I like this roleplay because I'm learning something.
I like this roleplay because I'm learning something.
Before you attempt to invoke a chlorine-iron fire, I think you should know some things.
1. It takes a LOT of heat to create an ignition (to the tune of around 250 degrees Celsius using pure chlorine and iron)
2. It usually only ignites if it's ferric chloride, which takes quite some time to properly dissolve and bond into.
3. It's less of a "fire" and more of a "immensely hot and sticky explosion of superheated gas".
If you're going to do what I think you're going to do, you're basically committing suicide. A cloud of ferric chlorine about the size of a lungful of air would expand quickly and become relatively combustion-inert, if horrendously toxic. If that cloud is contained in a small area and ignited, it's going to have something close to the expected effect and, as a result, kill everyone in the area.
If hemoglobin can't be broken up because it's a molecule, how do the radiation powers work? Radiation is usually caused by an unstable nucleus splitting into two smaller more stable nuclei, neutrons, and a lot of energy in multiple forms. Just curious, here, as Radiation wouldn't really affect me IC. :)