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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Name: Edward Matthias Anthony Davidson

Nickname: None

Species: Human

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Job: Student

Powers: None

Weaknesses: Not sure if it would be considered a weakness but he is allergic to cats

Personality: Usually a quite kid, Edward spends his days avoiding people, getting his classes over with although he really enjoys science and math, and heading to his dorm. At night though, he gets on his computer and becomes almost the exact opposite, he is social, gets excited and angered easily, and is known to rage at a large extent when games don't go his way.

Skills: Gaming, Coding, Computer Stuff in General, and Cooking

Hobbies: Gaming, Making videos, and Cooking

Background: Edward grew up with technology, always trying to find out more about it and how he can make the computer work for him. He eventually got really into gaming and used it as a way to make friends and relieve stress. He started making videos of his gameplay under the alias of Kronshi. He never shows his face in these videos and so nobody knows who he is. Edward began making money off of these videos and has used it to afford all sorts of computer equipment and games as well as tuition into Orean Cause.
Optionals: Is a natural genius in science and math but due to his extreme lack of abilities in other subjects (especially English) he couldn't apply for a scholarship.

Likes: Video-Games, cats even though he is allergic to them, cooking, science, math, chess, and Autumn.

Dislikes: Winter (too cold), Spring (messes with allergies), Summer (too hot), all animals except for cats, games that work on luck instead of strategy, people watching due his work, people asking him how he did the work, people trying to be social with him, people in general, and seafood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aaron Matthews

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Powers: Just your average guy, nothing special.


  • School. My grades are fine but damn if it ain't boring as hell.
  • Clowns man...creepy bastards I can't stand them!
  • Mornings suck, people who are energetic at 6:00am get on my nerves.
  • My sister,well step-sister, we get along but she has powers and I don't so she kind of steals the spotlight whenever we are together but besides that we're cool.


  • Trespassing
  • Running
  • Climbing

Hobbies: Skateboarding...it is life.

Personality: I think I'm a pretty chill guy, it takes a lot to piss me off but most of the time I'm fine. Looking for a good time(wait not the way you think...or is it?) then I'm your guy because I'm up for almost anything EXCEPT CIRCUSES! I hate clowns.

Background: My story isn't interesting until after my dad married my step-mom so i'll save you the boring details and say I was a stereotypical rebellious teen who loved skateboarding yada yada yada then BAM! My dad gets married again. Turns out dad's lady friend has a daughter and they both have a secret. Apparently the two of them are like magic elves or something I don't know. Our parents sent Kate to Orean Cause when they heard it had kids like her there and I was her tag along I guess.


  • Rocking out to my favorite music. Kate's band is pretty good when they do 90s rock.
  • Playing pranks on friends(or enemies)
  • Skateboarding around town
  • Hanging out wherever
  • Sneaking into places I shouldn't be at
  • Horror movies


  • Being asked about Kate, if your so interested in her then talk to her.
  • Staying in school longer than I have to, being with friends makes it bearable though.
  • I've been told I have problems with authority... oh well.
  • People who give skaters hell just for being skaters. We aren't all weed smoking bums. Take me for example, I'm a skater and all I do is break into places! See we ain't all that bad.

Theme song: Sinister Kid by The Black Keys

Clubs: Gaming Club is pretty much it, I try not to stick around school unless it's something involving Kate. Dorms don't change anything I'll only be there for sleeping most of the time.

Dreams: I'm not looking to be famous or have tons of money. In truth I just want a nice place with good friends and good times.

Kathryn Griffin

The pic doesn't show it but I have green eyes..incase you were wondering

Nicknames: Kate, Kathy, Kat, Kathriani(my elf name but it's only used between family...also when mom and dad are angry at me)

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Powers: Being an elf...I should probably explain that a bit more. Okay so forget the idea that elves today are those lanky forest people shooting arrows. In truth most of us stopped that once humans began to advance and we've lived in secret among humans for a while now. I'd say around The Age of Exploration was when we decided that hiding was no longer an option. If I remember correctly the only elves still living separate from humans are in the Amazon.

Alright so back to me, as an elf I have a connection to nature as you can guess. I'm not some kind of hippie going around protesting every tree being taken down but I do tend to get upset about deforestation and large scale destruction of nature. Ok maybe I am somewhat of a hippie but still is it wrong to care about the earth? Ugh I keep getting off track. Ok ok so since I'm connected to nature I am very good with animals, like it's crazy how well I can handle them. Give me a wild bear and I'll have it eating out of my hands in mere minutes. Sometimes I can even possess animals but that takes a bit out of me when I try so I can only do it for a short time.

That's animals, this is where it gets interesting. I don't know the scientific explanation for it but I'll explain as best I can. Plants are connected, the trees in a forest or the flowers in a garden are grouped in this kind of plant neighborhood. So like good neighbors they communicate to let each other know whats happening. Plants can exchange information about their surroundings and I can be a part of that neighborhood as long as I have an exposed part of my body-preferably my hands-on a plant in that group. Once I do I can get information on everything happening in and around that forest. How the plants interpret the information is beyond me but as for me I get it through a series of visions that come in and out of focus. Sometimes it's hard to get a good picture but if I focus hard enough I can block out whatever information I don't need and only receive visions I'm concerned with.

Wow I didn't get sidetracked at all explaining that one...did I? Anyway, the last thing I have to tell you is the reason why humans haven't been able to find elves for so long. We have camouflage. No not like a hunter's coat like actual biological camouflage. It's more like an octopus' camouflage since our skin can change colors and texture to match the surrounding environment. But of course it only works in natural environments so I don't have an advantage at hide n seek in a house.


  • If you haven't noticed by now I sometimes can ramble on when I talk about things. It's a habit, I like to talk to people so I say a lot and here I go rambling again..
  • It's hard for me to stay angry at people, sure I can be upset but it's usually for a day or two at the most. You have to do something horrible for me to hold a grudge.
  • Poptarts. I don't know what it is about them but if I have one I have to have like seven or I'll go into withdrawal or something.


  • Playing my guitar
  • Singing
  • Surfing
  • Hiding. Camouflage or no I always find the best places to hide.


  • Playing bass guitar for my band. Sometimes I sing but most of the time it's Nathan.
  • Reading

Personality: This is a hard one...I guess I'd describe myself as adventurous. While taking it easy every now and then is fine, doing nothing for too long kills me I like to get outside and explore. I'd say I'm very easy-going and amicable

Background: City elves live like any other human, the only difference is well being an elf. My dad left when I was a baby, so my mom raised me on her own till I was about 12 when mom met Aaron's dad. The two of them got married a year later I've been step-sister to probably to probably the most stereotypical skater teen ever. Even so Aaron and I got along pretty fast, he's a fun guy and his ability to sneak into almost anywhere has come in handy when I needed to sneak out the house. He's even teaching me to ride a board which to be honest must be a pain because I can't stay on for more than five seconds before falling.

So fast forward and my parents are sending me to Orean Cause since some students there are somewhat like me. I guess they were hoping I'd meet other elves. Thing is not all the students are "magical" so Aaron is coming with me to keep an eye on me(plus he got kicked out of our last school. Long story). At least I won't be alone on the first day.


  • Music, I'll listen to almost everything even death metal if I'm in the mood.
  • I like to try new things because it's an experience and you won't know if you like it unless you try it.
  • Being out and about. It sucks being stuck indoors all day.
  • Performing with my band. I don't mean to brag but we are pretty popular... ok we are pretty new but we've been at it for two years now and are getting pretty good. We haven't decided our genre so right now we do requests that way we get a sense of what we do best.
  • I love to swim, thankfully we have a pool in the backyard or I'd have to go to the community pool...yessh.


  • Macho tough guys. Seriously no one likes you.
  • Parties, as in the kinds that are just out of control and end up with half the people there passed out on the floor with puke on their faces.
  • Listen I know I'm an elf and I should love animals and I do I love all kinds...except snakes. Not because I think they are slimy they aren't it's that empty stare they have it's creepy as hell!

Theme Song:The Rain by Oh Wonder

Clubs: Music, Dance, Drama, and Gymnastics

Dreams: More than anything I want to see the Amazonian Elves. Mom says they don't like city elves but I think it would be cool to see what we were like.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by bluemoon277
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bluemoon277 Forever Faceless

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Here comes THE D!"

Disc O. Baylor

Nicknames: Disco Bael; Mr. D; Home Boylor

Age: 19



Light and Sound Manipulation: Disc can manipulate the color of lights around him, along with the strength of his voice and music at abnormal levels.

The Ball: Disc can summon a disco ball that seemingly hangs out of an interdimensional pocket that appears slightly above him. This disco ball likes to shoot around lights sent towards it like any other disco ball would. Feel free to toss in rainbows once this things pops up.


Disc is the definition of straightforward. He can be quite ignorant of sorrow and annoyance, as it's his goal to rid his surroundings of it. He does not have any other supernatural traits other than his Light and Sound Manipulation (along with his mysterious Disco Ball move), meaning that he cannot compete in supernatural fights with any real advantage other than his flexibility and speed. Slapping him with vegetables actually seem to work a bit effectively.


Get Baellin’: Disc takes out a boombox, putting on the ground, before dancing his heart out. During this time, Disc will perform a plethora of showy, heart-filled dance moves.

Groove Maniac: Disc can jam out to absolutely any given song. This includes even the most incoherent of melodies.

Bassmatazz: Disc can create auditory “bass” illusions; this means that he can affect the strength of certain beats, allowing him to perform identical dances with others using a completely different power behind his steps.

Boxing: Disc knows how to boxercise. Though his specialty is obviously not combat, Disc enjoys working out with this particular exercise and somehow made his own self-defense mechanism out of it.


Dancing, listening to other kinds of music, boxercise, parodying old plays by “remixing” it, Minesweeper


Disc holds one of the most annoying personalities to those who are not particularly in the mood to dance. Boasting an innocence that surpasses human understanding when it comes to dancing, Disc enjoys to watch others dance, and feels satisfaction from praises directed towards his performances. Bubbly, talkative, and extremely music-oriented, Disc also holds a soft spot in helping shy people chill their poor bones out, though he usually found himself getting smacked into the floor in the most fabulous way possible. Self-confidence oozes out of him, as his number one reason for doing things some people cannot understand is “I am fabulous.”


Disc never lived a normal life before, and he did not care about this at all! There were some dudes who challenged him into dance-offs, and though Disc himself did not know how it felt natural to challenge someone into a dance battle, he accepted and won every single one of such matches. Some people wanted to hire him, though he did not find most of such places to be good places to happily dance off to his disco music in.
His parents managed to leave behind a great amount of wealth. As the inheritor of the money, Disc gave away a fair amount of it to several orphanages, hoping to contribute a little to the children who no longer had any parents. Other than the fact that his parents no longer breathed with the beats of life, Disco lived happily. He somehow wandered into the Orean Cause and decided to become a student there. Fortunately for him, he did not need to go back to elementary school or anything, for he somehow knew his own portion of high school education.

Additional Appearances

Theme Songs

My Childhood Dream (Disco Bael's World Tour Debut)

Disco Inferno

Battle Theme

Uptown Funk

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'm Zanareth Octavius."

Zanereth Octavius

Nicknames: Zen, Xen, Octet, "Big Damn Hero"

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human + Catalyst


Octavius Eye: Zanereth is able to read many languages without having to learn much about them. Code languages such as morse code or nonsensical symbols, however, require him to put more effort in understanding them.

Salt Manipulation / Sand Manipulation: Zanereth is able to generate salt at his own will. He can use the salt to carry himself into the air, defend himself, and utilize water at his own will if he applies his salt into it. He is also able to manipulate sand, but he hates sand.

Bane: Zanereth's blade, Bane, can be used to tap into an unknown world simply known as "Nihilith Void" and gather raw energy from it. Bane can channel the energy it receives to Zanereth, and activates only when he wants it to. The energy allows Zanereth to utilize red thunder magic, though he ironically uses it mostly to charge his phone. Bane can be hidden in a pocket dimension within Nihilith Void, and can be put away and taken out at Zanereth's will.

Passive Equalizer: Zanereth's most unique ability. Zanereth automatically lessens the impact of Weaknesses those around him have. For example, if one were to be weak to Light Manipulation magic, the impact of the magic will be less harmful to the target. Physical damage will also be slightly decreased when Zanereth is present (ie. A truck rams into a bird; the bird lives, albeit with some broken bones). These effects applies to all targets, including both non-organic targets and organic targets, within a moderately large radius around Zanereth. Zanereth himself does not benefit anything more than others affected by Passive Equalizer.


Zanereth is a person. Passive Equalizer only decreases the amount of injuries Zanereth and people around him receive; this means that people could still get hurt to a certain extent, and should not fully rely on his power. Although he is not weak to specific powers, he does not have that many offensive capabilities. He can seemingly look cold to others due to the disturbingly calm influence of Nihilith Void's energy, despite his efforts in helping others out.


Solving math problems, eavesdropping, naming people, cooking


+ Food
+ Beds
+ Games
+ History books
+ Being quiet

- Being loud
- Foreign language books (because they're pretty easy)
- Windows
- Tragedies
- Isolationism


Zanereth enjoys listening into his friends' conversations without actually participating in them; he does not necessarily hate social interactions. When occupied with finishing his work, he can be very quiet, but will not hesitate in putting his work down for someone he knows of. Rather than being aloof, Zanereth is usually alert without looking too serious. His looks contrast greatly with his actual personality, though he does tend to stay relatively quiet due to the influence of Nihilith Void.


At a young age, Zanereth once played hero by saving his little sister from a burning apartment, leaping out of a building and somehow surviving the jump. That day, his mother was outside of their home, and the fire department was too far away to prevent everyone from dying. He used his body as a cushion for his sister, only to find himself waking up in a hospital.

He was alone when he woke up, but there were two differences made to his life.

One, he did not feel hurt at all.

Two, there was a sword resting underneath his pillow.

Ironically, the boy who played hero did not know of the hero who gave him the blade. But nevertheless, he decided to keep the blade. He went through a hard time hiding the fact that some random person gave him a long sword, but managed to leave the hospital and shove it in his house by... jumping out of the hospital building. A week later, life returned to normal.

At his middle school days, Zanereth discovered many things simply by spending time alone. He discovered his ability to generate salt and showed it to some fellow student named Deathedge, who believed that Zanereth was playing magic tricks on him.

Life went on, and he soon received an invitational letter from Orean Cause, which asked if he wanted to learn more about both himself and his powers. With a bit of excitement surging through him, he quietly transferred to Orean Cause.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Luca Fidelio Addington


-Lucy (Seriously, don't call him this)
-Luca Fellatio (Again, no...)
-Lucky Luciano




Just for the record, he's twenty-six


Yes please! Male


Art Teacher


The Ancient Tongue
Being born with dragon blood, Luca has the ability to learn and to speak the ancient and powerful language of dragons, giving him access to unimaginable feats such as the typical fire and ice breathing, but also temporary invisibility, second sight, telekinesis, and other powers. However, due to the weakness of his human body, he is limited to how much he can exert per use, as the dragon voice could possibly rip him to pieces with over-use.

Dragon Form
If Luca wished, he could tap further into his dragon lineage and take upon his natural form, a fearsome crimson beast with eyes that could strike terror into the hearts of many a brave soul. However, Luca is only limited to one transformation per day, so he must use it wisely. Plus he would need pain-killers after every transformation because those wings popping out of his back are murder...


Luca is allergic to cats, and if he is ever in the vicinity of one, he will automatically go into a sneezing fit, something he is not allowed to do. Any sort of cough or sneeze will inadvertently activate one of Luca's many draconic powers, which could lead to some...interesting results... That goes double for pepper or any other irritants.


The creator of this character would rather develop Luca's personality over time than just chisel something in stone, but for the most part, Luca is...well...he's a pervert and tends to have a thing for women slightly older than him. He also tends to be straight-forward in his pursuits and will not hesitate once to act upon his lecherous desires, which leads to him getting slapped alot and sometimes sprayed with mace. He is also known to be quite lazy and at times narcoleptic, meaning he will fall asleep just about anywhere.


"Eh...would that be skills in the classroom or the be-" *duct-tape over mouth* O///O

Aside from being an art teacher, Luca does have some literary and poetic background, which leads to him being a considerable orator, using wit and charm to woo the ladies....or get him brutalized by a purse to the face. Luca is also a great cook despite his abhorrence of pepper, and he is also a classically trained painter and pianist and loves the acoustic guitar as well. His skills as an artist are acceptable at best, though Luca doesn't pride himself as the next Renaissance Master or whatever...


-Playing guitar and piano
-Taking long naps during the day
-Watching movies or whatever's on TV
-Being an all-round pervert


"Okay okay, first off, no, I did not get arrested in 2013 for indecent exposure and lewd behavior in public. I do not have a lifetime subscription to a hentai manga publication, and I do not think of women as merely objects for eh...sensual satisfaction. I am a respectable gentleman who's just looking for a job, and here I found it at Orean Cause...and might I say you people have some lovely dames here...that uh....that I will approach in a courteous and professional manner..." *nervously sweating*

.....Yeaaahhh....you can just go ahead and fire him now. <.< The only reason he took art in college was to oggle at the nude models all day. <.<

"LIES!" \>///</


-Painting & Drawing
-Playing guitar & piano
-Listening to music (whatever sounds good)
-Women in provocative attire
-His pet iguana Lanius
-Going on Sunday drives
-Chilling at the beach
-Women in sexy bikinis
-Sleeping during the day
-Dreaming of beautiful women


-Squirrels (Don't ask)
-People who think they're better than him
-Having hangovers
-His landlord
-Scooters (again...don't ask)
-Getting hit in the face
-When his coffee's cold in the morning
-The Principal
-Getting his clothes dirty
-People who drive slow
-Having to pay for cable
-Shitty books getting so much popularity

~Theme song~



President of the Orean Cause Art Club, but he lets the students do most of the work so he can sleep...or spy on the female teachers.


"Yeah uh....do you mean my ambitions for the future or that one dream I have about that smoking hot teacher in sexy red lingerie pouring honey all over her bre-" *beaten severely* X///X
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Appearance: Hunter is tall with singed hair and fried eye brows. His actuarial height is about 6'2". His skin is Caucasian and his hair is sleek, and dark brown. His eyes are both a Light grey color, from a distance his eyes blend together so you may only see white eyes and his pupils. He is tall which gives the impression of decent muscle mass but his actual build is actual very little. He tents to wear jeans and a T-shirt mainly. Both his hands are bandaged, part of this is because of burns, the other reason is to provide an insulator.

Name: Henry Ottoman Hues

Nickname: Hunter

Species: Human

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Powers: basic concept, Human Battery. :)
-Unlike most batteries Hunter works on a AC current instead of DC, meaning his charges go from positive to negative extremely fast to produce electricity. This also makes it so in his case he only needs one point of contact to distribute electricity from himself to another object.
-He can take charge from just about any electrical source including batteries or other DC outlets, once in contact they will convert to an AC charge, this makes it so if used correctly he can charge any electronic on a AC charging set up, though may short circuit anything that uses batteries.
-The longer he tries to take charge from something the more charge he actually takes, taking charge takes time and effort. Though the more energy he carries the more unstable and harder it is to control.
-Even though he is technically a human battery and needs to be in direct contact with an object to effect its energy he can still effect some electronics from a distance. This is because Electrons can travel through the air if in the correct environment or given the right force. Even when he is not charged if in a state where his powers may act up may cause small electronics to freak out, or in some cases short circuit and get fried. Now depending on the charge he has he can effect electronics bigger then IPods or cell phones.
-The charge will slowly work it's way back to neutral. So if Hunter plans to use his powers he must take charge with in a few moment prior to doing so. Being barefoot can effect this as his feet may act as a ground for his powers causing them to drain faster. To prevent from taking charge with out noticing Hunter wears wrapped bandages on his hands. These are thick enough normally that he can't take charge with out his noticing.

Weakness: Hunter has a sever fear of fire, primarily because of fires he caused growing up. He also lacks control of his powers if he loses focus, Or gets pissed off, Or things too much on something, Or is planning on a way to fry someone. His physical strength is also not what people tend to guess from his size, it's less.

Personality: Hunter is one of those people who tries to be calm around everyone, though he is one to hold a grudge. He gets defensive of people he cares about or others that reminds him of people he know.

Skills: Setting things on fire, making electronics explode, Doing stupid crap, He also holds great mental math abilities.

Hobbies: He likes to see what will happen when something gets "Charged". He loves to read but he doesn't read anything on electronic devices because he loses focus and breaks them, Books can be a similar problem but with fire. He buys really hard cover books or plastic cover books.

Background: Hunter grew up poor, he didn't mind that. Though he minded when others rubbed it in his face. He tried to play robin hood a lot, never really worked with the law. Then during one of his Robin hood events he got himself stuck on an electric fence. He pulled himself off with out a scratch, then was able to turn the charge on his pursuers. He tends to goof off with his powers a lot doing random stupid crap with them. After a few months of this though he accidentally set fire to his home, he was the only one who walked out alive. This would lead to his fear of fire.

After being moved from home to home in the foster system his case worker transferred him to Orean, A place that she though he would fit in. Hunter Always felt safe around her, then again she was the only one who believed him about his powers with reason. Well only one that believed that didn't watch him get something destroyed. Now with nothing but his duffelbag of clothes and other miscellanies object he's on the road to a new start.

Optionals: has a tenancy to electrocute random objects with out knowing.

Likes: Hunter loves a good story, he also Loves the idea of an adventure.

Dislikes: He has a severe fear of fire, like Panic kinda fear. he hates people who abuse a system to gain power over others, or any other form of corruption. Also doesn't like people pushing his buttons.

Theme song: Champagne Supernova by Oasis

Clubs: Was in Drama club in his old school, but he stopped after the fire.

Dreams: He dreams to be able to keep his powers in a state where they wont go off every time he hold an electronic too long or loses focus or gets mad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 1 yr ago

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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 mos ago

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bluemoon277 Forever Faceless

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: David Miller

Nickname: Sparky

Species: Human

Appearance (I thought I remembered this somewhere but I couldn't find it this time): David stands 6 foot even, he has a strong build to him, and has a tanned Caucasian look. he wears jeans and a black open jacket normally. His hair is blond and slicked back and his eyes are dark blue.

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Powers: Human Generator (basically similar to hunters only instead of storing he makes)
-Sparky's powers work on a DC current, meaning that for his powers to work at their best potential he needs two points of contact, one for positive, one for negative. His powers are also a lot easier to control instead of a AC current, less powerful but a lot more control.
-He is able to create electricity and send the charge into another object on contact. He is however unable to take in electricity the same way, he can be over loaded fairly easily, his ability to hold electricity is minimal and for only seconds.
-Given time he could create enough electricity to power large buildings, though this power can only be ex ponged from two points still. The power he holds can only be held in for a short time so technically if he tried to create too much electricity he would explode and die.
-Unlike the human battery being grounded is not nearly as much as a problem since sparky creates most of his own energy.

Weaknesses: Sparky can't hold in electricity or take any in really, he can take more then the average person but if left in contact to long with any electricity other then what he creates he will more then likely fry and become crisp. Though even his own electricity has the potential to have this effect.

Personality: David has ego, lots of it. He sees himself at the top of the world. His feelings for other people are split, some he will respect, others he is a complete ass hole too, It depends on a lot of things but once he makes up his mind it's done. He tends to try to keep control of the situation, normally if he doesn't take control it means he is already getting what he needs from a situation or is letting someone else take the fall.

Skills: David (Sparky) has played as a linebacker for his football team for years, he holds the strength and the skill to knock down almost any person in his path. He has learned how to apply his powers in many different fields, some not even expected for usage, including filtering water into drinking water.

Hobbies: In his spare time he likes to learn how to use his powers in more ways then was originally believed. He loves football and is good at it. He will tend to do a lot of reading and also will write books as well.

Background: Sparky spent most his time perfecting his writing and football, He did this for years to the point where he has been getting scholarships since the 8th grade. He comes from a fairly rich family, This led to how he found out about his powers in a way. His building house lost power during a flood and his family had no way to keep the lights on, with no contact with the outside world either David accidental got the power going enough to get the heating back until the family was able to leave.

Both his parents were accepting of his abilities and in fact helped him learn to master them. He would be pushed to test his limits and his boundaries. After many years at excelling at his schools and his powers his parents would send him to Orean so he can receive an actual challenge in both his school work and in learning his abilities.

Him and Hunter to have prior experience well Hunter was in the system, but it was brief.

Optionals: He's competitive, it gets worse when he finds someone similar to him or may be better at something that he likes.

Likes: He likes to be in control of a situation. He loves to be competitive, he loves winning at this. He loves to write stories, many he writes are based on real events in history, or even things that could happen based of theories.

Dislikes: He hates losing, he hates being told what to do, he hates people that show him up (Hypocrite basically), He hates when people try to make him look like he has no idea what he is doing.

Theme song: "We are the champions" Queen

Clubs: He loves writing and football, so any clubs that support writing and football can be included.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hm?... You... y-you were s-s-saying...?"




(given name)

Nicknames: Whatever nickname students decide to give her.

Age: 16, locked away for 1200 years, 1 year since freedom

Species: Unknown, aside from the fact that "she isn't alien".

Sex: Female

Job: Student


Eye of the Graeae: Named after the three blind witches' single shared eyeball in Greek mythology, but certainly not the real Eye as it is just some comparison. It's like naming everybody's heel tendon the Achilles' tendon, even though Achilles is already long gone.

The eye not only serves as a literal third eye, but also allows her to see a certain person's fears, desires and weaknesses (albeit lacking the ability to directly read minds). This essentially makes her a highly valuable strategic tool, provided you can get her to be on your side AND you can keep her protected. With some energy input, the Eye can:

-Find a certain piece of information on their subconscious
-Telepathically communicate
-Block telepathy (Careful Graiai, your tinfoil hat eye is on too tightly.)


-Know about ongoing things in the vicinity while in sleep


That's it. That all she can do. No direct offensive abilities. No physical defensive abilities. No anything other than the eye. All she can hope for is to have her allies take note of whatever information she can provide, and shelter her from stabby-stabbies, shootie-tooties, and pew-pews.


Graiai is a shy, reserved and quiet kid, possessing an inferiority complex and making little attempt to engage in social activity whatsoever. That is, until you set her ridiculously short temper alight, in which she will throw a tantrum consisting of an endless shitstorm of rants, curse words, nonsensical words and screams. It appears Graiai possesses quite a good memory and a logical mind, seeing how she is able to recite the entire Navy Seals copypasta straight and modify some of the words to transition it from the internet into reality. If you can get along with her, she gets a little-- and just a little bit more talkative, but overall she is just plain old quiet with her own world, which erupts in violent molten fury if you cross her line.


In the midst of a small magicians' society's archaeological dig in an uncharted region of the planet they planned visiting, they uncovered a rather ornate coffin buried among the crumbling pillars of an ancient civilization's city. The coffin was unique among all other coffins they uncovered: where others consisted of severely rotten wood, this box was purely made out of gold, silver and steel (which even more strangely, has no single patch of rust). More mysteriously, some elements of alchemy adorned the box as gems, which probably might have kept the material well preserved. And the body in it.

Which isn't dead.

And so they learned when they were about to cut off the strange eyeball, in which she furiously flailed around screaming and complaining about being surrounded by thieves and freaks and unqualified doctors, before being shot with a tranquilizer and then screaming her last complaints of gun murder before going unconscious.

The rest of the days following the discovery of whom they call Graiai, her finders began their attempts to uncover the powers within the strange eye and her past while raising her. The former was successful, but the latter is still being solved as many theories are being suggested. One example is that she is a homonculus, a product of alchemy by the long-gone kingdom sealed as their legacy. Other say she is the young monarch of the kingdom, who in her unfortunately short reign made her nation a pioneer of magic and alchemy before being invaded by crusaders who saw her doings as heresy and sealed herself away in the coffin. Since her past life has been a thousand years since, Graiai couldn't really tell.

To have a better research at her past, they sent her to another bigger society of magicians that might do the job better, albeit indirectly: by sending her to Orean Cause.

Additional Info

Reading, playing piano & flute, analyzing people with her Eye

Likes and Dislikes
+ Her hobbies
+ Cold days
+ Art (can't make them herself)

- Cats
- Hot days

Know her past, and also become a teacher

-Music Club
-Literature Club


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(He is the one with the black jacket)
Hana is 5'8 and weighs about 123 lb.

Name: Hanabi Hinotoru

Nickname: Hana

Species: Human (As he thinks but mom is nephilim so not sure et)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Powers: He gots no powers though his mom is a nephilim which may open his powers in the future.


Fighter: Hana loves to fight, even though he is good he cant win them all, he also loves to pick up fights and causes him a lot of trouble.

Uncaring: He is sort care only for himself, he doesn’t bother much with others problems and just let them be. He is a solo man most of the time.

Smart?: he is really smart but he doesn’t use his head at all, only instants so any warning in his head saying he should do that well then he will do that.

Skills: Dancing, Biking, Fighting and Being a yankee

Hobbies: Dancing with his twin, fighting with his twin, getting into fights, biking and jumping around.


Hana is a pretty interesting guy, one fact though is that he wears girl clothing only because he thinks it easier to fight and dance in. He of course gets made fun of when ever he wears his short skirt but he always beat up who ever make fun of him.
A problem with dancing and fighting with a skirt on his constant underwear showing luckily though he wears boxers. He is a troublemaker in many ways, consider as a yankee. Always picking a fight and making sure no one messes with him.

That usually happens a lot with him wearing a skirt all the time. Even though he likes to cause trouble with fighting he does have a good heart. He doesn’t like admitting it though but he cares for his friends and family and make sure no one messes with him.

He has certain fall out with his twin brother with occasional fight with stupid things but they do get along together like two peas in a pod. He loves his mom, dad, little sister and brothers very much but he sometimes doesn’t really care for them and just go by himself his tough exterior he might scare people at first sight, giving them a tough scary look to show that he is the boss even though it ends people snickering that he is wearing a skirt.

He is a good guy yet he has a delinquent mind that causes him to do unwise issues. Hough in the inside sometimes he wonders if he should go back being Crybaby Hana instead being the person who barely cares much for anyone except himself.


Hana lived almost a normal life, his mom was a kind soul who couldn’t walk because of an accident and his dad was working aboard trying to care for his four kids. He was actually a crybaby as a child, he cried most of the time with the smallest thing. Iyo had to protect him when some big kids would make fun of him. Though after preschool and meeting a new kid named Kein he became tough, he wanted to tough and stopped crying but became a brute instead. He beat people instead and wanted to be a Yankee just for Kein. Hana knew his mom was a bit too passive and with his dad gone for work he was never properly scolded for anything bad so he did what he did to be strong.

He developed a brute like personality. He kicked doors open, sneaked out a lot at night, beat up kids his age and yet his mom or dad never scolded him for that. He wondered why his mom was so passive and his dad so calm but he just let it be. Iyo tried to stop him but he wanted to be tough and show everyone he wasn’t that crybaby anymore so he ignores him.

As he grew he became a bit more different, it all started a bet with his little sister about dancing with Iyo but after that he liked dancing, it was something that he loved to do after that. He learned form his mom’s friends who go around dancing. His brother Iyo well they had more fights than anything possible, from food to clothing to even a cat on the streets they fight and fight. And the end though they make up by always eating ice cream like their mom does. Though lately he has been avoiding or not even talking to Iyo much as before, he hangs out with his gang and Kein.

Hana studied at Orean Cause all of his childhood and hope that one day he can be the true gang leader he wants to be yet with his Protective little twin brother, little sister nagging him for stealing her clothes and a little brother who calls him penguin it seems he will have a harder time really being a gang leader.

Optionals: Hana though hates studying is actually smart, he has an above average school grade yet he barely cares for that at all.

Likes: Getting into fights, ice cream, biking and Japanese rap music.

Dislikes: Studying, responsibilities, school and people telling to do things.

Theme song: I want to be a kind person

Clubs: Yankee Club (all deliquents) Dancing club

Dreams: To have his own gang
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Catherine Macbeth

Nickname: (predictably) Lady Macbeth, Catherine the "Great", Cath

Age: 18, in vampire years. Unknown in actual years.

Species: Vampire

Nationality: British

Sex: Female

Job: Student


Leeching Energy - Catherine can utilize life-stealing energies to dish out the hurt to her opponents while accelerating her healing processes in turn. Main form of attack.

Domination - While still possible to resist, Catherine's words can sway people to do her bidding. Domination is used more frequently in mundane activities, such as making someone fetch the Mountain Dew from the refigerator or grab a Doritos from the store. If more energy is put into, the effect is stronger.

Regeneration - Naturally as a vampire, Catherine can regenerate quickly as to even regrowing an entire limb in a week and a half. The process is accelerated with Leeching Energy.

Shapeshifting - Catherine can shift forms between a crow, a bat, a cat, and her normal human self. She is most commonly seen as a crow, and more commonly seen shapeshifted rather than human (just to play with people, but also to move around more easily). Also brings along clothes, so no worries on popping up nude.


Garlic in large doses, direct sunlight which kills her in 5 hours of continuous full-body exposure (carries a parasol to shield her from such, also tells other people it's "photodermatitis" if they don't know she's a vampire yet), stake to the heart, holy water ingestion, holy items, and slightly greater thirst for blood in comparison to other vampires.


Catherine is a careless, laid-back person who believes the world is hers to manipulate. She is known to exploit both physical and personal weaknesses for her own benefit, and will make any attempt at discovering them during introductions. While not utterly evil to the point of villainy, Catherine will take any chances, even bringing a person, the entire school, or even the entire world to fall on their knees and recognize her supremacy. But for the most part, Catherine is fairly even-keel, and will mostly be chill.


-Playing most wind instruments
-Analyzing personalities


-Play her preferred wind instruments: the trombone and the clarinet.
-Roaming around in her animal forms
-Watching whatever's on TV
-Manipulating people to her whim


Both of her parents were vampires, and all of her grandparents were, and so on and so forth. She's the product of a convergence of the Macbeth and the Walterham lineages, which both predate far back to the Classical Era. Her father died a few months after her birth due to vampire hunters, leaving her to the care of her grandparents while her mother provided financial support.

Things have gone fairly as Catherine grew. While her grandparents provided her knowledge about vampirism, she ultimately trained herself to use the privileges of a vampire that humans don't have and safeguard her weaknesses, which continues to this day (albeit Catherine is getting a bit more lazy about it).

Because of her slow aging rate, Catherine was only enrolled in school once every few years, until recently where she have aged to a mature enough appearance to continue studying and not raise too much suspicion. Rumors about Orean Cause and its affinity with magicians that she heard from vampires caught Catherine's interest, leading to her enrollment here.


-Catherine has a knack for classy fashion and dons them in most occasions.

-Occasionally, Catherine will use seduction in her exploits, and the full view of her figure is quite interesting:

-Casual wear:

-Catherine orders blood regularly from human cattle raisers, which arrive in bottles disguised as red wine.

-Obligatory leitmotif.
Montagues and Capulets
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