He is 5"3. He has a sort of feminine yet lean figure, weights about 103lb.
Name: Lavender Mynt Boquet
Nickname: Bride
Species: Human
Age: 16
Gender: Male (Is a trap)
Bridal feeling: Its not really a power but it is an effect that can make anyone…anyone feel like they are getting married to Bride everytime someone talks to them. It is unsure how it happens but it does lead to some awkward things.
Fragile: Being born sick his body became so fragile that one push could easily hurt his frail state.
Weak: He is weak hearted, so running and exercise is easily a pain for his weak heart for him and sometimes schoolwork as well hurts his heart.
Can’t fight: Bride cant fight at all, he has no will or the body to engage or even protect himself from any fight that may occur thus leaving badly injured.
A hopeless romantic: He is a hopeless romantic and would fall for anyone who might be nice to him or flirt with him, this would lead to many heart breaks for him as he is easily used for such romances.
Skills: Arranging flowers and making flower crowns.
Hobbies: Arranging flowers, working with his mom, growing plants and picking flowers
Personality: Bride is quite an odd character; he is this sweet, warm, caring type of guy for who seems sometimes out of his own world. Somehow he never has a sad face on him only that sweet caring smile. Outside he may be this cute yet affectionate type of person yet inside he holds a lot more pain. He tries to hide it with flowers and friends, hoping that the pain would go away yet it always sticks with him. He cares deeply about his friends and his mom; he may be a bit shy with new people but will instantly take a liking to them in any way.
Well that leads to certain situations though, he had a couple of breakups and fallouts with relationships only because he trusts people to easily. They use him easily as for his caring and care free personality. They use his money, or his girly looks for anything they want and then threw him away like a finished corn on a cob. Bride though isn’t bother by it; he always tries to find a reason why they did it and well accepts it. After his dad left it made him feel more alone and wish for more relationship to fill that hole.
He couldn’t let the bad things that happen to him effect the person he knows.
All in all he is this sweet, caring and carefree person who just loves to be with the people he cares for, flowers are another important thing part of his life that he loves. He may be even the perfect bride for anyone. All he has to do is to get rid of the pain he has in his heart for the longest time.
Bride was born quite ill, he had suffered illness ever since he was a child, he couldn’t go outside or go to school at all. He was a frail child and anything that could hit or hurt him he would be in deep pain. His mom and dad noticed how Bride felt so much pain, they tried to make him feel better but with all the sickness test and painful examinations it was hard for them to even make him smile. Though it all changed when they were able to bring him to a garden when he was eight. He was amazed with all the pretty flowers and thought it was all a fantasy. That seemed to improve his health, the more he was with flower the less he needed to go to the hospital. Weekly visits became monthly as his life was getting better, even though he was still a frail child he was honestly better than before.
His parents decided to open a flower shop for the young boy, they named it “Lavender hideaway” for the young child. Everything was going well for the young boy but things became unpleasant. His father became distant and soon left him and his mom to work for this big business for evicting old places. Bride wondered why his dad left his mom and him for the company; he wanted to know why he was left behind. All he knew that his dad didn’t wanted to ruin the family and couldn’t even look at Bride anymore. His school life wasn’t well as well, it started good yet as soon people used him because his carefree attitude. Almost he was a weed; he was pluck out of the garden as if he was not needed. They would leave him heart broken on the rain and he would just try to forgive that person.
He tried to find people that wouldn’t use him like that but it was hard for him. At the end the people who threw him away he still calls them friends. His mom could feel pain in her son heart seeing him like that. His nickname, Bride came from the fact when ever anyone announced their feeling to him the would say it like he was a bride so he stuck with that as his nickname. He wanted to feel like a bride one day and marry someone that he would truly love.
He then was transferred to Orean Cause hoping that he may find a true friend, it a sudden changed for him but he hope that he will be all right.
Optionals: Bride can't cook at all and he at least dated 8 people in one year.
Likes: Flowers, Lemon cakes, karaoke and romance things
Dislikes: Meat, lies, break ups and Exes
Theme song: Orange
Clubs: The flower arrangement club
Dreams: To marry someone he truly loves.

Iyo is about 5'6 and weighs about 118 lb.
Name: Ion Hinotoru
Nickname: Iyo
Species: Human (as he thinks but mom is a nephilim so not sure)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers: He gots no powers though his mom is a nephilim which may open his powers in the future.
Stupid: Iyo is sort of…stupid so common things don’t usually go through his head. Even oblivious perverted intents that people have on him he will not get.
Overly attached: Iyo can be…overly attached to someone and once he sees someone with someone else he goes girlfriend jealousy.
Skills: Dancing , Gymnastics and being a tsundere
Hobbies: Dancing with his twin, fighting with his twin, Gymnastics and cooking.
Iyo is also an interesting character, he isn’t like his younger twin with girly clothing but instead…he steals his little sister’s underwear and wears them instead. Underneath his normal clothing is his secrets of girl under wear. He didn’t know how it started but he truly admits it feels comfortable. He likes to dance and do gymnastics while wearing them but tried his best to hide his shame.
Iyo though is sort of in the words…stupid, as he doesn’t understand things that usually freak people out. As he works part time as a waiter in a very small café he gets request to do things that usually would disgust anyone but for Iyo he is special and well… thinks they are normal and misinterprets them. Like some would ask him to wear no underwear…he just thinks that well…he would just get a stomachache from that that is all. Not even bother by it… he is a special type of stupid…
He does end up being a tsundere when it comes to his friends. Iyo hates admitting that he indeed gets a bit tsundere with the people he cares for, mostly his big twin brother. Sometimes Iyo can be a bit clingy with the people he likes. He is almost like an overly attached girlfriend when it comes to his friend in the inside. He clings and hugs their arms, gets jealous easily and tries to know what all of his friends are doing. Even though he is like that he still is a good guy just a wee bit… odd and mean. Dancing is one of many things he loves to do, with gymnastics he can do a bit better than Hana but they are still a dancing duo.
He just an average guy but becomes like an overly attached girlfriend and couldn’t let go of any of his friends. He cares for him family very much than his brother and tries his best to give them a better time. A very nice yet stupid guy.
Iyo live okay for most of his life but being the youngest twin had same…bad perks. At first he was the bossy twin, he took charge over things but then after preschool…His delinquent older twin brother Hana was a bit…out of hand for him. He tried to cease trouble for him but it was hard. Like Hana didn’t know he existed… it was sad but he got used to it. His brother really changed after preschool so he wished he was the old Hana but that was impossible to imagine. When his sister was with her friends Iyo got curious and well wore her underwear… he wasn’t also a rational child.
He liked it and well began to steal her clothing in which he nearly gets beat up by it from his little sister though. As a child he was actually quite chubby and always ate a lot of junk foods. His dad then well forced him to take gymnastics to lose some weight. As much as Iyo begged to not go he ended up loving it after a month. He wasn’t like Hana wear he could fight he was more passive than aggressive, using logic to fight then fists but he wads not that smart to always win. He was more of the caring guy, always trying to help his disable mom whenever he can.
He had an issue with friendship though, it seemed whenever he has a friend he gets to overly attach and that makes his friend feel weird and then stopped being friend with him after that. He is only looking after them yet it still seemed weird to some of his friends. He learned to cope with lost friendships with Hana. After learning that money was a tiny issue for him and his family Iyo took place to work as a waiter in a very small café. It was okay at start but then as his uniform was to small for him and well the weird request for tips were given to him he thought of them as normal but he does not know the perverted intentions of some clients in the café.
The two are defiantly a pair, even though they fight Iyo is just glad to have a brother like him. Studying in Orean Cause all his life he is doing okay there. He is happy enough but wished a bit more, a better life for his family, his brother stopped causing trouble and maybe his little sister letting him use his sister underwear.
Optionals: Iyo is apart time in a cafe called Mid street tea, he brings a lot of of costumers in only because he do indeed has a very nice butt and is admired a lot.
Likes: Gymnastics, ice cream, junk food and Rain
Dislikes: Milk, doctors, studying and math
Theme song: Carry me off
Clubs: Gymnastics club and dancing club

He is about 5'7 and weighs 113lb. He barely eats because of his work. Always wear his clover clip.
Name: Penn Waiker
Nickname: Penn
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Powers: Just a regular being… or is he? Yes he is.
Weakness: Has a great fear of men from any age to any size he fears them. Deadlines would kill him because he hates time pressure. Cannot fight for himself at all and is really really weak.
Skills: Drawing, Sketching, Creating storyboards
Hobbies: Drawing, Sketching, Watching BL
Penn is really unsure about himself. He is clumsy yet reflexive, smart yet clueless, creative yet unsure… he is just a mixed of things. One feature about him that gives off mixed signals that he is indeed afraid of men. From children to adults to old people, anyone who is a guy he is totally afraid of. He is not afraid of himself but it is more on socially talking to them that freaks him out. He had lots of bad experience being near them so that probably the reasons he fears men. He blushes and stutters when near them because he doesn’t know what to do, he is afraid to mess things up so that why he gets really flustered. If he is not with guys then he is pretty calm until when it comes to his manga… he gets really work up on it.
One thing though about him is that he is dedicated with his work. His pen name Mico Mico is for hiding his true identity in the manga world. Penn is actually a mangaka, his most of life he is been a manga artist. Creating only one type of genre for the fans and that is...Yaoi or Boy’s love. He likes to draw that a lot, it’s more of a hobby really and he grew with skills on it. He hates dead lines though and panics if he is reminded by it. Penn has no backbone, he cannot for his dear life fight for himself and he gets easily trampled. He is quite okay for a casual guy but is a bit spazzy and shy but has good intentions most of the time.
Penn had an okay life; he was very close with his two cousins and lived in a farmhouse. He was pretty much a happy kid, he loved to run and play at the outdoors until one day, which changed his perspective of things. Being a curious child at night he sneaked down to the basement to find something that no child should find. After nearly being a part of a child sex slave act he was saved by a detective who was handling the case and was luckily very much luckily there before Penn was about to be rape by them. He started to fear men, maybe because it was his father leading the illegal trade act or he was barely raped by them. The detective, Vow took a liking to the young child, he somehow had a duty to protect the kid from what ever would happen to him. He took care of the kid who continued to fear men, even though he is a bit cold and forceful he still cares for Penn.
Penn moved of the country lands and into the city with Vow as Vow got transferred to another station. He lived a partially okay life, just kept on avoiding men. His school life was a mess that he had to become home schooled after nearly falling of the bleachers from a guy asking for asking help in homework. As he grew a bit bored at 14 he began to draw, it started with one comic after a few months later he made his very first manga. Vow watched him grow, his fear continued to stay but he could see the kid growing up well. Penn grew every close to Vow and was the only male he can ever trust. He may admit head a crush on him a couple of times but they were just childish crushes.
After spending years on his mangas at the age of 16 he became quite known or his pen name. Mico Mico his pen name was away to find from people his true identity. He only left his dorm for food and to meet with Vow who now became his director and manger for his manga. Penn truly only trusted him, without him he could be in an act too far terrible for him to even live for. He was the only guy he could ever trust since that incident. School though is a bit hard on him as Vow asked him to move to Orean to help with his fear. He did for him and entered the school. He just hopes that his school life would be better at least…if he stop freaking out when guys talk to him. Now working on a 12 volume series he is at 6 and with school life its not handling well.
Penn’s pen name as MicoMico is presumed to be a girl so during book signing he dresses up as a girl to hide his cover to the world.
Likes: Watermelon candy, takeout food and naps
Dislikes: Men, deadlines and socializing
Theme song: Donut Hole
Clubs: Mangaka Club
Dreams: To finish his newest BL manga series and maybe get over his fear.