Name: Jason Peter "Jay" Todd
Alias: The Red Hood
Formerly: Robin II
Age: 24
Occupation: Unemployed
Skills & Abilities:
- A naturally gifted athlete trained by the likes of Batman, Ducra, and the League of Shadows in a wide array of skills ranging from martial arts to acrobatics and espionage.
- etains a vast amount of knowledge regarding Gotham's underworld and even the Black Market from his childhood and first stint as the Red Hood. As can be expected, he also has a fearful reputation lingering over him.
- Spends his spare time building and repairing certain vehicles. Everyone needs a hobby.
- Though not on the level of Bruce or Tim, Jason possesses a fairly analytical and perceptive mind that elevates him above certain members of the Batfamily when paired with his personal experience in the less pretty side of Gotham.
- Though he's recently begun turning away from firearms, Jason is still a crack shot with his pistol, and is a little too knowledgeable with explosives and military hardware. He also claims to be the best knife fighter in the Batcave.
- A variety of knives, guns, tear gas, and other military grade knickknacks usually kept in his almost innumerable jackets.
- A customized Ducati Diavel specced to recreate Jason's R-Cycle.
- Jason's helmet is effectively toxin proof and allows him to breathe underwater, coming with its own explosive defense system and numerous vision settings. You know, average Batman upgrades.
Personality & History:Straight outta GothamBorn to Catherine Haywood and Willis Todd, Jason never knew his father, who not only abandoned his new family but was in and out of Blackgate before Jason ever learned how to walk. Childhood in Crime Alley is rough, rougher yet when you don't have a father figure. Young Jason resorted to petty theft and fell in with a number of street gangs in order to survive, which imbued him with a certain level of grit and toughness not found in the other members of the Batfamily. Well, at least until Bruce started accepting assassins. And Stephanie Brown.
Growing up with a drug addict for a mother was hard, but Jason tended to stay away from home as often as possible, leaving Catherine to her devices while Jason built his reputation as the local street menace. Before long, Catherine fell into a deep bout of depression, and when Jason returned home from one of Gotham's secondary schools, he found his mother's body strewn out across the bathroom floor. Notifying the authorities, Jason sat there for a good twenty minutes before an ambulance arrived. Interviewed and shuffled off to the nearest orphanage by the police, Jason would escape only weeks later.
Boosting the BatmobileAs expected, Jason fell back into a lifestyle of petty crime in order to feed himself, the only major difference being that he generally avoided the numerous street gangs of the area. Just why he chose to steal the tires off of Batman's personal mode of transportation is a thing of mystery, even to Jason himself, who shrugs it off as something he had to do when asked by others.
To his dismay, or rather, extreme luck, Batman would arrive before he'd finished on the third tire, catching the then fourteen year old red-handed with the tool used to do the job. Rather than reprimand him, Batman offered to give him a spin. One bad decision after another led to Jason's first time seeing the Batcave, and soon enough, he had donned the red and green tights and yellow cape to begin training as Robin, despite one Lucius Fox's dismay at Bruce's approval of such.
Thrust from the life of a street urchin into the halls of Wayne Manor, Jason took to his new role in gusto, seeing as he had no biological family he cared for, and before long was legally adopted by Bruce Wayne, though he's obviously stopped adding Wayne to the end of his name, for rather blatant reasons.
A Death in The FamilyJason, unlike those who have since donned the mantle, did not have a particularly long and dignified run as Robin, but rather a short and tumultuous six months of heated arguments with Bruce and trying to prove to himself that he deserved the costume just as much as his predecessor. Jason was particularly unforgiving to Gotham's street criminals than his contemporaries, partially due to his troubled past and partially due to his naturally aggressive demeanor.
The only particularly noteworthy event during his time as the Boy Wonder was when he foolishly chased a lead regarding a weapons shipment to an abandoned warehouse in the Bowery. Caught in a trap by the laughing man of Gotham, Jason was beaten nearly to death with a crowbar and trapped in the building with a large pile of explosives.
His last thought was one of regret when he heard Bruce pull up in the Batmobile.
ResurrectionDead for almost four years, Jason's body was recovered by Talia and Ra's al Ghul for unknown purposes. Jason does not know just how long they maintained his corpse, but after they had dipped him in a Lazarus Pit everything came flooding back to him. Manipulated by the Demon's Head, Jason trained with the League of Shadows for a period of roughly three months before he managed to learn of the Joker's still being alive. Jason managed to escape the League's compound without being discovered by Talia or Ra's, though it was rather obvious to both just where he intended to go.
Jason maintains that he never intended to enact vengeance on Bruce; the man was still the closest thing he ever had to a father figure, but he needed to learn a lesson Jason himself had learned all those years ago on Gotham's streets. Crime can never truly be stopped, only controlled and regulated.
Integrating himself into Gotham's drug trade rather violently, the Red Hood quickly gained the Dark Knight's attention, and before long, Jason was leading his former mentor on a goose chase to one final showdown. Stuck in his old apartment in Crime Alley with Batman and The Joker, just above where he'd attempted to steal the tires of the Batmobile all those years ago, Jason presented Bruce an ultimatum: His life, or The Joker's.
Of course, Bruce being Bruce, managed to get the gun out of Jason's hand. Betrayed and feeling truly alone, Jason activated a timed bomb and made his escape from the area, never to be seen in Gotham again until years later.
The Lost DaysFollowing his encounter with Bruce and The Joker, Jason chose to travel the world, seeing as Gotham was no longer worth his time or his anger. The next three or so years would be something of an adventure for Batman's fallen son, who would end up spending time in a number of situations; From Freedom Fighting in Qurac, mercenary work in Vlatava, freelance vigilantism in Zandia and even a trip to Santa Prisca just to screw with one of Batman's foremost adversaries.
While on a trip in Bhutran, Jason was approached by Talia, and after making a right fool of himself by shooting at her, Jason was hauled off to an unknown mountain range in the northernmost region of the country and delivered unceremoniously to Ducra, otherwise known as the head of the All-Caste, an ancient order of Monks, or something. Though reluctant, Ducra agreed to train Jason and help him master his anger and sorrow. It was Jason's time in the Chamber of All, reliving all of his past memories and coming to terms with them, that he saw that his time spent trying to find a purpose in anywhere but Gotham was the exact opposite of what he needed to do.
Deciding the life of a monk wasn't for him, Jason left the All-Caste with a new sense of understanding. Ducra gave him a letter from Bruce informing him of his wedding to Catwoman. Though he'd already made up his mind, seeing that Bruce was willing to build bridges after everything Jason had done was a reassuring thought.
He packed his bags and made his way back home.
- Perhaps as a carry over from his time on the streets, Jason likes to assign nicknames to his closer acquaintances, such as "Barbie" for Barbara and "Circus" for Dick.
- Frequently caught talking to inanimate objects, such as [his bed](
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