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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The Story So far:

We all know the story but do you know this one?; When Bruce Wayne was a young boy, he was forced to watch helplessly as a mugger named Joe Chill mercilessly gunned down his mother Martha Wayne in cold blood. This single act propelled her husband Thomas to pursue a career in crime fighting. Taking inspiration from his wife’s favourite animal and with the help of best friend and war veteran Alfred Pennyworth he became the first vigilante of Gotham, the first Batman. After the death of his father in a blaze at Wayne Manor, a now adult Bruce decided that the most effective means of avenging the death of his family, was by becoming a fearsome creature of the night and following in the steps of his father, and thus the true Batman was born.

For the first few years of his career, Batman operated alone, prowling the rooftops of Gotham City, but on one fateful evening, he watched history repeat itself. A gangster named Boss Zucco murdered John and Mary Grayson, leaving their young son, Dick, an orphan. Bruce Wayne took Dick in, and trained him in the ways of crime-fighting. Dick became the flamboyant Boy Wonder known as Robin. In the intervening years, history continued to repeat and Batman and Robin were joined by others from Gotham who had gone through various tragedy and had been stained with a mark of dark justice.

Through the urban decay of Gotham City, the once solitary Batman had now built a solid family of surrogate sons and daughters, a family with the goal of protecting innocent lives from the evil that seems entrenched in the gothic city ground.

The Short of it:

Don’t let the title fool you, this is sandbox/slice of life style story of set in modern Gotham. This rpg is about building a universe. THIS IS NOT A SUPERHERO RP. Although the Batman family is the focal point of this rpg, we are not here for smash, bang, kapow beat em up stuff. We are here to become emotionally invested in this new take on the Batman mythos. Of course there will be battles with everyone’s favourite villains but not all the time.

Imagine the setting as something akin to Arrow/The Flash or Gotham. I really like what DC is doing on tv right now by making it a believable world of heroes and villains. Superpowers exist, the Justice League and Young Justice exists but they aren’t all that common in Gotham City.

This rp is about a fresh take on set characters, so don’t feel like you need to stay true to every little bit of canon stuff from the comics. Maybe you’re an old villain trying to turn over a new leaf? A young hot head who wants to be a hero? Don’t feel restricted. I am open to anything. I would prefer that you choose a character from the comics and put your own spin on it but I am very accepting of OC’s.

There is no overarching plot, this is a sandbox game. That said this rp will have an episodic feature which we will use to bring the characters together for in game events. Not to say characters of course will interact over the course of the rp and be awesome together. The episodes are there to keep things exciting.

Still with me? Great so let’s see those CS!

(Everything below is fixed. Anything significant that appears in your CS or happens in the rp will be added as we progress)

Suggested Characters:

Character Sheet
- Appearance
- Quote
- Name
- Alias
- Age
- Occupation
- Skills & Abilities
- Equipment
- Personality & History
- Story Arc (Here I want you to give me a brief summary of a story you wish to do within the context of the rp)
- In Costume Appearance
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Question: So if Batman is off-world, who is Batman in his place? Dick? Tim? Jason? Oh GOD, let it be Jason Todd - he could do the whole bad cop/worse cop spiel with Damian.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Question: So if Batman is off-world, who is Batman in his place? Dick? Tim? Jason? Oh GOD, let it be Jason Todd - he could do the whole bad cop/worse cop spiel with Damian.

That's sooooo not a good look. Tim would have a mental breakdown and everyone else would just have a lingering suspicion Jason's going to kill someone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Question: So if Batman is off-world, who is Batman in his place? Dick? Tim? Jason? Oh GOD, let it be Jason Todd - he could do the whole bad cop/worse cop spiel with Damian.

At present there isn't one, just the family etc. It might be something we'll look at in the story.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Gowi>

At present there isn't one, just the family etc. It might be something we'll look at in the story.

Definitely something we should cover in Episode One!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Xtreme>

Definitely something we should cover in Episode One!

The Batcave, April 3rd, 2015.

Jason Todd: "So how about that weddi-oh god.....I'm really, really late for that, aren't I?"

Everyone: "That, and Bruce has been off world for a month..."

Jason Todd: "........My time has come......"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Putting this here until it's approved or in case I need to make changes.

Quote: "I have done all that has been asked of me! I control aspects of my upbringing that neither of you could begin to understand -- and I am dismissed -- by him -- as a threat to be monitored for some hidden agenda? It isn't fair"

Name Damian Wayne

Alias: Robin, Occasionally Ibn al Xu'ffasch

Age 12

Occupation: Middle Schooler, Vigilante

Skills & Abilities

Martial Arts-Damian has been trained to fight by the League of Assassins from an unhealthily young age and while his claims to be as skilled in the martial arts as Batman are entirely unfounded, a lifetime of training with the best tutors the League had to offer plus additional training from Batman within the last year or so have made him an exceptionally skilled martial artist for his age, whether unarmed or with weaponry. That said, his previous training as an assassin still constantly clashes with the Bat-Family's nonlethal methods and make him much less effective than he could be.

Master Swordsman-Though the full extent of his ability with swords is unclear, Damian claims to have studied swordsmanship directly under Ra's Al Ghul from the earliest part of his childhood, as well as under several lesser instructors throughout his time in the League. What is certain is that Damian has a strong affinity for swords, often expressing discomfort at lacking one and displaying a near encyclopedic knowledge regarding swords and swordsmanship. Even more concretely he has demonstrated proficiency in several styles of swordsmanship from various countries and time periods as well as ability to effectively wield two swords at once in combat despite the impractically high level of dexterity, strength and skill this would normally require.

Acrobatics-Damian's training with both the League and Batman included instruction in parkour and acrobatics to quickly maneuver through his environment as well as evade and outflank opponents. While not nearly as skilled as Dick Grayson he's still fairly capable of roof-hopping with all but the best in Gotham and dizzying common thugs with acrobatic feats mid-combat.

Investigation-As a result of his training with Batman, Damian has begun training in basic investigative techniques. However while training with the World's Greatest Detective and his own intelligence certainly give him a decent head-start, his arrogant attitude and impatience means he has a tendency to jump to conclusions without questioning his own deductions thoroughly enough, and he has yet even begin to mature as a detective.

Despite his inexperience as a detective, Damian's training with the League of Assassins means he is an excellent tracker capable of swiftly and accurately identifying and tracking targets whether in the urban sprawl of Gotham or in wilderness environments ranging from desert wastelands to dense jungles, though he can still be fooled by clever enough quarry.

Marskmanship-Damian has trained extensively with both Batman and the League in throwing shuriken, knives, darts and batarangs and is a skilled marksman with those and improvised throwing weapons. In addition he actually a highly skilled archer for his age thanks to both personal interest and training from the League, although he rarely uses a bow or arrows in his role as Robin.

Intelligence Damian is possessed of a genius-level intellect that could rival if not surpass that of his father given sufficient time and experience. He possesses a gift for memorization and mimicry that makes him a naturally fast learner, and thanks to an education meant to enable him to take over Ra's Al Ghul's criminal empire in every aspect, he was able to achieve things ranging from completing Bruce's designs for a flying Batmobile to successfully rooting out embezzlement and increasing profits within Wayne Enterprises after just a cursory examination of the company. Though he would never admit this is the case he still can't come close to rivaling his 'older sibling' Tim Drake in intellectual matters and his relative inexperience means he doesn't have the depth or sheer range of knowledge as his father.

Master of Stealth-Despite his insistence that he's naturally the best at everything, Damian may actually be the most talented of the Bat-Family when it comes to stealth , in part due to his small size and in part due to being raised from birth by a society of assassins. He was able to infiltrate the Batcave undetected before ever meeting Batman, and in the time since he has only become more skilled.


Robin suit and utility belt

Personality & History

Son of the Bat
Allegedly the result of a passionate night between Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne, Damian was the product of a long term plan of Ra's Al'Ghul formed in order to create a perfect tool and heir for his legacy after Bruce turned down his offers to take up the position himself rather forcefully on multiple occasions. The idea was to have not only a potential heir but also a source of leverage against The Batman in future attempts to convert him to Ra's way of thinking. To that end Talia seduced Bruce through questionable circumstances then hid away until Damian was born, concealing his existence and raising him within the League of Assassins.

Heir to the Demon
Damian was trained ruthlessly in the ways of the League of Assassins from nearly the time he could walk and instilled with the ideologies of Ra's Al Ghul almost as early. But outside of his training he was treated as a prince, the son of Ra's Al Ghul's favored heir if not the heir himself, showered with gifts, surrounded by servants and never wanting for anything his heart desired. As a result he took to his lessons and lifestyle within the League passionately, becoming arrogant, ruthless, accustomed to power and convinced he was on a righteous path. More than anything though, he idolized stories his mother told him of his father Bruce Wayne-The Batman a powerful warrior who punished the wicked and would someday join him and his mother in saving the world. It wasn't until Talia revealed Damian's existence to Bruce and supposedly left him under his father's protection against the wishes of an increasingly unstable Ra's Al Ghul that he learned how different reality was from his dreams.

One of the Family
Since coming under his father's tutelage Damian earned the position of Robin mainly through stubbornness, sneaking out to "help" with Batman's nocturnal activities no matter how often he was denied the privilege. Over the past year or so he's struggled not only to be accepted by Bruce's inner circle but also with his own shift in identity and the former lack of rules in his life, especially his willingness to kill. Much of his former arrogance has been forcibly stripped from him, especially following Bruce's wedding to Selina which put nearly the final nail in the coffin as far as his hopes that Talia will come back for him.

  • Story Arc: Heir to Two Worlds

Damian has finally started to feel some measure of acceptance for his new life in Gotham despite his struggles. However, one night while on patrol as Robin he is forcibly sidetracked by a mysterious assailant claiming to be a messenger from the League of Assassins and more importantly, from Ra's Al Ghul himself. Ra's has declared that Damian's time with his father must come to an end, that he wants Damian to return to the League as his favored grandchild and stand by his side once more. What will happen when he's forced to choose between his old life and his new-found family?


  • Damian has a major weak spot towards animals of all kinds, would likely bring pets back to the batcave on a regular basis if he were allowed to do so and has even begun considering vegetarianism.
  • The closest thing he has to a hobby is probably drawing, initially done as an exercise in observational skill but now as something to do when bored or as an emotional outlet.
  • Damian made a promise to Bruce that he wouldn't kill anyone as a condition of becoming Robin. Despite not always understanding the point of it and what others might believe he actually takes it very seriously.

[*]In Costume Appearance:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

On a similar note, is it okay to move this to the new character tab? I guess I just want to know if she's still accepted from last time. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The only inquiry (as a player) I have is, wouldn't Harleen be a bit older given the timeline of The Joker and everything with Gotham? Wouldn't she be into her thirties at least?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm using the same character with a few differences:
-less experience as Batwoman
-in the closet
-less angsty

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

All of the above characters are accepted of course :)

The only inquiry (as a player) I have is, wouldn't Harleen be a bit older given the timeline of The Joker and everything with Gotham? Wouldn't she be into her thirties at least?

True but it can be worked around i.e she was only taken on by the Joker later on in his career and although there was a lot going on in that time, maybe she was actually only with him a couple of years.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

True but it can be worked around i.e she was only taken on by the Joker later on in his career and although there was a lot going on in that time, maybe she was actually only with him a couple of years.

That was what I was assuming, yes. I always figured that Harley was a later addition to the Joker's gang (just like she was a late addition to his mythos in the comics XD), so yeah. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

First teaser for episode one is up!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 9 days ago

Do you guys still got room for one more?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well, it does say Always Accepting right there up at the top. So yup, totally do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Do you guys still got room for one more?

Yep, we're always accepting just like@Dblade26 said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Now the waiting game truly begins.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 2 mos ago

When she became of age Kate enlisted in the military like her parents. Unfortunately she never got to serve. She was discharged after it came to light that she had a relationship with another woman. She spent the next few months of her life lost in a daze. Her whole life she thought she would enlist and fight for something worth fighting for. Suddenly her clear vision of the future was engulfed in shadows. And it didn't help that her father wasn't so accepting of the situation.

The "Don't ask, don't tell" law was abolished circa three or four and a half years ago, so unless Kate either joined up before she was even finished in high-school, whatever sexist, homophobic piece of shit wanted to discharge her for it would get into deep shit from the military chain of command for it, and even if they managed to discharge Kate on phantom charges, considering she's a Kane, wouldn't they have lawyers all over that situation in a hot minute?

Also how can she be in the closet if she got discharged for being homosexual? Does she just not talk about? Did nobody bother to look in to why she was discharged?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Now the waiting game truly begins.

Hopefully it won't be too long a wait. Just waiting for a couple more CS from people who showed interest. If nothing comes then I'll allow people to double up on characters and we'll get started
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