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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Critic
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The Critic New Wanderer In Town

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fallout: Den of Thieves

In the year 2077, the Great War rained it's atomic fire upon the world, leaving most of the world's population to die. Those that survived, did so in the enormous underground Vaults. These Vaults offered shelter to everyone lucky enough to be given the privilege of admittance. Though a good number of the Vaults had malfunctions, humanity has found a way to repopulate the devastated world. Mexico City, which had been a massive crime hub before the War, has returned to it's old traditions.

Mercenaries, scavengers, smugglers, cartels, even prostitution is present and more active than ever in what has been come to be known as Madman's Paradise by some. You have come looking for wealth, whether it's to keep yourself fed, buy bigger and better weapons, or even to get some alcohol or chems to drown your problems, all of which are more than available. Looking around the city, you notice the same fliers offering a chance at serving with a new mercenary band, as of yet unnamed.

This group would offer you shelter, food, protection, and a family in the harshness of the badlands of the Sierra Madre desert. It says to meet the man in charge, who is currently staying in the Swooning Cazador near the outer area of the city. It's up to you, but this could be a way out of living like... whatever you would call how you're living. But in the harshness of the wasteland, it feels safer having the protection of a family. And protection is important in the Sierra Madre, because war... War never changes.

Applications are available under this flier. If anyone should have more questions feel free to visit me and ask. I will look over all final applications for acceptance. Both soldiers and tactical thinkers are welcome. To turn in applications, simply bring them to me at the Swooning Cazador. I look forward to seeing your application for myself.
Warm regards,

Character Sheet



Age(Between 20 and 30):

Physical Description(Can use images or just describe, doesn't matter):

Bio(1-2 paragraphs at the most):

Weapon of Choice(No Rocket Launchers or Miniguns; they will probably be used throughout the story, but more as special weapons to use for certain tasks, not as a weapon to constantly use):

Armor(Anything similar to combat, raider, or leather armor; additions such as dusters are okay):

My Character Sheet

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago



Age(Between 20 and 30):

Physical Description(Can use images or just describe, doesn't matter):

Bio(1-2 paragraphs at the most):

Weapon of Choice(No Rocket Launchers or Miniguns; they will probably be used throughout the story, but more as special weapons to use for certain tasks, not as a weapon to constantly use):

Armor(Anything similar to combat, raider, or leather armor; additions such as dusters are okay):

Will finish or at least start tomorrow


also, why do we need to be between 20 and 30?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Critic
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The Critic New Wanderer In Town

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I said between 20 and 30 because I figured that would be the most realistic range that someone looking to hire people for a mercenary band would use. I'd say that the youngest, if proven to be skilled enough, could probably be 17, but 20-30 seemed like an optimum range for me. If you want something younger/older, keep it within reason. Also, thanks for adding the link in the Interest Check, I didn't even think about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 1 day ago


Could my charecter be older? Much much much much older?
I was planning on useing a ghoul OC I've used in the past.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Critic
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The Critic New Wanderer In Town

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

You could pm it to me and I can take a look at it. I wouldn't mind having a few ghouls. I didn't even think about that for whatever reason. Yay for stupidity on my part!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 1 day ago

I will once I get it written up! I never had an actual app for him since it was amine raft rp server so it wasn't essential to have.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Garry Gilbert

Race: Caucasian Ghoul

Age(Between 20 and 30): Born 2046. Not sure when the RP takes place.

Physical Description(Can use images or just describe, doesn't matter): Garry is your averge ghoul, faded blue eyes, sickly brown flesh and no nose. He lacks any kind of hair and is taller than most people standing at 6'10" but often appears smaller as he hunches quite a bit. One odd thing about his anatomy is that he still has pearly white teeth.

Bio(1-2 paragraphs at the most): (Sorry for how long it is)
Garry was born 2046 and grew up with a fairly normal life and family with nothing out of the ordinary. Garry wasn't the jock type growing up and got bullied quite a bit by those bigger and smaller than him but he tried to always keep an upbeat attitude whenever he could. Garry preferred to draw rather than do sports which also lead to some of his bullying growing up. Even though Garry would usually get a good beating from the bullies he would never not fight back which made him rather tough but not tough enough to get the bullies to stop bulling him. After final graduating from high school Garry decided to become a full time fire fighter due to his hatred of school and not wanting to go to college. Garry did this job all the way up to when the bombs dropped which he thought was the end for him.

But it was only the beginning.

After waking up in the ruins of his fire hall he quickly scrambled to get out using his fire-axe to cut away debris. He then saw to starting out his life in the irradiated wasteland of his home town of Las Vegas. Garry wandered for a long time meeting lots of people, but when he began to realize that he wasn't aging but instead starting to look like a zombie he realized that something changed him. He went to see a local doctor in a new settlement based out of Boston and the doctor told him that his same case had begun being seen since the bombs dropped but many cases have been reported lately. The doctor called it Ghoulification and basically said he wouldn't be dying of natural causes any time soon. At first Garry was crushed, knowing that the only way he was gonna die was by most likely some painful experience but then his chipper attitude kicked in and he realized he would be able to see the rebirth of mankind.

If he lived long enough that is.

As Garry's Ghoulification continued to fester making him look more grotesque and morbid, Garry continued to try to survive in the wastelands of America but after a few decades Garry began losing his memory. At first he thought it was the Ghoulification making him loose his memory and making him go feral like it had done to others with his condition but it turned out to actually be a irradiated tumour Garry's brain that made him forget a lot of things from his past and even things that he had heard a day prior. With this knowledge of his irradiated tumour, Garry reluctantly decided to continue to go about living his everyday life of scavenging and making caps anyway he could as he had no one to treat his condition. One day while scavenging in an old city Garry came upon a company of traders that were looking for a guard for their trading compound so Garry happily applied and got the job thanks to the fact that no one else had applied. Garry worked there for quite a long time but quit after finding out his employer was criminal in more ways than one after seeing him shoot a man before his eyes for doing nothing more than be intoxicated. One day while scavenging, Garry came upon a compound around a large hill and within the hill was an almost completely destroyed BoS bunker. It had been raided quite a bit but there was still quite a few thing inside such as a few micro fusion cells, some strange books and a few caps.

Eventually though Garry got this tumour taken out by a team of scientists and doctors that he had managed to befriend while on his travels. These scientists were border-line psychopaths as one of them had tried to kill Garry on multiple occasions (though not all of them were intentional) and they had used their own stash of F.E.V to transform a man into their personal super mutant lab rat. In the end though they turned out to be a very good ally to Garry and even gave Garry refuge on a few occasions. The first meeting of Garry and the scientists was a fairly normal one, Garry had been walking through a nearby trading post when he saw a man buying some supplies from the trader so Garry decided to say hi and thats how his friendship with the first scientist began. The first scientist who Garry knew as Oli introduced him to Han (the scientist that would attempt to kill him later on) and the person that Garry just called ’the other science guy’ due to him never actually bothering to learn his name as he didn’t see him very often. During Garry's recovery from having his tumour taken out Han, once again, tried to kill Garry via placing a piece of jagged metal in his head while it was split open from his surgery. This would have succeeded in killing Garry but Han decided against it for reasons still unknown to Garry. Now being able to remember just about everything he had done for the past few decades he began his journey in the wastelands once again watching the re-advancements of the human race.

Garry eventually decided it was time to go home so he bought a brahmin and used it to transport his stuff from his stash and bring it back to Nevada. After traveling around for another decade or so, Garry came back to his home town of Las Vegas, Nevada with the hopes of settling down and starting a new life but old habits die hard and soon he found himself perusing the adventures of mercenary work in Mexico City.

Weapon of Choice(No Rocket Launchers or Miniguns; they will probably be used throughout the story, but more as special weapons to use for certain tasks, not as a weapon to constantly use): Fire-axe and Laser-rifle

Armor(Anything similar to combat, raider, or leather armor; additions such as dusters are okay): He wears a mercenary vetran get up but the pants are replaced fire-fighter's pants.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Jackson Jones

Race: Human

Age: 25

Physical Description

Bio(1-2 paragraphs at the most): Jackson Jones was born a wrecker- meaning he Enjoyed going through old buildings and caves to look for tech that he could break down for the valuable or fix up nearly working tech and guns to sell on. He wasn't the strongest or best shot nor could he talk his way out of a sticky situation but what he could do well is open locked doors or by-pass security systems. Also spending as much time in radio active buildings and caves he has a slightly higher tolerance to Rad's.
His Father father was the one who showed him the ways and the skills that was needed to do this job. He showed him how to make RadX and rad-away from local plants, while these where not as strong as pre-war Supplies they was better than nothing.His mother from what he father would tell him was nothing but a whore and is where she belongs.
He is the key to get in and out of any building no matter how radiated. Use this skill as you will.
Weapon of Choice: Hunting Pistol (with scope) Hunting Shotgun and Flare gun (For those dark ruins)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Critic
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The Critic New Wanderer In Town

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@rocketrobie2 @Stitchblades You guys are approved. I'll move them over to the characters tab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

awesome!- i know my bio is short its been about 6 months since my last Rp and i forgot how to write! haha
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Critic
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The Critic New Wanderer In Town

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It's fine @Stitchblades, I haven't been on for a while either. I'd say we could go ahead and start the kind of introductions in a bit, I'm about halfway through school at the moment.

EDIT: And honestly, we should probably wait for at least another 2-4 people to join up before we do anything, three people isn't really much of a mercenary force. Dunno what I was thinking earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@The Critic would be best to wait - if needed i can always write up another CS sheet and run two characters
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Critic
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The Critic New Wanderer In Town

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

That could be an option if we don't get a lot of people. I'd wait a bit before we go to that though @Stitchblades
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Critic
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The Critic New Wanderer In Town

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I don't really want to keep you guys waiting @Stitchblades and @rocketrobie2. If you still want to make another CS and run two characters Stitch, that's fine. You don't have to if you don't want to though. If anything else, we could just have the characters meet up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Critic
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The Critic New Wanderer In Town

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bumping of the Bumps
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

M.E.P. Subject 002097

Human, Psyker


Physical Description
Mordecai is a lanky fellow, standing at 6'4 in height and at the most weights 130 pounds. He has shaggy pitch black hair the hangs down to the back of his neck. His skin is incredibly pale as if he has never been outside a day of his life. His eyes, or rather eye as he only has his right one, is a unsettling color of green and what should be the whites of his eye is actually pitch black.

Mordecai's beginnings are unusual even by the standards of the Wasteland, which is really saying something. In laymen's terms he was a science experiment for a bunch of brains in jars, if you want to be more specific that will take a bit more time. It all started in the large crater that the inhabitants of the Mojave call the Big Empty, but all of those who have ever entered that crater it is everything but empty. For the Big Empty is actually The Big Mountain Research and Development Center, a privately owned pre-War defense contractor and research center and home to some of the wildest and most inhuman experiments the Wastelands have ever seen. Big Mountain is controlled by a group of pre-war scientists who cheated death by placing themselves in high-tech robotic spheres and becoming a type of robobrain called Think Tanks. The Think Tanks conducted countless experiments, one of which was the Mental Enhancement Program or M.E.P. where they sought to increase the human brain power beyond what was thought previously possible.

This is where Mordecai comes in. Like all of the other subjects of the M.E.P. experiment he was the child of a pair of Lobotomites, the mindless humans that wander Big MT, and had spent his whole life at the facility as the equivalent of a human lab rat. But unlike the others he was the only successful member of the M.E.P. experiments, though not in the way the Think Tanks intended. Though he did develop amazing mental strength, developing an intellect on par with the Think Tanks themselves, he also gained psychic abilities. Though it was a unattended side effect the Think Tank wanted to try to reproduce this psychic development, but to do that they would have to kill and dissect Mordecai. You can imagine that he was not all for that plan, so with the help of a renegade Think Tank Mordecai managed to escape Big Mountain and has been wondering the Wastelands for the past few months.

Weapon of Choice
Mordecai is pretty crap when it comes to physically defending himself, he isn't strong enough to win a up close fight and when you only have one eye you aren't all to good at aiming so firearms are kind of out. Mordecai's real strength lays in his brain, literally. Though he is a master hacker, can repair almost any damaged weapon, and patch up some of the worst injuries what really keeps him alive in the wastes is the mere fact he is a Psyker. When you can lift things with your mind or mess with other people's brains you can kind of go with out gun.

Mordecai doesn't wear armor, he isn't strong enough so he would have to basically crawl if he wore any. So he makes do with a black hooded trench coat, a pair of black pants and boots, some black gloves, and his gas mask and eye patch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Critic
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The Critic New Wanderer In Town

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Accepted! Now that there's four of us, would you guys (@rocketrobie2, @Stitchblades, @Saarebas) be ready to get something moving? I feel like we can figure out something to do with four of us. Maybe we could have introductions or something, I dunno. What do you guys think?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

yeah go for it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Critic
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The Critic New Wanderer In Town

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll come up with something. I just want to make sure everyone else knows where're going to start before I put up the first IC.
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