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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Don't be fooled. I'm actually the devil in disguise" - William Cobb

- Name
William Cobb

- Alias

- Age
25 (Physically)

- Occupation
Security Guard at Wayne Enterprises

- Skills & Abilities
Accelerated Healing
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced):

- Equipment
Enhanced Talon Suit
Throwing Knives

- Personality & History

On a Knife Edge
William Cobb was born on October 10th 1901 to middle class family. Tragedy struck early on when his father died in an industrial accident when building a bridge for Cameron Kane. Unable to make ends meet, William and his mother fell into adversity. Resorting to petty theft, the young boy by chance crossed paths with a thief known as Miro Volkov. Taking pity on the little man, Miro brought him under his wing and into Haly’s Circus. His mother sadly passed a short time after, murdered by an unknown assailant. Miro taught William how to juggle and eventually this graduated to knives and the boy became the circus’s post popular knife thrower; all the while aiding Miro in his more and more spectacular heists. The two worked seeminglessly together, everything running like clockwork. They were living on a knife edge and life couldn’t have been better.

The Gray Son of Gotham
When he returned to Gotham City at the age of twenty, a large crowd applauded their hometown celebrity. One woman caught William’s eye though. Her name was Amelia. She was the daughter of one of Gotham's elite and an original child of Gotham. The two fell in love at first sight. The two began dating and they were happy together. They were two children in love. Little did they know, it was the beginning of the end, when it was revealed that while they were still dating, they were fooling around until the point marriage came up. One day when walking into her house, Amelia's father Burton Crowne asked to speak with Cobb. He told William that there are only two people in life (the rich and the poor), no room for grey. Burton had banned him from ever seeing Amelia again, but not before making her pregnant beforehand. Despondent, William told Miro whom in turn revealed a secret, he was an assassin and all the time they had been together, he had been training William to take his place. With that, Miro finally revealed his true colours. He offered the man a choice, get revenge on Burton and become the next Talon or Miro would kill Amelia and the unborn child. Taking option A – William and Miro broke into the Crowne estate and murdered Burton in his sleep. He then was ushered away in secret and began his training to become the Talon.

12 months later, William returned to Gotham and he broke back into Amelia's house. Stealing his then born son into the night. Outside of the house, he met Nathaniel, his boss at Haly’s Circus and handed him the baby, "Raise him in secret, Nathaniel...prepare him for my legacy. My son. The Gray Son of Gotham". This baby would become John Grayson's father, and his son, Dick Grayson's grandfather.

Night of Owls
Part of becoming a Talon meant giving up your mortality and becoming dependent on a substance known as Electrum. Kept in a form of stasis, a Talon is only revived when necessary. The stasis allowed William to keep is magnificent physical abilities as well as his youth even whilst the Court of Owls continue to change over the decades. Revived once again during the 21st century for a massive assault on Gotham, all the Talons were given targets to assassinate. William was given Bruce Wayne. Attacking Bruce in his home, William was not expecting the billionaire playboy to put up a fight. The two men battled for what felt like hours until finally the arrival of Bruce’s one time ward Dick Grayson turned the tides of the fight and Cobb was struck down. Imprisoned and interrogated in the Batcave, Cobb recognised Grayson’s eyes as the same as his beloved Amelia’s and put two and two together. When a large group of Talons began an assault on Wayne Manor, something stirred inside William and just as one of his brethren was about to strike Grayson down, the Talon intervened and helped Batman and Nightwing repel the attack. Rediscovering a code of honour he had long forgotten, William swore on the soul of Gotham that he would try to repent for his sins and he would do so in Amelia’s memory.

Last Owl Standing
Before his reform however, William had one last pressing bit of business. With his dependency on Electrum gone thanks to some genetic tampering by Batman, William returned to the Court and in one night, systematically slaughtered three quarters of the members there. Content that he had dealt a serious blow to the court that had corrupted him, William began training with Batman and his family, slowly coming around to their decree of “Justice. Not Vengeance”. Intent on transforming the Talon identity from one of fear to one of honour, William is now striking out on his own. The Last Owl standing.
Beware the Batman Family.
Watching all the time.
Protecting Gotham from their shadow perch.
Behind granite and lime.
They watch you at your hearth.
They watch you in your bed.
Speak not an evil word of them.
Or they’ll send the Talon for your head.

- William is the great grandfather of Dick Grayson.
- During his time as part of the Court he has killed a member (or several) from all of Gotham's founding families.
- He always carries a pocketwatch, the first item he ever stole

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“You need a good kick to the head, don’t you?”

Caroline “Carrie” Keene Kelley


13 (April 1st, 2002)

Student, Hamilton Hill High School

Skills & Abilities
Acrobatics – Given her neighborhood and history, Carrie has found skill in maintaining mobility in an urban environment through parkour movement which involves a constant of running, jumping, and climbing. This lends to a skill that allows her to get out of sticky situations such as when she was seemingly surrounded by a group of thugs to which she escaped by simply outmaneuvering them.

Fighting – A bit of a tomboy with a penchant to react aggressively due to the lack of a proper home life, Carrie in combination with her experience, intelligence, and agility is a capable fighter; particularly in her brand of street fighting. This is only accelerated by the more violent situations her neighborhood has been providing due to the constant increase of crime by street gangs and organized crime factions such as the one run by Edward Skeevers.

First Aid – Through a brief period with the Girl Scouts of America, Carrie learned how to do a variety of skills including basic first aid.

Intelligence – Noted by one of her teachers at her high school, Horace Westlake, Carrie is said to have a greater intelligence then she lets on with the likelihood of given her personality and home life lending it to not being desired or challenged in application. Despite her unapplied skills she maintains excellent grades in her classes without much effort which can be proven due to her early admittance to high school.

Investigation – Due to her intelligence and patience, Carrie has the tenacity to be a keen investigator. This is landed to her by perceptive skills. This assessment is fairly correct as Carrie has found herself in situations able to reason, and deduce a solution or answer quite efficiently and quickly. She was the first one among her friends group to discover that Harper Row’s father was working for Edward Skeevers and that “fever” had been running through her school by local street gangs.

Marksmanship – With thrown objects such as rocks and her slingshot, Carrie is a keen marksman.

MultilingualismSort of. Carrie Kelley is adept at the street language of The Bowery/East End area where terminology. It is perhaps the only language she currently knows but she has picked up quite a bit from her experience in High School within Spanish crowds and her own language class. Time will tell.

Stealth – Through trial and error as well as advice from her friend, Harper Row, Carrie has learned that in some scenarios it is best to keep her head low and be quiet. This is a skill learned only somewhat recently when she got involved with a small street gang briefly to find out who had been funneling drugs called “fever” into her community.

Collapsible Sling – Easily concealed, Carrie has in her possession a sturdy but cheap slingshot that can be mounted on the wrist with a few minor modifications which Carrie has already made given a few incidents that forced her to use the object in certain situations. In addition it seems to be particularly nostalgic for her, so whilst obtuse in combat scenarios she prizes it amongst her few items she owns.

Personality & History
Caroline Kelley was born in the Bowery of Gotham City to two unassuming lower class parents who initially found the birth of their daughter as a godsend despite of their rough financial situation with Mr. Kelley being a late night custodian at Ace Chemicals. Through a looking glass it would seem that Caroline would have an ordinary life in a lower income neighborhood; but then it must be reminded that the city she lived in was still very much Gotham and the neighborhood known as The Bowery was amongst the worst neighborhood for crime and drug trafficking, only being slightly better than East End and Chinatown. Truly this child’s life was doomed to be ridden with some degree of issue from the beginning— it was just a matter of time.

When she was six years old she met a girl named Cleo Starr who became fast friends with the red-headed tomboy, which only foreshadowed their relationship years later. It was her relationship with Cleo that allowed her to learn life skills in the Girl Scouts whom her friend’s mother was involved with when the time for the year came around to it despite the costs of living in the low wealth neighborhood of The Bowery, who saw it not only as an escape for the girls but important to their development. As the girls aged through elementary school it became evident that Carrie had a knack for causing trouble where trouble didn’t exist (a rare thing in the Bowery) and by the age of ten she had been in a small handful of skirmishes with boys and girls alike—though her parents didn’t care, which perhaps one of the reasons she found herself getting into trouble; this lack of parentage at home mixed with the toxic social environment of The Bowery. There was a learning experience in these physical altercations however as she found that boys tended to be stronger than her, which quickly made her realize she had to be faster than them.

Fast forward several ears later, Caroline is a freshman at Hamilton Hill High School in the same neighborhood she has been accustomed to—but a dangerous element has moved in—a street gang called “The Mutants” who have encroached on the territory of the “Demonz” which causes concern as Carrie’s small part of The Bowery finds itself in the middle of a gang war with a powerful drug called “Fever” thrown as an x-factor; an x-factor that gets her best friend thrown into the emergency room at Gotham General and between the years of vigilante influence and her own anger at the drug infiltrating not only her parents but her best friend, finds herself inspired to get to the bottom of things and somehow stop it before it destroys what she has left. Befriending Harper Row in the process of investigation into her high school and the Mutants influence amongst the students and some of the faculty. The next step into her solution would lead her towards a situation that was way too dangerous for her own good...

Carrie Kelley doesn’t have a vigilante alias, a costume, or an arsenal. She just knows someone has to figure something out.

Character Arcs
“Fever” – After infiltrating a small clique in her high school, Carrie has already deduced that the funneling of the drug is due to the influence of a relatively new gang by the name of “The Mutants” whose cheap production of the drug has cemented their power in the low income neighborhoods of Gotham that Carrie is from. Inspired by vigilantism efforts of various heroes she decides to continue her investigation for better or worse…

Kaye Daye – Friend with an interest in writing, fan of the Basil Karlo novels.
Cleo Starr – Best friend, initially Carrie's conscience and inspiration.
Harper Row – Acquaintance, student with aspiring skill in mechanical engineering.
Ruby Ryder – Friend, tended to get Carrie involved with the wrong crowds in middle school.

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"You thought I was just another bubble-headed blonde bimbo! Well, the joke's on you, 'cause I'm not even a real blonde!"

  • Name: Dr. Harleen Quinzel
  • Alias: Harley Quinn
  • Age: Mid-to-late twenties
  • Occupation: Community service
  • Skills & Abilities:

    • Skilled Combatant: Due to her previous career as a supervillain, Harleen is more than capable of holding her own in a fight. She's not at the same level as, say, Batman, but against most regular criminals she can easily come out on top.
    • Gymnastics: Harleen was a dedicated gymnast during her school days, to the point of being able to obtain a sports scholarship to university. Her skills haven't exactly waned since, which is handy for a former supervillain turned crimefighter.
    • Intelligence: Harleen is far more intelligent than her ditzy "dumb blonde" persona lets off, especially in the field of psychology. Many people have underestimated her in the past, only to find themselves outwitted by what they assumed to just be the Joker's crazy groupie.
    • Enhanced physical capabilities: Thanks to a serum administered to her by Poison Ivy, Harleen's physical strength is greater than her slight frame would imply. Not only that, but her agility reaches low levels of superhuman ability, which coupled with her gymnastic skills allow her to pull off death defying acts of acrobatics with the greatest of ease.
    • Toxin immunity: Again thanks to Poison Ivy's serum, Harleen possesses immunity to most known toxins and poisons.
  • Equipment: Old habits die hard, and thus Harley Quinn possesses several comedy-themed gadgets and weaponry, although due to her rehabilitation none of them are as deadly as the Joker's. In addition, she is often seen wielding an oversized wooden mallet.
  • Personality & History:

Mad Love

Harleen Quinzel grew up in a broken home. Her father was a con-artist who is still in jail for his crimes, his incarceration causing the rest of her family to grow more and more dysfunctional. In an attempt to try and understand and possibly help them, Harleen took an interest in psychology and soon after earning her degree she was given an internship at the (in)famous Arkham Asylum. And that is where she met... Him.

It wasn't like she hadn't heard of him before. He was Arkham's most famous patient, after all, a diabolical fiend whose very name instilled dread into the hearts of even the most hardened supercriminals. His true name unknown, his age unknown, his history unknown, he was the Clown Prince of Crime, the Harlequin of Hate, the Ace of Knaves... The Joker. Initially, Harleen was only drawn to him due to his infamy, and wished to discover the true root of his psychosis (and of course publish a treatise on it that would bring her great prestige and wealth). However, when she got the chance to analyze him, she slowly grew more and more obsessed, an obsession not helped by the Joker using his own brand of psychology against her, manipulating her emotions and feeding her lies and half-truths until Harleen eventually found herself falling in love with him. Soon, she had found herself secretly helping him escape the asylum on more than one occassion, and it was after he was returned to Arkham after one of these incidents that her slip into insanity was complete. For how could she possibly cope with seeing the one she loved like that, all beaten and bruised, severely injured in a battle with the Batman?


And so Harleen quit her job at Arkham in a most spectacular fashion: by donning a jester costume and staging a breakout for her beloved "Mistah J". And so the Joker found himself a sidekick of sorts, someone who would always stick by him and help with his schemes and marry him and have two beautiful children named- well, that's how the newly dubbed "Harley Quinn" saw it at least. The Joker... Didn't exactly reciprocate her affections. To him, she was at best a pawn that was far more easily manipulated than his other henchmen, and at worst a source of perpetual annoyance that he could at least use as a meatshield. The Joker would often emotionally and physically abuse Harley, and even tried to kill her on more than one occassion. Even though she always returned to him in the end, whether because he threw her out or she felt he'd gone too far on certain occassions Harley often left the Joker to strike out on her own. Not long after the first time this happened, she ended up teaming up with Pamela Isley, more commonly known by her supervillain alias Poison Ivy, who would quickly become her best friend and other main partner in crime. Indeed, Ivy cared a great deal for Harley (possibly even having romantic intentions of her own), something that served to cause a deep resentment towards the Joker in her, and which led her to administer a serum into Harley that granted her immunity to most known toxins as well as low-level superhuman physical capabilities. Whenever she had had enough with the Joker, Harley was always able to confide in Ivy, and for a long time the green-thumbed villainess was the only person who wasn't a psychotic clown that she truly cared about, and even during the times one or both of them were sent back to Arkham they always tried to keep in touch.

Rev up your Harley!

Eventually, however, the Joker went too far. It's not exactly known what he did, but whatever it was it led Harley to proclaim that he was no longer the man she'd fallen in love with. Not long afterwards, she turned herself over to the authorities, wishing to distance herself from her "puddin'" and at least try to rehabilitate herself. She'd long since realized she was mentally ill, after all, and although she'd occassionally tried to seek professional help she always ended up going back to the Joker. In fact, it was because of this that she was sent to an all-female prison rather than Arkham, as it was felt that seperating her from the root of her illness would probably help her treatment. And so for a few years she underwent psychological treatment and rehabilitation, and without the negative influence of the Joker hanging over her she made a startling recovery. Released early due to good behaviour and being a model prisoner, Harleen suddenly began to wonder what exactly to do with her life now that she'd (hopefully) lost her former reason to be. It wasn't long until she came to a revelation: if she really wanted to distance herself from the Joker, surely the best way would be to instead latch on to his greatest adversary, the Batman! Instead of being a force of madcap chaos and destruction, she would now be a dark avenger of the night! And so, once more, Harleen found herself slipping into that old harlequin costume, grabbing her trusty wooden mallet and heading out into the streets of Gotham, this time intending to only terrorize criminals and fight against injustice.

  • Character Impressions:
  • Story Arc: Well, she needs to confront Mistah J at some point, right? Harley would be left with the most important choice in her life: continue upon the path to redemption, or throw everything away to be with her puddin' once more?
  • Extra: Harleen keeps up a correspondence with Poison Ivy whenever Ivy is in Arkham, although she never gets to visit her for the obvious reason of needing to stay away from the source of her mental illness.

"Did you see the way I handled those creeps? Pow! Bam! Batgirl, eat your heart out!"
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Names have power. You fear mine. I want hers. And at least one of you is going to tell me."

Name: Kate Kane

Alias: Batwoman

Age: 21

Occupation: trust fund baby

Skills & Abilities

- advance military training
- firearms
- hand to hand combat
- interrogation
- stealth


- standard bat-gear (glide cape, batarangs, grapple gun, etc.)
- Batpod

Personality and History

Jacob and Gabi Kane had twins, Beth and Kate. Although, Kate would claim she's older albeit only by a few seconds. The two were identical in appearance, even their parents having a hard time telling them apart sometimes. But their personalities couldn't be more different. Beth was sweet and shy, while Kate was intense and hyper. The two always stuck together, inseparable since birth. Kate would often act as Beth's protector, since her meekness made her an easy target for bullies. In fact it seemed like Kate was always getting in a fight for one reason or another. But on their 6th birthday Kate failed to protect her sister. Her family was kidnapped by an unknown organization and held hostage. It is believed terrorists were after her father for military secrets. Kate's mother and sister were killed during the incident.

Dishonorably Discharged:
When she became of age Kate enrolled in West Point Academy like her parents. But her time there didn't last long. She was kicked out after it came to light that she had a relationship with another woman. She spent the next few months of her life lost in a daze. Her whole life she thought she would enlist and fight for something worth fighting for. Suddenly her clear vision of the future was engulfed in shadows. And it didn't help that her father wasn't so accepting of the situation.

Donning the Uniform:
During her dark days, Kate spent too much time and money on booze and in clubs. But one night in particular she decided to check out a club located in the dirtier side of Gotham, the side she rarely if ever visited. Before she even reached the club she saw someone getting mugged. The loser wannabe criminal with a knife didn't last long against her fashionable boots. She ended up stopping 3 attacks that night. It opened her eyes to the chaos and fear that has razed Gotham. Using her numerous military contacts, notably her "uncles", she spent the next two years traveling abroad and training. When she returned she was ready for war. She took on the symbol of the bat because she saw it as a uniform, to let people know she was one of the good guys. Kate never asked for permission from Batman, and she didn't care if she had it. Getting funds wasn't difficult since the Kane family owned the half of Gotham that the Waynes didn't.

The Batwoman:
Batwoman is the black sheep of the Bat-family, if you can even consider her a member. She is really only a bat in name and mask. Unlike other Bat-family members Batwoman wasn't inspired by Batman. The uniform was chosen so the cops knew not to shoot her and so the people knew they could trust her. Kate isn't in the loop with the rest of the Bat-family either. She doesn't have access to the cave, she doesn't know any of their identities, she's only met a few of them in person. All her gear and equipment are her own, she's a completely independent agent. Batman and her have an understanding. They're on the same side but try to stay out of each others' way, which can be difficult sometimes considering Batwoman's extreme methods. Kate is a soldier, and sometimes in war lives are lost.

Story Arc - The Twice Born Daughter
A mysterious string of kidnappings begin to plague Gotham just as the Gotham City Museum is robbed. The kidnappings all target women with the name "Kane", "Cain", or any variation thereof. But what baffles authorities is that all the perpetrators claim to have acted on their own, and there to no evidence to suggest any of them even know each other. Just what is causing all these people, with previously clean records, to commit the same crime?


- Favorite drink is red wine.
- She wears a wig as part of her disguise. Even the World's Greatest Detective fell for it the first time.
- Technically still closeted.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

- "The world is cruel. And the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased. Unprejudiced. Fair." – Two Face

- Name:
Harvey Dent

- Alias:
Two Face
White Knight
Big Bad Harv

- Age:

- Occupation:
Professional Criminal
Former District Attorney

- Skills & Abilities:
Hand to Hand Combat (Advanced)

- Equipment:
Double Headed Coin

- Personality & History:

Heads or Tails?
Harvey was born just south of Slaughter Swamp in Gotham City. During his childhood years, he was the son of a former cop named Harry Dent. The senior Dent frequently abused Harvey by using a coin to decide whether Harvey will go without a night of beating. Unbeknownst to Harvey at the time, the coin was double-headed, meaning that no matter which side it lands, it always results in his being beaten by his father. His father's status as a retired cop also prevented the proper authorities from stopping his child abuse. He eventually became an orphan after his parents were killed in a car accident. The abuse from his father, as well as the police's failure to stop it, gave him a deep hatred of corrupt cops, which led to his pursuing the DA job when he was older. These harsh surroundings resulted in Dent developing repressed mental illnesses of his own, such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Gotham’s White Knight
After attending Metropolis University and gaining his law degree, Harvey returned to Gotham with his new girlfriend Gilda and took a job with Internal Affairs. Finding an ally in Jim Gordon, the two men began to systematically wipe the corruption from the Gotham Police Department. Harvey’s good looks, charm and dedication earned him the nickname “Gotham’s White Knight”. Becoming a loyal friend of Bruce Wayne and a supporter of the Batman, Dent soon took his ambitions to new heights and set his sights on the DA’s position. The road to office was a rough and violent one. Several attempts were made on Harvey’s life all of which he narrowly escaped, lady luck was on his side.

Big Bad Harv
Once becoming the Gotham City District attorney, Harvey fought corruption and superstition to try to make his city liveable. He worked with the Batman against the growing number of masked lunatics and spectacular criminals. However, the case that killed him was when he prosecuted the McKillen sisters. Irish identical twins, they had come to Gotham to assist criminal activities by their extended families. While in prison, they were approached by a disguised Joker whom had decided to target Harvey with the goal of corrupting the incorruptible. The three then hatched a plan, with one of the sisters committing suicide and the other, Erin, escaping disguised as the body. Once free, Erin McKillen tracked Dent down, killed his wife and threw acid on half his face. In retaliation Harvey shot Erin before succumbing to his injuries. A twisted hospital visit from Joker led to all of Dent’s repressed emotions bubbling to the surface and his mind fracturing in two.

The Trial of Harvey Dent
Dent escaped from the hospital and descended into madness. He became obsessed with duality and opposites, and developed a second persona, the villainous Two-Face, to compliment the law & order obsessed Harvey Dent. Of all of Batman’s rogue’s, Two Face was the one that Bruce felt most responsible for as they were close friends. Bruce would never give up on Harvey and often was the one that paid for Dent’s rehabilitation. After years of being in and out of Arkham Asylum, Harvey has recently had his face fully reconstructed and completed his therapy sessions to put the rest the Big Bad Harv personality.

Now due to be released from prison, Dent is looking forward to making amends however things are about to go wrong and ironically, Harvey’s fate may be decided by a flip of a coin….

At one point, Harvey was under suspicion of being Batman.
Many have suspected that Harvey was the one that caused his parents car to crash or at least, Big Bad Harv was.
Harvey was once engaged to Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy) when they were in college.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I've been through a lot of crap in my life. If God truly exists, then he definetly dosen't love me. Can't blame him though, i haven't been exactly a good boy in my over 30 years of life. But one thing I can tell you for certain...i'm a survivor, and no matter what happends, i'll survive." - Ben Morrow

Name: Benjamin Morrow

Alias: Red line

Age: 34

- Mechanic;
- Part-time chauffeur;
- Street racer;
- Wheelman;
- Vigilante.

Skills & Abilities:
- Driver: Ben gained his driving skills through hard work and continous practice. Those driving skills owned him alot of money as well as respect on the streets.
- Mechanic: Due to the fact that Ben hanged around cars most of his life, he knows how to repair one very good. He can also detect what problem a vehicle might have without too much trouble.
- Mixed Martial Arts: Ben studied some MMA but only for self protection, he had no intention of making a career out of it. However he can hold his own in a fight.
- Cooking: Ben loves food and knows how to cook very well.

- Yamaha FZ6R bike;
- Combat knife;
- Kimber 1911 .45 ACP handgun customised with laser grips;
- three extra magazines for the gun;
- Lockpicking set;

Personality & History: Ben is a pretty calm & nice person that always does his best to get along with everyone he meets. Of course he can't get along with everyone so if he encounters any hard headed people that hold their own he prefers to ignore them. But even a guy like him has his issues. Ben can be very violent and hateful towards the criminals he chose to fight against, believing that prison is too good for them. The irony of all that is that Ben himself is involved in some illegal activities, but to him it's all about the money. He never made a career out of it. Greed is one of Ben's sins and also his most serious one. That's why he tries to balance that with fighting crime and protecting the innocent.

Ben was originally born in Metropolis. He had a big passion for cars and was always by his father's side when he was in the garage working at his car. Unfortunately his father died when he was a teenager and Ben's motther struggled to find a decent job as Ben himself tried to help her with whatever he could. Eventually, desperate to make money, Ben got into street racing by the time he was 20. He proved to be really talented and suuccesfull as he was winning race after race. His driving skills attracted the attention of gangster Joe Antonelli who hired him for some wheelman jobs. Impressed by Ben's good work Antonelli kept using him as his wheelman and regular driver too. By the tine he turned 30, Ben was still working for Antonelli but he became increasingly weary of all the illegalities he had to commit so he made up a costume, created a fake identity and started fighting crime and helping out innocent lives.

However a couple of months later he was discovered by Antonelli who did some investigating on him because of Ben's unusual behavior all of a sudden. As he confronted Ben, Antonelli pulled out a gun and attempted to shoot Ben who fought back as the two started struggling for the gun. In the end Ben survived as he grabbed Antonelli's gun and shot him twice in the chest. From that point forward Ben realised that it's time for him to leave Metropolis, moving to Gotham, hoping none of Antonelli's men and family will track him there. He contiinued fighting crime, and at the same time working as a wheelman for hire and even participating at street races from time to time. When it comes to normal jobs, Ben works as a mechanic at the car shop of a person he befriended when he first moved to Gotham and also works as a part-time chauffeur for Simon and Sienna West and their 8 year old son Jake. who own an impressive villa, an import-export company as well as a fat bank account. While performing his daily duties, Ben struggls to balance his crime fighting with the illegal things he just can't get rid of and not let either of them take the upper hand in his life which has become one big mess.

Story Arc: N/A

In Costume Appearance:
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