Species Description A very human like race that shares many traits with them. Though over the many years, the race has become heavily augmented with both biological and nanotechnology enhancements, thus strengths depend on what role the individual plays in the society. The race all seem to have light blond to white hair, pale white skin, and red or blue eyes, though there are some who have dark orange eyes. The average height of Mechanische is around 6 feet 2 inches. Their major separating trait from humans other than their more uniform skin color and eye color, is there natural resistance to otherwise highly toxic environments. Centuries of living on heavily industrialized planets allows them to easily breath and operate in highly polluted areas, whether artificial or natural. There military reflects this with its heavy use of chemical warfare.
Nation Name Höllefeuer Empire
Nation Size Five solar systems, several outer stations, and various hidden military sites all scattered within their territory.
Nation Description The Mechanische people began on their home planet of Karvenstife, a planet originally vibrant and full of life. After a few centuries, large nations began to form on the planet, many having different views and values alike, but these nations were very few. There wasn't very much they could be divided on except their values and beliefs. Wars were waged, blood was spilled, and time went on until period of time known as "The Great Industrial Umwälzung" were the few nations of the world built immense machines, factories, and industrial complexes to fuel their advancement. From then on, the nations continued to be industrious, creating more and more advance machines and weaponry to fight each other with, yet war did not break out. Soon the resources that once fueled their heavily industrialized nations became scarcer and scarcer. The various nations started to become desperate and began forming heavy trade alliances and eventually merging in order to keep up with the demand. Finally after centuries of industrialization, merging, and alliances, two great nations stood against each other in the war to end all wars. A massive century long war broke out between the two major nations, destroying much of what they had built and finally ending in the last nation standing to rule the ruins of their world. Now that the single nation stood, it seemed it was on the brink of collapse as resources began to run thin and much of the world in ruin. The air itself had become so heavily polluted that it was almost impossible to breath. The Mechanische, desperate to save their race from massive civil war, began to look to the stars for a solution. And they found it.
For the first time, a manned mining vessel landed on one of the two orbiting moons to begin operations. Soon, the entire system had been heavily colonized and being stripped of resources. The newly formed interplanetary nation of Höllefeuer Empire began to spread out into other systems, but as they expanded, old scares began to open and soon a great civil war broke out between the main government and other planets. The war was eventually won by Höllefeuer Empire, but the cost once again was great. It was then the government went from a collective rule into a heavily controlling Totalitarian rule with limiter augmentations in place. The government still had problems though with fully controlling its people and needed a unifying solution.
The nation of Höllefeuer Empire encountered its first alien species when it went to colonize their fifth system. This seemed like the unifying solution that was needed to gain complete control of the people of Höllefeuer Empire. The government fabricated an elaborate lie that the species was all savages that murdered and raped peaceful colonists. The nation soon went to war with the alien species and quickly overwhelmed the much smaller alien nation. This set the policy of Höllefeuer Empire on how they would deal with other alien nations. Very few nations have been able to established an alliance with the Empire's generally xenophobic government.
Nation Involvement The Höllefeuer Empire is always craving for new territories to add to its ever expanding empire. So it was no surprised that with the assassination of the diplomatic leader to on of the human factions, the Höllefeuer Empire "gladly" joined into the fray to push against the seemingly even more territory hungry humans. Fingers crossed that they are here to simply push the enemy out, and not here to conquer the entire system.... While allied factions of course are not fooled, this war of attrition was already tiring out their reserves, so the massive boost in industrial muscle was more than welcomed.
Technology They are fairly advanced, focusing on usually reliability and firepower when it comes to weaponry used by the Empire's forces. As a result, they mainly used kinetic based weapons, as they tend to be much more durable than their energy based counter parts.
Navy Description
There are only a small handful of these massive ships equipped with huge amounts of firepower. They also posses heavy defenses with thick, high tech armored plating and a single shield that must be turned off before firing weapons or launching ships. They can carry a large invasion force or simply engage large numbers of ships. Though these ships are few and far between as they are incredibly hard to make and expensive. Also, they can only stay in space.
This ship is mainly used for the invasion of planets. They can carry large amounts of soldiers and supplies as well as equipped with drop pod bays. These ships are also lightly armed, thus are usually escorted by more heavily armed ships and fighters. Commonly will land on planets after an initial invasion to deploy more heavier units and act as command bases.
These large ships are mainly used for naval warfare and planetary bombardment. They are equipped with large railguns and missile pods. This is another ship that must remain in space
A missile destroyer type vessel, these mediums sized ships only posses one railgun. Though they can release huge missile barrages on targets and work great as support ships. They may also provide defense against enemy fighters. This ship can enter the atmosphere of planets.
A multi role ship that provides the backbone of the fleet. Equipped with a wide variety of weaponry and medium type armor. This ship can enter the atmosphere of planets. This can carry a complement of ground forces for invasions.
Like a battleship, only more heavily armed and less armored. Mainly used for Anti Ship warfare. They also include a compliment of fighters and soldiers. It cannot go planet side.
Air Force Description
This light transport can carry squads of troops into battle and is used for fast aerial assaults and extractions.
This heavily armed troop transport is used for a variety of roles from aerial assaults to Air to Ground support.
This large transport is mainly used for logistical support or heavy aerial assault. Though it is very lightly armed.
This aircraft is a multi role vehicle, being able to engage enemy ground, air, and space units depending on its payload.
Ground Force Description
Ground Troops:
These soldiers have been augment with pain limiters and are heavily trained, making tough soldiers. Due to both their equipment and the state of most the planets, they can fight in hazardous environments very effectively. They mainly use kinetic type weaponry such as rifles and machine guns. A squad usually consists of three rifle men, a medic, an anti infantry soldier, an anti vehicle soldier, and a squad leader. Anti Infantry soldiers are armed with machine guns and grenade launchers. The Anti Vehicle soldier is typically armed with a multi purpose missile launcher and rail-gun. All soldiers are equipped with armored suits that protect them from medium to light weaponry, both kinetic and energy based. Their helmets provided a sealed environment and advanced HUD. Various secondary equipment is also attached for various roles. Marksman may have enhanced zoom optics while medics may have special modules for evaluating trauma to friendly soldiers.
These soldiers are the special forces of the military, often being deployed via orbital drop pods. They have been augmented with combat enhancers such as strength and speed and are used for going behind enemy lines and wreaking havoc, or as a quick reactionary fighting force. As seen in the image, they are equipped with special power armor and weapons, sometimes even experimental such as personal shields or energy lances. However, due to their wide variety of armaments, each squad will probably be equipped differently in comparison to the last.
This armored wheeled vehicle is equipped with twin energy cannons, being on of the few energy weapon platforms used by Empire forces. It's also armed with a rocket pod, carrying four missiles of varying types. The APK-354 is quite fast and highly mobile, but lacks any serious armor. Its only real defense is its Electron shield to protect it from enemy explosives. It can easily carry a squad's worth of soldiers.
This heavy, versatile tank carries twin 120mm rail guns that can punch through shields. It is also equipped with a single missile pod that can launch two to four missiles of varying types. Though its only sort of shield is a "Electron Shield" that can only protect it from explosive projectiles.
This large, heavy walker is used in for siege type battles and heavy support with many weapons. Most notable would be the large 170mm rail gun turret mounted on the top. It doubles as a mobile AA platform and command center.
This large, automated 190mm regular howitzer as a variety of ammunition it can fire, ranging from massive HE rounds to large gas canisters for chemical warfare.
"That's the Butcher of Ak'Aria! We're screwed! We are all screwed!"-unnamed enemy soldier
This is an example of the most common form of the unit. Highly configurable and rugged, these machines are probably some of the most notorious war machines that the Empire's forces are known for aside from their heavy use of chemical warfare. From melee weapons to 50mm autocannons, these are very versatile weapon platforms that can take a serious number of punches thanks to its advanced shielding. Each unit is also equipped with boosters, allowing them to be highly agile for its size and be deployed at high altitudes with shock troopers. The main drawback is that they are not very common. Much skill, training, and combat experience is required before a pilot can merge with this machine.
Headquarters The Karvanta Foothold. A large, heavily defended base with three Sturm Class ships landed in the center. These three ships will occasionaly take off once they have finally finished unloading their massive cargo holds, but it takes a very long time to empty a Sturm class, thus its not very common. The main fleet holds a part of it in orbit above the base, protecting it from any orbital attacks.
Persons of Importance Wolk Vankompf, Kommandeur of the Höllefeuer Empire Helma Walsi, General of all ground operations in Anuria Argil Hensel, Commander of all orbital assets of the Anuria Campaign
Species Description AI controlled host bodies. Outwardly, these host bodies are grown and tailored to suit the individual Eym. These host bodies come in all shapes and sizes within what they deem a standard template which forces any host to be within a typical human parameter. This was deemed necessary as approaching an human using an ten foot beast with four arms was rather difficult to relate to. These bodies however usually reflect the users ideology and mindset, more aggressive having more sharp angles to their faces or females set to resemble what an average male would deem highly exotic and attractive, for what ever purpose the particular AI desires.
Looking at the inside of a Host body, one would find a myriad of biological tissue and synthetic components. They contain on board batteries for powering the electronic components while an synthetic augmented 'heart' pumps various fluids to the various organs and coolant like substance to the muscles. These bodies are as complicated as a human but are able to be produced much quicker as they are manufactured rather than grown. All of these Host bodies are capable of using both wireless and physical connections and communication with other hosts and a central server although most still use hand motions and verbal commands as wireless transmissions can be detected by special software.
One thing to note as that AI's are very complex and are mounted directly inside a Host bodies server platform. Although they can share and store memories and ideas, they cannot be replicated or copied just like a human which effectively means a death on the battlefield would mean the death of an AI.
Nation name The Eym
Nation Size Currently controls seventy-one star systems.
Capitol Planet, a Look in to the Eym style
Location 1-A- Capitol of the Eym nation. Is a massive, nearly completely artificially modified world. Their mentality is fully reflected here as it contains few roads or waterways. Everything is metal and wires. Hardened metal blocks house servers and other various technologies and orbiting the world is a massive artificial ring that functions as a massive space dock and shipyard. Most Eym star systems are not colonized proper but rather orbital mining facilities or massive solar panel farms that collect and store exotic energy from various rays emitted by a systems star and other particles from extra solar radiations.
Nation Description The Eym were created as a servant race for a then mighty star empire known as the Kolit. This race was far different from the humanoids that exist today. These creatures had three arms and five very muscular legs that helped cope with the high gravity of the world known now as Location 1-A. For Centuries, the servant AI's were content with their role but as time went on, the Kolit began to rely on them more and more. Using them as troops and factory workers. It became evident that the Kolit were so reliant on the Eym that they began to decline in number as the Kolit need only revel in the exploits of their servant race.
As time went on, many Kolit began to deem the Eym as the reason they were declining in number, claiming subtle changes in the atmosphere to sterilize them among other things. It wasn't true at all but it didn't stop the 'Great Fall' where the Kolit eventually took up arms. This war was violent beyond all measure but lasted a mere month at best but as wide spread as the Eym was within the Kolit society, there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Kolit ships were powered down and space stations would be vented. It was a massacre that the Eym to this day regret but they justify it as a self defense mechanism, unaware of the repercussions of their actions, Genocide.
After the war ended, The Kolit population had been obliterated and most lived in camps except the ones that argued against the war to begin with. Time went on and the Kolit were eventually turned in to the servant race and after a few centuries, had died off due to exhaustion and lack of breeding. This led to the Eym being dominant and inheriting all the Kolit had. It is not well known but there are a few Kolit existing on Location 1A in a cryogenic slumber. Eym constantly study Kolit culture and are awaiting the day they can once more allow the Kolit to rejoin the galaxy.
The nation has a near unlimited resources, no need for massive cities to house their populations, no need for agricultural worlds and the power of a networked society. These things have created a nation that is a huge force in the galactic scene.
Nation Involvement Their involvement goes back quite far in regards to the Anuria system. It used to be the location of a embassy for humanity and the Eym. It contained outer system space stations and solar collectors that have long since been either heavily fortified or destroyed. They were drawn in to the war long ago with the murder of their primary ambassador to humanity and the destruction of the orbital station 'Reach'. When the orbital station was destroyed, its re-entry was known as the fire rain.. an event which many enjoyed and can be seen on many network media to this day.
Technology The Eym are a highly advanced andvery strong player in the galactic community. they consistently dabble in to many questionable technologies without any care for established rules and ethics their ability to link up to a hive structure enabled rapid problem solving and idea sharing which has given them access to a wide range of exotic technologies for both domestic and mikitary use. Militarily, they operate simple warship designs that are capable of withstanding heavy fire. Their armor systems have self-replicating armor and various types of angled energy shielding. They utilize gravitational singularities for power sources and make heavy use of Anti-Neutron and meson weaponry as they deem kinetic weaponry to be a waste of space and technology. Ground forces do have a few exceptions that are to be listed below.
They are capable of rapid cloning of 'Host' Bodies but none have been used as wireless drones to this point. Eym make heavy use of matter converter/replicators, 3-D printing and pre-set artificial "warp gates" to advance their civilization.
Military units listed below are the ones most common within the Anurian conflict zone.
Navy Description A thing to note is that all Eym warships use energy weapons and they are mounted in small 'domes' in various locations around the hull. These weapons have a wide firing arc giving these ships the ability to hit hard without the need to line up turrets. They also use smaller hulls as they do not need corridors for biological entities to move. This creates a smaller ship that is heavily armed, shielded and armored.
The type VII is the most common warship in the region that the Eym utilize. Although it is classified by the Eym as a frigate class, It is far more comparable to a Destroy class for most human nations.
Eym Destroyers are the primary anti-warship, space superiority vessel fielded to date. It was created as a ship hunter from the get go and is armed to the teeth for that task. These aren't nearly as common as the Frigate type but are the ones any enemy commander should be concerned with.
Only one of these massive warships has been seen in the Anurian System and it was only for a short while. It contains enough firepower to be its own fleet and is quite fast considering its size. These are used as siege ships and can lay waste to worlds with sustained barrages of heavy energy weapons fire. Luckily the Eym are hesitant to use such a weapon against a planet unless absolutely necessary. Most of these are used as the centerpiece of a fleet and deterrent for enemy forces intending to attack.
Air Force Description The Eym do not employ much in regards to airpower at this time.
The gunships are more so a large Host body than an actual combat vehicle. They are organic in nature and house an Individual AI pilot. They are very maneuverable and carry a high powered pulse grazer and two high powered pulse cannons. Aside from the UAD II drone (shown below), It is the most common air asset the Eym employ.
The Eym do not employ fighters in space combat like other nations do. They see them as easy to target and destroy and a much larger loss than an expandable torpedo, which has also been abandoned in favor of high end energy weapons. The Strike fighter is a relic of the past when energy weapons aren't prevalent on the field. These are stealthy atmosphere capable fighters that carry a variety of energy weapons. They are exclusive to planetary operations nowadays but are very proficient at it. These do still see service in space encounters when present and in defensive roles, targeting missiles and operating as shields when needed.
The light air transport is a armored Vtol that can transport squads of infantry, field guns and light vehicles in to a combat zone. It is quick, nimble, easy to fly and repair. Most are armed with a standard pulse gun, a small rocket pod or a grazer for attacking armored targets and structures along side automated door guns. They have seen extensive use for nearly a decade and continues to excel at its role despite its age.
It has been lovingly dubbed the "thumper" due to its distinct rapid thumping sound when in flight, which is caused by its pulsing gravity thruster which gives it lift.
The Ultimate Eym war machine. It boasts fourteen heavy pulse cannons, seven capitol class particle beam arrays, six heavy pulse gatling cannons, Ten particle beam array turrets, seven anti-ship torpedo tubes, bomb bay capable of carrying 10,000lb worth of munitions which includes 50 megaton nuclear bombs and cluster mini nukes, two Ballistic missile mounts andfifteen rocket pods which contain 40 smart rockets a piece. This murderous beast sports warship class heavy armor and a directional shield that can deflect enormous amounts of energy.
Ground Force Description
The Combat host is a versatile platform that operates a standard pulse rifle. It is equipped with a short range variable angle thruster that can allow it to advance quickly on a battlefield or maneuver to objects to take cover. This system is always used in short bursts to conserve battery life and to keep the device from overheating. There are many battles in which they are never used due to lack of room or timing. These do however see the most use from special operatives.
Eym forces employ combat mecha commonly but combat on Anuria have called for a different sort of platform. This weapon is far more maneuverable than other mecha on the battlefield and due to its lower profile and sloped armor, it can withstand heavy punishment. An obvious downside though is the lack in firepower compared to its larger opponents. It carries a single short-burst grazer array and two anti-infantry/light vehicle pulse guns.
This is the true beast of the Eym on Anuria. It is armed with a high energy focus Grazer array and four Pulse guns. It carries a strong directional shield and is usually supported by gun drones. It is the heaviest unit fielded by the Eym at this point.
Eym employ a drone for squad support and spotting that is nimble and cheap. These spotters are capable of spotting and designating multiple targets and interfacing this information with nearby combat units. Some are armed with a light laser to track and destroy missiles and others, which is far more common, is armed with a light pulse gun to harass enemy infantry while the squad or vehicle it is protecting attacks or falls back from a position. These have been known to fly directly in to a missile, sacrificing itself to save a tank or squad of soldiers.
The Standard "pulse" rifles and cannons use a focused plasma spike. As the plasma is sent in to the chamber, a very simple process occurs where the plasma bolt is changed in to a crystalline spike, which when penetrates armor, causes extreme damage. There has been many occasions when enemy solders stumble across their own casualties, quite literally bolted to a wall.
The Argus is an older weapon that has been modified and upgraded time and time again. It is one of the few weapons to utilize a kinetic round that is fired from a coil gun system. It typically fires a solid projectile that has incredible impact force but also has a secondary and devious role. Special short rockets, akin to a rifle grenade can be attached to the barrel. This rocket is a smart munition that can be used against low flying aircraft, in a top-down manner against tanks or simply a direct line of sight shot. The rocket itself is a shaped charge that is capable of destroying light fortifications if needed as well.
Emplacements and Deployables The Eym employ a wide variety of deployable field weaponry, from squad mortars to heavy gun emplacements. Most of these weapons have mobility in mind so the highest powered weaponry is always in a purely defensive role. Some of the most commonly encountered Emplacements are as follows;
A simple yet effective man-portable energy shield. It relies on a rechargable battery and can provide decent coverage against explosive force, shrapnel and small arms fire for one to two soldiers, depending on size.
Headquarters Their headquarters is a very simple structure buried a quarter mile underground. On the surface is a large space port of sorts that contains a runway that has many cracks and burn marks and various destroyed hangars and a large crumbled spire that used to be the traffic control tower. The surface is a constant reminder of the war. Various constructs are visible though, a large invisible laser fence and various shielded towers with anti-aircraft weapons. There are other artificial hangars that house military aircraft and weapons of war as well as 'Active host platforms'.
The initial part of the bunker has areas to store Host bodies and has walkways to allow other beings inside if the need were to arise but below that is a twenty foot thick metal and ceramic sphere of sorts that contains the server hubs where the many AI's reside.
Persons of Importance Leader XVII 'Sovereign'. A blunt and honest AI that is the current commander of the nation. Navy "Admiral" 'Vandal VI' which has been since coined by some humans as "The Beloved Space-prick" due to its overly aggressive manner as to which it uses its forces during combat. It is the commander of the naval forces in the Anuria region. Army "General" 'Patriot II'. Known by humans as "General Electric" by most humans as a pun regarding an prolific old earth company.[
Despite their humanoid shape the Unguon are descended from swamp predators and still carry many rather unique physiological traits as a result. Among these traits the first and perhaps most visually distinct are the gills situated on either side of an Unguon's head which are used to assist in breathing underwater. While decidedly not efficient enough to allow the Unguon to permanently exist underwater they allow one to remain submerged for up to nine hours before having to surface. The second obvious trait comes in the form of the two peripheral almost wing like protrusions on either side of an Unguon's neck. While serving little real purpose on land these webbed extremities are used to locate disturbances in water with a high degree of accuracy. Beyond those two there are a plethora of other small adaptations, but most are of little note other than the considerable weight of the Unguon, often three to four times that of a human of comparable height.
Nation Size Five stars and near two hundred billion individuals.
Nation Description Merely one hundred and forty years past the Unguon were an autonomous and prideful people bound under the fledgling Kavaye Republic. Fast to reproduce and perhaps arrogant in their own recent successes against minor aggressors the Unguon fell prey to their hubris when in search of more planets to support their ever growing population they declared war on the vast Tormkorate Empire. Predictably the war, if it can be called that, was brutally short. The Tormkorate had, unbeknownst to the Unguon, been preparing to invade the Kavaye republic itself and when the republic launched an assault it was merely a convenient casus belli.
Under imperial rule Kavaye became a protectorate and forty years post defeat was permitted to re-militarize as regional tensions grew. It was not long before that new military was sent to war on imperial edict and the Unguon became the front line forces of the entire empire, ubiquitous on all fronts where imperial banners flew.
Nation Involvement Kavaye entered the conflict on order from the Tormkorate empire as part of the empires nearly constant expansionist efforts on any number of fronts. The war, for however horrible it has been, became popular among the Unguon simply due to the fact that their ever growing reputation among the Imperial military has served to ingratiate the species as a whole to the imperial command. This has not only raised the quality of life on most protectorate planets, but among the Unguon populace has brought up the question of political autonomy if the war is won. It is not a question shared by Imperial command, though for higher moral it isn't one that's denied.
Technology Almost always armed with obsolete Imperial weaponry Kavaye forces often find themselves technically outmatched but it is a rare day indeed they have less than a 2:1 numerical advantage.
Argos Missile Cruiser Using utterly enormous quantities of missiles these cruisers are at the forefront of any attack overwhelming enemy defences.
Moju Troop Ship Moderately armed but with enormous capacity these landing ships are the means by which all reinforcements arrive to theatres of war.
Juyi Frigate Composing most of the space forces these frigates are work horses with excellent mobility.
Huil Destroyer Used to support frigates with more firepower these destroyers are ubiquitous in the space forces.
Gingi battleship Uncommon but devastating these are modern Imperial capitals and were only recently entrusted to the increasingly popular protectorate forces.
Usu Scout Frigate Used for recon these ships are fast but lightly armed due to their size.
AA-5 Combat Drone Designed to be stupidly simple these drones are capable of low supersonic speeds and hovering alike to support ground troops.
Mesu Drop Ship Used in mass formations with fighter cover these dropships are fast, but lightly armed.
Kuku Fighter Gunship Stealthy despite its size these ships are deceptively agile and used for both air superiority and group support.
Karah Air Superiority Fighter Prizing speed and stealth these hit and run fighters are the bane of drop ships and low speed drones. Able to reach hypersonic speeds in low angle decent but normally set at high supersonic these fighters are ready to engage any threat in moments.
Iosu Mass Transport Used to transport the largest hardware and the most soldiers these vast but outdated transports are common in large deployments.
Combat Armour The standard armour of the protectorate is utterly simplistic. Unpowered and using several exotic composites it can allow a soldier to take a hit or two from most modern weapons, if the armoured areas are what's attacked.
Combat Medic/Engineer Armour Lightly armed and armoured these suits are given to the medical and engineering forces to improve mobility.
Fosara Commando The most deadly troops deployed with connection to protectorate command these soldiers are Unguon chosen from the most elite to personally serve Tormkorate royals. Power armour, energy weapons, with a full loadout nothing is beyond these soldiers reach.
Jakhs Main Battle Tank Armed with two 150mm advanced propellant guns the Jakhs is one of the few domestic Kavaye designs in use and has repeatedly proven itself a powerful force on the battlefield capable of both direct and indirect fire.
Ujsui Mech Used to provide infantry with some extra muscle these mechs are used in a mostly anti armour role.
Giki Armoured Infantry Vehicle Common for patrols and troop movements this simple amphibious car is used for any number of tasks. With a single remote controlled 50mm gun it is capable of fire suppression and combat action against light targets.
Advanced Infantry Weapon 'Decapitator' Omnipresent among all infantry units these weapons are noted for their immense rate of fire at 1200RPM. Each one is chambered in 13mm advanced propellant but with a recoil reduction system added to the bulk of the Unguon the weapons are deceptively controllable. Used in five round burst, single shot, and fully automatic with a cyclic magazine of 200 rounds.
Anti Armour Rocket Rifle 'Suicide Man' An adaptation of the AIW frame but firing a single shot advanced propellant 60mm two stage rocket assisted round these weapons are powerful enough to destroy most light vehicles but are so bright and loud the person firing it is nearly always the first to die. This has earn its rather sardonic nickname.
TOKI Ground to Space Cannon Rare but formidable these cannons are occasionally used to attack spacecraft coming in, too small to detect before they fire more than once a craft has regretted entering a war zone because of these cannons.
Jshus AA Gun These rapid fire weapons are a mixture between SAMs and conventional anti aircraft weapons as every bullet has a secondary rocket stage that can be guided to the target. Kinetic energy is still the primary kill vector.
Kilis AP Gun Kavaye troops have become infamous for leaving these monsters scattered all around their lines meaning even an immensely successful attack by the enemy will be met with resistance for weeks to come as Kilis guns are slowly fished out or run out of ammo.
Mikosi AT Gun Used almost religiously these heavy guns are the main defence any base has against armour. Even further these weapons are often used to provide indirect fire support.
Osoinu Artillery Semi mobile but usually airlifted these artillery pieces are the only ones used by the protectorate however the sheer number they are deployed in often accounts for the lack of variety.
The location of the protectorate headquarters has long eluded most other factions on the planet, in truth this is hardly surprising. Buried in the most hostile jungle and mountain range in one of the planets hot yet lush regions the base is entirely invisible from the air and all activity to and from it is done through vast tunnels leading to several bases many hundreds of kilometres away. The base itself is roughly 80% dug into the mountains with entrances and training grounds all left under the vast jungle canopy.
Species Name Omega-Humana, frequently shortened to Omegas.
Species Description Omega-Humanoids are digital life forms housed inside of a ball shaped head that can be connected to a variety of bodies. The original members of Omega-Humana had been Homo Sapiens liberated from aging bodies who had their consciousness digitized and transferred to metal bodies more or less compatible with their nervous systems. The result was that they lost the need for sleep, food, and, among other things, water. As long as their solar powered generators function, they can carry on with life. Unless the digital brain itself is damaged, their bodies can be repaired, or altered within certain limitations. As with humans, they can develop mental illnesses, with no accessible coders skilled to successfully fine-tune the mind. Unlike humans, if a digital backup of the mind exists, they can be restored to a prior state. They are capable of reproduction, but instead of genetic material, they conpositely produce a digital zygote program that can be downloaded into a body, with no biological-type development. As a result, they are as strong at birth as they will ever be. They can be given new bodies, so long as they are compatible, developing software compatible with life is not easy, cheap, or fast, but over the centuries many forms have been made. The only thing that is necessary to switch bodily forms is have the head manually placed in an appropriate position on the new body.
Nation Name The Empire of Fleshly Succession, often abbreviated as The EFS, is their chosen identity.
Nation Size Seven Stars, with a population of Four Billion living and Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand in a repairable state.
Nation Description Around 2460, mankind was faced by a plague that deteriorated genetic material rapidly. With hope to raising the dead, several alternatives to chryogenics were explored. As a result, dying or recently deceased individuals became liberated intelligences, placed in mechanical bodies, typically in return for a large sum of cash. Naturally, they differed from humanity and had various skirmishes before their production was legally halted on planet Earth, their differences too large to overcome.
Conveniently, they had no need for air, so they went to the moon, seized an International Space Station, and called it home before creating a factory to produce bodies for their young. Before long, they'd created a workforce that harvested the moon's natural resources to create their own fleet of starships. Exploring the cosmic sea, they made it to a distant star system, finding a planet of biologically based and primitive sentients. On this venture, they developed a more universal way of liberating intelligences that worked on non-humans.
The group of Omega-Humanoids, as they were then called, had previously been a true democracy. But following the introduction of the new species, it became a simple caste society, with liberated humans reigning. Naturally, the balance of power called for a leader of the ruling class, so the authority gradually shifted to the point where power was held by a central ruler. At this phase, in the year 2523, The Empire of Fleshly Succession was born.
The emperor himself has since developed a small set of goals: Obtain more power and influence, prove the ESF superior to similar electronic life forms, and develop as many physical forms as possible. To meet these goals, The Emperor has long been choosing to wage warfare with no end in sight.
Nation Involvement They fight as a result of Imperial Command. An order existing partially because of a desire to consume the planet's resources, partially to analyze the wide range of technologies on the battlefield, and partially to show the Emperor's strength. As individuals, many of them fight because it's literally what they exist to do. On the other hand, some dreamy-eyed trainees want to come out as heroes that helped win the Century Slaughter. But others are afraid of being charged with desertion and suffering from the ESF's severe punishment. But as electronic life forms who existed to surpass human health, many see ending the conflict through conquest as the only realistic road to peace.
Technology The ESF, or even Omega-Humana as a whole, is a highly advanced race, given they are electronic life-forms. Their ability to program new types of bodies, convert other life-forms, and even resurrect themselves testifies to this. Their focus on alternate bodies and lack of typical biological needs has motivated them to create bodies of mass destruction instead of things like vehicles. From a certain perspective, even a basic humanoid body is a vehicle. In their alternate bodies, they manipulate various branches of technology and science to give themselves a militaristic edge.
Navy Description The ESF consciously avoids use of star ships for battle, given that there is already a great amount of people who make such effective use of them that it would be foolish to compete. To this end, they've instead worked to produce simple, but effective ships made to protect their troops rather than take the enemy down.
The Goliath Freighters exist in few numbers, but their value to the fleet is incomparable. The Goliath Freighters exist to transport massive amounts of ships at once, while also providing the greatest amount of safety that can be achieved outside the core of a planet.
The hull is literally a mile thick, covered with retroreflectors and solar panels to power the entire construct. A canopy of molten tungsten guards the next layer, which has liquid cooling fluids streaming all throughout for another mile towards the core. Then, radioactive hazard walls are scattered at various distances to penetrate the defenses of any invading forces crafty enough to reach that depth. Thick bedrock divides that hazard zone from the center which, if penetrated, is up to any onboard imperials.
Inside the walls, a mobile cityscape can be found, magnetically separated from the spinning hull to keep it stable. The vast landscape includes data centers, manufacturing plants, spaceports, and, surprisingly, parks. Each Goliath Freighter has a government agency of its own, still under imperial rule of course, that directs the maintenance and additional construction of them all.
Their breakneck speed rotation makes them ricochet most energy attacks, the retroreflectors redirect whatever they can back, and the hull's sheer volume and mass make it possible for it's exterior to be used as a giant grinder. Because of their massive size, they cannot be built on a planet, or they would never be able to leave the atmosphere. They must be assembled in a spacious empty region of space. At the moment, the requirements for their construction has led to only four being built, with a fifth in the works.
The typical means of transport for mass quantities of Omegas is capable of holding up to ten thousand disassembled soldiers, while only the crew is fully assembled. They're heavily guarded, with a sturdy center to protect all the troops from enemy fire. What makes them rather unique is that the disassembled troops can quickly be put to use as operators of the shuttles wings, which break off to become fighter ships, which can divide into eight ships total.
They are mostly used to patrol the empire, traveling in groups around the edge. The cannons fire off heavy plasmatic blasts rapidly through use of multiple guns sharing a barrel for precision, and to ensure each shot is as devestating as the last. An mounted assisted targeting turret locks onto enemies near or far while the pilot is trusted to guide its bombing system.
Rather than being heavily armed, these ships main function is to inflict damage through crashing into the enemy. Their side mounted shields can face forward to protect them from fire before they impact. The resulting explosion is plasmatic, with napalm distributed for good measure. More often than they are used, they instigate a retreat. Because the very concept of them is their own destruction, they are usually remote controlled.
Air Force Description The ESF fights its air battles with small, highly maneuverable combatants designed to exploit the weaknesses of aircraft. The troops are often too small to be recognized as a ship by machines, and may be confused for wildlife by a radar.
A body form that includes a winged jet pack, meant to fly onto the exterior of an aircraft before sabotaging it. One hands fingertips typically end in drills while lasers are projected from the other. Every edge of their bodies is razor sharp, making them dangerous to be anywhere close to if you're not protected.
The Magpie form caters to the other units. It has a propeller mounted on its back and enables it to quickly take flight, with greater mobility than either the Typhon or Gremlin units. They generally lift supplies or other units and are effective at rescue missions, but they are lightly armed and often rely on protection from others, though their blade can act as a shield to their back when spinning. They are not meant to be removed, but with some minimal repairs, they can be placed back on. As a major function, the bottoms of their feet can drop hammocks so their arms are free.
A gigantic form that stands around fifteen feet tall, they are designed to withstand massive amounts of energy and blunt attacks, the most effective way to destroy them is by crushing them. They are armed with missiles, flame throwers, napalm, and massive fists that can rip aircraft into pieces if given the chance.
Ground Force Description
(Picture it in black) This body form is slender and highly maneuverable, with a top speed of 25 mph. Each appendage ends in claws, while they also carry swords like katanas that can be electrified or superheated for extra effect. The head of the Omega inside is surrounded by a helmet with an opening resembling a mouth that can snap shut, dropping a row of 'fangs' onto anything reaching inside. Their mid-range attack is a blast of acid that can be shot out from a vent atop of the helmet.
A body form adapted for underwater combat and surveillance, the Crocodile forms can selectively alter their buoyancy. Heavy metal plating is stacked all over them, providing an advantage against most kinds of conventional firearms or laser pistols. They are strong enough to literally lift a ton and are typically armed with torpedoes.
Unlike most other forms, the medic is designed to repair. They are almost as durable as crocodile units while maintaining a smaller form, in case they have to enter a danger zone. It is a role given to veterans, never to rookies or as a first form because they are among the most important. Not only do they do repair work, but they are the only units trained to copy or restore memory/personality files. Accordingly, they are usually most abundant in data centers, as well as being the sole unit type with the authority to 'birth' new Omega-Humanoids. For this reason, anyone who harms a medic is subject to the worst of punishments.
An odd body form shaped by an electromagnetic field that maintains the generally humanoid shape of a gelatinous glob of molten heavy metals, while the head of an Omega is kept inside. The result is an extreme resistance to blunt force and close range attacks, but the electromagnetic field is a delicate and fragile system that can easily be interfered with by plasma.
The short statured sniper form has two shoulder and four wrist mounted turrets that can lock onto separate targets. They are slender, camouflaged, and quiet. While the shoulder mounted turrets defaultedly fire conventional bullets, the wrist turrets can unleash plasma, incendiary bullets, or toxic darts, among other options that are usually selected on an individual basis. They also frequently carry rotary cannons, making them an excellent choice for the almost any position.
Common Armaments
Much like seeds, they are cans that will attach themselves to a surface. But, instead of projecting something, they drill into whatever they land on, whether it's armor, a vehicle, or a door.
Seeds are the bread and butter of the ESF infantry. They are small canisters with a side that grabs hold of whatever surface it touches, usually by manipulating ionic bonds, while the other side emits a precision pillar blast. Blade Seeds launch out a long thin metal spike that can impale most biological flesh, even piercing the hull of grounded aircraft, it will retract and push the spike forward until it runs out of power. Blaze Seeds, on the other hand, shoot out columns of white hot flame that last for ten seconds. Bullet Seeds fire out a stream of conventional bullets until they empty. A Gust Seed vacuums in air before becoming the eye of a cyclone. Lastly, a Spark Seed will eject another disc while a high voltage current passes between them.
Headquarters The base of operations is a large complex, like an inverted tower, it is mostly underground. It's exterior walls are electrified and guarded by a team of Omegas called Terminus. In order to enter the base, the visitor must be disassembled and reassembled inside the building, this is to minimize the possibility of intruders seizing the facility. Inside, the commanding officers discuss tactics at the very bottom floor. It's walls are heavily durable, and a foundation literally made of titanium surrounds the entirety of the base, not counting the entrance. Those who know where to look can find it beneath the bed of a river outside the Desert Straits.
Persons of Importance The Emperor, his name was long ago forgotten Rezolv, the first Omega-Humanoid born electronically Kyro, present head engineer for the design committee Erojon, present general in charge of the forces on Anuria Khill, Vezar, Lupus, and Scythe are the four admirals who control four separately operating armies underneath General Erojon
Nation Size The NSNV hails from Venus, but has since claimed many systems in it’s name. While dominion of Sol eludes them, their expansion efforts have gained them control over fifteen stars, and thirty-six terraformed and colonised worlds. The last census of the population concluded that it maintains in the region of thirty to thirty five billion citizens.
Nation Description The NSNV originally came into being after the colonials of Venus declared their independence from Earth. Such a declaration was naturally met with violence and conflict from the forces of Earth, not wishing to lose their hold on the first extraterrestrial colony mankind had ever endeavoured to create. The colony was built around an uncorrupted system of a democratic republic, with power being held by a great council of representatives of the sixty three nation states on Venus. Venus was primarily a scientific community, the first colony was headed by scientists and engineers, so it was only natural for the colony to nurture an interest in technology that, in only a few short years, exceeded that of Earth’s. This allowed them to effectively do battle against Earth’s much larger forces and still come out on victorious, though some still only consider the original war for their independence to be a pyrrhic victory, with an astounding number of casualties. However, since their achievement of independence, the NSNV has continued to grow into a galactic power that few wish to trifle with.
Nation Involvement The NSNV was the first to discover Anuria among the stars, and theirs was the diplomatic ambassador that was assassinated within the first years that sparked the conflict. From there, it has been almost a pride-fueled vendetta for the NSNV to come out of the war with a victory, no matter the cost. In their eyes, they were the first to set eyes upon the world, and their republic agrees that it should be theirs at any price.
Technology The NSNV rely on fairly advanced technology, especially within the early days of their independence. Not being capable of bringing powerful arms to bear would have meant they, to this day, would still be a subsidiary of Earth. It is now a universally recognised fact that the states of New Venus are a highly capable militarised nation with high spending in defence sectors.
Navy Description The NSNV rely heavily on a myriad of smaller frigate craft and a small number of highly lethal (and often gigantic) battleship-class craft to conduct their space-borne operations. Most space craft within the Venusian navy is in some capacity capable of orbital bombardment, either with conventional bombs or energy-based protonic lances.
Air Force Description The NSNV favours air support in their battles, and so make heavy use of several atmospheric craft to assist their soldiers on the ground. Like their space-borne counterparts, they utilise a mixture of conventional bombs and kinetic projectiles with a small number of deadly energetics to decimate their foes.
Europa Class Helo
Ground Force Description The NSNV divides their ground forces into three divisions: Infantry, Specialist, and Mechanised.
The infantry division handles the majority of basic soldiers and is the most numerous division of the Venusian ground force.
The Specialist division is a rather esoteric group consisting of demolitionists, snipers, assassins and other soldiers that are in some way designated with a specific purpose in mind.
The Mechanised division consists of the armoured vehicles that the NSNV uses to support and transport their soldiers across the battlefield in many different environments.
Common Armaments Describe the weaponry that your soldiers are known to carry. Tell us a little about the kind of things that your faction uses regularly on the battlefield.
Emplacements and Deployables Give us an overview of the deployable hardware your nation employs. This can range from anti-infantry sentries to anti-aircraft turrets.
Headquarters Give us an overview of your base of operations of Anuria. This can be a heavily fortified base or a massive bunker. This is a fairly creative field, but, again, is more of a context field. You won't have much interaction with this.
Persons of Importance Detail important people in your nation. This is an almost purely contextual field. You will NOT be controlling these characters under any circumstance. They are merely for your expendable cast to reference and aspire to (or deify).
Once an omnivorous bipedal species who thrived in dry, hot climates (similar to the african savanna). However, after a cataclysmic volcanic eruption, they were forced underground and became a subterranean species for two thousand years. Eventually they reemerged into a beautiful, fertile world and swiftly set about turning it into an industrial hub.
Maltheciens have excellent night vision but overall inferior eyesight compared to other races. They possess leathery, thick skin and surprisingly dense bone. They are long-legged, and have wide torsos but comparatively skinny waists. On each hand are three fingers and one thumb; their feet are somewhat hoof-like, split in three directions. They have six razor-sharp teeth used for tearing, and twelve molars. Physically, Maltheciens overall are a naturally tough, durable race, capable of surprising speed but possessing little stamina in comparison.
Nation Name Theocracy of Aorolach
Nation Size Three solar systems (a total of three high populations worlds, two frontier worlds, and five outpost-worlds) and sixty billion souls.
Nation Description The Maltheciens first became a spacefaring species roughly one hundred and fifty years after their emergence from subterranean cities and subsequent habitation and industrialization of their home world's surface. Rapid colonization of their solar system soon followed, and enormous terraforming projects soon turned some of the most inhospitable worlds into fertile paradises. Ruthlessly zealous and incredibly industrious, the Theocracy soon spread towards other solar systems, annihilating any sentient populaces found and annexing worlds in the name of their god, Malthecior.
//I'll cover the religion of the Maltheciens more in-depth here later.
The Theocracy soon fixed it's eyes on the Anurian system, and initially expansion went similarly as it's other conquests. However, the Maltheciens were not prepared for the scale of conflict that would soon encompass the system, and were thusly caught off-guard. The Theocracy scrambled to organize an effective offensive in what would become their first major interstellar war. As the years have passed since and countless resources have been devoted to the Anurian conflict, the Theocracy has adopted an "all or nothing" attitude towards the war; much as a gambler who had gone in over his head, the Maltheciens have decided that they have given too much to turn back now.
Nation Involvement Anuria is in a highly strategic location towards the rest of Malthecien space. It can be said that Anuria is a gateway world, being only two jumps away from Malthecien home star system. Ergo, an exceedingly valuable system in order to both secure Malthecien borders and their prospects for future expansion. They are therefore willing to throw as many resources as necessary in order to fully control the planet.
//I'll create in-depth descriptions for everything mentioned in this section as soon as I can.
Technology Malthecien technology places an emphasis on functionality and practicality over aesthetics, and thus their designs are rarely nice to look upon. They are very advanced in terraforming, resource mining, and engineering. Their weapon designs are plasma based, and they have extensive experience with kinetic weaponry. However, Maltheciens have yet to unlock the application of particle and energy based technologies.
Navy Description
Only one ship of the Prophet class has ever been built; the Theocracy's flagship, the Maldecior. It is a truly massive ship, capable of staffing a small city's worth of crew. It is twelve miles long, three miles wide, and seven miles high. The Maldecior uses several experimental weapons systems and is considered the pinnacle of Malthecien engineering and technology. It is said the ship is capable of destroying a large moon with its level of firepower.
Often used as flagships, the Inquisitor class of ships make up the majority of raw firepower in Malthecien fleets. They are five miles long, one mile wide, and three miles high. Inquisitor class ships are very durable, with a number of failsafes and redundant engineering. They are often used for planetary bombardments.
The Patriarch class of ships have little in the ways of firepower; instead, they operate primarily as carriers, capable of holding an impressive amount of ships. They are also used as auxiliary ships, and it would not be an incorrect statement to say these class of ships are the lifeblood of any Malthecien fleet. Patriarch class ships are four miles long, two miles high, and one mile wide.
The backbone of any Malthecien fleet, the Missionary class of ships pack a significant amount of firepower for their size. They are relatively easy and cheap to produce, thus they are quite numerous in comparison to other Malthecien ship classes. The Missionary class is one mile long, half a mile high, and a third of a mile wide.
Air Force Description
The Theocracy's primary tool to establish air dominance, the Bishop can function as a mobile HQ and aircraft hub. It is capable of conducting full maintenance to it's fighters and can hold upwards to eight-hundred personnel, along with ample storage. It can carry one hundred Crusader-class fighters and twenty Priest gunships.
The Theocracy's standard starfighter is a force to be reckoned with. Packed with four heavy repeating plasma cannons and built with a slim, fast design to maximize agility, it can outmaneuver and destroy most opponents with ease.
A version of the Crusader starfighter meant for battle in low atmosphere, it is smaller than it's counterpart and bears several key differences. The most important of which are it's two plasma cannons; longer-barrelled, more heavily cooled versions than what is found on the starfighter. This design is more accurate and has a longer range in low-atmosphere.
Centerpiece to any Malthecien invasion force is the Priest Gunship. Functioning both as a air-to-ground attack aircraft and as a heavily armed dropship, the Priest is pivotal in Malthecien bids for ground dominance.
Ground Force Description
The standard armor of all Malthecien ground troops, this armor protects effectively against most propellants, and to some degree, even energy weapons. It comes with built-in communications software, data uplink, and hydraulics to boost the user's physical abilities in the field.
A heavier, more advanced counterpart to the standard armor, the heavy power armor is used primarily by specialist and commando troops. It is virtually impenetrable to normal propellant-based firearms, and provides increased protection to energy-based weapons. This armor also provides more numerous and advanced hydraulics to the user.
Common Armaments
Emplacements and Deployables
The Malthecien headquarters are buried deep underground near the northern arctics. A heavily fortified bunker, a massive hangar door is the main entrance; it is camouflaged by ice and snow. The hangar opens to a mile-deep tunnel with thousands of floors. The lower the floor, the more important. The tunnel is roughly ten miles wide and contains many landing platforms for aircraft. It is able to fit most aircraft.
Persons of Importance High Priest Anthar Commander-Cardinal Throm Commander-Archbishop Doren
More of an adapted sub-species of human rather than their own genetic anomaly, the Voloss share appearances with their Human brethren aside from a few key differences; Voloss are generally taller, the average height for both genders being on the latter range of seven feet, and both genders are capable of growing copious amounts of facial hair. Speaking of hair, the Voloss' tends to be on either extreme of light or dark- ptch black, blonde, or white, with very little in between. On top of all that, the Voloss species has been blessed with incredible fertility, with most couples birthing (on average) four children or more. Due to their heritage on colder planets, Volossians are also somewhat renowned for their resistance to freezing temperatures and the subsequent effects from such. Aside from these differences, the Voloss are Human in every other way.
the Dolock Hegemony
Nation Size: From their massive population size and constant need for further expansion and colonization- to say nothing of more resources- the Hegemony is able to boast sixteen stars and around fifty colonized (though ever-developing) planets. Due to the Voloss fertility (Which may be as much a curse as a blessing), the population is reaching close to two-hundred and fifty billion citizens.
Nation Description: The very first Volossian nation began long ago as a colony in the famed Cold Desert on the planet Endrakis, forever to be known to the Voloss as the motherworld. The Voloss were prime candidates for colonists for their resistance to cold weather and rapid population growth rate. Originally designated to scavenge and mine the Cold Desert for gemstones or other resources, the Voloss' ruling faction at the time- the Vailain Empire- unfortunately succumbed to inner conflict and economic collapse, leaving the predominately Voloss colony stranded on what they came to adopt as their new home.
Over the next several hundred years the colony grew exponentially as the original Voloss contingent thrived in their new environment- they had developed technology to quickly grow and harvest artificial foods to sustain themselves as their urban areas grew and grew. As per Volossian usual, it wasn't long before most of Endrakis had been urbanized, and so the Volossians declared their independence as a new faction.
The Hegemony itself wasn't formed until the Voloss demesne had become so vast that management of it became nearly impossible for a mere small council. Reformation was quick and nearly seamless as the common citizenry was often more concerned with the recent war developments on the newly discovered Anuria. They were quick to involve themselves when war began to ravage the planet- for if no ground could be gained, at least the overpopulation problem could be solved.
Nation Involvement The Hegemony is seemingly in an eternal need for planets with space for colonization and urbanization for their massive population, as they're packed in tight as it is. They were quick to establish themselves as hostile and warmongering in an attempt to intimidate, hoping to use their machines of war to bombard any competition, but such was certainly not the case, as the last century has proven.
Technology Moderately behind in terms of infantry accouterments, but advanced in other areas, specifically artillery. The weaponry used by Konscripts is often ballistic or laser based, with only the most elite of footsoldiers being reserved plasma or nuclear. Some of this lack of advanced infantry comes from their mass production tactics used to create cheap weapons and uniforms at an alarming rate.
Composing most of the Hegemony's space-to-space warfare the Zabojca are surprisingly tough little Frigates. What they gain in toughness and staying power they lose in raw firepower, and rely more on attrition or numbers than outright force.
Heavy armored and firing a slow-moving but lightly homing projectile, the Krol Class Destroyer takes the "space to space artillery" role and is used to support Zabojca Frigates with more firepower.
Few in number but great in firepower, the Morderca Battleship is the pinnacle of Hegemony space firepower.
The primary means of planet-to-planet transport for Hegemony war assets, including Winterbores which are actually transported in separate pieces to be assembled on the surface.
Oftentimes just called 'Niks', the Biornik interceptor is the primary means of air-to-air combat. In contrast to the Hegemony's usual modus operandi, the Interceptor is quick and maneuverable, having both a more modern propulsion as well as a traditional propeller-based propulsion.
The Dywan bomber is used to provide some sort of artillery-like support to troops who may be out of range of Hegemony ground artillery. They are also used to soften up enemy forces in places where artillery may not be enough. While weak on its own, when deployed in bulk and protected by Niks, the Dywan is capable of admirable destruction.
The Chmura Transport is the primary means of on-planet transport for all Hegemony forces, and is almost two vehicles in one. The larger entity is very boat-shaped and is used for air protection or heavy lifting, commonly carrying the smaller (Though still large) Chmura which is what is actually used to carry troops or vehicles. The only other thing one would see the larger part carry is a leg of a Winterbore (When it's being transported in whole) or a Halfbore that needs quick deployment.
Also referred to as Jackboots, the Konscript encompasses the functions expected of infantry by the Hegemony, and that is to act as an anchor and a wall from which Volossian guns- the great Winterbores- may operate. They are issued the iconic boots, jacket, and mask, are given slight training in the use of their requisitioned weapon, and are grouped into large units that usually vary between sixty and eighty men. Leading these blob units are Corpskeepers (Sometimes jokingly called 'Corpse'keepers), who are men who have experience in leadership of some sort and can be trusted to keep morale in line. And by 'in line', they mean anything but retreating. The Konscripts try and make up for their lack of training with numbers and sheets of ballistics and lasers.
Their weaponry is low-grade and inaccurate, being mass produced by synthetic materials in some factory offworld. They aren't very durable but can be relied upon to still function in the most hellish of circumstances. The heavier laser-rifles are much more accurate but overheat easily, often only allowing one or two shots before the wielder must wait a few moments for it to cool down. Many also require the use of a heavy Laspack, a self-powered energy generating backback-like apparatus worn that is connected to the rifle itself and gives it power.
Hussards represent the elite of the Hegemony forces, and are required to go through extensive screening and training processes to be allowed the rank. The difference in effectiveness, lethality, and morale is exponentially higher when compared to their Konscript counterparts; it isn't surprising that Hussards are what many Konscripts aspire to become.
They operate in smaller squads and are mostly used for defensive operations, being a less numerous and more valuable war asset. In terms of equipment, Hussards are one of the few infantry types that are actually requisitioned armor of some sort, along with the iconic "Deathmasks" pertinent of the rank. They are often equipped with heavier weaponry, as well- in addition to ballistic and laser, the Hussard armory also includes plasma. Still, they are trained for assault and defense and are equipped for such, so things such as rocket launchers or snipers are reserved for those respective units. Rifle and shotgun-type weaponry is much more common.
Encompassing a more shock-oriented role, Grenadiers are also responsible for operating much of the Hegemony's artillery. Picked from among Konscripts and Hussards alike from the physically bigger and stronger men and women, the Grenadiers are also exceptionally brave; nearly polar opposites from the lowly Konscripts. They aren't given any more training, but are given heavy armor to compliment their desired role: charge the enemy line to engage in melee/close quarters to tie them up while the artillery can be set up and a wall of Konscript bodies can be put in the way. If they can't accomplish that, then they must hold and make the enemy take as much time killing them as possible. In a few instances, the Grenadiers have also been used in a flanking charge to send the final blow against a wavering force.
While melee-oriented, many still choose to take a shotgun or pistol with them. The melee weapon of choice is often axe-like or hammer-like to aid in crushing or cleaving through enemy armor, but they aren't always effective. These melee weapons are still better made, however, than their ballistic counterparts. It is also fairly common for these men and women to carry shields, and while these may be somewhat effective at blocking small ballistics, they often prove ineffective at anything else, and usually are "deployed" in the ground to act as small cover spots for Konscripts.
Loosely translating to "Hunter-killer" in Old Volossian, the Vol'Volis (Or just 'Volis') are the elite of the elite- often handpicked by generals from their local Hussard troop. The responsibilities of a Volis include anti-tank as well as long-range fire support through snipers. As such, they are the only infantry trained and equipped with high-powered snipers and anti-tank weaponry such as mines, bombs, and even launchers.
They are equipped with medium-strength armor to keep them safe and still allow them to move quickly, and operate in small teams of two or three, though among some stories told among the Konscript many operate alone. A Konscript is considered lucky if he/she even sees a Volis; ideally, they shouldn't be seen at all, by either side of the conflict.
The armaments used by the Hegemony military are as varied as one persons appearance to another. Since the factories their weapons are made in are headquartered on different planets, the resources available to those factories vary from planet to planet. While the schematics often remain more or less the same, occasionally some modifications must be made to allow for a different resource to be used.
Utilizing the traditional revolving cylinder system these cheap and easy to build weapons reload in the same way a revolver would. They are primarily ballistic, though there is a laser-firing variant that also features an accompanying Laspack that must be worn to power the weapon. There is also a shotgun-like variant with a shorter and wider barrel that is commonly used by Hussards or Grenadiers. However, this is the weapon issued primarily to Konscripts, along with some ammo, though it is somewhat morbidly expected that an individual will pick more up in the field.
Due to its traditional design and mechanics, the Boltdriver is far from accurate. They are also fairly reliable but not durable, so as long as you don't drop or throw the thing it should still fire when you need it to.
The Dolock Laser Armaments TK001, nicknamed the 'Lasmag', is a laser-powered weapon in common use among Hussards and Grenadiers, though more so by the latter considering this weapons relatively short range. Like the laser variant of the Boltdriver, a Laspack is worn by the wielder that allows the forgoing of clip-style loading for a fire-and-cooldown system. It sacrifices accuracy for a good fire rate while remaining light and recoil-less enough to be able to be used with only one hand.
The Dolock Ballistic Armaments MC090, the "Raider", is a toggleable fully-automatic carbine is wide use among the Hussards. What is loses in range in comparison to the Boltdriver it makes up for in accuracy and build quality. It is ballistic driven.
The Dolock Combined Armaments SR1 is the primary weapon of the Vol'Volis and the only sniper-like weapon produced by the Hegemony. This is due to the cost- since they are able to be switched between ballistics and laser modes, they are costly to produce an must be done so with great care, else the weapon malfunction and endanger the wielder. Aside from its minor ability, it is a fairly standard sniper rifle.
The Artillery Operations Platform mark 1, the Quickmortar, is the smallest and lightest available artillery platform among Hegemony forces, and as such requires little training to operate. In fact, most ground offensives will haul small batteries with them, for they are fairly easy to transport as well. They come with a single trained operator whose only purpose is to zero in and "aim" the weapon, while one or two Konscripts load and fire. The shells fired by the Quickmortar are fired in bursts of four and give an explosive yield around that of a hand grenade. While these are used at a safer distance than what can be thrown by hand, they aren't very accurate regardless of how much effort is put into aiming the weapon.
One tier higher than the lowest Quickmortar, the Paladin Howitzer yields higher firepower at the cost of mobility and setup time. A light artillery platform that is often used more defensively for it's less-than-ideal range and accuracy, the Paladin is still effective when given the time to setup and especially when used in bulk. Operators are teams of Hussards who have been trained in the construction, management, repair, and use of the Paladin.
The mid-tier artillery platform of the Hegemony. Having skilled and trained Grenadiers as operators, as well as better general construction and a bigger bore, leads to this particular weapon being very popular among the chain of command. A good balance between setup time, accuracy, and firepower leads the Armata cannons to be a very effective artillery, even though they are vulnerable to ground assaults. The Armata cannons are also the main defense against air-based attacks, as well, being able to chamber flak-like rounds specifically for that purpose. While the function is not often used, the Armata cannons are able to move on their own, as well, though very slowly.
A massive high-tier artillery platform only surpassed by the fabled Winterbore guns, the Halfbore are intimidating and terrifying to behold. Mounted on the back of equally massive trucks and requiring extensive training in maintenance and use, often by Grenadiers, the Halfbore's payload is accurate and devastating if it catches enemies without cover. These are often deployed with several contingents of Konscripts and Hussards as well as a few Armatas to guard them. Though able to be transported by themselves, their deployment and reload time is fairly extensive, as the shells are so big they often require the use of several dozen strongmen or even light armor.
The Hegemony's claim to fame, the massive and awe-inspiring Winterbore guns are the main tool that the Hegemony has above their competitors, if anything. Massive in size and firepower, the Winterbore guns are capable of firing both a more conventional shot as well as an energy-based payload; both are extremely large and can be fired from a great range. While immobile on their own, the may be moved through the use of several air vehicles, though they are extremely vulnerable in this state. Because of their range and value, the Hegemony often keeps these in fortified positions far enough away to not be in immediate danger while still being close enough to enemy lines to deliver their thunder. When fired, they can be heard from miles away, and is all at once terrifying and goosebump-inducing for the Hegemony ground forces.
Operator crews are extremely specialized and could be considered a troop class of their own. They don't often leave their guns, but should it come to that, they've received a training level about equivalent to a Hussard in light weaponry.
One of the Hegemony's few vehicles, the Volptruk is used almost solely for transport, but it also features a large and deep shovel that is used for digging trenches. Its only weapon is a small pod of anti-air purposed flak rockets. It can hold several dozen troops; occasionally Grenadier crews will use Volptruks to move and assist in the reloading of Halfbores or even Winterbores, since their shells are very large.
The main (and only) battle tank of the Hegemony army, the Valkyrie is really just a modified Paladin howitzer to feature a shorter barrel and more mobility. While this eliminates its function as artillery, it does allow it to act as something of heavy armor on the battlefield. Much like the Paladin, it is fairly inaccurate at great ranges but can be fairly effective when used in groups. Valkyries are more commonly used to clear out mines or crush walls, however, or be used as mobile cover.
Emplacements and Deployables:
Being a military focused more on defense while the artillery hammers away at the enemy, the Dolock emplacements are a particularly important part of the Hegemony war machine. To aid the Konscript as their "wall of bodies", trenches are dug and used wherever possible both by hand and with the aid of the Voltruks. The infantry have also been known to scatter junk and debris about the field in front of their trenches, and have even created their own "No-mans Land" from time to time by shelling geographic features that may give the enemy a tactical advantage- a forest, for example. The craters ideally make it somewhat more difficult to cross the terrain while sheets of fire are being thrown down range. However, the latter tactic is a double-edged sword; while it may take away an advantage from an enemy, it destroys resources and makes it difficult for their own troops to cross should they begin to advance, as well. As such, outright bombardment of natural targets is only used as an absolute last resort, and even then it's rare.
Aside from their network of trenches, the Dolock Military counts on Paladin Howitzers (A Paladin cannon modified to be stationary, making it more stable and thus somewhat more accurate) for structure defense against infantry (Not to mention the contingents of Hussards dedicated to solely defense) and Armata Flaks (Just the cannon from an Armata gun deployed on a defensive structure, be it on a wall or in a trench) for defense against air attacks.
Headquarters the Blokhouse- a massive structure that was the initial foothold for Hegemony troops when they first began their assault of Anuria. It houses much of the upper command infrastructure, and is rumored to have a few Winterbores pointed directly at it from some distance away as a "failsafe". This has neither been confirmed nor denied.
Persons of Importance -the Eidolon, the result of nearly a century of propaganda, storytelling, and misinformation, the Eidolon is the mythical figure often talked about by the Konscripts and even some Hussards. While not a real person, the Eidolon's "deeds" are allowed to be told of for his often morale-increasing effects.
-Olav Pilinski, Commander of the Hegemony.
-Minsc Zeitsef, Master of Ground Force Operations and Logistics (Miniature giant space hamster optional).
-Olgra Numolsk, Master of Artillery Assets and Logistics
-Kazimir Bajolak, Master of Navy and Air Assets and Logistics
The Naasi are a species of bipedal amphibians hailing from the Tropical Moon of Naan, a world almost entirely covered in water, minus the hundreds of islands dotting its surface. Naasi have two long fingers a thumb, and webbed toes. Males and Females of the species can easily be differentiated, with males of course lacking the tendrils on the back of their head.
Species Name Argoshan
Species Description
A large, bulky species of bipedal Reptilians, hailing from the Earth-like world of Argoni, and although it seems like a paradise world, the planet was and still is teaming with a vast array of large predators, a necessary device for the Argoshan's evolution to what they are now, with hard as rock scales protecting them. Like the Qinthari, the Argoshan posses two fingers and a thumb, but of course lack webbed feet, and have three toes. And like then, male and female Argoshans can easily be spotted, females lacking the crowns atop a males head.
Nation Name Divine State of Jalaryias
Nation Size Five Star Systems
Nation Description Give us an overview of the function of your nation and how it works. This section is mostly just contextual fluff, so add what you will here to make your faction feel more real. This can include history should you so wish.
Nation Involvement
Technology The Technology of the Divine State take a great emphasis on aesthetics, with Jalaryian ships and Weapon taking on curvy, smooth, or sleek shapes. Weaponry of the Divine State is diverse, with ground forces focus on a mix of direct energy weapons for combat vehicles and some firearms, however, Kinetic weapons are also in use as well by infantry. Jalaryian starships focus purely on plasma weaponry.
Navy Description
A massive mobile space station, the Star Temple serves as the central Command and Control Center for the 1st Anuriite Crusaders. It is armed to the teeth with an array of point-defense guns, anti ship batteries, missile launchers and torpedoes.
The Deacons are the Heavy hitters, the core of any Crusader fleet, like the Zealot, act as command ships for larger fleets, or as escorts for Saint Dreadnoughts.
A medium between light and heavy warships, the Zealot Cruisers serve as main frontline ships of Crusader fleets, as well as Command ships in much smaller groups.
The forming the core of the 1st Crusader Fleet, the Martyr frigates are small, but well-armed warships made to deploy in packs, and overwhelm the enemy.
Air Force Description
Ground Force Description
TK Assault Powered Armor
Argoshan Assault Powered Armor
Squire Light Combat Armor(Human/Naasi Variant)
Argonshan Squire Combat Armor The Templar Knights, like their Ancient Predecessors, are a Holy Order devoted to worship and and fighting for their God, and for their people. To be chosen to be among their ranks is the highest honor one could have in the Divine State.
The Order makes use of state of the art Powered Armored Suits, reserved to the most eldest members and most worthy members of the Order. The rank and file, the Squires, are giving Light Combat Suits, not yet fitting or ready for the TK-series Armor.
Human/Naasi Combat Armor/Uniform
Argoshan Combat Armor The Standard Infantry for the Jalaryian Forces. Like the Order, they are devoted, faithful and zealous soldiers who would gladly charge into the fray in the name of their God.
Security Trooper
Security Officer As the name implies, members of the FSC are Navy infantrymen tasked with the defense of the Divine Fleet Vessels, working alongside the Army, Knights and even the Inquisition.
The duties of the FSC however, extend beyond the fleet. FSC divisions now serve as Security for the Forward Base in the Occupied parts of the City of Kol'Khen, aiding in keeping the local populace within the Perimeter under control.
A recent addition to the Jalaryian armies, the Devout were tested to become a supplement for the ground forces, bolstering their numbers. The Devout prove useful assets on the battlefield, with basic combat tactics uploaded into their minds.
The Purgers are Elite Special Forces Units within the Divine Jalaryian Army. Often working in Squads of five, assignments for the Purger Commandos often are covert operations too delicate for the Army and even for the Elite Knights Templar to carry out. Covert infiltration, sabotage, demolition and assassination are standard tasks for the Purgers.
The Stormtroopers form the Military Wing of the Jalaryian Inquisition, the secretive enforcers of the Divine Ecclesiarchy. Although out of place, several divisions of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers were deployed to Anuria for good reason. The Divine State had entered the war in the halfway point, around fifty years ago, and between then and now, numerous rebellions and mutinies too place by companies of war-wary soldiers, and as such, agents of Inquisition, as well as the stormtrooper divisions were called in and forced it's hand on the matter, now keeping a close eye on the more rebellious units.
Armed with advanced weapons from their own personal armory, the Stormtroopers both serve as elite infantry in combat, and spies among other military units.
Rocket Launcher
Armored Personnel Carrier
Model A
Model B Developed as a response to the Höllefeuer Empire's AK-90 machines, the Justicar series of MMA's were made with the intention of a quantity over quality approach. Although the Justicars outnumber the AK-90s, they unfortunately are of inferior quality, little skill is needed to pilot such a machine, and are slower then the AK-90, but of course, make up for the fact that they were built in the thousands and can be deployed en mass.
The most rare and destructive weapon in the Divine Army's arsenal, the Purge Siege Walkers possess two heavy plasma cannons and a single forward beam cannon able to cleave through almost anything, Purge Walkers also possess incredibly tough armor. Despite their effectiveness, as was said, they are a rare sight on Anuira, only appearing three times since the Divine State's entrance into the war.
Emplacements and Deployables
Common Armaments
From Up to Down; Grenade Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, Pistol
Headquarters Technically, the Star Temple in orbit is the Central Command Center of all Crusader Ops, however, the Divine State's Crusaders have firmly established a large forward base in the Holy City of Kol'Khen, and have set up a defensive perimeter in the very heart of the City, the Crusaders raising a makeshift wall around their sector of the city, creating security checkpoints and defensive lines to deal with enemy infantry, armor and aircraft. Platoons patrol the outer perimeter daily.
Persons of Importance Dasidor Xargos, Knight-Commander of the Holy Truth Regiment Argus Servandor, High Admiral of the Fleet. Caesar Regius, High Inquisitor of the 1st Inquisitorial Detachment.