the right clearance.
The posting requirement is 8-14 paras a week, distributed however you wish. When you are making your character, think about the world (file) you are in. Nothing is perfect in the L-Net, so feel free to come up with a few mega-dystopias. You may also decide you want your native world to resemble a high fantasy MMOORG. That is totally fine. I want that diversity. You are required to also fill out the world sheet unless you have the express consent of the world builder. Anything used without permission will not be accepted, be I do not accept world builders who decide they no longer want to work with the other person at a deeper level.
(Image if you would like)
Appearance (2 para)
•Race appearance details
Backstory (Not really the place for a lot of character development, more of a timeline with plot hooks. Try to approach it objectively. 2-3 para)
Personality (2-3 para. Please reference backstory for why she is that way.
Alliances/Organisations/Employers/Nations (A few lines each, no more than a para per...whatchamacallit)
(Image if you would like)
Appearance (2 para)
•Race appearance details
Backstory (Not really the place for a lot of character development, more of a timeline with plot hooks. Try to approach it objectively. 2-3 para)
Personality (2-3 para. Please reference backstory for why she is that way.
Alliances/Organisations/Employers/Nations (A few lines each, no more than a para per...whatchamacallit)
Name of Cyberworld
List of prominent nations and cities. (Please distribute about 24 lines between them for descriptions.)
Geography (This may have been somewhat covered in earlier sections. You may skip if you feel you adequately described it. Be sure you also included climate, topography, wildlife, terrain types, and bodies of water. Please make sure you have about 3 para in earlier sections if you skip it. Also, it would be nice if you went by nation/province/region)
History (This an overview of the world. You do to need every war that happened between some nations, but you do need large societal trends and massive conflicts. For example; for our world I would probably list the Enlightenment and WW2, but the American Civil War would most likely be left out as it did not affect too many other nations. 3-4 para)
List of prominent nations and cities. (Please distribute about 24 lines between them for descriptions.)
Geography (This may have been somewhat covered in earlier sections. You may skip if you feel you adequately described it. Be sure you also included climate, topography, wildlife, terrain types, and bodies of water. Please make sure you have about 3 para in earlier sections if you skip it. Also, it would be nice if you went by nation/province/region)
History (This an overview of the world. You do to need every war that happened between some nations, but you do need large societal trends and massive conflicts. For example; for our world I would probably list the Enlightenment and WW2, but the American Civil War would most likely be left out as it did not affect too many other nations. 3-4 para)
You may switch up the order of anything in those sheets.
Please do not go too far over those maximums. I do not really want novella-epic-per-post or even in CSs (although I did intentionally add a lot to the CSs and Worldbuiling Sheet). I feel this belongs in advanced because I do want 2 or more paragraphs a post, I just want less than 10 (per post).
NOTE: This is a rather 'detailed' idea and is probably best for high-casual or advanced. But if you can make it work else-where, go for it!
Genre: Modern, Action, Technology/Hacking, Mystery
Premise: Augmented Reality technology has evolved to new heights and in it's evolution it has brought a new form of efficiency and convenience to human life, one that is deemed a priority in the first world. Glasses, goggles and contacts are now accessories considered nearly as important as a pair of pants and a shirt when preparing for your day. Because what lies beyond these thin, electronic devices is a world of virtual adverts, pets, assistances and interfaces all geared towards pleasing a visually awe-struck species.
However, to the youthful generations, A.R. is merely a fact of life, like going to school or getting in trouble when you've done something wrong. To this generation, A.R. is not an enigma or piece of human ingenuity, it is a tool used for everything in their day to day lives, education, entertainment, health, finances, A.R. has been integrated and excelled in all these areas.
But a dark shadow looms overhead in the virtual space as new breeds of viruses and hackers start to take advantage of and test the loose fabric of virtual space. One notorious hacker in particular has been releasing literal virtual 'monsters', running on tweaked and reshaped virtual pet A.I. in a form akin to a goblin or imp. These monsters hold within their virtual form an extremely infectious virus geared towards overloading and damaging hardware. With this new threat so too comes a vaccine in the form of the 'A.R. Termination Squad', a group of youths who mask their faces and use illicit software and hardware to gain specific advantages in the virtual space, with these advantages they dispense vigilante style justice on the virtual monsters that have come to be known as 'Akuma'.
Details: This one has a rather simple premise when you exclude some of the Augmented Reality concepts, it flows pretty much like a lot of simple stories. So you'll need to focus on adding your own ideas or goals into this universe, though some good areas to expand on would be; heightened policing presence in A.R., hunting down specific hackers through hacking to attack the Akuma at the source, expanding and refining the weapons that the players us in A.R.
I believe the most interesting feature of this idea will be the Augmented Reality, if you're unsure on what this is that isn't a problem, as a lot of the Augmented Reality featured in this RP is futuristic and more concept based. To put it simply, A.R. in the context of this RP is basically the process of bringing virtual interfaces into the real world, using a system of 'scanning' an area then re-creating an invisible virtual layer over it in which virtual objects and interfaces can be used and interact. This means that unless a virtual layer of the area you're in is weakened or strained, all objects in that virtual space will react to the physical surroundings. For example; a virtual pet will hit it's head if it tries to run 'through' a physical wall, because a virtual version of that wall also exists overlapping it in virtual space. To expand, some of the implications of such a system is that; animated advertisements float and drift through the air, virtual arrows could help lead you to your destination, literally. Menu's and information can all be displayed on a virtual interface, even the local doctor could merely ask you to wear a small wrist device which would relay a virtual interface that charts out a persons vitals for the doctor.
Now a neat set of systems that can be used in conjunction with the virtual space, and the main arsenal of the players of this RP, is focused around manipulation of hardware, software and the virtual space in general. The Akuma put tremendous strain on the local virtual space that they inhabit. Visually this can be seen when wearing A.R. lenses as hazy/jittery out-lines around normal objects and even sections of objects not rendering properly and generating an 'error' message on that location of the virtual layer. Because of this strain, tools that use the local virtual space aren't that reliable against the Akuma, say you fire a virtual projectile geared towards specifically damaging or hindering virtual pets and there fore, also affecting the Akuma, the closer this projectile gets to the Akuma, the less stable it becomes and in the end, the projectile could end up glitching out and stopping mid-air or disappearing entirely.
So the players make use of hardware they keep on themselves at all times that interacts with the local virtual space by specifically generating a much more durable virtual layer over the player's own objects. This means should a player swing a wooden sword around at an Akuma, it'll actually hit and affect the Akuma. The same can also be done for rendering virtual pets, should a player choose to use a virtual pet as apart of their arsenal as well. The two main issues with fighting the Akuma this way though, is first, the Akuma's virus puts heavy strain on the players hardware, and getting hit by an Akuma in the face, or where ever your A.R. lenses are at the time, will no doubt break your A.R. lenses(making you blind to the virtual world until they're replaced) and the hardware the players use to generate their own virtual layers will need to be repaired/tweaked often otherwise it'll end up breaking permanently. The second issue is that this type of hardware is illegal as it forces a manipulation of local virtual layers that can strain or damage the virtual space. This type of hardware is also often used for virtual graffiti, which has been frowned upon more-so than normal graffiti, despite how easy it is to remove.
Genre: Modern, Action, Technology/Hacking, Mystery
Premise: Augmented Reality technology has evolved to new heights and in it's evolution it has brought a new form of efficiency and convenience to human life, one that is deemed a priority in the first world. Glasses, goggles and contacts are now accessories considered nearly as important as a pair of pants and a shirt when preparing for your day. Because what lies beyond these thin, electronic devices is a world of virtual adverts, pets, assistances and interfaces all geared towards pleasing a visually awe-struck species.
However, to the youthful generations, A.R. is merely a fact of life, like going to school or getting in trouble when you've done something wrong. To this generation, A.R. is not an enigma or piece of human ingenuity, it is a tool used for everything in their day to day lives, education, entertainment, health, finances, A.R. has been integrated and excelled in all these areas.
But a dark shadow looms overhead in the virtual space as new breeds of viruses and hackers start to take advantage of and test the loose fabric of virtual space. One notorious hacker in particular has been releasing literal virtual 'monsters', running on tweaked and reshaped virtual pet A.I. in a form akin to a goblin or imp. These monsters hold within their virtual form an extremely infectious virus geared towards overloading and damaging hardware. With this new threat so too comes a vaccine in the form of the 'A.R. Termination Squad', a group of youths who mask their faces and use illicit software and hardware to gain specific advantages in the virtual space, with these advantages they dispense vigilante style justice on the virtual monsters that have come to be known as 'Akuma'.
Details: This one has a rather simple premise when you exclude some of the Augmented Reality concepts, it flows pretty much like a lot of simple stories. So you'll need to focus on adding your own ideas or goals into this universe, though some good areas to expand on would be; heightened policing presence in A.R., hunting down specific hackers through hacking to attack the Akuma at the source, expanding and refining the weapons that the players us in A.R.
I believe the most interesting feature of this idea will be the Augmented Reality, if you're unsure on what this is that isn't a problem, as a lot of the Augmented Reality featured in this RP is futuristic and more concept based. To put it simply, A.R. in the context of this RP is basically the process of bringing virtual interfaces into the real world, using a system of 'scanning' an area then re-creating an invisible virtual layer over it in which virtual objects and interfaces can be used and interact. This means that unless a virtual layer of the area you're in is weakened or strained, all objects in that virtual space will react to the physical surroundings. For example; a virtual pet will hit it's head if it tries to run 'through' a physical wall, because a virtual version of that wall also exists overlapping it in virtual space. To expand, some of the implications of such a system is that; animated advertisements float and drift through the air, virtual arrows could help lead you to your destination, literally. Menu's and information can all be displayed on a virtual interface, even the local doctor could merely ask you to wear a small wrist device which would relay a virtual interface that charts out a persons vitals for the doctor.
Now a neat set of systems that can be used in conjunction with the virtual space, and the main arsenal of the players of this RP, is focused around manipulation of hardware, software and the virtual space in general. The Akuma put tremendous strain on the local virtual space that they inhabit. Visually this can be seen when wearing A.R. lenses as hazy/jittery out-lines around normal objects and even sections of objects not rendering properly and generating an 'error' message on that location of the virtual layer. Because of this strain, tools that use the local virtual space aren't that reliable against the Akuma, say you fire a virtual projectile geared towards specifically damaging or hindering virtual pets and there fore, also affecting the Akuma, the closer this projectile gets to the Akuma, the less stable it becomes and in the end, the projectile could end up glitching out and stopping mid-air or disappearing entirely.
So the players make use of hardware they keep on themselves at all times that interacts with the local virtual space by specifically generating a much more durable virtual layer over the player's own objects. This means should a player swing a wooden sword around at an Akuma, it'll actually hit and affect the Akuma. The same can also be done for rendering virtual pets, should a player choose to use a virtual pet as apart of their arsenal as well. The two main issues with fighting the Akuma this way though, is first, the Akuma's virus puts heavy strain on the players hardware, and getting hit by an Akuma in the face, or where ever your A.R. lenses are at the time, will no doubt break your A.R. lenses(making you blind to the virtual world until they're replaced) and the hardware the players use to generate their own virtual layers will need to be repaired/tweaked often otherwise it'll end up breaking permanently. The second issue is that this type of hardware is illegal as it forces a manipulation of local virtual layers that can strain or damage the virtual space. This type of hardware is also often used for virtual graffiti, which has been frowned upon more-so than normal graffiti, despite how easy it is to remove.

"We embarked on our journey to the stars with a question first framed in the childhood of our species and in each generation asked anew with undiminished wonder: What are the stars? Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars."
-Carl Sagan, Cosmos
Humanity, nobody expected much from them. Most humans had their lives all planned out, and to them there would be nothing in the future but their normal lives. The sensible ones were completely fine with this, for they believed the could only dream of a more exiting life. Those sensible people withered away into the history books, being known only to those who decided to spend a few days backtracking through their family tree decades in the future. They are not the writers, they are those who look at the story and say "Ridiculous! That is impossible!". Rightfully so, as well. They were completely right, the story the writers wanted to make was impossible.
The writers would know this if they were sensible, but they were not. They ignored sense and followed their dreams, never giving a thought to the sensible people who said it couldn't be done. Pushing on ahead, those writers kept their eye on their goal and never allowed to wander. Through this reckless yet calculated journey, the writers finally succeeded. They had done the impossible, something that should not have been possible for such a young and damaged species. While the sensible people watched in awe, the writers trod upon the brilliant road to the stars. While the sensible people killed and fought, the writers marched forwards. The writers had to fight, of course, they were drawn into the conflicts of the sensible. But they never stopped marching, no, they refused to allow the sensible people to be right, to accept that reality truly was nothing more than menial labor and repetition.
As the ages passed, the writers kept on marching onward. Though none had yet been able to touch a star, they kept marching with no thought to the thousands that had already failed. They made great progress in their collective quest, continuing to invent new devices to make life just a little bit easier. As life got easier, the writers had more time to think and invent yet more devices to make life even more easy. It was a self-reinforcing loop, but still the sensible people refused to give a thought to the insane dreams of the writers. They used the devices to have more time to lay around doing nothing, but the writers did not care. While all this was happening, nobody gave a though to Earth and its inhabitants, still being stuck in a repeating loop of nuclear annihilation the moment they discovered the technology. Earth rocketed towards that point, having no idea what would happen.
Then, something happened. If Gods and Goddesses exist, then their interest was surely piqued. Something anomalous had occurred on that insignificant Earth, though they now had harnessed the power of the atom, their voices continued to speak. Their hearts kept beating, their DNA remained normal, their atmosphere was not full of ash. They had survived the creation of the nuclear bomb, something that had never before happened in the galaxy. Suddenly, Earth was no so insignificant anymore. The writers were closer than ever to achieving their goals.
The stars in the night sky burn brighter than ever, beckoning us writers to them. To some the stars say "We will give you power", to others "We will give you respect". Yet more hear "We will give you knowledge", and to a select few, they say something similar yet completely different.
To those few, they say "We will give you a home".
As you might have possible realized by now, this roleplay begins right at the dawn of the space race. Obviously, that means it is an alt-history roleplay. However, the in-universe history only loosely sticks to real life. The allies still won WW2, but details are left to the players to decide. The Cold War is going on, but the details of it are absent unless someone points them out in the roleplay.
Now, this is an NRP (obviously). However, you can also play exclusively as a space agency if you want. Actually, they will be the primary focus of this RP, if the title didn;t tell you that already. Apps are as follows:
=Nation App=
Name (The nation must either exist, or an explanation for why it exists):
History (At very, absolute least two paragraphs, exceptions can be made if little history was changed and the nation is well-known):
Leader (It can be the real leader of the nation at the time, or someone else):
Space Involvement (A simple yes/no question. This will determine if your nation has a government space program. If yes, you must also make a Space Agency app):
Other (Anything not listed, go as in depth as you want with this, or just make a suggestion):
=Space Program App=
Name (Can be anything, as long as it makes sense. Historical agencies are completely welcome):
History (Two paragraphs bare minimum. Who founded it, how it got started, etc. No exceptions from this one. If it is a historical program, use the real history or explain why it is different):
HQ Location (You can choose a real world or fictional site):
Head of Program (Again, can be someone who really existed or a fictional character):
Organizational Structure (Government Agency or Corporation. This will decide where you get your funding, how important the board is, etc. To be a Government Agency, you must be based in an unclaimed nation, have claimed the nation you are based in, or have an agreement with whoever claimed the nation you are based in):
Other (Same as the Nation App):
1: While everyone is welcome, we expect at least a paragraph for each post, with readable grammar and spelling that does not cause us to feel physical pain in our eyes. Assume our eyes are extremely sensitive and we have extreme problems with dealing with pain.
2: Please be sensible, goofiness is allowed, utter stupidity? No. You can crack jokes, but you can't build buildings in the shape of pink bears. Unless your mascot is the pink bear, and you have a good reason for it to be a pink bear. Which you don't.
3: We will continue as far as activity permits us, that means we may pass our current year. This does not mean you get FTL and replicators. If we ever reach a point where sci-fi is acceptable, that sci-fi is going to be harder than tungsten. Google ways to do what you want to do if you have to, just don't build a "Whatever Drive". Did I mention no FTL? Ever? Follow Einstein, would you?
4: My decision is final, even when I change it multiple times. Especially when i change it. Because that will probably happen a lot.
Now, onto the gameplay mechanics! These following folders will tell you everything you need to know about the stat part of the RP:
Oraganizational Structures:
Private Companies – These started out as the play things of billionaires but soon found themselves in the position to make profits for their parent corporations. Private Companies see a market potential in Space exploration in such industries as communications, transport and resource prospecting. While they do have the funding, they need to be aware of losing investment and keep strong profits. These are dependent on their success for funding, both from investments and commercial operations.
Space Agencies – These are state-backed organisations that were originally set-up to take advantage of the new era of long range rocketry. they have since left the military sphere of influence and become political mechanisms of national pride and ambition. This ambition has driven the state's best scientists together for a common goal. The funding of such organizations depends upon the actions of their home nation, and public support is incredibly important to them.
Private Companies – These started out as the play things of billionaires but soon found themselves in the position to make profits for their parent corporations. Private Companies see a market potential in Space exploration in such industries as communications, transport and resource prospecting. While they do have the funding, they need to be aware of losing investment and keep strong profits. These are dependent on their success for funding, both from investments and commercial operations.
Space Agencies – These are state-backed organisations that were originally set-up to take advantage of the new era of long range rocketry. they have since left the military sphere of influence and become political mechanisms of national pride and ambition. This ambition has driven the state's best scientists together for a common goal. The funding of such organizations depends upon the actions of their home nation, and public support is incredibly important to them.
No! Don't leave yet! Hear me out here. Yes, this roleplay has turns. That will put some of you off. Just read this before you leave.
Turns in this RP will, as usual, be advanced by updates posted by the GM or a mod. Those updates will come out after all members have posted. Each turn is a year, while that might seem like a lot, in the last RP we still managed to go to the moon by '59 with the Turn=Year structure. Each update will include how many rocket parts each space agency can build, their funding and relationship status with NPC parties, and a summary of all missions currently going on.
This is where it gets interesting. You;ve all seen "Newspaper Style" posts (Posts where people just state what happened and nothing more). These are most common as updates in turn-based RPs. This roleplay takes "Newspaper Style" literally. Every update will have an actual newspaper with the date, posted as multiple images in hiders. Each newspaper will act as a summary of the year's events, hopefully making it easy and entertaining to follow.
No! Don't leave yet! Hear me out here. Yes, this roleplay has turns. That will put some of you off. Just read this before you leave.
Turns in this RP will, as usual, be advanced by updates posted by the GM or a mod. Those updates will come out after all members have posted. Each turn is a year, while that might seem like a lot, in the last RP we still managed to go to the moon by '59 with the Turn=Year structure. Each update will include how many rocket parts each space agency can build, their funding and relationship status with NPC parties, and a summary of all missions currently going on.
This is where it gets interesting. You;ve all seen "Newspaper Style" posts (Posts where people just state what happened and nothing more). These are most common as updates in turn-based RPs. This roleplay takes "Newspaper Style" literally. Every update will have an actual newspaper with the date, posted as multiple images in hiders. Each newspaper will act as a summary of the year's events, hopefully making it easy and entertaining to follow.
Parts: (Number able to build varies per turn)
Solid Rocket Booster – Designed for getting spacecraft off the ground and little else, this inefficient
Heavy Solid Rocket Booster - Same as the normal booster, but much more thrust.
rocket design can't control its flow but can carry more than its weight in payloads.
Liquid Fuel Tank – Carries enough fuel to supply a single liquid fuel engine for a complete burn. While necessary, multiple tanks can be heavy and can compromise a ship reaching orbit.
Heavy Liquid Fuel Tank - Same as the normal fuel tank, but carries twice the fuel.
Liquid Fuel Engine – With controllable rate of flow, this mainstream engine is the safest and most efficient engine whether transversing the upper atmosphere or leaving the solar system.
Dual-Nozzle Liquid Fuel Engine - Same as the normal LFE, but has a much higher thrust at the cost of using up more fuel.
Reaction Control System - Using Mono-propellent and small rocket thrusters, RCS guides vessels at slower changes of velocity for precission movement. Required for safe docking.
Set of fins – Static wings that prevent the spacecraft from rifling in the atmosphere.
Set of winglets – Small ailerons that can be controlled to minimise spin in the atmosphere (requires computational power).
Decoupler – Creates multiple stages that lower the weight of the spacecraft by jettisoning empty fuel tanks as the rocket ascends.
1 Man Space Capsule - A small, cramped space with room for only a single person. If you;re going up in this, you had better not be claustrophobic. Not even someone who loves cramped spaces would spend more than a couple orbits in this tin can.
Payload Equipment (Infinite numbers for free, just be wary of power needs and weight)
Power Supply:
Silver-Zinc Battery – A small battery that doesn't weigh much and can power a moderate of equipment for a month or so. (6 KWh/lifetime)
Radio Transmitting Unit – A box that beeps its data back on low frequencies. (Sub-orbital range)
Tracking Transmitter – Sends data to a specific target, as a result of this concentration, can send data from further away. (Orbital to Translunar-ranges).
Relayed Processor – A system that uses electric transistors to carry out commands and collect data either from an inbuilt clock or from radio signals.
=Scientific Tools=
Thermometer – Measures Temperature
Barometer – Measures Pressure
Radiometer – Measures Electromagnetic Radiation
Spectrophotometers- Measures Solar Radiation
Camera – Takes Pictures
Fruit Fly Colony – A small hive of fruit flies that contains a apple for them to eat.
=Life Support=
Oxygen Tank – Stores Oxygen and release it over time. there is enough for a person for a month.
Carbon Dioxide Vent – Vents unnecessary gasses accumulated by respiration to restore pressure.
Food and water dispenser – dispenses consumables in a gelatinized form.
Waste bag – To collect the excrement of respirational processes of biological life.
Electrodes - Monitors vital signs.
=Landing Equipment=
Parachute – For the safe return of Space vehicle after atmospheric re-entry.
Drag-chute - Reduces the speed of re-entry for heavy payloads but is not strong enough to support a landing.
Ballistic Warhead - A conventional explosive warhead designed to explode on impact or triggered under certain conditions.
Atomic Warhead – A Fission reactor designed to explode, the most powerful bomb in existence that can end total wars in a matter of days.
Handheld Pistol - You'll say it's to shoot wolves in Siberia, the conspiracy theorists will say it's to defend the Earth from alien attacks. Which one is it? Who knows? Actually, we do. It was the wolves in Siberia.
Solid Rocket Booster – Designed for getting spacecraft off the ground and little else, this inefficient
Heavy Solid Rocket Booster - Same as the normal booster, but much more thrust.
rocket design can't control its flow but can carry more than its weight in payloads.
Liquid Fuel Tank – Carries enough fuel to supply a single liquid fuel engine for a complete burn. While necessary, multiple tanks can be heavy and can compromise a ship reaching orbit.
Heavy Liquid Fuel Tank - Same as the normal fuel tank, but carries twice the fuel.
Liquid Fuel Engine – With controllable rate of flow, this mainstream engine is the safest and most efficient engine whether transversing the upper atmosphere or leaving the solar system.
Dual-Nozzle Liquid Fuel Engine - Same as the normal LFE, but has a much higher thrust at the cost of using up more fuel.
Reaction Control System - Using Mono-propellent and small rocket thrusters, RCS guides vessels at slower changes of velocity for precission movement. Required for safe docking.
Set of fins – Static wings that prevent the spacecraft from rifling in the atmosphere.
Set of winglets – Small ailerons that can be controlled to minimise spin in the atmosphere (requires computational power).
Decoupler – Creates multiple stages that lower the weight of the spacecraft by jettisoning empty fuel tanks as the rocket ascends.
1 Man Space Capsule - A small, cramped space with room for only a single person. If you;re going up in this, you had better not be claustrophobic. Not even someone who loves cramped spaces would spend more than a couple orbits in this tin can.
Payload Equipment (Infinite numbers for free, just be wary of power needs and weight)
Power Supply:
Silver-Zinc Battery – A small battery that doesn't weigh much and can power a moderate of equipment for a month or so. (6 KWh/lifetime)
Radio Transmitting Unit – A box that beeps its data back on low frequencies. (Sub-orbital range)
Tracking Transmitter – Sends data to a specific target, as a result of this concentration, can send data from further away. (Orbital to Translunar-ranges).
Relayed Processor – A system that uses electric transistors to carry out commands and collect data either from an inbuilt clock or from radio signals.
=Scientific Tools=
Thermometer – Measures Temperature
Barometer – Measures Pressure
Radiometer – Measures Electromagnetic Radiation
Spectrophotometers- Measures Solar Radiation
Camera – Takes Pictures
Fruit Fly Colony – A small hive of fruit flies that contains a apple for them to eat.
=Life Support=
Oxygen Tank – Stores Oxygen and release it over time. there is enough for a person for a month.
Carbon Dioxide Vent – Vents unnecessary gasses accumulated by respiration to restore pressure.
Food and water dispenser – dispenses consumables in a gelatinized form.
Waste bag – To collect the excrement of respirational processes of biological life.
Electrodes - Monitors vital signs.
=Landing Equipment=
Parachute – For the safe return of Space vehicle after atmospheric re-entry.
Drag-chute - Reduces the speed of re-entry for heavy payloads but is not strong enough to support a landing.
Ballistic Warhead - A conventional explosive warhead designed to explode on impact or triggered under certain conditions.
Atomic Warhead – A Fission reactor designed to explode, the most powerful bomb in existence that can end total wars in a matter of days.
Handheld Pistol - You'll say it's to shoot wolves in Siberia, the conspiracy theorists will say it's to defend the Earth from alien attacks. Which one is it? Who knows? Actually, we do. It was the wolves in Siberia.
=Infrastructure (max. 1 built per turn) (Only 1 of each building)=
Vehicle Assembly Building – Required for multi-staged rocket launches
Secretive Launchpad – A launch pad away from prying eyes where mistakes can be quieted.
Public Launchpad – A launch pad where all the world can marvel at our ambition.
Rocket-Propulsion Laboratory – Produces Extra 1 Liquid Fuel Tank per turn.
Wind Tunnel – Improves the safety of all future launches. (Safety Building, +1 to all rolls)
Spaceflight Training Center – Provides education and experience to the future spacefarers. (Safety Building, +1 to all manned rolls)
Research & Technology Center – Improves the quality of the scientific tools. (Safety Building, +1 to all rolls)
Supercomputer – Improves the modelling of spacecraft trajectories and the interpretation of data. (Safety Building, +1 to all rolls)
Engine Laboratory - Produces extra 1 Liquid Fuel Engine per turn.
General Laboratory - Allows faster research (No number limit)
Factory - Produces 1 part of your choosing each turn (Limit of four) (Requires 1 part to build, must be of the type you want to produce)
Ground Radar – Used to detect objects in and around the local airspace.
Radio Dipole Antenna – Used to transmit and receive data to low orbital ranges.
Directional Antenna – Used to transmit and receive data from tracking transmitters.
Vehicle Assembly Building – Required for multi-staged rocket launches
Secretive Launchpad – A launch pad away from prying eyes where mistakes can be quieted.
Public Launchpad – A launch pad where all the world can marvel at our ambition.
Rocket-Propulsion Laboratory – Produces Extra 1 Liquid Fuel Tank per turn.
Wind Tunnel – Improves the safety of all future launches. (Safety Building, +1 to all rolls)
Spaceflight Training Center – Provides education and experience to the future spacefarers. (Safety Building, +1 to all manned rolls)
Research & Technology Center – Improves the quality of the scientific tools. (Safety Building, +1 to all rolls)
Supercomputer – Improves the modelling of spacecraft trajectories and the interpretation of data. (Safety Building, +1 to all rolls)
Engine Laboratory - Produces extra 1 Liquid Fuel Engine per turn.
General Laboratory - Allows faster research (No number limit)
Factory - Produces 1 part of your choosing each turn (Limit of four) (Requires 1 part to build, must be of the type you want to produce)
Ground Radar – Used to detect objects in and around the local airspace.
Radio Dipole Antenna – Used to transmit and receive data to low orbital ranges.
Directional Antenna – Used to transmit and receive data from tracking transmitters.
=The Delta-V Table=
This shows the recommended rocketry needed to get to certain environments relative to the payload weight. It is incomplete until a rocket meets the recommendations.
=Sub-Orbit & Atmosphere=
No Payload: 1 Liquid Fuel Engine
Light (1-5 Payload Equip.): 1 Solid Rocket Booster
Moderate (5-10 Payload Equip.): 2 Solid Rocket Boosters or 1 Liquid Fuel Engine
Heavy (10-15 Payload Equip.): ???
=Low Earth Orbit=
No Payload: 1 Solid rocket Booster or 1 Liquid Fuel Engine
Light (1-5 Payload Equip.): 2 Solid Rocket Boosters or 1 Liquid Fuel Engine
Moderate (5-10 Payload Equip.): 2 Solid Rocket Boosters and 1 Liquid Fuel Engine
Heavy (10-15 Payload Equip.): ???
This shows the recommended rocketry needed to get to certain environments relative to the payload weight. It is incomplete until a rocket meets the recommendations.
=Sub-Orbit & Atmosphere=
No Payload: 1 Liquid Fuel Engine
Light (1-5 Payload Equip.): 1 Solid Rocket Booster
Moderate (5-10 Payload Equip.): 2 Solid Rocket Boosters or 1 Liquid Fuel Engine
Heavy (10-15 Payload Equip.): ???
=Low Earth Orbit=
No Payload: 1 Solid rocket Booster or 1 Liquid Fuel Engine
Light (1-5 Payload Equip.): 2 Solid Rocket Boosters or 1 Liquid Fuel Engine
Moderate (5-10 Payload Equip.): 2 Solid Rocket Boosters and 1 Liquid Fuel Engine
Heavy (10-15 Payload Equip.): ???
A mystery solving RP
The Setting:
The setting is a sort of Victorian era gothic style mansion located near a superstitious country town. The locals are hesitant to tell you about the mansion, and those that do warn you against going there. Regardless, there are a few townsfolk who are somewhat less superstitious and tell you the way to go.
As you follow the directions you were given, an eerie fog rolls in over the road ahead. Luckily, the road is perfectly straight and well maintained so traversing the fog is not a problem. Still, the fog does obscure your surroundings so you have no way of knowing how far you’ve travelled.
Eventually, you exit the fog and you find yourself at your destination.
Ahead of you lies The Mansion, a gothic style structure more closely resembling a castle than any mansion you’ve ever seen. The Mansion is surrounded by a wrought iron fence with a rather decorative gate directly in front of you.
The gate is locked, but wasn’t the Master expecting guests? Something isn’t right.
Welcome to the Mysterious Mansion of Mystery.
The Pitch:
This is a general interest check for a sort of mystery solving RP. It’s not a crime drama or anything, but simply mysteries. The players have all been invited to an old mansion by the master of the mansion simply because they are all ‘mysterious’.
I'd like this to be a casual RP, as points are warded depending on the length of the posts. (More on that later)
The goal of the RP is to unravel all of the mysteries of the mansion, as well as the mysteries of the Player Characters, and whoever solves the most mysteries in general will be the winner out of the guests of the mansion.
Scores will be tallied depending on how many mysteries the players solve, and how long it takes to solve a particular mystery. The scores won’t really affect the role-play, it’s only really there for competitive purposes.
All points that are gained during all stages of the solving of a particular mystery are given to the person that presents the answer in character. 1 point is given for each post required to solve the mystery in question. 2 or more points if the post is long, but if the length of a post is under debate then it is up to the players to decide how much it’s worth.
Will you draw out the solution for extra points? Or will you keep your clues for yourself and swoop in to steal the solution?
The choice is yours.
The Setting:
The setting is a sort of Victorian era gothic style mansion located near a superstitious country town. The locals are hesitant to tell you about the mansion, and those that do warn you against going there. Regardless, there are a few townsfolk who are somewhat less superstitious and tell you the way to go.
As you follow the directions you were given, an eerie fog rolls in over the road ahead. Luckily, the road is perfectly straight and well maintained so traversing the fog is not a problem. Still, the fog does obscure your surroundings so you have no way of knowing how far you’ve travelled.
Eventually, you exit the fog and you find yourself at your destination.
Ahead of you lies The Mansion, a gothic style structure more closely resembling a castle than any mansion you’ve ever seen. The Mansion is surrounded by a wrought iron fence with a rather decorative gate directly in front of you.
The gate is locked, but wasn’t the Master expecting guests? Something isn’t right.
Welcome to the Mysterious Mansion of Mystery.
The Pitch:
This is a general interest check for a sort of mystery solving RP. It’s not a crime drama or anything, but simply mysteries. The players have all been invited to an old mansion by the master of the mansion simply because they are all ‘mysterious’.
I'd like this to be a casual RP, as points are warded depending on the length of the posts. (More on that later)
The goal of the RP is to unravel all of the mysteries of the mansion, as well as the mysteries of the Player Characters, and whoever solves the most mysteries in general will be the winner out of the guests of the mansion.
Scores will be tallied depending on how many mysteries the players solve, and how long it takes to solve a particular mystery. The scores won’t really affect the role-play, it’s only really there for competitive purposes.
All points that are gained during all stages of the solving of a particular mystery are given to the person that presents the answer in character. 1 point is given for each post required to solve the mystery in question. 2 or more points if the post is long, but if the length of a post is under debate then it is up to the players to decide how much it’s worth.
Will you draw out the solution for extra points? Or will you keep your clues for yourself and swoop in to steal the solution?
The choice is yours.
March 19th, 2013
"A concerning number of reports of unusual little creatures running around has been growing recently in small rural areas. Local authorities say that investigations into these reports have revealed nothing and that they suspect a prank that may have started on the internet is to blame."
August 3rd, 2013
"An unusual new video has been making the rounds on the internet recently of a strange jelly like creature hanging off and following a young man around. The video comes from Dongguan, China and has many viewers scratching their heads, we've brought a special guest who has many years of experience with CGI and special effects and who claims that the video is fake. Find out who our guest is and why they think the video is fake this evening at 5."
February 26th, 2014
"Disturbing news today as new security footage reveals what caused the death of four animal control professionals. The quality of the footage and the position of the camera makes it difficult to make out what happens exactly, but it appears that moments after animal control corner the creature that had broken into the supermarket late Thursday night, a cloudy residue can be seen leaving the creature and seconds later the four young victims fall to the ground motionless."
April 9th, 2014
"Tonight we have Reverend Coal with us who believes he can shed some light on the growing number of attacks and appearances of these unusual creatures that have scientists world wide, absolutely baffled." - "Yes Thank you, we cannot rely on the word of science to reveal the mysteries of these creatures, because by their very nature they transcend science. We've been saying it for years and finally our proof, the fruits of our faith is before you. These creatures are demons and their appearance marks the beginning of the end times!" - "Let me interrupt you real quick Reverend, I'm sorry but doesn't that seem a bit far-fetched?" - "If I had told you a year ago, that a creature only knee high could kill three adult men and one adult women without even touching them, you'd have said that be far-fetched too would you not? What of the story of the young man in Russia, he was viciously attacked by one of these creatures and lost his left hand to it in one bite! You could expect that type of damage from a shark, but a knee high creature? The fact of the matter is, that these creatures are not related to any animals we know of and we have yet to come across any two of-of these demons that look exactly like one another. I tell you, these are not animals, these are demons!"
May 7th, 2014
"Tonight we have another guest with us to speak about the demons and Reverend Coal's remarks last month on our show as well as the quickly growing international movement that has been gathering in response to the Reverend's recent television appearances and talk rallies. The world's leading expert on animal behavioural science with over 20 years of experience as a Zoologist, Professor Xen Ming." - "Thank you for having me on, to get straight to the point; Reverend Coal's remarks are absolutely detrimental to discovering what these creatures are. The Reverend's speech about the end times and demons has only served to worsen the situation with these creatures when we should be looking at ways to study them." - "And your view of the exponentially growing number of attacks?" - "Attacks? Even a cursory glance at the footage collected can show that these creatures were giving warning signs, they were defending themselves." - "So you call fifteen dead and over thirty injured people, world wide, defence?" - "Yes, when we demonize these creatures we paint a false dichotomy of it's either us or them. It is no surprise people are going to attack these creatures, likely in a hope that it will leave and wont come back." - "So what do you propose then Xen? We let them have free reign to our food? Let them waltz into our homes and do what ever they want?" - "No, of course not. But shouting monster and grabbing your pitch forks will only bring us more harm. How about we stop looking at these creatures as 'demons' and start looking at them as animals, how about we put aside our emotions and start looking for a solution that will help both us and these creatures progress forward."
Growth-Spurts of a DEMON
Welcome to G.S.D. a slow pace slice of life sandbox RP based around little creatures known as 'Demons'. The origin of these creatures changes from demon to demon, but depending on their individual aspects, abilities and appearances, they can often have fairly humble beginnings. Despite their name, they are often naturally extremely docile and gentle little creatures, they just happen to get scared pretty easily when they're alone. The ultimate goal of a demon is to find it's partner, usually a person who played some part in the demons birth. These little critters will search their entire lives until they find the one that resonates with them on a level that we humans can't seem to understand.
Now, it'd be wrong for me to say that all of the demons are completely gentle, as they have an unusual knack of tacking on some of the positive and negative traits of their creator and expressing them to slight extremes at times. That means if a demon owner has an anger problem, you might want to keep an eye on his pet. Now demons aren't just mere pets in uncommon forms, they all have a particular theme to them and they exemplify unusual and amazing feats related to their theme. For example, a rose themed demon can manipulate roses and help them grow faster, they can also produce their own special seeds of types of roses that don't even exist! There is even rumour of a canine themed demon that is able to communicate with dogs and help make them smarter, some versions of the rumour even suggests that prolonged time spent with this demon has changed the markings and colour of some of the dogs fur as well as made them bigger.
But owning a demon isn't all sunshine and lollipops, besides the fact that they take on some negative traits of the owner, they're also ostracised in many parts of the world and especially amongst specific religious congregations. Despite the positive progress in regards to the demons in many areas of the world, thanks to people like Professor Xen Ming, typically an unsupervised demon will be apprehended quite quickly and violently to prevent civil harm. Not to mention the rumours of demons belonging to greedy, angry people being used in illegal underground fighting competitions. Reverend Coal also remains quite a popular, vocal figure in regards to the creatures, it is his fault that they have come to be known as demons after all. However, there has still been progress made for demon rights as well as understand these creatures, in fact one bacteria based demon has helped produce all kinds of new revolutionary medicine, though they're still under trial and research.
The sandbox of this RP is a little town that goes by the name of 'Glis', Glis is a medium size rural town who's main export is wood and agricultural goods. Glis was one of the first towns to start having demons around openly, as a few demons in particular owned by local labourers and agricultural works found that working with their demons produce more bountiful harvest more frequently. The local logging industry has also boomed due to enhanced tree growth. Glis is the first town in the world to enlist demons and their owners as both workers and even offer the owner of a demon an extra stipend with the condition it is used primarily for the care of the demon.
Regardless, there are still many in Glis who express anger or fear towards these creatures, but typical attitude as grown to accept the idea that demons will be seen out and about with their owners. If nothing less, some justify it as more of an acceptance to allowing them to work, since their large contribution has become an irrefutable fact.
The city of Wistoh is only an hour from Glis and is a rather large, bustling metropolis of commerce and culture. Most of the agricultural goods sold in Glis goes to Wistoh supermarkets and restaurants while a portion of Glis' timber goes to Wistoh's industrial zones. Demons aren't quite as accepted in Wistoh as they are in Glis and often people seen wondering around with demons are assumed to be 'country bumpkins' from Glis.
The following is a list of note-worthy locations in Glis.
Other basic industries you'd find in a town exist also. The above are just the most note worthy features of Glis, it is worth mentioning that Glis has only one library and it's collection is relatively small. Glis also lacks anything resembling a shopping mall and only has one supermarket.
- Ryuts College - A prestigious boarding school nearly on par with the most expensive schools in Wistoh. Many students from surrounding towns and cities attend this college. It is said that a very wealthy business man who owns much of the timber industry in Glis funds the school privately as an incentive to help Glis grow. The school offers undergraduate level degrees in certain fields for students who have graduated from year 12 there.
- Vull Caf - One of the three competing cafes of Glis, they serve as one of the rare tourist locations. Vull Caf takes an urban casual style to their appearance and menu.
- C-Net - Another of the three competing cafes, C-Net is an internet cafe with a heavy emphasis on convenience.
- Demon Cafe - A demon friendly business with a Coffea themed demon who helps produce exclusive organic coffee bean types grown by the store. Though it's pretty much consensus they have a lot of practice and trial and error ahead of them before their exclusive coffee beans become the dominant feature of their cafe.
- Parks - Glis has several large parks along the border of the town where large trees grow, the parks are designated as off limits to the local timber industry.
Other basic industries you'd find in a town exist also. The above are just the most note worthy features of Glis, it is worth mentioning that Glis has only one library and it's collection is relatively small. Glis also lacks anything resembling a shopping mall and only has one supermarket.
Character Sheet
[b]Negative Traits:[/b]
[b]Positive Traits:[/b]
Demon Sheet
[b]Exp. Negative Traits:[/b]
[b]Exp. Positive Traits:[/b]
Key: [Exp. Negative/Positive Traits] - Means to what extent does the demon have negative trait and positive trait of the owner. For example, if your negative trait is that you have a bit of a temper, then type down how this is expressed through your demon in the Exp. Negative Traits: section, whether it be that the demon can get angry at others too easily and become stand-offish or maybe they have a violent fit at somewhat minor offences. Ect.
[Birth] - How did the demon originate? Often the case for plan based demons, they were planted and grew extremely quickly underground, over a period of a month or two. Animal themed demons could originate from deceased pets or pre-existing juvanile animals could become demons when fed/cared for by a person. This can also be the case for animals that hatch from eggs. If you cannot think of a method that you're happy with, merely write 'Unknown' and add a sentence or two about how the demon came to you.

It was raining the night of October First, 1857. A man runs down the street, the paper in his hand. The London Times. Across the headline it said; MURDER! THE 11TH IN A STRING OF MURDERS! The man knew that he shouldn't be out this late. He stopped to check the time on his silver line pocket watch. 11:26. "Where had the time gone?" the man thought to himself. "I should be in bed with my wife." He rushed down the lane, only a few blocks away from his house, 21st Pudding Lane. As he saw his house, he slowed his pace. Suddenly, a Laugh was heard though the air. The man stopped "W-who's There??" he shouted. The Laugher only got more intense. And then... The man was killed.
The next morning, The man was found, sitting down. his head had been cut off, replaced with a pumpkin with a smile carved into it. In the man's hand was a note addressed to Scotland Yard. It read...
Let The Game Begin
I am looking for four detectives and one murderer.
Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil
Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil
The Detectives
1. The Famous Detective;
The Best Detective around. He/She has been following this murderer for weeks now.
Rules for The Famous Detective;
Read the Murder scene. The Murderer (and me) will write this together, in mass detail, so you can pick and pull at everything you need. Take anything you think that might be of value.
Try to tell the group what do, sense you are the best at what you do. It's up to them to listen or not.
Witnesses. Try to ask questions to any or all of them, what ever you seem fit. Some may not talk.
2. The Fighter;
A Grand Fighter. You have a bone to pick with the murderer, and nothing will get in your way.
Rules for The Fighter:
Witnesses. Anyone could be the murderer. If the wont talk, offer to beat the snot out of them for the answer. Some witnesses might come clean to things they have done.
In a Fight/ Chase situation, you can take charge. This is what your best at after all.
You do what you want. You may listen to the Famous Detective, but you don't have to.
Trust no one. Anyone may be working for the murderer.
3. The Spiritual Medium;
The best witness is the one who was killed him/herself.
Rules for The Spiritual Medium:
If you would like to talk to the dead, make a post that establishes that. The Dead will appear only to you, so you might want to tell the others. or keep the info to your self.
Listen and work with the Famous Detective, as he knows what he's doing.
Understand the Fighter, as you may have lost your own family member to the Murderer too. (if you want.)
4. The Researcher;
The one who takes the info and processes it into workable data. You are obliviously the smartest.
Rules for the Researcher:
Analyze what The Famous Detective found. It might be important, it may not. (I'll give the result)
Listen to The Spiritual Medium, the Evidence might be important.
The Fighter has almost no use to you.
And Now... The Murderer.
Rules for The Murder:
You (and me) will create murder scene. Try to create as much detail as possible. Leave a few (or more) clues. You are playing a game with them, so remember that.
You may make your self seen at any time you choose, but the objective is to not be caught.
I am allowing ONE super-natural ability. It may not be over-powered.
So, who's ready to play A Murderer's Game?
A roleplay set in the Ar Tonelico setting (Ar Ciel). It's a post-apocalyptic setting whose centerpiece is a massive tower/reality-warping supercomputer called Ar Tonelico, with the rest of the planet covered by a sea of plasma the Sea of Death.
So, while the setting isn't original, the interesting thing about the roleplay is the way the world works and how that factors into a roleplay format. Players can play a normal human, or a Reyvateil, which are a race of females with the ability to cast magic via singing (interfacing with Ar Tonelico). Their magic is potentially very strong, but takes time to cast, and Reyvateils are generally vulnerable when singing song magic, making protection necessary in combat.
Magic isn't obtained by your usual level-up, however, but instead, through a process known as 'Diving' where a human dives into a Reyvateil's mind (Cosmosphere) and resolve instances of metaphorical conflicts that reflect their real-life insecurities and mental scars. Diving is a fairly intimate process that requires mutual trust. In a successful dive, the Reyvateil walks away as a girl changed for the better (generally speaking, having your traumas and insecurities cured makes you a better person) and new song magic that usually reflects what happens in their mind/Cosmosphere. The Diver learns more of the Reyvateil; given a male diver, love spouting from this sort of relationship isn't exactly rare, nor frowned upon.
Now, that's enough exposition about the world. You might be thinking, "it's great for a 1x1 roleplay" and you're exactly right. However, the setting can also work in a normal roleplay. Since Diving sessions are inherently 1x1, it would be done through PM, and the GM manages the song magic that might came out from it (preventing instances of game-changing songs from being crafted). When a diving session is concluded, the entire excerpt may be posted in the OOC or edited into an IC post, preventing other players from missing out.
So, while the setting isn't original, the interesting thing about the roleplay is the way the world works and how that factors into a roleplay format. Players can play a normal human, or a Reyvateil, which are a race of females with the ability to cast magic via singing (interfacing with Ar Tonelico). Their magic is potentially very strong, but takes time to cast, and Reyvateils are generally vulnerable when singing song magic, making protection necessary in combat.
Magic isn't obtained by your usual level-up, however, but instead, through a process known as 'Diving' where a human dives into a Reyvateil's mind (Cosmosphere) and resolve instances of metaphorical conflicts that reflect their real-life insecurities and mental scars. Diving is a fairly intimate process that requires mutual trust. In a successful dive, the Reyvateil walks away as a girl changed for the better (generally speaking, having your traumas and insecurities cured makes you a better person) and new song magic that usually reflects what happens in their mind/Cosmosphere. The Diver learns more of the Reyvateil; given a male diver, love spouting from this sort of relationship isn't exactly rare, nor frowned upon.
Now, that's enough exposition about the world. You might be thinking, "it's great for a 1x1 roleplay" and you're exactly right. However, the setting can also work in a normal roleplay. Since Diving sessions are inherently 1x1, it would be done through PM, and the GM manages the song magic that might came out from it (preventing instances of game-changing songs from being crafted). When a diving session is concluded, the entire excerpt may be posted in the OOC or edited into an IC post, preventing other players from missing out.
A roleplay in a highschool setting. Or any setting, actually.
It revolves around a mobile phone game and the dice it gives as its rewards. You can roll dice and use the resulting number to upgrade your 'stats'. Making yourself more intelligent, athletic and maybe even possessing supernatural powers might be possible.
It revolves around a mobile phone game and the dice it gives as its rewards. You can roll dice and use the resulting number to upgrade your 'stats'. Making yourself more intelligent, athletic and maybe even possessing supernatural powers might be possible.

"Nil Satis Nisi Optimum"
Dear prospective students,
We at the Catalina International Academy for Young Men and Women are pleased to inform you of your acceptance into the 2016-17 World Exchange and Boarding program! Catalina Academy is famous for shaping some of the brightest minds in America, and indeed the world! Our students leave ready to look at the future in a way unique to Catalina alumni. Our board has determined that you posses the potential to express that same gift, along with a select few, and you have been chosen to learn about the world, and yourself, with the best and brightest.
Our emphasis on freedom and exploration makes us unlike other boarding schools, high schools and colleges, so the committee and I looked for much more than just grades and scores. Your creativity caught our eye, and we are glad you're ready to embrace your independence, delve deeper into your interests and the world around you, and discover what you love.
Each Catalina student makes a critical, personal contribution to campus and island life from day one, and we are excited to share the experience with you. Puerto Libre and the Libre Isle offers something completely new to everyone it touches, and through your schooling at Catalina, you will be able to experience the nature, culture, and community of our small island in a way few tourists are ever exposed to. You will be free to explore and learn more than we could teach you in a classroom.
Although a private school, Catalina Academy prides itself on it's numerous programs provided for free to students-- notoriously offered to students able to prove themselves worthy beyond a shadow of a doubt. You can now count yourself among the ranks of such students.
Included in this envelope are informational packets regarding Catalina Academy as well as some information regarding the Libre Isle, island culture, local business, activities and events you can take part in during the year, as well as general history of our lovely island of heaven. Also included is a prepaid Reply Form, to accept your admission and reserve your place in the Class of 2017. Our representatives will soon be contact you, as well as your school, in regards to transportation for you (as well as any personal effects), and transferring your credits.
Again, congratulations! We look forward to welcoming you in August!
With warmest regards,
Dr. Mary Beaulieu, Ph.D
Vice Principle, Assistant Dean, Head of Exchange Programs, Vice President for Academic Affairs


Catalina Academy was originally the 'Brillembourg Lighthouse Hotel' commissioned by business magnate and philanthropist Jack Brillembourg, one of the driving members of the islands business community. Mr. Brillembourg, despite being involved in countless other business ventures, personally managed his hotel, and ran it in a way to maximize profit as well as undercut other hotels on the island. The tourist industry was, and continues to be one of the islands biggest generators of revenue, and Mr. Brillembourg knew this. Constructed in 1944 as Mr. Brillembourg's first hotel, by 1956 he had put more than half of the hotels, by '60 he had all but monopolized the island's hotel industry, and he continues to do so today.
But in regard to his first hotel, the Brillembourg Lighthouse, something changed over the years, and for some reason, that still hasn't been completely explained, he had the school converted into a boarding school in 1978. The accepted theory is that Catalina, his late wife and a Spanish-Brazilian educator, inspire him to have the school opened with her death, although, the mysterious circumstances surrounding their relationship and her death make this hard to confirm.
What is known, though, is that in having the school opened, and handing educational control over to David Ochoa, the half-brother of the late Catalina, has ultimately resulted in one of, if not the most successful schools in the entire Caribbean, and one of the most uniquely personalized schools in the whole world.

*pictured, Catalina Academy and it's pool on an uncharacteristically clear night

*The exchange program is unique, in that, while you won't be separated from the other students of the Academy, you will all share the same classes and instructors, to help you build a repertoire with them and each other.
August: Beginning of school; local events
September: Ferry week; local events
October: School and local events
November: End of term tests; local events
December: No School; local events; Pirate and Puerto Libren cultural festival; Christmas
January: No School; local events; New Years; end of 'steam,' beginning of 'mist'
February: New term of school; local events; White Death day
March: School and local events
April: Finals; local events
May: End of classes; month of break; local events
June: No school; local events
July: Final days of exchange program; coincides with Sun Week; end of 'mist,' beginning of 'steam'
*subject to change
Absences are recognized for the following reasons:
1. Absences to participate in official campus activities (designated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs)
2. Absences for family or personal emergencies (designated by the Dean)
3. Absences for medical emergencies (discussed with instructor)
4. Absences for work or other of campus activities (discussed with instructor)

Puerto Libre is an archipelago located inside an atoll, the whole of which is known as Libre Isle. Puerto Libre is the largest island and is where the majority of the population and businesses reside. Home island, the third largest island in the Libre Isle, is rocky and mountainous, with only one permanent resident, being the person assigned to manage the Home Weather Station. The two, smaller islands to the south of Puerto Libre have no official names, scientists have determined that at one point, large amounts of people lived on the two islands, but some force either cause them all to leave, or, possibly, kill them all. Due to their similarity to Puerto Libre, they are known colloquially as 'mini Libre' or 'baby Libre.' The language of the previous inhabitants of the island is currently believed undecipherable.
The atoll, while colloquially known as 'Libre Atoll' is officially named 'Crescent Island', it is home to less than 5000 permanent residents, the majority of which are the Caribbean's most wealthy citizens. Businesses on Crescent Island are incredibly exclusive, with the only facilities being available to those who aren't extremely wealthy being the Libre Public Airport and the various ferrying and fishing services that exist on it's shore. Crescent Island is the only location in the Libre Isle not completely plagued by the notorious fog that the region is famous for, as such, satellite pictures have been taken of Crescent Island.

*pictured, parts of Crescent Island not obscured by fog from satellite
Ancient History -
The ancient history of the archipelago atoll known today as Puerto Libre is not well known. As the culture of the New World came to the Caribbean, The united citizens of the island that was known to them, translated, as the 'Soul of the World', would separate, traveling down different paths; either adapting and improving on European culture like Crescent Island, fighting and enslavement as the citizens of Home Island, isolation and defense as the people of western Puerto Libre or using political manipulation to remain independent as eastern Puerto Librens did, and disconnecting and disappearing altogether, as the citizens of the southern Islands did.
Western Puerto Libre is almost certainly abundant with culture and information regarding ancient Puerto Libre, but to this day, the jungles of the island remain wild and unexplored. Rumored to be protected by spirits, the plausible explanation is that the direct descendents of the original western Puerto Libren natives still practice tribal rituals, and can be heard warning off those who veer too close to their claimed reservation.
Like Cuba and Puerto Rico, the Libre Isle was 'discovered' in 1493. while culturally and religiously more advanced than the Taino people of their sister island, Puerto Rico, the pre-Columbian Librens lacked in physical resources. Contact with the Spaniards caused a rift in Puerto Libre, and it is thought this is the two most successful factions to stem from this, eastern Puerto Libre and Crescent Island, were able to avoid colonization altogether.
While a few documents from this era exist, most are believed to be fictitious or embellished religious texts, often depicting stories of legends and urban myths. No document exists from this time period acknowledging the fog that plagues the region today.
European Contact -
While other Caribbean islands were absorbed as European colonies, most of Puerto Libre managed to avoid this fate in several ways:
- It appears Crescent island managed to pool its resources, and temporarily become a kingdom it it's own right, quickly intermarrying with the most wealth and royal of European descent. Today most native citizens are probably more British, Dutch, French and Spanish than they are ethnic Libren, most are also probably directly descended from royalty.
- By entering into trade agreements with France, Portugal, England and Scotland, the united Eastern Puerto Libre avoided conflict in the most civil way possible, perhaps at the expense of the smaller islands in the isle.
- Western Puerto Libre hid, relying on religious fervor, guerrilla tactics and luck to fend off Europeans, as well as the people who were once their fellow islanders. They continue to do so today.
From this era is the first document discovered mentioning the fogs that characterize the island today..
United States associated state -
The first significant US presence around Puerto Libre was in 1890, as the Spanish-American war was brewing. Puerto Libre always remained independent from the US, but as war waged on, the US found an ally in Puerto Libre and found having a base on the island beneficial. This led to the reunification of the isle, at this point in history officially known as Puerto Libre or the Libre Isle. By 1914, the two entered into a free association deal, that gave US citizens incentive to move to the isle, and bring their businesses, and things have remained stable for the island as it grew into the new era. Never particularly isolated, but certainly always strongly independent.


Warm, foggy days ahead! But you probably already knew that! Near perfect visibility on eastern Puerto Libre, decreasing visibility as you head west...
...*sigh* it's always the same.
Crescent Island:*
- Libre Isle Public Airport
- Henry's Estates: The secretive cluster of mansions and businesses that take up most of the shore and north of Cresecent Island, there are things hidden here to those who aren't the top earners of the world.
-Various Ferry services lines along the western Crescent shore: Most Ferry's dock at some point along the Crescent shore, it's how travel between islands occurs, there are rivers on Puerto Libre to allow .
Eastern Puerto Libre:*
- Catalina Academy: Your new home for the year, you'll be living, sleeping and possibly eating, as well as taking most of your classes here. Campus is large and includes it's own library, pool, several eating areas, feilds as well as open areas to relax and talk, and it's own lighthouse.
- Seaside Sand n' Surf Shack: Despite the lengthy, non-culinary name, there really isn't a better choice for fast food, traditional Libren cuisine and a nice selection of international choices. Owned and managed by Lorona Kuchisake, the Shack is a local hub and often serves as the center for local events and meetings.
- Little America: A relatively new and failing restaurant, it is the only competition to the Shack.
- La Mona Cafe: A small pastry and coffee place within walkable distance of campus, upscale, with wide selections of strong coffee and Libren pastries. The elderly Nueva couple continue to run it.
- Cinema 8: The definitive hangout for Catalina students and all high schoolers nearby, Cinema 8 is famous for affectionately showing shitty B horror movies, as well as old black and white movies on the cheap.
-Fortuna's: Although the island is filled with small stands, shops and clubs and tourist groups obsessed with the supernatural, Fortuna of Fortuna's is different. She isn't a carnie fortune teller, her predictions, no matter how cryptic do tend to have some truth to them.
- Puerto Libre Elementary school: Potential part time jobs to be gotten here, if teaching small island children is your prerogative. It's principle, Evelyn Biez, is considered a community leader.
- Liberty! war memorials and museum: A complex of memorials and buildings piecing together the history of the Puerto Libre, they are short bus ride away from the Academy, and they may be looking for part time workers.
- The Tourist traps: A series of touristy businesses on the shore and mid-Puerto Libre, they are affectionately referred to as "the Tourist Traps" by locals. They are owned by various citizens of Crescent island.
- Plantains and Rum: A bit of a bus ride away, this bar serves to minors, and there's usually some rumor going around here.
- Puerto Libre Public Library: An old building run by old people, but in some cases, old is good.
- Puerto Libre General Hospital: Notoriously empty, part time jobs may be available here.
Western Puerto Libre (Darcs' Idea):*
- Mining, fishing, and deforesting businesses: These are more mid island than anything, but they certainly approach the west. Outside of the tourist industry and hospitality industry, these are the biggest money makers on Puerto Libre, most people don't know what it is that they're doing some of the thing done here for. But the elite on Cresecent island have to have a reason for it... right?
Home island:*
- Home Island Weather Station
Southern Islands*
- ???
*more to be added later/as discovered
**not definitive, feel free to suggest or ask about these
Crescent Island:*
- Libre Isle Public Airport
- Henry's Estates: The secretive cluster of mansions and businesses that take up most of the shore and north of Cresecent Island, there are things hidden here to those who aren't the top earners of the world.
-Various Ferry services lines along the western Crescent shore: Most Ferry's dock at some point along the Crescent shore, it's how travel between islands occurs, there are rivers on Puerto Libre to allow .
Eastern Puerto Libre:*
- Catalina Academy: Your new home for the year, you'll be living, sleeping and possibly eating, as well as taking most of your classes here. Campus is large and includes it's own library, pool, several eating areas, feilds as well as open areas to relax and talk, and it's own lighthouse.
- Seaside Sand n' Surf Shack: Despite the lengthy, non-culinary name, there really isn't a better choice for fast food, traditional Libren cuisine and a nice selection of international choices. Owned and managed by Lorona Kuchisake, the Shack is a local hub and often serves as the center for local events and meetings.
- Little America: A relatively new and failing restaurant, it is the only competition to the Shack.
- La Mona Cafe: A small pastry and coffee place within walkable distance of campus, upscale, with wide selections of strong coffee and Libren pastries. The elderly Nueva couple continue to run it.
- Cinema 8: The definitive hangout for Catalina students and all high schoolers nearby, Cinema 8 is famous for affectionately showing shitty B horror movies, as well as old black and white movies on the cheap.
-Fortuna's: Although the island is filled with small stands, shops and clubs and tourist groups obsessed with the supernatural, Fortuna of Fortuna's is different. She isn't a carnie fortune teller, her predictions, no matter how cryptic do tend to have some truth to them.
- Puerto Libre Elementary school: Potential part time jobs to be gotten here, if teaching small island children is your prerogative. It's principle, Evelyn Biez, is considered a community leader.
- Liberty! war memorials and museum: A complex of memorials and buildings piecing together the history of the Puerto Libre, they are short bus ride away from the Academy, and they may be looking for part time workers.
- The Tourist traps: A series of touristy businesses on the shore and mid-Puerto Libre, they are affectionately referred to as "the Tourist Traps" by locals. They are owned by various citizens of Crescent island.
- Plantains and Rum: A bit of a bus ride away, this bar serves to minors, and there's usually some rumor going around here.
- Puerto Libre Public Library: An old building run by old people, but in some cases, old is good.
- Puerto Libre General Hospital: Notoriously empty, part time jobs may be available here.
Western Puerto Libre (Darcs' Idea):*
- Mining, fishing, and deforesting businesses: These are more mid island than anything, but they certainly approach the west. Outside of the tourist industry and hospitality industry, these are the biggest money makers on Puerto Libre, most people don't know what it is that they're doing some of the thing done here for. But the elite on Cresecent island have to have a reason for it... right?
Home island:*
- Home Island Weather Station
Southern Islands*
- ???
*more to be added later/as discovered
**not definitive, feel free to suggest or ask about these
Greetings from Puerto Libre! is an RP about a group of students spending a year together in the fantastical mysterious Libre Isle. While pulling themes from Twin Peaks, Welcome to Night Vale, SMT: Persona and other works of fiction (and non-fiction), this is not a Twin Peaks fanfic, as much as it pains me to say, we won't get to have coffee and pie with Dale and Harry (;_;).
Genre wise, this plot is a supernatural mystery. I will be controlling most of the environment and NPC's you interact with as well as serving as your primary connection to the supernatural voices of the island (through PMs). You have autonomy over what you do with the information I give you; you can share it with your fellow students to forward progress in your search for the (reaching out to the) truth, you can try and solve the mystery on your own, you can say "fuck all that, I just want to do school," you could do something else, as long as you can reason why your character would do such a thing. Pretty much everything is a viable option. While definitely a "mystery," the investigation will only be what drives the plot, and this RP will be just as character driven as it is plot driven (that's the hope, anyway).
Mechanically, this RP will be a little different in two regards: more PMs (because scary visions) and less control over NPCs. I'm leaving this to mostly to your own to figure out though, like, if you ask a lunch lady for orange juice-- that's okay. Asking her if she was born on the 7th lunar solstice of the dark season and assuming an answer-- not so much. I realize that with having to wait for me to respond EVERY TIME you ask someone if they worship Satan can be frustrating, so I'm not going to raise a fuss over small posts like that, also, if it's convenient, I'm also open to collab posts and will try to respond to those requests as soon as possible.
Be it through rumor, news, or some other way. You have become aware of the recent string of disappearances on the island of Puerto Libre. Maybe it's information that you just put away into the back of your mind, barely considering, maybe you can't go to bed because you're so obsessed with this.
However it effects you on the surface, deep down, will all of your characters, it is eating at you, bothering you on a level you can't quite comprehend.
You aren't aware of how to make it go away, and you doubt your time at Catalina Academy will help much, but... maybe...

Character sheet +stuff!
Name: (obligatory)
Age: (How many times have you been around the sun?)
Gender: (male, female, both, neither, something else? Biological sex and what your character identifies as, if applicable)
Appearance: (Picture? Description? Both??? Realistic pictures preferred)
Personality: (What your character thinks of themselves and what they think other people think of themselves)
Your History: (A little bit of background on your character, can be kept general and short)
Why are you here?: (The Catalina Academy exchange program isn't the most prestigious in the world, but it is incredibly obscure, especially given that the specifics of applications submitted are left completely to the student. So how did you get in? What did you send in with your application? An essay? You singing? A lock of hair? Why did you apply for the program? How did you hear about it? These can be bullet points)
Faith: (What does your character truly cherish and believe in? Can be left blank)
Fear(s): (What is it your character fears most in this world? Can be left blank)
Astrological sign: (not required)
MBTI: (If you want to assign your character one, put it here; not required)
Other: (Anything extra you'd like to share about your character can go here; obviously not required)
Age: (How many times have you been around the sun?)
Gender: (male, female, both, neither, something else? Biological sex and what your character identifies as, if applicable)
Appearance: (Picture? Description? Both??? Realistic pictures preferred)
Personality: (What your character thinks of themselves and what they think other people think of themselves)
Your History: (A little bit of background on your character, can be kept general and short)
Why are you here?: (The Catalina Academy exchange program isn't the most prestigious in the world, but it is incredibly obscure, especially given that the specifics of applications submitted are left completely to the student. So how did you get in? What did you send in with your application? An essay? You singing? A lock of hair? Why did you apply for the program? How did you hear about it? These can be bullet points)
Faith: (What does your character truly cherish and believe in? Can be left blank)
Fear(s): (What is it your character fears most in this world? Can be left blank)
Astrological sign: (not required)
MBTI: (If you want to assign your character one, put it here; not required)
Other: (Anything extra you'd like to share about your character can go here; obviously not required)
Prologue post: (I'm not going to require this, but I would like to include a prologue for the opening post, and I think it'd be neat to see a small glimpse of characters before the events of the RP starts. Just a paragraph or two of your character doing... whatever... before they end up on the island. The RP will start with all the characters on a ferry from Crescent to Puerto Libre, so really any point before then works. A week before? Sure. You on the plane? Sure. Some memory from when you were 5? Why not!?)
And again, feel free to suggest/ask me things.
(information and characters will be added as discovered)
(information and characters will be added as discovered)
The Dean
Who IS the dean? No official documents give a name, and Mary handles all the work he should do, so where is he, what does he do? Does The Dean even exist?
Mary Beaulieu

Mary is they typical overworked subordinate. Jittery and skiddish, she handles virtually the day to day affairs as well as all non-day to day affairs.
Who IS the dean? No official documents give a name, and Mary handles all the work he should do, so where is he, what does he do? Does The Dean even exist?
Mary Beaulieu

Mary is they typical overworked subordinate. Jittery and skiddish, she handles virtually the day to day affairs as well as all non-day to day affairs.
Alex Olthuis

The enigmatic and completely gender neutral "voice of Puerto Libre," Alex provides social commentaries on island and world events, news updates, interviews with island citizens, and a variety of other radio based goods-- including music! Alex, despite funding, and personally hiring interns, has yet to be seen, and speculation on gender and appearance runs rampant among islanders. Either way, tune into 108.1 FM for updates, every hour on the hour!

The enigmatic and completely gender neutral "voice of Puerto Libre," Alex provides social commentaries on island and world events, news updates, interviews with island citizens, and a variety of other radio based goods-- including music! Alex, despite funding, and personally hiring interns, has yet to be seen, and speculation on gender and appearance runs rampant among islanders. Either way, tune into 108.1 FM for updates, every hour on the hour!
- Puerto Libre Elementary school
- Puerto Libre High school
- Seaside Sand n' Surf Shack
- Little America
- La Mona Cafe
- Cinema 8
- Liberty! war memorials and museum
- The Tourist traps
- Plantains and Rum
- Puerto Libre Public Library
- Puerto Libre General Hospital
- Puerto Libre High school
- Seaside Sand n' Surf Shack
- Little America
- La Mona Cafe
- Cinema 8
- Liberty! war memorials and museum
- The Tourist traps
- Plantains and Rum
- Puerto Libre Public Library
- Puerto Libre General Hospital

What exactly DOES Fortuna do? Her predictions are only accurate if you can accurately decipher the thick wordplay and riddles that go into making them, and besides that she does, what, magic? Yet she still ends up on TV... Whatever it is she does, she's doing it right.
- First United Church of Bokonism
Father Robert

What exactly DOES Fortuna do? Her predictions are only accurate if you can accurately decipher the thick wordplay and riddles that go into making them, and besides that she does, what, magic? Yet she still ends up on TV... Whatever it is she does, she's doing it right.
- First United Church of Bokonism
Father Robert
Jack Brillembourg

*Brillembourg (right) pictured during one of his rare public appearances.
A reclusive and enigmatic business leader of Puerto Libre, he is known for his brutal business practices and shady tactics. Although he has a stake in Henry's Estates, he lives in an isolated castle on southern Crescent. He keeps matters regarding his business very private, but he seems to be involved in a little bit of everything, including less-than-legal activities, with his primary source of revenue being the hotel industry of the island. Although it might be easy to paint him as an objectivist industrialist, his involvement in the creation of Catalina Academy and his donations to the school's of the island do seem to suggest he has some concern for the population of the island.
*Brillembourg (right) pictured during one of his rare public appearances.
A reclusive and enigmatic business leader of Puerto Libre, he is known for his brutal business practices and shady tactics. Although he has a stake in Henry's Estates, he lives in an isolated castle on southern Crescent. He keeps matters regarding his business very private, but he seems to be involved in a little bit of everything, including less-than-legal activities, with his primary source of revenue being the hotel industry of the island. Although it might be easy to paint him as an objectivist industrialist, his involvement in the creation of Catalina Academy and his donations to the school's of the island do seem to suggest he has some concern for the population of the island.
Weather Station Volunteer
It's rumored that members of the Puerto Libre scientific community annually draw straws to decide who gets this position. It's not a glamorous post, but the unique and otherworldly weather of the area demands constant attention.
It's rumored that members of the Puerto Libre scientific community annually draw straws to decide who gets this position. It's not a glamorous post, but the unique and otherworldly weather of the area demands constant attention.
I had this idea a while ago but I couldn't get it to work then (15 posts in before it ultimately died). It's failure was possibly due to my preference to being in a more advisory position as opposed to full GM.
It probably needs striping down and rewording, but I think the general premise of a NightVale/Twin Peaks scary Caribbean island, and a group of kids having paranormal adventures on that island, is a pretty good one.
(I'd totally like to be involved if someone actually DID manage to revive it.)
A Mixture of Watch Dogs and Gotham/Metropolis with the group playing the hackers in an attempt to clean up the city without the heroes there to help them be them underneath the notice of the heroes, the heroes not existing, or whatever be it. The group's objective being to take out higher ranking members of the crime syndicates since the justice system doesn't seem to want to.
Here's an idea that follows 3 storylines which are suppose to eventually converge.
It is called 'Alpha&Omega', and is a sci-fi roleplay set in the far future. The Alliance has occupied much of the galaxy and passes laws and regulations that allow them to maintain a strict hold over their domains. Then there's the Federation, who despise the Alliance and wish to remain independent, but they banded together once before to stand against the Alliance.
There's a planet called Corvais, and it is rich in resources and is very important because its system acts as a gateway to either side of space; it is like Constantinople/Istanbul in space. The Alliance and Federation fought over Corvais long ago in what is now known as the 'Corvais Wars'.
About 1/4th of the galaxy is known as 'Deadzone', which no one controls and is only partially explored. This is where thugs, slavers, gangsters, mercenaries, and other vile beings make their home.
The three stories are:
1. Omega Squad: Group of rag-tag bounty hunters, thugs, assassins, and criminals who try to stop 'something' in Deadzone. Custom characters.
2. Alpha Squad: Highly skilled advanced team of veterans. Colton is the squad leader, has a jetpack, likes to use pistols and assault rifles. Lex Stratus is a scout, is intelligent, and likes to use a semi-automatic scout rifle. Wolf is a mute and likes to use sniper rifles, but he's also an expert martial artist and collects knives. Finally, Rigs is the heavy weapons specialist and demolitionist.
3. A Council in the Alliance that tries to stave off a war between the Alliance and the Federation, debating and arguing with each other. They can call in their assets: Alpha Squad, to handle specific situations. They also hire Omega Squad to deal with matters within Deadzone. Whatever they agree on is what Omega Squad and Alpha Squad end up doing.
It is called 'Alpha&Omega', and is a sci-fi roleplay set in the far future. The Alliance has occupied much of the galaxy and passes laws and regulations that allow them to maintain a strict hold over their domains. Then there's the Federation, who despise the Alliance and wish to remain independent, but they banded together once before to stand against the Alliance.
There's a planet called Corvais, and it is rich in resources and is very important because its system acts as a gateway to either side of space; it is like Constantinople/Istanbul in space. The Alliance and Federation fought over Corvais long ago in what is now known as the 'Corvais Wars'.
About 1/4th of the galaxy is known as 'Deadzone', which no one controls and is only partially explored. This is where thugs, slavers, gangsters, mercenaries, and other vile beings make their home.
The three stories are:
1. Omega Squad: Group of rag-tag bounty hunters, thugs, assassins, and criminals who try to stop 'something' in Deadzone. Custom characters.
2. Alpha Squad: Highly skilled advanced team of veterans. Colton is the squad leader, has a jetpack, likes to use pistols and assault rifles. Lex Stratus is a scout, is intelligent, and likes to use a semi-automatic scout rifle. Wolf is a mute and likes to use sniper rifles, but he's also an expert martial artist and collects knives. Finally, Rigs is the heavy weapons specialist and demolitionist.
3. A Council in the Alliance that tries to stave off a war between the Alliance and the Federation, debating and arguing with each other. They can call in their assets: Alpha Squad, to handle specific situations. They also hire Omega Squad to deal with matters within Deadzone. Whatever they agree on is what Omega Squad and Alpha Squad end up doing.
I have an idea that isn't fully developed, It's called Kaiju Fighters
The idea is that it's like Attack on Titan, except it's a bunch of people taking down giant monsters that attack with variouse powers
If anyone wants to take it and develop it further that would be awesome! But I would request that you keep it casual or free
The idea is that it's like Attack on Titan, except it's a bunch of people taking down giant monsters that attack with variouse powers
If anyone wants to take it and develop it further that would be awesome! But I would request that you keep it casual or free
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