Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character Sheets:

Teacher Character Sheet
Superhero Alias:
Age: (25+)
Appearance: (Anime or IRL)
Mask Appearance:
Subject Teaching: (English, Maths, Science, P.E/Martial Arts, Power Extension)
History: (TBR if you really want to)

Student Character Sheet
Superhero Alias:
Age: (13-18)
Appearance: (Anime or IRL)
Mask Appearance:
History: (TBR if you really want to)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aquamarine “Aqua” Silverman

Superhero Alias:




(Less freckles though)

Aquakinesis-Water Manipulation. She has the ability to draw water from any water source, whether it is the air or a lake or some plants around her. She can bend the water to her will and cause it to change to any temperature

Mask Appearance:

Aqua is very much like her power. She tends to just go with the flow of anything, which is why it did not shock her much when she woke up with powers. In fact, she thought it was amazingly awesome. She is not a mean person, but she is very protective. She is also very loyal when it comes to friends. She tends to be very shy at first, but once you get her to open up, she is very excited and hyper. She is more of an introvert, but she switches between the two very quickly.

She does not talk about it much. All she really says is she had a normal life until the weeks while she was unconscious (so, TBR in the IC)

She holds a little cornucopia shaped vial on her hip that is filled with water, that way she is always prepared.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Asuu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Devon Ryder

Superhero Alias:



Devon is a pale young man, his skin having dropped a few shades whilst he was in his 'coma' state. In contrast, his hair is a deep black, along with his eyes. Due to his often insomniac fits, the areas around his eyes have darkened slightly; not by much, since he can still sleep sometimes, but just enough to be noticeable, and for it to be a staple point in his appearance. It's not enough for him to appear sickly, but in public, without his mask, it is enough for him to be picked out of the crowd, when combined with his over-all looks. His hair itself is rather messy and a bit long, but not by much; he doesn't like bothering with it that much. Long enough for him to pull it into a small ponytail when exercising, to keep it from matting in his eyes. His build is defined and compact, leanly muscular and sinewy, while his form, when shirtless, obviously has a few scars.

Umbrakinesis, or Shadow and Darkness Manipulation, in other words. It's just as it says; he has control over shadows, and darkness. Quite scary, huh?

Mask Appearance:
His...'mask' isn't really a mask...well, it is. Not really. Basically, whenever he wears his mask, it's basically him manipulation the shadows to constantly shroud his face in darkness, making for a really unique and mysterious appearance when combined with his hood up.

To be formed IC. I don't really like making a strict personality to start with.

Eh...it's not fun. Born to a- well, I'll spare you the edgy details. Basically, his father and mother weren't the best parents. Not the worst, not the best. His dad? A deadbeat loser. His mom? A hard-worker with a really bad gambling problem. Things happened, stuff got messed up, and after an argument that ended with his dad having a beer bottle broken over his skull, Devon was kicked out. He sorta drifted after that, pretty homeless, until the government found out and he was given a stipend. Cue him getting a rather crappy apartment, but at least it was an apartment. Not in the best of neighborhoods...but whatever. He's been going to his normal school, until that fateful day where he was put into the two-week coma. After that, everything sorta melded together.

It's pretty hard for him to sleep. Oh, and sometimes, when he's lonely and bored, he talks to shadow creatures.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Artemis Crawler
Superhero Alias: Ashen
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Power: Typhokinesis (Smoke Manipulation) - She can adapt air to turn into smoke and expand it, for use as camouflage, deoxygenation, and typhokinetic constructs (dense smoke particles becoming semi-solid)
Mask Appearance: In Image
Personality: Artemis is a quiet girl without friends at the school, mainly due to the fact that she is mute and can only talk by writing in the notepad she carries around. When she is wearing her mask she seems very dark and intimidating, and has a tendency to graffiti to externalize her emotions.
History: With noone to tell she has never had reason to share her past (TBR in IC)
Other: Mask has thermal imaging to see through her smoke. Pansexual.

Name: Jason Steel
Superhero Alias: Blank
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Power: Advanced Empathy - He can instinctively detect and change the strength of emotions or even make it the opposite, for example change someone feeling a deep melancholy to a strong sanguine state of mind. He can manipulate emotions to summarise.

Personality: Jason is an innocent, naive boy who is often smiling and seems and acts a lot younger than he is. He naturally gets along with people although many find his forward happy nature irritating, and is very hard to upset and never seems to take hints.
History: Jason's dad Riley always seemed to hide things from him and was always working at some CIA training academy teaching people so he never saw much of her, and his mum did her best to raise Jason but she was an emotional mess from the start. He patiently watched how she acted and by the time he was 7 Jason would be comforting her with logic and emotion, loving how he could change her from sad to happy with his words. Once the incident hit, he no longer even had to use words.

Name: Riley Steel
Superhero Alias: Warden
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Power: Mind-Sight (Can move field of vision up to 50 metres away from his eyes)
Mask Appearance:

Personality: Riley Steel is a genius under the charade of a simpleton. He can appear to be disorganized, distracted and sometimes absent-minded, but he is really very shrewd, cunning and a genius when it comes to organizing students. He is quite joking and friendly in classes but can be ruthless with his words at times, embarrassing students in front of others. He often gets very absorbed in what he is doing and often goes into famously long-winded and incredibly complex technical explanations.
Subject Teaching: Maths
History: To be formed IC as I can normally make it better once I form the character a bit more by roleplaying them
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Alexi Rayne
Superhero Alias: Stardust
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Power: Becomes nearly invisible in the darkness or shadows, having that said, Alexi can create a thick black mist around her and her enemies that act as shadows she can hide in.
Mask Appearance:
Personality: Alexi is a dark, gloomy character who suffers from manic depression and bi-polar disorder. As the for good or evil, Alexi stands a neutral super-being. Alexi doesn't talk much, unless she needs to, the only time she actually has a conversation is if shes talking to those she deems as friends or those she deems as pawns (Good-acquaintances). Being a victim of Manic depression she is either doing one of two things; beings constantly busy with anything she can find herself doing, or just being depressed and wanting nothing more than to die.
History: TBR
Other: Bisexual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mbarnes
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Maria Sky Hurston- called "Sky"

Superhero Alias: Rain

Age: Seventeen Years Old

Gender: Female


Power: Atmokinesis - Weather Manipulation

Mask Appearance:

Sky is quiet, preferring to hear rather than to be heard. She bottles all the emotions up inside, which is what oftens gets her in trouble the most. Her emotions often have a large impact on her control over the weather- when she's angry the weather will change into thundering storms, upset emotions turns into rain, and happiness turns into sunny days. Sky is sweet and shy. She doesn't enjoy crowds or attention, but loves to listen to others speak. Sky would give the world for the friends she does have and loves to make new ones.

Born to a rich family, Sky was given everything she could have ever wanted. A larger then life house, all the best toys- nothing was too good for her parents to buy her. Her life was turned upside down at twelve when she witnessed her parents rurally murdered through a closet door in an armed robbery gone wrong. At twelve, after witnessing her parents' murder, she was thrown into a foster home and placed in public high school. That was when all hell broke loose- the virus changed her life once again. She's struggling to adapt to this new life after barely being able to adapt to her previous one.

Other: Sky meditates often to try and control her emotions. She is pansexual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cecelia, Student

Superhero Alias: The Bunny Knight
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Above picture

Power: Transmutation - Can turn anything nonsentient she's touching into anything else she's seen for a short time (10 minutes max) (she can also revert things before the 10 minutes)

Mask Appearance:

Personality: Cecelia is happy-go-lucky and loves to make new friends. She's sociable, but shy. She's too shy to make the first move, but once she gets warmed up to that person, she's super-happy to the point of seeming hyperactive.

History: Cecelia has a dull home life, whith a dad who works most all day and a mom who spends all day cleaning and shopping. Cecelia is usually home alone, helping her mom, or at a friend's house in her free time. She loves having people around since she doesn't have much communication at home. When she learned about her ability to change objects into others, home life got a little more... interesting. Being home alone was easier because she could make temporary entertainment, and the more she concentrated on it, the longer it lasted.
After the viral incident, Cecelia went over to her friends' houses to play with powers. She was bored less often, and started doing arts and crafts more, eventually making a mask out of broken glass from her house. She colored the glass and started wearing it around the house. One night, her house was being robbed. Cecelia heard something happen, so she put on her mask, clutched her stuffed bunny to her chest, and went off to figure out what the noise was. When she saw the burgaler, she got scared, especially when she saw the gun. After a few seconds being frozen in place, she looked at Fluffy, the stuffed bunny, and focused. Once Fluffy was in the shape of a gun (to this day, Cecelia doesn't know if it was a real gun or just looked like one) she pointed it at the burgaler and threatened to shoot. He ran out, empty-handed, leaving Cecelia to go back to bed with the reformed Fluffy. Since then, she's occasionally been seen fighting crime, using her bunny as a weapon once transmutated. More often than not, she just comically drops an anvil on the evil-doer's head.

Other: And yes, she still carries Fluffy around. Even at school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

All accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Charles "Chuck" Flounder
Superhero Alias: Chimp
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Power: Adoptive Muscle Memory
Chuck has the ability to instantly learn anything he sees someone else do. This allows him to acquire
and store a vast array of skills ranging from freerunning to cross-stitching. This also means that if an
opponent uses a move against him once, he can recognize it if it is used again. He can only repeat
skills that are within the range of human ability, however, which means he won't be copying anyone
else's superpowers.

Personality: Self-confident and a little lazy, Chuck gets by with as little effort as he can. He is not very competitive, and pays no mind to
teasing or insults. He is very loyal to his parents, often bringing up "things his dad says" as a reason for his actions.
History: Prior to the incident, Chuck was a B-average student. He enjoyed learning, but his acquired knowledge was often too varied to be of
much use. His lack of motivation got him in trouble with many of his teachers, especially his PE instructor, but he was a personal
favorite of the principle, so he was never seriously punished.
Chuck loves his new powers, and now spends most of his free time watching and practicing all kinds of different skills, many with no
redeemable purpose. He still doesn't pay much attention in class, but a few minutes spent skimming through his textbook is usually
enough to get him an excellent grade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Charles "Chuck" Flounder
Superhero Alias: Chimp
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Power: Adoptive Muscle Memory
Chuck has the ability to instantly learn anything he sees someone else do. This allows him to acquire
and store a vast array of skills ranging from freerunning to cross-stitching. This also means that if an
opponent uses a move against him once, he can recognize it if it is used again. He can only repeat
skills that are within the range of human ability, however, which means he won't be copying anyone
else's superpowers.

Personality: Self-confident and a little lazy, Chuck gets by with as little effort as he can. He is not very competitive, and pays no mind to
teasing or insults. He is very loyal to his parents, often bringing up "things his dad says" as a reason for his actions.
History: Prior to the incident, Chuck was a B-average student. He enjoyed learning, but his acquired knowledge was often too varied to be of
much use. His lack of motivation got him in trouble with many of his teachers, especially his PE instructor, but he was a personal
favorite of the principle, so he was never seriously punished.
Chuck loves his new powers, and now spends most of his free time watching and practicing all kinds of different skills, many with no
redeemable purpose. He still doesn't pay much attention in class, but a few minutes spent skimming through his textbook is usually
enough to get him an excellent grade.

Looks good, accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So far so good @Pie Flavor
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


If you could adapt the history so the 'incident' had some effect that'd be great
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Jackdaw "Daw" Hira
Superhero Alias: Hellfire

Age: 13
Gender: Female

Power: Vampirism
Mask Appearance:

Personality: Daw is normally a sweet young girl. She is polite and innocent. She helps out other people in need. But Daw is only like this when people are around. When she isn't around other people her personality changes greatly. She becomes more dark and apathetic, emotionless. Alone she doesn't care about people.
History: Most of Jackdaw's past is all scrambled up. Her memories before age six are a huge mess and she has no memories of when she was six to when Daw was twelve. During those six years, Daw had been missing. She and a group of other kids had disappeared though Daw was the only one who returned alive. Though, she had many scars and wounds. After that Daw made sure to help people out when she was around people.

Other: Has scars under her clothes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@BlackCat Accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Nytem4re Looks good ^-^ Accepted!
@Pie Flavor Looks like you're done so accepted!
Once @Weird Tales gets his up we'll start
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by a0000000000
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aiden Jones

Superhero Alias
The Phoenix



Phoenix Physiology
Described in the above link, but he can't reincarnate and he's a weaker version of a Phoenix.
He can switch between Human, Phoenix and inbetween.

Mask Appearance


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So far so good, thanks for not going overboard with phoenix and wanting to be the original immortal rebirthing type phoenix
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