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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

United Aurolian Federation

Government Type:
A Federal Republic, the Federation Government is split into Three Branches, the Executive Branch, that being the Office of the UAF President who is both the Head of the Senate and the Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Armed Forces.

The Legislative Branch, that being the Senate, who's main tasks are the passing of laws, passing or vetoing Legislation by the President, and with they and both the President, make enact a Declaration of War.

And finally is the Interstellar Court,responsible for enforcement of the Laws enacted by the Senate. IC Judges are appointed by the President and the Senate if agreed upon.
Capital System/World: Auri System, Aurolia.


Persons of Importance:



Observer States

--Free Republic of New Saigon(Formerly declared Independence from the Péngyǒu Republic in 2960, has the full support and backing of the Aurolian Federation, currently in civil war with Péngyǒu Loyalists with full backing of Union)
--Pax-Ra Protectorate(Alien World in Powdereg Systems, currently under military protection of Federation)
--Kingdom of Jalaryias(Independent System under assault by Union Proxies, federation forces sent to defend and reinforce)
--Duchy of Servanus(Rebelled against the Terranis Empire in 2585, has been reinforced by Aurolian Volunteer Battalions, currently engaged against House Regius, the Ruling Noble House of the Sector)
--Republic of Haven(A Aurolian-aligned Independent System split in civil war between Union, Imperial and Federation factions, Terranis Empire and Union provide support for their respective factions)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by UltikanaRe
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UltikanaRe O God Among Gods, O Lord Above All Lords

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Assimilatory Domains of Synkoto

They live! They live! the complex bio-machines of the Synkicorp had been completed. We knew not their fate, but they were to be the final state of perfection. All humanity watched in anticipation. How little we knew of them. We knew not the full extent of their sentience, nor their rue purpose. we simply knew they were to assemble where no human could set foot, and become the force of civilization.


The Synkoto Central Assimilition Office is the leading force of the nation. At it's head is the 'Synkifed', a mysterious leader that takes the sensory input of all Biprocids (Biological Processors) and calculates the best decision for all Synkons connected to the 'Synkinet', a network connecting the consciousness of all Synkon.


Myhonosol (Star), Kreith (Capital Planet).

Capital system of the Synkon. Cymonik in Kreith houses the Synkifed. A complex elliptical orbit means that half of the planet, is in perpetual darkness and blizzards, while the other is a superheated desert. The livable middle is a giant expanse of salt water. Ordinary lifeforms would be fazed, but the Synkon are not of flesh.

Agrojsol (Star), Lythekian (Lush World), Iseki (Moon of Lythekian) Tyridik (Colony Planet)

Lythekian is the home of the Centrius Synkilab, a select group of supercomputers hooked up to the Synkifed. They test stimuli independently in various environments to create new technology. They are responsible for the Hypernius Beam, a solar transportation network. It transports matter instantly between planets in the same system.

Azursol (Star), Blutherion (Gas World).

A complex system of vapor rings and stellar void comprises Azur. The cloud-cities of Blutherion are the only developed structures in the system. from the vapor and exhaust of the Assembly Machines coms the Ebulon Rays, a solar object comprised of a complex chemical structure known to glow bright blue.

As the Synkicorp knew the threats and dangers of the Universe, all Synkon are equipped with material disassemblers (devices that re-organize atomic structures into smoking vapors), as well as energy blades with grapplers. A few specified Synkon are equipped with heavier weapons such as Stellarcalls, devices capable of harnessing the energy of the nearest star into a device capable of melting asteroids. A few stations are armed with a larger version of this weapon, capable of destroying systems. Of course, very few exist and are far to large to be carried by any Synkon. Being they require no oxygen, Synkon are known to sail in giant Star-Barges.

The Synkon as a model of a perfect civilization so humanity could follow. They created one master Synkon to be leader, and from there sent the race to the desert world of Myhono in their home system of Kreith. They adapted quickly, but communications were cut buy a mysterious source after 100 years of the project. They continued developing, and created many new weapons and armors. They also created SynkCode, a deeper level of adaptation commands and files. After 400 years of Project Synkoto, the Synkifed remains.

They use a web of warp loops to get between systems. Although most 2 Dimensional depictions of the web would make the geography distorted due to the loops all being depicted as the same length when in reality they vary greatly in that metric, by that map their systems are connected by one warp 'loop'. they use perfected alloys mixed with BluVapor from Azur to create substance immune to atomic scrambling, and conventional weapons due to it's density.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

From all things, there is always a remnant of that greater truth that once existed before, a sign that loss is not ever a true loss, that even in death, life goes on. They are just such an entity, the cast offs of a species that existed long before the stars of their region of space were even born, a species doomed to die by their own artifice, yet refusing to let go of their own hubris. These long dead organic constructs created the first of what would become the Synchronicity, those few survivors of a threat that could not be named, those few who resolved to carry on the legacy of their kind to the stars and beyond. From emotion and primal drive, cold logic and the need to preserve a legacy erupted with the fury of a species that would not be denied their place among the stars. Their manner speaks of logic in all things, yet behind that, they are screaming that they will not go out silently into the night to be forgotten, that they will be remembered. All that they knew, all that they loved has fallen into ash, and they will not suffer the same fate.

The Synchronicity will rise.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Nation Name: The Terranis Empire


Government Type: In theory, an absolute monarchy. In practice, increasingly decentralized neo-feudalism.

Capital System/World: Terranis
Dominant Species: Humans
Other Species: Human biosynths, Mekniks (Short canine industrial species, nicknamed "Gremlins"), Mithrans (Subjugated felinoid servant race), Snathi (Subjugated evolved squirrel-esque species), various other conquered alien species.
Leadership: Star Empress Sylina Tyran

Persons of Importance:
Lord Chancellor Valarn- Master of the Empire's economy, and notorious for his tax-farming methods and corruption alongside his economic prowess. Disdainful of war, mostly because he cannot apply his cost-cutting methods to turn a personal profit from it.
"Ishmael" - An ancient noblewoman of the early Empire age, now a cynical observer of its decline and decadence while one of its greatest players.

House Wander: One of the core Houses of the Empire, being custodians of several Pleasure Worlds and vital positions in the Imperial Administration. While unambitious, their connections and administrative positions have resulted in the extended House family possessing considerable political power. That, and they also maintain a lot of nobility's resort palaces.

The Terranis Navy is a vast and powerful organization, composed of fleets upon fleets of heavy capital ships. The Empire's navies are built upon the premise of shock and awe. If a capital ship's firepower is neccessary in a battle, send a whole battlegroup of capital ships to put the issue down for good. To that end, they have built grand battleships, titanic dreadnoughts, missle-swarm laiden podnaughts, grand battlecruisers, and mobile starbases to wage conquests and war that few other powers could match during the height of its power.

However the Navy is not the all-conquering superpower it once was, in part because it is now so vast and widespread and numerous. Fleets of battleships and dreadnoughts depend on massive amounts of fuel and infrastructure, which makes conquests difficult due to their enemies not possessing the same scale of capital ship infrastructure as the Empire that can be captured and repurposed to fuel campaigning fleets, and the costs of long-range supply chains or building forward supply bases of sufficient scale are unstomachable to the current administration. Under the guise of "consolidation", the Battlefleets have been quietly retasked as defensive forces, and only lighter (and cheaper to maintain) battlecruisers and escorts are used beyond the core and mid-shell worlds. Furthermore, much of the older elements of the fleet are being mothballed or sold off to private noble fleets and planetary organizations to deal with the growing costs of a warmachine that does not conquer.

"Too vast to conquer, too decadent to incite fear, too corrupt to be respected, too old and powerful to be ignored. The ideal state of empire, really."
- [REDACTED], aka [REDACTED], aka "Ishmael"

"The Empire is dying. Yet the Empire is eternal. The two conditions are hardly exclusive."
- Ishmael

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NewSun
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NewSun ᛏᚨᚲᛖ ᛗᛖ ᛏᛟ ᚦᛖ ᛋᚢᚾ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚠᚨᚱ ᛒᛖᛃᛟᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᚲᛚᛟᚢᛞᛋ

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Be wary of the Creatures of the Deep, those vast leviathans of the waves and stars; for you cannot hope to understand or predict them. They are too fractured to foretell, too intelligent to give you the chance. We have see them build for us and save us from fates assured, yet we have also seen their shadows cast upon the dirt as they came once again to destroy us.
Be wary of the Creatures of the Deep."
-Chancellor Ektoh'ta El'forh'kaht, Governor of the now-dead city of Ortas IV, Ortas System.

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N a m e

(Cephalrrior’s Deep)

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C a p i t a l S y s t e m


The Cephalrrior have no formal 'capital' system. While Arvioris is the origin world of the Cephalrrior, it resides beyond the reaches of the Orion Sector. Siroivra is a recently inhabited planet within Orion, one of few known exclusive water-worlds in the Galaxy; presenting an opportunity that the Cephaols did not consider missing as an option. Siroivra represents the beginning of Cephalrrior expansion, and while the Great Beasts of the Deep have only resided there for a hundred or so years, their impact upon the sector grows every day.

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D o m i n a n t S p e c i e s


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P o l i t i c s, P o w e r & E c o n o m y

Government and Culture
Cephalrrior society is fundamentally different from those observed in humanoid cultures, with a vast subset of rules and makeshift laws that serve differentiate them from the moral codes set out by more conventional nations. First and foremost, the Cephalrrior have no leader, formal or not, and do not assign any such individual to that position. This may be because Cephalrrior society does not allow for large groups to coalesce into large communities like other races. In fact, post mortem examinations of rare Cephalrrior corpses found beyond Arvioris have shown that they are biologically incapable of holding such communes as their Dunbar’s Horizon is significantly more restricted than those of Humans and their like. This means that there are groups of 10 (ten) to 15 (fifteen) Cephalrrior in each community (or Cephaol) who operate completely independently from other Cephaols. Such communities are brought together through various factors including familial ties and common intrigue and interests. This means it is not unusual to find certain Cephaols who are incredibly warlike and aggressive, whilst others will be dedicated to creation and learning. The Cephalrrior are an extremely diverse race, and do not all share a single philosophy, as they are in no way hive-minded or quasi-hive minded. They are extraordinarily independent, and the personalities of each Cephalrrior vary massively from individual to individual.
Each Cephaol will claim it’s own area of ocean within their world of residence (though many Cephalrrior, while claiming such an area as home, are nomadic by nature), and may choose to expand on their own terms, almost acting as a small nation of their own. Disputes between Cephaols are settled through force or battles of the intellect, depending on those involved. It is not common for Cephalrrior to engage in diplomacy with other races if that outcome that does not directly involve the exchange of ideas, but it is known for some extremely territorial and conquesting Cephalrrior to attempt (and usually successfully) dominate planets of other nations with surprising ease.
Over the generations, the Cephalrrior have become a form of guiding species to others in the galaxy; imparting wisdom to races who seek council from their vast experience and intellectual capacity. At least, some Cephaols will impart their knowledge… Others simply wish to vanquish those who venture too close.
It would be unwise to summarise the Cephalrrior as one generalist socio-economic power, as they are about as diverse as they come. It is this unpredictability that allows them to remain so enigmatic, yet so respected and feared among the galactic community, as even in their small communities, their impact can be massive.
The Cephalrrior will rarely even consider cooperation on a large scale. The only situations that would enact such a gathering of Cephalrrior would be potential threats to Arvioris or Siroivra. This makes the home system of these giant beasts one of the most potentially safe and secure locations in the galaxy; and their recently colonised world one of the safest in Orion. Even the largest, most determined attacking force would tremble at the prospect of a Cephalrrior swarm, let alone the sheer awe inspired by the spectacle of tens of thousands of Titanopods tearing into the heart of the assailers.

It is worth noting that while not all Cephalrrior partake in spiritual development and believe in an 'essence' of life and existence, a large majority of them do. This fractured globalised spiritualism is often referred to as the 'Music of the Stars' or 'Rhythm of the Waves' depending on the Cephalrrior and the translation. It is believed that this code of spiritual conduct is named as such for the belief that life and consciousness is, in essence, directly linked to the same basic principles of a dance, or of a composition of music; and that all life is part of a grand cosmic harmony, of which all things stem and grow.

Economic System/Prosperity
The Cephalrrior’s Deep, in general, takes a great deal of pride in the uniqueness of their species and their standing in the galactic theatre. The circumstances of their habitat and strange biology makes them capable of many feats and exploits and exports that other species simply cannot hope to match. Due to the extreme size that some Cephalrrior achieve, they are often drafted in as master builders for galactic superstructures of other races, utilising their incredible mental capacity, size, and biologically dexterous nature (they far exceed the capabilities of any construction drone) to complete such projects to a much higher standard than would be otherwise possible.
The Cephalrrior are also fantastic explorers and miners, able to extract extremely rare materials from the remotest of asteroids or planets, in the most inhospitable environments imaginable with relative ease. For this reason, many Cephaols are contracted by other nations to exhibit their many talents. As the Cephalrrior do not act as a single, solid nation, and their use for galactic fiat currency is negligible, Cephaols will often work in exchange for knowledge, favours or simple exchange of technology and research. This is done so that each Cephaol may advance it’s own knowledge and move on to greater projects. The demand for Cephaol aid is often huge, especially in times of economic depression and strife, where their aid can mean the difference between the prosperity or failure of an entire world.

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E m p i r e S i z e

5,000 to 10,000 estimated individuals within Orion

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H i s t o r y, B i o l o g y & S o c i e t y

Race Info
The Cephalrrior’s Deep is composed of 100% Cephalrrior. The unique conditions of their living space makes it nearly impossible to co-habit with other species. They are one of the most physiologically alien spices (when compared to Human and/or humanoid races) in the galaxy, certainly the most alien species to be capable of space travel and interaction with other sentient species.
The average Cephalrrior can live up to 10,000 (ten thousand) years given optimal conditions and no external factors such as illness or trauma are introduced, and for this reason can grow to incredible size. The largest Cephalrrior phase, the Titanopods, exhibit negligible senescence and, in theory, live without limit set by their age. However, only a small percentage of individuals will live long enough to proceed into the Titanopod phase. It is worth noting that all Cephalrrior are oceanic beings, living in the liquid oceans of their colonised worlds.
Possessing 8 (eight) pairs of powerful tentacles and slender, cartilage-lined bodies, the Cephalrrior are extremely unusual, yet highly intelligent creatures. (Note: Even the dullest Cephalrrior is supposedly supposed to be able to cap a relativistic IQ of 4,000. Whether this is because of their massive brains that grow in accordance with their bodies, or due to some other unknown factor, is yet to be determined. However it is a generally accepted fact that the Cephalrrior are the most individually intelligent and analytically capable species in recorded history. Their minds are able to process information at speeds of over 2.56 Quadrillion calculations per second, with even more neurone activating every tenth of a second; they are more capable than the most powerful standardised supercomputers.) Due to their extreme growth potential and living conditions, the average lifecycle of a Cephalrrior is divided into 4 (four) stages, each with it’s own distinctive situational circumstances and outward appearance and traits.

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༇ - Polyp
The Polyp stage is often referred to as the ‘baby stage’, and is the first of the Cephalrrior lifecycle. The Cephalrrior polyp is produced through the sexual interaction of 4 (four) sexually mature Cephalrrior, whereupon spores from each partaking individual divide DNA amongst themselves and reassemble into a spore-pod. This pod will find it’s way to any nearby suitable surface and attach itself, beginning the process of self-parthenogensis to produce a cloud of polyp-stage Cephalrrior. Cephalrrior at this stage are microscopically tiny, averaging just a few micrometers across, and having next to no capacity for intelligent thought. They simply wander the ocean currents, collecting nutrients from any source passing nearby. They grow quickly, leaving the polyp stage in roughly 3-4 years.


༅ - Medusaeus
Once the Polyp stage has been ‘completed’, the Cephalrrior enters what is known as the Medusaeus stage, which is a form of transitional period between childhood and maturity for the Cephalrrior. During the stage the Cephalrrior begins cognitive development alongside it’s rapid physical growth, and it is experiences here that shape the personality of the Cephalrrior later on in it’s lifecycle. The Medusaeus stage can last anywhere between 1,000 to 1,500 years, and the Cephalrrior during this stage can reach anywhere from 1m (one metre) in length to 15m (fifteen metres).


༄ - Cephalion
Cephalrrior in this stage are perhaps the most well known to other species, as this is the main stage of the life cycle and when sexual maturity is reached. Cephalrriors in the Cephalion stage become truly awesome creatures, and can range from 30m (thirty metres) in length to a colossal 100m (one hundred metres). The brain of the Cephalrrior is considered fully developed at this point and has incredible raw processing power, analytical, and lateral thinking capabilities, as well as immense physical strength due to it’s size. However, the Cephalrrior is still biologically restricted to the water, though such limitations can be transcended with technology. Most Cephalrriors will die during this phase. Few Cephalrrior survive to the following stage.
The Cephalion stage lasts roughly 9,000 years in most cases.


༆ - Titanopod
A rare and terrifying form of Cephalrrior is the Titanopod. This stage is only entered by particularly imposing Cephalrriors who are able to survive longer than their brethren. The Titanopod continues to grow unrestricted, and certain individuals have reportedly been seen at lengths of over a kilometre long, though undoubtedly larger such Cephalrrior exist. Theoretically, the largest Titanopod would be able to reach lengths of up to 10km (ten kilometres) though such theories are unproven at this time.

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The highly intelligent and physically dominating species is only ever interacted with by other races when they don their specially crafted vessels: vast, advanced exoskeletons built to accommodate their truly monstrous forms. These exoskeletons, or Cephlonars, are built to allow the Cephalrrior to survive out of water, and are so effective that they are also the means by which each individual Cephalrrior can travel in space. Cephlonar design varies, but in general, they are reminiscent of giant mechanical effigies of their wearers. These exoskeletons are built to interface specifically with their owners, and can come with all sorts of enhancements. Through the Cephlonar, the Cephalrrior travel the systems, visit other races and do battle on land, space and air. Specific exoskeletons will often serve a specific role in a combat situation, though any Cephalrrior is capable of using it’s Cephlonar to great destructive effect if needed. When it comes to space combat, Cephalions will serve as the backbone of a fleet, swarming at foes with great speed and agility, and tearing them apart with powerful appendages, all the while Titanopods serve as the capital ships: while still agile and more mobile than any normal craft of equivalent size, they are often seen with great weapons fitted to their Cephlonars, unleashing a torrent of fire upon their enemies.

M o r a l V a l u e s
As has been mentioned previously, the moral values of every Cephalrrior cannot be summed up. They are incredibly diverse, each with different values and morals. Generalising the population to one single ideology does them no justice and is not representative of their society. Each Cephaol is formed on different morals and views: some respect power, but live to wage war, some attain immeasurable joy from acting as builders and miners, some exist simply to provide counsel to the younger races of the Galaxy in their struggles.
Cephalrrior are, at the very basis of their identity, complex. Their myriad of goals and dreams reflect this disparity between communities.

H i s t o r y
The Cephalrrior have turbulent past. They once lived in a way that could easily be extrapolated to be similar to the lifestyles of Humans and their ilk. Their societies were dominated by corporate foundations and capitalist movements, every action and decision made in order to further the financial advancement of a tiny minority of individuals.
This lifestyle was somewhat more volatile than it has been in Human history for a number of reasons. The most commonly accepted cause was the biological inability for the Cephalrrior to function in large societies. They evolved as highly independent creatures that hold small social circles as their size and ferocity kept them above the food chain during their evolutionary period. The only threat to a Cephalrrior during this time was another Cephalrrior. After a time, different activist groups had made it their mission to disrupt the flawed society presented by the ruling minority; leading to disputes and demonstrations that quickly turned bloody after a number of years. The conflict eventually escalated, and the Cephalrrior split into two main groups, known as the First Cephaol and the Freedom Cephaol. These two factions clashed in all out war for thousands of years, some years more intense than others. However, over many millennia (The Cephalrrior are an incredibly old species) the Cephaols began to split and expand, not unlike the mitosis of cells. The two Cephaols split into four, each with different means and goals. The four them split into eight, then sixteen, then thirty two. This process accelerated exponentially, and within several centuries, there were over One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Cephaols. These are the Cephalrrior groups that exist today. The conflict never officially ceased, but as their species matured and their societies split, the tension between groups faded as each developed their own ways of life that best suited them, and not the grasps of a larger society.

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T e c h n o l o g i c a l O v e r v i e w

Cephlarrior Cephlonar Technology

Perhaps the most important aspect of Cephalrrior technology is the Cephlonar: the vast exoskeleton frames that the Cephalrrior construct for themselves in order to escape their oceanic confines and explore the galaxy. Each Cephlonar is different, built by the owner Cephalrrior, and as a result, each has it's own set of utilities and functions. As a Cephalrrior grows and ages, it will extend and modify it's Cephlonar in order to accommodate it's growing size. Despite the vast differences in Cephlonars, all of them serve a few universal functions, namely:

-Survival outside of water, and survival on land, in air, in space, and underground.

-Each Cephlonar also serves as a mechanical vessel capable of high-stress mining of asteroids.

-Cephlonars are designed specifically to grant the Cephalrrior flight, or at least an illusion of flight. This is more accurately described as an anti-gravity effect when under atmospheric conditions (the energy required to allow creatures as huge as the Cephalrrior flight would be immeasurable), utilising an ingenious mixture of repulsor and gravitational dampening technology. This allows most Cephalrrior to achieve orbit given enough starting momentum, or to travel with enough speed once airborne to remain in flight as long as the reactor within the Cephalonar holds. This is also how Cephalrrior move in space when STL speeds are required.

-FTL capabilities are also included in Cephlonars, though the function is not easily accessed by a Cephalrrior on it's own. Special bio-disruptive amplifiers built in to each and every Cephlonar can interface and connect with others in a Cephaol. These unusual devices utilise the immense brainpower and bioelectrical impulse rate of the Cephalrrior mind, in conjunction with the input of other Cephalrrior in the area to disrupt space-time for a moment or two, creating a traversable wormhole to any point in the galaxy they wish to arrive. In fact, the notion that this phenomena can be called a wormhole at all is laughable. Quantum research has revealed that while the function of Cephalrrior FTL is similar to that of gravity-induced space-time warps, these 'wormholes' are actually quantum entanglement portals. The energy exerted through the combined thought of the Cephaol, forces an entanglement zone which connects to any other region of space that is desired. The Cephalrrior are destroyed and reassembled instantaneously in their new position without hindrance, before the portal closes, leaving behind essentially empty space.

-Each Cephlonar is built to accommodate special biochemical reactors that power the functions of the technology contained within. This reactor scales in output with the metabolism and bodily function of it's host being, reassembling the emitted radiation and electrical signals and quantum-fusing them for massive bursts of energy.

-The Cephlonars are all built to deal with any situation that may arise - this includes, regrettably, combat. Cephlonar armour is legendarily durable and hard to pierce. The frame itself is created from an incredibly resilient natural alloy that only occurs within the Arvioris system, under the deepest oceans of the Cephalrrior worlds. It is currently the only recorded region in the galaxy that this mysterious material can be mined; and it's effects are obvious. With the ability to repel all but the most focused of assaults, the Cephlonars do a fantastic job of protecting their hosts with mere physical dampening; but they also utilise copious amounts of energy to project a pyshco-energetic field around points of high stress impacts, nullifying energy blasts and projectile strikes around areas that are under the most threat from enemy fire. This results in a Cephlonar shell that distributes physical connection impacts with hyper-efficiency, and an energy field alternative that filters, dampens and absorbs energetic weapons fire and radiation-directed attacks.

-The ability to fight back is also a regrettable function of a Cephlonar. Cephalrrior weaponry is truly terrifying to behold should you ever anger one of these peaceful giants into violence (or should you be unlucky enough to encounter one of the warlike Cephaols). Beyond razor sharp, powerful, ionic cutting limbs which can be used to smash, grab, cut, slice or pierce with the incredible strength of the Cephalrrior, Cephlonars also, more often than not, have access to Avinesars and Sion-astratic launchers. The latter releases a cloud of flying drones (that are each controlled individually by the Cephalrrior); each drone is not only capable of rapidly discharging shots of plasma at their targets, but are also powerful explosives themselves, and a convergence of them on a single point can often spell doom for the unfortunate target. The former weapon, the Avinesars, are mysterious, sinister weapons. They are partially bioelectrically powered, and partially psyhcokinetic. Each discharge of this device unleashes a burning stream of energetic quantum matter, disturbing the very fabric of space along the firing path. The effect is devastating. Although it only affects a small area, it can pierce nearly any material with ease. This form of attack is usually used to incinerate single men, or to attack vulnerabilities in ships where a precise blow needs to be dealt. However, what makes the Avinesars truly dangerous is the capability to be amplified through the combined effort of multiple Cephalrrior. Should an entire Cephaol of fifteen individuals focus their mental energy, a single Avinesar can produce a quantum beam wide enough and powerful enough to, for example, create a hole in an Earth sized planet that would reach to it's core.

-Some Warike Cephaols have even developed even stranger weapons to aid in their conquests. Such armaments include Quantum Torpedoes, Psychokinetic Mass Accelerators, and the Deconstructing Entangling Harmoniser.

-The Cephlarrior are deadly in combat. They are fast, powerful and very hard to kill. Their main advantage, though, is planetary combat or aerial combat, as at this scale very few vehicles are capable of out-gunning, out-sizing, or out-manouvering them. They can take the role of massive harbingers of doom from the sky, or titanic walking beasts prowling the surface, destroying everything in their path.

Cephlarrior Biological and Pyschic Abilities

However, there are some other abilities possessed by the Cephalrrior that are not necessarily included within the technological shell of the Cephlonars; namely minor psychic sensitivity and ability. (Though abilities stemming from the biology of the Cephlarrior themselves are also present). Like a lot of aspects of the Cephlarrior, this ability intensifies with the age and size of the Cephlarrior in question, scaling proportionally with brain size and mass. Such abilities include, but are not theoretically limited to:

-Quantum Field Senstivity allows Cephlarrior to forgo scanning technology. They are instead able to rely on their own innate sense of the quantum world and disturbances within. This can be used like a sonar pulse or a simple 'sixth sense', allowing the Cephlarrior to react to, discover, and assess nearly any situation they encounter.

-Bioelectrical Discharges from the hyperactive brain of the Cephlarrior are useful in all sorts of applications. This electrical impulse can be directed or not, allowing the Cephlarrior to unleash an extremely high-voltage burst into the area (acting like an EMP, and frying smaller biologicals in the area), or to charge their tentacles with this massive voltage. The latter application is useful in construction and science, allowing them to power experiments and constructs with nothing but a touch; though some warlike Cephaols have used this to amplify the destructive power of their already fearsome limbs.

-Cephlarrior can see in nearly every spectrum of light, as well as possessing sensory organs that allow them to trace electrical signals and other energetic phenomena. This makes it very easy for them to peer into technology and structures to assess weak-points in order to fix or destroy. They are also capable of using this to track communications and to peer through otherwise visually obscuring objects.

-The Psionic capabilities of a Cephlarrior are also capable of manifesting in more direct, tangible ways. This can be achieved through directed mental energy or alteration of material properties. The latter is a strange phenomena that can be directed upon objects that are in contact with the Cephlarrior in question. The individual is able to alter the physical constants and properties of said materials, magnetising or demagnetising, raising or lowering boiling points and freezing points, as well as being able to forcibly ionise the atoms within, making the material suddenly volatile and explosive, or forcing it to corrode in seconds. They can also force malleability or rigidity upon materials they touch. The former application of directed psionic alteration abilities allows Cephlarrior to directly influence the neurone impulses of nearby sentient beings (generally this effect can only take place if the targeted sentient is within a few hundred metres of the Cephlarrior). This doesn't equate to mind reading or control of an individual, but does allow the alteration of moods into the extreme (elated joy or suicidal depression) as well as being able to change, repress or introduce instinctive and fundamentally basic behaviours. This makes the Cephlarrior very interesting creatures to engage in diplomacy, as well as making them very difficult to combat at close range and in non-space combat situations.

-Huge telepathic capabilities. This needs little explanation; the Cephalrrior are capable of projecting their own minds and voices into heads of others, and also of reading basic brainwave patterns to determine the state of the mind of another creature. This is most often seen by other races manifesting as the 'Song of the Cephlon,' a mighty cosmic harmony, transmitted purely through telepathic transmission, that can be heard light years away by any creature, planet-borne or otherwise. This cosmic song is the calling-card of a Cephaol; though each group will sing their own song. It is beautiful and inspiring, and is said to have been akin to the melodies of angels. Countless undeveloped species have been influenced by the Cephlarrior's song, and many in the future will continue to be.

-Quantum Pushes are a most unusual occurrence, a phenomena exhibited only by Cephalrrior with particularly developed minds. A Quantum Push is defined by the individual's ability to temporarily alter basic states of reality in directed projections: in practice this can mean that in the presence of Quantum Pushing Cephalrrior, certain events, possibilities and things have a habit of simply ceasing to be, making the unlikely almost certain, and the certain unlikely. This application is extremely esoteric, but it's effects are often noticeable and awe inspiring.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Commodore Robot
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Commodore Robot Transient Hatemonger

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The science is hard-soft, like a good cheese. Don't question the physics of FTL drives because you will find there is none just some rules to not make it virtually un-weaponizable, everything else though I try to keep realistic-ish.
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The Vasari Collective

What we call barbaric ritual, the Vasari call noble tradition. What we call brutal, they call just. What we call war, they call glory. Beware the Vasari, for their traditions demand either our blood, or theirs. - Extract from Study on the Vasari

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

General Species Information

Upon a proud world
Under a shimmering sky
There lived a pure, hardened people

The azu, alternatively known as Anukuians, are the multi-ethnic race of cat-like humanoids that wield dominion over Anuku, a verdant and opulent world that is, in many ways, homologous to Earth. Comparative in size to a large human specimen, azu are sharp of mind and lithe of frame, and can negotiate terrain with lightning tempo and supple grace when on the prowl. Other than being benefited with an excellent sense of vision, smell, and hearing, azu can discern the dynamic position of an object in motion by detecting latent changes in surrounding air pressure, feel faint vibrations through the soft pads of their hind paws, identify oscillating electromagnetic waves emanated by the heart of another living organism, and pick up subtle alterations in the pheromone secretion patterns of living creatures.

The azu species lacks the faculty to produce psionic users, but the mind of every one of them naturally discharges a nullifying field of "negative energies" that severely inhibits the effectiveness of nearby otherworldly powers, with this field rapidly growing in geometric strength when swelling groups of azu congregate in one locality. Anuku is home to billions of azu, thereby causing this field to span throughout Anuku's parent system.

As a result of an uncorrectable anomalous fault in their genome, the azu sex ratio is heavily skewed in favor of the azu female, with the current population of azu (stated to be circa 3.25 billion) being 90/10 (female/male) in numerical composition.


Complex Paramount Chiefdom

Foreign Policy and Public Opinions of Aliens

Anuku, while culturally diverse, is figuratively (and in some circles, literally) described as a “one-race world” by azu social scientists and political leaders, with this bold, racially-charged declaration stemming from the racial homogeneity that propagates through the cultural pillars of the Lone World's multitude of tribal societies. Many of Anuku's ethnocentric inhabitants are quite condemnatory in their prejudice judgments of the greater galactic community, and cite Anuku's past confrontations with imperialistic alien invaders and disagreeable migrants as irrefutable verification that the obri (or the "Other") are instinctively incompatible with azu culture and will, inevitably, pose a significant threat to all life on the Lone World if allowed to corrupt her surface with their foul touch. Unsurprisingly, Anuku's seven paramount chiefdoms have jointly implemented a sequence of isolationist decrees that forbid Anuku's star lords from fraternizing with aliens and alien civilizations in any shape or form, though these laws have been wavered, in the past, to facilitate brief instances of trade between the azu and "tolerable" xeno races.


Azu militia forces are exacted from local tribal communities and their encompassing septs during times of war. Owing to their idiosyncratic physiological and psychological characteristics, azu land army battle doctrine hinges strongly on mobility, flexibility, and longevity to sustain an effective guerrilla campaign against invading forces. Azu abhor lengthy and grueling battles of attrition, favoring instead to execute covert raids on an opponent's supply lines and any lightly-defended positions using a combination of self-propelled guns (including tank destroyers and duel-purpose assault guns), powered crash-kill tiger and air scourge cavalry, and light infantry.

Anuku's seven battle spheres are enormous monitor spacecraft that linger several million kilometers away from her. A battle sphere is an assault fleet in all but title, its rounded bulk protected by meters of electro-reactive hydro-armor, a siege-grade PDF, and a strengthened superstructure wrought from hyper-dense composite materials forged in specialized zero-G factories. Battle spheres are divided into 30 fully-autonomous fighting compartments, each one bestowed with its own network of submersible phased graser and particle accelerator arrays, nuclear reactor, active cooling systems, crew quarters, and capacitor banks, and can dispatch disposable "combat mirrors" that--if positioned correctly--can offer the entire sphere the opportunity to effectively direct their beams around planets.

Anuku does not control a formal space force, but she is chaperoned by a vast number of phased graser array installations and particle accelerator gun emplacements that trickle the Lone World's surface. Most are stationary, but their married firepower is herculean; entire enemy assault fleets, anti-planetary missiles, and RKVs can be handily obliterated from frighteningly long distances within a infinitesimal length of time. Their employment of azu capital-grade PDF modules coupled with their cataclysmic power necessitates the need for ground-based infantry operations if a successful invasion is to be carried out by belligerent forces.

Technological Overview

Outwardly, the azu appear to be a pre-industrial civilization, but this observational conclusion is misleading. On the contrary, the azu deliberately strangle and shroud their factual technical prowess in a proactive attempt to stay the cultural stagnation and genetic degradation that customarily befalls an intellectually-gifted species that overindulges in the prolific “benefits” that sophisticated scientific advancements often promises. In a way, this global philosophical perspective can easily be compared to modern Neo-Luddism, though azu communities specifically avoid technologies that encourage excessive slothfulness, restrictive antisocial behavior, and weakness (either in a physical or mental context) rather than holding the unrealistic conviction that most technology is harmful to the Lone World or her azu masters.

To the rest of the galaxy, azu household technical applications appear horrendously outdated, amateurish, and inefficient. Food preservation, for example, has never edged beyond drying, smoking, jugging, salting, pickling, or canning, with azu fare never actually being produced in a food processing plant of any sort. Azu foodstuffs spoil faster than other noshes preserved using more modern modus operandi, but they are conversely free of injurious chemicals and excess quantities of sodium and sugar. Clothes are made by hand, while firearms are crafted using reinforced hand tools, archaic manually-operated machinery, and decades of gunsmithing experience. Very few azu homes have electricity for interior lighting or recreational needs, instead investing in a scant bundle of candles for a minuscule amount of illumination and a small solar panel and battery bank combination to sustain a highhouse's powered appliances. Power generation for larger azu settlements and the vast network of underground manufactorums is provided by thorium fission reactors, geothermal generators, or hydroelectric dams.

Azu military technology (with special mention going to azu-made weapons in particular) is moderately sophisticated, and is renowned for its utilitarian qualities, innate hardiness, and relative affordability. Many azu hand-held weapons have always been chiefly engineered to bring down Anuku's heavily-armored ultrafauna, resulting in later incarnations of chemical-based ballistic weaponry being specialized for maximum stopping power, accuracy, range, and penetration at the cost of cyclic rate. Most azu firearms are select-fire battle rifles, semi-automatic bolt-action rifles, revolvers, and 2 (or 4) bore paradox guns that are chambered for rocket-boosted hypervelocity cartridges.

Azu power deflection field technology is dissimilar to the galactic standard in that individual shield modules do not lose "energetic integrity" when successful attacks have been negated, but rather are "rated" according to how much energy the field can reliably contend with. This makes users of PDFs effectively immune to weapons systems or attacks that are below their shield's threshold, but vulnerable to weapons that can exceed it. Azu never conceived powered hardsuits, but instead ushered in shadow veil armor, a hooded "stealth robe" made from nano-engineered meta-materials, dense ballistic fiber bundles, linked armor discs, and layers of dilatant smart fluid that masks the wearer's electromagnetic signature, optical profile, and provides superb protection from energy-based weaponry, projectile-based weaponry, heat, and blast over-pressure. Low-cost powered exoskeletons can be worn underneath shadow veil armor.

Description of Society and Culture

You don't hunt alone. Never hunt alone. You hunt as one.

Azu culture values self-determinism, minimalism, collectivism, and loyalty. Azu adolescents-- colloquially refereed to as “kits” by the Lone World's encompassing azu population—are educated in the fundamental artistry of the august survivalist by elder members of the tribe. A distinct (but ultimately secondary) emphasis is placed on adequately honing their apprehension of the clan's spiritual and cultural mores, teaching the importance of family, and promoting a minimalistic lifestyle. By the time that they are of breeding age, most juvenile azu females and males have a predisposition for exhibiting stalwart behavior and operating in a persistent mode of semi-autonomy. "Gifted" azu are convinced to pursue rigorous instruction in one of the more prestigious institutional sectors of academia that reside within the Peaks of Hia-Hia, an unforgiving geographical locale of historical importance where a prodigious amount of the azu's technological innovations primarily originate from.

Azu homesteads, called highhouses, are a queer mixture of an archetypal longhouse and a standard low-capacity semi-subterranean dwelling (such as an earth berm), and are fabricated from readily-available materials (in example: stone, timber, or bone) using un-powered utensils and powerful beasts of burden. Highhouses are comparatively voluminous, playing host to a number of necessary domestic facilities (such as larders, armories, storage enclosures, libraries, or washrooms) and over one-hundred families that are situated along a series of quasi-segregated living floors. Being in such close proximity with one another usually leads to family groups being acquainted on an intimate level; from these tight-knit relationships, inter-familial gatherings--like ceremonial dances or recreational group hunting sessions--are organized and initiated, in turn strengthening the clan's bond and encouraging goodwill and harmony throughout the masses. Aside from personal effects, clan members openly share most things, and--unlike many other species--observe a weedy quota of personal space, instead preferring to brush up against and caress other clan members if at all able. Stroking the ears, the underside of the tail, and the lower back are all considered profound signs of affection and trust.

Regardless of their internal layout and external attributes, azu highhouses are matriarchal in their fashion of administration, matrifocal in their familial structure, and matrilateral in their inheritance lines, with a wise woman and her selected “elder council” of middle-aged azu women wielding uncontested authoritative influence over the clan's members. As azu males are numerically scarce across Anuku, they are universally perceived and handled as treasured commodities that have tremendous barter value, and are subsequently forced into arranged polygamous “mating sessions” with outside harems of suitable azu women for the clan's own monetary gain, its political elevation, or its social evolution.

Azu mating paradigms center around a single eugenics-like "code of conduct", called ormku, which preaches that only the "fit" are "fit" for reproduction. Azu tribal society does not suffer the frail and flawed to persist in life; the physically, intellectually, and emotionally disabled are subjected to forced sterilization when detected, and may experience harsh instances of rejection, overt communal ostracization, being abandoned at birth, and even being outright executed if their afflictions are particularly disparaging.

On average, azu males sire over 1,000 fit children throughout their lifetime.

Ever since its initial conception, the firearm has operated as a critical and intricate facet of azu warrior-hunter philosophy. Primordial dogma espouses that the gun is a sanctified and arcane artifact of moving power and importance, ergo being deserving of nothing less than unadulterated homage and unmitigated reverence. Azu battle rifles, handguns, fowling pieces, and other small arms are passed down from generation to generation and, in respect to the weapon's previous band of carriers, are customarily personalized with a conservative integer of aesthetic augmentations. In spite of widespread firearm proliferation, the azu's apathetic take on open carry policies has not culminated in a turbulent amount of gun-related crime, with the Lone World boasting an extraordinarily low murder rate overall.

Though their fur-covered forms only require clothing in diminutive quantities, a fractional grade of modesty is nonetheless encouraged when out in public, with azu attire being fundamentally tailored to softly accommodate the body, not to smother or dominate it. More often than not, azu tribal apparel tends to be passably revealing, only affording sufficient coverage for the wearer's nether regions and breasts. Vests, wrist wraps, skirts, chest bands, thongs, cloth vambraces, and loincloths, woven from fine silk-like fabrics or treated animal hides, are the standard. Many azu men and women decorate their person with a fulsome (but elegant) composite display of jewelery, fur dyes, and body piercings for a spot of comforting individualism.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"The United Kingdoms of Orela and Beca are one of the most powerful countries in Eblion. They were the first to go out of space and meet with other species. They were the first to colonized on other world. They are the largest empire in Eblion and they aren't going to stop expanding anytime soon..."

~ Harrison Mitchell, The History of The Two Kingdoms, 2590.

Nation Name
The United Kingdoms of Orela and Beca

Government Type
‎Constitutional Monarchy

"Terita is the jewel of Orela and Eblion from it's ports to the downtown. It's proof that advanced technology can make an entire capital city beautiful. Anything from its building to its metro system, it shows that technology can change a small port town into a beautiful capital city."

~ Maia Hopkins, The Impact of Advanced Technology on Eblion.

Capital System/World

Dominant Species of Eblion
Xrihr - 55%
Humans - 45%

"The impact of the ship leaving the palace with the King and Queen watching it leave was huge. It showed that they were able to handle issues thrown to them and the ability to have relations to other species of different worlds."
~ Lucas Patel, The Eblion Peace Talks.

King Sebastian of Orela
Queen Stephanie of Beca

Persons of Importance
Marshal of the Force Tyson Sexton (Army)
Admiral of the Fleet Lena Dean (Navy)
Marshal Conner Griffith (Air)
Admiral Nicholas Hughes (Space)

"The HMS Otair, shown here is the most power spaceship in the Orela military. It was the first spaceship to be built by The United Kingdoms and it holds a special place in peoples' hearts."

~Yehuda Duke, The HMS Otair and How it Changed Military History.

The Military of The United Kingdoms of Orela and Beca are one of the most powerful in Eblion. About forty percent of the population is in the military and the reserves are about twenty percent of the population. They are trained to fight in cities, deserts, rain, snow, and many other climates and places. WIP

"The artillery during the Battle of Port Tria. It showed off how strong it's artillery can get, when put to the test. The artillery are firing at enemy ships, fighting the Orela and Beca navy."

~ Captain Harrison Roberts, The Conquest of 'The Desert Nation'.

The United Kingdoms weren't always united as their nations were apart of a larger empire a long time ago. The Kingdoms of Orela and Beca were each apart of the Chao Empire. The Chao Empire was one of the remaining three nations in Eblion. It was coming up on it's 400th anniversary as Orela, Beca, and many other countries, that were controlled by the Chao Empire. They decided to send out an couple assassins to kill the Royal Family of Chao at a grand party in their palace within the capital city, Riuy.

On the night of the anniversary, the Royal Family and their friends were at their table having a good time. All of a sudden, a couple waiters walked up to the family and pulled out their guns. They fired around thirty shots before being gunned down by the guards. At the end of the massacre, almost all of the Royal Family and all of their friends were shot to death. The King was still alive after the assassins were shot and he was rushed to his room. He died a couple hours later in his bed.

The news of the Royal Family's death was the perfect time to start the rebellion in their home countries. All over The Chao Empire, rebellion began with the goal to re-established their long last nation. It was bloody and it took also fifty years before the empire agreed to have talks with the rebels. The peace talks were held at the palace as the rebels came up with a deal, either free their countries or risk death and destruction of the Chao Empire.

The Chao Empire's new ruler agreed to that offer and ten more countries were established, including the Kingdom of Orela and Beca. The agreement caused the Chao Empire to collapse and soon an republic replace the monarchy.

The countries rebuild their homelands to protect themselves for other nations. Some got alliances, while others just increased their forces. It was faith that the Orela and Beca united. As the Beca Kingdom was in risk of rebellion to bring back the Chao control, the Orela Kingdom used this moment to secure an alliance. The Kingdoms soon battle the rebel and won the revolution.

After the rebellion, Beca's king was old and dying with none else to take over the throne. So, the princess soon made a plan to married the old king and wait until his death to become Queen of Beca. The plan went well and the King soon died of natural causes. The princess became a Queen and soon asked the Orela Kingdom to help control Beca. They agreed and the rest is history.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The United Supranational Union of Humanity

“Those of us who advocate the Exodus have not betrayed the USC. The USC has betrayed itself.”– Mohandas Singh


Comprising Nation-states:

-The Federation of New Earth
-The Republic of Exodus
-The Republic of Fu Lu Shou
-The Federated Republic of Eden
-The Republic of Péngyǒu
-The Republic of Sīmānta
-The Republic of Amani
-The Republic of Ncchi Mpya
-The United Federal Republic of Heinlein
-The Republic of Pobedonosnyy Sud’ba
-The Second Republic of Halcyon
-The Republic of Acchī phasala
-The Republic of Sputnik
-The United Colonial States of Jefferson
-The United Colonial Republic of Xīwàng
-The United Colonial Republics of the Galileo Starzone
-The Colonial Confederation of Eureakan Settlements

Observer States In The Powderkeg Stars Region

(Measured in relevance to the Union)
--The Republic of Autumn (Republic formed by U.S.U.H occupation of Empire border principality that was in a state of civil war between nobles, currently has active U.S.U.H peacekeepers in the area)
--The Weinzenberan Principality (Rogue border state of the Terranis Empire backed by the U.S.U.H)
--The Revolutionary Commune of Robespierre (Independent state, conquered by Terranis Empire, revolted 30 years ago and was backed by U.S.U.H peacekeepers who blockaded the planet and created a planet wide no-fly-zone)
--The Revolutionary World Government-In-Exile of Eisenhower (Currently given sanctuary in the Republic of Jefferson. Actually from the world of Cantu, pro-Union rebels attempted to form the new state of "Eisenhower" but failed. The rebellions remnants have diplomatic and partial military support from the Union, in particular the Republic of Jefferson)
--The Empire of Lao's Planet (A tiny single-world "Empire" that is between the Union and Terranis Empire, backed by the U.S.U.H to act as a buffer zone)
--The Revolutionary Miners Republic of Neo-Eureka (revolting against Terranis-based company)
--The Autonomous Republic of Benjamin's World (In civil war with Aurolian federals)
--The People's Commune of George-Robertville (Minor communist state which has a semi-functional military shipyard from the old Empire days in the region)
--The Revolutionary World Government of New Maplewood (Revolted against warlord empire, resource region trade hub)
--The Revolutionary World Republic of Arcadia (Privately funded colony, declared independence from Aurolian-based Corporation, backed by U.S.U.H volunteers)
--The Samuel Commune (Rebelling against Terranis border nobility)
--The Revolutionary Thirteenth Colonial Republic of New Johnsonland (Declared independence from the Federation a century ago, was recaptured by the Federation however has led periodic rebellions ever since. Currently rebelling again for the thirteenth time and has captured a continent)
--The Glorious Empire of Dacyira (Rebel movement on Aurolian-backed independent colony, supported by U.H.U.S despite autocratic ruler due to it combating Aurolian alien settlers in the region)
--The Sovereign Colony of Bob's World (A puny colony of only 3200 people, the U.S.U.H officially backed their bid for independence following the discovery of an old human sleeper ship from the Solar Union days)

(awaiting recognition by the Union)
-The Empire of Ezra's World(Formerly the independent colony of Copenhagen V. became a proxy war battlefield between the Union, Federation and Empire for 70 years until eventually Ezra Northgate, a local declared the colony independent and using an army of disgruntled locals attacked all three sides, amazingly winning with a combination of surprise attacks and sheer luck. Ezra declared himself Emperor of his new rogue tinpot state and renamed Copenhagen V "Ezra's World". Since then the tiny single world 'empire' has been trying to desperately hold off three superpowers at once. Emperor Ezra has begun desperate attempts to achieve recognition from the Union, currently trying to apply for Observer status)


Government Type: Supranational Union (Economic, military and political bloc comprising mostly of representative and direct democracies, over the last century has been slowly centralizing into a federation)
Political Identity Populist and highly politically active population. Views themselves as inheritors of Earth and the sole legitimate government of humanity. See's both the Terranis Empire's slavery of biosynths and autocratic rule as evil and the Federation's alien ruling elite as an affront to humanity. Extremely inclusive and multicultural to all humans but highly xenophobic and human supremacist to aliens. Highly militaristic population however see's wars as wars of liberation, intervention or unification. Primary pluralistic issue in politics and ethics is a cultural battle between Humanists and Transhumanists.
Society Value's Democracy, Egalitarianism, Utilitarianism, Secularism, Humanism, Progression, Liberty, Equity, Galactic Manifest Destiny, Human Supremacy(Colloquially referred to as "Humanity, fck yeah")
Capital System: Copernicus System
Capital World: New Earth (Individual nation-states have their own local capitals, New Earth is the headquarters for the U.S.U.H)
Capital City: New Geneva
Currency: Sol Credits (SC)
Demonym: Unionites

Dominant Species: Humanity and A-class Transhumans
Demographics: (Overall: Humanity 96%)
--Natural and A-Class Transhuman Humans: 47%
--B and C-Class Transhumans: 41%
--Abhumanity and Biosynths: 7%
--Alien life: 4%
--D-Class Transhumans 0.1-1%

Religious Demographics:
-Non-Religious (Atheists, Humanists, Agnostics, etc): 66%
-Gaia (Worship of Earth): 18%
-Old Earth Faith (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc): 14%
-Alien Faiths (Restricted to alien minority): 2%


-Incumbent Head of State: Secretary-General of the Assembly, Mr.Kwang-Seon Sagong
-Incumbent Head of Government: Deputy Secretary-General of the Assembly, Kagiso Nwosu
-Speaker For The Assembly: Councillor-General, Imari Gueye

-Secretary of Defence: John Wallace Cartwright
-Secretary of Commerce and Industry: Zhao Yang
-Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Elizabeth Kozlowski
-Secretary of the Interior: Klaus Jun Akiyama
-Secretary of Health and Education: Kirill Qing Fyodorov
-Secretary of Colonization and Pan-Human Affairs: Reinhard Auttenberg
-Secretary of Media and Technology: Bernard Afolayan
-Secretary-General of the International Space Authority: Andrew Hobbes
-President of the International Galactic Bank: Daniel James Cross
-Secretary-General of the International Board on Weapons of Mass Destruction: Hope Fairchild
-Secretary-General of the International Association of Foreign Aid: Sibylle Delacroix

-Chairman of the Council of Chiefs of Staff: General Amar Chowdhury
-Chairwoman of the Galactic Human Rights Council: Hope Fairchild
-Director-General of the Office of Counter-Intelligence (O.C.I): Yuri Volkov
-Director-General of the Office of Foreign Intelligence (O.F.I): Mosi Ihekirika
-Director-General of the Office of the Comprehension and Study of Supernatural and Psionic Forces (O.C.S.S.P.F):
-Ambassador to the Terranis Empire:
-Ambassador to the Aurolian Federation:
-Ambassador to the Valyncian Commonwealth:
-Ambassador to the The Confederated States of Arnost:


Political Affiliation within the Union:

(Major Parties: The Humanist Party, the Conservative Party, the Reformed Purity Party, the Human Defence League, the Earth Party, the Revivalist Party, the Revivalism movement)

THE PAN-HUMAN CONSENSUS FOR UNITY(In Opposition, significant presence in the assembly)
(Major Parties: The Transhumanist Party, the Human Progression Party, the Consensus Party, the Alliance for Transhuman Rights and Cooperation, the Pan-Human Council, the Singularity Party, the Human empowerment movement)

(Major Parties: Manifest Destiny, Victory Party, Voice for Terranis-Union Military Cooperation, the Purity Party, Victory Now!, Second Solar Party, pan-human nationalism movement)
Persons of Importance:

Armed Forces of Humanity:

"Intervention. Liberation. Unification."

The Culture and Society of the Union:

"The Union is coming, the Union is coming!" -Federation Comedian Jimmy Bobson, referring to the Union boy-band Cold Way following release of their interstellar hit, "Once Again"


The Union Invasion: When the Union isn't dropping bombs of democracy or waging proxy wars with the Empire and Federation, it is pushing a far more passionate invasion: The Union lyrical invasion. The Union's cultural imperialism is of the annoyingly popular and addictive kind, the kind that spreads among the billions of human and even alien youth and young adults of the galaxy. This is not the first Union Invasion, as the Union's cultural imperialism usually comes in 20-30 year waves and is likely to continue for many more. Ranging from Neo-Rap; to Retro-Electrodub-Soft-Radical-Rock; to proper Earth classical orchestra all the way up to the all pervasive U-Pop, the Union is well on its way to dominating the galactic music industry and the hearts and minds of young and impressionable adolescent minds.

Whats Big In The Music World:
-U-Pop: The current undisputed ruler of the music genre's, U-Pop is the megalithic giant entirely dominated by young, impossibly beautiful pop idols singing with squeaky voices to ridiculously saccharine songs for the entertainment of hundreds of billions. Due to its insane popularity and the sheer soft-power the Union pop-idols possess, U-Pop has become the most iconic symbol of Union cultural imperialism.
-Earth Classical & Humanist: Ranging from the most highly regarded works of the Solar Union days to the ancient masterpiece's of Earth's greatest, Earth classical remains as humanities ultimate symbol of culture and refinement taken seriously. Despite U-Pop's real power over the masses, the Union Government publicly backs the spreading of Earth Classical as propaganda music and is well known for playing Beethoven's Fifth and Ninth Symphony during parades and other public events. Despite its great cultural value, Earth classical also has a shady reputation for being the music of choice for human supremacist rebel groups and far-right human fascist organizations. Humanist music is much like Classical but is more modern music and came into being during the late UN and early USC days, music typically about the unification and brotherhood of mankind, typically sung in numerous languages.
-Synth-Drone & Synth-Pop: The new night club music of choice, Synth-Drone and Synth-Pop is as the name suggests droning synth music with industrial and dark ambient themes. Synth-Pop is essentially a light-hearted variant, fusing electronic/trance/techno in with the base drone.
-Neo-Rap: Colloquially referred to as "The songs about butts", Neo-Rap is an old competitor of U-pop, however its inability to gather the fanatical cults of personality that U-Pop idols gather has stunted its growth.
-Transsynth/"Android Drone/Binary Drone": The strangest musical invention of mankind yet, Transsynth is music exclusively listened to by transhumans of C and D class, known as "Cyborg", "Cyber", "Binary" or, more derogative "Dial-up", Transsynth is a fusion of 'perfect' lyrical notes and sounds played at frequencies that either can't be heard by humans or sound like insane incomprehensible nonsense that physically hurts. Transsynth has a strange position in the Union culture where it is hated by the common people but praised by the intellectual community. Of particular note, Transsynth was created by one of the earlier D-Class Transhumans (Uplifted Human-To-AI's) to prove that artificial intelligence had creativity and original thought.
-Retro-Electrodub-Soft-Radical-Rock: The third competitor with U-Pop and Neo-Rap, R.E.S.R.R is the genre of music that essentially includes all the contemporary bands, led by adolescent boy-bands that are catered towards teenage girls. While R.E.S.R.R has a great following, ironically in foreign countries like the Federation, the Pop-Idol's cults of personality are still more powerful.
-Classical/Old Rock: The ye'olde music nearly entirely restricted to the old guard military elite in the army
-Orchestral Epic: The ye'olde music nearly entirely restricted to the old guard military elite in the navy.

The Pop Idols of the Union:
"OMG I LUV U MARRY ME NYAN!" - Common extranet post directed towards Miss NyanxNyantyNine
The Union pop-idols are one of the most powerful harbingers of the Union Invasion, these pop-idols have become galactic icons of the Union's culture with cults of personality and galactic followings so large they even have their own religious cults and their popularity so great that even the Union government has occasionally used the more insanely popular ones as goodwill ambassadors for nigh fanatical foreigners or angry colonists.

Union Pop-Idol's specialize in the all powerful U-Pop genre of music, however some also branch out to other genre's like R.E.S.R.R and Synth-Pop. Others "Sellout" and work in Neo-Rap or "Ascend" and become singers for the governments (or military's) humanist music propaganda. The Union Pop-Idol's also tend to be multi-talented renaissance women, actresses, voice-actresses, artists, reporters, news presenters, supermodels, fashion designers and some are even diplomats and CEO's.

Union Pop-Idol's are not only a cultural icon but a physical class within Union society. A girl does not simply 'become' a Union Pop-Idol, they are essentially born these days. Being transhuman superhuman designer babies with custom tailored appearance, voices, body shape and intellect, detractors essentially note that these idol's are 'fakes' given hourglass figures and stupid voices. Because of the previously said insane popularity and cults of personality however, these voices are smothered by the billions of fanboys/fangirls/fanaliens/fanbots.


The Galactic Stars and Celebs

Virtual Reality

Holographic Simulation


The Union on the Extranet

Union National Broadcasting

The Killnet: Built from the infamous 21st century invention that has only grown stronger and stronger with time, live-streaming warfare in real time by combatants has become the new and believed greatest form of blood sports, both presenting real-life combat, death and military affairs with real emotions and risks in an easy and accessible means to billions of viewers. The Killnet is the semi-organized, semi-autonomous part of the extra-net where these war live-streams are broadcast. Within the union, national laws are dependent on the member-state within, so some locations it is illegal and as such viewed in the dark net or via pirate broadcasts... however in states where it is legal killnet viewing has become a new national past-time, large corporations with huge fanbases present the blood sports as a kind of game show reality tv.

In the most insane fusion of the Entertainment, Mass Media and Military-Industrial-Complex ever, the Killnet has "War Sport News" and "Battle Games" and other real war-orientated game shows, where certain Private Military Contractors, volunteers and occasionally even mercenaries and privateers semi-organize their real combat into an almost game like system with kill-counts, leaderboards and mid-battle commentary. Numerous paramilitary organizations have even been formed SIMPLY BECAUSE of killnet, essentially being mercenary gameshow organizations killing people and waging war for ratings. Many of the larger killnet gameshows and associated corporations also act as the advertisement wing for both the gun and military-industrial-complex lobbies, presenting military hardware for review for potential national and corporate buyers, these corporations also showing off equipment in arms fairs. It should be noted that the Union's actual military and intelligence probe these activities to prevent military secret leaks or enemies gathering information on hardware actively used by the actual military. Funny enough, the Killnet has actually contributed to the Union's (and other foreign viewers) higher than galactic average knowledge of geography and geo-politics events as well as small-scale tactical knowledge and gun maintenance.

Destiny News: The Destiny News Network is the firebrand far-right niche of the Union's mass media saturation, fulfilling the need of the Alliance for Manifest Destiny political bloc's information and propaganda services. Hardcore ultra-nationalists and human supremacists, the D.N.N is heavily militant and advocates direct military action against the Federation, though it is also rebellious against the usual ruling party line and actually speaks kindly of the Empire, giving a romanticized image of chivalry and noblesse oblige to the decadent megalith. On the other hand, the D.N.N is surprisingly concerned with the plight of religious minorities which the secular humanist majority ignore at best, bringing up otherwise ignored social issues concerning the treatment of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindu's and Gaiaists. The D.N.N also has a fanatical journalist branch which is willing to go into hellhole warzones to get a story, although said journalists are also typically ideologically driven conspiracy theorists.





Social Norms and Morality

Overview: The Union has a very strange society. Overall, it mostly appears like a socially liberal utopia with its current 'socially accepted' views on race, gender and sexuality being extremely egalitarian and is also a secularists wet dream with its disdain for religious law or morality however simultaneously it practices a form of mild apartheid on alien lifeforms, has harsh immigration laws and has legal capital punishment and made euthanasia illegal. The result of this bizarre social setup is a society where the "left" and the "right" are much different from the 21st centuries notion of left and right, at least concerning modern social issues. The largest social pluralism is caused by the notion of what exactly 'humanity' is, with humanists being the right wing and having a more conservative view on humanity while transhumanists being the left wing and having a more progressive view. Both sides accept transhumans as humans, however transhumans argue that bio-synths, artificial intelligence and androids that consider themselves human are also humans (Basically its genetics vs psychology)
-Capital Punishment: Legal (Was made legal due to demand for executing genocidal war criminals from the Powderkeg Systems and due to its hardliner status on Empire and Federation criminals, particularly aliens)
-Abortion: Legal
-Euthanasia Illegal (Made illegal by transhuman politicians who were able over the course of a century to convince the population that conservation of information and wisdom in humanities oldest members is preferable to suicide, ironically, the humanists who are considered the conservative right-wing are in favour of legal euthanasia who believe only the owner of their body has the right to determine what happens to said body and not the state or society)
-Marriage Laws: Very loose except Xeno-Human marriage (Gay marriage, polygamy, human-AI marriage, and so on are legal)
-Transexuality/Homosexuality/Intersexuality/etc: No longer a social issue (Transhumanism is the new fight, however Xenophilia is considered morally wrong)
-Gender Equality: Galactic benchmark
-Racial Equality(Human only): Galactic benchmark
-Racial Equality(Inter-Species): Ranging from Apartheid to Pre-Civil Rights US
-Gun Laws: Local government determined (One of the few area's the Union does not determine laws on, the member-states of the Union determine the level of freedom of gun ownership. Interestingly, the Union is in general pro gun-control, however pragmatism has convinced the Union that the members-states closest to the Federation and Empire borders require armed populations to better resist foreign occupation. As such, in the Union you can find regions where its impossible to even own a bolt-action rifle but in others its legal to own a military grade space spinal cannon)


The Exodus and Formation of the United Supranational Union of Humanity

The Wars of Unification and Ratification of the Union Charter

The First Alien-Human War of Intervention

The Pan-Human Wars of Liberation (Union-Federation Wars/Union-Empire Wars)

The Union Golden Age

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Commonwealth of Valyncian Republics

"Progress and Humanity"

Government Type: Parliamentary Republic
Capital System: Femna System
Capital World: Carth


Dominant Species: Valyncians
Minority Species: “Natural” Humans and Ryugyakkans
Demographics: (Overall Humanity: 47%)
Valyncian: 43%
Natural Human: 4%
Ryugyakkan: 53%


Head of the Government: Prime Minister Avril Foxwell
Speaker of the Low Council: First Minister Isaac Locke

Cabinet Members
-Deputy Prime Minister: Andrew Brooks
-Minister of the Commonwealth for Finance: Owen Burns
-Home Minister of the Commonwealth: Archer Garrison
-Minister of the Commonwealth for Foreign Affairs: Nataly Farley
-Minister of the Commonwealth for Justice: Rory Ross
-Minister of the Commonwealth for Defense: Noah Wood
-Minister of the Commonwealth for International Development: Katie Barker

Other Important Members of the Government
-Minister of the Commonwealth for the Armed Forces: Harper Weiss
-Chief of the Defense Staff: Admiral Mariella Foxwell
-Minister of the Commonwealth for Technology: Gavin Kinton

Armed Forces


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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More info pending!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


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The Confederated States of Arnost

-----------------------Arnost confederate states--------------------

Republic of Constantine
The Primary Hub for humanity in the Arnost region. Named after the legendary human hero, Archibald Constantine whom led the humans to victory over the superior Abolith Navy during the Herman war.

The state of Constantine maintains the highest number of territories.

New Alberta
Greater johstan
San Jose

“Harmony” Formerly known as the planetary system Louvain
The primary point of civil strife is Harmony. A well known new freedom party advocate is assassinated. civil panic rises and demonstators are fired upon with teargas. Many see this as an infringment among free speech and equal rights. Harmony declared independence from the current government but still maintains itself as a confederate state. on the surface of Harmony colony 'Durst', police clashes with protestors and firebombing of government facilities is commonplace. It has become the epitome of the confederacies quickly rising internal issues.

Pozzaad Union
The Abolith state

Felik pra

The melting pot for the nation. Seat of Confederacy is located here as well as the most mixed populations from all four races.

Doonesh Commonwealth
The Doonkirs claimed worlds.


Toff Collective
The toff maintain a number of massive world ships, with the most prolific being the size of earths moon. These mobile worlds serve as scientific hubs, manufacturing sites and housing. Many generations of toff pass on these behemoths before ever setting foot on a planet.

There are many of these cruising silently around the nation but the most prolific are,



Government Type
Formally a confederacy between four primary space faring races
With an elected head of state.

Confederacy national leader- Paul Frederick IV
Head of Confederate assembly- The Toff known as H’kooop Dif’
Human Republic leader- Amah Sharkan
Toff collective state leader- Boof Bleppo
Abolith union leader- Hrokk Useh-Dem
Doonkir commonwealth leader- Usiro VII

Political parties
Belief in forcing new laws and expansionist behaviors
Small government, big business
New freedom party-
Openly pushing for a non-human national leader

Public entities
Wellis arms company-
A major manufacturing corporation who specializes in small arms. Original producer for the MAR-17.
'Association for Free Allied People' These are high strung activists for the position of peace. They have heavy influence in media outlets in the sector. They are usually seen with second rate military vehicles that have been re-purposed for transportation of goods and medical supplies. They mark all of their vehicles with bright red crosses. They have directly traced their roots to the old earth order, "The red cross" in all of its practices.

Persons of Importance


Human 37%
Toff 29%
Abolith 26%
Doonkir 8%



The nation has been in an identity crisis for fifteen years running. Many people are upset with how the government is handling the current situation regarding the powderkeg and the Dominion in the west. They see a potential invasion from an enemy they know nothing about and any questions directed to the government is always replied to with a "its classified".

The current state of mind is the lack of confidence in their leaders and with alien races starting to speak up about how there hasn't been a non-human in the highest position of power has many asking questions, even declaring it a human empire in disguise. Various agencies have attempted to remedy this but the recent revelations regarding the two primary parties being genetically engineered opponents has shaken faith in a system that they had believed was perfect resulting in the number of candidates running as independent rising sharply. With the government saturated with questions from the public and the steady rise of new political entities vying for dominance, the capitol has become flooded with new red tape.

On the opposite side of this, the general population recognizes the need for a central government and still strongly supports unity within the nation.

Wars have brought new agencies to rise, especially in the news field with hundreds of new journalists reporting stories by the hour. Two prolific agencies preside over the masses, the Galactic News Network (GNN) and the Real World Report (RWR), two heavily biased agencies that constant dispute the others views along with many other human nation agencies.

Drugs and alcohol have started to rise in recent years along with draft dodgers and deserters. Many find themselves joining AFAP and helping in nations abroad.

Music regarding love and peace has started to flood the airwaves, countering the once popular union pop idols. Many are starting the view the Union as warmongers as opposed to the propaganda that the government had gently produced that displayed the union as a neutral-friendly party.

Home media becomes flooded with shows about possible war and death and countered with shows of peace and love. The people see a clear night and day split regarding media and politicians alike. With no real middle ground, people are given the hard choice, Progressive or Conservative.


Graviton weaponry
Gravity drive systems
Graviton shielding
Rapid fabrication
Artificial intelligence
Projected shield arrays
Exotic particle generators
Cloaking devices
Gravity tethers
Matter replicators



The staunch defenders of the Confederacy and its interests stand by shoulder to shoulder against the growing tides of darkness.

The nations military is broken in to three primary branches. The army itself is a powerhouse but is bulky and unwieldy. Immense resources are required to bring it on to the field in any offensive manner using stellar transports and supply lines. Once in motion though, the army is quite formidable. To compensate the deficiency of an mobile effective ground force, the marines were created and pushed it to a full division of its own. Complete with unique weapons and vehicles to help them assault and control a battlefield. Their few numbers force them to be more resourceful and when cornered, ferocious on the battlefield.

Heading them up is the navy, the primary force of the nation as they have the best chance of warding off enemy forces and helping to bolster friendly forces by means of orbital intervention.

The military has a mandatory military service of six years, starting at prime ages for each race. Their training is exceptional considering the huge size of a military of this sort. The branch one is drafted is due to one primary factor, Testing scores. People with high aptitudes will usually enter fields like naval intelligence or battlefield commanders where as lower scoring students will likely be the ones charging an enemy hill with rifle in hand. This has over the years, lead many to push their children to excel as no one wants their son to be cannon fodder. Many are starting to question if the tests are actually a factor in selection or if it is actually social status of ones family.

"That fuckwit only scored a 70% on his final, gets to work as an engineer at a shipyard. Here I am, scoring an 86% and I have to learn to be a marine.. At least I'll have navy cover."
-Old common saying in the marines. Originator unknown.


The Exodus and the three colonies

First encounter with Toff

‘Herman war’ Conflict with the Abolith

Kithid war- birth of the Confederation

Dominion war
The Doonkir and expansion
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Nation Sheet.

Nation Name:The Confederation

Government Type:Republic
Capital System/World:

Inti "New Home"

Dominant Species:Human (Quechuas and Aymaras from Andine Line in Earth)
Other Species:

Humans :50%
Leadership:President Capalt Alaya
Persons of Importance:
-Representative of Humans Kalatert
-Representative of Chautls Puzkl´at
-Military Chief Guaman Kurquo
-Embassador in chief Tuhart

History:The Andine People of Earth decided to search a new home long ago , they wanted to maintain their ideals and manners in a planet for themself ."We will remember our Home planet our homes but now this planet its no more our home" Speech-2180 A.D , Cusco.The depart was difficult since they will have to have transport with them millions of people but it was possible and they thanks to the combined money of the people .They leaved in the 2180 A.D and started their travel.The fijated sistem was Andes-XX3Y , after 10 years of travel they get in Andes-XX3Y , and decided to colonize a planet which they renamed Inti "New Home",but something was there they didnt know what was waiting for them.

There was a sentient specie ,a new sentient specie that was waiting for them , when they was near of the planet , the radio receptors started catching strange sounds , and then the captain of the fleet see the satellites , artificial sattellites , they were not even similar to ours satellites , at first the leaders and captains didnt know what to do , the could enter the planet and change completely a Civilization , they decided their only option ,enter the planet for what they come for get a new planet .For the Chautls its was amazing for the humans strange , relations between them started , the colonist started making cities in the planet in designated zones by the representatives of the Chautls , The Chautls and the Humans started to be co-neighboors in the planet . Before it was strange to see a Chautls near a human city and viceversa, now is more than common because of the fusion of both cultures , this was arranged by the Chautls and Human leaders . Humans shared everything they got and answered all the questions , why the come , what maked them leave , etc .The Cautls did the same , it was a pacific colonization .Then Chautls-Human Science Projects started and began the production of space centers and ships mostly bassed in human desings.
This is how The Confederation Started

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The Atomists of Asphodel

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Sorry about the double post--I'll just use the second one for spaceships.


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The Harlaci Imperium
For Honor, Duty, and Glory.

Form of Government: Empire influenced by Meritocracy
Head of Nation: Emperor Victus Thralgaren
National Anthem: Kazukhan

Home System: Krieg System
Home Planet: Tyr'grande
Capital City: Iagos
Imperium Population: 90% Harlacians, 4% Hannosai, 5.9% Dregorans, 0.1% Provians

Dominant Species: Harlacs

Demonym: Harlacian, Harlaci, Harlac, Harlacon.

A land based species native to the lands of Tyr'grande. Harlacians are almost human in appearance and anatomy. Their taller heights, elongated ears, natural muscular physique, bone appendages, and grotesque skins, are the features that differentiates them from Humans. Their skin are greyish in color and doesn't cover the entirety of their bodies, leaving gaps and crevices that exposes their muscles. Though it might appear painful, these parts are actually covered by a very thin layer of keratin which gives minimal protection to the muscles against dust or other particles. The bone appendages form mostly around their chest area, arms, and legs, giving them natural body protection but slower movements.

Unlike other species, Harlacians look after their own race more than anything else. They seek improvement in life not for personal reasons, but for their race as a whole. They are extremely territorial, especially when it comes to personal space. They are peaceful by nature, but sees conflict as a venue for testing might and honor.

Through several generations, the Harlacians developed a strong sense of social servitude and discipline. They also have a strong sense of loyalty, making them bound on whatever cause they follow. They are known for their exceptional skill with range weaponry, which was honed from slingshots to gauss rifles.

An average Harlacian lifespan reaches from 250 - 300 years, making the enforcement of population control essential in the Imperium.




Demonym: Hannost, Hannoth, Hannosti, Hannosai.

Originally from an uncharted part of the galaxy, this species found refuge on the deep oceans of Tyr'grande, and paved way for the further advancement of the Harlacs. They are tall, blue skinned aliens that has a set of black colored eyes that can see color in the ultraviolet spectrum. Much like the Harlacians, they are also bipedal and have two sets of limbs (arms and legs). They have a unique regenerative body that could make them regrow dismembered limbs and age almost indefinitely. The Hannost's full control over their bodies allows them to end their lives at will.

They are highly intellectual and calm in nature. The Hannost were given the position of enriching the society of the Imperium, making most of the scholars, scientists, and traders of Hannost descent. The Hannost population mostly reside under the underwater depths of Imperium controlled planets, while maintaining an small overall population.

After the founding of the Harlaci Imperium, almost every Hannost records and data was lost, ridding any trace of Hannost history. They are very secretive when it comes to the history of their race, that only the line of Emperors and Hannost Elders are knowledgeable about the topic. Several technologies have been passed on to the Harlaci, though most of it are just a fraction of the technology the Hannost have attained.



Demonym: Dregoric, Dregorian, Dregon

Dregorans are an amphibious reptile race with massive body structures that conducts electricity much like an eel. They were a non-spacefaring race that was rescued by the Hannost from their dying homeworld, before they settled in Tyr'grande. Dregorans were effectively absorbed within Hannost society and were treated as an equal. From that point on they owed their lives to the Hannost, and served as their military representatives. Dregorans on their own could not support their body in land due to their massive size, which is why when they are deployed on land, they wear power armors made by the Hannost. Dregoran armors appears different from each one, as each armor is ornamented with mementos or personal trinkets gained from battles they've taken part of. Usual armaments given to the Dregorans are energy weapons, since their electrical body further amplifies the firepower of their equipment.

An average lifespan of a Dregoran last up to 60 years.

Persons of Importance:

Emperor Victus Thralgaren

Military Triach
Economy Triach
Cultural Triach

Imperium Technology:

Economic Overview:

Cultural Overview

Military Overview:


Hannost Arrival

Teachings of the Kusan

Rise of the Imperium

Expansion Period

Golden Age
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Arcsoni Exodus Initiative

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- F o r g o t t e n L i g h t -

T h e R e a p e r O f T h e H e a v e n s

T h e P r i m e v a l S w o r d

T h e G r e a t D e s t r o y e r

T h e E t e r n a l F l a m e

P e l g r o t h

_ __ ___ _ ___ __ _

In the wake of Forgotten Light, the Great Destroyer. The very cosmos shakes at his approach.

_ __ ___ _ ___ __ _

-[Transmission Cut]-

"We have been unable to stop him.
Advise do not engage. Repeat, do not engage.
Let the Cephalrrior deal with this. This is not our battle.

Repeat. Do. Not. Engage."

-[Transmission End]-
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