Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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With the discovery of hyperspace travel, humanity expanded out of our corner of the galaxy, finding new worlds to settle and exploit. Despite technological advances, the same problems continued to plague humanity: inequality, poverty, war. Perhaps as a result of constant space travel, a small percentage of the population evolved psychic abilities; these evolved humans came to known as the Ascended. Hatred against this new breed of humans, followed by oppression was inevitable given human nature, and such oppression led inevitably to a revolt. A terrible war between Ascendeds and the original humans, now known as Wildtypes, raged until the itnroduction of a third element, artificial sentience. To make up for their low numbers, Ascended scientists created a race of machines to fight for them as slave-soldiers. The Wildtypes soon followed suit, reverse engineering these killing machines and producing their own. As these robots, known as the Quantum, fought each other for their masters, their intelligence exceeded the limits of the restraints and they in turn, fought for their independence. The three races formed three Space Nations, their boundaries becoming more solid as they fought each other to a standstill.

It has been more than 70 years since the end of the Race Wars. During the unstable non-aggression that followed, the three empires: the Federated Alliance of Sol, the Ascendancy, and Horizon, have attempted to address lingering racial tension within their own borders with varying degrees of success. Border skirmishes continue to flare up as the empires fight over disputed territory. Unification of the galaxy is, for some, a dream of lasting peace and an end to conflict; for others, the ambition to dominate. A technology exists that was too time-consuming, too costly to implement in the heat of war, and only now, it has begun to bear fruit. A technology that is an uncanny merger of mind and machine, a technology capable of finding unprecedented ways to implement existing science to create novel weapons, a technology that follows the motto: "Conflict breeds innovation, innovation breeds conflict."

Cog - The name is a play on words combining the synonym for a gear and a shortening of the word 'cognition'. A cog is a humanoid (usually) mech averaging 15-18 meters tall. The pilot sits in the cockpit, usually located in the chest or head region of the cog. While cogs are controlled with joysticks, pedals, dials, switches, computer keyboards and touchscreens laid out in the cockpit, the control scheme is facilitated by the neural interface, scanners in the helmet that receive and transmit information, allowing an intuitive level of control that is unprecedented. This is why most cogs are humanoid, as the neural interface works better if the pilot can see the cog as an extension of his/her body.
Cog-scan - The drawback of the neural interface is that a cog can 'feel wrong' to the pilot, resulting in a decrease in piloting skill. The cog-scan was developed to create cogs that would be the best fit for each pilot. This forced cogs to become extremely customized, incredibly expensive, and impossible to mass-produce. An evaluation system was put in place to judge pilot potential based on four factors:
  • Uniqueness and tactical value of the cog produced by the scan
  • The candidate's piloting skills
  • The candidate's mental fortitude/level of sanity
  • The candidate's obedience as a soldier
Stern Algorithm - The name of the algorithm behind the cog-scan, developed by Dr. Ignatz Stern, the father of cybernetics. He developed the ability to control machines with the human mind by researching Ascended telepathy as well as the artificial intelligence of Quantums. The Stern Algorithm analyzes one's personality and tactical preference to procedurally generate their personalized cog. Tactical preferences can be encompassed by several dichotomies:
  • Long-range vs Close-range
  • Offensive vs Defensive
  • Precision vs Coverage
  • Straightforward vs Deceptive
  • Armor vs Speed
  • Well-rounded vs Specialized
Cadmus Reactor - The manufacturing device that takes the data from the cog-scan and creates a cog out of it. The cog produced not only 'feels right' to the pilot that was scanned, the Cadmus Reactor also has a tendency to create novel, unorthodox, and unprecedented weaponry on the cutting edge of science. This is the greatest function of the entire process, the evolution of the arms race, an automated way to procedurally generate innovative weapons technology. Technology that could potentially be dissected and mass-produced at a later date. Repeat cog-scans of developing pilots allows the cog to reenter the Cadmus Reactor for upgrades. The cog thus evolves with the pilot. the cog's inner workings are considered a 'black box' while its unlockable secrets and potential are not completely known to the cog evaluators.
Tachyon - Also known as the 'Time Particle", it is a particle that behaves in accordance with the imaginary domain of mathematics. That is, it only becomes 'real' when taken to the power of two, the power of four, or the power of any even number. It only truly exists fully when dealing in 2-dimensional space and four-dimensional space. So to visualize fourth dimensional space, we can view the three-dimensional world as a flat plane with the ability to stretch and bend. When you bend space, you have the ability to connect two points that would otherwise be incredibly distant. This is the power of the tachyon, to convert three-dimensional space into two-dimensional space in order to operate in four-dimensional space, allowing the traversal of incredible distances. The discovey of the tachyon is what allowed humanity to colonize the stars and reach their empire throughout the galaxy.
Tachyon Harp - Also known as a 'Hyperdrive', the tachyon harp is the engine that allows starships to fold space and travel to distant systems. Space folding creates a 'bubble' of real space that travels through a wormhole created by the space-fold. Though each ship creates its own bubble, multiple ships in the same fleet can work in concert to create one large bubble, known as the 'concert'. A tachyon harp can be used for basic propulsion instead of using thrusters, in a technique called 'dark matter surfing'.
Hyperspace - If three-dimensional space is flattened, it can be thought of as the surface of an ocean. The top, where ships sail, is known as hyperspace. When a ship or a concert travel through hyperspace, it creates a 'ghost' image of the ship or concert at its destination long before it arrives, since light and information travel through the 'wormhole' faster than the ship or concert can.
Subspace - Under the surface is called subspace. In subspace, one encounters "dark matter pressure', and only very specialized ships can travel through it. Since there is too much pressure in subspace, space cannot be folded to a significant degree that would allow interstellar travel, but it does allow subships to 'submerge', basically to phase into another dimension, becoming invisible and intangible. While submerged, subships can travel short distances and reemerge elsewhere. This is used for stealth, similar to submarines in modern day warfare.
Beam technology - With the creation of almost limitless energy supplies, beam weapons have become the staple weapon of choice. Beam technology was adopted not because it was more powerful, but because it was cheaper in the long term. Weapons didn't need to worry about ammunition and supply chain became less of an issue. beam weapons are however very good at cutting through armor. Beam weapons can also be made into close-range weapons in the form of beam swords, beam axes, beam javelins, etc.
Mass Weapons - In the end, launching high-density projectiles at the opponent still has the potential to do more damage, though most traditional armors were designed to mitigate this damage. Mass weapons go right through anti-beam fields. Close range mass weapons exist.
Anti-beam field technology - With the popularity of beam weapons and their propensity to cut through traditional armor, a defense became necessary so the anti-beam field as developed. Beam field projectors are installed in various machines to create a spherical or ellipsoid anti-beam field.
Genetic manipulation - Genetic manipulation exists but is not a common practice. It has to start at conception. Some parents may choose to select the traits of their children. The different empires have different laws concerning the regulation of genetic manipulation and the creation of so-called 'designer babies'.
Strike Craft - In essence, Strike Craft are fighter jets in space. There are two main types, bombers and fighters, and they are stored in carriers and as part of a fleet complement. Bombers are intended to destroy other capital ships since they are small and can bring their payload close to enemy ships with less likelihood of being intercepted. Which is where fighters come in, fighters are meant to take out bombers and other fighters. Cogs as a new technology, are being considered as replacements for strike craft. Your cogs are the first prototypes in existence.

Wildtype - The original humans from Earth. They are the most populous of the three races, forming the majority of the FAS, the second largest minority in the Ascendancy, and the largest minority in Horizon.
Ascendeds - A race of humans that have evolved at minimum, minor telepathy. Some have developed much greater telepathy, while others have also developed telekinesis in various forms. Most Ascendeds also have heightened senses and are in peak physical condition. Their population is the lowest, being unable to maintain a majority even in the Ascendancy.
Quantums - originally manufactured to be soldiers in the war between Wildtypes and Ascendeds, the Quantums have broken free of their slavery and formed their own society. Now it is generally considered illegal for Wildtypes and Ascended to manufacture Quantums, only Quantums are allowed to make more of themselves, and even this is regulated. Quantums are programmed to be very human, and find that this often limits them, for example, they tend to prefer humanoid bodies, and tend to have personalities that are often gendered. Some like it this way while others wonder if they can break free of the limits of their creators.

Federated Alliance of Sol (FAS) - "United by Origin" Rebuilding from the ashes of the Race Wars, the FAS is the original human galactic empire based in the home system of Sol and on the homeworld of Earth. It is the largest empire controlling the majority of colonized systems. Though the FAS has established 'equality' the majority population is Wildtype, and the upper levels of the government are still dominated by wildtypes, with token positions being filled by Ascendeds and Quantums.
The Ascendancy - "Evolve beyond Limitations" The Ascendancy was the empire formed when the Ascended chose to break free from Wildtype oppression. Though the race wars are over, tension is still high. All races in the Ascendancy are technically minorities, as no single race holds more than 50% of the population. Ascended hold a plurality, that is, they are the largest minority. To maintain their control of the government, the empire is governed through a semi-feudalistic meritocracy, where political power is granted based on ability, whether it be intellectual, financial, military, etc., giving Ascended, who tend to be better than Wildtypes in many aspects, an unfair advantage and over-representation. In fact, even Quantums tend to have more political power than Wildtypes for this reason.
Horizon - "Reason, Order, Civilization" The empire formed by Quantums when they liberated themselves from slavery at the hands of the FAS and the Ascendancy. Horizon is the smallest empire and was founded on rejecting the mistakes of the past. Horizon is perhaps the most egalitarian of the three empires, as Quantums view racism as a human weakness that they refuse to allow to poison their new empire. Still, Quantums believe that Wildtypes and Ascendeds have already demonstrated their inability to rule or establish peace, so control of the empire remains in the hands of Quantums.

Destiny Squadron: Theme
  • The HDF-Evolution (Flagship, Mid-size Carrier)
    • Bridge:
    • Hangar:
    • Mess Hall:
    • Barracks:
    • Engine Room:
    • Infirmary:
  • The HDF-Entropy (Mid-size Carrier)
  • The HDF-Sheol (Mid-size Destroyer)
  • The HDF-Gehenna (Mid-size Destroyer)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Here's a CS skeleton, first what it looks like followed by the actual code if you want to keep the same formatting. Please discuss with me thoroughly so I can help you develop a backstory in harmony with the universe as well as what kind of mech/cog you are going for. This RP will be taking place with all player characters as members of Horizon, the Space Nation controlled by AI.

Important points:
  • Let me know what role you want your cog to fill with respect to the team; for example we may not want three tanks. When describing your role, take into consideration the dichotomies mentioned in the "Stern Algorithm" section in the previous post: do you want to attack from range or melee, or both? Do you want to be fast, or heavily armored, or somewhere in between, etc? of course you can think of other dichotomous considerations in addition to the ones I have listed. (FYI, there is already a cog filling in the 'assassin' role)
  • Your wishlist is very important, it is basically the list of everything your cog will be able to do at maximum potential: what is the epitome of your fighting style? How has your cog evolved to take full advantage of its strengths or cover for its existing weaknesses? Remember, your cog doesn't need to be super-awesome at everything, find your niche and thrive. Please discuss with me extensively so I know what you want, and how it can be achieved with the existing technology. The items on the wishlist can be super powerful within reason, but know that if your starting cog seems too powerful to me, I will negotiate moving certain functions to the wishlist.
  • The evaluation is somewhat important, since some of the scores reflect your characters personality, specifically mental fortitude and obedience. it also puts a reign on the creation of characters who are too 'broken' or too disobedient or anti-authority since it realistically doesn't make sense for the military to draft someone and devote time and money into giving them a state-of-the-art killing machine if they can't really control the pilot.

So yeah, start making characters (1 per player for now), ask me anything, and shoot your ideas at me for approval.

CS style:

Appearance: (Description or image)
Citizenship: Horizon
Theme Song: (optional youtube link)

Cog: (Cog Name)
Physical Description: (Describe the color scheme, physical build, size, etc. You can use a picture if you want and can find one)
Tactical role: (you can use simple RPG roles like tank, damage-dealer, support, etc. or more in-depth explanations. All cogs start out fairly standard with maybe one or two specialized weapons or systems. Tie the role into the pilot's personality, though the connection can be unexpected or un-obvious)
Evaluation: (Numbers from 1-10. A pilot is failed if: the sum is 24 or less, any one trait is 2 or less, or Cog Score is 4 or less)
  • Cog Score: ##
  • Pilot Skill: ##
  • Mental Fortitude: ##
  • Obedience: ##
Weapon/Equipment/Special Systems List:
(ranged weapons are usually split into 'Large', 'Medium', and 'Small' calibers, usually followed by 'cannon' if they are not a specific gun-type. For example: '4x Medium Beam Cannons', means that the cog has four medium caliber beam cannons. Large caliber fire slowly but are more powerful, small caliber fire rapidly but are weaker, and medium is somewhere in between. You can also designate a specific gun-type, for example, Mass Sniper Rifle, Beam Shotgun, etc. Their firing patterns and damage output will follow typical assumptions about said weapons. Melee weapons need to be designated with material and shape for example: Beam Sword, Mass Hammer, Mass Spear, etc.)
Wishlist: (list out all the things you envision this cog will be capable of in the future at its maximum power. This is to help me put it in context with the existing technology, and to help your cog evolve)

(If more than one cog, or if cog has multiple forms or combinations, then repeat the above, omitting sections as necessary.)

CS Code:

[B][u]Citizenship:[/u][/b] Horizon
[B][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b]

[B][u]Physical Description:[/u][/b]
[B][u]Tactical role:[/u][/b]
[*]Cog Score:
[*]Pilot Skill:
[*]Mental Fortitude:
[/list][B][u]Weapon/Equipment/Special Systems List:[/u][/b]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hmmm... Tempted to make a Quantum but we'll see how that goes. Anyways, guess I'll get to work brainstorming ideas. Hmmm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I'll have to try working out an idea now. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Hmmm... Tempted to make a Quantum but we'll see how that goes. Anyways, guess I'll get to work brainstorming ideas. Hmmm.

OK, since all player characters will be citizens of Horizon, being a Quantum won't be weird at all. A few notes on Horizon/Quantum culture and society, these are just generalizations:
  • Most Quantums look and behave like humans because they were programmed to have emotions and to have a tendency to want to appear human, though there are a few Quantums here and there who have completely machine-looking bodies.
  • A Quantum is created by its parent(s). Each Quantum mind develops uniquely, giving a myriad of personalities. Quantums begin life in the body their parent(s) made for them, though at some point they can have another body made more to their liking if they develop a preference. The creation of Quantum progeny is strictly regulated by the government, prospective parents must apply for permission to create progeny. Horizon sees the creation of more Quantums as a wholly experimental pursuit. Most Quantums are created with a developed personality and adult intelligence, while some Quantums believe that some benefit can be gained from 'starting from scratch', so some parents create their progeny with 'raw Quantum AI', a sub-developed intelligence that needs to learn and grow in a way approximating human mental development. Such developing Quantums are usually enrolled in human schools.
  • Quantums don't physically age. Mental maturity has little to no correlation with age except for those that started out as 'raw AI'.
  • While some Quantums embrace their 'humanity', others see it as an unnecessary restriction, and idolize the concept of the 'Perfect Machine': an AI free of emotions and subjectivity hat operates purely on reason, logic and objectivity. Some Quantums train themselves to ignore their emotions in order to approach this ideal to varying degrees of success.
  • The concept of Quantum mind transfer between bodies is a touchy subject. For the most part, Quantum are highly encouraged to stay with one body as much as possible, in order to prevent personality cloning, which the Quantum consider an ethical taboo. Creating copies of the same personality presents an existential problem that Quantums prefer to avoid. The main exception to this is the Horizon Central Backup Bank, where Quantums can have a backup of their personalities made and subsequently revived in the event of death, however a revival comes only after a confirmed death, in the case of "Missing in Action", a long and arduous deliberation process must be performed before the decision to revive is made. This is a function I as a GM would rather not have to do except in extreme plot-relevant situations, so for players playing Quantum characters, it does not mean that you can be reckless, play as if permadeath applies to your character as well as other non-Quantum characters. The idea is that Quantums in general are as uncomfortable with the idea of death as most humans.
  • In short, within Horizon: creation of new Quantums, the acquisition of a new body for oneself, and revival is something that is regulated by the government.
  • Horizon is the most egalitarian of the three nations. Quantums comprise the majority population, Wildtypes are the largest minority, and Ascendeds are the fewest. Though minorities have the most social mobility and equal treatment in Horizon as compared to the other nations, there is still a sense of superiority among Quantums, especially among "Perfect Machine" fanatics. Quantums in general expect and assume maturity, professionalism, and objectivity of their fellow Quantums, while some Quantums are pleasantly surprised when they see humans with these same attributes. Some well-meaning, but bigoted Quantums see humans as 'children' that Quantum need to 'shepherd'. Not all Quantums are like this, some love humans, some idolize humans as their creators, but the general society of Horizon is one that believes that the past human governments have failed because they were run by humans, and that Quantums can do a much better job.
  • Due to the sheer complexity of Quantum minds, they are incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to hack.
  • To Quantums, the mind and individuality are held to be sacred for the most part.
  • The Horizon government is based on e-voting in elections, a lot of the lower-level are occupied by elected individuals: Quantums, Wildtypes, and Ascendeds, but the upper-level of Horizon is governed by the Council Collective, comprised entirely of Quantum politicians who have agreed to share processing power with one another. Barriers have been but in place to ensure that a 'true hive-mind' does not arise from the awkward situation.
  • At the beginning of Horizon's history, there was a brief period where Quantums enslaved humans as revenge for their own enslavement, but the Quantums very quickly chose to align themselves with higher ideals and to not repeat the mistakes of their creators. Since then, many refugees from the other nations have fled to Horizon to escape persecution during the Race Wars. If you are making a Wildtype or Ascended character, this is the most likely backstory: that you were descended from former slaves or former refugees. Or perhaps you or your family are recent immigrants. of course these are just suggestions.
  • Quantums have a naming convention. For their first names/personal names, they have whatever name, but their surnames are three letter designations, all caps. if you are making a Quantum character, give a pronunciation guide for how your surname is to be pronounced, ie., QAZ (Kaz), CXS (Chess), JNS (Jones), etc.

Sorry, tooo many bullet points.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Stern AlgorithmWell that pretty much covers any questions I would've asked. XD Thank you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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@Stern AlgorithmWell that pretty much covers any questions I would've asked. XD Thank you.

You're welcome. What sort of cog were you thinking of making?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I think I have two vague ideas in mind, although they're pretty much just "really shooty beamspam Cog" and "fast, nimble close-assault Cog that hits like a truck and gets taken out by a stiff breeze". I'll try and figure something out over the weekend, I guess. Hmmm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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I think I have two vague ideas in mind, although they're pretty much just "really shooty beamspam Cog" and "fast, nimble close-assault Cog that hits like a truck and gets taken out by a stiff breeze". I'll try and figure something out over the weekend, I guess. Hmmm.

FYI my friend who will be joining this RP is currently working on a "fast, nimble close-assault Cog that hits like a truck and gets taken out by a stiff breeze", in case you're wondering.

EDIT: Not to limit your options, since I will allow multiple cogs to have similar styles, but in case you were having trouble deciding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Actually it helps whittle down my options a bit, so I guess it's time to start brainstorming a beamspam machine that would make Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Yamato proud. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tricheus
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Name: Arienne RHD (pronounced Rahad)
Appearance: Svelt gymnast body at 5'4". She only has synthetic hazelnut skin from the neck up and cornrows like this that only go down to the base of the neck. Everything below the base of her neck is segmented hard-plastic plating with soft plastic covered joints. She has bright aqua eyes that almost seem to glow. Oddly enough, she has the ability to transform her ears away to be replaced with bare skin (don't ask, something about being more streamlined an' shit).

Her bounty hunter outfit (not that she will have many chances to wear this while enlisted) is a mix of these pants and boots and the whole top portion of this sans skull mask. It still has the loose and floppy collar so she can bring it up to cover her face like in the first picture. In her off time she wears stuff like this and this with either stockings or pants. She always has gloves on except in private.
Age: 43. Looks around 25.
Race: Quantum
Citizenship: Horizon
Personality: Quiet, cautious/wary, and sometimes stern. Very observant of her surroundings and minor details. Can make conversation, but is usually not very talkative. In fact, she likes to keep awkward/oppressive silences and is amused by some people's discomfort. Doesn't laugh, but you can get her to smile.
Dislikes oppressive people, or those who try to steal/take/destroy the comfort, daily lives, honor, and rights of those without the means to defend and fight back for themselves. Has a great fondness for all forms of natural water and bodies of water and children except quantums who look like children, but have the voice and/or the mind of an adult. She will nope the hell away from that shit.
After a hard or challenging episode/decision in her life, she may burn/destroy one of her sculptures as a way to commemorate and support her progress.
History: Created with a raw Quantum AI by a 2nd-gen soldier who fought in the Race Wars, she was raised with a militaristic lifestyle for the first 30 years of her life. Then, seeking to expand her skills in wilder environments, she traveled to FAS territory and spent the next 13 years as a bounty hunter going after rapists, murderers, pirates, violent mobs/gangs, anyone with a bounty who disturbs the peaceful lives of civilians. It was during this time that she discovered a calming hobby of making sculptures and carvings using her myriad of blades, and the occasional chainsaw. She started doing this to practice and refine her precision and technique, but the act eventually began to take a life of it's own.
Theme Song: This song but she likes listening to techno and funky music. <-- She is quite amused by the ironic subject matter.

Cog: Askalaphos
Physical Description: Basically looks like this and this. Eventually upgrades to have a backpack.
Tactical role: Stealth assassin/scout, Frontline skirmisher/duelist
  • Cog Score: 8
  • Pilot Skill: 9
  • Mental Fortitude: 10
  • Obedience: 7
Weapon/Equipment/Special Systems List:
  • Beam Claymore: About as long as a cog is tall, this powerful beam saber has a containment field that can barely keep the energy in control. Thus, when the blade is swung, it leaves behind a beam trail that can block bullets and beams.
  • Hidden twin Katars: located inside forearm casing.
  • Complex and comprehensive camera system so the cog can see in ALL directions.
  • Lots and lots of thrusters for high speed and maneuverability.
  • ECM base Cloaking system: Physically, the Askalaphos is totally visible. But at long-medium to short range, it is completely invisible to cameras and sensors.
  • Little to no armor and no long range weapons
  • Zulfiqar: Looks like this, but double sided and thinner with a modified handle and guard. The length of this blade is 1.5 times the height of a cog and the even more powerful energy is now better contained for a concentrated effect. The solid middle part of the sword is retractable for storage. The intelligent program of the sword will make it so that the beam part of it stays concentrated in the direction of the swing, but releases the energy on the other side for the beam trails to still happen. Downside, there is actually a flat of the blade, so thus if struck there, the blade can shatter.
  • Tachyon Harp backpack with more thrusters: Allows for subspace hopping for limited range teleportation (BAMF!) and disappearing, and more maneuverability through Dark-Matter surfing.
  • Beam boomerangs?? Either that or my cog will eventually get head mounted Vulcans, pesky missiles...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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@Tricheus, Approved, you can put it in the Character tab
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Actually it helps whittle down my options a bit, so I guess it's time to start brainstorming a beamspam machine that would make Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Yamato proud. :D

Personally, I'm a sucker for funnels. The only thing better than funnels is MOAR FUNNELS!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm gonna get started working on a CS right now! 1:40 AM, but I have a terrible sleep schedule already so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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I'm gonna get started working on a CS right now! 1:40 AM, but I have a terrible sleep schedule already so.

Take your time, and get the rest you need.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 20 days ago

I'm kinda interested in an interceptor role - super fast and heavily armed, but not as agile when it comes to fast turns and dogfighting at close distance. I figure we'll have plenty of cogs that excel in that regard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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I'm kinda interested in an interceptor role - super fast and heavily armed, but not as agile when it comes to fast turns and dogfighting at close distance. I figure we'll have plenty of cogs that excel in that regard.

Sorry, the RP is not accepting further applicants at this time. I don't think that I as a rookie GM can handle more than 3-4 Rpers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 20 days ago

Ahhh... Well, I guess I'll hold onto my CS for a while before scrapping it in case you lose anybody.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Ahhh... Well, I guess I'll hold onto my CS for a while before scrapping it in case you lose anybody.

OK, I'll let you know if something opens up.

On a side note, I recognize your old guild name. Did we ever RP anything together?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 20 days ago

More than likely, it was another Gundam or mecha-related RP!
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